The Huron Signal, 1883-04-20, Page 1r �e7 THIItrY-FIFTH TCAs WHOLE NL'Sllaat !POT. GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL •-0, 1Ms3. Mew 6Mveettsesweats, Feud... .• DieXa:r. -- Scanted -W. G. Girvlu. Mitlln.•ry.--Mjss Wilson. Caution. --Chancey hr.'s' A , .,are ,ring. -Joh,. K o11(. , •...! Vessel. -11 W. itaa. BJri.t :.► .smug. -'dins J. Stewart. Awc•ios ,• Farm. Tho:ua, Wilson. 11111,:r •. '• -4141e of 1. ill 1,. It. OIL•wns. Fee Sate or b Rent. -MM. Thos. Olson larvaat Wanted. -Mr i. Dr. McAl'eking.HW. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR 'remise on ag' Sale =: Anw•, Holt & Cra, cros . the Comity of Huron. Hates attended {!to Man : by Mall. H. W. llretthour .f Co. In any part of the County. Address orders to In Ilse Surrogate Court. -Cameron. Holt de' Guderlch P. O. I{ , Oaeeerua. hob, ahold Property. -Cameron, Holt • t!sm••roa- • Auctioneering. JOHN KNOX, LICENSED ACC- TIOXKIEB for the County of Huron. hales at in all Darts of the County. OP - eters lett at re's flute) or at this Mlles will be promptly attended to. 1667-tf. 14 and PRENTICE, AUCTIONEER t and •peraseer. tsu000ssor to l e a C. Cur- rie. the People's Au. tl000er.) (}tHO►-Curries Old !wand. l67&ly. t Dentistru. UR(i[CrROL-.ON, SURGEON •DEN - .r, 01oe as 1 ntstdeaee, est diner *ms 1, ,: • Itei t w H t t 2. t ]tont Wrent, Onde• �tuh 17!71 L1: People's (Column.. , ERVANT GIRL WANTED TO • J whom rg�t.o�,o��t wsv�qggMess will be glvta. Apply, Ie Mrs. I):. McY1CC[NO. ltltl7. WAN I'ED -A GOOD r.ilL )-;S4 ea pasts sed vests. Gad wages will be gives. Applystonce to W.(t.OIRVIN, I►uapnttoa, Oat I. CAUTION. - ALL PARTIES ARE hereby ade e. i n wit spial et tiag 14 s sole wade i• gull e[ tiles Wright Madila sf Wswasediu herr the suss er •1141 due tat Get, Isbi, sad aloe • note made taro mg laver W auras Laws% at the same tewas hi. fen $S.73. due let At: UM The Stores have been lost by roe, anti I hereby for• bid their sale er negotiation, as I will not hold myself responsible for their payment., t•tl.A.CEY BROWN. 1867-h Dungannon. P.O. POR SALE OR TO RENT. - TWO 1. ACRES OF LAND end r good frame house nod stables. with three good wells and orchard of choice fruit, comprising •p- pe..ra. plulrm.le.also a number of i vines. The above s situated on Rich's survey. neer the international Atilt Block, one mile from the "tiguare•" •set will he sold cheap, or rented to • suitable tenant. For particulars apply to Mn. THOMAS DIXON, er at this office.- 1367-2t. pl FARM Tt► RENT_ Se acnes. neon) free of •ttnl.l•d. Goo.1 barn ,and other buildings. Hriek cottage with cel - 1 Isr. Good orchard and all well fenced. En- quire of It. T. HAYNES, Sheepsrdton Llt4t. 1' ,I OR SALE OR TO RENT. - A roo.d frame house and two lots n Palm- erston are••,, the house contains. 6 rooms, elow•ta and . eller in good repair. Good stable and orch lel attached. For particulars apply to K. H. Watson, painter. Goderich. tttl O tf. AtUCTIUN S.tLE OF VESSEL AND FITTINGS. Theunderslgned has received Instu:tion. from M. P. Hayes- Eaq.,tosell by Penil Auc- tion at the Harbor, Ouderleh, on Wednesday. April 15th, at 3 o'clock, p.m. The BrigantineFlorence and fittings. The Fittings are sear - 1y new, luring been In use but oneltwaaon. The vessel was ogled Inst season by Captain John McDonald who wed stew the Trate! and fittings to intending purchasers. Terme lib- eral. 11. W. BALL, Auctioneer. t467 -1t. AUCTION ,SALE OF A FARM IN A+3HFIELD. AS 1 have decided to devote all my silent ion topj t�tsll known as East halt of lot 5, con. 7, will offer for sale by public auction vnal dy, April 23rd. on the premises, that mem known as South half lot t. Iron. 7, A comprising lel) acres, nearly all of w etearcd. The farm is is very de- sirable perty, without buildings, and is very oonveuinnt to grist and saw milli. sad oral about ono -quarter of a mile tram Kings- P.O. err MJ mads known at day of sale. For further part mutant epppply w Cameron, Holt Cameron. orto THO)1AS WILSON, pall -It. Kingsbridge, P.O. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. Under and by •Irtue of • power of sale oestalsed in • certain mortgage which will be produced, at the time u. sale, dated the ?tree day of January, A. D81's . 1, made by Christian Z•ptle to the Vender, there will be sold by public auction, on WednesdayMay Ind. 1W. at twelve o'clock noon, by William Harrison, Auctioneer, at Morgan's Hotel, in the vWage of B•yleld,in the Conntyof Huron, the following valuable ppropert,asmely:--Lots running numbers tote hundred and thirty-one and two hundred and thirty-two, in the Vil- lage of Bayfield, in the County of Huron. con- taining one-half an sere of land, more or frost On the above property there is • good' triune dwelling, one and one-half stork*, frame stable and a -ood hard water well. There is also a arsirlese young orchard on the peel -ulnas TERMS: -Ten per cent. of the purchase Money in cash at the time of sale. and the Del - since Io one month thereafter. For further particulars oppteto the Auc- tioneer. or to CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON. Vender's Solicitors. AVM. HARRISON. Auctioneer. B•yaetd. Dated 13tb Adria, A.D. 16n3. 10C -!t. ,JORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY. FOR BALE- , 't'nderaad by vL-tae of a power of base coataised is • certala moat g. wbkh wW A Ant class twirls Louse. cellar under the 10.prodsoed at tie time sale dated tie Mr. J. 'H. Colborne has also had an whole house. and 11 acres toad on the Bay- Eleventh day' of October. A.D. 1676. made by attack of inflammation of the lungs, and P which consoled of recitations, 1 t from (iter Destruction -Plucky weed rad. e. xlerlch.thcre is a rood stable sad David eerie, known to n:an of las Jamas Strscbaa,aad as men, there still .r etc•, from some of themselves and a few s,y our Firemen u Ill confined to the hearse. driving shert,turd and snit w,tt-•run tM gem- � b the Vtador, dated the ata day of 1/ep- eeist our young people, and who has been at- pieces of music from the Mew ground, well laid oat. Pot umber. A.D. Iglu, which will dao be prod.c- Rev. John Wakefield's voice is grad- tending Knox College with the view ofpchoir. The apply ea the prem s or to U. ttdalthe tlmeot sae, were win be add M ua11e returning, and we expect to hearpreparingy ry, .3abbn haSchot'I, an.oic fled abortwere $17. quarter five, Mr.t i{ichyara Yankee Oedori h Foundry. t t. Auction. on Saturday. the 5th of May,n6• I for the Presbyterian miniat Wit twelve o'clock, nous by H. W. )Jal of him at pulpit work tefere long. left for Muskoka last week, where hewhile working in Bt►tes' waggon factory, %" OTICE TO DEBTOR& --NOTICE IS Auctioneer.** lata the County of Heroin n the � Mr. James Story, late of St. 'ylary's, has been appointed to take charge of a Lt , rose. -Rev. B. F. Auttin, M .k., Lw hereto eyed that dl p rtes indebted to �r� valuableproperty.name! mission atatton vacatiom. B. D., `Principal ,.f Alma Cull a yt, ott'ene,l amohe rising frim the roof of the tinders' jived bynote w book account are y - Lot num- 1 has returned to work at the cooper eatab- I during College, leer Ave hundred and ninety-two, in the Town Thoma+, who was billed :., lecture iu B. Heunin6•+ gist will. immediately requested t.. settle the same at once and there- of Goderich. to the County of Huron. contain- luhmemt, International Salt Works. NnRices in these columns aF any enter- acronsther.w.l,and at (ince eave thealsrm. by ear • as inform o.Ueotlon. I mean btrb fog by •dtueasu ement one quarter of an Acre We regret t.. learn that Conductor M. • tatnc.ant to come off, such a� concerts the M. E. Church bore r N'ridal di.l nese. AiittAHAlt HMITH Ism of iandt more er leas.not arrive in time to d;tiiver hu lecture 1 The engine was slut out promptly, and There is a good one and a half story frame Hi ins has been laid up fora number of ttcixle, lectures, balls, club meetings, on that evening, owing to the 7.'10 train the hese 1 rid iu geed style. but (wink T AME3 SMAILL, ARCH1TECT, tic. hotise in the premises in • good state of re- owe. Crabb's Block, Kingston st„ (lode Pair ; also s good hard wrier well.d I having cancelled at Clinton. The Fri - rich. Plans andspecifications dnwn correct The property is well situated. heing wilt, teetneetinit, however, was hold :1 Fri - in a Ilse minutes wall of Marie, Onr news >�per space n oar real ly Csupent re' p erer's and mason's work Square. y, day evening, and Saturday the lec- measurtd and valued. TERMS :- Ten per tent. of the pun lase l I Y money- on the day of sale and the Iwlen.•e in 1 P cure teas given. The postponement t eluent t0 }1l)R SALE. -THAT DESIRABLE one month thereafter ! 1 ' Saturday night did not help the attend - }'or further particulars apply to Mr. Jas. B l Island, R. H. Clop mice, but it was unavoidable. Col P.r'ss, roddeet. corner Brittania toad and Mc- Strachan, sn, Colborne tax Anctlomeer, or w y I I f C d' ( d F M. 1'Y., occupied the chair, and Intro• Donald street. opposite the High School, with (•.A M KKON, HOLfI' t CAMERON twslote. The house 1a to goat repair with Vendor's Solicitor. { dined the IectuCeT in ap;,rnpriste terms. carriage house and stable and other out It. W. BALL, Auctioneer. Ibli -3t. C , 111 r. Austin kept lather too close t•) his o aitding+. The garden is well stocked with Dated 16th April, A.D.1683. p raft trees, grape vines. shruber7, &r., menuscri t ter the character of Ina lob- o. H. COZZ ENS. h Il [ For forms apply to Davison Q Johnston, -- jest, aid the humtroueand satirical mat - narraters. 186641. -� h P ter bat much of its flavor by the appa- rent lack of sp.,ntaneity However, rho lecture ab.ntnded with ;(nod terse MCGILLICUDDY It Roo. PceLtrHtQ i 111.5 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. NE11'S A BO t ; i• HOME.' Derina the wpek large quantities of i The publishing company which *dyer- The elastic catai atilt need by boys in _ __lo;p. have p;ueud down the river. It i'r tiled in this paper sotne time ago an ovary city should be suppressed by law. '• \ chiefsaltangye,,akin' notes. v ruppesed that a "bouni" must have brok- i offer of $20 in gold to any person who In Toronto a young lady had a number .Au' faith he'U preat it. . ear away n;, the river. Thelon to the would tell the 1..ngest verse in the Bible owners must be eunsidereble. received twenty correct answers. The TORN T '(rp: i•i, b ee'gwinie..l C.is, implements attract• longest verse is Esther vii, 9, which aln- Mr. =wet now pirtai..t to :arae ed considerable atfenttun at the Spring tains JO words. lessee. 1'l'toe i1,6t; Wave ear sok r+, at Show brat week. of teeth knocked out by a Missile from one of these in the hind. id •► juvenile. Everywhere this dlauger'us plaything is used to the amtsoyasce, if teat positive p > Phe uwch nuts ..f the Mr. Jolty Ku.,x, the baili f of the tint Injury', .'f passers-by. \V.nriows ate alae Itsri.. tksosk lkosee.• ! foundry are now very buy fitting tugs 1'. t.iou court, has taken out an auc- ftwiueutly broken It Atonic( be put N�at�To} Ir� .Jattnal, Ilrrh':'s tragal Yer, the ..penial ..f navigation. ti. uer'e L _•eine, and is prepared to attend I down. -(Ea �ua w a Illtlaet aran•m fur 1QaY. for i 1 � eK C. M. Johnstone, for some time with all sales eutivated to him. Mr. Knox CH„aAL L NIue,Ct'.c axe.--Tlwnettcwrt A -j-- M emelt at banes on band at 0. B. I E. L. Johnson, the photogrrpher, is now Having been engaged in business in this in connection wealthy/Choral Union was Illo►bseslallkolsp.ph udbry forget stand. tt- in K'innipeg, employed 9s assistsmt hu- section for •user eleven sewn, u well held on the evening" of Tuesday pale`s tea -et., sad tlesare. Don't ter p All plena.e who require the use of a smoke I t..grapher. He is a deeet.t young fellow, A ueuited with the entire community, The attendance was not en lame ata house for are purpose at curiae Meat, caw ' and will succeed in the North-west. acid will do n gu.d btutnusa, wo have had'leen expected, awing to the fact, able ate.he Sarod acorn gusrsMseddarion at a reply Catcr� -A meeting every reaa .n to he[ieve. doubtless, that so many other enteetain- •ble tate. Satlsfact/on gu►caateed. Applyg will be held atY to R. tkrraan, Cambria road. Gederich. Cartie's Hotel, on Friday evening the CHrRRYLALR Fear. This valuable menta had taken place a town of late. Theyare constantly et new devices in the POth inst., at 8 o'clock sharp,for the pur- ire yThe following programme was carried phot wh budge . a attain prrfeetiou. Hal- 'P [ port will be offered for sale on out : -Piano duet,, • Miwsa Smith arta Iowa t to Dboaigrspher,ts one of these fdlnws pose "f re urganiziug the Goderich crick- Thutadiy next, April 2titt.. It is ore Pte. ,sT•pys duct(, ale," .. chorus; "Who who keeps abreast of Ibe tine.. Oet a photo et club. A full attendance is requested, of the finest tsrn..t in the section well will buy mi rosea red Mrs. Johnston •t his miner,. sad see the advanues lade of stocked with choice fruit trees. and with late. Avery pleasing event took plane ea "Happy Anna" and "Halleluiah Joe" may Tuesday evening, at the house of Mr. many natural ad.vautages. Read the " •lens our vara with feathered spray,' be enthuslastie 1n their ejaculations, but A. Watson. South et, natively the christ- extended advertisement of sale in this chorus ; '• The king and miller," Dir. H. words 's cuan't exprtome s the enthusiasts of W. L. r- t Issue. It is Mr. LeTousel's intention to Rothwell Incline Thine Ear to me, a ted ,put customers of wines tie r liquors. s t.. t hyt Rev. r. o of the boost est chorus. Intermission was then had for Red qa ben- of his wince sad other ]uare. sons in the conservatory, Gertrude Vesta R" Go a won southern clime Remember -censer and Square. Ales ilia. ten minutes, sfter which the President The Art loan had •hilt rank Ina week n, PtRnorAL -The Guelph bT of the Choral Union explained the ob} see the anclenl relic& Situaders & Son in- r u n a oderwh eco and aims of the society. The Jf G alts the generaltestn veiUpublkp ,o a tan exhibition of t fur sumo time has filled the [,wltton Union had been formed for the purpose, all the latest novelties, la fancy goods wall � paper, baby carriages, jewelers, etc. goods, - an hero, a• of developing the musical talent of stock of stoves and tinware is the hest assort_ olio thereof h the town, so that an opportunity for ed 1n town. The cheapest house under the sus. to the 11 $ church, Goderich, h Mn Savage lel fur Detroit (sat week, d t branch o[ the some uni.ruvement in vocal music would be afforded all who wished to affiliate with Capt. A. E. McGregor was in town Haas G 1 ,h e P h Ht. de tura the society. By such an institu- thia week. ,tun being kept up no lack of musical You can't succeed in buaine a without d C b ad , l d olio h here, with talent would be felt in connection with advertising. tseecttrrg f y Chry s R h hoc m e popular, and ,hay social and other meetings, nor would Platt's mill received little ..r no injury have the rat t f boiler 1 d will unite h g h cow in the diLiculty be. experienced in filling chunk Bering the late freshet. choirs, as wee unfortunately the case toe Mies Marks, of Brtu rtield, is the guest u enc t. wnahtp, i Po circles esu a often at present.- The formation of thee of Mn M. E. Juhltstun. Choral Union was, therefore a good ideal, Mid it should be fostered and encounq ar t y The Niagara annual conference of the says :-"M . J h Kay, M -E. Church of Canada opened in Brant- whoposition ford last Wednesday evening. In con- of teller in the Federal Bank t , h sey there will be nelaervice been promoted to a more lucrative poet t on Sun- in theWinnipegb h ay zest. bank, and left last evening to' cuter Menem Brown andBondofa t av open is new duties. departure parch .ed the property un the corner of from Guelph will be regretted by the Huron an Cambria roads, and intern customers ofthe Federal a soapactor st t w onh he hadbecome Brook contract or the i er an ir. wishing itn sue engin* Let her boom. Prairie Province. He will also begreat- liktut6 No Math of Goderich h y missed in such • rtinp� I 1 th well k.own around here as ah sgriculjur- cricket ant lacrosse clubs, he having al implement agent, end .•t pro:;,;rent leen a vel:nhlg aG[uu;': a: t!, each of tiger- on, the flee ..f Jul :.:,.i her these. Orange gala days, left for Mantteba about The Presbytery of Sanaa e or uses Presbyterian Church Point JosephWilliams, ewe - nears Aumthe inst., for the purpose of induct- rrnan, who waslaidup r nearly a < ingthe v. Robt. W. Leitch to the month by an attack of rheumatism, is pastoral charge of this congregation. again able t, be around. His genial The services, which were most solemn ghee lighted up our sanctum on one of and impressive, were listened to with his first trips out since his illness. marked attention throughout by a large Captain John McArthur left on Satur- audience. Under the auaptces of the da last for Chicago, to take commandles ofthe congregation a social esu :sof he propellor Siberia, which sill run • . e int a Oddfallow's Hall in the ecen- between-Chita o and Buffalo d in.• The hall was well tilled, .reel ever comiad season. Capt. McLeod of Gode- one seemed to enjoy the good things rich willCapt. Mc Arthur's first (Alcor bythe ladies, andthe excellent Siberia. addresses and music 'lir Prof.tlfeLellau High School I " this esarasiun, which for, visited Guderich on Wednesda • last, ere be ecu o and examined the school here. At the :r D,; held, a children's social was held, when close, he gave an excellent address to fhb hall was again well filled, and the t P children seemed highly delighted with set -et -mica, and complimented the school the entertainment rovidedfo.rthem, on several ;,ints. P t 1:,.. lea, Miss Maggie Kendal..., e;• Maladies- y td Ins the people of the town. Tho re ter, u visiting friends iu Woo. utaiuder of tire.. nuuc was then pro - The first thunder and rain of the season a fortnight ht ago t Y ry , nus wet .iii the Proffra S push his f t Y b Edward, un celled with, as follows : Instrumental visited us on Wednesday evening. W II the Ilk 3rd trio, Prof. Newman; and Messrs. A. B.. Tag StoeaL will be sent to auy ad- be h h Re Henderson and F. C. Bond; "The Death dress for the balance of 1883 fur 11. of Nelson," Mr. R. S. Williams; "The Sands of Dee,:' chorus; "Mizpah," Miss Mr. Janes Shepparrd, of Clinton, was Smeeth; "The Heavens are telling the visiting friends in G..derich during the Glory of God," 'from iare 't a "Crea- tion. ' chorus; a song by Prof. Newman; Mr. Ed. Palmer is in Buffalo, possibly lad and the "National Anthem' by the coin - looking for fresh pasture for `Syndic held h pans•. The cr,nduetor on the occasion care.' was Prof. Neiman; and the accempan- We learn that D.McLeod is not g during the y fists during the evening were 'Muses improving in health in his California C ptovidod l d k Andrews. Price and Smith and Mre. ,Ricer quarters. P Johnston. The Choral Union ham good A on the Ibtia h.ch followed. n.aterial amongst its members, and we welting of the ur to B. B. C, will The proceeds ngs be held to -night fore the purpose of iY Ina, y netted ab art 5+30 t d tad t hope t„ hear of steps being taken to organ nista y the manse food tin tl niatntain its permanency in our midst. Mr. J. B. Edwards purposes opening out in the butchering line again shortly. the s uwlents counselling pluck and er- HEN 1N ING'S GRIST MILL We wish him success. Oa Fire as N ed.tsday- -Sarna. escape wee a by illness. He is now fast rectver- ing. Mn. H. 11•dten, with her femil leit est week to jos- her husband at Guelph, where he is near employe.'in the hien- tree!Bank. Read the millinery adtts. this week. and then find out how the man of the house can "stand the pressure" un his pocket -book. The l►ddfellows meditate a s read at theOcean House on Thursdaynext to celebrate tate 64th anniversary of the Order in America. Mr. George Sheppard left fur Toronto etc., for raising funds for any individual or y. are valued at 10 cent., :t line. i• estate, en. •'ur eases are valued ai -- emelt a P.ev. ,Tames 1'. i W. - a!n a Canadian Order of (resters• will preach .h sermon to the metnbel-s of Court Goderich No. 32 in Knee church on Sundaynext, at 11 o'clock a.m. The brethren tri meet at the rumnis at 10 o'clock, and munch to the chime]: in a body. On Saturday, the 7th met., the resi- dents of Guderich were engaged anew- . Tuesday on • butdnees trip, hac.nq shovelling after the storm 1 of Friday sufficiently recovered from his late illness i eras terrible, On Saturday- of otle of n the dust to do the journey. - was not s foot racist street was to 1'e seen, and the thermometer Mr. Spence is recoveriny from the registered 78' in the •hada. A rather effects of his late accident: )Many pantie sudden transition. er men would not have. pulled throughPeeyoNat.-We learn that Mr. S. F. as well ander the circumstances. Wa.hington, late of C,nderich, pias clim- bed another rung on the ladder of f•rme. He Itas been appointed managing clerk in the office of Messrs. Chisholm alt Hal- lett, barristers, of Hamilton, at a large salary, and with every prospect of si•eedt ads'nncement. All will join in wahine Mr. Waal;ingto,; continued emcees:: The ant.ual public entertainnren; un- der tho auspices of the Goderieh High S.h.al Literary Society will he held in Victoria Hall, on Friday, May 4th. The enterttinment will consist I.1 musical and literary selections and a series of tab- leaux. Thu past record of the High School literary society will be a guarantee for the excellence of tho amine; event. The L m.lon flue Press then alludes to the tio.x[ experience of a font -arbor -keep- er of the Albion Hotel here : --"Mr Fred. Vanderlip, ..f the City Hotel. no- ticed the water ruing when he worst home on Monday • evening. He reselred not tobe caught napping. and about two o'clock, accompanied by Mrs Vaaderitp. he started for the eity. He had to wane through seater apple two feet deep for a abort distance, earryln. hu wife. 11. thew ereeseded to amuse and asdiat •he nailhhnn " FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT Valuable Property known as the Shep- ',aMton Sore and Post Gtlsoe, with quarter of an acre of land. lo offered ter nate or to rent. Stock in store .11 new sad fresh this year. The proprietor has other busbies.; .; which will re- quire his sole attention. Also the west hill of of S. ran. 3, E. D. Ashfield ; all ne .v land: two ,rood orchards, two good wells. ,rad comfort- / Ale tram houses. The lot oont ..ns 100 mops. of which 60 aro cleared and all well fenced. ttetteattlIng s0 sores heavily timbered with hhWW For partiegla s address : It. T. HA Hi. Bheppardten P.O. 1662- Tflet)ical. ( '1 IL McDONAOIL, M.D., PHYSIC- Jf, iAN, SURGEON. Ito.. Graduate of Tor- 111110 ornow University. Lloertiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. Loudon. England, kc.. tc.. M. ('. P. and residence ipposlte WI{sr'e &tel, Eamllton street, ,iod- crsch I766dst DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- (31CON. Coroner &c. Office and reddemoe Brace Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1711. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan. Surgeon and AOppGraduate e t Toronto University. .Opposite Omer -on t Cameron's Rank. w. 11 not In ogee. enquire at the Doak. til y. i 1, R$. SHANNON & HAMILTON, L' PAraldafa. $srgeons, MN1Mn, Ro „Ale. at Or. ehrM11 s.rgt ., - . H aHttkke ,inks at rirh. klat% o. HA rn' 1(11. Legal. It C. BIBS, eol.culroR s'.., O ih to a oreir�of� (tat fi M. oto Mel Ntlaww6 i t tarot. LTJ WIS a L ad, Att $ARRIBTIIe, I pg IRK `TART L T. Girrew l efooe. 19 ()aMrinb. Ws MORTON 1A1RaIe- 1M r„ . A. eRWa,e Mi . ' JAIIL>{RON, BOLT & OAM MI!, SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. CIociTir or HURON, • H- y virtue of • writ of To WIT : 1 Fieri Facies issued out of Iter Majesty's County Court of the County of IUtron, and to me directed and delivered against the leads and tenements o' Angus McCallum. at the salt of Andrew Govenlock, 1 have seised and taken in Execution the fol- lowing lands. The Eaet twelve and a -halt acres of the limo half of the North half of lot twenty-nine in the thirteenth conceasi.m of the Township of McKillop, and the West halt of the North half of lot twenty-eight in the Thirteenth eonoession of the Township of Mc Killop in the County of Huron. Which lands and tenements I shalt offer for sale, R my office. In the Court Rouse, in the Town of Goderich on Saturday, the Twenty First day of July, Inst., at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. HORT. GIBBONS, Sheriff's Office, Ooderlch'Sheriff of Huron. April IRh, la6A i 16673mo. Loans ant) insurance. lC LONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE ICI fundsonfreehold security. Apptyo to Geo, Swanson• Ooderich. t87Si 600000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO tit CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Godo. • belt. 1736. 660,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on good Form or first -clam Town Property •16per Dant_ Aeolr to R. RADCLIFFIC, 1731 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at 6 to 64 per Oval. Private funds. Apply to Summit and Mossow. Ooderinh. MOSEY TO LEND. -A LARGE seas atofda Private Ttmfor Investment �sse� W R PROUDTO0T Mortgsgss ssA ppty LOUIS FREE 07 CHAROE. - ]:!!q 1jt Med at *west carol, tree of Sl ER t MORTON. Irl. int PBBIVATI FONDA TO L Med Twee icy at kerma le - " M e la eV R. RA Life sea 31116"rerestseerrals, or filsM Wo understand that Mr. Black of Chatham, who .an so acceptably en trial as precentor in Knox church recently has been engaged at a salary of $250. Mr. Frank Hockin, late of Seaforth, spent a few day. in t.iwn, the guest of his uncle, Mr. Fulford, preperaterl• to leaving for Buffalo on Tuesday last. Chryata! & Black our enterprising firm of boiler makers, are supplying the Henaall Salt Company, with their troller and pons for the new block being built there. The Nee Eea says : "Mr. John Beat- tie, the very obliging baggage man here, has been transferred to Godetich, to which place his family removed this week." The new pipe organ for Knox Church an ived on Tuesday, and will shortly be put in place. He understand that a formal "opening" will take place in a few weeks. Mr. James McNair is again on the street, after a protracted and painful illness. We are pleased to know that he le able to give • little personal striation to his spring trade. The apron haxar under the auspices .,f the ladies of the North -street Methodist Church will be held on Tuesday, 1st May, in the Inner share formerly oeco- pied by Mrs. Mack. Isaac (.'tallyt hiss been appointed bag- gage master at Levan station. He is a steady man, and will makesgood rail- way employee He will shortly reprove his family to Lncsn lirn Aon, th.'se reported to have joined Aiwa "•tI the Salvation Ar.ny at London are a Ayres (b. ' husband and wife who formerly resided • Tows a ' in Ooderich The Army musters very strong in the Fn, t r,.y to the absence of the engineer the en- gine was net get t., work until 28 min- ute' after the (,ell had that sounded. By tat time the t!autes hail hn.ken out fiercely- alone the n•uf, and a slight breere blowing', it Iouked as it the mill and its machinery had to g.,, Bet owing to the pluck and good settee of John Currtc, W. Proudfoot, Jalnes.Iflartin and Charlie �Ib ss, who oourgeously held the noerlea right up to the ,brines, the tire was subdued in a comparatively short space of time. Owing to the present dtaorgtitred condition ,of the company,. phraaet, mole( instruction, and aphoristic cau.eiI by the parsimony and meanness utterances, and showed that tr•.e speaker of certain of the Council, it is a wonder bu;tevc.l in self help :ttalh'nowtadvance- that :u.y portion of the budding w•as.sav- me t. Wo give a few of the ..:ore el. The thanks of the community are srtriliing sentences, which lista a good due to these and othercouratteousfellowa who did their duty se pluckily leery• where. The company has not luta justice done it by the towel authorities. Capt. Datt.•ev•s lois is felt and regretted by evert ..:ember of the ormpany, and the Cuenca; will t[o well tis study the interests of the firemen and the town, and reappoint hint at a decent salary. No num in the company wants his position. The upper story of the. milt is com pletely destroyed, and the bolts and machinery generally on the lower Hata have been badly soaked by water. The tire was happily confined to the upper Hat. The mill does a large gruttng business, and considerable custom work was on hand. This with about app bushels of oats owned by Mr. Hanitiogn was rushed out in sacks, it, teas also. some 1,000 bushels of oats owned by Mr. A. McNair. Messrs. McNair and Hec- ningn have requested us to thank that• who so proniptly carried out the tpeeteq part i•f their grain. There an inennuirest on McNair a grain. and Mr. iimmisto has $1,20'i in the North British d• Mer- cantile en the building and plant. His Iris is estimated at 0,1500. Tim fire 1,4 t.tp•.nerd to have been cannon ht leis• t,•.n. from the Aerator pulley cabbie* alta:net s w.w.den guard. ring about them. `• John Wesley's ad- vice to his people wai (1) Get all you can ; (2j Keep ai1 you can ; (3) Give all ynu vivo." Money is character. The way a in tl lam his mosey :ndicat,t ! u cheracter.' " Every mat who possesses his the acners and hie twc hands has In him the elements ,f su_ceee cl life " He cr.urselled courage and perseverance, NaEtnleon said that the word " impossi- ble ' was (mina only in the dictionary of awls. ••it is not talent se much as perseverance that wins in the battle of life '• ', Honesty is one cf the auerets of r.rouey reeking. -, , 'hate. er i Iran does he should n.ake r a matter of con- science to d. • well." • • Men will faoe innumerable dangers fh'r m mney. " ' • :Suc- cessful liven are always punctual., Kootenay it ti. et -least secret of money m•lime. There are tee ap;.lica- tiers I f economy- Utes and money. Culture sad skill ars capital TLero is often koro e'unotaay in laying money out that. in laying metres art ':'!•ern is a prnder.t, and th e v is an ta.prudce•- et.o.ft'•n.F Three geed mils o eenuotuy bad leer. g.ven :--(1) Neer speed es mud. n• you &ani s (lb sever spend •• red lewd) , 4 ismer go int.• debt He pna vii oLt the serwiteie of debt, st d tMgnoethe wreliedessa of :•:any famous n,v:. who' %bet to lies w.tjit: their income Dr. Jalsaoo ,ac" said ' ` Vritlout ec• •nosy err we vac. h. rich: Mr .1..1111 Cesar, who has leen re 're• with it r. , one las be poor • • Geod. senting the 1)ahawa Maaulsttseiii CO. int et sorteey' M alp a. lochs '.1 stows, for the ale of their it: this staking CAttetggfiglri resivtioi the/ a locality, tet tewMl sola y x Goin ass could cinder s blot in pieta rich. He sold nil to Mr. .las Wattles, lag up a dt+spped a then is of Brussels, wit On intention of goer- gl: a. t CM!, ase sea( lY" Mosey lag to the North -Feet, but twin, to the alone eaaitetjtte eostwt/oest " Votes Mesas of his wife Ash concluded to ee• of thal.lt. M a eiseplevseeltery Were side in Goderich for a time He repte- were tertdeted the leslttrer mad chair- I'sests the St. Thcross Implement Manu• Man. The chr•ir renikeed lecturing Co.. and those favoring ht dame; tload iirrir he e.eningr Mr Atl ibe flee r•sampa.F slier Insure 11 testing a .!cewit rent foe a chief Tile.. ,•;ect the i.tat Nast for the pori UMe. Turn t1 • hose sett the fire and water Omutaittec Ot erre get. es.ih member of the Com - sal to hold the weals array up on a hilik bider. pperew1ta00 Get their tatter«[ nil -cloth loots Ire with patronage will fine Lm. h !•e *1 it: the M E. chtlrr'. onftvtt11t� r""1141.straightforward and hnn),rshl, a eve era,. whet, there was e vr ro.tg Ami send the venerable c..atq to Qs. sledding"fW ingham Ti :»• attendant.,. ry•tst,pth►hiti"n ,,f anti.Inilies .d