The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 5£Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DAY, APRit. 13, I88 0slborn . We believe Mr. V. Fisher, has perch- ed 1110icr.:s of the McNaughton proper- NEW SPRING (10011S. ty en the biaitland Con. for f4,000, The tine weather of the 1'1st few days reminds us of the Irish 'muttering song a heard last week "And now the spring has ,woe bays, Warned be the day : I.ay down your saws and axes 're the river haste away.* .,Y - 14P ICI*L ATTENTII'N TO THE CATrLL gout. --Mr. Gordon Yonr uI Colherue, last eek sold to John Mc- Ilruy, of Morris, an Ayrshire bulloeillithl tae years ofd, and • ISouthdewft 'tikes, f r the inter .veutent of his stook. o. A verj pleasant Hen ens mit at Mr:- Wm. (rocWm. Young's, the well knotile res'e of Colborne, on Tuesdayof last week. He invited a number of riends to celebrate Fel erY a, lit',ryttta anti his i lit birthday. Afters warps wel- eume from tke jolly old reeve and his Stripe `ltirtit,;, kind lady, they sat down to a splendid f i, repeat, doing am- 1e ustiee W the ;fwd 4 • • things ,reveled. The party then ad- � t' t 1 joured to the parlor nod enjoyed them- 1}i h ABO 1'L (iOS1,. I\II i s s vv. .elves by telling ol.l Scotch Stories, red - i r of the days gt•ue by. The whole party well up in sdans, nolle being, upper 4S except .•u. ; the'united ages of the six -lentleuren being 425, and of the seven ladies 420. ' 'the- party broke up at ea ,-arly hour. wishing that Mr. Young might enjoy many more birthdays. FO).Lt►WiNt. SEEDS 1 8Ei_:IDE3 ! F33E1:1-.L S t) A.T THEMEDICA I. TT A L' ... JI'NI' Itt:CEIVEIP, A LAIt(:1- -1>I' " I It • k ' FRESH GARDEN, FIELD • :\N I► i i,I1N1 ER sEhl)S, from sec ot•thc mode I Uabl•• - t' FO11 `.1L1: BOTH H I S !. F. JORDAN. T. , MEDIC.tL iIAL1r- sem- --RF( TO A'. 1 ;a t1,.• Inon 1'•') •rt:'fILA i IKE— f -.1('1-S. .t:ri.1gglat, �J rT�T RECE FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, AT J. C. SEVERAL BALES OF TAPESTRY, WOVE A UNI( J. ('. A CHOICE LOT (►F NEW PATTERN LA('E ('I AT .1. C. NEN- AND NOBBY SPRINf l HATS AT .1 C. \ IMMENSE -41 ick 1►1•' DRESS ((4)I)' -,- A T .1 t ' Z V L ID DE''I+1 )R & I iN CARPET'S, I)ETLOR & 4't 'RTAINS 1)I TLI• 41•1lit . ('1 I►I?'I'i.Ilh 1'I ! ONTARIO SPF,FT,BtiBBPENCE CONN,lAY, SON, GRAND SPRING OP. ENG anbnim. Pring inall the N1et'. lint..(. Pritchard is ati riding Synod from the, Lowest to the .,t St. Thomas this week. This has leen it hard winter on the brics. and at prices tieat boes in this locality. Out of tiftecn hives Rev. Mr. Hilliard has only four living. The river is now clear here, the ice breaking up on Monday. Home fears were entertained for the safety of the bridge, but fortunately they preyed ;ruundless. An open tweeting of the Temperance lodge is in anticipation. It is expected to come off in three or four weeks, when t temperance address will he given by Rev. A. E. Smith. Lssbtua. Mr. John Linklater visited Woodstock I.a•t week, and spent a few days with his It:ether-in-law, V. Clutton, who was in- valided there. T11: MAZY.—Several .1.11ybachelors ae- rompalued by a number of young ladies, visited the residence of Mr. John Morris he other evening, and spent a merry time in the mazy dance, singing, eta WENT Wi AHEAD. —One day last week a horse belonging to Mr. W, Strachan broke loose from the blacksmith shop in Goderich and started for home. It war stopped neer Saltford, where it was met -by Will taking the buggy home on anoth- er rig. Ombra & (.erTIYu 116rrEL—We are pleased to 'earn that Miss Annie Harris has quite recovered from the effects. of a severe cold, and is able to be about once more. Mie Kara Harris, of Cranford, is the guest of Mn Joseph Morrie DL.+zRTtn VIZ HANKi.—"Sir Uoger, formerly an old resident of Dunlop, who at one time opposed his bachelor friend .fee Mayweed in kidding on the spring bed at Armstrong's sale, has strenghen- .d the band of henedicts in (;odorich by joining their ranks. We wish the hap- py couple every happiness. SO,•IAL—A waggon load of lads and lasses from Blyth, under charge of Mr. (George Patton, drove to the residence of Mr. Shaw, of Dunlop, recently,wbere they were met by the jovial engineer, Joe Mayweed and others from that in- teresting and lively burg. A jolly even- ing was spent, and many went home having their future told by the aid of a cup, 1). igna, Finest Fa - DEFY COMPETITION Tweeds and Cloths, the Largest Stock and Choicest Goods we.have ever had, and Prices Right. We wish especially to inention Black Cabmeree, Black and Color- ed Dress Silks, and Colored and White Tabling's. The Sad abed Womble.. are never iesitetted or roe ti rfeik.r. Tt)tis is especially true ,1f a family medicine, and it is positive pr.s.f that the renteiy imitated as of the highest value. A• awn as it had been tested and proved by the whole w nr1A that Hop Bitters was the purest, beat and most valpable family medicine on earth, many imitettons sprang up and began to steal the notices in which the press and the people'.f the country had expressed the menta of 14. B., and in every way- trying to induce suffering invalids t.• use their stuff in- stead, expecting to make money en the, :redit and good name of 11. 1;. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to H. B„ with vaneusly devised tames in which the word "Hop" or!, 'Hopswere used in a way to induce people to believe they were the seine as Hop Bitters. All such pretended reme- lies of cures, no matter what their style or name is, and especially with'the word ' Hop ' or " Hops ' in their name or in any way connected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of then[. Touch none of thein. INS nothing hut genuine Hop Bitten', with a bunch or cluster of greor. Hops on the white label. Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations or counterfeits. McColl Brost & Co., Toronto is contest Ler Al{Illn. r: APEhL whet: the latest Novelties i71 - .ring M. y t,.: •. .LI _M 'P • :.er.. Reed it/Idler 1i... (diJ4, .e J',•• •'•, %1t.1 r.t(":t'Itllts(1FTill: IMPROVED LOCK HARP. " `i 9 .our - Pointed Steol Fencing: Wire. I Ltd Adv J 1T i -i,;;1 -?MOND i'. EAST, TOR TO. F'..1 - t1 -t: 111' R. )V_ McJ.C"ENZIP.:, I4plt£ittCH. I)RESS I ._C• - "hiving leased the premises immediately adjnint'.a ret. to Ir. ..•'- -•111 r: • '.,band to carry on the dressmaking business in all Pirenehee. cut:etta• t u u g.r.eruiae, .:. : ti• try,v:ing of the DRESS MA IN Or D :r'AFt'T NT, Over 100 Pieces will also be held on SATURDAY, the 21st of Apru. ALL ARE INVITED. A d. W/LKllt. ►'. Travelling Guide. GRAND TRUNK EAST, Pass. ltttp s. \iii d... ltix.'d Se forth, Ar.&3Y m ILSsm pt. m;3040 980 am $tratford,Ar.7.20 2.40 8.30 11.10 W IRT. Pass. Esp's. Mii'd. IJRlz'd, Stratford.Lv12.01pm 7.S0pm. 5,45am 3.45pm Seafortb.Ar.l2b8 8.42 &00 5.40 OoderichAr. 1.35 9.30 9.45 7.15 STAGE LINE`. Lucknow Stage (daily)arr. 10,15amnpni . dap Kincardine • 100am7ala .. Henmiller " [Wednesday and Saturday, Ar. 9.0tl.ir ..De.9.10. Ei.,i'r..i'leries from 3 cents to (-la- —the Cheapest (i00,1.: of O.? hUnl t't • t' '.en In ton/T.1. CHANCERY NOTICE TO CREDI- TORS OF PETER DESJARDINES, De- ceased. Pursuant to my direction, given in a matter now pending in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Invision. intituled "In the matter of beide Gtatteau and others, infante. The Creditors of Peter hegiardines, late of the Township of Stephen. In the County of Huron. farmer, who died in or about the month of October. 1812, are, on or before; the 10th day of Apr1l.1883,10 send by poet. prepaid to Neem•, Seag.er d: Morton. Barristers. Gode- rich, their Christian and surnames, addresses and description. the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their account:. and the nature of the aecurit:es•(if any) held by therm ; or, in default thereof the will be peremptorily excluded from the benefit of the moneys to be istributed//iian the said matter. Every Credi- tor bbeforedme'the ittnndnrign d IRegistrar oe �r Queen's Hench Division of the High Court of Justice. at my Chambers in 0-gnode Hall, in the City of Toronto. on the 20th day of April. 1813, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, being the time appointed for adjudicat ion on the c!aima. Dated 31st day .•1 January. 1883. 0414 JOIIN W%`iNCHESTER_ 1883 -rd Registrar Q. B. D. Ll all other Departluents ear -tock is complete. antl Prices as 'fox' AS the 101Ve-t. A ('omplet'r Stock of Groceries. our 111annfart tires and ,yh'..,".r 1h„i. °•'t50 cent Japan Tea LARDINE, CYLINDER, BLOT CUTTING, deserve, special iilention- WOOL OILS. OUR clLESE4TF.T' — aaLARID INE•” Ms of Tea for $1.i)O. brand is unexcelled by an other o.t on the market. In recognition of its snpertnr merit. we lave reeeived The Best you All the Highest Prizes 1 wherever vother award! a tante number oted tt fa g Bold, Silver & Bronze Medals, bmktea nnn.crouS i,iploma.. 11 14 warranted wet tegnm or , Ing . wear. equal to Castor 011 Wins ie.. than one-half the price is the t oil on the market. its -ray 1T. R �xenZia, Saleb` COLBORN F BROS w. MI rt•„te,rtrA Price. ver Mfr for the 1 ._ IN NORTH AMERICA Thi y. rSoM uses oat and Lung o'se d't DR. WILSON'S PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM Wo,.'c ,e Prevented Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. Two Bottles In One, 40c. J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL Rev. Father Wilds' INT X-1 It 0 ABRAHAM S1,46 rr CALLS ATTENTION TO '1111: FOL.ld)lt .:�G -Lo'l*, /OA LARGE ASI8ARTl.t artsENDLESS VARIETY,r JDDN�t NDTT, t11I..AT#: (a JI li)S.tom\'F'1\AtSOH MALL THE L.\TEST STYLES. ALL PATTERNS. MADE A t9Tl 0{t N1'E)D OR N41 r.tt t: •.I 'I.( 111,1( ►S EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wilds. well-known city missionary in New York. and brother of the late emlaent ledge Wilds. of the Massachu- setts Supreme Court, writes ea follows "75 E. 54111 St. Nese York, .114 1s, lse2. sas..1. C. evr.R <b Co., Gentemen Last winter rwaa troubled with a most uncom- fortable itching humor affecting more especially my limbs, which itched so intolerably at night, and burned so intensely, that i could scarcely bear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer frau a severe catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poor, and my systema good deal run down. Knowing the value of AYER'S SARA P... RILLA, by observation of many other eases, and 'ruin personal use in former years, 1 began taking it fer the above-named disonlers. My appetite Improved almostfrom the frothe first dose. After a short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of theskindisappeared. My catarrh and rough were also cured by the same mean°. And my general health greatly improve.(, nutil it is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per tent stronger, and 1 attribute these results to the Use of the SARSAPARILLA, which 1 recommend with all confidence as the beat blood medieiue ever devised. I took It in Antall donee three times a day, and used, in all, leis than two tot tlea, I place these facts at your service, hoping their publleation may do gtwd. Yours respectfully, Z. P. W ILDs."; Tl.e above instance is but one of the many con- stantly -'oming to our eottee, which prove the per- fect auaptability of AYER'S SARSAPARILLA t0,. the cure of all diseases arising from impure or im- poverished blood, and a weakened ritality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleau+es, enriches, and strengthens the l toed, stimulates the action of the stomach Au.l teens, and thereby enables the system to resist and over- come the attacks of all ,Scrofulo ce bagels,' ••, Erup- tion, of the Skin, Rhrsmntism, Catarrh, (7 ,7(wl Jk't•ilitl,, and all di.nrders resulting from poor or corrupted blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED RV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cold by all Druggists, price el, six bottles for 85. is►ntsrLete AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS — Beet Purgative Medicine cure t'oustipat inn. Indigestion, Heal:_eLe, and all Bilious Disorder,. Held everywhere. .tlways reliable. NEW a-0 ODS, NEW PRICES" CHEAP FOR CASH. NEW ARRIVALS SPRING &MEIER G Scotch, Ellhsli, lrxsh & Calladaill Tweeds GOODS (':IE: PER THAN EVE1: • t't• 'rota - . Fanuers & Gar�ue�s THE NEW FERTILIZER. Cotton Seed Compound is Cheaper. and as gaol or S01.e than most of thereamerIls'eenFe• lay(setsof ttllleaisy tnannre, not mewl a releeet which is ro. ed by1ts were w ta a wereshipped last garpowa alms.. vler man )t manse ripen earlier than mamma John A. N e.tel, Sob, Agent for ( 'rich. Oldest Esrao/is ied Nouse IN TIME COUNTY_ ITTTG-H D TJ N [ 0P THE LADIES' SAY THAT THE DOMINION HAIR RESTORER Sills. .titin ribbons, ail wool I •': b cashmere+, ho ,cry and Idea. hod .- 't. n, prints, 4 -.. At less ; h.an wholesale pike*. Scuteh and Canadian tweed-, at wholesale Ari,r-. ihi•k•,cottonade'g Ane.. Re., eery low. GROCERIES. Before yon buy of pedlar. or .rrimerrs 'ry my team, \ dint; Gym -in ten warranted pure ft ore 25.tte. (kr 1s.nnd up. Iti.t. k tris at Lets, equal to most Mkt. tea sold. My 40rt. Black tea. worth 60cta., flnest Imported at 75ete. per pound. A11 Apices gold by toe warranted purr. HARDWARE STORE_ i hold in stock a large neaortnrent of bar rein, steel, salla paint, oil+. glass together VI ith a general atonement of shelf hardware. and the heat sae Vrent for Herby 1'Ittttar, king M hest. tech nlpiema at t'rnvtar'al ••how Out tall. Mare'h 89 IOW 11*' t^ CORN SHELLER `(ADE BY H. TAPSCOTT, of Brantford, pleases them better -than any prepare- £V tion they ever used. It 1a most refreshing in case of headache or feverishness of the Scalp. and makes Faded or Gray Hair assume a charmingly netnral and healthy appearance. =site 5C Cents 1''c i settle GEORGE RHT TM, AGENT FOR C4-ODEJRIC.:�_ TO TUE FARMERS OFTIIE CONTY Of MN GENTLEMEN,- -By requcet of a large number of the yeomen of the Coun t r • '• at,. decided t.. ntanafrnttire 1R,133APINC3- AND MO 7INC1- M OE INEE, • i.t c• -nn 'ction with our Plow lu..iiees for th, year IRs:;, which ter material and 1,i mauship will Le second to none. Ito nut give your orders for reapers ur mow- r-. until you see these ntatuifactured by us. We will attend all the eprin. fairs in County; which will give the faruters a gond opportunity to inspect our machines. tVe will warrant our machim:A t.i d., as go, d work as any other tnsde. We will el- ite have a number of good ' LANs L. 1E RS ti.r the Spring trade. COOKING STOVES 1 lwaya on hand, and will be sold cheap for caab. or be cxchatigel for ao,.1. Cash (,aid for old iron. SEP•:(alILLER & CO. Ooderic.h. Foundry. so the continent of Americas. trice only live cinder.. Pring M some ears of corn And try 0. Ce CR.3$, AV! (RP atItEB1t'it Sarnia Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company, (LIMITED_' MA TTJFACTTJF�ERS OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Threshers. See the (nonunion Separator before you Purchase. The Easiest Run- - ning, Simplest and Most Durable 'Machine in the Market. e r 4-11 V F. A. (i : lv •r +l W A IN -r F-, Athletes at Once Gi•3I;ORGF A_ ROBS., General Agent. (;oderich. Ari Iletills 111 W111 PMI'S a Now is the titre. at yes MIA one or leyy orae eoom• a' bore Make,. to see I ke,. rte to Ire has ever (.ape r 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colon. and at prices lore than very retieh inferior gongs. Ca11 ant .. • them Ibex see the bred "sine ;n town. and moot he sold. The 1a1s1 3i1i1 Fihiii, I t1 feat �'t.TTIr R.'s