HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 41
THE HURON SIGNAL' 1r nee turns that Peter Tynan, THE N ARBoit DUEL. gas ;d�mYii.k y y way o n .ti;e; reek
the \uwLer tine
of the lnatlnablw , t I cif the uupoauieu •.t the Jur+ resetet
8* paMlsMd *very i rural hJ Mc ;
in LLICCDDy flaw. at their ce, North el freight!, began life as a newspaper bey m 1 rather piste, and k.kw4 away oleic resin
toff tbelisuare► The Cnee Sn Ttiftted to Ottawa. , aha
OODERICH, ObiTARIO. ed)ulalin, awl afterwards emit down the fru:u tLu elev.+t, r at (iealench, a• {
grade and became a cOmalercial travel- I ceswls were m.al.ru to base or unls,n.l :a
e the rui•wa elevator thea. 'y'hu /:. veru
alt general
by t earliest s eau
By general admis*br It has alaeg*r oteoeka •hest%% to ■eats* r tleu. to the
merit1 isl y toto •
VOW than any other newspaper in this part of untnlb*'Meanie N umber lOne of the In-
tae errrt/e■ t =.uslaeratl%a. I
she eouatry, d la one alba lost. nes Meet vinciblea. if he had stuck to the newt
x n for i of no ularuututwly,au t uc to in , „f Aferers. urs i
faintly and le udde pspe r -it is therefore r lam I had, in can +sumo of thele+ dors, ahi!,
wort d..o•oeetr adexrf isfay mediate. of hu dying peacaLly in his own bed -of dun •imager, .1erdnn eta Butler. ac• - --. �. - Gotland'
Aad Is despatched to ell pertsot theautt �rowed 1 . y
countryt4malt and trains. ler After that hu descent was rapid, wiser ik Deestelt*r Mata and Ned Tea Itntod the Milk here. water, e I tt r•'r
an apparent
!n Ontario
ills seat
%areas { w t ore, t� b esseattats , paper business he Wright be now n wan
a! of J It
oareut cutins enc tutpory , u
un the lessees using the Ia..; city cur
A deputatp• a iced l:•,eletioh consist-
ousle- I, which they paid r; et, to (Jorenment,
ant las 1 new J C Detl is11' J het Asa matter of tact the Messer I) et, ,•
Terme. -11.50 in advance, postage pr -p to
h ublishers; $1.15, If paid before six months
iY� 1f not no paid. This rale will be strictly
RA?gs OP A.ovEprtstso.-Eighrt ccw pa
toe for first insertion : three cents r line for
each subsequentinsertion. \'early, (-)early
and quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
Jai rat u ..-- Xe have also • first-class
lobbing department in connection. and possess.
tag the most complete out -ft and best facilities
fu turning out won in Uodrncb,areyreparect
to do business i1 that line at pricesthate*anot
De beaten. sad ul a Quality that cannot be
e urpasrt•d. Tc ruts ('ash
FRIDA1, APRIL 27TH, 1683.
I starvation ---would have been as good;us
flit t Ottawa last week
those of any ether Ince in the bueiuesa.
ped their bruin to :t large extent by woo
Minister or rise e , I formerly.
ith a view to the removal
eomivariel by ter. Lae, inter iewed the
of the wuarf- \I •. 1V ,
js likely to be elevated above 1• '• • 1
Mr. • t 1C. t►s'ilvir acron;panird the
ds it tallow, if paler Tynan to csught,he Jura at Gudtriuh lwtbor' 11r wtut nn slid as nue of the uwnerM + f
1 test 1 hie a ows. rn w m uet e r the large mina et the h,u•hOr, rxl Lined
The British detective force are busily tion. the ►u)uno i elect tit, her, a sic duel
M tie addroaa,ug the �liuli their h Fh had large
engaged haiku.• after Number t a,ulted out that the construction of
f 11 M. F tnxl d the d puts
V -
tI a • %duet•, t.,ke our cature upon Hint, LIQUOR L•ICEN$llls.
• .t sutler w our place and stead. Many , --
Mr. ager,
upon rte uaiuese. +y at u
I„1ta."1. h"J petlups heard of the cam I Lief el Ts* era and aWp.Lt.rne. Granted
sit du8rluywreekedmariurninthecruwd• In NrNttrW,..
ed Iwut we, coal luta to see who should , -
tea throws overboard, w that the little \'lee Iuspwctur hu kindly handed us
carted ought Lu 'itrLtened. '! lie L't full the to 1•+suet;; lilt of ItcUIt ea recently `I
,t set a warned man who had a large unset, fi the eoulnil lonrro u( We"
wooly de•puudueg upon Rio► for ruppt:, ',wit lien ..--- y
and. Cir brother, who was uuwxMted, ire"Lns..a 1luritLs.--$1'..5 -Capt {�'.
vu-utitt•crut1 10 be c:ut user its hi• %tend• ' 1, s, 1putah I:xchauvu ; Juhu Mctlriue.
men• re else gave uunlrruus ite n. lives
i Albiou Hotel ; Thus,Whitely,Western ;
comet who had laid down would
eave John Hruhu►an, Maitland Huse ; J. C.
for their timed%, but we would itrarwh D p
history 111 13111 fur a pwreliel ease with
the actino of Christ, who had eutfoortel
Rag • .g ; - 1 One --and ere 1
so in Peter the pica awl breakwater, and other sunt of :coney invested there in these
Government works at the
t were d•.:eU in the interests of tho I cuutstauces oust• -1 which, as he had uti
1 II�►►rw' derstestrl it, the • .les c.•toe t" 1 . itup•.s-
luoks more favorable for the little Pre- genArticular.and, u dues were in,p.sci, ed and unmet tray strongly their ro
harbor,its mills, and the dues operated very uta-
_ _
fairly t + them. He expl •lied the cir-
\Lt. MowAT.s majority can nu•,r be es • making and sust.tinieg it as a harbor of
bunted with a mtsiderable accuracy, ;lilt
1 bl a all not of the town in
Mr. Leo •'plait:v.1 that the Govern
icier than it did just after the election.
The Orangemen of this section ate l - majority will be fully as large, if not
omni' rec••wcilerl to the fate ••f thel Hu majority
larger, than after the election ed 1879.
Orange Bill. The Hamilton T•'t ,secs .ladep,endentr South pled to the C , T. e' t 1 was armor) .. sa er hatter no
- -- -- says:- -' It is undeniable that the Oi'1N4- deciding as to the removal of the dues, I it is now. 11.) also explained how these
Tut: attempts of the committee of the sition out-l••ok in the Ontario Legisla- the murk o0 the harbor of refuge should I dues operated in Chicago and elsewhere
House at Ottawa to lick the proposed tuns is n..t as bright as it was a few be thrown out of consideration. The l to defirriug vessel men from ci'rryhtg
only revenue intended to be derived I freights to Goderich, preferring Sancta,
A ed thin the malt%% should he tie -
or ever intended to be, in connection
with these works. They were itnposett stent works at the harbor had net help- roil was not extended to auy outside
solely with reference to the ednninerche ed Goderich in :s t omwercial sense, as it 1:lt r • e it i,itti•a' t°• cited ; C ir)et, on the
dock, a shall strip rxtendiva from the j f d f 1 tte side aha.o other hand, discarded ell rat th res roti
rya urs n enured tela love to burst the narrow
breams *ud enehtacc all nucleus and peo-
n,. At his approach the blind saw, the
and died ler •s enemies. The Ito 111
Christ elwut.1 be d1 p•twrn of our love to
da other, Our love ..Mould be Lilian'.
Martin, C•lla,rte Hotel ; Juhu A. +y e,
Park Heuer ; Babb, ()even Ht re ;
Jar. Bailey, L'ui+,n Hetet ; this to b en -
Lo gad Mature getting liCUuru again ; 'David
Curry, WUUdhille, t" bo granted,' but
t'r .thel%tube u to be ut its 'utter shape
wrested, 1Ve %could wto ex-
teu.! nnr lova u+ all -tea -out toilling our own udtiutw! rrxtendrd fer h3 utuullta.e Tnter-
people (Jiffy, not alone to these )alaoI tl•Jvrich rope -- $125 ---Captain H.
am.evemgoalU to .sur own de Ca„�twe l:uo• l:raiet, W'. L flurtuu.
aut�''g Uhrstiaus, •but to all. Curist'a +�I
L.vp 5a+ bOtteruf%nt, tul:l su %boded utter Cutc'pov 1tu'i6t,.- $l(YJ--Jur• Moore,
►,o. What a contrast was there itt this Cuunuettuel ; beam Itatteubury, ftatteu-
p,tt,colar between Christ and Its Loam- bury stoney ; Jlra.1'. McLaren, QueiDs:
tryuten, the Jews f '!'heir love to otters Michael Kelly. liI1 way Uousr ; .1rA!i d
was el a elm's, eau -did, selfish nature, Kcrmaly, lte+yal ; for this year oily,
house and pree+ises condemned ; Saarel
Peke. Central, to he notitied that limens'
wi:! trot be ug:►in ;;ranted uuleae this, -
houae is rebuilt or enlarged ; etabl: to
be enlarged also ; Geos Swart::, liwuse
pHot to be issued until the tine and ousts
141110 •uapeJ, the pick wore made whole, inflicted by the magistrate for Sabbath
the impure were cleansed, and et um the l violation are paid ; 'the Carson Block to
dead tweet from their shrouds and .•.uuo gat been%% as 1434111 Wait is remodelled sat-
torth. Look et Cnrist•a levo 511111 the 1 ief,,ctotily, properly furnished, together
little children were brought to Him, and I with stable and yard.
the disciples had trade them depart. His ( CLlfiTuw 811011 4- $150--N ichelas Mob.
reply to theta wns, ” Suffer little chit- sem, J4.61 McWhirter.
d.en to tome mute uta, and forbid them {VIfioHAM HIrrses-$100 W. F. Dut-
ton, t'rtrfi such is the kingdom "f hear- midge, Brunswick ; John 1.. Sturdy,
w bun t azin a pmt the Rept!' S. Merrifield, Central ; John
Diusley, I)inaley Hoaae ;Chas. Kchmidt,
Exchange ;Queen's Hotel just nowahout
to ba rented ; R. P. Simmons, Ifritishh
not granted.
WimoileM Slimes-$1O0-1sase John-
ston, C. E. Black fur 3 months.
BLyTH HOTEL% -$76-R. Milne, Cotn-
mcrcial ; R. Brownlee, Mansion ; - -
Vebster, Central ; J. Emigh, Emi8h's
Hotel ; R. J. Pollock, not granted ; J.
A. McDonald, shop, $75.
COLDORIC Tnws+err-$60-H. Mar-
tin, Wm. Lanham. F. Horton, Jus. Mor-
ten, Jonathan Miller, J. J. Wright, (
months ; Jas. McDonagh, 3 menthe.
Aianetu•---Johu Martin, Thos. Smi-
ley, Alex. Young, R. H. Delong, A. Mc-
Crae, 3 months.
WENT WAWAtrrriu-John Lougheed,
Holiest ; Than. Nicholson, Manchester,
3 months,
principles were founded upon the Gospel Easy W.tw.afiosn -W. Wiley, White -
of Christ, and its precepts wer3 such ,'church.
that no good man need fear to follow ToseezwaV-John McDonald.
them. Fur example, after initiation. IftYLLarr--John Bell, Londesbor o.
$12 would pay all expenses for the year.
The outside age for adinissien was plac-
ed at 45 years, and perfect health,
sound murals .led a firm belief in God,
were essential qualifications for member-
ship, After being a member four
mouths, if sickness came upon one of the
society --unless o:casiuncd by immorality
-the afflicted one was allowed$3a week,
Dominion license Lill into shape is
lwglaole in the extreme. The bautl•
•ng promises to he a greater satire politi-
r•:tlly, than was " Oytaz's Baby" socially.
(1,t:\ERAL Ilett-Bewson had Sir John
flacdonald served for perjury on Mon-
day last, in Toronto. The affair is look-
ed upon by all parties as a bit of petty
spleen on the part of -the redoubtable
general who failed to get his "thirty
pieces of silver" front the present Pre-
mier after the success of the Very Parts
in 1878.
ALL uwer the County of Huron, efforts
bet -
decorate the 33rd Ilett. with helmets in- four years longer towards the treasury ter policy would be to foster the trade
stead of the abominable and unsightly, benches. at the harbor—aa trade increased, sum -
forage caps. The idea o1 giving the boys petition for the use of the breakwater theywore removed the G. T. R. would
decent headgear is. sgood one, but, AN INFERNAL MACHINE. would be greater, and it could be rented give Goderich har}eor a fair share of its
-- ata higher price. The Government,^n /beaines --
isn't it about time the Minister of 3I11i- motel. neprrese&t a Larepot(sat O.Dere• their own Interest should discontinue
weeks since. With the Muskoka elec- Irum the Government works at the bar a urp•-
tiva it appear. to Lave apent its Wee. bor was by way of rent from lessees of I tided before the (pettiest o1 navigntinn
Instead of the Oppusition winning over the breakwater. The uct:uu of the which was now at hand.
the Independents there are now two de• Government w imposing the wharfage Mr. Jordan also strongly urged the
dues had dried up tlsat source of rete Government to reroute the dues •a be-
clarations of Independents becoming nue. Ho produced a statement showntpp tug antagonistic to the interest• of all
Minieterialists. Mr. "illi", o1 '_V„nth that the rent from the breakwater had blanches of tr�e in.the town Wild her -
Bruce, declared his adl erence to the decreased from $1,000 per annum before
Mowat Administration nearly a uon,th the dues were imposed. to$1h0, in 1882.
ago; and Mr. Hart, who was largely elect• Be also .looted returns showing that the
wharfage due. had decreased from over
ad in Prince Edward. by Conservative $3,000 in 1879, to about $1,000 in
votes, has since gone over to the Minis- 1882, a falling off of two-thirds is three
leagues, and communicate the result
terialists, and the Reform petition years. He predicted that if the• dues [esu da
against his return has been dropped.
were continued all revenue to the Gun- It was understood that Mr. Porteous,
eniment both by may of rents and of the G. T. R who was to have ac -
This makes Mr. Mowst's majority ten, wharfage dues would soon become near -
with Algoma to hear from; and the (Ip- 1y, if out altogether, extinguished. From ac-
companied the deleza,ion but Mai un-
avoidably detained, had written the
Minister of Marine, 'biting that the rea-
son the railway company was nnwilliug
to bring freights ria (Inderich was Iles
cause of the what -fare does, but that if
An informal discus}ou ensued, and a
further interview rata hid mu the knew. wicked city from which he had received
ing day, when the M`mister o1 Marine such ingratitude he said, "l) Jerusalem,
expressed a favorable view of the matter, •1etusalemt, thou t hat k illest t he pro -
and promised to. lay it before his col- pleura, and snouted thew which are seat
its a unto thee, haw often would 1 have
gathered thy childreu.together, even as
a lieu gathereth her chickens under her
wuigs, &ud ye wouldn't.” Atthegrave of
Lazarus, when weeping with Martha and
Mary. benevolence welled trowHia heart;
and even un the cross, benevolence flow-
ed from His lips in, " Father, forgive
them ; they know not what they do,''
Benevolence was a Christian duty, and
moat of the societies of the day were
fouuded upon that principle. Of all
the societies ipl existence none more
fully acted upon the principle of benev-
olence than the Canadian Order of
Foresters, and there was none frotn
which greater benefit was derived. Its
have been put forth to raise funds to position will have to look longingly for a Government strtadpotnt alone, It was
unwise to continue the dues. The
pia tock the matter up, and put a re-
spectable hat upon the head of every
Canadian volunteer.
IanK.& 'Slanted In England. the dues. They should ala
tinued in common justice to Goderich
New York, April 22, -Two infernal They were.destroying her trade. They
Tats striking shoemakers of Goderich,
in their memorial to their employers ask-
ing for an increase e,f wages, claim that
they were driven to that position
censeyue,l e< of tho, Arcot increase in the
cost of the geuertel oieceasories of life." As
the leading spirits of the strike are Con-
servatives, it would seem that the Tilley
tariff must be grinding hard en those in-
dustrious artizans.
AN account of the doings of the dele-
gation from Goderich to ( ittawa, on the
abolition of the harbor dues, will be
found elsewhere. It will be. seen that
the Minister of Marine has given no de-
ided opinion as yet, but has stated that
he will take the matter into considera-
tion. If the lisiior• dues are removed;
end the Gucerne:m it continues to hold
Itself responsible for necessary repairs
ou the docks, the towns will be much
machines are in t eposseesioll of Consul -
General Pierrepoint Edwards, one of
which was captured Only a short time
entered with injurious effect into
all the ramifications of the trade of
the town. Vessels entering the harbor
ago, and which is regarded as must im- require supplies, repairs and outfit, and
portant. It reaembles a lump of coal the men purchased clothing, it c. All
about 18 pounds in weight. From one branches of trade were affected by the
side a heavy screw projects for an inch. decrease of business et the harbor in
The substauce is of iron, but the covering conseeluenee c.f these daea, The salt
is of black gauze of a deadened colder. Interest s.es •Affected, as vessels bringing
and gives it the dead black of coal. grain from Chicago sad elsewhere, would
Mr. Edward refuses to say in what way take return cargoes of salt. The laboring
he became possessed. of tke machine, -1 classes were affected. Before the dues
says it was manufactured here, and that were put on laboring teen found employ -
others of the kind werc,alse ranufactur- ment handling freight at the docks, but
cd -where or by when) he refuses to say. now they had been compelled to go
11• ' 1 ive and at elsewhere to find employment. Their
t conti
ans a oeo1
By a cable.trait front London, dated
April 23rd, the Canadian people are in -
ferniest that twelve hundred persons in
t;alway have applied to the Geveruutent
for assistance to enable them to reach
America, and that three hundred li.tve
:ust sailed Lar Canada. Col. Ter-
whytt, the would -Lae exclusive, who sits
for Simcee in the Commons, will have to
put on his war paint at once. His
whoop, "No Irish need apply,- has evi-
dently been drowned crossing the Atlan-
the consulate it is' said that the pat- empty cottages dotted our suburbs. The
tern .of the bomb has been improved best evidence of the cause"of this was
since the present specimen was procured. .he steady decrease of the trade of the
The startling part of the story is best harbor since the dues had been imposed,
told•in the words used by the Consul- The statements already produced
General, whosays :-"These bombs were sheaved this. He Lad letters from
to have been mixed with coal and placed parties who had forneerly carried
in the coal bunkers of British steamships. their :rain, dc., riot Goderich, show -
Falling heavily on the head, of the screw ing that they had been compelled
h intoh -tire b the t take it to I» .. .award as the Grand
Canadian Order of Foresters
Araevrrearf teerome by tisv. Mr. rrtech-
ara. or Ueaaeae*ter.l
The anniversary 'marit n in connection
with the Canadian Order of Foresters
was preached in Kuox church un Sun-
day morning last b3 Rev. itir. Pritchard,
of Manchester, from John xv, 12 :
•• This is my commandment. that 3c love
one another as I have loved you." fa
'� rev. speaker said few themes
were more plesaing to dwell upon than
Love. It was the noblest id passions,
the moat soothing of feelings in the in-
dividual, and the great cementer of na-
tions at large. Love was the great
essential its all true religion. It changed
the barbarian and heathen to man-lov-
inu and God -loving people. 1t was the
\Vr.tnnao BELLA. - The marriage of
Mrr R. Thurmur, "f Detroit, and Misa
Julia Aldworth, of Hayfield, was cele-
brated :it the home of the bride on the
evening .'f the 4th inst., Rev. Mr.Baugh,
of Hayfield, officiating. The bride look -
and hia doctor's bill was paid. If death ;
carne upon him $20 were allowed for ! ed lovely in a dress .,f white Indra mull.
funeral expense i, and afterward $1,00(1' The Lrideanlaids, Misses Nellie and Lina
were given to the widow or orphans, if : -•111wOrth, sisters ofs the bride, and Miss
such there were. The speaker then gars Thuruntr, sister e,f rho groom, 'were also.
instances within hes own knowledge of attired in white. The ceremony was
the btsaevolent working of the order- es denied at nine op clock, after which
nue heing in connection with the death' the health ,.f the happy Opairtee ing dran
the company fiat down to a tempting rel
sum and substance of the decalogue— "f an elder 1n Bluotale who had sat un- past 4racexl by the presence of hot hoe
der his miuistratiun, and the ether a Da
that great guide for the chosen of Gat flowers. Speeches were made by
John the betcved, had said when his mecener w'hudwelt' in Luilde3b"ru, its this Wallis and Mr. !laugh, A very enjoys. -
district. in both cases, the afflicted Lie evchtu suss spent. those present,
or being thrown the re y u , y. ars were far"sp+ent and when his race were attended to while ill, and when the K pby 1
stokers, they were intended to be power- Trunk refused to carry it -to se erich, was nearly run on earth, Little chit•Gild baud of death was laid up.;u :hen,,• The newly wedded pair loft in the morn
ful enough to sink any_ ship." and insisted en taking it to Point ,Ed• dren, love one another,' and had repeat- their fatuities were aided by the t„tole„- ing f•,r their future home in Essex coun-
The World's London special says :- ward, where the docks were free. The ed it again and again. When asked why leaf working .f the society. The Fre:t• tc, where they till permanently reside.
The authorities anticipate confidently - Grand Trunk railway, .haat. stated that he gave utteraitcw to that. sentiment in en wnetheonlysutietywithehichtherec. t ''!'
that the diedosures yet to be made will the dues were the cause of this. but had preference to all .others, lug reply was, speaker was connecter!, :and from What -
justify them in preferring a formal re- ' promised, if the fees were removed to ” This ie Christ's, commandment, if yr he had e.e'va oaf its w•+rkm^a he fulls -arta Dolt.
quest for the extradition of O'Donovan give Goderich a fair share of its business.. •ke'tp it, ail n til .w su•et.” Christ had 'dined it. .Fur was it—net right fur a In t..•e., t.. ,:. un Tuesday, April BN h, the wife
The imposition of the dues, small in himself alar. said, "Love case another,id it. 1. t\'&Bier, of a daughter,
eau tt, provide for his wife and family 1
—___ _—_ ; themselves, but aggregating a -consider- me I_haveloved yon." The first cunsid- Tlie apamrtte believed such a course too be 1n l `pn%i uta, pn 1 14. the suite of Mr. S.
Port �� able amount to tattle dealers, and hat-' enation that arose was : How had Christ right when he said : "But if any provide lu Brus+tcls, on the 15th tont., the wife of Mr.
r:usiri,t in tipeir nature, was obverting the local us ? }nut it would bo vain to at.
not for hie own, and specially for those ' to. A. uncle of a daughter.
Meads.. Thos. H. Hawkins, henry I lumber and grain trade from our harbior t tempt to describe the love of Christ.
of his own .house, he hath denied the In St'in ban,. on the duh lies, the vette or
Hawkins', and I)aviJ I . Cnurtilay, left to neighbunult ports. The 1'e. plc of Mau was able to du many things a.:d faith, and :s wusse thanauinfidel." Live
>Ir. 11 \v PIIw'Uud Of &sun.
on Wednesday fer Manitoba. where they Goderich were deeply in earnest in this answer many questions in science and should be shown also by sympathy.11ova On "t oro ge's Day. in Goderich, the w:fr of
intend, should they receive a favorable matter and had sent a strong elepntta(i • phtlula:ph);, but even the most gifted of were all passing through a eildernesseinel 't. ty. tia11 of &son.
impression of that country. to reside to urge it upon the G.evernntent, and he humankind could reply when asked re• even the children of Gest had trials noel it son. 6D.
and the c ,le of. t;s-derich apti•e::'.'•1, gar:ling Christ's love, that it passeth all tribulation. There had never been a {' Ile:ll, on the 25th list., by the Rev. Canon
perntaucn•]y. They have the best 1'"'IJohnston. chaplain to the Senate, John
wishes cf their many friends and ac- with wnfidence to .tlie Government to wllera tauding. The freeueas of Christ a time when trials were not, •Ind there Macara of yl'innipsrg, to Emma. eldest
quaintaintances• discontinue the dues, not only as au :act love was one of the most striking fw- , taugbeer of John snow-, Esq„ Dominion
never would be such a time while utah'a land Surveyor, Ottawa
AaRrct-LrCRA1.—Thyro hats Leen our of justice to Goderich, but, as being was 1 tures, when we saw sueh glorious invite- n.itnre remained as it was. The apostle in (:nderieb. on Tneaday 17th April, by the
ve little 1 h'ng d r other prepare and expedient in the aublitriuterests. He ; tains as : •' Ho . everyone that thirst- ha 1 said "through much tribulation we . Rey.
J. A. Turnbull. H, A., Wesley Sum
tit a to the waters ; and he that
THE Escning Canadian, of Toronto,
which poses teethe champion of the Con-
servative section of the Ontario Roman
Catholics,' has ..1 lace had occasion to
criticise ?lir. Jelin J. Hawkins, the
gentleman who rills th3 seat forBothwell
in the Dominion House. Mr, Hawkins
has undertaken to read the ft/fear/ion
out of the party therefor, and the latter
rises to detour ill a most vigorous lash•
hien. In a leading article in the (.mor
oo. of April 24th, we observe that ,3.
J.IH. is referred t•o as "the silver-tongu-
ed Grcir-d River roarer as the man who
years ago " went up to Glenc•ee to de-
nounce Sit John A. NIacdouald, then
under a cloud, as little better than a
thief:- that Mr. Hawkins after being al- .
lowed to conte back into the Tory f•dd,
"became deluded into the belief that in-
stead of belonging to the great Conserva-
tive party, the patty belonged to him," 1
that althouel► Mr. Hawkins has manse -
ed to get into Parliament, "like the fam-
e•uu fly in amber, the louzzle is how he
got there." The' •1 sedieoe then 14,,cs on
t.) show that it Ilad grand an.l autiicicut
reasons for net falling down and mot- i
shipping Mr. John Joseph Hawkins, and
clenches its e'•ntention t•y declaring.
We hal before our eyes the punish.
ment of the Isrcehtes who fell d• an be-
imro agolden calf, and declined to pet
trate nurse! :es before a brazen animal ..1
that ilk. • Further on the editor of the
( ,,,,roes,,, 'eye, "we Were in it (the C.'n-
servative parry) when he Hawkins was
out of it, and should utisfortune over-
take it attain. we Reay yet lire to see his
vacant chair. All of hall goes to
prove that the t 1• .e member f• •r Both-
well is having a warm time all around,
mad is jest how in a paeitien to ray
/bead• "8eteme fn re my fr:• e.i.
will enter the kingd.,ot of heaven," and tears of London• to Miss Catharine Thm-
I horn. M a�hdcld.
TY 1 e p mug t o also pointed out that the Government e ,cowl y
tion for seeding, done in this locality, as
yet, the ground being very wet, and al-
together unfit for cultivation. Farmers
are not in the 'Last of spirits.
Sir. Geo. Currells' general purpose
stallion, Young King Tom, has been
"taking the cake," or at least quite a
number of the prizes, which have been
had only expended about $10,000 on 1 hath It ,)uuney, curie ye buy and eat ;
these (locks, and ):ad coilc.:ted Dover $11,- i yea, conte buy wine and milk without
000 in dues, being more than they ex• I money, and without. price ;" and " The
pended, while the hewn had contributed Spirit and the bride say, come, and let
$10,000 and received no return what- ' him that heareth say, come. And let
ever. him that is athirst come, and whenever
Mr. Johnston said that these duce I will, let him take the water of life freo-
were destroying the trade at Goelerich ly;" " Come unto Me, all yo that lab.r
distributed at the various shows throuehs harbor. and should be done away with. and arc heavy -laden, and I will give yen
out the county. Well deserved. They affected the salt interest, as they rest ;• " Him that cometh unto Me, 1 only differences between him 's
sect his 'sent of delivered expenses detivcd to me by
-- — were in effect a tax on salt exported. will its nowise cast out and numerous hcann was %•wing tr. the %%stem ••f 1 Fs •llarruwn3t cagrnt"hor% entzltndin M.
They affected the big mill at the harbor, other solicilntiene. There was nothing or tht
(and Atter he had thus apokrn t aunty of Huron for the election ofRa mem
the saying was as tree to -day as when
first given. Therefore it was that our MED.
hearts should be sympathetic one toward' In 1 •o;borne T ownship on Friday. April 20th
Nein Strong, aged 67 )-care.
another. We should weep with tityae In (;,,derich. on Monday, April 21rd, Mary
that wept, and rejoice with those tilat )1a1ilda (:ebsen. aged 12 years and .t mos.
rejoiced, and thus help to bear each
other's burdens. A Christian minister!
once said, when addressing a num-
ber of convicts in a prison that the
The following is an abstract of the Stater
owned by Messrs. t"lglvie S Hutchison,
The boiling kettles at nearly everymen :a great ow h'th had 1 p benefit to our
house naturally suggest many ideas to
one's mind, but after anxious eneuiry as
to whether the tatfy is near ready 7 we
discover to our chagrin that it is only
its man to merit Quell free offerings of ' •
Ir•r tor said F
one .,1 the mos. turbulent criminalsrife
tiding to the Legislative Asset.
eternal life. there was n e soundnes•
s, Cly of the Province of Ontario, held on tel
alto neon whn was und
ergoing a e tto day of fehrnars. 11013.
town. The dues affected the Laboring ip humankind, from the crown of the sentence, asked permission to see the R01it:ItT (1113p1OXs
men who were formerly able to work in head to the sole of the foot. Well might prey -her. When -his request was ac- Iteturning Ofllccr,
the woods in winter, and during the sura- God say, " Look unto Me, and be ye ceded to, the prisoner asked the minis -Tb
mer found employment at the docks : saved, -all the ends of the earth. •' And ter if he believed the difference between
the women folk "bilin seise.' 1 but these inen• had to leave because the sainted Rutherford, writing oil the pastor endeve the prisoner was onlyn
Eggthere was no employment. Better for the subject of man's nothingness, had
owing to the grace of Graft The reply
The narrow minced, braggy buffoon the Government to withdraw the dues said, " Oh, that lumps of sin should et
uv fur iothfn•As flim was in the ::''irmative, and the prisoner
who wrote the item last week about the end adn t a hey by which the tents eo great a 1 e g
"youn: man of the r,uth cud never P 1"'ld be inc.easefell drops heaven. turned away, and was teal Fuck to his
Stu 3►
laid claim to even a fair share of com-
fThesthe btach o nkheter west vide the hnrhor to waters
fructify rait'ta dearth, so cell. Yut the wards of the minister J. T. (iAitROW,
mutt acilse. and his breathings of last ; took rya, the demeataor of the prisoner Ga:erich, -tpril 26th iSO. Agent.
week above conclwivcly th t his claims was being fitted up fer %same bat thou the love rat Christ rams down to 1)oun• entirely changed, and Irma Feeing one of
are not at all dishonest. We think a w"ul'1 he no gnu to real it :,a lung a9 a toous showers vpom all w believed, the most turbulent of criminals he be- TtE WEST HURON.
„ e these dues were impueeel. No addition• scattered though they might be be- tante the most eubmissice to the disci 1
chapter of the Foul's Paradise" every , w1 expense to the Government would be; tween the ends of the earth ; and ::s the P The following is an sea. delivered
or the sure
night miirht itnprove his m.;ants, add it line of the prison. ()wine to his continue Dant of renewing
etpenaes, abstract
t e me e
may he same comso1sti n to him t now incurred Ly a remOcal of the dues, as in ocean which deapitee:apnratiuu, g„ort conduct repreaentatiuns were R.l C. Hayes, F.p�� agent for fled. W. John
that the waters have t , some extent the rents could be collected by the c' 1- always rernaine• d full, ao it ease with the , made towards effecting his release, a hick Kon, E'M .a rand ktafe for the West Riding o
abate.' from off the ewr:h, lector of customs. The 41ucs were 41111- fullness .,f (:tn] s love, which always re- the t maty of Huron, for the election of
tr a•le from Gtderirh lial•bu- to i n:aincd plenteous, though eve: giving.: ti sk place shortly after. Here was a , member for said !tiding to the 11n,e, �helsi c
h th AsarmMy of the Province of Ontario:hem m
'est Huron.
paid Telegraphing account 1 r! 17
(trginization expenses 121 72
l'rilnttng aeennnt 05 00
•' l,irery &•count 121 10
•• itrut of Hall 5 0a
•• ('andidate's personal exp.. 7.5 Oe
Attack ell a Strew.
Dover. IDOL, April 22-e t liens circus
and menagerie exhibited here on Rater
day and was attacked by the meet) after
the everting performau-:e. The moots
opened fire .at the wagons being hauled
to the dep.( for emharkati•,n. Fight or
ten circus 4mpleyey were shot, some Wert also a warehelisernan :et tee Cock. 10 Hts bes•,m reel }.2115th tae `'ock , Chnet for tho crest eaewpbar. Follow H. s HAY
seriously. Charles 11en.t rr m, sane of He himself and several "1 t?Io• .that Je- '” Ttae hrtnsed Teri will He n•rt .r°4,7• Him dev.+tedly tbrnugh evil rep eat and (+ow !=•ti April 7s MM.
the pnopnetorrs. was shut in thea and legates were rn5rchants in t:.alertch, aa1 sec quench the snt.'aing %lax " As the
wear 111 • rand tion to know what unetflltsins are rem! stout •'•ertaaletu good report. Learn to du His will at
the head. tine . d the ,rivese eau shotK people ''all times. Evidence love to Jesus by RADCLII?'FE, FiRE. MARINE
from a wagon. The p4liee citizenswale n.. se. ! effect the dace upon the trade ' f the so ti hensrd is mend abe! His
bye to Ate another, far lore is the ate aM **eldest laseranee Agent
rests a,tastittee of waited
town, whish depended grossly upon the • frith: heweef nth, eve for ever ort fMlzument in Cheat'* law. The beloved R .
Upon the sheriff and requested hint to rte- fake trade The trade which used to bet is aur refuge and our strength ' • The I p,eeeattaflisawlaaal'awtprntea. AMel em
apostle hail said, " Little children, lore foor the Caw*s,a 1Ln. Nynex I.wuwaues OK
'torr unit% fwd call net the militia if lows at (lod11 w was rosea being carried:bin L)ed wort tv a . se and a shield. !!►e one another, ' and hadgiven it a* the 7dnney to leadw lllert•ter, eater 1s Teva s
necw*sary to suppress the natbreak. I to H]arni:r. It was now a tig!tt between
I irortl will rive srKr sod gill". dr. ? n.. Farre I4eitwrgrMaty way to salt fpr
r:batanae .f Christ's teaching. When rr. utkee-tewasalzy► Itav's trleek Astird
Several pis elite temdMrose and places • d I Goderich and tsarina and the Getman- I gond thins nut we witherteh lasts tMm all else had pawed sway,
bovines were riddled with bullet's. The •meat sho,u'J put us sat an a l:ul fout1Sg i, t walk sprightly. Tb. cuetliwen of , r AWE'S AMAIlib, ARCHITECT, R c
Fur instance (until ore and a ienttrrrw) (�itrist'a here Was arc•ther t either• live still shall have an endless retail • OOree, (rsht's�t�pk L�e� et., O •a r
mob was dissatisfied with the show.
it + pi? a eeastk and hNvea abnve,
is Sated there fa no Aot4e of t he rear,rnry tmplemeats were now *hipped by all ' shoe, It cont Il im ns • for befTore : mases dean cease and prophet* fail. F tr �a14iitu ass spe'ciae&iiessbaw' eorre. i
rail r• •ate, esu hr way of setrnia,fmteesl of w5 P)ulti M t•efiefitt5 i He had to leave ; .1 wren Ott tet laws. 7 rpenter•s' pplaatem'r 554 rwsen'. mor
,.f Henderson. measured and g1aeA
mg .. case were n 'yelps. etre express ton
should be discontinued. The fulluess of God's love could be to - had indeed effected a wonderful goat
Mr. Detlor said that in c•�n.e•Fuance some extent comprehended by thtnkia' Christian and brotherly effortshould
of the falling off of trasle under the in- ' of the many teniputsl b1csatn�e en ovetl. always 1,e given toward Arengthening
Arlene'. -f the wharfage dues, some o1 and then thinking of the anintual bless -
the weak, 111trelieving the destitute, in-
onr, warehouses, where 0 lame business! ials, e:te of the greatest of whish was 'eructingthe i cornute comfortingthe
had formerly been d aims renesiii d dos- being 'Dint heir' with Chaise. The 1 ,yf atliotedand raising the fallen. The
ed, there being so little husines. He ,'f Christ is tender, and all were watched 'rev speaker closed an a fail wire ser-
himself owned one -•f them. Mr. Lee over a'. entirely He take s up he bush!
. nn on 1. exhortinghis hearers to tat
Ole 2 th day of February,dip
HONF.RT i$1(1\s,
Ret timing_ Officer.
West Huron.
'stating 5c.ount
oust to 71•
mecowwt fa 13
Ides ia•M
let e rs •b7
To Paid