The Huron Signal, 1883-04-27, Page 140- o7.VOTE ° o couNT ' NEWS vHOLENL'MtD.ItOto d Assest fqs .oil - . e: f ANo GENERAL iNTLLIL``' or +;-01ERICII. ONT., FRIDAY. APRIL 27, 1883. New .tdverthemeru. t gars. Geo. Rhynas. 'hush Wire. -J. A. Nate'. i:.- West Hares. -R. Gibbons. Card of Thank$. -Capt. Miller. ito West Huron. --Rohs. Gibbet, Painters Wanted. --E. R. 'Watson. 'lease Manutactare.--Ptaito Noble. I1aby Carnage*. -Sounders & Son. New Millinery. -Miss Jamie Wile I. l'arI of Thanks.-Arehdeac•on Elwood. Auction Salo. -Cameron, dolt & Cameron. Important Anemia .cmlot. - W. ll. Ridley. lttllLnerl'lead Quartacs. -Mies W1lkirses. £Jentistrg. VNICHOLSON, SUR/ UON DEN- T(.l f. O %lead residence. West Street thraldom* below Beak of 'issues', bete le\ - Mf Z`► ; People's Column. DAINTsR3 WANTED. -A COUPLE of good platen are wasted immediatt- 1 y. A y at Jaw H. Wetser's Paint Seep. CARD OF THANKS. ler oecers "tad men of Goderich Volun- teers re toe rees thee sincere thanks to the sat Meads d the town who have so it .jird la every possible way to secure Aha .ire to provide helmets for the 1M. J. R. MILL ER. Capt. -e CARD OF THANKS. -- ARCH - 1. llnUi Bl. gratitude tOODette he ladies ofd be his ers wonting la r. ter An wen h. net to .A rye great - seal Aad aotivltl..n - our Art Loan Ea- kene. 1. fad. M halts•xprolaseed touch s01a a solacek M that all witkowt , relates oast,d iil ce Tally to the let', work be bad la heed. The Lord grantthattha such a feeling '.sal be V amongst ta. Thee taded.wIU (foderlch'ataad out .5 • town to be admired and respected. l IAUTION. - ALL PARTIES ARE li hereby cautioned against .rn ntii.tise Wit Martie favor re the uad n of Wawaneth, for the sum d lilts, due 1st Oct.. 1003. and also of note same ,n ray favor by (leo Kitson• township. for 75, doe let Oct. 1883. The notes have been by me. and 1 herby for hid their sale or negotiation. as 1 will not Ald myself res bye for their payment. CHANCEY BROWN. 1187dt. Dungannon. P.O. L!OR SALE OR TO RENT. - TWO Li ACRES OF LAND and a good frame horsee and stables. with three good wells and I orchard of choice fruit, comprising ap- p plums. do...leo • number of g vines. The above is situated on inch's "•irvel. neer the international Seat Block. one mile from the "Square." and will be sold e p or rented to a suitable tenant. For particulars apply to Mrs. THOMAS DIXON, or at this oMoe. 1887-R. FARM TO RENT. 30acres. nearly free of stumps. Good tarn and otber buildsngs. Brick cottage with Cel- lar. Good orchard sad an fen,. e,1.. En- quire of R. T. HAYNE'1 yheppardton. 138641. FOR SALE. A first class brick hottest. mile. under the .c H ole house. and It acres and on the l±a7- 1. -Id road, Ooderich.there Is • good stable aad i i o%ing shed.hard and soft water on the prem- t " grounds well Wd out. For :pp*yr*leonn the premises or to M. eke.; Auctioneering. I TOHN KNOX, LICENSED ot AUC Naleslattended tin ell parts of the County. Or- den lett at Martin's Hotel ur at this Aloe will be promptly attended to. 18117.ff. JAMES PRENTICE, AUCTIONEER P/ and appraiser, tsuereror to John C. Cur rip. the People's A eci ioa••er.l OMoe- Currie's Old Stand. 187$-Iy. HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR • the County of Huron. Sales attended In say part of the County. Address orders to Galeria* 1'. O. Ulan. AUCTION SA LK OF VALUABLE t'AHM PIiOPEl(TV. (oder and by virtue of a power of sal, contalu,d in a cousin tnurt gagr whisk will ho pa•u,lueod at the cameo( aale,dated the Bird day of March. 1380, made by one Hobert Tag gert to the Vendor. there will be sold by pub- Uo auction on Saturday, the lath dal of MAY. Ism at t weI'.e o'clock. noon by John Knox. Goderich. Auctioneela usat etU Comely of Heron. thIn tbe Town ollowf- lag valuable property Heady --The weat bait of lot number fourteen un the eighth (reams sloe of the township of Wawanesk In the County of Hums. co.talnies sae hundred acres of land, more or Isar. This farm Is situated uwo-bait mole from the Northern Gravel Road. in a well tiled district, two mild from the Village Het - fast. three tulles from Duagaenos, an four- teen miles from the Town of Goderich. an Im- portant station on the Grind Trunk Railway. The soil Is a good clad loam ad ls in • good state of cultivation, and It is• well water- ed by three good springs that never fall. The hates are Incondition. There la on the lace an ori•rd of two acres of the beet mated trulu and a square -hewed cedar and hemlock house, 30 z sx with a kitchen attaeh- ed 12 z It. There is also • large hams bars. Sol ie 711. • frame shed 32 z 2Y, alit a stable 30 x t1. For further 'articular, and conditions of sale apply to CAMILMON, HOLT & CAMERON. Vendor's Soliolt.rs, Dated Nth April, teat Gojt MORTGAGE SALE OF VALI'ABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Under and' by virtue of • power of sale contained in • certain mortgage which will he produced at the time of sere. dated the Fiat day of January, A. U. isle. made by Christian Zepne to the Vendor, then will be sold by public auction, on WednesdayMay Ind. ISA at twelve o'clock noon, by William Harrison. Auctioneer. at Morgan's Hotel. in the village of Hayfield,in the County of Huron, the following valuable propertyn•moly:_Lots running numbers two hundred and thirty-one and two hundred and thirty-two, in the V3 - of Mayfield, In the County of Huron, con- ning one-half an acre of land• morn or ley.... On the above property there is • good frame dwelling• oiie and one-half stories.* frame stable and a ood hard water well. There is also a noes -class youeg orchard on the premises. TERMS :- Ten, poo rent of the p•rr.•ha.e money In malt it the limo of sale. and the bal- ance la Oto month thereafter, For farther perticulars appy to the Auc- tioneer, or to CAMERON, IIOLT & CAMERON. VWM. IIARRiSON, Auctioneer. Rayfield ix. Dated 13th April. A.D. 1331, 1837-2t. A ORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. ruder mid by 'i:tue of a power of Sale contained /n a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, dated the Eleventh day of October. A.U. Igoe, made by one James O4trachaa,and an assignment there- of to the Vendor. dated the ninth day o Sep - ember. A.D. 1431, which will also be produc- ed at the time of sale, there will be *old by pontio public Auctn• on esturday, the 5th of May, 11!81, at twelve o'clock, noop, by H. W Baa, Auctioneer. at Martin's hotel, in the Town of Ooderiok. in the County of Huron the fol- lowing valuable namely mely :--Lot num- ber fire hundred and ninety-two, in the Town of Oodeticb. to the county of Huron oontain- Ing by admeasurement ono 'ruiner of an acre of lead, more er lees. There is a good one and a half story frame .t house in the premises in a good ate of re- pair al,o a good hart water well. Tbe property ie well situated, being a Oh- io a few minutes walk of the Market Sonars, TERMS:.-Ten per cent. of the pur:ha w TERMS en the day of .•• ale. and the tvlsuo in one month thereafter For further perti{ tl:ar, apply to t"r..la+. ` irnchen, .r.. ('olboree, the Auetioneor cr to CAMERON. HOLT ec UAM14RON. ' Vendor', ttolieitor. N. W. BALI., Anettnseer. 1887.31. Dated lith April, A.D. 1883. f. NOTICE TO DEBTORS -NOTICE 18 herebygiven that all parties Iadebted to , he undersned by note or book a000,nt are revpaested to settle the same at ones and there hy gave an enforced willeetaa. I mean busi- ness. ABRAHAM SMITH.11i "AOR SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE 1 residence, oorner Brittania road and Mc- : maid street. opposite the High School. with o lots. The house is in good repair with orrtage house and stable and other out outldings. Tae garden U well stocked with rult trees. gape vines, shraberj etc., R. H. I,6ZZEN$. For terms apply to Davison ,t Johnston. Merriam,. 1.'1OR SALE OR TI) RiCNT-THAT L Valuable Property known as the Shep ardton Store and Post Ofao*, with quarter of an acre or land. is offered fee sale or to rent. -tock in store all new and fteeh this year. The proprietor has other business which will re- .,nlre his sole attention. Also the west half of con. 3. E.D. Ashneld ; all neo land ; two ad.baed', two good wells. a id comfort• •Acre frame horses. The lot contains 100 acres, uf which 50 are cleared and all well fenced. e,:pdning 50 acres heavily timbered with For particular. address : R. T. i11 q , Islt'Wpardson P.O. 1882 - Tilebical. (( 1 It McDONAGH, M.D. PHYSIC- ' 1. 11 N, BURG N, iso.. Gra, uate of Tor- -into university. l.NerMeal of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. Londoe. xhgland, etc.. R, .. *t, C. P. R Ontario. ()Aloe and residence Oppesite Bailey's Ilotel. Hamilton st.reem - erloh DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, BUR- (IKON, UR- DKON, Coroner kc. Office and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. IJ O. M.AOKID, M. D., PHYSI- .11. oleo, Margees sad Agq0000eeccber. Graduate of Toronto University. OOeeeppoelte Camas .,on k (,yostes's flask. Locknow. if not Is oAee. '.souks et the Baak. 17e1 -y. FIRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, 1! Pnyelci$M Marreoes. Aosoaobers. He. office •t Dr. Shannon's resideaor, neer the g rol (loderlck. O. C. &RANSON. J. C. Hoeft - lee Legal. Legal Notices, IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE ('Ol'\TV OF HURON. in the matterbf tae (leard!ar.ship of the in• tans children of CHRISTINA 1VEIlt, tltgri:Asan,. To all whom it Jong renccr, Take notice Rut in applicatia;. v ill t e muds to the Surrogate Court of the Cmtnt y of Hu- ron• before the Judge in ('hamper,, in the Court House In the Town of Oodnich, in the County of Huron, after the expiration of twenty days from the Aral pnhlio•ton hereof. on behalf of William Weit of the Township of Ooderich In the County of Ilcron, yenman,fer en order appointing the said William Welr, the father of the infant children hereinafter same. Onardian of Christina Janet Weir. Minnie Etta Weir, i41 Eya Weiland Andrew McCullough Weir, infant children of the maid Christina Weir. deceased. Dated at (lode-! WILLIAM (Vg's by rich this t±thdav , Cameron holt & Cameror,• of Apri1.A unset • his Solicitors, 1001st. D C. HATE4, i )LiuiroR R.., [\r it Sir itemise ed tair sesare and West , stoat. 1 ,1 • • I ow it Reuse. twok.ael. name' to teal at lowest rates of lateral*. L*lie t LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Amts., tees la ('hseepry kc. OMs. is the Own •• Ooda** lou gm's. ILA. C.4 R. N. 'moss. !"t ARROW £ PROODIi(►O.T1 BAR l.,le kid, 1. T`Oerrow. W. Pnlfs a see 111101111 ! MORTON, B A R R i S• S, /.,, oe , kO.derleb and Wlaet7tsw l7. Mayr v., ii0deete J A. Mortes f \ane. on Tarn and Tetra Property at Iowast In- Loans ane insurance. N 1'W,5 ABOIJT !'TOME. "A chis'''. among ye. Lakin' notes. A. faith b, 11 prent it." TOWN TOPICS. Jest r •.Hived double barred b:-eech Aad mantle I. seeing ,1. ,.r gun. Capital valor. J. A. Nafl<•4. Mr. UePeudr ui nor t.repar••d to tune ppaw. Trice 11.00. Leas e your orders at Imrte's Beek fere. A "plastid sleek of frames on hand at O. B. itotomos ria a apo Gallery. comer Hanitl- Agnare. Iter t rorges the stead. There may be some dispute as to who was the belie of the ball os Tuesday, bot then is no dteput.ng the foot that every s phv:o- grspb taken by mallows' ted to b.• a somas. Alllpp' won o rrq,dre the use of a smoke purpose of ourisg swat. can have the rep mired eccowmodatlos et area•on- able rase. tiattstaction guaranteed. Apply to R. Gamma. Cambria road. Godes-kb. The liquor anew* for the year 1883 have bees aad cusr and tomers en of W L. Horton ranted. The will be pleased to lease that he will be 1n • posi- tion to continue to supply their wants. :n the liquor Ilse. Our enterprising townsman. J. W. Weather aid, is determined to do his share of the sew- !•gni•okine braiaur of the oonwteHe haa recently opened • branch shop in Clinton, op- posite the Commercial Hotel. His Goderich baslness wit' stilt be carried on at Sheppard's bookstore. If you intend to .to any papering thi3 S ring Theyu should call at Saunders' Variety have just received 3,050 rolls or wall papers aendy decorations, which they are sell- white - week, and lmuchat vowt prettier nCheaper uhan Crespett House ander the Sm. Father Boubas, of Ingersoll, was in town this week. Mr. Glen, of the Nile, h s just retort.- t ed from Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. W. RotLwel!, were in town this wee::. Newarar. •tt(.t . - • The Clinton New E, is correct when it remarks:- "It is a aig aificant fact that in every place in th ' c. uuty where two teem are published the Refur.n papers enjoy the most liberal patrot:age, aa:d are regarded as the bee newspapers '1 lo as. who have eyes to See can see at. The Clinton .`: , • tee' says' -"Rev. J. Wakefield, of GuJerich, was the guest of Kr. A. 14 Fisher fer a few days, the ale of Goderich being too raw for his en. feebled condition Report states tbat o-n.ference will Apr„tnt,him to this sta. ti(.n, but as Mr. McD,estagi. has yet •n- ether year to n•u.ain, it mime in until next year. •• L.tt.13.,' Ali. Sin IETY. -A ladies' ai • I society was established on Wednesd e last in connection with St. George ( Church. The following officers wer Iappointer' : -President, Mrs. Waltert t 1 vise -president, Mn. J. Elwood and Mrs `Cattle ; sec. -treasurer, Miss McMickiug committee-Masdames Rice. Parsons, McMicking. Holt, and Williams, and Misses Davis and Horton ; honorary ;members, Mesdam(s Dyett and Rich ; active chaplain, Rev. J. Walters; hon- NarEl- want. chaplain, \'en. .Archdeacon El - M till IAA YEAR IN ADVANCE. d SHOEMAKERS' STRIKE. as The rlere Meads aaryte for nigher tate., ..d teee1liens. e ; "tt'hat are all tha shoemakers doing to -day !" asked a reporter, as he saw a number of the knights of the lal.stono ' filing *cress the square, dressed an holi- day attire, on Monday morning. ‘ 'They're client nothing,- replied the (person addressed ; "they are out on a baulk'.." Further enquiry brought out the fact. that the piece hands in the Goderich shoe shops had never definitely settled upon a bill of wages, and that owing to the increased cost of living, the men came to the conclusion that a died rate, so arranged aa to give an increta of wag ee to the worker, was necessary. •A memorial to the employers was drawn up, attached to which was a scale o' prices. On Monday morning the piece hands failed to turn up ; but before the forenoon wore away the employers were handed the memorial. Had the mani- festo been sent to the employers on Fri- day or Saturday, it is quite probable no strike would have occurred. As it was, the loading shops, after a few unity. portant changes had been made in the scale, acquiesced, and, with the ezceF- don of one or two of the strikers who gut "full," and remained "full" for sev era' days, the men soon returned to their benches, and no hard feelings were ore - ated between roasters and men. The increased rate is estimate' at about 10 per cent. The wages of piece hands range from $7 to $12 a week, according to the skill and industry of the work men. There were eleven men en strike. The following is the "ltalaoate r_ To Mr. E. Downing. Moats. Downing& Wod dup. Win. Moss, Thomas hall, and Henry Rine*, Root and Shoe Manufacturers, Goderich : We, the undersigned journeymen shot • maker's and repairers of Goderich, con aider, that. in consequence of the great increase in the coat of the general uecele series of life, wood, etc., that we are corn pelled to request an advance in'lhe prices now paid for the undermentioned classes of work, seeing that in the present state of affairs we have no alternative but to seek an increase in our rate of wages, to enable us to maintain ourselves, and she) those with families, in decency and con fort, and that the state of trade •.0 d business prospects generally warrant us in seeking the »'.'ranee above referred to ; and further, that the prices charged for boots and shoes in the town are so extremely low that we further consider that you would have no difficulty in de._ mending and obtaining from your num erous customers, a corresponding in• crease in your prices, and that without the slightest interference with the amount of your respective sales." Mr. E. Downing says the rivet inkling he had of the intended strike was a hint from a workman about it late on Friday ANSW MAN 1"at, Oais Pl.e•r_-Mr. W, B. Ridley, the well-known express than, has boug::t out the dry goods and grocery busters!' of Mrs. W. D. Shannon at a rate on the d,•1!ar, and hay :ng add- ed to the stock by new purchases, is de- termined to lay claim to a fair share of the trade of the town. Mr. Ridley says Le is going to make a hum around the wrest of Kin:;sh-•', street and the Square BICY•'LI•. --The V. .• Fre throws out the following suggestion : -Goderich, Wingham, Blyth, Sesforth, Exeter and Clinteu all boast the possession of bicy- clists, bot as yet all are more er less iso- lated Why cannot a County Bicycle Associatual be formed. teat would be the means of bringing the different riders together, establishing more intimate re- lations, and in other ways contributing o the pleasure of the 'cyclists. Foe Bz11toDA. -Mr. J T. °arrow, barrister, intends leaving for a trip to Eernnda pert week. Ile per;-s•sel eueted-' Mr. Coops, of Toronto, is now aezieg I nrganist of St. George's church. Rev. J. W. Sutton has been -at the M. E. conference at Brantford during the week. - (t a regret to learn that Mr. E. L Johnston, photographer. is shite ill .gain at Lucknow. Mr. Harry Morgan, the blind vocalist. and his tittle daughter Fairy, were in town this week. Father Boubat Lad a narrow '.scale from injury on Tuesday, owing to a fractious livery home. Mr. Robert Reid, who has teen on a two months' visit to relatives lied friends returned to Buffato last week, a The Wingham Advance is astray in as- serting that John Collins, the irebriate, died in Goderich gaol recently'. Miss Annie Donagh has returned from her visit to Belle Isle, Mice., :tcconipa- nied by her little niece, Miss Ella Proc- tor. Philo Nellie, the North street taiior, ° is making things boom in his lino. He H announces perfect fits. See advertise- ment. Mr. John Caeser, of Gudrra.h, was sud- denly called home pn Wednesday t• at- tend the funeral of his wife.-[Wiegl:am Tinges. HARBOR MILLL. -The harbor mills have recently received an order, for t'ee C. P. R., to be shipped 17 leen at au early day. ng :t month or six weeks it, that ,unity tale Mrs. Carrow will eccou:parry him. We hope the balmy air of the CtulGtream, and the chana'e of scene. will aid him in recuperating his health. Mr. (Jarrow has given much ; ersw,a! attention to a number of important law canes litely, and "eau down" physically, and is now trying to build himself up again. )(tensity Bau. -The military ball on Tuesday night last was a suoeeas. The attendance was good, the music was ex- cellent, ar.d the viands were of the choicest. On Wednesday evening a promenade concert and sooial mss, had, which was also wound up by a hop. An Itotion sale of surplus provisione was feature of the second evening', eater• t3111menf. The thanks ..f the comeany are tendered to the lady patrons who exerted themselves s" indefatigably to make the sone. of entertainments a auc- coos Abut =100 were netted alto- gether. - CAIiIST.+.-=Cuderich section No. 39 C. f T. The following officers were elect - and installed by the Worthy Patron . Hale, at the last greeting of the sec - dew -Fred Johnston, Worthy Archer ; Lin Gordon, Vice Archer ; Theodore Hak, Secretary : Howard Cox, Asat. Secretary ; Edward Cox. Financial Sec- retary ; Frank Crabb, Treasurer : Miss E. ?. Hal slier : John Newell,Guide Miss. E. Clover, Inside :1' ; John Glover, Outside W. The secticn has !Toned for the summer season, and the ANortht Pat - re.:: w'shea that the parents of the child- , rep wi uld visit the section eccasi;•nally. eniei,l:t.n Ceti eel- Cue.. --The Code- I rich cricket club was ref rear•tied on Fri- day evening List fur the season of 1483; The following office -holders were elect- ed - President, S. Malcomrtott ; vice- president, ('. C'. Pose ; captain, It A. Stark secretary and treasurer, Wm. Proudf• •ot ; committee of managentent- T. Macderrnott, A (lrarsett, W. It,.,., E. Duncan, J. Currie. The club c;,.n, cork with a membership of 30, rt'. v. all likely come to the front with he hest in the county this 8eaeon. We nder,twd the old lecterme ground has been secured for practice, cud that t tilt lass creaae will be at once made Tat: New Oa'=.(N.-Mr..ioseph covet, lie lecke tuner in the eelpicy of S. R. Warren & Son, organ I•uildere, Toronto, on Tuesday last commenced t:.• put up the new organ in the Knox church. and ospmpleted his task on Thursday. Mr. A.VV . Smith, general manager pf the firni, reantined the instrument en Thursday, f and pronounced it satisfactory. The or- gan is a beautiful clic, the tv,,odwork being rf remarkably fine grain. Some barbarian has euggeated that the weed• work be psi..'-. darker. Such a critic would find fault with the color a blade of grass,or the hue of a poiocck'a feather. The wood of the new , rgan is one r.f its handsomest features, and is a credit to Canada, as well as to the firer which has 'laden up. Tu- "Ayr Lo*n.' --Althoct!: Thurs- day, t9fle closed the public ethil itien of the "Act Cyan," the labors' f the ladies of St George's church did n -'t end until Saturday evening The heifer task of rets the various amides which had been ea exhibition had to be undergone, red that feat was on. of the heaviest un dertakswiipp in'.ros ea'. .n with the event. Oa I+aadey last public thanks were ten- dered the lad taaitagera if the colleens by Rev. Walters, Insistent reeto, of St. George' sod is another column tot this issue evil: lee found a Bard ad thanks Brom V.:t' Arekd.eoon Elwood to the {adios • d the 000gv ation for their geed work. end to the general puhlie for the peer retie patrnaette ta.eneded the exhibi- tor. The elpeneee fn ecerteetion eith the exhibition amounted ts. e$A.43, het, despite tJ1st.Isrrge etittoent, the hander.ete sista of fin* ifl wee netted, and placed ht the beak to the credit of the Sunday school -boss'. led. Takes all it all. the members of tit. G.orp's ought to be in a venation to shako heeds all around, and forst a tent -red oonrriatelatice soeipty a. !4ONEY TO LEND. - I'RIVAT.$ fines -on freehold ", -,r:•• Apply '0 Swaasan. Omlerkh. ten -sal. TO LOAN. APPLY T' ) CAI" ERON . HOLT k ( A lot KP.(.+N, node - ,000• tatotree. 60,000 PRIVAfrTEFUNDS To{*L1difD per seat.. ASWv Sr R R&DCLWVR. 1 ea pee MONEY TO LEND IN ANY eraestaetbak orrowers 'Private1nfdel At IR/W td Mettvow, AoiarI.k. MONEY TO LEND. A LAR(. assist of Private roadster lavestassat e townie rum ea a 25-c1l s Apply to {JARROW t PROUD Kit 11055y to Ned at krimetOF atNAR(ere,, of ay Mins or eharrest. MaA(1 M t 0/01t't (IN, o Hetet tett 1M1 1170. $20,000 PRIVATE FUNDR V4t LEND CA11[ERON, BOLT & CAMERON, rarvnt. Mnrtkegee pnrchaw4, an (betwttamior. Mnyserr Betietter, In ('hennery. Sc. charged. ('oaveyeso( Fee. resesaabte 3ederloh Aad WirVliam M. ('. (i*meron. Q N. B. Btitle 1.orrowers res Si IS O„ P oWl wmn:..- ,in.inrtrh 31 x 'TON Rarrristetrs, L 'c.. 0otza. R jot Pettit. Mull'.;;, of Belfast. l:.•, bene ap- I pointed • county constable on the apple cation of W. Kina!:atn, Fsw..,J. P.,AVest Wawanosh. We understand that Mr. I:. McNair, Kt ex College student, leis I eel. put in charge of the Presbyterian c nereeation et Lucar. until October Messrs. & J. Kidd ate oteet ildit;g the tug M:try Anna, airl win have her ready to launch as soon as the *atom is fairly opened. --[% iartor. Echo. Mr Nicholas Morrill:, of the Celli:tn. a nisi saw nti•le Shepperdtor.: 'shipped t seven car -leads of lumber to St. Mnrvs (1 this month, front Goderich statii't Several of our towrepeople are teeth tating on joining an eocurai•on party frost Toronto for Washington Territory to t pnrchase land with intent tr. settle. I.00eteo Arrtslt l%uesea Os E. -The codon Free Pru a kys : -Some rather interesting facts were brought to light at Toronto on Saturday in an alimony suit of Ind vs. Old, ( Nilson Old,: the litigants wife and husband, living in the county of Huron, near Goderich. It seems that a quarrel took place,and the wife ran away from her husband, carrying with her all his book, of accounts, notes, securities, &c., leaving hien nearly worthless. She then sued him for alimony, and obtained an order from the local Master at Coderich for payment to her of six dollars per week from her husband during the progress of the suit, or, as tho lawyers call it, for in- terim alimony. The husband appalled from this order to Chancellor Boyd, who directed that until the wife returned all the securities, notes, &c., with which she eloped, the order need not be acted on, and the wife must look after herself. If, however, these are restored the pay- ment of the $l; a week is to be enforc- ed. ■araer Neter. The Explorer is l,.ade.: will: •sts, fur. her first trip this season. It in now expected that the new tug will be launched about Thursday next. Z. T.'.ama's tug Despatch left yester- day foe Cheboygan, Mich , to engage in fishing. The fishing fleet left to Thursday for their first trip to the grounds, to set their nets. Navigation opened yesterday, Thurs- day, April 26th. Inst year the lights were first llt on March 27th. The sea- son is an average one so far as the open- ing of navigation is concerned. The Todman cleared on Tileriday morning with a load ..f lumber for Sar- nfa. The ultimate destination of the cargo is Petrolia. The Todman is the first schooner to Ieave or enter port this seaac.n. H. Marlton A Son lime completed four new fishing boats, which are perfect models of beauty and strength. The owners and names of the vessels being . John Bain, "James Clark Donald McKay, "Flying Cloud ;" Malcolm Mc- Donald, "Flying Mist ;' and A. Faulk- ner, Southampton, name not yot given. The boats are each 30 feet keel and 35 feet ov et a!1, Faulkner'. being lined REMARK.,. throughout. When rigged and fitted up "W a waxed 'em." -The Strikers. these are worth about 11,200 each. "Yes, they got the upper hand , f us " -The Entph.yers. a are glad that all the differences are heeled. "--The Public •"The sole cause cf complaint is that they didn't hand in the memorial before they struck.' -The Bosses. "Never mind, we're peggiu.: sway again." -The Men. THE LANCASTER ESTATE The Matter Flsally Wound up Cesspit• memory Letter to Mayer Mertes. The Lancaster estate affairs were final ly closed up a couple of weeks agu,to the satisfaction of the representatives ••f the heirs -Messrs Frank Lanih and W. L. Bellatti, and their legal adviser.. Tho estate had practically been managed by Mr. Horace Horton, the present mayor of Goderich, ever since the loss ,.f the ill-fated Golden (late, which went down nn a voyage from ManFrancisco to New. York in the month of August, 11462. Mr) Lancaster a former resident , f Goderich, and the owner of considerable {froppeesty in the town, was a passenger. n the (fold en Gate, and was drowned when the vessel went down. Before his death, however. Lancaster had appointed Mr. Horton as his agent, to administer his estate, and from 1862 until last June he held that psition. At that time owing to the death ,.f the last legatee who had a life interest in the estate. the heirs sent over as their representatives Menem Lomb and Belled, with power i f atter ney to dispose of the pr:.perty in their interest. The conduct of the attains of the estate under the administrat, •, was examined into before the Muter in ellen - eery, as directed by law• and so aattafat- tory was the record that, before keying for England, the representative* of the heirs forwarded the following ::rte t•, Mayor Horton in acknowledgment of their appreciation of his faithful strwart+_ ship+ . °ode,ich, loth Aprni, Data Eta, -Le ring (deme'. sJta s settlement of the Lancaster estate, w take great pleasure in " hankie: you IDC the trouble and pains yon have takes h. '.sta. and we ,p. I e f ! satiwithsfietd with tstlw result t.( ytwr reara e- ment. The settlement het weer, its boa been satisfactory in every respect l -ours very truly, Kix. ARDINE SHIP YARD. -During the past winter the building pf fishing boats has occupied the attention of Matthew Watt and John McGaw who have meal acquir- ed un:re than a cal reputation for their models of Bailin_ craft and for excellent workmanship. The Messrs. McGaw have for years been the owners of the %Vater Lily. the fastest fish -boat en the lakes, and held the Duffcrin elver trophy, which was secured by that boat out sail- ing the crack boats of the lakes a few years ago. The Lily was built by Mr. McGaw. The fallowing have had boats built. or they are now underway, by Mr. Watt --`'tam `pIan, a 33 -foot keel ; Levi Lindsay, a 27 -foot keel ; Arch Brown, of Inrcrhunm, a 31 -foot keel ; by Mr. McGaw -Alex. Donnelly, a 24 -foot keel; Dugald McAuley. of Southampton, a 33 - foot keel. Mr. Watt purposes building bolt 27 -foot keel, for himself. John Splen is having the Kitty McLean re- built and the fishermen generally aro busily engaged in repainng and repaint- ing their boat*. The average cost of the new beats will be sheet $350 each. --Re- porter. A. P McLear. is builc'ing t: let: ex- tension to his store, and is going to stir up bncines•t in his lines when his itn- provetnents are completed. Let it hum. Mr. P. holt'. of the tiro, if Cameron, A.lt est Cameron, presided as JudeIa at the division court sittings heli on Mon- day a::d Tuesday 1st'. at C'reditte. tt;d Exeter respectively. An interesting ere-ran:rne ha, en ptepated for the High Ficheol entertain- ment tr. lie held in. Victr-tit Rall to- night, copies of which can he had from members of the committee Aw(mlEr Flax. A : ureehateteu house ou Elgin -street, belengins to Mr. Ju. Miller. was destroyed by fire ab•otrt 10:'4) o'tl'•c . t o Monday night, It was iusureu f . $3:4. ('at:se of Hoe not know 11 A r Int may break lin look over hie garden all day long. endar: tnnustris,us, eatiettchen will arose ap early neat mere- inS. and undo the work in fifteen minutes by the el, cit. while he is stretc!tine 1 Ulf in bed. -{Ex. A•: rte tort B. B. C - -At a tueettng t,f the shove rented Utah, recently task' a' the Albion, Hetet for thLitsrpose of reereen- ising, the following re were elected : Captain. P. Fart ; See.. Wrr Yates : Tru . is P. Wilkins tri. 'The club will g i into- noesise at en early day i eowtk Ss•.w. We hope f.urcitizets will make every endenror.tn render the Gower stir w to loo held oa the 2 of July a need*. Prepare your.plants. CC. now. Let tt - summer exhibition of dowers, str.>,d fruits, reptables. etc, a.f 1 $3 l•,e the best in the hntory of Goi}eereh lnr- tictilt(r• FATAL ACCIDENT. Air. J.ha *strong. of Colborne. Ballet by Wt. Horse,. A very sad accident occurred near Lee - burn nn Friday evening, last. resulting in the death of Mr. John Strong, and old and esteemed tesident of the town- ship ' f Colborne He was returning bonne from Goderich in company with R. Bennett, of Sheppsrdten, and when near the residence of Capt. A. Bogie had oc- casion to get out of the waggon. It Is import/sibl* to get an exact account of the accident, as Bennett is snid to have been toe intoxicated G, give a reliable account of the occurrence. it means. however, that the horse* starts,' suddenly before %Ir. Strong could get into the waggon, and that he wee kicked by nn. of the antmais, and thrown under the waggon whit& pealed over him. The horses ran neatly thew quarter. of a mile hetero they were stepped, Bennett being unable to control tkuun by either voice or lines. The accident was witnessed from Mr. Bogie's hotg0e, and upon an examination of the ,cone, Mr. Strong was found en- ontlseooua, and in a dying oondition. He ptae-d away rery sen after Mr. Rene arrived on the epos. The deceseed was sixty-seven years, are! hail always been regarded as an in,lestrious mao, and a geed and qiiiet neighbor. He leaves n wife and six children. Forty five teams followed his rsetliel 1,ct the cemetery on Sunday Dr: Ure performer) the last sad rites Feiset l,►rg. 1. Btu. On behalf of ,•,ttwelres and the heirs et. the estate to Eastland Horace Horton, Uodeeide. Ont. ihtrine thele Otaniinati.s i reit i my to the Ana settlement, M. Chao Meager appeared for Menem Limb sled Boiled, Mr. J. T Garrote for the tablet hetn, and M, 0 Oinl,raa f. Mr. aorta,