HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-20, Page 7nu 111,10N SIGN , FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1888
Che Poet's tomer.
Tie rateery
litte•-ebishe chlese '
tatime fur the work that au ler
Maws foe the work that is yet I., route.
'Ilte bob IOW sounds, but • softer tone
Now mutts hoes all but the beet &lose.
Illat rattles oa. with •
Ore! the likagbter of girls and boys. 1,
Oveh the humming of lovers' notes,
And mothers' IulIabks. loud it floats.
Hwy yourseit es ! fur the day goes by -
Work while ou naav, ere the eve draw 3 nigh !
The light will fade that 1. shining now I
The flush s1 all pelt from e,uh heek and
Now to the task. i• the guider! Prune•
Fashion's Fancies. Farm anO earben.
, Printed skirts are worn more than
Spanish laces are ne longer fashion-
.,Little collars with liemstitche1 edges
afie eery fashitinatilt_
Fame are to Winne hat smaller
those carried hitt seasou.
The Bernhardt gloves of silk will b
much in vogue during the spring.
Most overskirt draperies are irregular
that 15, they differ en the sides.
Velect real,. bo used for handsome
street suits fu ri the cowing Spring and
A nee fan chisely imit tee A large be -
Kra chant ed is thereat -tuned '.cerful ehltnet gotiui leaf, in the centie which a chid -
May net a moment, fur thou. :i• noon, ter 4.f rose, is griatoeil.
The night is comiag, and all too boom ! Many beautiful and nee styles of kid
slippers (Jr eveiiiiia wear have the low
flat heel, 4.r mine at al!.
Duinty breakfast •s for young mar
ried Labels art, wade silky white mull
• taere.1 vagoal with oriental latea
, S.: the newly importel Jersey
j whe:. are considerably beaded, who
.11( 0. them rather an uId fashioned look.
Vests are worn its many varied shapes
But far el via whettne 1n Is haled
Its redo r Time, who eaSai not a word:
ma chimes atimea--chiuses !
'tine -ring-ring
Instant the day for tbe Work to begin.
Ring in the morn as the light pours In;
Tbe first bright beam of the rising sun
tieralds the work tbat haejust begun.
Busier busier- work he no play.
All iuuat be done ere the close of the day--- and afford an excellent tuetlead restuvat-
t•osne, maiden, hasten, stay not behind! ing a half worn bisequenr polonaise.
Come. youth, delay not hand. Mart sior mind! The new round basques are made
The ceaseless wheel Of the factory World !short and are finished at the bottom in
Circles around. and its sound is hurled , in battlements ehich .re lined with
Per to the East and far to the West,!stSib t colors.
• 1 hore spreading lines of the sunbm
eas rest : I s
Some new pocketbooks have the front
Vement• are precious - hours are few -
almost completely covered with quaintly
(lather the work. for their's much lotto.
worked silver, in the centre tif which is
The bell shall ring to limier the Mit
the clasp.
Who falter* not 1111the day ls done. Pompona silk are to be much used
Hist Father TAM, the belfry within,
again, not only on evening dresses, as
I 'tilling the rot e, heeds never the din --
hu been the case all through the winter,
But rings -rings- rings!
but on the spring hats.
Capes appear on msby of the spring
bonnets. They are .ery diminutive an
size, are generally made of lace, and are
used on the capote bonnets.
The newest thing in house teilets is
Toll toll -toll!
toll -fur the work that at last done,
Toll -for the lives that their course have run.
Toll -for the youth in hls faded bloom,
'foil -for the meld in her early totnta
I1. That potash la a valuable fertiliser
for nearly all si.001011 of fruit in nursery
or orchard, cannot be doubted I have
kuown the White Doyenne pear (Virgad•
tee) to bear abundantly the most per
feat specimens whore it received the
water frusta t1.. door,
= at the sante y:trd not thus fertilisa
the fruit wits :racked and gnarly. That
potash gi., - renewed vitallty t4. I he
rads snit • -sherry has been proved.
SI I t tash will tore
Tell -for the lose of the vanished light.
the Japanese wrapper, which is exceed-
Toll-fnr the ent mime ot Death sod Night. .
mgly striking end picturesque and is
'roll -for the wheel that will turn no more
generally made of some rich brocade.
'rill it turns again on another shore !
The old fashion of covering a thick
For the wheel was LEe, and it now is naught;
its labor is ended, ite iewson is taught. welting cord with the dress material or
! for the ringing that Father Time that of the trimming, and finishing the
changed to a soft -toned, cheerful ablate- ed es of the baaque with it, is revived.
'rout for the chime that in mournful roll
\Vas changed from a chime to solemn toll.
(rid Father Time. with his iron face,
lite .16 never • sound in his lonely plsee
But tolls- tolls- tulle!
Fun ant* Fsncv.
Root pruning -Muzzling hugs.
Died in the wool -A defunct sheep.
t (We% k !alum t v.
peach tree,' affected with "yellowe.''
2. For trees labels may be written the-
titictly by tming and indelible pencil
(pnrple, ouch as are weed in patent hold-
ers) on a wet eurface. Dip the labels in
water, or dasupen with the finger, and
write before the moisture drice. A
record of the trees or vines made when
planted is the most ccrta,i it Method, of
identification. Use copper wire if the
sired to reit, in lomg, Awl leATO 51111'10
(oona fer the limb 1., etilarge.
3. If the apace heti,vers )..,ws !trope-
rideli is occupied by strawberrp plants,
currant bushes or weeds, de not woeder
that the grapos do na ripen early. The
sun's rays mut reach the e.:rth and keep
it warm if early ripening is desired.
4. 1 hesitate about friminiiig eittery
Orem, and never like te et nrauches
an inch through. It is claimed that if
young twits' are cut off, leaving a stub of
an inch or more, the stub will die back
to the tree and falloff, leaving no scar,
whereas if cut closely a bail wound may
5. If you cut the canes of a raspberry
plant layered fur young plants, you will
find that it sprints back, showing that a
constant force exists which tends In
draw the yourtg plant out of the soil
when wet and beige from _the effects of
spring frosts and mita. Therefore I
sever the connection between the par-
ent plant and the young tip plants be-
fore the frosts of winter are , out of the
6. In the South young peach treee
may be budded with buds from ordinary
leafless scions just as growth begins. I
have net known this ntethod to be tried
at the North, and it might not succeed
,aapberry red dresaes with pompadour
here But if the bark will open reas_liy
of silk and same shade, with embroider-
ed cuffs and band to &ash the waist 1 can't see why not. t--7-111
trimmings are new and stylish far mile 7. The first thing I did in the way of
ses. I hinting on moving to my present place
Smoothly woven wool stuffs, tam- was a shelter belt tin the westerriborder.
o cloth of very firm quality,are import- While this is more important m fruit
ed in plain colours an in plaids, blocks,
cbecks and strips for spring dresses.
CApary coloured diamonds are much
sought after apresent as indeed are all
than growiog, the good effects are war-
ent in either -case.
8. A friend sent efe potatoes grown
in Stiuth America. They grew well,
Ieso I
Seeds! Seeds! Seeds.
filbkir's Seed Store
Hamilton Street.
The subeeriber bait on baud a Lingle and
wall -selected stock of seeds from: tue well -
knots n and reliable firm of
30IiN A. IIRUCE & CO.,
' I lasniltue. Ont., comast ing• of
Ilaaaeld, tarred's. Turnip., ties er wad
Ttaselbi, ay. all other Grasses.
&leo .1 uupply of Garden and ?lower seeds.
Borrowed garments seldom fit welr but formed no tubers. The roots spread
curiously coloared stonea. Piek dia-
monds are another of the faaltions of the far. I warn puzzled at the result.
Woman's dough -main -The kitchen. moment. Other varieties in the same row yielding
Remedy for Ireland -Remove the Ire, The military standing collar with heavily. ...v. so.- ,,,„eei.„4. , ,.rail
"Nat, what are y‘that with the curved corners s
on leaning Over that tech without lapping, is seen instead of biaat r, long 111 . oe the average yield of
Will not be over fifty
and let the Land alone. . - square corners that nearly meet, or even 9. y
empty cask for r' 'I'm mourning over
vogue. ushelsrlimPbsrripse acre, for there is much poor
departed spirits,was the reply.
A caprice is for a tiny neck ribbon, culture. One hundred bushels per acre,
-- clul scarcely half an itch wide, of yellow Ot- hfounr aredtherebutheis muchpoor571.0oruciticulture. crOonpe
"I have no wealth," she said; ' I ,
give yiu only my hand and heart." And toman ribbed ribbon tied hiah about the
• • big as her hand, she was indeed wealtkI- the left -side.
throat, with many long loops hanging on mode& At fifty buabefa you get imp
and I do not think it has often been ex -
then he thought that if her heart was as
At a printers' festival lately the follow- Polonaises made of the light weight oaris$180
wihich , isor shig, hat, pricceents per il
ing toast was offered :-"Women-see- woollen stunk used for Spring suits are
pay better than any farm Thcroepm-e dtehpienird
Chrystal & Black.
end only to the preps in the dissemination more.bouttantly draped than the pelisses
un that. --but do not set your expect L-
ei news." like garments of hetvy cloths or velvets tions A ,
' A common, anti often fatal, diseaseas worn durieg the winter.
Jaundice. Regulate the action ef the The wraps for early Spring weather
Liver, and cleanse the blood with Bur- are made of the new ottornaa replied
dock Blood Bitters, and the we rst case cloth of light iluality, the familiar Jer-
may be speedily cured. sey cloth worn during the Winter and
An exchange says the railroada of the plaid cloths dull dark coloms,.
future will be run by electricity. Then,Feathers are stilfestel on round hats
there'll be no boiler ,explostiens, but 1
"shocking" accidents will Le nrire liate
to occur thau ever.
No household should be considered
complete without a bottle of Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure is iss the closet,
It is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson
Seeing a ciimpany of immigrants titling
through the streets, Brown spoke of a .
sandy -haired man in a Scotch cap as a
descendant of itab Boy. "And that oth-
er fellow in velveteen" said -what
is he, a descendant of corduroy n
Perfect, Positive and Pleamanent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all easel' f Kid-
ney Disease is obtained af:er a few doses. ;
see that your Druggist gtves you Dr •
Van Buren's Kidney Cure Sold bp .1. !
Wilson Goderich. ni
ton, N. Y. -{N. Y. Tiikume.
The Canadian people geto ra'
the temperance- men in pailai •
littering fest weed with interest. t la A, k
of ..S:r Tepesance .•I
Committee; "ora uytei
u great pristueton, tn matte in se t„t,ti i„inett,ie„, ,. the , ...„. „.. _...,.. i
protest aaainst using flowers f•T them ; higgy reti).,-taea. mt. cessii,_ ,,
still, many of. the importvi hats have , ietike mu will s„„ ,,,,11 i:to s. ti, .,., iv
'eeth Slew ors and feathers. , .
( curiosity. If th. c-"Eiry filt1 •
'.e .,1 the !madam:neat black silk, tau' a oV. 11 ii411,1 . V. it it b.:ream-4i . :: : .-1.•• y,
ftlit,ei yet hb,•Wil lieS at the leittem 4 it es net likela to lie the fault af :he L -ti-
the shart walking tikirt three gathered don evei,„r 11141 hi. ,...,a/e„gae.,...
di ttttt ces, wed efteh ti,crIc . hue three rows -
_ _
of narrow lease yelvtt ribbon ram -, n -------.
h 1 An Oasis in the desert is 1M hi.e.iter
The fancy fur the new yms shades
hi seen in tho sudden appearance of clue- of Dr.• Van Bureirs Kidney ewe Is to
ters of three or six silk pompons of bright the upfertenate sufferer from Kidney
Disease it is a perfect, 11.01iti VS' afla
New BOILERSuaad SALT l'A.NR maltase
red;on shortest unlit 0.
101 kinds of Repairing executed mid( r tilt
personas supervision of the Proprietors a ho
Practical Workmen.
P. O. Boz 103 1787
are elinually robbed
of their victims,lives
prolonged. happiness
and health restored
by the u%e tit thegreat
which positively and pennauent y cure* Iles
petener (caused by excesses of any kind,I
Weskaear, and all disease* that fol-
low as a sequence.of Self -Abuse, as loss ••• en-
ergy, loss of memory, universal lassitude.
pain in the back, dimnese of vision toenia-
ture old age, and many other dim,gacs that
lead to inan
sanity or consumption d a prems-
lure grave.
Send for circulars with testimonials free by
small. The INYMMODATIOR is sold at $1 per
box, or six boxes for $5, by all druggists, or
will be sent free my mail. securely 'sealed, on
receipt et price, by addressing.
F. J. CliKNEY. Druggist,
117 Summit St.. Toledo,
G Eo. Hirt Neis.
Sole Agent for Goderieh.
elf (..) A. A. 3F' rr
New Firm 1 New Goods I New Prices.
March, let. Just received • choler. au.sortment 01 table cutlery, pocket knis cu. .clesers
tenons. In these lines 15111 offering a first class article, in hot 1ttncuie and Locks. uor 4 wake
Sheflield, Eng.. l'ome and sae 01)4404) handled kriteria and (arks both table ant. dessert
Plated, ditto. Also best bone handled, back horn, an 1 co position handled. tairvers to
match to every quality.
In knives and tore, for general use 1 have amongst ot he „ a 4 aricty steel throughout,
handle and blade, With small size fur children.
Eapecial %aloe in table. desert, anti ter spoon*. Sunset hieg nen in these. Hard than
silver, cheaper. and looks just ss well. Cleat a hite throug,kout. !Mai fail tu See them,
Whether you mean to buy or not. Nu trouNe 1.....14.• goods.
Fanners aild others Wanting a fn >- call in 81111 see Ile. Fury ka gearing inade by, th
Guelph Carriage Goods Co. k:asy ri.yli
g and chr p.
$500.00 Rewar
we will pay the above reward for any case of
Liver Complaint, Dyspepela. Sick iteadavhe.
Indigestion. Constipation or Costiveness we
cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills,
when the d irections are strictly complied with.
They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to
give satisfaction. fitiCoated. Large Boxes,
containing 30 Pills, sonts. For sale by all
Druggists. Beware a counterfeits and Balite.
tions. The genuine manufactured only by.
I JOHN C. VESTCO.. "The Pill Maker*,
81 and 83 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. Yee°
teal pat kage sent by retail prepaid on receipt
I of a 3 cent clamp.
Voreelest .11.41IN S DI1.1 G • TOFF..
The Philadelphia News thinks that ice -
t ween her flats and her sharps, New York
is getting to be a dangerous piece t.. live
in. The News nught have added "and
her bars."
One of our best citizens wouM say to
the publicsthat he has tried Hall It Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed
for it. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by Geo. Rhynas, s agent for Gime-
rich. 3m:
Inquiring amateur -"How did Joscffy
aequire that tine, musical touch, hardly
more than a muncal whisper ?'' Experi-
enced professor --"I believe lie did his
practicing at home, and always had a
wholesome dread of waking the baby.
near t ewer edge., light ta the wariderinz Arab that' a bottle
pepita, yellew on the !eft side ISE the
Ecalth is Wealtb. I
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A good assortment of Kitchen, Bed -room, Room andIParlor Vanillin e, such as T
bles, Chairs their. cane and wood scatrtb. Cupboards, Bed -steads, Ilattressi 0. trash -sten
Lounge,. Sofas. What-Nots, Looking Glatst».
N. IL -A complete assortment of Coffins and Mineola alouys handle's() Items. 14
at rea•onable rate .
Picture Frateung a speetaity.-A call solicit( d .
MENT. a guaranteed apeciac for Hyeteria.ltz
' aineem. • elivulsions, it N. Nervous NeerrilF..a.,
Ileadaene. Nervous Prostration caused 1.4 t Le
use of alenchel or tobacco. Wakefulnesei...sh
tel Depretr4ion. Softening ot the llor in, re. -Mt
ing in litatiliity an.1 lead.ne to ne
and death. Premature -OW Av. Tf..ri-r-s,n;c5,.
LOB/ ot Power in ei:ereruex. Ilicerliii.t. ry Lemma
and spermatorrl .a.. c used ti) e%,•i•-s.xeith.n
tht. brain. 5A -4r -indulgence.
Beg 1. antiowsee to the Public that they have *Tent l.neircra in the e Store
in the store beely occupied by Horace ISiewten. Ha% urchased a large and
well assorted stock of Spriug und Smuttier Goods at close t res, 44 no ft rniined
to give the Public the benefit.
Jar -Please call and exarnioe our goods before purchasing elsewher..
see -Remember the place, uext door to J. Willem's Drug Store
Aker -Custom work will receive eur special attention.
Aft -Nene but the best of material used and first-class wi Atom, c„,1,!,,,,
_ria•r-Repairing neatly done tin the shortest notitt .
Goderich. March 9. 1882. DOWNING & WFDDUP
pertnanent cure. S,11 by, .1. '''''. P. I'm -one etc: Will CUM` I l'i ent exam Foch box eon -
tot -bans w alit by youne relies. iir eh:loaves for five dollars : sent try mail pre -
The eorsaise or eoat-iil:e simpe "1 a %IPSO Life for FIBUCflettl. li flikris, di i., 10.11
cashmere suit may have a narrow velvet' ea.e. Debility mud DIAAlpiattiia.
vest, With a braided ,..slin leaf placed
high on each side outside this vest, and The Great German Invigorator i- the
a larger ;aim braided in the lower edge only s ecitic for impotency, nervous
of such such Erato. just where it slopes away bility.,Puniversal lassitude, 'forgetf elle -s,
bellow the silo: t vest. pain in the back or sides, no matter 11.•w
! shattered the system may be front ex-
saasen't snermases mass. Itemedy will rest.ire the 1,st fauctions
dark blue, green. brown ar black velvet
Gederich. 2in tains (me month's tr.-fitment. One dolkir it box.
ceases of any kind, the Creat
and secure health and happintes. $1.00
. I asked General Sherman the other
per lam, six boxes for $5.00. Sehl by
' evening, Wilt .% a .\Vashington. cerrea- all _
ruggists. Sent en receipt ,if price,
pendent. what he intended doing this „ootazo paid, by F .1. Cheney, Teledo,
°tinting summer. fie said he was going
Ov hie, sole rgent ter United State.. Cir -
to the far W est for the last time as the culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
General if the Army. He is going late iv Goo. Ruvuma gele agent f,,,r
in the spring or early in the sunimer,and h '
.1111 :
will be back in time to attend the not- r e
able army meeting here in ()et. ben
General Sherman has always had a par- T. the "edte*1 r"r"41". " 4 ell " "as
It may ream.
tial side with the weetern posts, and the --
officersand Beldame of the frontier, and Phimphatine, i.r Nerve }ease a Phos -
he haeilong suede in a practice to go to elate Element based upon Scientific
I the farthest posts once u year, to show Facts', Formulated by Professor Austin,
' the boys they are nor forgotten. On M. It. of Baden. Maas., cures Pulinen-
this trip he will devote himself partial- ary Censumptien, Sick Headache. Ner-
I larly to Montana, Orogen and Califor- vow' Attacke, Vertigo and Neuralgia
rimpleo and Ittotebes. . Much of the distance will be made and all wasting diseases of the human
norseback, and the General will al- system. Phosphatine is not a Netleciee.
Call at Geo. Rhynas' drug store and ways have a cavalry escort. .11e will be but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Paid nit:Teerilv of e. e guarantee SIX
boxes to cure any enge. Willi tii,11 order re-
ceived by us for six boxes, aecompahird with
five dollars, we will send the purchaaer our
written guarantee to refund the money if the
treatment does not effect a cure. Onarantees
Owned only by JAMER WILMA, stde ant hor
ite,d agent tor Godertel% Ont. JOHN C. WEST
et CO.. sole proprietor*, Toronto. Ont
111, •
• "* -t Ste Le
i • $
s„. A
_S. •
i14/ :1 -
• ,e;;)'04)Iii:7'' !
Res package of Calvert. sCalholiccerate. ace,impanied by only two members of
It is composed of Vaseline, Carbolic Acid the staff, Colonels Tuurtellette and 11..
and Cerate, and has never failed to re- con, and but two of his particular friends
move Pimples, Blotches, 1 lcerated I
, will go as his guests, viz., Chief Justice
AIAXWE, beautifully Illustrated. cor-
taining all necessary information fur the suc-
cessful cultivation of Vegetables, Flowers.
Field Roots, Potatoes, etc.. la now publisher!,
and will be mailed free to all applicant'.
Seed Growers. Hamilton. Canada.
Ofir I. BRAIN 80.4c?.\/&*:c•:•..
Coe 41.1 and 1111514 :dale • id 1', t te
!' \ (.0 4::- N' 11, all ;,,a
I "-ft 1( APIA() rff. 'et/ Of Era f!,g PC.1111% Si( ra
i'ras:rraiGn. Sar,14: Nz, 1. fI'orrArrw,
L. :‘...erratteft. .-;-en it( sm. tr, 1 I • Imam
evil Or ;Loyd Los. of Puler F. It 14-3.4404
X. -reams 11-oste, 1?..jts rent, les 11r 1 Orb
Jeri. strengthens 11,, P.n., i IZt•
atm: Surpri'sistft re I i0/ I 01 •• •".4
41,30.4.1 Gen r..44 rr irio• s • ' I
d,•:• ;srawiaa ic....„,kagi •.•
c at wall send */
Ate, to refund the MOM': ' 1
tIOCF 110f filVVI • Ure. -----------7.44 ,
Bras ateit tem., hi the nuo!,..
irm-rull pari letilars in our a rt.! ' •.
we desire to inal free to any ne,i!,
Itark's Ilestlelee ; 1 ret•
gists at Sects. per box. or 12 , r or
will be mailed free of postage, 10' t of the
mency, by addressing
If ellingT14' RI:Sr:4r' 7 144.,
iVinast, • ;
Soldin Goderieh, liv Jalltrs ; 44.0N. 4.1.0
all Druggists very where -
rind Weekly to and front
shin Pasailae.gt0tortl. Iteturie.$1 101(4110.
1econ1 eaten, Me. Return Tmeete, rt5.
steerage pantengers hooted at low nava .
Passenger a( tommodatiths lane xcellt
ALL Si AritatOOna 014 MA. s
Pamsengers booked at lowest (‚.444-8 40 or fro"'
Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden: 1 lllll ark.
For Bonk of "Tom.* in Aeotland." !Hetet,. Plans
et•e.. apply to HENDERSON 1•110THERS,
1828. Ne... York.
4.1.1. ONT.
The above ucw and droll:luso close to
the Railway Station and ceir.ve hie vt to the
town. IF 114.1 one! •••• Of ,P in Ort. -in. frv corm.
ft rt Il1t11 r. In by Hot
..! • :LINE 111 )1(4. RATH '
..ret Lahl. 1.11, (!1`011 • re10140
,.i.1 li.COi, 01.; . • dier.
• •• •. 1.4 r• ten
-: 4l, e. blot i• II 101'
pr. ..r. ,
Are pleasant to take. Contain their own .
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, and effectual •
&tamper of worm. in Children or Adults.
Vegetable orM
• ineral romans, ()puttee,
Ntreutics, and nii Stimularlts. but snuff,'
4 the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily f.ael. A 'tingle hat'.
sores, Rsugh Skin. It cures when all Waite mad Justice Grey, of the Supreme is sufficient to convince. All Drugglsts
others fail. Try tts o
- Court, I have no donbt General Sher-
- - --- --- ' man has had to decline the offer af at
"Blood will tell." A face adorned , least a score of intimate friende, any an*
with Pimples, Boils, Ithoches etc., is !of whom would gladly have paid the ez-
not a uarlio15Ianly pleasant eight, and in- p.eae of the whole trip. But the trip
variab y betokens an impure state of the
Blood. Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters
free thefrom all gross hitne urs,
renders= pure and coolaide di -
sal mitres • healthy appetite.
For sale boy all Druggists in large twittles
Nat 50 ceat
Hot one of pleasure alone- -there is a
gocd deal ef hard work in it for the ;en •
ural, and he does mit feel that lie ought
to encumber himself with a lane party.
The General is now nearly sixty-four
years ef age. and yet. 1 vesture to say
that he will stand the fatigues of to
_ trip better than any num et his party,
krau- s*. Fluid Llektaltea not excepting his two young aide.
Cures Toothache and Neurelgia quick as Markle**. *taloa naive.
flash, relieves any pain inetaaely, the .
cheapest and quickest application known. The areateat medical wonder ef the.
Why suffer with Tootherhe, Neuralgia, world. Wismseted to apeaday care
Headache. Rheu mat ism, Lit m bee.. , Sea- Bunt., lirslare,CtitlistIleers, Salt Rheum,
tie*, Sore Throat or Ai ute POna .1 any FP% er Sores, Casa" Piles, CIAltdains,
kind when you oao go to Orel. Rhenate ' Corns, Totter, Chapped Hands, awl all
drug store and get a perfect awl install. Skin Eniptions, guaranteed to cute in
lealenes refs for 25 cents Ask for every instant*, dr money 4elandet1 2:se
Kutsn's Tluid Lightning per he F.4. sale he 1 br".11,1,n. •s
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. latweea
Co... tele agents f..r the Ihmai mon,
56 Fr. :a. Street East Toronto
Gray's Specific Medicine .
EVOI.11.11 Re-
-erne. An Un-
failing (ore
for Sentinel
Wasn't ear,.
nies. Immo-
eaey. and ell
diseases that
hollow as •••-
, tritehaTlik &PVT. *All
In the
1 Preinatere eild age. and ;twinylogosesi
1 that lead to insanity or cotton a
I premature grave. an.truit es -meets» la ear
i miripkelele.vearrIltlebe w.ertiriire tN.eioikeerwiwtrr:01%
leold by all d at Ill per package. aria
: package% foe or will be aent free by
i wrzir,ls triolcv.d.s7,....1-1. 0.4
se 4404 n Goderielt e PV-Iflor
• •
: •
Calle the attention of travelers to the reotral
1 Lk. Of WI line, eons Iftet ami t h. Wes
ll•hanirs a...;41,15,144.7
1111501111, A
Lae, liaa.-A os14
Ihri*cess &tail.' sig.
Rae au=aal Tuibet 00044 in
•404me ortessare. sad refire al bre d
Ware ss lost ss essipsAitsys Out s.0. Is 84-441
1.= taforwattoe. set itt4. Mops s54 Tata
an attar"
VaOW 00~ Tialuri °lbw or a Awn
. eawa. a. IbT. JOHN.
A Malt gr 4541.11440 tom 146
.. ...,77L1.9, DIZZINESS,
i. .....7E1A, DROPSY,
.e.'',l .very sPeele• of desalts arising from
cfisordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, IST tAA014,.
BOWEL.8 oa na000.
, NtimAYAN'Ip.
AMif 13AL
Reeoinerended hi' veleiansi
Catarrh of the Najal Clkity Crror,c att Uicerative,
Catarrh of the for. Eye er 1 hroat. it is taken
INTERNALL • 11,. acts PIRECTLY upon
the Blood and Mucous Surfaces of the
System. 43(4 the best Bbiol PoiAer
1, 11. WORLD,0 is worth ALL
that lihir for 0, for
PIA I a ene.
$ 1 00 .4. 0.14
'Ciffst4•*:aS!.1avg'63: 11; S 10 0
1 WI WAND, 1mt., It: oeh ..2e, 1412.
. My litthe de.Ight-r was ire's:lei ei r, catArth
t tor see years, rend wee very IIIIssOill temente.. 3 by
) ,.be MO of " Hales Catania Curc" Rhe is now
about eared. W. T. HOUSE.
11 WE -
LLAVD, 01011.. 11410'fb ile, 801
I have masa " Hall's Catarrh Caro.' and Jude.
Ina from Oak goal recalls I derived from one
Ihotels, believe% olil ear* tho more stubborn
sue of catarrh tr Its use be eontlualed for a
i reasonable length of thaw
Wam.San, Opt.. Starch SI, lee&
17 I elfliVIST & CO.. TO1011111, 0
Geetes.-Bav sold Rail's Catartil Cure for the
ISD( year, Sad %gives entire eatattsetion
Yours trig •,
It W. E168.40N, Druggist.
- - -
Hall's Catarrh Cure
sold by all Who:ftstle. and 0.4,1 DTARaliti
Yid In Patent Me.14ele50
tamp Vatted *lake sat Cmtaaa.
k Centy; a Bottiok. $8.00 a Dos
Tha easels. Hall. Catarrh Cure la see-
d by 11.i CRFNET & CO , Toledo 0.
seuswgetre et bettswines.
lleleedMe Ifte Oaiarie tre..144 by
AGEN1S l,g,l H.W.HOBSON,WelIaad. Ont
I n flEt MOE RilY N AS,
trealeems,t4paiimesiebs: r 1 s.
Kele keent