HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-20, Page 4• tl l• n.ef. • -a . i, 1st: l (l( )1) E I t It 'it 11 •1 I l l )() 1t• • The e"way utti. to s rep" Al the t+.wllr►t tigrVin,sliew lfltirulfrit on t!:u sine 14* ' U i tt• audit for 25 pato Thu e is Ott a shut• was the ttupurtatiuu of Joint 0Domditiv t t'tr: ' •t i.. 1,(1.11.1t !r Jai.tt a \\'stain eras cal to t i.es ud fist the A Attorney ff ttedfa. 1To 4 ayt4sittar/Ri.0 tis« Ail( Id, a hes r The Sliia Carpentri' Hammer ,,,4.41.,1! 11 •1 ,esu .Ilfuynei elected for it w. a nuptatstd by fhe party of purity r '. lis t.0 au of ala :, s oro lot 33, 11J1 Itear.i Along the Dock. 1 f....-.1... i thea plat quarter -was Svaltcy that the vin& btu Juhu could stir up a sobs for rue runt ;:.....1'00. Mr. Juhtt _ . tf: Lad y 1u. t7.sex''fhe Sorttff, 4tre;utilee iu favor of th ,.r who suppli 4 . err,n,.teaeher, to the purchaser, /.I4 of tr..r•t. 1,,:a: 1a t',.,/ Uyvsase-' Usti , t l% r:1 for !lis b.trticC. Viiia_ t1.t•' 41n11 with tern waw of teatime ; but that I. thee U tie V. +...'.la Thu J. u t same So.,. iu crinintel m atter*. } d dot 1's ;••littel►I cane r had been text re 1 t,. i f t6o Ti A c i.•.,.A l tsuulu ♦ harts treats The a. t t.l( t.. t.r Laese t ' 'Thethuteher'i bill •tr.gstust the jail fur lo:tueus fur his words to have the the oct n1 ea r w,. ter, tyhich wn:wias tr: ate M.ak. tip'IAAvitarultl_ averaged $8 per quartet •Smit street. Still, the tact of his eon:- lucre numb.: • f 113 det(q:'r. ;1t° a apyr••:,++ ..i •i.e .luuaug tf• si l the jailer says he gives them good ing to Ashfield to rddrew the e.e.t-as R. ate:,, Nit. W. I. ..f the 6th tiv utf,•t1 Y+ ur..ie 11111: titin dealt thick sopu, but there is int oleo to driak I a'.:•rly' a owed the t;u+.1 the -party thirst- c.,::., 1t4. ,t,•ted the Irma et air. James a bt mar Y it. Thi loess he e, tsidera•,t a very iugcur I wer itt this I1tuvuict. Juhu'a Cnttto, „II the tat., hive; there is soy at the Listle tart eat, an ire haven;; healthy stele of utbtir+, u.peei:tl!y tthuu visit w w barren a rtsulta abut Lu than vvrsols evetLru ed, and caulkiu[, sheet 35 , crew 111T. little Ise 1►^utlb6 uu • , tclut • is the Order of taking nit° una*iffer.di.,t the vu.t terti meotiou would have Bleu lit Sade .of ih a smolt stere no taw Iwo 0,u„ niodnrich 'tinning, } a rte'' situs • is -copied tied L the three !Leonia, °lily it shows the meant etn}ileye.l by the day. Altlwup h the harbor it cleat' y W Y t••wIli 1 i•, t+ 01 \!:• Ic('u ly. It • u" H with their sorts of Lig towns, such lir the uuscrupuk,tu friends of the. 'Tory cin aim* • t a c•.utdu of acro.., tt t!1 lei Ise ( i h Clinton,.aafurt n Bnssutr 1 Y die :leroom >Z':i0 wss the peke !maul. TILS HURON SIGN AI, E.1ST Ili'I 'N l'ROTLZT. ll• paWished every Friday Monthly. MY ,1, ' A currwp,ndcnt ail the last ique of `i2LUOUDDY Maes, at limit <imss.11iatatb St .ileo lluaiedi Ectteepriar Out), put the tuft' the Squares GODERICH, ONTARIO. imine on the questieu of the petition and Is SeapatoLrd to all partsot the sarrotps3 1 Main,! the return of Mr. Gibson fur alt «ranter by the earliest mans saturates. Fast •'Iluevu in a cemmotiwo Ise hibt.' Hy neral admission it lies a larger circuli lost thin any other newspaper fa this part al) The following is the litter, ui,l it will sere country, d is one of the racleit, newsiest ret,uy pR.nsal : - wod must reliable uurnals is tart« Posassstng. sat dues, { u1 a nutans. 1 In *sere tasucown y'eter to this and betas In a reside to e1Te, -c1,Aa. } WS ahielelutr beset attires( tagaibat rrmily and fireside 1t Is torr a most dtsirab••r advert( no meatirut. 1k. Gibson, intimating alma this *vt►up Tutuila. -11.50 to advance postage pre-pald I is taken flu consequence of the fact that by puh1ls41vs; $1.75, if paid before rix mouths Mr. Hay.' frientts failed to at ensu a lit $2.00 if not u paid. this rule will be strictly cnforeed. a 'Strutt. 1 t w• lit his protest, Mr. !lays Icarus Or Aviv e&A•lsotu..t ht real, • *lpc s IPA esiWiur a readmit, atetalterefore Junior 1tVSttasetalea'three amass per Ilse r urian t 11 t11ed that such is not de- tat•haubeeynentinserl on. Yearly, half-year r e ler and, quarterly eontrac0 at reduced rates. 1 sired. '1Fte ui..t'e probabh reason t > a Jon PRINTING. ----we have blessfiest-class this action is that it is in pursuance of a Jobbing department incongectiun.aadpossess- decisiun arrived at between hir J.'hu •ng the most complete out- t and best JicD„nand nod Mr. Meredith to dispute fart,(rwingoutw Mode •h, are peppered to dul,t }ueysln lis at es•},patr tt every sett where the majority is small. be hetiv t a, d Mit t sane u pt.d where taste might be the rli$tl!t.t eh,de of aho}u of auecttsL tef us -- -- _..__ e1,4. know \Ir. l::hsrni will that rt alto FRIDAY, lPRIL 20tH, 18b3. 1gother unlikely that he has broken the -- law in any way. We twee the same cu,. 1 t ('Ea!'I(► ' OF B(►.\'f','. Ise said of Mr. Ifays. The ttueetJett ofgwiitg aid to Menses. A coupler petition aria no doubt be eutetud su that both puttee will have the Hart & Price, to rebuild a tat :mil iu Privilege e,f defending themselves against Goderich to repleee the one which was what may be, and what we hope will carried away last week by the freshet, pr.,ve to be, unfounded charoca on both has been taken up by the public, and Bides. "It is the .►sisal thing it the ventilated to anise extent, since our last wwld t" be uttstaken,' acid the record of estoral municipalities in East Huron issue. fFbc p,rn4 and roe. have been at the recent election was a surprise to pretty fully discussed, and although we many. though the total result was not have heard of anew two averse to cls very far from the general expectation. granting d baatte4.nll admit the re. We find a suede polling sub -division in ♦ McKillop changing a Reform majority of liability of the firm, sad the °eeewtY 40 last June into, a Conservative one of for&tmeeffurt being put forth to aid there 314 in February -a change in one polling in erecting another trill. Up to subdivision of 154 votes ! Then in How - ick the change was very considerable ; one pulling sub -division giving a Reform otajunty of 35 as /Spinet a Conserratiee majority of 9 in June, or a total change of 44. This large change, however, seems only small whew( compared with the 164 in a single pilling subdivision to J[eKill}). So far as Piowtck is coueerned, we think that the cuuduct of Reformers will compare very favorably -with that of Oh- ,' tee, th* leiw sots: full of large Deer a id:•te to secure a victor ; and after the and m.ers v.v fxv ruble weather 't tier'c, y q I mid ter •rs. ,The°thetinsart,powpricing. to it is reach,:.! which 1 Itup* ttutite W for o t t thv wit. • e t 1 u l u, asst w white kids and all that r ,u►ino to to a. i h y soot h, aocuie others of using thou wears. My knewletlgo of the v.•utem is such as to lea.} rte to believe that &Maur w tare guided by unworthy motives in ea.tiug their v..ttet for ?tis, Jel.uatou. Itut the supporters of Cul. Bose .voted for brit ggoutle.oan because they recognized in him Si, able ant honorable representa- tive, one whew public record is with. ut a blemish, uurwithat..uding the vigorous etterts of his ei ;. tit' is to inirt'eplu.+rut and pick flaws iu it. Another reason for. Col. loss' increased majority 1., that he supports the best Goventatent in North America, which is the verdict of Hesse non•pulitieal papers that have spoken of that Government situ* the election. The T, ee wit., .eas, fur instance, snit very able article, and iu lt.nguage which can taut 1.0 mistaken, proved that the On- tario Geternenut u the nest economic, as manifested by its nnrplus, and the only one which t, carried en without an increase of expenditure; yet no interest is neglected. Public ittstitutitua ,ire year by year erected where tt.c put lie interest requires them ; wise legislation u framed ; Provincial rights seduleusl,y guarded is spite of Sir John A. and his myrmidons to assail and destroy them. \Very then, 11 may he asked, should ally sane man desire to overthrow such a t1uvernmeitt ' John / YDuet,hue gives the answer - "They came across the Tweed." Fine logic for a Dominion Seuetor But, wonder of wonders : Mr Editor, there is nu creaking abe:ut bribery in the late election in West Huron. Whoever knew a Tory defeat without the tiutu honored practice of the gutteral sound of bribery ! There is a manifest lack of energy' in the Tot). ranks. Why has not a pr 'test been entered against the Col's elect .on ! Woeful degeneracy! eunccs. Ashfield, April 12, 1883. ;, iiti tit, unci •itiun atfi Hot epee 1.'+':1 t't t weak tf,e,„,,.,,„,,,,,,,,,„, oil +.i Hie to lie Cu w lite laird- ' ` Wg done is to ascertain the 'size y ' lbs' 1; •!c M+qW „• . hands. ship' s seri f agues I A club, known "Tho Flat Earth TIM Cw Tee aS Club," hits been fantod et Gederich,I now 1 eiug built for .Iaune* Clarke by headquarters at the .lilbien !'refo,sor lienr Alurltot, is pr+ gtusaing nicely. , 3rd Shia tss an extalleu: ute•del, rid Iter \\. (l, Smith, I'rt•sidcht. 1'ucadu Y lieu are elite at as fine •• a. a gado. film of April, was the evening set apart for a „utast,a, base wax' spend she is Sri public discussion. but t wing to tiro Iola - feet long, 16 feet beam. and 7 11* Dnp unee . f the Toe to, mal t reupe iu the' town sew win be em,,,,,mted by Capt. A. the uttjeting tits postponed fur three ChuSbe maths, and bx• used chiefly for car- weeks. In the meantime extensive pre- ryinn fish The launch is expected to altiuns era' being Rade by both rides taste place on Wednesday, the 214th inst., for the coming contest. Mr. Chews, the std will be an uveal well worth wit- exederich artist, has merited an order to nesaiitg. execute a series of diagrams for the club, The tug '' Despatch," owned by Zebe which era supposed toga a lung way to nut Tola, to losing overhauled, atel will go wards (sowing thofallacyof the rotun,bty. out of the harbor this spring with anew of the earth by•tle• supposed curvature cabin, wheel house, hurricane deck aol of the water. Apparatus hes also been smoke atack. She hasbeen caulked and secured which will buret the pendulum Matheson will. thrust, the rotatory motion, the annual painted, ami Cept. Neil find her almost as good as new. Swig.revolution, the oridts of the lames, and e miller d: Cu, are fitting up her madam. will settle the whole astir eyeball. cry' theory of eclipses will likewise receive $ a The little tiah tug "Blanchebhelby,' tinishing blow, and the fiat earth theory owned and cru by John Morrison, is will no boubt bec, me law the morning also getting ready for the season. after the great controversy is over. At The tug "Cleves," built for James .all events, this result is claimed already Clarks last year, will be in charge of by a host of Mr. Smittheory disciples. Nor Capt. John McKay. she left un wad- is the fiat earth theory confined to. Gude- nesday morning to set nets. She in rich alone. Far out in the adjuining tended to maltase trip of mane 25 miles townships the question is being debated nut. She is the first vessel out this sea - full Rveat fury ; in fact "tire„ 1* .ai are MM. full of it," sir much sit that it it said a the trine of writing the large majority of those whose opinions we have heard are favorable to the granting of a bonus ; but theraja s polity that common Lein niaystot be public sentiment, and ttty} antilt,the public pulse is more fully felt it would be vain to predict what the fate of a bonus by-law would be in this instance. We understand, however, the Conservatives. It was only to be ex- pected that the Reform vote for the On - early day, and when it does, we have for the llkominituL It hbeen sn over every reason to believe that if it is found 'since the N. P. was :tautreduccd, and both parties -have come to expect it We the giving of an inducement to 9losan teen• nut, tberefure, surprised to see Hart & Price will be in the interests of i,r-•e l:eturin gains over the June elee- the town. no barriers will be thrown in 1 nuns but people were nut prepared to see the opp 'aite, notably as in McKil- the way of the grant. We are pleased to know that the farming community are also taking an interest in the matter, and to learn that a number of promi- nent farmers in Gloderich township and Colborne, are willing to take charge of subscription books in their respective localities, and head the list with a solid to Then in Howick there were several bad votes on the Conservative aide, one case being of personation, and before the question is settled our Conservative friends may have cause to regret their action in the matter of the protest As a general rule it is hest after elec- tions are over' to "forgive and forget." personal donation. If a good sulaterlia. but Mr. Gibson having been attacked it tion were raised by their friends and is only natural to expect reprisal, that is, that Mr. Hays will have tee face the customers, it is quite possible the neces- wu• sic. city for a bonus from the town to the first might be obviated. If sufficient 1sT TORY -Isn't it too bad the old money cannot be raised, there remain Aman ain't keep straight at Ottawa ? the two Alternatives -to give public aid, 2'un Togt-\\hy, he aint been on or to loose the chance of having a new another " tear," has he ? mill ere.ted. 1-r Toni -I guess Sir Jelin can't keep front t it. Why they say he's been in ter. OUR FIRE BRIGADE. ror of the Bfevs for the ,past fortnight. TICE recent fire at Hen -nine's will + That ere ( )range Bill's troubling hint. ' Zit, Tony Well, well. I tell ve, fully demonstrates the necessity for sacs ' wLialtey fetches the best ..f 'em. ing the fire conrpbt*y placed upon :i bet itcuooltniw ynungnady teacher approaching a hoard The '• Ontario," William* & Murray, of trustees, with a view of securing a will be commanded by Capt. Win. tic- school, announced herself as prepared to Kay, who had her in oharge last year. teach the children either Hat lir round Sha will leave for Bing Inlet for luta- earth• her about the 10th of May. The "Todman," Clarke & McLeod, is fitting ont, and will at the opening of navigation deliver a cargo of lumber at Sarnia for McKenzie, of Petrosa. Cape. James Baxter will onmmend her. The " Wanderei," Capt. Spence, is having her deck overhauled, and fitting up for the season. The "Dafferin" is lying in pen. She is owned by Mr. Malcolm Campbell, of Lucknow. Capt. John Mcl'heison is her commander. The "t t Mcleod," owned by Capt. Dancey, as t.etng fitted out. Capt. Fin- lay McPherson, will again have her in charge. THE ART LOAN. Cesstaaed success at the Exhibition. The exhibition of curiosities under the auspices of the ladies of St. George's church was continued until Thursday evening of this week, having proved a great success up to the close of last week. Up to Saturday evening over 5'213 had been placed to the credit of the school house fund,aitd much jay was felt there- at During the week, in addition to the exhibition, refreshments were served at dinner and supper time, and many avail- ed themselves of the opportunity thus The '' Koliage," owned 'by Peter Mc- f offered to board within easy distance of Ewen, is going to be fitted with new top sides, rail, covering board and masts{ She will be under command of Capt. John McDonald. The "Heather Bell," owned by Strasian, Sheppard it Co., is also fitting use, but we could not learn who would sail her this season. The "Gordon.' oared chiefly by a the Square. The intuit was of the best, and it was amusing to see the town belles filling the rule of waitresses, and glibly giving forth the bill of fare after the most approved style : "Chicken pie -beefatake pie -veal pie -mutton pie - roast beef -spiced beef -ham-dtc., Ac." and, as is usual on such occasions, the in- considerate gentlemen endeavoring t., Kincardine man, is also being lot in I annoy the fair ones by asking for eat - trim for the opening' of navigation. nn- ables not on the list. But, despite the der `(`apt. Murdoch McD.,nald. who is larking, all who dined or suppled at the also part owner, C .nsulate during the week got the worth The schooner " Explorer," whose }vis Id their Money and the right change tory is sit well known to our readera, j back. Q _ is undergoing a thorough overhauling, ! The ladies are t., be cungrattTten up - and will come fn Mn the carpenter's ' en the manner in which the entire affair • to ata. Dr. W. O. h, I'd aMogi IIf Nur•.•.&s leaving for New. 1•••rk city this t•v', to commence ltac•io:• there. • Mr. uhaed Miller will attend to tits e,lh'ctiu • t in ouunts it the absence of the (bailor. llc,aua Miiult'AL Asitoolttlot.,---The usual quarterly tweeting of the Heron Medical Asseciatioa took p!n.•o on Tues- day, the 10th inst.. at the ('c nunsrc•u►I Hotel, Clinton. There were parent, th, President, 1 r R. W. HurIl,urt, Bi utetield : the Secretary. Dr. Wrn. Gradient, Brussels; Drs luau, Blvth, Mackid, Lucknow; McDonald, Wing - ham; 'Taylor, Goderich; Rutledge, Hay- ti Id; and Worthin.ten, Clinton. The meeting proved to be a very interesting one. fano the nature of the cases pre- sented for examination. A young man, who until Christn:1., had het'n in the Michigan lumber woods, came home to t)ntarei m t feeling very well, and only preatuted himself for treatment the day before the' meeting. On exantinaoteo his left Lung was found •luite solid, eery little air entering it durmg inspirations, and measuring 1 of an inch more than 4 the richt side, showing that he had had pleurisy, and watery deposit had tak- en place into the cavity of the pleura. A case of amauresia, or blindness of one eye, from lung and alinost inceswnt nae of the eyes in sewing, was presented. The difficulty is recent, and the person will proh.thly recover the use of the eye. A case o1 jaundice was also presented, with HOMO interesting feature*. The treatment of all the casts was fully dis- cussed, ser, wing the benefit. arisen: to parties why are ill and will take the trou- ble to present themselves at the meet Inge of the assticistion, and theirs (ma int • nations are free to any who may choose to come:, A Lacks Lesser, Ticket ase Its Results. The keeper of a crossing on the East Hungarian railway won a short time ago some hundreds of florins ins lottery, and took the ban'. cotes home. All at once a train was ri,::ailed. and he rushed to his post, leaving the precious roll behind hint. During his absence his little daughter played with the n••tes and threw them in the fire. The father returned. missed the notes and learning what had become of them, in his fury he struck the Robe. McWsd4, city editor of the , Philadelphia Ledger, while waiting at the O T. R. station, Hamilton, to accom- pany tt.e Phipps party to Philadelphia, took- oeeasinn to curse the Queen, where- upon he was gathered in, before 'taken bere the m tiistrpte, and fined 510. In G-Hierich, on the Ilia inst., the wife of Mr John Payne of a soa. eatt,. in 6 .derich. on Sunday. April 1506, 18R3.11i6 1, child a violent blow which stretched her art Itowati. aged 77 years, lifeless on the Boor The neither, who ____ _ ___ was giving a bath in an adjoining mom to a second child, an infant, rushed in els hearing the disturbance, picket up the little girl, and tried in vain t•' reatorc N THE SU'RR(it-.ATE COURT OF her to conacieusneaa. She flew ti. the i THE COUNTY OP' HURON. ` hath in which she left the infant. Anotl'" . Lithe matter of tn.. Guardianship of the to i er shuck awaited her ; the child was tsar children n( drowned in iia bath. thine chtldleas ('HR121!i '. Wi•:iR; iirs.-t&$a ,. Al To rill tchom it may cownrn: ' mitther rushed ,int •,f the house ttntl hang- Take notice that an application will be trade ed herself of the brunch .of a ire... The' to 1he:•tnrrogatc ('ono of the (bnnty of Hn• father, maddened by tht teas .,f wife, ,!, urttll^n.a•tiat11. Townno((ioderri h i•, tie ter basis. It is not long since Capt. M. C, l'Asrweo\, M. 1'., has been do- rci children nn,muney, shut hime if with it a nvot> r.t Iln,n. atter rho expintfon of Dancey retired from the position ..f chief ing good service at Ottawa during the hands a neat yacht, ab. tt• as good at 1 was carried out. The result has fully ' revolver. [Oxford! Jeurtutl. t•v„r'ncc day. rr,•nn, their*t puhlicatlon h rcof. new. .,lir. Ed. N. 'Lewis as the owner, ! shown that the idea of havingthe .ex- ! o:, trim( of 110; air Weir of the Towns sip of of the brigade. and yet things' appeared session, and has efforts have amused the t;c•1. r;ch in clic Bounty of Iluron, yeema «.for end will sail her occastdnally for plea- I hibition was it good one, and that the •sweet and arxrurrt Seal. a,: ,.rd, r appointing the *Mid William Weir, at the Wednesday tire to be at "sixes and ire of the Tories, who hate to have their sure, By the way, Commodore Lewis laudable object which prompted it -the ! - 1 the tether of the infant children lsrrrin,ne; sevens... For the time "Jack was 01 g doesn't bad. -_`5f I wtping of of the debt on the Sunday1 "The gentleman %%hose funeral we named, l;otardian of Christina Janet maple. sore ep•ta indicated. His c.nthin I g Mmnic Etta Wcir, Lily EvaWelrand Andrew good as erns Iltaeter,"anel no one appeared a., y obs in reply to J. J. Hawkins, has The "Florence,' sward by M. P. ! school house of St. George's_ was ap- have just attendtd waive skeet and beau- ! McUulluu¢h Weir, infant children of the said to be directing the efforts of the firemen, attracte1 much favorable attention, and Hayes• of Seaforth, has lain here all win- proved of by the public at large. Jluch taful soul -but I have forgotten his I'ChrisUna tt'eir,deceaned. ter. She will be offered for sale by pub- 1 annoyance and trouble was entailed up- name." So said Emerson with the frank• rIchthittahrlarc • Camcron,tAsi welts b.. - Holt R ('am ron. and it could be seen easily that the lead- he is unite a target for the attacks of the of April,A,hlttlq his ftolfesenrs lie auction oh Wednesday neat, April I on the workers in connection with Bite neer of sesmid chitdheo•d, ji:at after his . ing spirit was absent.' The firemen ap- Tory sharpshooters. The R)nh. **vs : - 25th. t aglair, but now that the exhibition is friend Longfellow . had been laid in the ; II187 at. soared willing to du their duty, and it y paper says the failure d Mr. a-Hli't ns AROUN( Tl1E uocl:. over, and the proceeds have gone so far '4rave -Emery on, the poet's yeast, rent when they settled down to business did [. C Ca:nap to carry uteaaure I O)licie & Hutchaann'H salt block is toward placing the school -house on a thinker and scholar, already enfeebled INt THE COUNTY COURT O THE solid financial foundation, those who by age, his Iueun,ry Qunc, and himself pn the miner of Jarrtcs Mah■ 's ]fill bite good work, but for the first twenty through the House of Cnnnwns was due helot steadily beenrunnnv,. coon to follow to the land of the imn,er- .and %%Ater 1•iivrla e. minutes or half an hour there seemed tounpopularity. There has no hook and line fish- labored so well and so faithfully to tiring I JS en Inter«' \'tl of lbrt tu'hia The statement u ing for herrings from the stir this sea- about the happy result, can rest easy, sea. very suggestive are the t•.,c.ls.'Al ~hapte'rells of hr Revised Statutes of be a lack of system. and considerable not true, but if it were it puts the Tory awn with the proud eouscioustess of having I The came whack every lever ..f a lure .Ontario. headway was made by the Haines before 1 majotity in Parliament in the position The Herber Mills have received orders I !accomplished a geed thing. literature sol es will be gratefully ! To alt „ Aron .t may ro*seen. anyreal work was done. \1'e have, in of voting ,town a sensible proposition for Hour from Hudson Bay points, to be The exhibition closed with a parlor i.' rd while time endures, had already April.cher- TakeA H. A.H. that r nn ~ clock In theforen,onday Ole 23rd d e ship at the opening of navigation., ncert on Tliuredav evening, craw from his rte dlectiun, but the im De i non will bis preeem and an •plication connection with our town council, a tire merely because they did not like the g g premien of tLeman'acLaras er remained. made on behalf of the mai Jame * . Abstr.., to It is thought that a public swimmingthe Jnd,xe of rbc ('onnty •ourtof the Co•mtyand water couunittre, and we think itinterne of it. \ crowd of schoolboys tournament about widsunuer ought to COMMIINICATIONS. Emcla n *till rwnenbered his "su'ec'of Huron. at his chambein the Court H ,u,.•and beautiful soul.' it u thus that thetofere *aid ('«Maty, pShyt that the *Sid is incumbent ulna that committee to at would not act fess irrationally. draw a big excuraaon to Goderich. The James Mahatty they he a1 lowed to maintain, onto Beek ways and means to improve _ harbor affords an excellent course for we do n•,1 bold ourselves responsible for the soul of a man is more than any outward his lea am ism the said mitt site and water e both swimmers and spectators. \Vh,i it opinion, of our Correspondents. t'ontribu symbol ..f ham. Ile eat iia priw•nt hei tht, and at which Ln, the efficiency of the fire brigade. The J.:\. DtAonoYvtsit,;,f Toronto, "author pec tem lotbiedepurtmenl must confine them - •n I be the best swimmer In Goderich 1 wives to public questions, end be brief. tome of the prayer nf'thp.a Ake( for In t h, members of the company aro as tine a of the disgraceful attempt to purchase - 863>II11110T. Cant. Finlay tipPherson injured his Lan•( chi, 1; ter day nt Marchrl ht 1wCt. lot of young Mien as can be found in the influence of Archbishop Lynch forlegday S Pis Nlo.-The Bentniller brass hand !Retuned b P Y nue last wish while workin on •About acclarlaalsar. t M. I:. ('AMI•:IIO\. To the Editor of The Huron Rhrna1. It3AAC TOMS, Rolle p r for the •a', t any town in Ontario, and are willing and the Tories, writers a bombastic letter his vessel, the Jane McLeod, and hasintend hoWin (souther of their ccleLrat- Judge C. t . Hann, t Jamshaffr. able to de their duty on every occasion, anent the affitir,intrhichhe denies calling since been incapacitated from active SIP., --I learn from Tnt Sna*i. that ed }sic -nice on the 24th May Queen's 1 ISrs it. but we regret to state that the cheese- the Archbishop a "gent." :Mcdonnell duty, the tholate cls tion i i is still prating about Birthday . They intend sparanv no fauna { `-- ►rin odic of the council has. been is the youngman who coarsen insulted ing late election nhHathr Itself wi w in trying tohave ataaucceiet Funildr}bar I Banking, paring policy Y A VISIT FROM SPARKS." g ileitis will be given litter. - __ ___ . such that little or no encour- Hon. L. S. Huntington on the floor of guilty -- exciting sectarian prejudice BANK OF MONTREAL. agement has beengiven them to become the House. The excuse then made for He 1.»ek. up waIau n rlaraurtal. Lw•ea. , among the electorate. Shortly after Mr. misses. A. Janes and Flora \\ ihiam ' g sen, of Mitchell. have been the to thoroughly efficient as they miy jut be. ban: was that the impertine:.t snob esu emir and scientific Around tir4erleh. party,Johnston became the caudidatc, of his !, e*ts of as , party, this oracle gave expression of its Mn. M. I framer, for the past week. CAPITwL, • •1t,M0,0ee. We hope the question of putting the "heated with wine." He was the sec- That erratic but must genial of ilea, ' joy neer the event in language which While workin a on Mr. N. Morrish s 8L'RP/•CS, -• t.,000,oalt, company on a good basis wall engage the rotary of the U. E. Club, and on mat- of of the London Advertiser. was I ad the strongest tendency to ',reduce saw mill, on Friday last, Mr. H. Mew attention of the council at an early day, ters pertaining to party politics is regard- in town recently, and from a news . 'feelings which were neither desirable nor vet two of hi* hinters almost taken off, Goderich Branch. Sud that the ,location of a few ocllars ed as almost a crank. lit is the oath- budget • sent to his paper we clip the to the advantage of itapru;ege. "\\"eek- tui thea he was engaged u xlltttnf slabs D.• GL;'! Ifonglar. items below. We understand that kneed Protestants, priest -ridden Gov- ',eget'''. additional outlay will not stand in the or of the saying : - "Stick to your ..Sparks" is now in training for a scien- eminent" were its choice epithets in pro- FARM. RaYTau.-Mr. W. Limit has « clredit lanfrcirculareno els. II'"fta, trite. way of an improved orypanarwtiun.• party whether right lir wrong ; and the ties bout with a local shine*serer, and I claiming the ;election of tiro. Johnston lested his farm of 130 acres to Mr. 'iVm, to all tans of the world, s Issued, pays!) 1311. more it's in the nasal the wore you that a meeting has' been arranged, when as the standard bearer of the Conserve- McLean, of Galerich, for a term of six TttovAt FARRIIw, the member for should stick to it.' In natters political, the two champions will fight without tire party in West Huron, These two years, for the sum of $300 per year. CANADIAX BANK OF COMMERCE East Huron by the gerrymander, has llacdnmtcll is unworthy of credence. gloves figuratively speaking. and sonic parties were highly censurable in the et- r. Long is Tearing it all seeded down, v lively *lug, int may he looked fur. The timation ..f the G•,ifinrl and, therefore, u it is to be all grassed for that torn. been ,raking a laughinit stock of himself Goderich man feels confident that he can must be annihilated. The very names Paid u/, I'c,pital, - BG,OOp 000 down at Ottawa, by claiming that the N. mar. HAIHma's Maiden breech. knock "Spooks- out in four rounds, and employed by the writer are quite si nifi- pa1 q "Tinhorn. Rest, F1, OO,opp. P. has increased the milking qualities of The (d1obr•says:-"Mr. \(eMillan ,who that that worthy will be found Rat o,i Ow cant and indicate at once the line ..n --_ the cows, and that eggs have also .been tern«efintlt neo reiewcrling that u question "t.me . The followingl the are am no calls the fought. which he Weak-kneed intended 1Protestante to s" of W ng e TUE 1aml hu risenatosuchr in tIne extentupper Ge rnl Jana - Htt'.Jf ,X.ISTISR improved by the I ascan policy of the goy f g in - - • ns e. a farmer's *tandpo+int and held the atten- --- pickings of the London r.lorter and would seem to represent a class of the unit Messrs.. Inglis tt Cu., have been eminent. When lie eloquently dilated tion of the House by his downright earn• philosopher --- community that was not up to the obliged to shut down their woolen mill. Goderich Branch. upon the hen question, and claimed that esteem and f•ractieal war •fads. sting O•odench never remembers finer :1-iut tlrnnge standard of hig,fry against their The town went to a great expenses (ase A Vii. lU)SS, - - Menet. IR. the farmers could nobs afford to put in a the interests of his class. ' fishing than the present *er+on. These fellow-c•,tnitnansa ; hence, the are yeah ago to drain that pbarflcular s Int,-rr•t allnwrd nn dppas;t*. }►rat(a o, a 1 f. } t the prtnclpal Town* and lltirs to Caneda better breed of f••wl in their barn yards, Toronto hest( :-Mr. 31e3Iti.an of nobby fish are taken by hook and likes corn - condemned for lack of zeal in a re ign,ua but now it seen° other drams have been (3rvat ilMtaln and the l'nitM flutes, stout►, Huron made en address chapcteristic of , left Mit all-night. One man, Mr. Dan sen*c, and the offensive Mane applied to made higher up which carry the water. I sed and raise better eggs and chickens, G. pure Retch presbyterian grit, and his driver. with 22 hooks, tis.k to 15 large ,them ..n that gerund, •'r ember a cans (neon to the w.oden mall, and the drain , motrdsprduiwn*iawlthoutn Nwa' matter onset H. Ross, of Middlesex, jocosely inter. I whole speech ahowed devoted vtachment i fish a few morning% ago. The15weiq - pliment paid them. Teras clan was not nada by fere town it not anftaciently serttta(te• l7bl jectscl "We have no confidence an the i fo the ex -premier. His argument was • ed •ver 200 I. The largest fish taken censured for entertaining certaiet •pin- large to take Iso water off ; i( is stsrtdlnQ , NSCRANCS CARD. bawd," Mr. Farrow can talk more rale that the farmer now received lees for his this season weighed M lbs., although in i lens on the leading questions at IMOD, about six feet deep around Messrs. iag. Lies about the N. P. than anyuser man produce than before 1879,while he laid former peau fish era`s leen caught that 'but it as berated for its liberality towards lis property. A family linin: in the BRITISH Arum. (•(ry, Tommie Kuablishe " ! t wells as ranch as cul lbs each. (kr one non-Pwtpstauts in the sense already res it*ediMe vieiatty have to go oat and I tail in the Horse. chase...tez s 1 the pp•aods he had ,sur• occasion Mr. It. Campbell, of Goderich, ! ferrel to. No ane haring ambition, so to f11rM rrejiewre un a rsft.Nearly all PH(=NtX iN1s, CO T. N lateness F.nalanii- _ _ _ . _ caught a tent which weighed 84 lis. faro 1 know, to cher k the rapbnnritsq an; tM cellars is that part of the town asp istaMishtal 11M The Hamilton Triiw,a, the newest 1 This is said to he the largest en record. Iho'.nfinel man, but io ordinary 'metals full. The water on the prairie is user months' heist" on Monday last, and the daily of the ambitious qty, as s„I ! et one Col. Leys visited the fishery last Wednea- 1 it might appear atayn ;e how this same tM gravel n,ad, being higher than it has Risks nd Prol. <a,, ► .f •h„ oe. thinks cent. There is no newsier p.leer in the dey, and t•■,k with hint to i ondon four chest which puts forth ouch eti,rts to fteen h.r the pant Mins yp~r. A heavy Pr.vinee. It deserves the grade•! enc- 1 trout which welched &i lbs. The Col. 1 amuse sectarian feelings could charge , shower of rain now would take the snow Legal NYotjces. Tax Orange hi11 received the "six bohne, n there as something wrong somewhere. Has the satinet been orange or m•'Pt 1 Ot does it feel rather Bleu HARtroRUM 91MU d ICEY. of HARTrowD, CORM tweet seatakess The CANADA seas. Hawke, the n*aaasina *lithe, 1s i nays he Here* s*w finer fah, they being another with the act of which itself was and rep not of the hush and swamps, and se "kt one d the elevereet jesrnali.ta in On- 1 the darkest shsile of trout he ever guilty; and we have no evidence that any ( then is de doubt % great amenntnf dam- ?tsSpuseM hear (mats t arelted ( 1 wh•ern it tripe to tndurp waa agp wo•tld he the result f A.1• areas. neater. -11 Seim M l AVM" at wbuV[l1148 - C07 seeuttty, rem ORTON Gone ruMas. John Stirling, Morrish alt( Manitoba last - / attended Be11d der* the win his luck in thp Dusan Mclini with thele as CM A Cut.0 ltati wliite walking t week, went the wile from the extricating hir 'home in his we late hint ,.n 1.t• AtOTHEit Go of the death yf bury, which to last. Mr. Devi on hie lana in home in early t took sick, and 1 the moot of the of the heart w Mr. Davis was most extensive 111 this section i well and wide; years he kept for the past tw ing largely in 31 during that tit deal of stook was general)] c dealing and hot be unsaid u tl hued. His fut and the amain Clinton OnaMt Lively young in a strong, rugge the strapgest$ ior se a m widow anndd fp positor. t The month o the wise man 1 M cannot gel canoe tban Ar. C +ti}'„Oen Mite tie. Ask your Farm labutei locality, and w sequence. .411 engaged at flgu to twenty-thrwo Mr. J. G. postmaster of new store balm man, and purpe goods during tl Plou5hing ec last. The reel On effect of dr nib ving the an. (amen will be seeds for the c The knobs,' ',toyed them pl. nting shade set ool yard. doectt•ae, and to tee farmers i We It nut that t..,, ••rnw*ut 1 1 thedesired c planting otitis Mai einem u tRo balmy wit dispelled any R that u, .tit be our thoughts p %nnor's and tions quote at this vicinity:1 evening; last w of tat ., it Hu teen, eldest d. erun, of 14th one. A y.,odly acquaintances groom were pt the t,ccasien 1 was spent. V lung, prosper. The mends. the system is disease ; eXpl the tae of Dr. 'allot ion Bitb can be moor of all iutlnriti Blood. Fur cents a 1.ottle The outs ga by sending he sheet up, n wl smallpox hast and iudieeati 'Why should within Sit ike his Or let his hai When "Ct1 it grow the 11 son. rhe are never tubi is especially. and it is pest imitate( is of as it had bee t whole w orld purest, best medicine et sprang up at In which the country had 11., and ina metering my *tett, expo credit and other* starts style to H. neap in 1 ..Hope w people t.. b Hop Ritter. dies 44 cure er name is, •• Hnp •r in any way setae, Sri Beware of 1 (lsa nothini with * hum on itis she V' V Druggists $ dealing in