The Huron Signal, 1883-04-20, Page 5Ottrloe. Oona ru 114Alll7ttaA —1/11110111.14 MePliee, Juhu Stirling, Juhu Phillips, Thomas Murrfah mid Willie J. Old ,carted for Manitubs last, week. 'fhuu..r hhlotk•isb attended llelltdville Cuwinui.:tal College dnr ng the wiuter and purposes trying his luck in the jou west as bookkeepetil Dungan McPhee and .Iohn Stirling tuck with thew a esti hued of cows and oxen. L�ebnrn. A Cour Brio. --Mr hacks giguest white walki eqg to Oedurich Due week, went thr(uith the toe abutf► wile fr ,n the sh. ie Me 'ensiled,* extricating hiuuel , and t. le ,itfii: T home in his wet cuth+w. We late him on hi• escape• Springillinerg. 1 I'Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 2o, 1888 5 i H.BRETHOUR W. CO., LILIINI Fil —I• CJ ' "E' Z 1•T G- I3—SZ— 12 A Z L SPRING OPErYING. MISSe e�TT _Qrs� O Dymejtn•..• '. � v 1 g�jlrL�)' �j I a i ,y:.v cxu�' ly t t e wDolewle yet, +s tFe urd(ttan rct�tl +lraler pa) a fur ti:e g .•':'t. 1.:.A1.1N11 FF_\TURF. OF OUP FSTAR mint NT IS THE .L�rsld ice. .L.' intent- h lding a spring Opening in connection witl her millinery establishment on y� OUR s-"t3TEM FOR 2dAIL ORIDILRE3 I8 .&8 I14O1.LOW7.! ANuTHEN G„ex.- -We regret to l SATURDAY, APRIL 21st, 1883, of the death yf Mr. Charles Davis, 1Ltlad- bury, which took *Ace tut WedneatI3' I. Mr. Davis had spent last sageuggr• on him tartn in Manitoba, sad ntetWd home in early winter. Shortly 4er took rick, and ham been ctiptiired bed the most of the time tti>isg, en of the heart war theq,td ailment. Mr. Davis was st t i .Jnu of the most extensive tattle (.1 and drovers in t tillaeoti.in of the eueintri , and wre well and widely known. For several year. he kept the Leadbery Hotel, but for the past two years he has been deal- ing largely in Muskoka and Dakota, and during that time shipped an immense deal of stook to these countries. He was generally considered to be a square dealing Ina honorable moan, and he will be misled is the onetmunity where he lived. ilia funeral tl►hea place to -d and the remaiva Mire neerrad in thi / Clintoe fhmeter). Be aka a cumpara ttvely young man, and was naturally of a strung, ruggg�ed constitution, but oven the atpsNstdeuel4 statcumb to)tte greet leveller e11mNmea. He lobe a widow anndd dig it ily. - 1114- positor, 1 t The month of April is the time that the wise man take. a Blood Purifier. Ycio cannot geteta beg4r -or safer medi- c.ue tbaji 1». isor �"tl�Moist4hFud Cyt• 'hp,. tion Rrtters. t' Iew 1'&crnh a bot - lie. Ask your druggist about it. Tann laborers are very scares in this I. cality, and wages are very high in con- sequence. All available hands have been e'igrged at figures rsewag from eighteen to twenty-three Salmi s month. Mr. J. G. Murdock, merchant and postmaster tilting piece, has leased the new store bblongind to Mr. Rod. Finlay- son, and purposes moving in his stuck of goods during the prcaant week. .. P1oeghhing eomrneneed be on. Tridep l.st. The recent warns weather has had tht effect of drying up the field and re- nt. vin>; the snow banks ; and soon the fat men will be bn.y as bees sowing the Seeds for the corning hat vest. The teachers and pupilhl at oar school employed the afternoon of *Way lad its pleating shade trees in and around * school yard. This is a Htep in the ript direction, and one which we would like to tee farmers Mee, take on their farina. f We tt tent that the efforts of our Ontario erouteut in this ri.sycct will have l the. desired effect in lerenneting the planting of trees. , MalstMONlt3.--We had thought that t!te baln.y winds of spring ,would have dispelled any germs of the utarra. a fever that ur.tit be lingering this place,liut oar thonghta proved to be, like many of Pennor•s and W'it rinse weather pre.lin- tions gn:te astray. ,The latest case in this vicinity reached a crisis in Thursday evening last when Mr. Dental Gillies of of lit v n Huron, acid Miss AatieCam- eron, eldest daughter of Mr. Rod. Cane erun, of 14th can. Ashfield, were made ono. A goodly number of the inroads and aa,uauttances of the bride end bride- groom were present at the festivities of the <ccarien and a very enjoyable time was apient. We.tsh the your..• couple a lone, prosperouws, and happy life. lDren Goods, Silks, Ltitaris, SaJtienr, Prints, Figure? . j' lrls, Rffihj1OLlcliT'! ;1i, ate. ON APPLII'ATIiN WE SEND SAMP1.! 8 010 w►e1 U.t . .,ad ba,: -t> 1 , :riuuut 1 and uutrimed American and French Creeds it i11 to with width and price nutrTed. un view. --IOC'R STO •K• Ot'. Flexes is Profusion ill the limiest Shades, Terra Cotta & Strawberry, Ladies & Misses gid Gloves, Silt & Lislm Gloves, also HOPIT 1►.1 Solid Colors & Alamo Lisle. is Very L rhe. NO PRIVATE INVITATIONS SENT. In ordering gloves send size and (*lour: for husery seed size of shoe, say whether Miff (A o.• Ladi Alt Mall ordea receive prompt retell.: km. and goo 1, sent not proving rritstattor r :u. 1 e etre -o i . , ; :.testi, } r• u::ded. if di.,:n•d. SPECIAL O "SEP► a To all Parties Desiring to mtt,'i<1 P :. ':-:':onicitn(1 Pur - oat ru .momchasing to th° atn )untot$3O 00, tor" v': l p:y one return fare. H. W. BR, THO tf yll t1' CO., THE PUBLIC GENERALLY ARE CORDIALLY INVITED. 18 I 1'lie undersigned wDl give to any young -person older the age of Fifteen ILS lean a Hand- some Prize, whs unaided Fv friends will colt a the following puzzle. viz "tiebro a circle let appear 1'7 11 1'Aloe .went tfv and the in rear, 04-e of e t so that subjoin, 1Jm�� it'll gtlr find what conquers men." After doing so read the following adrertieetneut and you wiU see what tante and skill can lo, has been done, in the selection of goods for all the branches of our ever Increasing Dewiness, With ,sur larger premises we have room to display our goods,to such advantage for customers. n -Prinj and Dress Goods we X.L. and say customer )tee the opt ton 01 getting their dreamer cut and fitted before leaving the store. In Kid Ulovq we • fin • aasortinrnt. In Hamburg Embroideries I re have been mortise - fel 1n giit1ag eh o with a "trade dhtlaunt" off. So you can look Out for bargains for we have got them. rr-eueh M Rats la the "Jersey Lily " and the Romantic. They are superb in Flowers and Feathers Icolorsi Imbed Ntawber'ryend Terra -Cotta. Some- thing very rare, and new ideas In an fancy notions ealraMeddaily by EXPRESS FROM HEAD QUARTERS. s. Tole wresetys� relit/ht Opornity of Istria.' geode Manufactured in Paris, Hamburg, London. New York se rewiteariame Lid down at your own door to select from to the satisfying of which I will be most happy to give personal attention. RESPECTFULLY - -o- ' , MISS J. I oder;ch. April. 1SKI. STEWART. NEW MILLINERY STORE 1 1 S S G—R.AHAM ;ate of Toronto and London, has opened out a New Millinery store in M ISS STEWART'S OLD STAND, :MO;1 hit pl^a-t'•l to obtain a «hare of the patronage of the ladies of Goderich and cic•inity. she will hate a Spring Opening on SATURDAY, APRIL 21st inst. when a nc::-ae:eeted stud- of all tl.e latest styles in French and .1111tn,an Nitthnery- <a1 lie been., The business will be carried on on a cash basis, and all goods will be marked in plain figures at lowest prices. A call frum the ladies of Guderieh and surrounding district is respectfully solicited. Brun/ford. Farmers & aPiollBrs S EE HERE I THE NEW FERTILIZER. Cotton Seed Compound is Cheaper. and as good or better. than most of the Commercial Fertilizers of the present day. This Fertilizer it a real manure, not merely a stimulant, the value of which is proved by its Increasing use wherever introduced. A hundred thousand tons were Shipped last year to Englanff for fertilizing purports alone. Gardeners take settee that vegetables man - tired with it mature and ripen earlier than with ordinary manures. John A. Nafr e1, Sole Agent fuf I ioderich. Also Agent for Herby Climax, king of feed, took Diploma at Provincial Mow last fall. March 23. 1883. laT'im se 0 771 , & •-`.=� IN NORTH AMERICIC '� raw. Soy AtT treat and luny Disea D.WILSON•S PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM _Woulc have Prevented• - Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. Two Bottles In One, 40e. J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL The maintenance of a healthy state 'ef WILKINSON the sytem ip rienceest prushent safnstMISS cx,.erience has shwn that oy'\y/' the nae of I/nearer.? 's Stutt.arch and a n- stipnt ton Bitters, a i4erfect state of health ►,e eared. The free the s stem can Y of all impurities, cleanse . nil pettily the —Bi (, - TO Blood. Fur tale by all Drugs fists at ;o' 1 cents a bottle. ANNOUNCE Tit 1'l' Till- GRAND ilt GRAND SPRING OPENING The outidlge offered to Lady Harcourt by sending her by mail a piece of the in coupe<'ion with her sheet ul�o n which a woman had died of alt 1 its Inli Las aroused the (leeriest ho/1r e' A tt DAY, awl Ui_natlon. 'Why should amen whose blood is warm within whet the l.atn•t \"t el bit ike his grandsire cut in alabaster t• Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When hefas faster. Ye sale willmake ail -3.11R1 it grew the faster. F ,r wile LA J. \+r;il- �-i son. Sm The Mad end Wertkteas• are never itailated or ,',''tnf.rleifcd. This it especially true of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy ,,ad tte.l is of the highest value. Aa soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole w orld that Hop Bitters was the purest, best and moot valuable family medicine on earth, many imitations sprang up an.l began t.. %teal the notices in sthich the press and the pttple of the country had expressed the merits of H. B., and in every way trying to induce suffering invalids to use their stun in- stead. expecting to make mune,' on the credit sad ,to.xt name of H. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to H. B., with variously devised names in which the word < Hop " H•.its were used in a way to indooe people to believe they were the Stag ag Bop Bitters All each pretended reme- dies of cures, no matter what their styli or name is, and especially with the word +• Hop .,r " Hops in their name or in any way connected with them or their mate, are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them. Touch none of *ea VS3 nothing but genuine Hop with a bunch or duster of greet. nos on the white label. Trust notfiiog Druggists wad dealers are wares@ agentst desTing in imitations et counterfeits. Millinery lit thlishment will he held on APRIL 21st, 1.883, ties in spring \lillinery will he exhibited. II MAK=LNG-_ Ravingi. Mineral the premien. Immediately adjoining my millinery store. 1 have decided to carry on the dresan.aking.rosiness in all branches. at Intact n guaranteed. The opening of the SCROFULA and all scrMuluus diseases, Horns. Erysipelas, Eczema, !notches, Ringworm, Tumors, Car- buncles, Rolls, and Eruptions of the Skin, are the direct result of au impure State of the blood. Tu euro these diseases the blood must be purl - GPI, and restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion. AvER'' Si ttAt' iRILLA has for over forty years been recognized by eminent medical au- thoritiesas the 'mist pnwerful blood purifier in existence. It frees the system from all fuel ho- mors, enriches and streugtheIt! the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves ite self a complete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Reeent Core of Scrofulous Sores. "Some months ago 1 was troubledwith scrofu- lous sores (ulcers, on my legs. The IImhe were bully swollen and indamed, and the sores dis- charged large quantities of offensive matter. Even remedy 1 tried failed, until 1 used, ArmesRARsApARILt.A, of which 1 stave now taken three bottles, with the result that the sone' are healed snit my general health greatly improved.1 feel very grateful (nettle' good your medicine has dune se. Yours re.peetfully, Mas. Anti n'KRIAl.. - 14t Su111van St.. New 1 ork, .lune I. ilial. JUST R L c- i v- r D FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, AT J ('. D! 'r 1,111f ... t t ) S. SEVERAL BALES OF TAPESTRY, WOVE ANI) UNION AT J. C. DE .:.OR' d t ,.S. A CHOICE LOT .OF NEW PATTERN LACE CURTAINS AT •I. (` I►ETf 111 ` t't )'` NEW AND NOBBY SPRING HATS. AN IMMENSE STME OF DRESS (;001):, AT J. C. I }ETLOR d- CO'S. ONTARIO SEEL.BARB FENCE COIPANY, l.t.ensed under the Gtiddca !'stent. MANUFACT(J3tEttS Olt' Till: IMP1tOVRD LOCK BAItI3. Four- Pointed Steel Fencing Wire. 55 AND 57 RICHMOND -ST. EAST, TORONTO. FOR SALE RV GODEItIC:' DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT tr Alt p'r`one Ineereatea are tn.lted to a gall nn Mrs. (ERrlan ; elan open the Rev. 7.. T. Wilda of :S F.aat &4th Street. New York City. who will take pleasure In teatlfylag to the wnnAerf el efficacy of Ayers Sarsaparil- la, not only In the erre of this lady,but In IW own MOP end many others within kis >tmrwlcrlge. Tin' writ -r mown wester eel e Boat* iltins t, 11. ltsel.seer. X.I..wtiess, Joao 1, SEM th "Hating seines d severelyNssome man relief Ma mbar will d andirons tailed hews mods wefeititf IlieSof Avea'e $Aaaa►�IJa, gleaosea nse>ksr gem 1 easader it s emit remedy for all blood dlseems.' will also ) t Leld nn P %TU-RDAY . the :1st of April. ALL ARE INVITED. A. J. W I LK / NSON. JUST ltECF.iVID A LARGIC AND VARIKD STOCK OI FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS, from one out the most Reliable tined Warehouses in the Dominion. FOR '\LE BOTH IN BULK IN.PACKAGES. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist MEDICAL S*LL- 1 C.31D . AB RA:Ea .EN_M is.; IvtI'I'I-3 ('.1'.t,? ATTFNT1ON :{t I i:. 1Y1. ' . ,. i:. r; ; ' (_.1.(�� A1HI.Lp� T t - 3YA L.RpE Ji?SORT11!-:'- l'. V , - 4N1 'fi11: LATE1T DEsiGNs.set 1 t'iNF. ASaO MsarlN I(NDLi'td VAH1hTY.r'URN ISHING (MOODS. it 1 1 -t I1 's. 14'AI.L TIIE 1.ATI•.BT STYLER AND EVERY sI%E1E1 `. L1. PATTERNS. M.AI)It 1 -1' IN GOO)i) l,1'VI.Ji:. (' i Orth s .AND A FIT tiU.11„..:rF.ED r' :,: -.1I.E.Fa Ayer's Sarsaparilla 'Mutilates and regulates the actin of tie di- gestive and sosimllative organs. renews and strengthens the vital Teresa. and speedily tures R heematlem. !eowasyrs' Rh-wmtaMa •OMs, Catarrh. Mewed 11141111My. sffa M ttlss - artelsg from its ImprmaMd e► eietrapd Ma- il= et les Meed sed a weaiear Is Y I swiped iy oho ek•apsa tMM medicine, ea gement el WO.i ieetrated cure4l . aMpeas law's ase. .swags. Mir Allan at' Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mese. j and by all PrsesMe, pries 51. si1 bovtes fa ab, i'TEW GOODS i'v L VrJ PRICES' Ok1EAP FOR C ASIT. . t4 z w AiRiVALS I R --1)• SPRING & SUM]ER G000S Scotdli, EIIliSH, Dish & Cauadaill Tweeds HUGH Dil NTOP THE LADIES' SAY THAT THE DOMINION HAIR RESTORER ` 1 \DAs BY S. TAPSCOTT, of Brantford. please. them tetter than any prepara- 1 i,er < t cr used. it le mo-' refreshing in . aae of het:daelto or fevertshneae of the .'.dad o tire, 11e:- P. -seine t elm rtnin_:!'r,atttra1 and healthy appearance. Psice 15C Cen.te Z'ei Maottle GEORGE , RICTITAS, AOENT FOR ca. or) ERICH_ T4 TIIF RRME11 OFTRE UO1NTYOF fltRO • .EN •I'LEMEN. G, +ether •t the yv.nnen of the Count we have decided t•. Inanalactur' ERICAPINCe AND )iOWINt MACHINE/3, m c•,tin.:t n sttb •.tis i'b n 'ous.neas f t the year J$$.. which for material and w.•Ikmanslup will by ss.. did to none. I)•o non _ive y."tr • suers ter reapers .<r moti- on until you see those manufactured by us. «-e will sort e1 all the spring fairs in County, which will give the farmers a good opportunity to inspect our iRach..t.s We well warrant our esebines to d• as gr.otd work as any ether made. We will al- e' have a number of gnod LAND O LLERE fd,r the M ring trade. COOKING STOVE$ always • n hart, ..,:tis , , • • .t nt A; ash, or be exchanged for wood. 'mid old irne. iP.Ef3M1LL1:R ! CO. • • fie+derieh Foindry ('ash