The Huron Signal, 1883-04-20, Page 21 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, APRIL 2% 1883. PREIBBNTATION with a clad milk fultkt and hospitable i very handroute and costly silver presents euough to a000mmodate and entertain , as tokeua . t teu'twbrance of their uoauy TS ler. and marc, r. J. a.luvu eraaaseld. you while you stay there. And if friends. cruel tate has w destined that we Tits F*gaHEr.—The annul apnea On the evening of 7th inst., a few of do not meet again iu this world let ua' freshet, which is looted forward to with W. P. J. Sullivan's friends utet at the hope that we shall all mut together iu cow/isles-able apprebensien by many of house of Mr. Joseph (iridin, the pupa- those brisht regions b.yoad the Krsve our villagers, h ... I yni pleased to state, lar deputy reeve of Ashfield w gIve ea- where the ow -rueful taste of abet word risen to its hi- hest point, and is uuw pression to the esteem in which that gen- tleman and Mn. Sullivan are held. On the occasion a social time was spelt, tha guests of the evening being surPOssded assure you, dear friends, that the part - with nu fewer than a hundred of their' nog wall give its pain. Bot we mud iriends and sdmirers. A sumptuous le„l, has it will be all for the tetter. rapper, excellent in variety and q.ahty, stud am sure thst this is the hope mud wu served to the nuaterous visitors, wish you all ; and, as 1 said before, oysters being at a premium, wrung, is a it is gaunt gratifying W us, and I assure mum* to the sxo.11euttuaun r in whish you we feel hilt houured, and have they were prepared The '' light has- every reason to feel su that our depart- tast►o was indulged in till far beyotsd ore fruut amongst you should be the the ” ams' hour ," to aid digestion. Mr. object of stn large and respectable a and Mn. Sullivan became tbe recipients gathering as I see here before me this of very valuable preseuta from their evening,and that all should feel so deep friends, as mementos previous to their ly interested in our future welfare. In departure to the West, which the fulluw• Conclusion, my dear friends, I will re- ing address and reply show, er will as ode fur you the words of Robbie Burns thtl'to''ularit of the recipients. to his patron and friend Lord Gleneairn, Mr. P.`✓. Sir1tlran. and I can assure you they are equally DEAR FiUEND,—We, a few of your appropriate to the resent odcission :— many friends in your native tewtuhip of Tp " Tee bridegroom may forget the Wide. Ashfield, lemming with much regret that Vies made his wedded wife yen__ n : it is your intention to act upon the re- coinmendativn—"Go West," avail our- selves of the present opportunity of tee- ing expression to the esteem in which you are held by us who have known you jrur u boyhtwd, Permit us then to state that your frank, cheerful and generous disposition has endeared you to us to an extent that words fail to express. Your hand and heart were ever ready to share in our joy, mitigate and Rooth our sor- rows, prottote harinony amongst us and leave a pleasant impression on all with whoa you came in contact. Your apti- tude for and uprightness in business are in keeping with your social gtu.lities, giving every man his just due ancf ex- tending favor with nn unstinted hand where se.::it was merited. But the grief we fee at the separation about to take place is modified by the assurance that those same traits of character which pro- duced such attachments between us, attachments which time cannot remove or distance dcstroy,will secure you warm friends in your new sphere of acticn. As it ss of the greatest importance that you should carefully note the pass- ing of time in order to avoid the dis- agreeable consequences which might arise from too early er too late hours,we present for your acceptance this watch as a slight token of our respect and es- teem, hoping that it will tick as regular- ly and as constantly in your service as the hearts of the dunes will beat in friendship fur you. n'ishing you the highest degree of happiness and pros- has been thawed out during the late mild parity in your new abode. weather, and is now preparing new music We have much pleasure in presenting for the summer months, under the lead - you, Mrs. Sullivan, with this album as a ■malltoken of our esteem, observing that we much regret the change which deprives us of your society, but we are assured not of your friendship and re- gard. An event of this kind is apt to recall to our winds the memory of other days ; pleasant days which we have spent together. You will be much miss- ed by your friends here ; but they hope "Farewell" will be hewed no wore. I did toot seem to (ulUy rti:tllse uutlii tow that oar patting wag .o clam, and 1 can The monarch may forget the ern That on his head an hour Wm been : is now exploded, the hutees walking off The mother may forget the child with it, without an e , rout exertion. That smiles sae sweetly on her knee : I y I But 1'11 remember thee. Olencalrn, Mr. William Young would like to win or Anda that thou haat dose for ate t lose front fifty to one hundred dollars, if any one wishes to substitute a bag of Deals,. ;sand for the bag of wheat, and have the -- I rope one inch iu thickness and three THE Sia LIST.—Mr. Arthur Williams 1 hundred yards in length. and Mrs. Young were under charge of our sick committee lad week. The care- ` S13t411. cul care of that band of good Samaritans I — has restored the patients tv health once f►y'j' K ''VEE. Michael Finn and fore. Peter Harry cut in 5 hours 80 blocks of stove wood averaging 20 inches in 'dia- meter. Who can beat that 1 fast sub/mime Fears were at one time entertained th • the river would over- flow the einbankuesnt on the north side. bet the dauoer is uuw over. -The ice, drift weed, d•a, which sontethuea De- cries jammed against the bridge, there- by foment a barrier to the escape of the water, a now almost gone. .1 slight breach in the taill-datu was the enly damage done. SPURTING NOTsy.—"It's a slack tiwp," remarked one old gnomes, as he arrive$ on the premises ..of Mr. Ed. O'Connor, where some fifty or sixty of the sur- rounding iuhabitauts had already con- gregated, "and so I thought I'd come over and see the fun." Tho "fup" in e!uestien was to be a drawing match— if it might be s., tb. e4—u wager et $25 L eeeu trade that a span of horses could not draw a bag of wheat if attach- ed to a hundred feet of inch -and -a -half rope. This old and very popular theory Leebara. EDUCATIONAL. —Mr. Miller, inspector, visited the Leebunt school on Friday, 5th inst., and expressed himself well pleased with the proficiency of the pupils and discipline practised by the teacher. The following promotions took place, viz: from Part I to Part A. Knuckle. M. Shields, J. ' Strong, M. Cook. Part II to 1I Class—C. Strong, J. McAllister, F, Henderson, W. Green, 8. Hoggarth, M. Fulford, A. Burk, E. Henderson, A. Morris. II to III Class—A. Bogie, A. Green, D. Hall, W. Fulford, R. Bogie. IV to V Class—A. Hethering- ton, S. Smith, L McAllister, L. Cowan, P. Stuart. The number of proinations was 23. TOPPER'S TRICKERY' * 1•ea. £ee, p5 $. Mls» •rtkbtst+eta tt.yaea. .l■ a.a.ls Ir. arm Jetta S. ■atdeaNe. Some official letters appeared recently in the Hanultun Tr•stnins which will astonish the country. The Pacific Rail- way Scandal, the nder}lunk ewntracta, the Gerrymander t, h+t)e prepared the cuuutry ti) hear etbuul aetuutshwent inn whi use be wade con- cerning revelation the misconduct of those iu office, but bats as the toast record , f the Govern• went may have been, iso one expected that it had become so hardened iu acts of infamy that without any sense of eleven they would have undertaken to bribe End es.rce the venerable Archbishop of Toronto into supporting the Tory patty and using his undoubted iu6ueuce to secure for Sir John Macdonald and his followers the support id this Kunsan Catholic electors of Ontario. It appears that in 1867 oertain property belonging to the Bank of Upper Canvda, un Dike street, in 'Dowdo, was transferred to the Cei>,padtan Cove'nmcut. In 1870 the Gdvernntent sold the property to the Christian Brothers for school purposes for the sum of $8,000, cine-hfth of which was p.tid down, and the remaining four- fifths were to he paid in annual instal- I ed lChat111 ry J r`iamond Smhhy who was agent weals, with interest at six per cunt. No of the Government, and in uharge of the per - VALUABLE HORSE FLESH,. — Mr. E. Flinn of this place sold to Mr. Potter, of Colborne, at three year old colt for the sum of $250. One of eur local fishermen at Port Albert while following his vocation in his shanty un the ice was very much sur- prised end excited at the appearance of three monster trout gambling in quest of bait right in the hole where he was fishing, without delay he dropphed a bait and succeeded in hooking one of them, but alas his tackle was unequal to the weight. t-ndaunted,lhe determined to head the fish, so accordingly he made a run it the direction the fish had taken cern nenced cutting holes through the ice. I do not know whether he has dis- 8atiwtl11*?. covered them. Yet when I hear I will let you know. Muskat.—The Benmiller'brass band AceIDENT.—On Tuesday night, 10th inst., as Nelson James and Andrew Smith, of Kingsbridge, were returning home from Port Albert with a load of plows and a grist, and when opposite John Finn's their horses, by some means ton.... lurch to one side and upset the wagon, hones and -teen un top of one another into the gully un the side of the road. But for the timely aid of Michael Finn and J. Cumming extricat- ing them from their tomb, it inight have been serious. The council should see to thss gully. BUILDING BooM.—There are a number of farmers building and preparing for building this summer.'- Among the fore- most is Jaynes Dalton, putting up a fine brick house. Stone work contracted for by E. Shannon, (loderich ; brick work and plastering by E. Sharman, of Gode- rich ; carpenter work by D. Cutnmin2, Colborne ; painting n. t let yet. D. M. Eroseelm. Buchanan, merchant, Kintail, is build- ing a tine fratne dwelling; D. Cumming F. C' Rogers has purchased lot 116, I has the contract for carpenter work ; Turnberry street, from Mr. J. Leckie the other departments not let yet. Jnn. for $400. Messrs. Hopkins .0 Snyder have start- ed a butcher's shop in McCracken's pre- mises re-mises Tows STATt n(•s.– The assessor has returned his roll, which shows au in- crease in personal property of $15,400 ; the total increase in real and personal property over last year was $925. The population of Brussels is 1313 ; rate- payers, 406 Total children of school Archbishop Lynch, thepudietion set ' Auuther s uitleaut circuital/eau wh►ofs the diagrtuefu encu n which is Charles Tupper, and accepted by the eminency- ady ncy- tes fiyan ere, to the asci tang• set yy (l Two day t. Two days later Sir Charles Tupper per- menrbei of the Miuiatry, has not utter ed minted to Council the fulluwieg loonier- a sound ou the .abject elk uniuni : Seeing is believiair Read. the testi DEPARTMENT or 1 U&L1• tt u1tKee, Io Archbi op yno rr j sal made to $r causes go remark ia that the Gov - the pamphlet on Dr. Van 011 •W S, tied Nay. 187* Bussu s Kidney Cure, then bay a bottle Ncuioesedwm to report and relieve f of all cloy datr/ss- Ttu lnre+tt milt has the homer Dr can tell you that, u y sea hake ,trent. Toroto, log ciao Y b Id Bonk of Upper (r all s at it Bold by -nil; n edench t a tier ear kaowit u the u nails. ,win t i e deeded to the Oet eminent on MOIRA RA .t ({gust 2w ON, til ps -r---t uuw count of the getter in. — As the frusta of winter vanish under the calorie isdwi:ps of the suu'a rays, so dos lit ight's Disease, ,Dr,4is , stone in ihs Eid'toys and Bladder, an(. In1Lni; utation of the Kidneys, leave the boot' upon the aduiinistratten of Dr. Van Bu reit.* Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson, 'int atm, Haul to the Government, was tallaar the antAwtty Oren d ('ounnoollll her last and oh gi tab t t pyublic a no Atha/ t" '"tiv d a acq the e tion to oar, Jan es &eek fur terms of ps meat being one fifth ease and tu: remainder in four annual turtalments w ith in- tertest at six Per cent. "That the win:hare was made by Mr. Stock whoand havetsincelf of the tl a p,r lhaaeistian and up io the present time occupied the building for Behind purposive. batt no further tit ntent than the filth cadbeen mqade by thet hrsttau Iime of tcpurchase othere,ttnd that uattl re -.•u01_ nu de 1n.:nd had been ninth• fur them. " Than the Christian Itrutbets.. through their :ciente, now made O pa)' the lcoot a o'erestwhich t they r through the inaction of the Government, has accrued on the unpaid instalments of the purchase amount, alleging, m"ret cr. that the premise e were a source of lure while occupied by the Government. and that they have nut cnehat.c- ershich of Mr. P. Maedel. MAIL CHANGED.—The hours of arrival and departure of the Bbimillor mail have been changed for the future. The change being profitable for the public as the Benmiller mail will not leave Gode- rich now till the arrival of the Toronto mail, which is due at 1.40 p.m. The hour of dep.trture being changed from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., and the hour of arrival that you will Lind worthy friend! in your from 12 noon to 4 p.m. new•home who will add to your happi- NEW STAGE. —Mr. J. Miller will now run a stage for the convenience of the public Benmiller to Goderich and return on Wednesday and Saturday of every week. We hope he will run d oftener duriu: the summer. ness. Sincerely wishing that you and Mr. Sullivan may be long spared and surrounded with comfort and happiness. Signed on behalf of your friends, MORGAN DALTON, DANIEL O'KEEFE, • SIMON STILE... THE REPLY from Mr. Sullivan in response to the address was as follows : MY DEAR FRIENDS,—I feel that it is very presumptive on my part, after the veru flattering address that has just been read or presented to us to attempt a re- ply. Words fail me to express myself as 1 would like to do, and I know that I cannot dornything like justice to the octasiun, and any mistakes I may make 1 ask you to overlook and forget. In the first place, dear friends, we are taken much by surprise, by the very valuable as well as useful and ornamental gifts which have just been bestowed upon us, and can assure you they exceed our most sanguine expectations. I do not think that our services have been such amongst you an to deserve, or merit such tnarked respect and honor from your hands et; the eve, or rather previous to our departure from your midst. 1t is true we hat e been torn and brought ly testify : Seven years assessor for t up in this community, and have been town ; secretary of the Butterand Cheese Association ; agent for John Watson, of Ayr, in agricultural implement ;architect and draughtsman ; Chieftain of the Cale- donian Society , paper hanger r and pain- ter ; contractor and builder ; Sabbath school librarian ; member of the Ontario Poultry Association ; Secretary of the Eaat Huron Reform Association ; clerk of the township of Gray ; superintendent of the Onondaga and (Ijibbewsy Indians; phototrapher, and is number of other offices and positions too numerous to mention. Lately he has commenced to refuse office. -[London Advertiser. further cunsideratiou was given to the subject by the Government, and up to the end of 1878, nothing further had been paid. Ise the beginning of I879, the Archbishop of Tvrvnto choked tv have the school relieved of debt and re - mines for seine years Previous to the ppa er ur- of the North of ScotlandCanadianCaner. gadianl Mortgage Company d:mttcdhof'foronto, have been ask- ed for an eetitaata of the present value of the nroperty, and both have expressed the optn- ion that, apart from the impr'o.•...O.:26 mane to It by the l'hrlatian ilrothers, the property tained Messrs. FuYpper anTupper d lilac- as much as it was when sold in 1870. I is not worth any more to -day, or perhaps no donnell to arrange with the Dominion Government the terms on which the principal and accrued interest were to be paid off. It will be remembered by our readers that one member of this law first was at the time the Secretary of the U. E. Club, and he seems to have been more anxious to reeve his party than to dis- charge his duty to clieut. Mr. Macdon- nell concluded that now his opportunity had Dome, and that by securing for the Christian Brothers some modihcatton of their indebtedness he would thereby buy the Archbishop and his influence fur the service of the Tory leaden. Our readers will observe that the whole sum would not exceed$4 800, and for this paltry sum he expected a distingished ecclesi- astic to sacrifice his own honor and to deal with the free and independent Roman Catholic electors -of Ontario as if they had been doves of some Oriental market. The letter of Mr. Macdonnell to Sir Charles Tupper (then Dr. Tupper) is so explicit upon this point that we need but quote it to sustain the observat- ions which we hove made. The letter, as it appears in the Tribune, is as fol- lows : FROM MACDONwELL TO 815 C•HARLS'. "The tindersigne•t. under all the circum- stances of the ense. and In view of the charit- able use to which the buildingin question is *Pelted by the Christian Broters and' reetu that it could pot be sold for the price obtain In 1870, would recommend that on condition of the immediate payment of the whole amount of the pun:heat money by the Chris - Gan Brothers. the property be transferred to them without interest. Respectfully submitted. t ignedi CHAR. TUPPER. For Minister of Public Works. In this history of medicines no prepa ration has received such universal oom- mendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent ears it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kianey Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. field by J, Wiles tit. 2m As titeltstde haste.. The Nev York World of a recent issue says : "Should Sir John A. Macdonald, whenever he retires from public life, set about writing his '.vmntra the volume will be something delightfully urians, a kind of combination of Machiavelli, Lord Beaconsfield, and Mark Twain." Those acquainted with the peculiar mental characteristics ,f the three named can form soave judgment of the opis11s11ten tertaiued by the WW'orfd of him wiom many are pleased to tall "the greatest living statesman." It would gem that pulitical corruption, charioteer/gad bef- founery are implied in the description.— [Stratford Beacon. - This is the memorandum which was to satisfy Foy wnen the Secretary of the U. E. Club and Sir Charles had, upon false pretences, got hila to Ottawa. The whole affair was to be kept in abeyance until the elections—until ii could be seen whether the It. C. electors would desert Mr. Frazer and Mr. Mowat, and wheth- er the Archbishollweuld act with his peo- ple as articles of merchandise. Mr. L.igevin was at this time Minis- ter of Public Works, and it would seem that the memorandum of Sir Charles Tupper was referred back to him fur his consideration. As the Ontario elections were to come off within a few days, furth- er action was delayed to see what line the Archbishop and the Irish Catholic electors would take. They acted aocorl- to their own convictions. The Arch- in 'Tupper dc Macdonsell, bishop did not play the disgraceful rule Misters, Solicitors and Attorneys. I which Mr. M c.lonnell and the Ottawa Offlecs Equity Chambers, Ministry Marked out for him, and with Corner Adelaide and I strY Victoria Streets. a view of punishing him for his (hire - James 1 Foy. J. Stewart Tupper, John A. ! gard e the proferred bribe, the interest Macdonnell. ToRo.To, Jan. 23, IN 9. was not remitted as recommended. Sir (Pri vats). "Dear Mr. 'rapper. The Archbishop of Toronto has asked Inc to attend to some business for him, and be- fore writing to yon officially on the subject 1 would like to knew what your views are In 1870 the old Bank of Upper Canada premises, which in 1887 were conveyed by the Bank to the "Queen." were sold by the order of the Minister of Public Works to the Brothers of the Christian schools for 880* at auction. One-tenth of the purchase money was paid at the time of sale • one fifth was to have been equal annual instalments, smith interest at six per cent. "tiince the day of sushi nothing hap beep (,nttrntson behalf of •the community of the doe. No portion of the principal or interest has been paid or called for. The Archbishop (t Christian Brothers. o' Toronto, who have newer/Jahr. to have the matter settled up, the trade application to be relieved from the ne- purchase money paid and the deed prcp•urecl I ernstty set paying arrusre of lalere on the m from the Government. The old gent. is not I aount of the utthase money upon the build' Mg known as the old Hank of Upper Canada, I am directed to convey to you the regret of the Hon. the Minister that the view taken by the Government as to the necessity of carry - "treg out the terms of the 'purchase (such pur- hese haring been effected through public auction> has rendered 0 impossible for them to secede to the reppresentahu':e made by him on behalf of your clients. 1 am. gentlemen: our sets diet.: eertnot. Charles Tupper in his inemorandem ad- mits that the remission as interest for the intervening period was a reasonable thing and proper itri.lei' tate circumstan-' ces Why was it not remitted 1 Be- cause Fresh Selected the Archbishop did not earnestly labor for the defeat of Mr. Mowat. Af- ter the Provincial elections were ::' SEEDSI SEEDS. 1 IaeJust to blind a full supply of FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS of all kinds, which 1 will aell cheap 't1- SIOCK Oi GROCERIES! IS ALSO- GENTLEmaN,- (rc i 1ddto1 d Gt1Ipsar o e(n to ec e. .nc 17. 18 the fol owing It iter wet aroeel e p paid in fifteen days, and the balance in four Arehhish. 's ifewP'r Sullivan and John Finn of Kingsebridge, without hope that the Government may not S r laim all the interest in arrears, but he Anes Michael Dalton, near Kintail, are build- not care to ask the Government to• leant. this ing' Cumming contractor. John Sullivan- favor. }tis objtx•t in coming to us, 1 fancy, was 'incenses, thhope that we could get brim ravnr- van, juin, is having a house finished on ahte and both in a bis+loess and pnIltl- his farm.vn lot 4, near Port Albert ; he I cal point of view I would like to meet I.Is for the is getting tired of single life. E. O'Con- ter fj eshetoget the. Itll businbe es)ofth retmAtrch-diocese, nor is doing it up for him. and I am most Iinxioue to Ret bis ear politi- cally. There is no doubt that he was unfavor- able, al the last election• belies ing that the The a. r. Government would be returned : and the On- c. Secretary. -- tario men conciliate him in ever conceivahie `ee•• o. T..1rm d }tan ,jn ', wa with the vie to securing ts influence Hnrrinter, Toronto. The Welland Telegraph gives the fol- r g at t s coming election. i want co counteract age, 750, being an increase of 114 over lowingtable of exports: Frazer's influence with him, and if he sees Tins corresocnaleure is a disgrsco to Po loaf year. 19;8 1&9' Mr. Macdounell, to Sir Caarles Tupper Brussels not only le oats of a lige poet Yeas. • ....... ..""1*on •.1 i, ti,l'Jti in the person "f Chief Alexander, but Hyc ... 4,5.8'211 1.281.878 !also rejoices in a sweet singer in Mr. D. Barley ......................:.2g,4'J, 11.588,148 Stewart, the precentor of the Mellville The Telegraph attributes this growth Presbyterian Church. Mr: Stewart is a to the National policy. A more absurd host in himself, as the following peel- view could not e taken. The National atte nal tions which he creditably holds will amp- Policy neither sowed nor planted ; it 11'e brought neither rain nor sunshine, and it certainly had nothing to do with creating a demand in the foreign markets, where those products are consumed. What the Telegraph and other Tory journals pro- mised was a home market for these pro- ducts. They said tliat the cost of trans- portation was very great; that it carte nut of the pockets of the producer, and that if the N. P. was adopted the foreign- er who consumed these articles would be brought here instead of these products being taken to his native house. They said that the question really was whether the consumer shold be forced er induced to come here and be; fed by their wise policy, or whether the farm products should to sent to him where he then schoolmates to the meat of you herepres- ant this evening, anti now that we have grown up to manhood and womanhood, c and have more than ourselves to look after and stare for, it is but natural that in (studying our own interest's we should weigh well the beet course to pursue, to provide for our older days and for those whom God has entrusted to our care and charge, and who we may then leave be- hind us. This is the object, my dear friends, we have in view in making this move. I think I can do better in the land I am going to, although I have no reason to be dissatisfied with the progress and headway I have made here ; and I avail myself ..f thisopportunity of thank- ing those of niy patrons an(i customers for it. Still I hope and expect to do better ; and is it not gratifying to us to have the well wishes of so many bright and intelligent young ladies and Port Albert. Miss Hattie Goldie, ''f fort Huron, is visiting her grand -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cold well. A number of our villagers attended the farewell supper held at Mr. J. Grit- entlemen to carry with us 1 nes fin's, Kingsbridee, on Friday evening have spent the tint twenty-seven last in honor of Mr P. J. Sullivan, who years of our lives in your midst std due- is ;bout to become a resident of the U. ing that time it is true we have made very many friends, and few, if any, ene- mies. ti e shall endeavor to pursue the lame course in our new home, and can him every suaieas in his future home. we not point with pride to the friends and acquaintances we may there stake to 1'Enr-tseatesn (M ExTSAortiim• ty. — Miss M. A. O'Connor and Mies M. A. Young are closely following in the foot- steps of O Leery Rowell, end other dis- tinguished walkers. They acquitted themselte@ in an admirable Hunner one day last week when they undertook to 8. Mr. Sullivan has made many friends in this neivhhiirhoaod, who will regret his departure, but *t the nein time web the keepsakes and tokens of respect be - ',towed upon us by the friends we loft be- hind see. I aware yon, draw friends, they aloe] ever remain neer nod dear treasures of our hearts, and shall ever that Foy and 1 can serure (amore at Ottawa for him he is likely to retasin neutral at least. "The way to which I would put the applica- tion in behalf of the Brothers is that they were perfectly prepared and willing to carry out the agreement entered into at the time of sale, bait the Government never enforced it or gave them -and opportunity of doing so. and I chase now on payment of the principal and the interest. which would have Moen paid had the Government enforced the bargainentered into. "Would you speak to Sir John about it if you have acbanoe1 He knows the Archbis- hop and his little peculiarities. -We will be obliged it you will have the papers In the matter forwarded to un. When we reiceve then' and hear from you. we will write to you oficially; and Instructions ran be . sent to Foy in proper tinie to carry tl.rougb17TAwA, April 7. –The exposure of the transaction on such terms a. the Oevcrn• ii" ment may decide. t' the Tupper-Macd,utnell intrigue to oh - "1 am acting for the Archbisbup. "Faithfullyy yours, "18ignedi J. A. bf A(teNNEI.t., No reply wan made to this letter until the 20th of May following, when Sir Charles Tupper, in views of the impend- ing elections, wrote es foliutctt : ing ftp, a reply as requested by the MoiJ'a telegram. The arrival of the paper last tlIY. r ftetaEa TITTER TO J. A. Mee1'ONYF.L: OTTAWA, May mth, 1879. night was looked for with great interest My Dear IacdonneU, to learn what the line of defence had was, under Mr. Mackenzie s fool- "1 have consulted Itir John about that mat. been. ish policy. They have had a trial of an 10,1yehtia led idedf to k k oR tdfie an ercM t ieneral r•Irprise watt eshihited on all their system, and what now do we tind as yon suggest. The rase will go tothe('onnaides at tl.c admiesien that the docu- - the Welland T.1,1,,,Fd, doing ' Junt what ether Tdry journals are doing—publish- ing datistice, which proved beyond all and to the Government, and scandalous as the official conduct of the Govern- ment has been, so impudent and so nor- rapt a proceeding attempted a gentle - Igoe of ,Archbishop`Lynch's standing and would mak for the carrying out of the par- character shown lows how low a point the moral sense of the Tory leaders has reached. We rejoiceto know that Arch- bishop Lynch gave no countenance to the proceeding, which was an intuit to every Roman Catholic elector in the country who regards his •.wn honor and his rights as a citizen. tain the Catholic vote is still prominent topic of cunversati,.n. Additional inter Oat was lent to it uwin; to the knowledge that Sir Charles .and the Mail corres- pondent had been closeted together draw - cal forthwith. but as Sir John says !title MR- mints are genuine copies, excepting r,we f. rn he plated in '8e treed. we @hail Tupper a letter. Friends of the Govern- bbld De final settlement in *beyance until after the elections, when it can be rowed mint h•eped that Tupper would be able question that they did not state the thr aaih. In the meantime rf yen roe send to affirm that the whole correspondence ;troy tion en anme kind of business wick in- was a forgery. and 'are tnuC troubled truth: that their predictions have been erections to also enquire hew ants ps Uctslar Y b falsified, and not nue of their anticipa- aftlir 1* progressing, he will aerert is titer it to find that instead of this he adds insult In hese hMs referred and ncooament,d tOl ts. M Arch - tions have been realized. \1 a ask the tDelgaeY wAloh ise w it tasttter.il recce' t• that already heaped upon the Arch- T.ry journals, did you not tell the peleer client enenk ret urn to Toreare.' hishwp by declaring that he refused to peer pis that Canada was a sacrifice market Our readers will see that Mr. Charles parches bis influence as if he had ion- a.d that this was thee/tune of depression: Tupper•s view of the business was as is• derail it for eels.. Is it not true that the importations have suiting to tee Arabbiebop as how of the It will be noticed. ny refernng to the since beeu mere/ sed end foreign tor,lucts secretary of the 1 . E. (-lab. He infertile letter said to have been sent by Tupper, _ are more largely cornnised teas they Mr. Macdunnel that his agptmttou will on the 30th of Mal, 1879, fr..m which til p 1/apd 7s be of ail kinds at lowest possible prices. TEAS A SPECIALTY Geo. H.OId CARTERS 1 EV R Pius. CURE h ick Ilsadach, and relieve all the trouble* ieci- d t to a boo•as state of thea atem, such as DIr- simess, Nausea. Dames after eraait nar F•r..n in the 8,de, *e. le their sat resau tad, success has been n 1n curing ICK Headw*e,ystVartse'a1 tlie Liver Pins.,equally valuable IS miring and preventing this annoying while the also meet all disorders the etesone. stlmetate t ver and rimalatetheiswla seam Ir$hgMIy red £AD Ache they woad anew poetises to those who stiffer 1roel ilga lessYt f esmplNu; bit forts - lately their e a11taire,.stadd thew who ones try thim r_ - vale - able la selmealr wale to do without Mimi. CHE Ie the bane of se easy lives that here 1st waw• we make oar great boast. OW 11111111 Ware It wale craws de cot. (star's Little Luse p ere wry small sad very easy to oaks. One r tare make a Mee. They are strictly vagsleMe and do set gripe or Lzrbat by thou lents seam rieese set who a .tats Nesta: ase fat sold srw0ists retry/Awe, er seas by amuse CARTER MEDICINE OO., Mew York City. 0 ACRESFREE! IN THE Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Moulin River Country, were in 1878 1 Did yes Mot say Ilm t un- be acted upon ; for Johu . ,said has the r notation is to en, which states that the import* could he *het that been to nsuhed, bot that Me J, times sir ,Lhn a little confidence is to the prosperity of the country oseki not not expect they will gain ranch by fa is played in the breed, that Madlnnnell is be revived 1 Do you sot stoat the pre,- . a party '4 view, b fause "1.111. ,-e c -e waled to send Foy here on some kind keep fresh in our minds the dear and int period as a prepereallM , cen- t faces we see here before ca this walk to O.,derich, a distance of ten notes the importations have bass raw 8lm John refers to the It .wan Catholic soh Tupper on the I'te•tion. The ab- i evening. end for which i ant sure my The precession started at 7-30 a. ret , ar- aegnisnteel 1 In fa•t, electors Jertrtwtiy. .•r whether he refer- sena ••f Tepper a ►iitnature from t1. wife agrees with nee in asking you to ac• riving at (k,derich at 12:4:', considerably in the Tory gatem e>( eee angagay rest to the irslr..yati atrsi d.rtty „f ;be letter as published induce(] a denial el Dept our most sincere and heartfelt fatigued but proportionately proud of has iwen fa unad, ami rat tM Itsc wbu Roman Catholic Cseirtb. kis isp.nble :ta genntn.s.ss. In the meantime the thanks And now ladies and gentlemen their fw(s).t have pm,tea themselves neither in keret.to mai. igather ! following corr,lprat,te proof is at hard t1 h se se h p err -i ins flit Acv. r, ' , , in order tlat he might 1 ea you, one and a:l, if it ever be your S1LVIS Wzontwr. - Mr. anti Mn. Ma- edge nor in scrupulousness one whit ins ing. lr,' wish to stray towards tl a northern Peni- hefty celebrated the 25th anniversary set superior to Wiggins, have thecal cis ; cis by Archbishop).$Ise► *Melt could at (kw taa at the vtlry time for which the sesta—and you cannot take a finer trip their marriage last Mondayevening by to pato about the aeons. t•1 their load to rho nde'rwwer that be had pial letter as hie, to risme icehealth or pleasure's smke; the scenery inviting a num her of their riends to Far- and financial theories. - [Gond-•n Advvt- the inllenue,nee whIts )s ,,j Turning to the tile of the t Ottawa t it riser. a clergyman in the :.teriet AA *u ram. ' : of the 23rd of Mayo 1879, Mr. Fc,'a • fied ; to show that Foy did have some exc Ise en the voyage there is grand. and after creek the head Teske Huron and •Ie Matieltalads it is grander _en ss we their remain you shall have • that will be ever glad to see you, >a' you at the dock en yenr arrival take of a grand supper in commemora- tion of that happy occasion A very en- juyahle time, was spent by all present, amp, touts and speeches, home the order of the day, or, rather, night. The happy couple wets the recipients of stone dy to sell it to the Teary party for gm I arrival is announced at the Rouell The Hon. A. S. Hardy has been ap- 1 sAktal (attic This suggestion ewe,,Howse be a special personal item. This pointed Actingg Minister (it Mumma' from the secretary of the f' E. (10.remarkable coincidence 1 eoks badly for ailing the *bum* of the RIw. Mr11and the Met to which Mr. Xaodoottell the Tuppppeerr•Mail denial, end will require Crooks in For. for nes Seemmt of M hamuli - bolnogs owe .t L •he:ueetrrs, s. eon so ! f,rrther p piano NORTH NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United Istat•@ Land (Wee at GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. •es'TfeN IL w sr and 11 La beetle elar mailed Men to any address b H. F. M('NALLY, ele.sttwl Trwvelllag Agent IT Pull. UUUUP IE i11111111111111 l I tet 'rate W.1saeUw'toa Rel Snail b ' Can nut: mor whit Pan PalP KaiA Iter kao the evil was Brit hie the Oppnsol hese tint Bei Itch pal the to 1 esti sis a► - ave t 181 bis' en h1i inti mg affil re 4 s