HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 22
the Poet's touter,
an nines tat CweW.
Tkere are mountain heights where mur-
tale cannot style the snowy head ,
There are ocean de is unintended by
the sailor's lead ;
There are he1g hts of ve fur sinners
never reached by seraph's wigft
Arid depths of grace unh Homed In the
bosom of the King.
Like manna in the desert, our daily
bread is given ;
'Me believer, like the sainted John, oft
gets a glimpse of heaven ;
There is living water flowing fur the
thirsty one to taste ;
I:I hearts are roses blooming, which were
\once a desert waste.
There is strength for weakuess given to
the weary and the faint ;
•i here is hope for every sinner, and
there'a joy for every sarut ;
't here is present blessing given as an
esriiest from above,
And we get a taste d glory as we ponder
on His love.
-T. ¥cGitu•°cnuv.
TM MMus ttMs.N Team Rows IBM
Ottawa, April 18. --A alight blweee
sprung up this afterglow in the Henna,
to relocates to the emission from the
Hansard of seems uhosive wads used
by the lumber liar 13ewth Snows (Tyr-
wbitt) durisg the debate on the Or
Bill Mr. Tjrekitt had espsaaaed 4te
promo that it thpromo of th. Btu
sould present theimmigestion of certain
of the Irish iopttlistioo it would be a gad
thing. Whit the official report was dis
tributed, test p..s..ge in his speech did
not appear, and Mr Oasgrain drew the
attentios tit the House to the feet that
one of the most important points in the
speech had been eliminated.
Mr. Bowan, in the absence of Mr. Tyr-
whitt, explained that the latter came to
him the following morning and stated
that the newspaper reports were not cor-
rect, and that he had nut used the words
attributed to him.
Several members called out that he did
use the language as reported.
Mr. Tyrwhttt at this point entered the
Huuse,and being unaware of Mr. Howell's
excuse jumped up and adinitttd having
given expr,saion tothe very words which
Howell denied had been uttered. While
members were amused at Mr. Bow ell's
confusion, Mr. 'l' rwhitt, at the prompt -
• t W
1 1. ease 1'.Ieed ablrr by a RNM.11
'eoerease Reporter ing esidently of his friends, who had
been hurriedly explaining the situation
to him, again rose and qualified his
( In Wednesday a Gowstrlercial reporter statement by saying that although he used
.accepted an invitation to visit the new the language, he only meant that if rais-
e teawer, United Empire, now nearing ing the Orange Hag in the Dominiun
completion at Sarnia. This boat has would prevent members of secret went -
been sold to the Northwestern Trans r- ties and fugitives from justice from com-
et' ing to Canada, it would he a great bene-
tat►nn Company,anci by the conditions of fit.
the sale must be ready to be handed over Mr. Ives suggested, amid an explosion
to the purchasers complete by the 15th Of laughter, that a better explanation
of Ma would have teen that hie anathemas
May. had been directed against the influx of
There are in all sixty-one staterooms, Chinese.
between each of which is a sliding door Mr. White, evidently expecting the
which may be thrown open ; making a matter to be brought up. pulled a letter
Cozy family compartment These rooms out of his pocket, written by the chief re-
porter, which endeavored to explain sway
will be carpeted with Brussels carpet and the doctrine of Mr. Tyrwhitt's speech,
the windows will be hung with raw silk by saying that some of his remarks were
lambroquins. inaudible. The excuse was too flimsy
The floor of the cabin will be covered and transparent to obtain credence.
wiah the beat Brus•ely carpetand theMr. John White, quite annoyed at the
trouble caused in the camp of his friends,
cabin itself furnished in crimson plush tried to defend Mr. TVrwnitt, and at the
while the cabin windows fore and aft same time give his Bleu opponents& slap
will be draped in raw Bilk curtains an by saying that Irishmen -Catholic or
lambrequin*. Pnitestant-could settle their own di&
req culties, and that an Irish Catholic would
The pantry is situated about amidships at any time, prefer an Orange neighbor
and conveniently arranged and furnish- to a Frenchman.
ed with steam heaters and other appur- The Speaker put an end to the discus-
necessaryfor the business With sion by taking advantage of s pause to ed.
hurry on to the orders of the day.
the exception of the pantry the whose
cabin will be open to ladies, the usual
gentlemen's smoking room being releg-
ated to the regions down below.
Ample provision has been made for
the accommodation of steerage passen-
gers. There aro nine rooms with twenty-
four berths to a room. Adjoining these
rooms are cleacts and hot and cold
water sinks, the while making the axe
extensive steerage arraneemeuts to be
found in any boat oat the lakes.
Theengine is a compound one, 34
inches in diameter to high pressure
cylinder and 68 inches to low pressure
cylinder, with a 42 inch stroke. The re-
versing (inks are thrown by an iudepem-
The Lewd.. tssaasshtees Anil suer
Wbleeaesd *Wean* to Magna►
TW very rysaerloes ha.
Lutenolt, April 19 Norman Dalton,
Wila.s, Dr. Gallagher, Bwrna4(lalls-
ghar, Curtin, Ausburg, and W tehead
wen brought into o qrt •this inorwing.
Norman was oonrev.d by a deteetive sep-
arately frons the other primmer.. White-
head protested against handcuffs being
planed on his wrists, aced declared that
the entrance to the wed room was the
gates of hell The primmer* being ar-
rainged it was annousoed that Norman
had turned informer, and the rest of the
prisoners including Bernard Gallagher
and Whit.iheai1 were formally charged
with treason and felony. Poland, the
Crown opened, said he had &quantity of
fresh evidence against the prisoners,
which would be furnished at the pruper
time. Norman testified that his real
name was W.. Joseph Lynch, and that
he was born of Insh parents, in the
State of New York. Lynch swore he
worked in October last at a coach build-
er's in Brooklyn. Ile then joined a
secret society in New York, the object
of which was to free Ireland by force.
The members went by numbers and the
hall in which he was sworn in was 'em-
oted at the comer of 2nd at. and the
Bowery, where were other associated
clubs- The managers of the clubs were
known as distract menbera. They were
not known to each other by names.
Mein bets were selected to go eu miaaions.
Lynch was sent to Dr. Gallagher who
lived at Green Point. L J. Gallagher
told him he was to go to London; he
would know what fur when he got there.
Gallagher gave him 160 and told him to
take a steeragepwage by the Str. Spain
under the name of Norman. Gallaher
gave him 8100 more and told him to go
to London, and enquire at the American
Exchange for a letter addressed to him.
Lynch did nut want to go, as he had rel-
atives to support, but finally went. Gal-
latrher gave him a small box. He exam-
ined this on the steamer, and finding it
contained a spring which worked by
pressure, he became alarmed and threw
It into the sea.
Loseete, April 20. --In the dynamite
trial yeerday Bernard Gallagher stated
that ..t
he was a native of Scotland, and re-
turned there from America to work as
an iron molder. His brother paid his
passage, but he was ignorant of the doc-
tor's business. He says he is not a Fen-
ian, nor a member of any secret society,
and declares he was at Sing -sing, New
York, at the time of the explosion at
Glasgow, with causing which he is charg-
(6) Ito say wheat land boo ploughed Tales Weer (Mare.
be Yee oath be e.rk, . erv• tee d. r 1•..tut•,
up, .f ie any quantitytoter ►r (0 1 laid deb . nur+. disgust �1w1 wt 0.. (11� L wither rt ruwnt (3) 1 " r 1
What is Its iendilion 1 rad
ur hand, or. t t :e:, .
Mitre 'd health anti 1.
(1) What is the ovi41tket of the
Clover crop, (2) hue has it baso affected
by Winter or Spring weather I
(1) What is the condition yf Lir.
$to0k-(2) Huron, (3) Caub, (4) 8heep,
and (6) Piot (6) has say disease ap-
peared asenagi ftban, sad, if se, (1) of
what nadirs sad what lase beau its ef-
fects? (8) Was there a auMcieaey ur r
aearoity of (udder supply throughout the
winter 1
11) L any considerable quantity of
wheat in farmers bands above reserves
for home ooesumption ? (2) is any one
siderable quantity of hay and .'utas 1 (3)
Are any considerable numbers of fat and
store cattle t
(1) In what stage is t eirctati.da, ata
what is the appearance of fruit trees !
(2) How has the winter affected them ?
(1) What pro.tress h Is lacen wail.
with Spring work l -i When dot
ploughing and seeding begin
(1) Are any new varieties of semi Lo
ung introduced, and, ifs.•. what are thei'
merits! 2) Is any effort brine made for
systematic interchange of seed between
distant section.* of the Province, amu
what ars. the adventages if any iuds!"i
by the quantity and quality to pi o -
duce ?
(1) Is there a sufficient supply or a
scarcity of farm labourers( ..2) What' is
the average rate of wages per month.
with and without board?
11) Are there any wild rabbits in yew
section other than the native wild swamp
rabbit or beret (2) When did they tirst
appear in your .neighborhood! '3) Are
they increasing ! 4 Do they burros
Summer ur Winters .5. In what local
ity are they said to he roost numerous''
(6) What damage have they done t,
crops or fruit trees in your section, t7
Do you know of any pers.en who ha,
imported English or American rabbits
and set therm l,..ee to run wild? If sat,
give date, number, and other }rrticu
A hex containing powder has been
found in rear of the Timra office. A
Mash ora Centenarian. traiu had beets laid to effect an explosion
at a convenient moment. One report
says the .u.t- was burning when it was
The London Tinea says, '•if Lynch's
evidence can he satisfactory proved, and
it can be shown that Russe furnished the
Targe sum found on Bernard •Gallagher,
it will be a queation whether Roust can-
not by some sort of international pro-
cedure be made amenable t i the laws of
the Empire. The Irish conspirators
must 'be considered criminals, nut belli-
New Yoex, April 19. -An enquiry in-
to the truth of the statement by one of
the London dynamite conspirators, that
the society to which he bc'onged net oat
the corner of the Bowery and Secepd-st.
in this city,shows that"Eenerald edge,"
•dent engine. There are two boilers of ed was a remar)teble woman, and in the having about thirty members, was in the
early days she was highly respected and habit of meeting there.
steel, 12 feet in diameter and intended beloved by the settlers. She always en -
to carry 100 pounds id steam. Tlic prin- joyed fair health, and considering her -
cipal parts of the engine are i.f steel. great age was possessed of extraordinary INFORMATION 'WANTED.
The engineer assures your reporter that strength, while her eyesight was as good
it was the largest engine in any propeller as it was fifty years ago. While her
f,•ebleness had increased greatly during
on the lakes. the past few months, the morning of her
The United Empire i3 259 feet long, death she felt unusually smart. Death
36 feet in width ; retain dock to upper stole upon her as eently as slumber to an
• infant. She was lying on a couch near
deck 9 feet ; upper deck to crown clerk the stove, and passed away without any
11 feet. of the family knowing or being aware of
The 111111 Was Lutit by Perry it Dyble, the fact that the spirit was taking its
Sarnia, and the cabin by Mr. William flight to a better wield, Reporter.
On Friday, 6th inst.. Mrs. ArchieMc-
Donald, of the 6th con. Kincardine town
ship, died at the age of 107 years. The
deceas"d was born in Inverness, Scotland,
in 1775 and came to this eountry, with
husband and family, and settled in Nova
Scotia, in 1828. In 1855 they moved to
Kincardine and settled on the lot 9, 5th
con. where she resided until her death.
The husband died eighteen yeary ago at
the advanced age of 82 years, Three
children survive the parents. Augus
McDonald lives on the homestead, and it
was with him -the mthen resided • Ken-
neth, another on, lives near Glanimis
and the only daughter Mrs. John 31c -
Leu], resides nn the 5th concession, near
the old home of;the pareuts. The deceas-
Carlisle, Port • Huron, The cabin de-
corations are in charge of harry Clucas
4 Use.&'. Rerepti,s 1■ I'rt retie.
of Goderich, wliu is dating his wprk with Petrolia Adrert;.<, r details at con-
ai,The.crale length an account of a reception own juduntent as to the comeletetiess' or Headache, Toothache, etc. It does
artistic skill and completeness. given Mr. F'. Westlake, who had come fullness his report, but brevityand ac- sea,
No pains have been spared to make P not blister plidir•hio the skin ; re -
all P1 into their midst with the intention of es- curacy are of the first importance. It is quires but one application to banish all
this boat thoroughly substantial as well tablishing a Masonic lodge under a char- not necessary to answer every ,tnesti•en, pain magically without using any greasy
as beautiful and comm•,dious, and we ter from the Ontario Grand Lodge. A un every subject. Iminient or carrying your head in a pouf
find a happy blending of every -thing that place, legal
ser vicesoton mfr. Inakeudiligenteach
enquiry e inJlhisnt neigh! feel��from Geo,TRh Has' druggiive st. cent
necessary to produce these r -sults. The Westlake Re a working ally, and together borheod concerning the Rabbit. as from y gb
gangways are heavily protected within the couple canvassed the citizens in the information recently received by the What is commonly known as heart
by strong bars and without by iron shut- interests of their mission. On the night Bureau there is iso gout that this great burn can he cured in two minutes 1 I
ters,extra precaution having been adopt- frier i wereif the 12th lstrollingetlake andt gather mono of al appearanthe
ce in severalrm has
localities. ■a1 to y i using cents. Fo'untainr of Health. Price 25
ed to strengthen her in this respect. the streets, when they were greeted with explain that the animal usually called I --
Her new officers whc are among the a well -delivered battery of crude oil, rot- by that name in this country is in reality ' Seeing is believing. Read the testi
oldest in the service of the company are ten o8ee, etc. Westlake ran into a hotel a Hare. It is about twenty-one inches I menials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
justly proud of their promising vessel, and escaped with very little trouble, het in length. and in cher is grey in summer Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a betide
and white
n"usuc strung and rugged y rat • ed that • the lawyer received full beneht,thocrude tc in winter. The rabbit pml,er and'relieve yourself of all those distress -
,and in lio oil being poured on his head until he was is only sixteen inches in length, and is ing pains. Your Drugeeet can tell you
p:cnounce her the very best afloat on in- completely immersed in the obnoxious grey the yoar round. It is exceedingly all about it. Suitt by,1 Wilson Goderich
land waters, Tho United Empire will element, and the residents near at hand prolific, one pair being estimated to , 2m
be nflicetel at follows: Captain- E.Role any they could drlptinctly distinguish the multiply to of least half a million in .
inson ; Purser --John 31cEdwards ; Ste- crack ! crack" crack !-' of the numerous four years. In sections of the Western : •t t.eod otter
bed productions of the te'eultryyar,l which Staten and in New Zealand the Rabbit i
The Chieag'., Burlington A sueQuinsydan
ward -G. H. Buasay ;Chief Engineer- were enthusiastically h:lrled at him, is the farmer's worst enemyy, doing 'In' Railroad Company'has just is
Thomas Pettigrew ; Aseistat+t En tineer while' the shouts of murder ' murder ! ! menso damage to orchanl1 and grain ' illustrated treatise, ' •The Heart of the
,Tohn Kelley. I murder ! ! ! mingled with a sort of chek- crops every year. The inarticular varie- ontinent, ' describin the wonderful
Ing or Alt allowing annd, showed how ty of rabbit in Ontario is not yet acct- ! d
effectually the work was being done. To rattly known ; it is indeed probable that • growth of the 'ix Great States. The Muk
Co1bOTaf. read the 1'etrulia paper' accounts of the we have got several varieties, and all I M beautifully printed, and adorn int ate en
affair "ns soul:} sttpposc that the victims are miachievours. This coljestEion rosy gra" . e high merit its
.Quarterly faceting t; as held ,n the richly deserved the rough usage they re• be definitely settled by sending a spec'. I n one sending their name and address
Zion 13. C. Church rot Sunday 16 inst. ceived. Rowdyism and assaults team men (by exjtression to Ur. J. E 1Vhite, wawn throe ccat postage stamps
Business meeting on Tuesday following. inogenrivecitizens are differently treated secretary• of the Natural Histo ry Society, v1.111 irng t,, a copy I return mail, by
T. -mine., who has received instructions applying to Perceval Lowell, General
fr.nt the Cnnvntiasiener of Agriculture f usenger Agent, Chicago lllinoiay tit
sat 'ecr. a new ams
Government Circular to (orre.pondeuts.
The first Monthly Repurt of the Bur-
eau this i year willpublished be pat ,bahed about
the 10th of May. The subjects with
ahich it is proposed to deal are fully set
forth in the acconepanyine Schedule, and
I shall be pleased if you will furnish the
information concerning them f, r your
township nr locality. The olueatn,na are
numbered, and the answers should also
be numbered to agree therewith. The
Correspondent will of course exercise his
don't. llesei bbeter4 o
mi.ety and do you • world "f
you I..r,,evuru its
When the Wu• d it •u' '.re
is thin and ia-1J, 1;,,',d :'- e3 1•.
Lir. Under .eek co., it • ears trtlta.
plea, headaches, hour: it. , 1•
Mal one dimas' after ...
, t. Take Ayers i.re p.J .1.
make the W .rd punt, red) and
t w *mar Impaled awe tarried Through
woatrral on • (•ewes More.
a alesslag t a'; Kat.
10 these limos t.1,ln•
aro'heeled won pa mil as
tis iti'uta, it 1e gretirytirt t
t•• pncure that wt. e, t
It you aro biltraua, :.i i o
beer iva. Ivte, or
there is teatime 11
c,tr, �..0 a ..1uckl.
They are a biretta t •. ah
an he !tad fi.r only .. , cue,•
u' Ja eon Watson.
[gays Dryden
"Sur tarawe hal' HI*=.
RI ,! a•�Ciel.
:an draw you t., }I; . nip :hr.'
Itut it meet tin boa•.:; i:.1 1,.,,. to hilt •
-duh Lower ; 'eat heel, �„1 ,. •, „eo le -
ensured tiv a use d' :r Aeroo 1 A 1
Ra.yewra. Hold at 6t► r•. bat .1 Willem.
4' . •
r -
,t if
A tantalise own hasn't uwch lime to
roma is, gutUug 'ice and well aegis.
owero sillrather
warty ,u111 eaffair
to` nd 'lam t 1
t ,: ,fl,•n ruin, .]t te ke who should
e eels
taw by Ilse hweleab.
eel dtws•e at lea first •
•1a rh dea�sat t
sat dowel Dr N tubi P
pry he sI i -'tela is Ow beet .e W
r three lW. known Mr. W
Jleulu, Bruultivld, N. 8„ lays
;, .t be Iced a w•,yth aur yam which he
. ,rd would end • i consumption. Dr.
'iron's t'ulauu.asry Cherry Balsam
a, a •.1 halal perftctl).
alllettTEa1 MCI PAldlAt:Y,
l:c J.4/(.41.47/.11•.
f1*Iit s, -starch 34th.
•o• .cul
Rew•Aan (►f e... .1 •'e "feasts
av to any tinesci•ot•;; it bast our hub
[b�louoil "t'tl:i-i:atl, ''.tat ,.u.arkttte
little ;;eta for .i:t. sec'' 1 11 t , '•rk
pour drwu;„ opt , • a,W„
Sunp)y wire: tthul. is ai1 1 o edy ui
the etl'•et . 1 lir. Vu. lot -, r Ktduey
Ours in my case. An elu.rl, lad)
writes this from Anti,,oi.i. h, 1'. S. v h
'tad suffered from pains in the hack f'
twenty year& Sbdd be J. W ,e,u Gude
rich 2m
Montreal, April 13.- Yesterday fore-
noon some cattle were being driven to-
ward the abattcir and when near Panet
street a large cow straggled a abort dis-
tance behind the rest. At this moment
Mrs. Fleas McEnroe, residing at 13 Bona-
parte street, in rounding the corner of
Panet street came unexpectedly near 0 e
animal. The latter at once charged for -
ously upon her, and before the unfortu-
nate woman could realize the situation
the creature had her impaled upon its
horns and was making rapid headway
with her down Craig street. Being stop-
ped by lime men with spades and pick-
axes, the cow turned suddenly into a
doorway and made frantic efforts to toss
its victim in the sir. This it w is pre-
vented from doing by the fact that iU
horns, which were crooked sharply back
ward in a peculiarly shaped manner wer,•
so entangled in the woman'' clothe g
that it was impossible to throw her oh
The men promptly closed in upon the
cow, and with the aid of a rope and a
policeman, who arrived nn the scene
managed to secure her and liberate th.
woman who w
h asthis time in an un
conscious state, suspended by the cloth .
ing front the brute's horns. The womess's.
injuries consisted of a gash reaching to
the scull, across the head, extending near-
ly front ear to ear, and a large Te•rtton rot
the scalp of the entire top of the heed
more or lee' torn off,
tsasif Mew Ord
For, any Testimonials recommending Mc-
Greror s Speedy Cure fur Dyspepsia.
['digestion, Costiveness, Iiutdache, etc..
that are nut genuine ; none of which err
from persons in the States.ir thousend>
f miles away, b o
n}, tit feint persons in mill
ar.'und Hamilton, the. We give trill
bottles free of cost, so that you cannot
b deceived by purchasing w .rthde s
article, but know it. value Were buyiut!
Trial kettles and teaimrnials given free
at Gee. 1lhynas• drug store.
rise ttalrkest Third o. Record
Ts Kraut's Fluid Lightning for Neural -
Pinkeye has afflicted a few horses in
this section. g to report mn the h) Th v
Reeding operati rte are fairly under 4huceauaeare Ie'tu cured 1'aturh' law •
1 maybald, deem not protect the. Thousands hear witnese to the pos1-
way, and the weather assumes a +redy ever year with Hall's Catarrh lure, that rablvit ; it mayhe hunted, aken „r i five curative }powers of the GREAT (that
appearance. 1 e Delon had given up and said c'•old killed at bit season. VAV r' ie itsc)fR. the only rcniedy that nt'i Cn r YRATRD
Mr. V. Fight:- hs u< ; purchased the notate cared 75 cents a bottle. Seidl Under the ?read .f General Remarks 1 has proved itself a specific for general eo
McNaurhton property. The statement by t4aeorQP Rhyne., tyle agent f,nr (lode make a noted am bath act of s •cit) In- debility, seminal es that
weakness, impotency, L A R D Z N $' . "
was made to your a rrov ondenf far en rich. 3m t , 1 Pt• etc. , Roll all diseases that arise from self -
1 ersat in your •l.a aGty : nr suggest any I abuse or overtaxed train, finally ending
rte u in' (celled h
-w-- I ' 1 any other oil on the
Th well Rewarded. 1 torose that you only c insider t.. he worthy in consumption, insanity ant a Nemo'-
tema v►ewAaal"O etp�+rt�MstrperG,r merle
short this tune although quite s number I y I Your t! •a.rt tib"")'1 l P a aile.i 5" ss t , Lure grave 34,1,1 by ail drut(gista, or
All - lire Highest Prises .'
'oriland, March !15th. alrhfaa, Mart h Stet.
Halifax, April ;th
t:w /tf)/NIA N,
Cortland, April 12111. Ratites. April 14th.
Halltaa, April 2Ir1.
t'orttasd, Al'r.1 74h-' Ilalltax. April23th.
8.1 RA1.1 TIAX,
Halttsx. May 5th.
PA RJS!_1 N.
!tablas. \Jay 12th.
Mr After wt.:ah the Steamers will be de
pat- hcd Num duetwr.
■ewseteeer This.
If you are sick Hop hitter will surely
aid Nature in making you well shun all
else fails.
If you etc c'•stivr or dyspeptic, or art
suffering frit any other of the butte -r-
etie diseases .•r the ,tuanach or bp.wel..
it is your ow n fault if you remain ill, I r
Hop Bitters are a sovereign remedy tit
all such coutplatuts.
If you are wasting away with any form
of Kidney Disease, stop tu.aptine Death
(Itis moment, and tun for a core t.. Hee
If you are sick with !list to rible sick
nesa ervousness, you will hnd a "Balm
in Gilead" iu the use of Hop Bitter.
If you are $ frequenter, o r a resident
.f a miasmatic district, barricade your
*yatem agair-• the scenrre of all coup
tries- -malarial, epidela:c, 1;liens, and
intermittent Perera --by the use ..f Hol,
Hitt era
If you have a merle pink(•ly, or adieu
ikin, bad breath, lama end aches, vied
eel miserable eeneedly. Hop ltitter-
will give you fair skin, rich b1... i, and
sweetest breath, health, and fort.
in short they cul. +Ili .1,,,.•aaos of th,
Stomarch, Rowels, 111. d, Liver. Nerves
KKidneys+, Bright's Disease. $500 will
h.: pant for a case they will not cure of
That peps, bedridden, invalid wife,
ester, mother, er&rightt-r. rent tie msrh
the picture of he:t''h. ,by a (illi 1 alar of
Top Bittern, u••st n t hitt a trifle. Will
you let theses tl'! ' Idle
PI'E'SCI'I 1110 !)ttiip.� Sluff.
Fresh Flowf r and Garden Suds,
n Faulk or I'ackagp..
100_ PFR_ PAr f� y Q1�.
1883 -SPRING --1883
Mammoth Lon' Red Maniinld.
Turnip Seeds, ()Crory variety.)
Carrot Searle, "
Garden Seeds,
Seed Peas, Iterlcy, tint and IVheat.
Hungarian ierd and Mill(tt.
Anckwheat. Timothy and Clover Seth.
and )+l '
ak e.
Worrier t3aviltcn and t; I,•tnri• streets.)
lcColl Bros, k Co„ Toronto.
Ufa• „ I tVto!• vale healers In
The sugar season will prub.iLly be A hb•.rel reward will be bay to ail eel t our
have their "Logan in the busin.-sv. 'arty who will pred•.;e a oast! of Liver, tfelseh the 'Bare,,„ nut later than Thurs. ' Will be sent tree en rtreipt of j1.00 per
Kidney w Stomach complaint that iLlec ref IN hex, nr sax Mies fo r tl t. Address F. J
-�"- i tris Bitters will not speedily c'irr, Bring �the •3 q :fry, however valrable Caetcn, Toledo, Ohi, bole agent for whercrer we nahtW,e41t siaee 111ft1 among
Now that there is & reliable neo dy for teem &1o.., it will costyen nothing I ir�+alllation may he, it is valueless if � t1 L'ts .d Mtata•. Send for ,.,..-.la_ r>te nssMrof
._ 1 e dam !whim eaesiwsd in ti• f
kidney -, u.,lee, half the terrors attached the medtetwe if it fails to cure, and yew
nae or nse,
and testim.mials of genuine cures (see g Qpilt& /tidal
to these complaints have been renewed I will etre well rewarded for your trouble got Yfil
4 8*D5-1.5 or outmost. Khynaa, Gmlerich. 3m
1141r this let a1! be thankful, and to Dr. besides.. All Binod diseases, Bilious- (1 tt rat s the moral a,ndithon of Qt
Yea Buren's Kidney Cure .1 , cion - Fall Wheat � �'
ba�M tnrtetsws 111pn„r,ew, It t. w•rrasted
y award all nrw, x edict. O,enstil.a and gene- .a t 2 hat s Its condtUuo CtlroAr.t+,r.. -- A name welt known tMt suer. .r tol7atd.r(ytl
praise for ha: ing fling removed a hitherto ral d'•dility are quidly cured. Satiate.- on the lari..ue soils! 3' To what es- I '•nneetion with the Hair Renewer which � eoe ha�ithe .e the
considered fatal d.aeasa from our path. I tion goatanteed .r matey nfuadei, I Met, 11 at all, has it beep inured by I adores grey hair to its natural color by M H `►�Rv iT,
it was never known to fail. is old b ,T jt'r
y Price only MAY cents per irattle For snow, see ram or frosts 1 (4) .n iniad I a few weeks use Sold at no centpers R
gm •
sah. by .i WVilr,n. (G) eldest, if at all, by worms w insects ! 1 bottle by ,lamp+, Wilson 2m NoikrMcKenzie
..-sty•'.•. •••..
Inst train leaves Tomato s itb the malls and
p,,.aa�ar� at 7:13 every Thursday waning,
oma- horsing with the steamer a s Nantas_
Uorticketaand evert informatlou spph to
Ticket Agent,
1 Gave )est to hand a toll *apply of
of all kinds, wkich 1 will Dell cbea .
t:+ AL1IO
Fresh and Well Selected.
Crocker GIii
of all kinds at 1. oictI possible pri.r
dkt i1. a.,t,1.- and relirve .11 thr trooNN ,n •
de:tto■ hat..us bute of thea idea, each a. D^-
so,rM, Hauer*. Drowaieews. i after mint.
rn'n In the ',dc, Ar while their most remark
•bye wacessa has been shown in curing
fletulne e,yrsCuter`al.ittfeLlvwPUI.ar.cerarl7
valuable is Wmtlpwyga, analog and bu•4
\tie annoying compllaaiilnt, wb,.r hry a .o corn*.
all di•ord.ra of the stomach, Wham he !w-
and rr;:ulute the bowels- Etta if they ddd 7 cuff
Atli- they wrmld bealmostpriceless to thaw, who
.ufr•r from this distressing complain', bat forte
sat ' .I y their goodness dors not end herr, and then
wko Hsu try thrm will And then little pills vale
•bl•• in in mane ways that they will not be willla'
to do with"nt them. But after all trick head
1.: • bane of on many lives ta•thev ia when w•
a,... our great boast. Oar pun care It wWc
others donor
t;arlar'. Little Liver Pin. are very small rad
vwy.as7 to take. Ono or two pills makes dor
Thar tate striate veg.tabe awl do sot gripe
perm, but by their gentle action ple.,e ali into
see them, In vols st 115 brute: ere for gl. 80,4
by druggists everywhere, or .est by wad
Now York Olty.
Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain
and Mcuite River Countr t
Trtbalary to the (Is::ed Ltats* Lard „111 ••
a1RCT1•e t L It iP and hitt. par, •
matted IRII. t r. :.n y address b7
H >F'. YcNAL14
+erew1 Ttavenlsse Aeon'
11 PAUL. Mlgrf s►Ol if fl weitOII l 1
'n t I,..t alt Ter.s/*. esu