The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 71' IE 1lUR()N SIGN A1., FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1883 7 Fun ant') Penal. Why is s salons like a slime of music f 'I'hsenlsmber of bests Astaire the bar va- rlet according to time. Seeing is believing. I' be the testi menials In the pamphlet tel Lr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, tie , buy a holies and relieve yourself hof a1I :Luse distress- ing tains. Year Druggest eau tell you all about it. Sold by,' Wilson t;miseirh 2m "Kitty, dear, cried the lover, s bait yearned hungrily ever the Lack ate, ABOUT WOMAN. Witte and Moralists Discus i :l.:r• %seed slay lags by Mer sad 0omen gibers the Fair nes (rile Llntp, thy mother's tutu, amid stare shall hft its pure Haute . . ands befuru the throue of t• , i through eternity.-rN le vt lee Coquettes nukes merit u be;ee, 1•' , - owl id their lovers, rs.tu t uu, T their r • tug eistiuw of uth•e w•'.0.u. nasi),.. he "yuu are the sum total of 1.1y h It's fu^cau!d. calculation, and thungh 1 Loped to 'gain [ It team without religion le to be pitied, ut a gndlt•.M woman to is hurter ales, fl thiuva.-- by your addition, you set me at tauLbt and leave,rue but to sigh for-." Just here the ld roan solved Itis arithmetical harangue by footing bit a the alley In the history of medieiues no prep., ration has received such univele.tl cu:n- meneatem for the alleviatwn is stf'rds, and the permanent Cure It reeves et kit! - nay diseases, as Ur Ven Berens Kiniey Cure. Ti. action in these dietteaseee m elaiuts is simply w.'ntlerful. S.•1. by J. Wilsn. . 2n. Taking the Lulea* tette as 4 whole. say's an exchange, it is obso.vcl tetat races living almost exclusively en Inert have been the Most atvn.e •.Iaes. rote- ing is so apt to transform a hen,tati b titi?n into a savage as to pay 1'i cents e fur a roast and thea 'tied it ab'. •s: .ts tough as leather. When two Icehtnders meet on the street, instead of shaking hands they get down on tele fours and rub 44v.8ea til- "ether. The other day an ieelander travelling tht+p ugh the country stopped fur a few (Poore at Pittsburg. His first exclamation was : "The men here must be very affectionate. Their noses show that they aro rubbed hard fifty urtica a day." As the frosts of winter vanish unuer the caloric influence of the sun's rays, s, does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Intham: oration of the Kidneys, leave the body upon the administration of Dr. Van Be rens Kidney Cure. 65ld by J. Willem. Till A man with red hairentlrod a railway rte at the Union depot is St. Joseph, Mu , the other day and took his seat. A motueut later Auutter (hath with a fiery top-kntt and vertuillian wWee yrs came •1..tu.l sat down beside hint.- they oek- ell et ...Leh other, but said nothing cloths third • -.[teller with a scariet .ant smear- ed nr• .0 the scene. Then the youngest .,(the tele arose and remarked, to the general amusement, that he would do what he could to prevent a conflagration m case of accident by riding in another ar." Ile was on his way to the door when, avid a roar of laughter that shook the windows, a fourth passenger, with a head like a beacon light flamed into the aisle. Then the quartette at down te- :ether end made so much fun for the rest of the passengers that everybody eras 's..rry when one after another they tot at their respective stations, wch leaving the car perceptibly darker at his, exit. Now that there is a reliable mired; for kidney troubles, hall the terrors attached to these complaints have been remuved For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Omen's Kidney Cure sward all praise for hat ing thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path. It was never known to fail. Sold by J \'ilsu,n. 2tu Fashion's Fancies. '''here :1 a natural ilnttittet ill wt"uvi. which leads them to sew hi &hocks.--I:ay- ard Taylor. Due Fete wuu4ri, 1:61e W,tt Mauler ..eith- er tet. •este --• ole. Detuzy. Tl,c fall sea silos... ee stways fair, an • !a : thirty- i !.'old perceive teat plant a ut*ta0.--ilyrell. 1..8 least apl.areft affection ou ti. p1[: •f N WVlnall beeetues a gldr1Ig etr- elet Velta z • The indifference id mon, far mute than tt.utr,tyratnty, is the tdru.eut of w omen.-Aichnolet. The happiness of m: cried life depends epee, the power of matting small sacro• tires with readiness nue ceuerfulness.- Suldon. "Tis se tet to knee- there is an eye will mark our coining, and look brighter when weeume.-Byron. A bad wife is shackles to a utatt's feet, a fairy to his hands, a burden. if a luperier woman starry a vulgar anti ,n- feri. r loan, he (sakes her miserable, but he seldom governs her mind, or vulgar- irea her nature ; and if there be love oil his ndethe chances are that in the end she will elevate and refine him. -Mrs. Jameson. We justly consider women, as a au!e, to be weaker than ourselves, ana yet we are governed by them.-- Chatuf.,rt. Man is continually saying to woman, "Why are you not more wisp 1" Wutnau to conatautly saying to man, "Why are you not inure loving 1" Unless each ie tee wtee anti loving there can ee nu real growth- I'hoechu. At *nen as a woman begins to drew' 'loud,- het manners and conversation partake of the same character. IJalibur-i ton. Nettling mere surely cultivates and embellishes a man than associetten with retined and virtuous women -Glad- stone. When I see the motherly arms of my little daughters when playing puppets, 1 menet but flatter myself that their hus- bands and children will be happy in pos-. session of such wives and mothers. -Ad demon. Dunt Le afraid of wild bop and girls! they often grow up to be the very best men ani women. Wildness is nut viii. ouaness. -Herbert Spencer. Grey hair is beautiful in itself, and so softening to the complexion, and so picturesque in its effects, and many a woinae who hsa leen plain in her youth is, by its beneficent influence, transfelm- ed inti a handsome woman. -- Miss Oak- ley. Mer. nearly always take their first risk of soul or body for the sake of some woman. -Mrs. J. C. Crowly. Modify y our methods according to the temper of your child ; no two are alike or retteire exactly the same treatment, - The English draped toilet table is coot- Herbert Spencer. .ng into flit or. \Wowun ile.pise in mean everthing like An atttmpt tu,revivo the use nt iseper herself except a tender heart. It is curtains is now in progress in New Work. Chamois skin is the material which is revealing .its dee'rativo possibilities to workerv. Very fine c' tton stockings ate worn inside those of woollen. to protect the skin from irritation. The palest primrose and eglantine art the fashionable tints for evening dress in Paris this Winter. New lace curtains representing a win - ,low with drapery, through the opening e1 which a landscape can he seen aa iu l .ough that she is effeminate and weak ; she does not want another likehelself. - Rev. G. W. Burnam Not eetr', w rnan yen dross well, with the most reckless expenditure ; but a clever woman can dress well, with intel- lirent economy and an artistic taste - Miss Oakley. The man who is able to govern a wtetnan is ahle to govern a nation. - Bab zac. She is not a brilliant woman ; she it not oven an intelligent one ; but there is such a thing re a genius for affection, and she has It. It has been good for her ogue. husband that l:e married her. -Helen New riblwne are decorated with flow- Hunt. ors from each of which peeps a baby's Let the foundation of thy affection be head.. Prettily mounted scraps of this 1 virtue ; then maks the building as richt ribbon might be used for baby cards. f and lori'us as thou cans&. -Quarles. Some persona are now anxiously ex 11 It to a rule of manners to avoid exag- geration. Alady lose. ns soon as she ad- mires tau easily and too much. In man or woman the face and the 'screen lose power when they. are on the strain to ex- press admiration. --Emerson. Fie is no true man who ever treats woman with anything but the profound- est respect. She ie not true woman who cannot in.piro and dins not take caro to enforce this.. Any real rivalry of the sexes is the sheerest folly and most un- natural nonsense. -Rev. A. 13. Chrales. All other goods by Fortune's hand are given, --ii wife is the peculiar gift of hea- ven. ---Pope Men can he-trtily civilized and christ- ianizell only when women are free and etnehlcd, at.d women can be truly emancipata.l only when men are muraliz ed andepurified. The two rise and fall together. -Francs Power Cobbe. • We tercel -IA the .ez every day for folly and impertinence, while i ant confi- dent, had they the advantage of educe tilen equal to us, they would be guilty of less than eantelves. De Wee (1476.) their wives Acorn their ranks, thus once The sanctity of marriage and the Lam - more rerifyina the old dictum, that a fly relations make the cornerstone of our thing tray l.x.k well w the shop window American societyp and civilization. f. home wear ((afield and tear. A teen may lie very tent We other mat ten. and yet be under a sort of witchery SimplymiraenwEliotleus is all 1 can say of from a omen.-orge Eliot the elect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney --__--- - Cure in my case. An elderly lady wHtee thee from Anttst"Wish, N. K.. who W tseVered from perms m the hack for peso( ar( H old by .1. Wilson Gode- amining the house in the hope of finding a place for their Chrismas cards, and as the result their rooms took like so many shops, and not well -arranged shops at that, A card rack, or a pretty receiver, is bitter that the well for the display of one's holiday trophies. Cosmettcs and paints, too, are rat pre- sent much used, especially in England. They are as fatal to health and beauty na they are misleading in effect. The blackened eye may look larger and the painted lip redder under the uncertain flare of the gas -lamp ; hit when peen at home in the basalt end hottest noonday sun the rays is lustreless, and filmiest carmine distorts the mouth, the powder- ed shin loses eta transpereacy, and the soft brown hair *Instil formerly embalm - the whiteness of the skin now appears a lifeless growth of metallic yellow or ma- hogany red without light or shade in it. The veru men who pretend to admire these artificial dolls would hesitate to ramie their sitters among, or choose I ft: I... twt rectae and :ler Adas/ren. On t .e day before the reception tend- ered be at 8t. George's, Bermuda, the Prineele Ltuiso seat on a sketching ti- p dittos along the shore, alt ahem, toil. after a I tale txx:otnlult 1.11. nit , *rut for a drink a • the Out( you of ,, ue rn lisheru,.•. we war there but .t IIitie," and see • r trust' 114 ellUld tic &tiara; 4 shut 1 r her •'.du 0411" to W0111 t the.100ep t on. 1'he P tuft.- ,tw• eat for a dr n . "l'se 0o t,::. to hl,dder *.ttutg wa'ur 1..' P.n." wa' e reply ; ''I -u Gal 1 busy . , ., eta (ltd ter 1 the rte t • see Q to w'drow " "But it tun Il gee me 8 Ire i. II o.. , while you do so," said the loraty Princess. The•otler was accept- •', 1 c l't•incess finished the shirt all 1 Ler drink, and then revealed Ler ,.t.-ut.sy. "f'',, de L. J, honey !' ' z- • .Iwe.l 'auntie," when she le uvered feta her surprise, "ole 110%11 no' 110 nae 110 11 , v. r wear det shirt mettle no- u'w says D1 y t: utt &the ku.ers her titan, and when you r.::,t at.J swear. l',n draw you to her with n single hair." BIN it must be beautiful hair to bivt- r11t h power ; and beautifnl hair out be e ur by the use of (' R At.wr. HA R N .0 *&. Sold at 50 ts. oy .1. 1C.1 , n. 2m Tbr rrara■Ily •r Tu-dtt). Ar observing loan- says that we are emphatic Ily in the age Id profanity, and it.eems to us that we ac. en !hetnp- meat cur est (Me ea •net Le • n the siree is any where without having his airs offended with the vilest words and rover - en '• .'hocked by the moss tirufaue useof sacred na • es. Nor dyes It coma f the o'd and middle-aged 81011, for it is f . t as alarmitie as true, that the youu-- tr podium of the c•uumt.nity are most p obcient in degrading laagua:;e. J4oys helve an idea that it is tnnart to swear ; that it sakes them manly ; but there never was greater mistake ie the world. MeaJ,,es'en' thdile whn swear themselves, aro. Igustsd with profanity to a young- er'nen, bemuse they kn.iw how, of all had habits, this clings the most closely, said ptcroaaos with years. It is the meet insidious of habits, growing on so invisib- ly that almost before one is aware he be; cornea an accomplished curser. One of our best citizens wonld say to the public that he has tried Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed fur it. ''rice 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Gee. Rhynes, a de agent for thole - rich. 3m : An Arkansas editor says that the stingiest roan in his town talks through kis gnu to ave the wear and ,fear of his false teeth. An Oasis in the desert is au brighter 'light to the wandering Arab than $ bottle of lh. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to the tsaforttsisate sufferer from Kidney Disease. It is a perfect, ' positive and pervaasent sure. Sold by J. Wilson Gederich. 2m and yet not an adapted tr .fames A. rick. 2m C°•IAT& UTIuN*; LN TIOwir 1 .any awn theea( hes" lirlb R11n.'>G fawn the w of d the vitw trews, res tb az *Wetstr a sA selraMOees of *Wets twat tem paired aw'r Dm of ewer. err et netwwa • ewe wee iev o awd pfi gimes" 'ion any AIM if flitens •1M teats/ tfetltrls anneal awing orfeitei sleBew.: mir a t1e fin we • "Blood will tell." A face adurned with Pimples, Boils, Blotches tee., is not $ particularly pleasant sight, and in- variably betokens an impure state of the Blued. Dr. Carwon'a Stuntacjr Bitters fiesthe system from all gross huntrurs, renders the Blood pure and 04101, aids di- Huth is wealth 1 �,atesu and giver a healthy appetite, For sale by all Dr'i 'gists in large bottles at 50 cents. GOOERICN BOILER WORKS. Qhrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and HALT PANS manufac t u red pn shortest notice. .. .ie Is of palexecuted under the p.Treuual aupereision ill the Proprietors w he Ane. Practical Workmen. P. O. fax 103 171 60M --Thousandsof graves are annually rubbed of their ittinns. liveal pr., lunaset. Impieties* oil ha.111h restored b, the u •,11.f great GERMAN INVIGORATOR who -is plod,triy and permanent y :Met Ins - potency leauaed by excesses of any kind,! tllearinal Weakness. and all d.st•ases that fol- low u a sequence of rit•If-Abase, as lues of en- rrygtyy lust of memory. universal lassitude, rain in the back. dimness of vision, pretua- tureokl age, and many other diseasee that lead to insanity or euueumpt Ion aid a prema- ture grave. Send for .•ireulars with testimonials five by mail 'i'ne 1\sSNEATOK i,. sold at 81 per box, or six Boxes for ti3. be all eremitism, or wW be seut tn'e ruy mail, sec•urcly scale,& elf receipt of pricy. byaddressint. F../ CH i le EV. Drum tri . 187 tium.att et., Tinct!.. t)i.i0 Geo. Itity x A4. Sole .14'•i,' for (Io er'c''. A CURE GUARANT1:Ef IAGNETICMED:'-' 114110 -on: I BRAIN &''i. Ear 01 1 sad smote. Male nod I..i,alr Positively curia Nervousness in all its stages Weak Memory, low oqfJ Brain Power, Sexual n Prostratio, Night Sweats, SpermatorrAaa, Le.-orrhota- Barrenness, Seminal Weakness and (*enrraJ Loss of Power. It repairs -M.o.-roux 1t'o,,t , re notes the .levirrt Jufrl- leet, etre mgt hens the Enfeebled Brain, and Re- stores Surprising Tone and Vigor to the Ex- hausted Gen ratire Orgasm. Willi each or- der for T W ft.v a packages SC0001panit d With etc dollars, ee will send our Written Guar- antee to reund the money, If the tri atment does not elf ct n care. It is the fbcapcst alkd Kent Medicine in the market. ifor}•ull particulars iu our pan.; 1.!t t- which we desire to mail free to any addl.-se. ■.tek's Magnetic ■edlNrr Is gold by Ihnig- gistsataacts. per box. or /1 boxes for SS, or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the money. by addretesi MACE'S NIACIXIMIC MEDICINE Cos.. Windsor, Ont.. Canada Sold In Goderich, byJAMES WILSON. and all Druggists averywere. 1852•1v $500.00 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any case of Liter Complaint, Dyspepsia. Sick lltadacbo, Indigestion. Constipation or Coatisu.ess we cannot cure with West's Vegetable I.iver when the directions are strictly complied with. They arc purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satlefaction. Sugar Coated. large Hoses. containing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For Bale by an Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Witte - Done. The gomn+nine manufsetured only bT JOHN C. WEST & CO.. "The PIJI Makers," 81 and 83 King St. Inst. Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For Sale at WIiJ,O$'$ DREG /STOKE. Tho telephone is being developed with great rapidity. Conrerationa have been carried on between New York and Chica- go, a distance of a thou/owl miles. The fact that this ispossible is an assurance that before long conversations will be carried on serosa the Atlantic. .lust fancy polo pie in the old count -y hearing the voices of people in this. It seems almost in- credible that thin wild he F.,, hilt as; there is more noise on land than there is under the sea there is no doubt that it is within the range of early possibilities. We are Living in a progressive age. Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive errative powers of the GP.aAT Gaa- 1 MAN iNVTC(,P.ATow, the only remedy that ban 'roved itself $ specific for premiers' debility, seminal weakness. imenterte?, ate., sad all diseases that arise fermi 'telf- a`Bw Of owu,lued brain, finally ending in tpyeeepteis, insanity and a prema- tsle grave Sold by .11 tilal[gisv', or will be seat erre on receipt of $1.00 per bol, or as bI S for Pi. Address F J. Coaptn, Ohne, sole agent for the Send for circ -Alar genuine ehr• Meets /letilea1e1' Orn New Life for reaction* Weakeae•I by DU rape, Debility and Dissipation. Thu Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nerve us de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great German Remedy will restore the Bret function, and secure health and happiness. 41.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt ef price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, _Toledo, Ohio, sole rg:nt ter Ilfnited States. Cir- culars and testinnonilts sent free. Sold by Gen. Rny-nss, .ole agent fur Gede- rich. ern : Te the tl..Alta( rr.rewalen. and all when It may eaueen. Thosphatilie, er Nerve Goat, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Pacts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Beaton, Masa., cures Pulmon- ary Csonsumpttnnt, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human systcn-. Phosphetine is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it containa no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates Narcotics, and no Stingiest', hnt simpjt ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sufficient to convince. \11 Druggists sell it. *100 per t'ottle. Lon pee & Co., sole agents f. •r the Dornimen, 55 Front Street East Toronto Uray's Specific Iediciue ?WADI MARL Two GREAT- TRAO1 MARK Mows Ra- man. An ow fading eve far Wweiesi K',. 414 5481. n'Ator- y ' wy�reys.. ssGad la tttO�owee assure of mrN fl/l� tmiawaesi! R Ill 1b�r �R�ts ere DR. K C. WEST'S NCRVE AND BRAIN TmcAT ME2IT, a guaranteed epreiffc for Hysteria, Dix sines'. Convulsions. F its. Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Men- tal depression, Softening of the Brain, result ing in Insanity and leading to misery, doggy and death. Premature Old Age, Barrsaaola. Loss of Power in eithersex, involuntaryLes eS and `iper•nlatorrh.ra. caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. One box will cure re,'ent cases. Each box cen- tring one month's treatment. One dollara box, orsis boxes for five dollars: sent by mail pre- paid on recelp' of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any rase. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes. accompanied with live dollars, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure.IGuarantco s issued only by JAMa'a1 wi1$411N, coir author. ised agent for Goderich, Ont. JOHN C. WEST & CO.. sole proprietors, Toronto. Ont TRY .'Lt►[[ e1 t'..v.e'nm T .,..-. •.•r 70II1NT A_ MT.e s..1'' , :''7 CHEAP Ht eRDWIatE P'TO] Ee New Firm 1 New Goods! New Prices. Mark 1,, let. June received a chute*, assortment of table • u . r ., 1.11. M el kp.t 1 '. s' ',wore razor,. In thew lines l am offerings tlr..t chute article, in both IG,:;e.e aa l 1.tt s esu' 111. Make. !itutttvId, Eng.. Come and see my Ivory handled knives and to ks ono 'slat' w••' •t' -sen' Plated, ditto. Alae best 0011e handled. but -k hors, an e0misttition bat she'd. Carters to match fn every quality. 1s' elves and forks for general sae 1 have amongst cabers, a variety steel throughout. handle and Wade, with small else for children. Especial value in table, desert, end ter ap.'"ns. Sometb;eg new iu r hese 'larder than silver, cheaper, and looks just as well. Clear w 1.10- •tlwughout. IN•u't fA I to .•t a tie m whether you mean Ip buy 01 not. No trouble t0 ,.bow goods. Farmers and others wsuting a buggy ..11 iu sod be t►:,- Eureka gearing malt by lb Guelph ('arrtage (tools Cu. Easy riding and cheap. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stick. G-_. _,_. E/Y- ('.ABINET - MAKER AND i NDERTAKE ;. Hamilton Street, Ooderich. A good assortment of Kitchen, Bed loom hiuiag Ruout and Parlor Furniture, etch as !a Ides, Chairs their. cane and wood seated), l'upinatrd., lied steads', \tattrctees. M seh•sfan Lounges, Sofas. %Vludt-Nota, Looking Glasses. N. IS. -A complete ....,urttnent of Collin- 41, 1 •,rote.' sleeye rn nand't1-o !(,-crate f at re.ienable rate . Piet arc Framing a special.) - • .ted 1:51 OOTS&S H 0 ES =0W11.1. t + ed C1.L't-p Beg t. announce to the Public that they eat a ens." I.: , u... > t l.. ::1 Store in the store lately occupied by Hentce Newton. 11+.gime purchased a 1..• _e and well assorted stock of Sprint( and Summer 11, o1's at close ti. ,etre, we a: !t •,,mince to sive the Pelee: the 1 frret. QUICK SALES & STULL Pfl OFITE WILL BE OPE MOTTO ,r. "Please call and examine our geode Iteft•re purchasing stir; w b, o 3'Remernber the place, licit door te.1. Wilson'.- Drug truer' _li -Custom work will leceivc ear speciel attention. ter. None but the beat of lu'tterial used and first-eleee yet -Repairing neatly dine nn the shortest IuAutic^e. & C D i U Gndorich, March 9, lAt3e. DOWNINGW E D P -wfm..m.+eetrwrtnw SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS !IA N C 1101 1J[NE. OUR DESCRIPTIVE Pi4ICED CAT- ALOGUE. beautifully Illustrated, con taming all aeoemary infowiatfou for the suc- cessful cultivation of Vegetablee. Flowers, Field Roots, Potatoes, eft.. to now publisho d. and will be maned free to all applicants. JOHN A. BRUCE & CO. Seed Growers,. Hamilton. Canada. McCOLL eBHUS & CO, TORONTO_ 'MAINITFACTURER -OF- LARDIND E OIL CYLINBER OIL. Four Medals and three diplomas awar.'.• theta last year at the leading Extolh!. tions. In the Dominica. MANUFACTURERS And all men running mat hinery willsa.e Money by, using our oils. Our LAIDiNP, and „TLl\DAtt 011. hen ne..:Ilial. Facts ,speak ander then words. and the public can tlad out that the foregoing assertions are true, by try ing one sample of our. Oils priers etc.. un nil dictation to EieOoll Bros 1t Co Toronto, The sardine is fol ale in Coderich by R. W. DicKENZIE, G. H. PARSONS, (!. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. ' 181.-G UNITED STATES MAI tia.1 Weekly to +,.d from 1• e w 'Vomit AC n (1 W !eines•, VIA LONDONDERRY labia ensilage. 500to510 I(cturus,1110to TWA '(sena 1 Cabin. 510. Return Tieketr, 57 . steerage passengers boni4t'd not IOW rete'. 1'assette..ru. lomutolations uoestell( 41. 1LLtTAT[R"OMa os MAIN 111:, U. I'as-rngoiw b.inkrd al Iowa' rates to . r from Germany. Italy, Norway. beetizn, Denmark, Ae. For Hook of "Tours in Pentland." Rates, Plans .[.•. apply to HENI)IG4SON BitOTTPERS. itt}A. J, w) ar• k. 1,1�� A1TLAND HOTEL, (:ODEItICH ONT. The above new and tliwbciass house, close to the Railway Station and convenient to the town. in second to none In Ontario, for eom fort and acrommodatiun. L heated bf' Ho' Alt. 11 t1.(Li1E germs. 18WlMMlat: MATO Croquet lawn end garden on the premises Hot and sold meals+ at ull hours, for travellers An Omnibus to and from boats and ears eon etantly in attn'labee. Jno. Rrenman. Pro prlctor. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are plraaant to takeContain their( own Purgative. In a este, sure, and effectual destroyer of worms in "Children or Adults. 'kPb'f If ifititt:04,. �j;f / 1 4llMOA '• r',y l'1r♦ : Vi .9e k l,- aL...; L. ,. ,.. c . -er}o,eOCg1SLelrD&PICIFIC II'T off I�e law isisswtheattewdea et ttr w Bass sad ttatIte is. mo noel - the& Dsbtweesess/roar*,kace Ise wowwatwase ....17:: sae a js 5484( 1. 75. Pt At.• Ufll. no,[pip and k Taut. K economy*.08ro to t Union wets an tae he Port Unite of road betatron tae i. .O'o end the Porta* O1, 154 Ire p r not. nnrivslod and nt.a11/eesnt, I Ds1 Dt Boe1 rk.aforr..n Rf•o D011,4tlfwr Dal mmrtw1 I „on,e-rat Ir PPOs otooi 1twg CwYr Oaam. lByrMl NI pi -littlest Tele'. sleep(rnt C and 1 F f Dining Cars In the Wora'�i7sree a, n nOtisesee mad 54,eeowrl alter Totms Two ettweew OhI,eso and ilnnrar'•N' and et l• .,a oto famous "ALKRT LiA ROUTF.'' A ow sad Urea* tow rt _caeca a _Wank" ..145417 4 n 11"4.147:1........:L guasB Ge ti •rt u s.. Bir+« is tweet now, as few ea a= st lu. adv%." assatt 'ao• Ow Maps sem rot' 'Ill K tM � QRtiAT ROOT . SeIILAl e R )UTI 44 rose assort WOS Ouse• r 0 wee. R. R. OARS, 11.07..4A.NN. vt..wr 4a b •v If rr, _ _ _ sect ► a r.0 F'reneenve ell • &Das W u > ay Other .lir .I..ae ,, to e..a eddl ooh it ars to Mev cele. Mee else ii y 111 • at perkage. et de 1N far w w $lI be sv114freegwall ll r6irjtA w • how este On• 1111.res ee'leL CURE OR REUEVE 01721NFSS, DROPSY, FLUTTERiNO OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every ipsoles of disease arising from. a..oedor d LIVER, 1810NEV$, $TOMACP, BOWEL% 00 Bt000 prtsPo T�l> a , L :rcfA, J OPTION, E:,YSIP! LAS, 1'4LT RHEUM, M!'ARTBURN, HEADACHE, T. MILBURN & CO., µ't.,•. n• sp.tal it -tunic, 1 J. trawl Jose toe oa Pa.hest .,.tent rn. urivil• eI A,Co. Will 1010 HALL'S t11(H'_, URE 11�a� hi Reeneterended by Pttyalefnna, t CUTR, %'3 Catarrh of the Nl(sal Covey (goose and UkeraUsq Catarrh orris F1. Eye or 1 hro t. t It ?alum INTERNALLY. an.f acts (roe upon IheBlond and Mneou _Dell ALtwfwei eel the System. . s W )RLn, and Ler that 1• charged for It. to THAT alone, Ttt•. ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH I3 to rug. BitIcigwet Fz 1 U W'Oltt$1:3 tot try teles it Gtsrr, rrL't est parr I 00 n'ar.Laao, true hf,tesb83, My little ..tug it»r was trou - , 1 with Catarrh for two .es re .ne1 mat wary 111 11411 h.nttrltted by the use of ' tta.l's CR/arra Carr" Set h view about aus1. W. T. 11'U81, eti nt.r,Axn, One., Horeb ¶t. ispe l have weed" )16I144J,iarrb Ceres,' a.•1 sada int( from aro g nal roselta f derlvo•1 from one baht(., Noises, It will Bore the moat etubbor11 same wt asavrh If IN 1104 0e 0004.445.4 for a reasonable It.e,;th of Luras. W. R. IHELLEMrt, Wr.I.laRD, Ott, Mareb L, 1.9*5. P. J, P•rwwstr a t; 1.. T Ledo. O. (4.575 - Nave Geld Hall's Catarrh Onto for fig • set , eta-. amt it give. *sure sandsablon. T. Lies trots., H. W HASSON, Dnlagit hall's Catarrh Cure -•old r'v all Mooteeslmatd "WW1 nr. Ig.Gy ana 1._..00 le POMP& Plr.e lei5M In Lb„ l'..itwJ Stele* a18'Oanad* MCP: i 1'wlitss a UoWe. Et4.o11 ID D. The nth Kansas Rail's Catarrh Cure V soon. d as.os* by 1•'. J. CIIICNI Y.* OD., Tdedo, 0. Mffweware d imttetlons. 1nNI.e; for tam Oren -t, er*4m tvr H. W. P3BSON, Welland. Ont. (lF,OVJE MFHYN AS. Sole Agent