HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDA \ APRIL 27 , l 83.
weaeermt, Ir Tice•
The Rev. Kr. Gilbert, during aa ad-
dress at Chtiat Church the uther nese., ,
remarks the Otago Timet, while s W.I
inrt of the telephone, asked his *udiumce
if they would be aatuuuhed if he were se
tell them Oust it wan now proved Le iw
possible to c .ave), by nieena of eleutrie.
ty vibrations of light -to nut wily cops••„
with yuurjdistant fri n I, but iw,tually t
we kits. Thu electroscope -the name
Iof the iustruuwnt which enable(' es to
du this -was the very latest so'entfic
discovery, and to Dr. tj•t►dnth, of Vie
toria, belonged the proud distiucti••
The tend of this wouderftltl instrtnne
took place ,it Melbourne on the ea
October last iu the pr armee of seam.
forty .cieotific and public mien, and was
a great amens Sitting ill * dark roots
then saw Projected on a large disc of
white burnished metal the race course
at Flemington with as myr:a.l boats of
active beings. Kalil tnitietc drt:.il stege.'
out with Aerie:' ti 1e is t. the uriui•tel,
and as they poked It the wonderful pie
tore through pin, oml:•r glasses it wee
difficult te imagine that they etre not
actually on the course itself and moving
among these whine actio:.s they retold
so cnmplstely scan.
• Fins .11.
Wham the proprietors of Durd,i-
Blood Bitten put this renowned ,netli-
cane un the market, t'iey hit it exactly.
They, hit dyspepsut, tudlgestitln, And
liver and kidney desplaruts a hard in,w,
from which they will never recover. '-
Warsaw's IeelMb Tata.
The editor of the Dundas
writing from Ottawa pays the following
compliment to w►: own Thomas Yar
sow :-"it remained f.•r Kr. Yarr w w
sap the climax of abeldity in his who -
any of the N Y The member Feer
Bast heron in his squeakiest t..uw, de-
picted the terrestrial parades brought
about by it. To hint everythiwt was
love) add the goose bangs very I.igh.
Hs u
sed that MOOS the N. P. the liens
laid more eggs because, the farmers im-
pt�•ved the breeds, that the hug. phew
fitter and the cows gave mom' Intl... All
this was given as gospel and in the 'seat
salaam manner, and more extra',r lin-
ary than all, the Minister of Finance loud
those of his supporters in the Hi'use
cheered thew statements to the echo 1.,
resew to Elms* tease.
J ft, Reichert, of ]siadburg, wh ods
father ant: mother ware bah •'sats, was
eight Imus threes intakes in hid& .t.
(Pia' g, ten, IJhiues* giant, is seven
EOM .i inc Ws kWh. Jain. -i Gilbert.mulatto, of Chatham, N. C., w o enrols
with B ,rn+un's show, is seven feet. Un.
deeb'udly the most wonderful of liriu
[Hants la C+pt. Bata, the Kentuc'.tian,
who new reside, ora farm neer) Seville.
O . , when he isnot on exhihitip't : nn•I
Mrs. ti.t•t is the most colossal of gian-
t.* o Th., (Ja7•taiu is 35 viers of ago,
yoi 1, fi•te p ponds, is seven feet 11 web
'ti •h mwa•trea seventy inbhee arimnd
the Mien:, and eeat•s No. 10 hat. s thirty-
ino, don't and a 17 boot. Moe hates
''i+ se .Ie at 4/0 pounds, is 31 years
o' 1 .1 .•s tall as her husband,and.ports
s 11we:ws of eighty yard-pieoe.
4e waiutenance of a healthy state of
t yste'u is tthenirest pn.tuctiena4ainst
I• oaten , expulience has shown that oy
t use •.f•dbr.Carson ■ Reernareh and con-
s • inn Kitten, a perfect Nate of health
n tee o•..sured. They fret, the system
eCall nil eurities, cleenae and purify the
Blood Fix sale by all Druggists at 50
to a hoottle
CAWS ,let 11.
Diabetes, Bright's Disease, Kidney,
Urinary or Liver Complaints cannot be
contracted by you or your lentily if Hop
Bitters are used, seed if you already have
•kn of these diseases Hop Bitters u the
�y medicine that will positively cure
you. Don't forget this, and dont get
Acme puffed up stuff that will only harm
'why should smote
v t h ti
`tit ike kis grandsint in alabaster I
Or 'et his hair gmw rust, scant and thin.
Wh •n "Cru*tassareawss will make
it ;crew the hater. For ale by J. wil-
s pre. 2m
whom blond is warm
pleorst& Web., ttespeste:.)
itaftearetabia bleelesmeee•
Mr. B. S. Crane, manager and treasur-
er uf the Alvin Juelut Comedy Cwupany,
struck Cheyenne the other day upuu
business connected with the al parent*
of that aplendid company in this city at
an early day. A rummer called up.w
Mr. Cruw at hie r,.uu.t at the inter-
Oceau and apellt a few pleasant uminutw•
in co ttersattuu abut the doming attract
0:. elr. Cnuu assured the writer that the
,eira.euuel uf the coiutmuly is all that
mould be desired and that the public tuay
..ark fur even better ,p+{,eerformances this
mason than last. Noticing that the
aemeger 1....ked a little pale the writer
remarked upou the fact, but receive! the
. epiy that he eat in good health.
'• But," cuutinuetl Mr. Crane, "I aid
lave a pretty serious time ••f it last au,.. -
mer in New York."
"What was the trout'•
'1 hada vary sharp attack of ritcu.u•
4.1.131. The disease attacked my left leg
1.114 left &rm, and for a time 1 could
wither walk upon the sue nor raise the
other to sty head. I sutfe•ed horribly.
Did you ever have the rheumatism, sir 'Y'
ddreseing the reporter. "If over you
are stricken with it there is one thug I
can recommend abet a pretty sere cure,
and one which will prubably Mite volt
quicker relief than anything else you can
employ. I refer to the Great German
Remedy, St. Jacobite/it I an aware of
the prejudice which mtny entervun
agairst advertised medicines. I felt thus
about the St. Jacobs (►d and thought my
averaiun was tae deeply ruotel to be
diisioate•l. But a turn will aometiness
oatok at a hope as it flies. I purchased
a bottle of it, when 1 lowed nothing else
(applied wuuld hive relief, and oummenc-
ed appyylying it. It preyed a moat effectual
eonledy, and the use of three bottles cor-
ed me."
"And, you are new quite a devotee of
St. Jambs Od'1"
"That is perhaps'
drawingit tnostrung-
ly, 1 certainly du (»Neve it a fine specific
for rheumatism, and as my belief is based
upon personal experience, I dual mind
commending eta use to others."
In the °flee of
the hotel,
he met 14I . Geo. A.Dunlap,, who la the
popular and ehoient representative in
Cheyenne of the Chicago firm of Wood
Bros., live stock commission m wch*nts.
Happening to mention the interview
with the manager of the Alvin Jealous
company and what he said about St.
Jaoubs Oil, Mr. Denise repiie.l that he
was not surrriseh at the uneviti••n .d the
circumstances, for the Great t iertu:tn
Remedy was a good medicine and he
could also commend its virtues.
"Are you struck on Oil, ton. Mr. Dun-
7�sda •wets....
The lte/eAaeri prelim to believe that
the upshot of the trial of election peti-
tions will be to do their side more geed
than harm. The entering of protects
waft h- eon wholesale by the Conserve-
tirtn, who argots that as they so nearly
won the day in the field, it is worm
trying if they can get four or five seat*
upset in the ceurta The Reformers fol -
1 .wed their e'.neonents' esample by en-
tering prnteste to... The way in which
the Refurwtere argue is this : they say
thee they had no election fund to draw
on, and that therefore there could home
Leel. eery little spent, where*s the Con-
servative had quite it fend, and took
caro to expend it "where it would do
noose good." --[Er.
A Gem at a$seevety.
That is deity bringing joy to the horses
of thousands by ,sing many of their
dear ones fruht an early grave. Truly is
Dr. Kith i new Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, L)u o1 Voice, Tickling in
the Threat, Pain in Ride and Chest, or
any dinaaae of the Throat and Lungs, a
positive core. Guaranteed. Trial Bot-
tles free at J Wilson's Drug Sore. Large
size 111.00. (6)
he does not understand, but It a mere sol ___ ityt the net for of cattle
when a itpol makes dips in converwt- The 'elegem Leader (Conservative has I fell from a car and seriously Burt my left
tion. finot:► very hied: opinion c:f the financial knee. t beliere a blood vent was rop-
hie w wask at Dundee Favo a ( • ff letter It lured and the muscles severely strained.
y which kept up to a late hour.
k that I w incl p
aeul sets steed lmetase !Boars AND SHOES
Cures scrofula, urysipssa, salt shoe,
piles and all hunters of the,b$,rd. Cons
dyspepsia, liver complaint, biMousness, At the t)Ide*t ILtabhsbed Shoe Snore 1n Town,
ooratipatlun, dropsy, kidney o. nplaiuts,
sadd gen, al debility,
female weak. :rii itid.1eSS Variety
and general debility, when used in
In the history of medic' es no preps
ration has received such u ivetsal cone
iuend*tiou for the alleviation it
and the permanent cure it effi
ney disown, as Ur Van Buren.
Cure. Its action in these dulttbsamgg
oomplainta is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2ui
X --I ALA L' �
Vegetable Sicilian
oral the ant preparation perfectly adapted to a urs
Menses d the scalp. rod the rust Decennial re-
storer of faded or gray hair to Its natural color,
growth, and youthful beauty. It by had many
Wedmore, but wow have eo fu11y met all the re•
intreneots needful for the proper In -linnet of
the emir and snip. HAL.I.SHuaRes swruhas
sleadtly grown is favor, and spread eta faaae end
uselatnees to every quartet al the globe. Its us
paralleled snows can be attributed to lout esu
cause. utt eer.ry J i) tMraf of i* pr.sa.ws.
hp 1'
' ►Yell, I duu't exactly put it that way,
but I believe it a gto•l remedy all the
'sante My experience with it is some-
what limited, but of sufficient y recent
The proprietor, have ohm been surprised at the
receipt a ordery from remote neaten, slier*
they hail *ever made an edort fur de iotroduct Wu.
The ase for a abort sae of kLcta.'a Hall
Hemmen wuoderfally Improve* We person'
appesranee. It cleanses the scalp trout all im-
parities, cures all bathers, fever, and dryness
and the prevents triches. It stimulate the
weakened glands. and esishke them to push for-
ward a new and vigorous growth. The effects d
this article are not wannest, like those 4 glee
bolir preparations, but remain a beg time, which
makes Its tin a matter of economy.
lata to nuke me vividly remember what
It is deplorable when a man uses words! A Wail Yrs ■r. aa•1m it has done for me. While superintend-
Autumn I
roe rat
t, wit the most fastidious and th' Iuuat economic buyer
Is now complete, and I take pleasure in informing my customers that at no pie
vious slate have I bad such a
Will change the beard to a natural brown, c:
Mack. as desired. It produces a permanent color
that will not Saab away. Cooa1sting of a single
preparation, it u applied without trouble.
R. P, HALL & CO., Nashua, V.H.
Sold by all Dealers in Medicine.
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price ant,
it ie a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere.
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ins a up
in the Iciest approved styles by first -claw workmen, s nd
of the very best material obtainable.
Scrofttlora. Mercurial, and
Stood Disorders,
the best remedy, because themos:
searching and thorough
pacifier, is
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Said by all DroUlMa; $1, Ni betam, tie.
skill of the great tan tors
sA s : "Jir Leonard Tilley will add to ucould not walk for seven�dC and
active locomotion now, were it not for I
the kindly nth a of St. Jacobs Oil. Its
powerful healing and stimulating pro-
perties put me ri,tht on my feet. It did,
for a fact, and you can use the infenu•t-
tiun if you so please." M
!ext morning a young gentleman ca
to ask for her two daughters, who, not
having gut up, requested their mother to
say they were indisposed. The worthy
matron, unaccustomed to learnedphras-
e*, informed the visitors that her daugh-
ters were decea*ed.
A ladyin Fite, being informed by a
visitor tat he was suffering from a told,
prescribed this : "Just take tomo hot
gruel, sir, and get intu bed, and you'll
expire directly !" :'te nu doubt meant
A gentlewoman in Wieteesliire eae-
p.loyed a hoose carpenter, who became
an architect. She complained to • neigh-
bor that he was less &ttentive since • he
became an '`articknke.••
An honest old Scotch -woman remark-
ed to her master that she had seen all
Al -mut &certain case in the "ulcerated" -
slie mount the Iffeetratrd--Nuc('.
his reputation son financier if he recog-
nises the fact -that it is es ridiculous to
apply the .same tariffs to Regina as to
Toronto, u it would be to wear the saws
overdose in Regina that one hal been
accustnm?:t' • wear in Toronto, or even
":Brod will tell." A face adorned
with Pimples. Boils, Blotches dee, u
not a particularly pleasant sight, and in-
variably betokens an ilnF ure state of the
Blood. 1)r. Canp.n's Stomach Bitten
free the system from all gruel humeurs,
renders the Bl,ai pure and sol, *ions di-
ge,non ami gives a 1:eslthy appettte.
FM- sale b)y nil Druggists in largo beetles
at :)0 ovate.
Mr. J. I. Seymuur,l Druggist, St.
Catharines, writes that he fiuds an ever-
inereasing sale fur Burdock Blood Bit-
ters, and adds that he can without hest-
tenoy, recommend it. Burdock Blood
Bitters is the grand spec:'ic for all din
east.•. of the Bland, Liver ala i•:i.lmey. 2
The Pramse tia.pae
And thr.•ugllout the whole: d:acusewn
,.r John sat silent, listening to the on-
slaughts of nents
corp estionthe w thoputo raising fOrange lm * voiceto
say a wont in defend, ur in •rapport of
the measure he promised his 1 •ethren ho
One of our best citizen, would say to
the public teat he has trie,1 Halle Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it ib all that is claimed
for it. Prier 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by Geo.-Rhynae, stole agent for I: to -
rich. 3m :
"Almost everybody, remarked r.
A. C S ayart, representing Weber, Haw -
land d; Co., wholesale dealer in hats and
caps at Denver, "uses SL Jacobs Oil
whore I cause from. I once had a very
sore foot and very . n tturally employed
the Great German Remedy. It cured
my foot in • very short time. I also cin
recommend it."
"Are there any other ,•entle,nan pres-
ent, who would like to endorse this won-
derful specific l' said the reporter. "It
pan assumed the importance . f a public
question, and I intend to write it up for
the benefit of others who may need- the
offices cf this medicine."
"Yes," replied Mr. Wm. H. Dunlap,
representing tin great coffee house of
Jewett, Sherman & Co., Milwaukee•'
"put me down as another believer in St.
Jaoobs Oil. I had rhea inatisni and St.
Jacobs Oil cured me. You can just bet
on it every time.
"Gentlemen,- rem.ir'c l the reporter,
"this is a remarkable cpinctdence Two
Mr. Dunlap(', eaoli of whom never met
the other, both endorsing St..lacehs (nil,
followed by another gentleman in the
room. It is a regular experience
Spernc n in meet -
It will not he paralleled
Cheyenne." ,
The reporter was subse.lnentlyrtnfurnl-
ed by one of the prominent druggists in
the city that n'''ether Hayes had also used
the Greet German Remedy for rheumat-
ism, and, having been cured, commended
its employment to his people.
Tho above is a true hill, and may be
relied upon.
The repand. If aJsrtty
Tho utfici.t' rcturnaareenew all in and
the popular majority in favor of the
Mowat Admiuietration ran thrt '
000 to 18,000, according e way in
which you count the votes of those con-
stituencies which returned members by
acclamation, or in which more than two
candidates appeared, /,r wdero the two
candidates were of the same political
faith. --i Sarnia Observer.
would pass throuarti Parliatne,.t for their lee: feet, itctsitive and }'leatuanent are
benefit Wbatppoowerfwl inftoenoe kept the cures effected by fir. Van Buren's
the gag in Sir Jean's mouth on 'etch an Kidner Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
, .denim ! ._{Hants's Obset ver ney Disease is obtained after $ few doses.
See that your Druggist give* you Dr
Amster era Van Buren's Kidney tare Bold hp J.
1'en you find a case of Bright's Disease Wilson Goderioh Fust
.•f the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary ort No he,i bold ahou:d be considered
1 rets Coin taints that is curable, that ,
1 Oemplute without s bottle of Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure is in the closet.
It is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure &U forms
of kidney diseases. Sold by J Wilson
Hop Bitten has not or cannot cure • Ask
ur neighbors if they oan.
A !mow 1M14.•
it IS at..l.ed that the mote, of the Loyal
orange Lodes "
f Canada is t , be chang-
ed to "We . urrender." 'Sarnia Obser-
The tn. nth of April is the ;Int, that
the wise wait takes a Blood Purifier.
You caw* get a better •r safer medi-
Claetll{r Ik
w� • Carom'. Stnmsca sod Con
nipatees Bitten Price 50 cent, t ' .t-
t'e Ask year druggst about 1'
PT Oil WHICH Tip►: t b LZ
tahy meet ttmmealt/atreead * that e
...t etlassaas nook,
" Ib wmsas tr+ateaffemat �t
Iff tae
e_ tie
rretaaasa. owMr" tm
' ed Osfiay -
A roister recently deserted his native
garnyardnar Warreutnn. Vs., and went
to live in the woods with a lot of wild
turkeys. Ile crown as usual every u,orn-
isrs, and thus his mater learns where the
wild turkeys ere, and so he is a to
have rrltatturkey la eft an ',e 1:e •eaoh
4 ewe 0aOMB 111111111'e.
Never was such a rush winds fele say
Trial Beer l M a now at . 14 to
Trial BCW of Dr. Ritlg
sad Caw
llpersona affected w ttiht l�lsthem, Brea -
11 of say
Brea -chit , Aeiseewwa• tisveru Os'ngle
affection of the Trost or Leapte, tela get
Tenn lt'lottle et this �t remedy free.
Com,ceed largely or powdered Mica or Istn-
Vass, lathe OUT and CHEAPEST menet"-
tor,tithe world- m,RESTtt nseRa o
not gum, bill arms a tol{gy pet
laws over the ma*, reduWnafrictle* and
i lt;htioning the draft i t' a CHEAPEST tr I
:auio K costs NO MORE than inferior
1 -ands, and one box s4H do ewe work
v.wo of any other maim. A:,swera u wei
I w I arvester% 111l1 ciearing.'I breehing Iia
!chines, Cora -Planters, Carriages. inn
lett.. as for Wagons. GUARANTEED to{
' :Mita, n NO PetrOlwm- Sola by a 11 dealers
- `7.. 03r name C)etepews er TMh!w North
i sour^inn malted five.
218 Hudson St. New York.
Cleveland• T. rind C11IoSSO, In.
5 e MIJEL w^Ck Rs • CO. toror.to,Ont.
• • •-^eats for the pominlo'.
DO"VST N 11IT G-..
A soon rnVESTMENT.
You will Save Money by Buying Tour
Groceries A Provisions
tWe are Now Jelling This Season's
ees - tFtem 30ct.:I er 1L to 75cta
New (Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar, &.
Will'be Sold:Pruoortionally Chest•
ExtratFamily Flour
$2.25 pea SCC 1b
.1. Full Supply of
Oatmeal, i Cornmeal, Bray, Shorts, etc.
Always en Hand
The Best Quality of Coal 0ii at the Very Lowest Prices:
EGYPTIAN OIL. H. S. Hart & Co.
The Great Pain Conqueror.
rapidly dispels pain. ; teeepoonh,l :, water
will care a distracting head ache in ave min-
utes. It applied to any affected surface of the
body. as tooth ache. neuralgw, rheurnatiera.
d`c., it gives the sufferer comfort and inetan'.
relict.it Is a ehartning remedy. Only toe, sod
money refunded lr not av reprvwrntr.i
t. 7.IPAt ATT A t w.. Acte reeprMtera.
Brent f••^I, fn'ar'o
Goaerich Maus
lien u. ret•trn their thanks to the pu61tc
the liberal patro*age reoetved durinstre pas.
year and to state they are prepared to dc
E ti I lei r I N 451 -
on the shortest note -e, or for the convenience
of pe-tiee IIvInK at a distance will et:•hsnge
grist_ at their town store
Late, W. M. lfilliard'a, )
Masonic block. Feat St. Goderd:.
C. N aftel, 1 'Highest price paid for wheat 11E
Unimist. eiceme.ent for Omiti a hh. `
A week sande at home t•y tho 4.''
du+triols. Best buelnese now be
fore the public.. Capt•al not need • I
ed. We will *,•.r' 4i.lt. lien, woo .
men. boy. and girt+ wonted every-
wbere to work for na. NOW t• 11.•• time. Toa
can work In spam time. or ... e..ol••
time to the business. No other loiseite. vet will
pay yo* scatty w well. No one osn fail to I
make enormous pay, by en mo at nee.
Costly meat sad terns tree. :beeri made
tast.easay. iem wabi,. 1d4rca* Tv'? et'
Cc. 1u*I1lt Mae.
Headache is one of those distressing
complaints that depends upon nervous
irritants., had circulation, or a disorder-
ed state of the stomach, liver, bowels,
etc The editor and pr onrietor of the
Coasdm I'resbyfrreee war cured after
years of suUbrin,l with headache., and
now testifies to the virtue Y of Burdock
Blood Bitters
s asaellieg Dena very.
Physician's am often startled by re-
markable discoveries. The fait that Di.
King's Now Discovery for Coouwptiota
and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily
wring patients that they hero Riven sup
W die, s startling them to realise their
mom of duty, and examine into the
merits rd this woaderfnl di seewsryt ro-
oting in bandied* of nor best Phpet
demi wins it in their practise. 'Ental
treatise Retie it J. Wilanels Drat Store.
Regular slim .l.A t. (4)
a Stora Rep.h oallitslL at .heirs Drttel
Ito eels �• (d}
Ilea.dache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia :14111
Constipation promptly relieved and
cured by the use of Dir. Carson'sStn*ch
and Constipation Bitters. As a fatally
medicine they are hr seemlier to pills
In large bottles CA) cents.
As ole frosts art winter vanish unser
the satiric influence of the sun's rays,
a dues Hright's Disease. Dropsy, stop
is the Kid asys said Bladder, and hillier:
*alio* of the Kidneys, leave the body
spin tis administration of Dr. Van Bu
retia Kidney Cure. s"id by .1. Wilson.
sever Wye lip.
Rev. Ilasaiss Nowt talec.illumined
{eII and
.ur .I s,
. w *MI� of eabuIary
lovelier.), lis ewe, that he w'as not
is his old sin
probably referring to a recentpresents
wo somes fel of a hg Lorna'
b4,y aWow
Ilkstiael arise
An en
patens in lows,
■ehreeaa 11 inert Kea
MS, Jew Mexico. Arizona. It,..,
YM wed Teem
The i,IOKTKAT. ,. tpcilter and
TWAT nee to si Joseph.
Atchison. Tarp•kt tend
sin. Dallas, eel
he see best 'queer
waed r r
se eMea er tn.'
hb Iterate use net Iaprrlar for .Vbcrt
Lea M.erw.ydis sad et. Peal.
ratwsmity reputed es
eetaa tae Vest
A Il reeer.rte.es awl*
in t'ai.im
If yes are coffering with low and de-
presesd spirits, ter if appetite. general
debility, di.nrdker edr bleed,ee eenstof • bti-
tetion, headac y
hops natters, by all means procure a sed -
tis of Ileotrie Bitters. You will he sur-
urpry M we the rspsd improvement that
will folkw: you will be inspired with new
life , strength and activity will return .
pain and misery will cease. and hence
Meth you will rejoice in the praise of
Illeetric Bittern. Sold at fifty omits a
bottle by •T Wils en
Farmers Please Consider Til':.
rTli R PKai.': DAVI.4 r l'Y ;:i ..t' ft 3-N. 1 , • t.ernl -,J., .iy •a i • - 1.114,
I wiett la::n • b. 1111 01:111110.e.0 .'. of an
a Apt. W.%u^e
Cholort, :holnrt. n: 'r:mil.
•s ac 11 .11 r. gran. •- :r t, 1. , ' ...,c'.
par nem..
i Tor Tooth:ache...:sarti.;,
!•ti':aWr, Cuts, Uru'e.:iis. e...4
• "1 N tl...1;K w111 de ',o..n.h, WI' .'..,
•./- P141 .•!- •w,t Ac.cab.in .1 t., ,. o .marto i:,: 4,r'1
1 I "lr't•
-,.at. 1' u:
4:4/1.e, tlr:avp+t.
1 , Uy..-•esItory in Uf.rnen.
I6.n i1A1( If ebi..:r hips soe9 sal. sed it Vas
neer beer apes,: le toil too reel a core Ltd*
rlrido '+.1V•. It 1+ raced h atmmr
s 1 +mw
1 trgast ... cry •...'.no and horse iserounr* ter
t "le -v ,': I•i?e •:,....tole�Ias•twer rohpp
ears N• in awl dttoo_ roll. • 1.11.N
t', • K a 1111ee4 width in Ik n''I raffle*
1 , .,itch • en q,lekfr•
' `- PAIN [11J.IR is f, :.,:w kr
•.WevrtN, Uw,Nfa tai il ..1. •pas
.-..wely,nt 'lee world.
memo are sin arta esu tayMee tonna
R ., •,ia .varus atwlwe who L•
c wsst•Fj : lots n• who ere
mower.. ti.elg MIONIMen,
r e.. .•ttlii/. in Ise, tr.y - N' -- eft* d `EI
.. hrr.••• Lt mak.- ltww,ee. We welt sassolls
ahem. tie7i and twin 1+/ 'r.4t i.,t ere 0' Tee.•
own Inn&l.tiee. A iso: ^ e� t du toe ork pets'
NAY from ta• • ere'. wear' Ti. • sell ees It•1I
gay morn, tow, ', .. ,ow.' . tasty w1awi. Mr
v,• ee175 f oro 4t.d t. e*o. Ne owe waw esu
.ails tor1uit ..earl r$l..dl1 v'o , rap.,
mNe rent wenn* epee esu the wort or s
SMesa't,.w11 1M'fr.-
1n /.w elands. tea
T. 1 PerTga. ]! PtiRCEs�AI fir,
y RascPots ` • sit. d cenenae.O>t
n I m PtnnR ,
Censdtan Pan.. Ag t
Tetono, On,
li►,o. B. JoIXI'Tow,
TIeket Moats floderch
For sale by
in in i neon