The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 8Lig, i 1t1A1. APRIL 13. 1883. rite H.W.BRETHOUR&CO H HIGH COURT OF Jilt-STICl11 Oatmeal ttytt a•a:h a slwat time is ruguir- . el thew vbotttL ttarrciats. l Isaac _ ed Ru tiw,!t our duties.1 C. A. Htmeint, Forewarn. I May, tiarveiiy M kokr auel \Yutobuu a tight a +1. *Jar Tar cases acfore the o (.y•,oeu rs. Will.J.•hn Bennett, i►hcue,are laidru with coat for Hulot It. leen rad the fsesalt Tknrenf. 11a irottr Kennett and Sarah Ryan Ir. tl The steam barite is luring her boiler s Item Q C ou behalf ..t tbs crews ten! repaired by '1'uruhult fuses, cf 1S.iruw t.eforc Ili honJudge dgo Grlt, 41Kh1 »). . The court opened at 2.30 p. proclamation. Mr. ..i . Irving, crime counsel. The following is the list of the w 1 GRAND JURY : Without jury. Judguniut rerved. seated to a verdict .,f " usit guilty e,' 1 ltr three s.hianitvs,uu not torr, wgamy iii., r,., by Mg entered against Ode mummers. cvt.i -h thins( particular. "Try wilt nail hum Q. the_jury ac.xtrdiugly iendenal. all uavid•tiun fairly' oprM Latera they. Y hi!mat•rh rs. auEjwuod Act start for their destination. it is ai,tioi on an award. Irving, Q. C., and Damao, for plff.; (:arrow t Proudfoot fur deft. We are mow showing Direct lmportatiw+s, fought entirely for Caah in the leading LruroIeae, ).. •' that they want to esti lint the We Wll1. Sell Retail at the Usual Wholesale Prices. t.;attyy tomato back flee' her tint trip let urn the wake a wort_ C. A. hummer, fureutru, \\'nr. Brown, Baker rs McNaughton Action of James Cuuuntgham, John Uuucen, Ap- pleton Elcoat, Henry Ford, Thomas Hawkehaw, Septiwaa Hogarth, Thomas Kelly, l'eter McEwen, (satin Russ, Robt. Trelevin, Jong Wiseinen, Williao Walters, James Hennings, Allan P. Me - Lean, Uuorge McClure, David Stephen- son, Wm. Valve, Itaby Williams. The following is the ejeotuirlit. \VithouJuly. Irving, Q. L., and Wade for pit; barrow and El- liott for deft. Co,irt adjourned at 6 pan. till 9 u. in. to -morrow. !FOURTH DAY. Thursday, 12th April. Court opened pursuant to adjourn- ment. The case of t3aker w. McNaughton was resumed. Judgment for plff, with- out costa. Watt vs. Carter --Action on building contract. Cameron, Holt & Cameron for plf. • (}arrow 3 Proudfoot for deft. Settled by consent. This closed the bsaiuess betore the court. MAXIM ADRREtin. GENTLEMEN Or THE JURY, --There u r.ot • single prisoner in the jail, and there is little business to take up your attention at this court. There ie ouo case of larceny which will come before pit, and there are two cases from previ- ew courts with which you may have to deal. You will visit the jail, and if you bring in your presentment to -morrow I may be in a positiod to discharge you at an early hour. There are a few civil oases to be heard on this occasion, but taken all in all the court is a light one. I have known (lode - rich when the docket—both civil and criminal –was far heavier. After the oath was administered, con- stable Richard Tichborne was placed in charge of the strand jury. The following cases were then brought Durnin r<. McLean— Action for sale of butter. f teler and Holt for plff.; Dar- row & Proudfoot for deft. On applica- tion of deft. the caw was postponed, upon payment of the costs of the day. The Queen ea. Brownlee—The grand jury came into court with a true bill :against prisoner for larceny. Court adjourned at 4.10 p.m., until 9.30 to-morruw, tistoit 1 y cinema) wawa Or reaps Schooner, has a little coal un board fur Bay City which Capt. Robare will take through se ie. ti as we tan get along. She is uudergoiug caulkiug and general repairs from keel to deck. M ARITIME INTHLLIGENCE. IrLw:*LLANIIOI'i CRAFT. The 0. Wand, Capt. (hilerneli light, is to be °sulked. The Jake, Capt. Zerin, and Hoeg, Capt. C. Sanderson, together with the Albacore and Danube *realm) light, but do not appear to have any repairs in hand. The Elgin of duderich, Capt. Lawe.en, is having a lit- tle work dune on board, and the Evening Star of Ooderich, Capt. Johnat..n, has had new bulwarks. The Nemesia of Ooderich, Capt. Spence, and the Mary Jane look deserted. 4:nssle ricked up Ashore and Afloat *hone Bests. Ca/Maths, Crews sad Cargoes. From the Sarnia Observer. Navagation is very backward this sea- son, the opening having been nipped in the bud by the late fr..sta. The ice on the bay is still soltd,w that vessels need- ing external repairs can have then ex• ecuted very conveniently, and all along shore the sound of the caulker's hammer an be heard, as the busy shipwrights cluster around the various boats, taking out a faulty piece of timber, and winding up with a out of paint that makes the craft look like new. Rigging and repair- ing occupy a large number of hands, while the skippers of the various boats are assisting and supervising the work to see that all is made wand and solid for the ensuing season's battle with the ele- ments. THE T'tri WLLB+t Which has been lyin; up here this win- ter will run be:»ern Collingwood and Buffalo this season under the been ma d of Capt, A. M Sharp, who her owner's employ about 12 years. A. Cameron is mate and James Sharpbeforel eugineer. She will need painting being put in commission. She will be ready to start aa soon as navigation opens whenever that may be. elms HAIOHT Under the command of Capt. Chris. Smith, with R. Cameron, engineer, has had a new smoke stack put up and new decks since she has been laid up, and her machinery thoroughly overhauled. She will be employed at harbor towing around this port. She hashed fire eput into her to warm her up, and will e treated to a new spring coat of paint. THE MA1f1TOZA Has been undergoing extensive repairs, necessitated by the battle with the ele- ments at the time the disaster occurred to the unfortunate Asia, out of which the Manitoba came victorousHer buerlwarks arm have been repaired, also deck. Mr. John Tonkin, engineer, is fixing up her machinery and getting things ready for business. Captain Mor- rison will take command of her, with Mr. McDonald, as mate and Mr. Jno. Mc- Leod as 2nd trate. She has undergone a general renovation and is now as staunch and strong as ever. THE ONTARIO Has had new fire boxes put into her boil- ers and her machinery has been thoroughly- overhauled and fixed. Her main deck has also been caulked and numerous other trifles attended to. Her ctficers this year will include Capt. James McMaugh ; Mr. Robt. Kenny, engineer; SECOND DAY. Tuesday, April 1tkh. Court opened at 9.30 a.m., pursuant to adjournment. Bank of Commerce ra. Davis—Action nn promissory note, without )jury. Helm- eted for plff.; Dancey for deft. Verdict for Off. by consent for ;1,066.86. The Queen vs. Robt. Brownlee—Pn- soner was arraigned and pleaded " not guilty " to the charge of larceny. lius Irving, Q C., for crown ; Johnston for prisoner. His Lordship directed a verdict of •• not guilty," which the jury rendered. The Queen rs. James Bone—Prisoner arranged and pleaded " not guilty " to an indictment for larceny. Irving, Q. C., for crown ; Garrow & Proudfoot for prisoner. Verdict " not guilty „ and prisoner discharged. The Queen a. Win. Jolla Bennett, Isabella Bennt+it and Sarah Ryan.—The I raoa 'jury came into court with a true ioill against the defendants for a misde- meanor. Mr. Garrow, counsel for de- .iendante, pleaded `C for guilty." Ver- dict. elius Irving, Q. "not guilty." Harren rs. Yenlan—Action fur tres- pass. Garrow and Traves fur plff.; Irv- ing and Scott for deft. Verdict for plff. $950 for pllf, Savage rs. Ellis — Action for wages. (;arrow gad Travel for plff., Irving and Johnston for daft. Verdict fur plain- tiff $625. Court adjourned at 6 p.m. until 9.30. a.m. to -morrow. THIRD DAY. Wednesday, April llth. Court opened at 9.30 a.m. pursuant to adjournment. The grand jury wine into court and made their presentment and wore dis- aharged. Th following is DRESS UOOD* IN THE NEW OTTOMAN CORD. NUN'S VEILING IN ALL THE G SHADES BLACK SULKS INN GROSS GRAIN ANj1 (ITT0MAA 'ARASOZ.ES, GZOV=S, iIOSIER'SZ', CHERRYDALE I. AUCTION SALE OF YILUIBLE PROPERTY TO TAKE PLACZ ON THURSDAY, APRIL THE 26th, 1883. PRINTS, SbTEENt3, LbWNB, MILLINERY, MANTLES AND COSTUMES. IN CARPETS AND HOUSE FURNISHINGS OUR STOCK /S VERY COMPLETE. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY AND ALL WOOL CARPETS. Lace c rtairse.s arsac a S.+amlorequi n.es_ iI1HERE WILL BE SOLD BY PUB - .L LIC AUCTION. to the highest bidder, that valuable property known as'•t'herrydale Farm," situated in the Township of Colborne. County of Huron, near the Town of lioderlch. The property is well Improved. and com- prises a tract of land containing about 180 acTown- ship, I clndtnni ricbb of the best atiu tall river fiats, with • frontage on Maitland River of over one half mile. The orchards are extensive, there being ov er 1000 fruit trees, and as • fruit farm it has a reputation unsurpassed in the township. To a person wishing. to engage In the culture of the rape, there is probably as eea site forr a Taeyard as can be found 5 acres are now ready for setting out with vines. The water privileges are unsurpassed. there being several living springs over the farm. and notably monster spring which runs an overshot w eel, driving an amber cane crush- er and cider mill. The buiidinga_are good lac—Thm dw home is a sub,tratial stone building. three stories in height, com- fortable and well built. find.—The barns and stables are ample and large, covering about a qnarter of an acre of Rd.—The fruit house is a building 10zl0 feet. now used for the storage and bottling of cider. The large spring above mentioned Is made to vow any through. percepg tible diiffere nce the ure not year any vary cide year roaad. dole' business V •profitable one and offers a sure business td any person with a little eapital. 4th. --The -cress house and cane mill id • building 100x90 feet. and is found with all the requirements for running* large business in the manufacture of syrup from the sorghum cane. The machinery comprises a powerful cane crusher evaporators. tanks, &c.. capable of crushing the produce from 50 acres of cane during the season. The eider press is a mas- sive frame worked by twin screws. and i+ put up 1n a most solid manner, 5th. The dairy Is neat little i,uilding. bar- inga constant now of water running through, and Is quite ample for running a Targe dairy or creamery, for which the tarn: ti pre-emi- nently adapted. 8th. -There to • comfortable dwelling house for working man at • convenient distance from the barns. The above property will be put up and :sold at per acre. subject to existing encumbrance. The proprietor's only reason for selling is that he has not the capital to carry our his views, and will therefore sett Immediately atter the *bore sale. the whole of the Farm Stack and implements will be sold for whatever thew111 fetch. The imple- ments are all new andin good order. and com prise a miscellaneous lot such as may be found on any well regulated farm. the enumeration of which would b e too lengthy for the adver- tisement. if sufficient time permits, the house- hold furniture will be offered for si.le the same day, and if not. the day after. Immediate possession given. as the proprietor is leaving the country for a southern a timate, The above olfera a fine i•. liierm'ut ...'r, of per. son with some mean... who it drsirp fine old homestead. as .-r.•rything about the place is in perfect w..rk.o. •,r-itr. .b-- fall ploughing is all donr.. sir. I :.!out L'4 acre' of full wheat hair been `o.+i.. -Ind e,rat i!init is now ready for the spring work. For particulars a, to tit!.. Kc.. rrfete:ice is given to Messrs. (farrow at t'roudfoot. Bar- risters, Coderlch. and fur the adaptability of the farm for fruit raising, reference is given iom (by kind permiesionl to Alec. McD. A eq.. Correspondent Fruit Growers Ae.oc a- tt n, Goderich. the Intending s at anyatinie until daywill be of salee n . JAMES C. LETOUZEL, lYopriror. Mar.:l.:Avl, 1983. 1383-t." $PZOIAL OFFER ....To all Parties Purchasing to the amount of $30.00, we will . pay one return Are. B1A LPLES SENT ON JPPLIObZ'ION- H. W BRETHO UR 4' CO., Brantford. WZLSON'8 1 Prsoripiton_Dg S1o.', SI EIEIDISII Fresh Flower ad Garde Sods, The THE PRESENTMENT. Mr. \Villiaulsul, second engineer , r. We have carefully examined the Jail Booseman, who was on the Quebec last • ear, will take his place as mate on th d in Bulk or Packages. DIAMOND DYES, BEST IN THE WORLD. .cud find contained therein eight prison- ers—six reales and three females, all serving terms of imprisonment un.'er sentence. viz.: three ler want of sureties, and five for vagrancy. We found among the prisoners a young man by the name of Moorehead, confined for want of sure- ties 'in our opinino a protenee), to be of unsound mind, and would recommend his being sent Dither to an Asylum or place for Itl°nrnblem, such as at Hamilton or Orillia. We also find one Wm. Burgess, in for vagrancy, 77 years .of age, suffering from cancer in his leg, which in all probability will cause his death. His term of im- prisonment expires on the 27th inst. We would recommend his being sent either to his brother's, near Brussels, or to some hospital. And we would suggest »that prisoners suffering from any disease or malady he placed iu a cell separate from and not among other prisoners. One of the females, a German, in for vagrancy, aged and infirm, wo would suggest be sent to her home at Crediton, in charge of some one, at the expiration her term of imprisonment, on the 25th inst. The other female, also in for va- grancy, having had both feet frozen, and four toes amputated while in jail. Her term of imprisonment expires en the 12th of May next. We found the jail in guild repair and clean, prisoners c •ntonted and satisfied with their treatment; the officers its charge attentive, courteous, and fully up to their duties. We would also. take this opportunity of impressing the advisability id erecting at an early day a Poor House er House of Refuge, similar to that established in the counties of Wellington and Water- loo, as well as in other sections of Cana- da, acid in the torted States, and where the cost of keeping the aged and infirm indigents is reduced to a minimum, while the benefits derived cannot be overesti- mated: as 'we find that it is the unfortu- nates above mentioned who make up the larger number of those confined from time to time within our jail. We congratulate your Lordship on the absence of crime in our county, and we are happy to observe a diminishing of, and in many places absence nf, crime throughout the Province. We hope this state of things will continue, and that at all futons Amies which your Lordship may be spared to preside over, primmer) g he as scarce as they are at this. We dash the officers of the court for oat this year, with Mr. J. fl.iby' as mate. Lt addition to these two boats of the. Beatty line in Quebec is down at Detroit being fixed ep. The Sovereign is to lin scold and the place of the latter will he taken by the United Empire which is now rtapidly appruaching completion. THE LOTHAIR Is haying her boiler repaired, and her hull and engines have had a general overhauling. Capt. Spites, commands her, S. Brislin, engineer, R. McBride, 2nd; Wm. Anderson, mate. She will ply from Parry Sound and Lake Super- ior ports in the timber and freight busi- ness with her tow comprising the two following vessels : THR BTRAUBENLIF., Capt. McDormut, takes charge of her and has been seeing to the fixing up' of new davits and capstan, but she has not wantei much repairs. .ORIYANDE, Cap!. S. Farquharson, has been having new masts and sails anti will have to oeo into dry dock for repairs. Ym will be mate. THE HIAWATHA has been greatly improved since she has been lying up. As we mentioned before, her hurriaue deck has been extended so as to afford more protection to her pas- sengers fro.n rain and sun. l'he accom- modation for passengers has also been increased and their convenience studied in every way. She has also a new train deck and hes been generally overhauled, repaired and fixed or. THE .1. ('. (LARK has hail steam up and is ready to run as soon as there is any chance of her getting through. She will be under Capt. Cat- tanach ; Mr. Odette engineer. All eeoesear repairs and fixings have been attended to and she will leave port 111 trim as a new pin. THE HOT('RLIST Schooner, of Collingwood, hue been undergoing extensive repairs under the eupenntsndenoe of Captain Sharp, of Bnrlington She has h.ld a new stern and ceiling and new sister keelsons. Capt. Neil Finlayson will command her, Stith W. Tsylnr, mate. There 1, about am„nth a work to 1» done ml braid her yet. TRE J. H..:ARTRR 1s lying in the bay, light. She is hav• ins a new deck and wiling and when the *neon epees ('iptatn McCroy will mati- 100.. PER.. P&OSbC4E. 1883 SPRING-. Seals! Seeds! See z. -AT— Ides Sand Stom Hamilton Street. The subecriber bas on hand a large and well -selected stock of seeds from the well- known and reliable trot of JOHN A. BRUCE & CO., IiasUton, Ont.. consisting et Mangold. Carrels. Turnita. tinter and Timothy, and all Mier Gramme. also a fall supply of Garden and Plower melds. JAS. MONAIR. SEKDSMAN. Hamilton -et. Invcute,ry- of stock, irrhplat,•:114,,bt'.. to he sold at the mane time as the rhov•. One span working horses. One span black ii:di‘n ponies Five cows In calf. One heifer in calf. Seven head young +attle 3 setts double harness. 2lumber waggons - 1 light waggon. 2 sleighs. democrat baggy large cltatT cuttee horse power. grain cruor"+ fanning mill. reaper. mown. land roller. cultivators. fertiliu-r seed :r 1. breedces 'seed seed drtl;. ploughs. setts harrow.. sulky rake. irang plough. road scraper. 900 cedar ponte. N FRUIT IOuaa: A large 1: ember o. '.ar- re a, bottles and about 760 gallons cider ready toi br. C•Iwaboe eider 10011 gallons etn,' and all NR MILL : - On ap- purtenances for carrying nn the business rate grater. kc.. One powerful amber canecsh- er, fall Iron), evaporating pan. large c cbaromeiher wiithh a e em rnace Ingsmber of epty barrels. Scattered masa the premi..•s are • large number of ndda &n•! ands 100 rumem+ts to mention. which will 'Jr brought ngether for the day of sale. Male will commence at one o clook sharp. J. C. LrTOUZEL .;oefbesy aad kiadaess to as, and are .arta her 1986-tt. SEEDSI SEEDS. hand a fd.l supply cif FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS r.' lends. ,,',1!” I «.1 .ell cheap. --MY S'IOCK OF GROCERIES! -. '(;.ice Fresh and Well Selected, Criocket) aid 6Iassrrare IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HUtION. Mill Site in pommies. of James MGM and Water Prfvele{ea,1n the Village of Port Albert. in the County Huron, and nt the ct, Chapter 114 of t Revised statutes of tarin. esr• . o all whom notice U hear Monday the fled day of Take not toe that on April. A.D. 1188 at ten o'clock In the a petition w111 be priment and an a made on behalf of the maid Jaeieu the Jndge of the County ()Dart of the of Huron. at has chenille?' in tis Court In the said County. praying that the veld Jame, Maha ry may be owed re rsalaMtaln has dam on the mill site at wwake Live i at Re a and Saw an retroof tote Dated this n Settled iRA AC F. TOMN. Judge C. C. Huron. 11111. of all kinds at lowest poesi',ie prices. TEAS A SPECIALTY. Geo. H.OId. Grand Railway. Matutoi)d and North-West. Dakota, Minnesota, etc. SEASON 1883. Thr popular special tells will commence VVedner4ey.Mereh Hann every Drilcoeesdinir be deo- Wednesday duets( Marolhand patched fns Mestreal. DrsekvUle and Tor- onto, stopans at intermediate stations ea Imo* ter sonommodatioe of paefengera from all meats fn Ontario. Plrst cum aooestaodat.ot, pros ided pas 'angers at lowest fare. Live Reek. weaves, household' effects in through eon at vary Sew rates. Fro tatermatk+n. tariffk, et. . apply to Orasd ?reek Railway AReatr' or to .1 .11tephe n Ma, Olaarsl Ptisssairar Agent. Montreal: es W. Wear. Assistant Oess rat Passeafter Agent Tweet*. JONKPfi UICKAON, (Neral Manager Mostreai. Manes Ind. t lalta TAP, LARGEST STOCK WALL PAPER PAPER WEST OF TORONTO AT IMRIE'S BOOK STORE. t DADOES. FRIEZES. FILLINGS BORDERS. FRESCOES. STENCIL DECORATIONS. CORN ERS. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. CEILING DECORATI(i\ti. AND ALL K1NL colo :;ORUER-S, PLAIN ANI) (“)LD 1 .« al.ov,• «all Paper, are thi" .oason3D1REt T IMP• OI:TATi(iN5 front the Best American and English Manufacturers, and. coulpri' a all their Latest Design.; and Patterns. Nothing can ry::..: them/ t•itht•r in Price or Quality INSPECTION INVITED. Satisfaction Guaranteed, The Prise: range from 5c. per roll 'up to *2.50. JAMES IMRIE, Succemor to T. J. Moorhouye. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. t NEW MILLINERY STORE. MISS 0-RA11 A M _ lave of Toronto and London, hat opened out a New Millinery store in MISS STEWART'S OLD STAND, and well bo plea+• 1 1• •+b.a:n a share o the patronage t of the lodes of Ooderieh end vioinit l . She SATURDAY, APRIL 21st inst. when a well selected stock of all the styles in French and American Millinery can he seen. The business will be carried on on a cash hods, and all goods will be marked in plain figures at lowest pekoes. A call from the tallow o! Ooderich and surrounding district is respectfully *elicited. 14 not lite 1s sweeping by. go gad dare before yeti dlr. seevething of{ght) sad fah 11me leave behind to mosque, i • time. a west la yew own Sttown outfit tree. No risk. the f WO Mg new. ( lig net rMtlited fou e. tMoe. al O rrl1li maies ke make pay. , T ' bitelt►ess at which yea My X11 M Q 1 the time. write fbr partls/a to R. tiLLgeT t Oa. trfe(te biker°. MH r;ft it ell KNIGHT PRACTICAL BAR return JHA S tfr teal r aware to tm aha Poo Mice O elle% M tae pi. gr su e+i • h D• H an $1•r qu on aa wl Ari .o i,y