The Huron Signal, 1883-04-20, Page 3LERsS f3
24111114111111111 of Dublin's Revolting
T1re dy-
Brady Artutesed M emte of the Ciller As.
resm.-hand *nifty and **stewed to
be Ilasded•
Dublin, April 12.—In the Brady trial
Carey was crams-esamtasd, and the udur-
watiou was elicited that when plotting
murders he was a masher of the s..dality
which reosive& the aacrawetit at state{i
periods. Carey said he was premised
pardon before he determined to testi
against his fellow conspirators
A photograph eas handed to hut,
which he dent►tied as that of the amen
It sown as ''Number One.,,
Kavanagh, who drove thedir in which
the murderers rale, reptated his termer
*vides*.. His teatimully showed that it
was Brady who directed bins where to
drive, and who designated the place for
him to wait for the murderers.
Dublin, April 12.—In the course of
the Brady trial today, Carey, euchre
cruel examtusetom, said he was one of the
prime nwvers in the murder o,f Burke,
but was under compulsion durinit the
time directly preceding the event.
Being Measly interrogated, he finally ad
emitted that be was not under oumpul-
pula►u't when Iso poitittd out Burk. ti.
the assassins, end urged the murderers
to remegaher that the "sow iu the grey
suit was Berke." Althuugh witner for
Minoan years had beau working for wages
avera[iasl owe pounds a week, he had in
1882 ninety tenants ,occupying his
defenceConsisel fur the brought
in sharp oouest W p iuts inside
trwby the
Crown that Carey done with hie child -
gen to the door of the church in Fits.
rs be
hafria' Mib on the 6th of Ma�• ; that he
was the first to suggest thatdag hat the
,used, and afterwards suggested
weaves. with which the .:rime was com-
mitted M put un exhibition as umtional
The witness' *mower t, questions con-
..srniag promises of pardon were given
with much hesitation. Finally he said
he had bean informed by Mallon, chief
of the detectives, that if his evidence was
given freely and was confirmed by that
of other witnesses, he sad his brother
would be pardoned This statement
caused a ssn.ahon. His .tt.ntiou being
called to trifling details discovered Ltety
regarding the movements of the Fits -
hurls cab in the Park on the day te
mender, and *high were not g by
the witnee, Carey remarked he had a
far only answered hea tiutt by
the counsel, and could, �unrestricted
and so desired, MU a;rest deal mon.
The cross-examination was very severe
and searching. The counsel for the de-
feutx said Carry's hands were steeped in
Carey—"That's nut true.'
Subsequently Carey said he was not
telling halt what he knew, and was more
friendly W the counsel for the defense
than the counsel himself was aware of.
He told the latter to bear in mind he
was nit telling everything he knew
against his client. it was
i Counsel vehesteutly protested
his wish to have no friendly intercourse
with *Humana no tarot' frcm him.
Kavanagh trade a material amendment
to his testimony by saying it was Snaith,
not Delaney, he drove to the scene of
the murder with Carey ; his previous
cement was s mistake.
of aider sad abettors in eases of einspir-
soy did uut apply tot be puma ease.
SRtli•an, arguing rot the defence, sap -
portal these visas.
Porter, fur the `,rus.wutiou, replied
that the evitholan ,.f Kenai:Lth yesterday
was wily of a kind relating to his own
do inp prior to the murder.
Adams, for tee detainee, dw laro,l the
claws iu Kavena�j hos evtdeuw yester-
day, his sadden discovery that it uses
sot Delaney whom he drove to the sous
with Carey, was a story concerted be-
tween Kavanagh and Cerey. risen were
other discrepancies between the evidence
of that informers and that of other witness-
es, by whom the Crown sought to n witness
up perjuries. Only un..)
ever saw Brady before the sixth of May,
yet they new cliim W reeugniae him as
the man they sew ir. Phoenix Park that
day. 11 the jury believed these witness-
es were mistaken, then the case rested
solely un suspicious evidence.
The Court said the points, o
raised against the introd
dence could not be sustained.
Adana said : "Beuren forbid I should
ever be arraigned before thls tribunal.
The peeks opinion as to Brady has been
in advance of regular trial. Brady's case
has been prejudiced and his guilt protium -
e.1 in a manner the most scandalous on
record." He said the principals to the
conspiracy tied t, the Untted States and,
Fnu,ce hefore Carey and KavauaKh
Neigh, fur the Crown, s.r•_ 1 u wee eon -
ceded the crime was the fruit of women
acv. The account .1 the orgauixstion
and its objects and plana, given by Far-
rell, amid never htve been oencerted by
the met skilful lawyer. It had bees
shown that Brady was absent from week
torn the tlfth and sixth of May, and ales
been proven he inquired for Berke as
the fifth of May. The tact that Krivitst•
ugh amended his evidence proved
veracity. If Carey and Kavanagh en-
gaged in c,noocting evidence they would
both have sworn to the same story in
minor as well u major details. The
'eidetic' of the various witnesses wee
swore to having nein Bra ly in Phenix
Part furnishes the strongest possible
proof that Brady was there. There was
an utter failure on the part of the de-
fense to estsb1Mh an alibi. The evi-
dence of Little was so entirely at vari-
woe with the actual facts that it stood
Judge 0 Brieo, charging. the jury,
ointment -ad on the evidence to prove the
alibi, and said there was nothing as far
as could W discovered to fix the particu-
lar evening, the sixth of May in the mind
of Mtge Meagher.
He dwelt upon the evident desire '•f
Kennedy to make the time at which he
saw Brady fit in as beit:g before nine
o'clock p. m. The testimony of this wit-
ness was open to the same comment as
tkae of the other witnesses for the de-
fence, namely, that he was declaring to
have occurred one daywhat actually hap-
pened un another. 'he Judge sale,
though Carey had every conceivable
motive and inducement to give state-
ments calculated to serve his own per-
med, he told A straightforward story,
which did not spare htmself. There was
no evidence supporting the suggestion of
Adams that the persons in the park as
principals were now all in Franca or the
United States. The reverse was the
case. The evidence went to show that
the men in the park with the object of
murder were Invtncibles, although some
who were cognizant of the plan and were
not there 'aught nut have been members
of that brotherhood. The ledge exhort -
•911W I1 IPIlssse Tees Massae
tzvaasvlW, lad, Jeere.11
"Then are three points in this case,
any it plea your huner said the ower
eel. "In the fiat place we ouuterr 1, that
the kettle in dislute was cracked when
we burrowed It ; eec•'n.ily, that a wast
whole when we returned at ; and thirdly,
that we ueter hut it.' Such logic ;night
appear ridiculous but for the fait, that
the ,y,narkable e. ido nter yr,Kluoed w
some of the great murder and "acaudal"
oases whish have lead legal veutileation iu
this awatry during the past years,
was of no Iso aft adi9ytag and a•utlic-
in; mud nat..r.•. In strongest amnesia to
this e.auy rue it kind of testiusuiy, are
the fellow ing enip.iaticaud unite :ni state -
meets made by well kuowtt business Hien
of Kvansville, 4. a reporter of the Jour-
nal whn was commissioned to get their
opinions and experience relative to the
articles in question, and of which such
astonishing reperta are appeari.ogi■ many
.d uur leading exchange*. Mr. Charles
Drug Store, (Jur. etor ��Locust af the nd Th rd
Streets, upon lea g the tenure of the
writer's tisit,said that his sales of the St.
Jacobs lis were large and always
i wl-
That very many people
6ehad sold the article, coiled and report-
ed it to be the most excellent remedy for
rheumatism, neuralgia, de.
safely say that St. Jacopo 01 has effected
witlaw the oast year, more cures than
any other liniment we hese ever add,'
were the words of Meows. Isaacs & Fail-
ing, 613 Main Street. lite. Truk
Maw, whose store is at 136 W. Frank-
lin Street, cited the use id Mr. 'teary
Rhoniok, who for four years suffered with
Rheumatism, Tbiorh wee curd by fled
ass of two bottles of St. Jaeubs Cil. At
tee Canal Drug Stere, Mr. G. A. Ds
Aoeohet, was pleased to say that all umit-
a1 in claiming it the best lutiwat they
ever used. There w11 a growing demand,
aad • somber of ha customers had waled
to testify to specific aurae. Learning
theta member of the well known firs, of
Kerr f Morgan, proprietors of the hurtl-
ing stables 216 Locust Street, had hail
experience with the article, a visit reseal-
ed the fact that a few applications of the
St. Jacobs Oil curwt him of an attack of
Rheumatism, causing him to feel like a
new man. Mr. Gevrge Knortt, with the
'nate toe Co., experienced tics sass
haw Merits trout a bottle of the Oft m
a ease of Rheumatism. which had troubl-
ed him tor six weeks. Mr, W. Weber,
at 630 Main Street maid, that
tphrtn Jacobs Oilcould he rcrnntmeudd
with a dear conscience fol. the recent
alleviation and cure of all the various
peiltul ailments which oculd be reached
by an external remedy. Similar testi-
mony was received at all the different
places visited, among which were the
Far'mer's Drug Sten of F.g, 515
Fulton Avenue ; andox1. W Dotrr A
Co. , C. Second sod Seymour Sore
It shoudbe stated, test nue fellow citizen
Mr. J. Bertelsen, Upper Second Street,
from his personal experience, recom-
mends the tit. Jacobs Oil as the best
aetiole of its kind.
Such indorsements as these, carry no
double mewing ; there is but one in-
terests ; and as has been well said by
We Chicago Times after interviewing si.ine
of its leading citizens, "they should be
euough to satisfy the most skeptical, of
the wonderful, almost miraculous pre -
parties oontaiied in these little bottler.
A pis a en a Own B1ese. was such a rush 'wide for any Wore on es is new at J. Wilson's for a
Trill Bottle of Dr. King's New Disouv-
ery f•or Cuosuniptiou, CuRgba and C aids.
All persons affected with Amble*, Br.•n-
chitu, H•,aseuesa, Sentare Cuu,,lis • any
atter:rem u- the Truitt or Lung. , •• g' 1
a TrisI Mottle ••f this great r'•ioo ty free,
by ca', if 111 Drtimf fi'••r•-. tt.••tu-
IMI',..X.,,1. (6):
A Lame proposes *r the *Yaws' wise oases
lavas saterleg menu tram dersyemest of the
elerseh, bowels. sad Urer. Aft=ers Carua[1C
Fiera act dtnotly spas Uwe, organs, end are
espaslally dsslgued to esu tis diseases sassed
by their derangement, Melodies Derami rettss•
Isdlgeeaws' Dymagoiss. Seadnries, Drier
eery, and s host or other dimer**, for all al
whisk tow w seats, sere, prom" aad puss..
remedy. The emesetve tie .1 these PILLa y
ertssat poysrsierls in regular pncUO , shows
d d,talably the estlrstles la which they are
held by the reediest predsrloe•
• These P1145 are compoebasd or vegetable emb-
ub*asses only, tad are absohately use from oaloue
er say other lnjartoes tagrellsat.
A N/kser tram swasere writes'
"Arrears rias me levsladls ie re, awl are
swe��wer trema Wise . I'[us erre seven
esti t►ass , .este ilyic to 1br *.near. seg load
paesa7 anus sly towels sad 6+e m7 need
• Asan They sthe most ieeuve sad w
eaeaesl phyeresis I earo ever fesrd. It is a pleasure
so me so week Is oder pease, sad I always do so
whoa ouresMW. Leve or W. L. t Bro."
Mukha R., !Melrose, Pa., Jam T, LSM.
I have awed An=a's MAO la numberless is
k▪ s Ma daelrell re-
Wss •i �
teas on head es our
Stirmt prim Mem es •
tame, sawillotou
dliYerik la
Texas Jasr• (T, 111111
The SvcPILANCie" nt RAINAewe IVII, writing rMw.
/estas. a to eooesWstiostress mike, la
Wesyew ems I
mem ease of aedielam'el various eels,
iss■MwdImmosi /eses, X11 souse
hsacolks.s s .4.Aemel
lave vastly fsM *.7Isasel •"
Aware CaT*awlso rags. erwest imerelesl-
ass of the bowls, Marwists the appdte amt
digestion. sad by their preempt and thorough
..ase afire sone sad Wear So the whom enniea1
raaraa&D SY
Dr. J. C. Ayer di Co., Dwell, Mose.
Bela 14 all DitemOte,
At the I/Idiot Established tibiae ' ore in Torre,
In Endless ariety
t, suit the most fastidious and the most ecouowic buyer
Is now romple.e, and I take pleasure inwnl had �t a ustuinete that at no pre
Large & Varied Stock
As atpresent. have toInc I h 'sed the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price uuti
it is s positive tact that no such value in foot west can 1>r got elsewhere.
of every grade still receivesprompt my pmpt and careful attention, and will be
in the mos
t provred styles
s by first-class
le. omen, and
of p
E. DO S/C7-1•1-=1•1-G-.
Yolllf% All etpeclesee the wo ela ba
rfal ne&
•I/Al MAW'
OLD, /4110
lis. Chlidree with eons iy r. /em's ,
ox as serotslaw ox by to he
may he rade kes�y ad troy b7 lut etas.
Sold by all Drl tats ; N, els Mitts. ter M.
Joseph Smith, the prisoner who turn- ed the jury to render An impartial ver -
ed informer, rep,• d the story of his l dict. He expressed a hope the; would
doings in the Phoenix Park, as related be influenced by Divine inspiration.
by Carey at the hearing. cerise said he There was breathless silence to the
was•awern in as an Invincible three Court when the jury returned and an -
weeks before the murder were cotrmit- pounced that they fonnd•Brady guilty of
ted. The Iuvincibles' secret sign for l the murder . f Cavendish ani ltur'he.
recognizing each other was holding a ; Rradv was sentenced t•o bo hanged
knife in the palm of the hand. Daniel } Dr. Webb moved fur as arrest re judg-
Curley iutr,doced himself to witness by meet. He alleged that under the Crimes
this sign.Act the jury was not legally formed.
Other witnesses were called by u,.! The .ledge refused 1,. grant Wei,b's
osecetor, including Gudden, t1te Phtn f motion. Thu date of the execution of
i nBrady wee tired for May it The jury
unix Park ranger, an • son of Jas. Cs-
r,•y. The latter deposed concerning the 1 were ent forty m'nutes.
a match for the knives used by the mur- _ _`t
derers. the result of which he said was B:it whether on the raTuW hie.reported t.. Brady. Or io the batUc's vas.
The phr icians who examined tics The dtttaet place wtsere man ran o
bodies of Cavendish and Burke testified ,
V where he die* for man
relative to the nature of their wounds. 1 And tie worst place where mancan die
The 'prosecution then rested and de- I where he ,lies throttgh carelessly per -
fence opened. milting his health to he undernuned
The photographs recognized by Carey through a cough',.r cold until he is en-
v " Number One .. were those of Tynan. twined its the moils of consumption—and
Counsel for defense argued an hour in all this while a certain cure is to be found
*uppers of an alibi for the privacy. in Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Bal -
James Mullett, another pri,oner,tnade I Sam. Mr. A. C. Durant. ICempt /toad,
a statement to the Crown on , to strength + N. S., was cnnhned to his room for three
of which it is said he will he accepted ai i pears throe4h lung disease, ant!! became
Robert Munro, engine -driver beet :v'een
Kincardine and Hamilton, says
was 'impossible for any person to be •
worse subject of Dyspepsia and a greeter
sufferer than I was. I ofteu had to lie
down in the caboose, end actually
thought I would die before 1 reached
my destination. I purchased a bottle ed
McGregor's Speedy core. at. d 11 cur
me." Free trial bottles at Geoo. Rhyne,'
ts s.
Drug Store. Regulr
and ono dollar.I {
a ..OHNSTO� Sv°Q'
2 u.l,.i iA ARiLLA
et) r led L&!4Intieneti
Le .::otffping the Msod.
•• oases ham for to years, and els
- !�1 EADACit PAI
i, gyne Ore THE YM. '
. 1 , ' •Keen.'.tKeen. and ala Dissents
... I -xiss Disordered V our ier ar ea
wt. Thosws w their heel
..c, ft and give ft
•: tia am ctiprescribe meaty. to otbere.
le from YeO� •scoune t u,
lc --; , •;varus, wY fin.
. .' knows esIsshis
. It is atrtctly
ldem...dLeeea.d ear
• •':a meet a llple-- e- use ■e
,-,h, lk•wela
1 by all responsible
• .::u fora quart bottle.
or all
',.r Ree lorare.
tori cannot obtain • bottled
•one from their druggist -*
,ue dollar. mrd we eee'I
^ ;Trowel a Co, inasht erne
a t approver.
Annie Meagher deposed she was with
Brady at her uncle's home, 6th May, at
i, p.m., and again from 6.4u p.m. until
g p.m.
Little, public house keeper. doyt'sed
that Brady was in his house at 4 p.m.
and again at S.45 on 6 May. Cross-
examination elicited tho fact that Little's
house was a regular rendezvous for In-
v inciblsa
As Brady was convoyed back to Prison
there were hisses for Carey and cheers
tor Brady. The demonstration was sc
'narked that two offenders were arrested.
Dublin, April 13. — A clerk trained
Kennedy swore that he spoke to Brady,
who was aoo0nipanied by a girl, on Dom-
inic street bet ween five and seven o'clock
•t the evening of the Paso thex girl kmur—
•re. Ile rengn
ired nie
Meagher, who testified yesterday, she
.vas with Brady that evening. it anew
r.'M. met Brady the following day The
Lot-rds;laredthat the murdeta ai•uld
t lin the mese of Ireland.
The defence announced it would call
ether s. The
eatment f
wedeens.' for thedefMse and prosstt titre
t Hewed.
Webb, the prisoners eouneel, protest -
*i against the sdmiesion of "videos*
raring upon tiset therrd of a coaspi-
, iev prior to May Wahl, eked
leo prt.osers were hest *resigned on the
e M ctoolltfillief, and this was fol-
iages by the sharps of murder. He
• keneed that sucha cnndein.tien of
• ! e p pligrpedeeted.
se weak that lie couldn t stand.. Dr.
Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam
healed hint, and now Le is quite well
Why se Oen se sat?
True. you may be in a miserable con-
dition—you may be weak. pshid, and •
nervous. You cannot sleep atnight, i
nor enjoy your waking hours : ye • . why
lose heart ! Get a bottle of Burdock
Blood Bitters. It will restore y•n t"
health and peace of fit d. -
I i•a
Bartiunt's elephant " Filet.' next in
size to Jambi,, was shot lest week. His
killing was necessary f,r the safety of
the public.
1r Nearly Mead
after taking some highly pulled up scuff,
with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bit -
tors, and have m1 fear of any Kidney or '
Urinary TrouI'les, Bright's Disease,
Diabetes or Liver Complaint. Theme
diseases cannot resist the curetivz poser
of Hop Bitters ; besides it is the host
family medicine on earth..
Now that there is a reliable remedy for
kidney troubles, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been rentoved
For this let all be thankful, and too Dr.
Vann Buren's Kidney Cure award all
praise for having thus removed a hitherto
considered fatal disease from our 71'ath.
It was never known to fowl. Sold by J4
Wiles n.
Tho whole physical niechantaim be-
comes impaired by tho heavy winter
diet and lack of open air exercise. Ayer s
Sateaosrili* is the proper remedy to take
in the spring of purify the blood. 'rev .
orate the system, excite
tl.e rl,tt tac-
tion, and resters y
v1g,•r of the sperm
Atm important , departure frim the
d and sieksnieig ceas-
pound.. are Hope's Regulating Pills,
griping "WUitong
only 10 cones a sample tics, try them.
Says Dryden
"She knows her w tit, a:..i whet: y .. rant
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a single hair."
But it crust be beautiful haw to have
such power - and beautiful halt an be
Thousands tear witness t'• t::t•
MAIcurativeInpuwert the GREATrented that
YAK Itcvh.OR.tTOa, the only remedy that
has pros'Sd itself A specific fur general
debility, sal weakness imp• �teacv,
You will Save Money b Buying Your
We are Now Se li ig This Season's
1rT- ., "per TEA S
From 30ctsiper tto tu,7ucts
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar, &c:
W dl be Sold P:,,portionally Cheap.;
Extra Family Flour, .
$2.2I.)). obs
A FRIT Supply of
Oat real, j Cc rnmeal, Bran, Shorts, etc. -�
Always on Hand.
TheaBest Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices)
EGYPTIAN' OIL.) H. S. Rart;& Co. 14')
The Great Pain Q ,nqueror,
rapidly dispels pato. 1 teaspoon/ill ui .nater
* dl cure a distracting head ache in five min-
ute*. It. epplied to are)- a eeted surface of toe
body. as tooth ache. neuralgia. rheumatism,
ds.... it eves the sufferer comfort and instant
reilete is a charming remedy. Only', and
Money refunded if not ae represented.
A. T.IPACOTT 2 1 e,: *ale rreprlelere.
W.J. C. Naftel,
Drn4gist, ct.:., Agent for Oodeilett.
Goderich MiUS
Beg to return their thanks to the public
the liberal patronage received during. the pan I
year. aad to state they ere prepared to dc
Grit I�3' 1i' CT
on the shortest notice, or for the convenience
of p."ttealiving ata distance will exchange
wrists at their town .tore
Life ore 31. Hilfiar'f't.;
Masonic block. Etat St. Go tterirt.
Ar -Highest price paid for wheat 1ek
A week nide at home by the in-
dustrious. Beet business now be-
fore the public. capital not need-
ed We will start you. Men. wo-
men, boys and girls wanted every-
where to work for us. Now i% the time. You
can stork In spare time. or e'.".• •'our whole
time to the business. No other bnsineaa will
pay yon nearly so well. No one can fail to
make e'xorman. pay, by engaging at once.
Costly outfit and term' free. atone made
taut, easily, and bonornblr' Address Tagr. it
Co.. Augusta. Kahle.
people are always on the look
out for chance% to there's..
their e•rnings.aed in time be-
come wealthy ; those who do
not improve their optlortun
Medi r.1a to M poverty. We offer • great
chance to make money. We want men, wo-
men, boyo anti girle to want ver us in their
nern localities. Anyone can do the work pro-
perly from the tint start. The business will
pay more than ten tiro* ordinary wagap. Ex-
pensive outfit furnished free. No one weo en-
emies Win to make money rapidly. You din
gevoto your whole time to the work. or only
your spare moments. Full information ma
all that is neoees•ry sent tree. Address STD( -
Portland. Maine
emoted by the ass of CefWALRMR Batt
Raereweat. Sold at 50et . ey J. Wilson.
i y, semis t
eta, and all diseases that arise frutn telt- Aad sot
anew or overtaxed brain, finally ending pilots 15 tow.,
ie onruutnption, insanity and a poems' 1B�steeN a.Mevo� "l Ran -
tete grave Sold by ail drus z;stme Isis ea Tess.
will Le sent foes on receipt of tl.p) reel ITe6I -
bor� or sic boxes for 1ht. Address F. .7. 1 H I C .A Cr ,,
CHoORI. T,•letlo, Ohio, sole agent for,
0• aHo1['rEsT, tit -ItKE.T sod
PF.T Itty to at. Jo.rp*1.
*'>Jl eteblem.Teeeka,Dent-
Z•! :. .ee, bolus. c al .
wen •swathed•
A hi1nr*l reward will be Esioi t, soy
piety who will produce a case et taro!,
Kidney er *Itcrosch cotnpia:nt that Lee-
tric Ilat•ers will sot speedily cum. BM*
tket., aloi4. it will cost yu•: nogg fin?
the menta* if it trill to curs, not= .6.4
betties. All Blood liveries, Rthoas•
's e t WM toe the,
ems sat old fair em15pitacy and murder, will 1e well rewarded for y• air t'
seas, .l:wndic.. Constipation. sin gene
mal debility are quickly cured Seriatim --
den guataideed nre money retund4N)
Price only fifty cents pan b. -Ade Ter
este by J LS da•n ' i
hitt a indictment Mr murder
Webb said the indictment fee ct'nsptr-
y to murder may only be based upon
rtdenre going to show that then Ira we
teats to murder a definite tp. . 01
,)saws& the law regulating
the i'ntted `tate.. Sent E r etre Ilam
enol teenage of genuine cimter flee. 151"-'
Rhynas. G,alerich. fll't
.,,•vGreat i
leis a I ee aCsr
lIM i
Sttmply tmreculins is all I can say of sasieesaereta
A to.
effeee ..f Dr. Van Buren's I�iday �T �v C T T
Cors in my mate. An elderly lady KA, l\ SAS 1 w` I
writs throe trent Antigonish. N. K. who i
had etytrn><SSo d by in
iesen t ackler
twenty years.
2m Teee•sk
404PltLTlalt YiRY EARLY IN THE Twee.•ist
WI" bees e,teensed °si.,•rated 1+tis tic
owe- .+— .•• Y
e ell>age ase tgaM�u aim, meet se newel
.� ad jrNriN
marvel the t le sat
( -.♦ um:
sd Is pwsbl, reeertd►t
Ittnn nit tb�
Try R,
,,i yew will
ravels, •
marry, lasteed
a. . 5410,Of
No. .1. ewrhrt.
nutpnend largely rat M•v,fr MM v trot e[1■►
1:,sA UuseSt$T and CHR Ar*RTlubAob
t.e,1D the wor1A,--tic• SC$T tier
net •+stet. sett [Nur, it meaty poi ia:ie d ewe*
twee oaver tis seas. reducing feletten arta
woho riimithodrdh7"•CNBSPESTbs.
Is costs NO MORK (San interior
�, and now boa won 00 the , 01'... civ
Of reg otter tonne. A:,,•* -crus is wet, 1
f ' sarvee ere. L1I,1 mea :ny. 'I hr( suing eta
jcllsel, Cors•PSAot*ree a ,trrtng^ . Dnggfea1.1 I
fes„ as !dr Wagon‘. CUARANT1t0
raMIRO Petretsens.w,MMaltmeters
Please Consider flhls,
PieleR`i t).AVli 1'AFK-rli.i.ER.
T a, t, with wetedevfoil ?apisty dn.t notesr
!a.f., n ` en taken at the ever -einem ment of
in e t. . to ci.t,• Cholera. Cholera
t' ar4tt a a-' i ., • • . i,n1
plaintstie sim•I a :. tt'_r:
f r z.d..en C. s, Sire Thrto:, 41G.
.\ ia'ae,,p ,utful "f 1' .IN-K! tikes at
t,.,^• . ,,.• n( an :smirk will prove aa
:1'...• ��.• t et•t tilin` cure, and saai ntac\
our AAA (*km"' of Tinsgs Mora
r I
seine, steam tree
eon fit., New Vork. t
. ). end Ohseair. 10.
seautt, hoc% RS A CO.
Pete L...i.1.r_ !�l11.
vwee 11111P. WftKRI.RR'N
CALiOAY A we lave the t TTtR.
*eat t bravo et taw Itis"* eter-a10• 1 , -
1s Tier Prat d r
re• neteinated. [wore_•. r•.- ,
J. Slum ox,
Cenadtnn Peas. .1 .
av ' the remarkable Tnro.00e I -, ,
rh�rme r n ''TsAssuT, 1
little gets for the Teeth and Reel,. krik tee • U. Jonxatoe,
gout t.d flo(toilets:.d: est of address 1 Tiekat Asset.
A Rewean -Of one doses ''Ta•sti-
" t,, any one sending the hest f, orient,
Etat ►Bison.
rt Awe .401
t blew_*. lib
j'ot 111111 l*t. ITuruue
r t-..... . ( urs., Ilrnlwrts, Le.
i,,, ...a i ' 1.,1tul .t willing
•_atom) ami eiale • . 'r:•" ve yonur
.'�t ,_;t defA)•, 1:1'1 ..'. . vo-f`y Iraq;
re-er hens ha", R t'+ (1m b
t •-t• in ;t soriite i.tswtce..�� �I��taa.i,ll�
:aJ ,.t time tat e,t livery qualm
.t tr+'• intirmari o :n the rort4. To
thehlt4 or other stork
:.1 :r.t'l (I):hggT�reem rota, a tittle PAIN
ra spited wtllt si3k veil: rest aro thee=
•: $ cry spitkly.
...f' rhe Pain•Kitier is tic sale 1, Dint
gist*, Apothecaries, Grocer and
TXaIert throughout the wait.