The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 40
. _
r 1 - -- --- \ �� h t s understand arrangement+ are being made j '1 11 Li ORANGE FARCE.
THE HURON SIGtN AL ULD AND OUR1 with the nulway *entwine* w that a=-
t Strong for
s Keaturth, '9t1o1 too B � oHN _ I cun.un rates to slat un (earn The Bleu Fat
FRIDAY, APRIL 13ru, 188:3. 6t. George's Church Art Loan i Clutton and uthei' paeiuu wdl he given Brother White
• Exhibition I on Wednesday next. We are infuriated by
T% N ED e4) 4T. a lat+y manaYers, that )lt'.11 C""
�011, Tae Bin Yo.lpared for ♦wtarr Nrrl
Nae rad Lad. rlthed 'IP
try ter "II""
I n artist from Hamilton, did good work t+ r s: s Collapse.
Tile Brifter auth orities arca ducitled tr. Lad'
t■ rare• teimedue., promoting tit.: swoosh of the exbibi-
that hereafter the bright scarlet uniforms I Grotesques and Laishles di.» a al tree � tion by las alai: •-y and tact iu placing The l lttawa comesl ondent of the l.uq-
the right {}acture in the right place, w I dun .:.Parti., r thus descr.beean cute eit-
that even-tiane.•.I justice would le ex- I mgYa Flu in theseverHouse
uit Bills m,loay: put'
tended to all.
thr••u li Cotumittee of the A1'hole quite
t.,HlerleY<�Med'ittrNa. I au inter:sting scene to the galleries esu
•to t in the 1loveruiwnt benches.
of the ariny will be discarded, and rum-' <•asalste.
brek 1 It contended
oz grey take eita pace. is
that in this era of modern warlarar the For the past week or two the ladles in
connection with St. George's church have
wearer of scarlet is too ConepiCunua a 1 been in an tinxi•sus, eager, earnest st ltd,
and for the full wing reason. Sine
time a;qo the idea wits suggested of !nadag
an art loan exhibition in lludurich under
the auspices .of said ladies, at which od-
dities, antiquities, relies.bric-a-brac, and
other things too numerous to Mention,
would les placed on view, and where the
collection ot a small admission fee would
snake iich the treasury of the Sunday
School. The ilea was speedily seized
up en, and an efficient state• of waril can
vetoers was at mice appointed, cohsiating
of the fulluwiug ladies: SL George's ward
- Mrs Fre nct's Cattle, Mn G. H Parsons;
St. Andrews -Miss Macdenuutt, Miss
Davis ; St. Patrick's Mrs. M. E. John
a en, Miss Cook ; St. David's -Mrs Sea-
ger Mis Leans.
Froud the day of their appo.iututent
'until the afternoon of Wedmesdav last,
the ladies were indefatigable in their
lab.,rs. l'p and down, hither and thith-
e',high and lew,in the highways and by
ways, in daylight and dusk, at all times
sad under all circumstances could the
solicitors 1 . found asking ter antiquities
and oddities with which to make famous
the Consulate at the contemplated art
liian exhibition.
After the canvasser; had been eomplct
ed the still wore laborious work of collect-
i•.ip; the promised exhibits had to be under -
target for the Long-range bt•eeolt-header
f his adversary, an I:is thus placed at a
disadvantage. Hence the change. The
idea may be a good one au far as :ender-
ing the soldiers less conspicuous, but the
discarding of the ecariet will cause a
pang to go through the hearts of many.
The regret will nut be cuufiuel
to the
o :: ce:'s, or rank and file,'but te all who
haze the utiii;itgy traditieuao1 Dri'atn al-
sociated with the scarlet coat, a+ were
those of ancient Rutile with the imperial
purple. Even in the s,c'al circle the
lack ,.f se trlet will be felt, nal the gay
young subaltern will nu linter lie the
envy of his civilian cempanione, for he
will find that the loss of his scarlet jaok•
et will rob him of a source ,-f strength
almost to as great an extent as did the
losing of his hair cause the abnormal
p,,wera •,f ti.0::s°n to fail. Then, to.',
the war correspondents and historians
will not be able to go into ¢rsphie de-
scriptions of "the thin reel line again,
nor will the disconsolate Milesiaa recruit
be abbe to wail f..rthhis brief at parting
with his eheelnh, or tautobogicsfy glory taken, and here again the ladies came to
h. the radiance of his brightly egieeed the front. In fact duriug the past week
, it was no uucottlu,oi sight to see sotne of
coat, after this fashion :
The !eget concent of the ab,.ee named
musical association w ill bo held in Vic-
toria Hall on I ue•day et ening next, l7 th
inst. aha choruses w all conalbt of fifty
voices, and as the prearaunme given he -
low shows, a number of excellent solos
are promiaod, \1'e feel :twined that the
music loving people_ el G.alerich will
give the Choral Uuwu a bumper house
oil Tuewtay. Theseeretary, Mr. R. S
Williams, has been indefatigable iu his
entlea%ors to forward the concert. The
following is the pruieramine:
our prominent town belles perched up on
They dressed nee up in scarlet -re t. Lha seat of a g ti ter s wagon with rues in
And used me very kindly, l hand, calling out 'lank to the equine,
Dat still I thought my heart would ureal • g
For Ib. girl 1 tett behind Inc. `and driving as f uriousyly as the proverbial
No, no ; oh, ne : The grey can never; butcher's boy. That no time was lost
throw the.r .+ince around British arms + by the collectors was evidenced by the
that the red did, and many will look fact that when the exhibition wads formal-
ly opened tat Wednesday aftermain some
aghast at the iauevatiutt and ejaculate I 691 articles were on, view.
"Ichabod, ' "Ichabod,"-the glory has, 1 Among the exhibitors are : Mrs. Col.
indeed departed. i Ron, Mrs. F. Marlton, Mrs. F. Cattle,
j Mr. H. Deacon, Mr. .1. Deacon, Mrs.
SrIaaixo of Archbishop Lynch and' Rebeitson, Miss M. Rebertsoe, leer. R.
Croockett, Mn. Crane, Mrs. Walker,
the Christian Brothers, Sir John A, Mrs. Matthews, biro. Jiack, Mr. Babb,
Macdonald told Sir Charles Tupper that I Madame DoPeudry, Mra. Clark, Mrs.
"little erifid•'tlrc can be placed in the J. S Macdougall, Mrs. Jas. Doyle, Mrs.
breed." A very polite seeing. A very I Gibbon, Mn. Duffy, Mrs. W. J. Naftel,
• Mrs. Forbes, Pah
ons Paons, Mn. G. N.
complimentary remark. A very elegant Macdonald, Mrs. J. Donogh, Mrs. R.
expression. Putt it's just like Maodon- Miller, Mra. G. Campbell, Mrs. Ed-
wards, Mrs. Black, Mn. Fletcher, Mr.
Crabb, Mr. T. McGillicuddy, Mrs. Hum-
ber, Mr. Addison, Mas. W. J. Stewart,
Mr. Hodge, Mr. J. U. Luttrell, Mr. F.
Jordan, Miss Wilkinson, Mrs. W. T.
Hays, Mrs. Armstrong, Mr. J. Dickson,
Mrs. G. H. Parsons, Mn. R 11. Smith,
Mn. T. Dixon, Mn. Sutton, Mr. Har-
vey Hinck,, Mrs. Rice, Mn. G. Cam-
eron, Mrs, Wilson, Mrs. Rhynas, Mrs.
W. Ithyass, Mrs. Pennington, Jin.
Barry. Mrs. Jos. Morris, Mrs. Dodd,
Mr. J. Goldthorp, Mr. T. B. VanEvery,
Mr. F. Bond, Mrs. M. C. Cameron,
Mrs. 11. Cooke, Dr. McDonagh, Mn.
Newton, Mn. J. Robertson, Mrs. J.
Brooks, Mr. T. Mckenzie. Mr. Gidley,
Mrs. E. Campaign, Mrs. Lawson, Rev.
B. J. Watters, Capt. McGregoer, Mrs. G.
Aches n, Mrs. Harries, Mrs. Pridharn,
Mrs. Pennington, Mrs. Eagle, Mrs. Dr.
McLean, Mrs. S. Platt, Mrs. C.
Ferguson, Dr. Cassidy, Mr. D. Mackay,
Mr. H. &cord, Miss N. Seeginiller, Mr.
H. Bothwell, Master T. Wright, Mrs.
Rothwell, Mrs. J. C, Cnrrie, Mn. C.
Nairn, Mrs. A. P. McLean, Mrs J.
Savage, Mr. Henry Horton, Mrs: Wynn,
Mrs. G. H. Old, Capt. Traunch, Mn.
Mellish, Mrs. G. Robertson. Mn.
Donogh, Mr. M. Nicholson, Mr. Gor-
don, Rev. .1. Walters, Dr. McMicking,
Mrs. D. Frazer, Mrs. Rich, Mr. D. C
Strachan, Miss Shaw, Mrs. Hutchison,
Mrs. Price, Mr. James Sheppard, Miss
the N. P. in regard to its bearing on Rutsuu, Miss I1ayne, Mrs. Lawrence,
that class of the community. His speech Mn. Preudfoet., Mr. Muscly, Miss Da-
wes a complete answer to the contention vis, Capt. Gibson, Mn. Win. Gibson,
that the avicultural class has received Mrs .1 Watsuo, Mn. lire, Mrs. J. T.
any benefit from the National Policy. Garrote, Moe Macdermott, Mr. Larne,
Taking a group of the principal article, Mr. Radcliffe, So Elmo Preceptory of
the farmer has far tittle, he showed that Knights Tetnplars, T. .1. Moorhouse,
this list of wheat, oats, hay, straw, but- Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Waddell, Mrs. Ma-
ter and egg, taleuts :t date in the month cara, Mw McMahon, Miss Bingham,
of Septaihlier, 11:7:+, when Mr. Macken- Mrs. Elwood, Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Par -
.zee was in • Flit. , odd for e40.7$7, while sons, Mrs. st.,kes, Mrs. Jas. Mitchell,
in the acme dada last year the farmer Mgt. W. Kay, Mn. Weatherald, Mrs.
. atuld only elem',: for the saute articles In Lloyd, Mn. Mrlcumson, Mrs. May,
line ounotn;ies, $32.30, a reduction cf Mo. Carey, Mrs McPherson, MIs.
$8-57. In order t.. show that this was ne William*, Mr. Dark, Mn. Logan, Mn.
extraordinary mate of affairs, Mr. Mc- Clucas, Mrs. `tenger, Mrs. Lewis. Mise
Millan tusk a date in June of the sante O'Neill, Mrs. Ii. !teed, Mrs, VanEvery,
year. whirl, / n the sane produce of the Mr. W. H. Ball, Mr. D. Curry, Mn.
farms hibitt.t decrease in price of $7.76, Holden, Toronto, John Russell.
Referring to the c,omunelitie$ which the The attendance of visitors on the open -
fanner has to jrrc)ase, he assailed the ing day was large, and time and again
tnjustitt which' . ncreased the tae en such the promoters of the exhibition were
goods a.: coarser tweeds and blankets ti- congratulated upon the satisfactory
45 per :ant., while broadcloth rand a manner in which they hail Milled illed their
duty of only 23 per cent. This was a Fartier of the contract. To particu-
clear coat of discrimtnatlor against the 1 erize in tho matternf exhibits would be
working claaaer in iaver ,of the wealthy. mit of place, but when we rotate that
Flannels o'• various kinds paid 311 per specimens could be found on view from
cent duty, s hide silks pay the same. between the north and the south, and
Other quotati one were given mf a similar the east and the west, we don't err from
character, that the farmer arid the truth. Jewelry, old silver, stuffed
laborer were premed on much more heavi- beats and hinds, relics from Pompeii,
ly by the ; ea!' Clan the wealthier claw souvenirs frmn Ceylou,Hrazilianheetles,
of the cenine:hlty. yr. Macmillan vases, centenarian copper -kettles, goods
thought the pubes et expels'ling $fs60,000 freer great grandmotherwdrinking horns,
tat bring emigrants w this country and swords
flomt fields
otiblcre,upaintiner t g',
then tax Ow line. accordingto the
competition blade ea the implements umes of ancient works, &c., &c., Ac ,
necessary eor his fart'r rendered useless were to be seen nn all side.+. But our
the first large entire-. People would space sill not admit of further ennmer-
leave the cuuutry and go over t-' the ation.
United State' t -o ercape trues such:rind In addition to the sight scetnl, other
ing duties as are impnaed on agricultural and divers methods had bet•n adopted to
implemetx's. Recently he had the ..p plesse,the visitors, such as decorating
ttnrtunity to 1 etk over the ass,asmer.t with beugnts, furnishing gentlemen
rolls of a western township aiid he found with-- well, not with Havana,. serving
that din the part five years no lees I ice creast, feeding the hungry, allowing
than 220 farmer heti 1a`t and marksmen to shoot in the gallery-, and
gone to the United Staten, Thews pare- all these we are bound to confess at very
pill would all have been in our North- moderate charges. And on this point
west but for the iniqu tone p tlicy. The we would like to state right here that
two evils of a heavy tariff and evil land the ce'mmon sense mode of charging
regulations were doing tnech t•' hinder sale ted by the promoter's of the art
:he development of the 71( entre-eta, and loan exhibition would not be amiss at
fanners could net grapple with them and future public gatherings tinder church
Hake their later a sa cera. iKr. McMil- auspieer. Nedwithstanding the tnoder-
lan sat down amidst great applause from see chsreaw, the receipts for We.lnesdsy
the Opposition benches. etening f.,oted up .80.12. and of cone
there were corresponding smiles nn the
The ladies of the 'it rth at. Meth .dist countenances c f the promoters.
.hurch purpoan h• I ling an "apron hoz- The exhibition will be c ntinntd dur-
yar" nn s Tuesday, May tat. ?nil .,sr- ia! the remainderk t f thisnge wedndra
:enlsr+ will he even We and he rant
len of the
jpt White had, after col aid treble pres-
sure, e. n e heel to p.•stlao:e tut theractien
on the Orange Bill far another week.
After goii g into the House he app:ared
to have changed his mind, and word came
tithe reporters' gallery tttrt he had alter-
ed his intention, and would proceed with
the Bill. • All eyes were turned in his
direction as the eider paper was being
cleared. Sail l -duly Str .lob it called WI -
ton McCarthy over, and hurriedly %li:-
mored to him, when he went hack to Mr. I
�1'uite's seat. It was easy to understand
1. Piano la nese BM 1TH AND PRICE. Deet-'Ylavett.e".... seines, ym;th. the cause of Sia Jobit s aettuii as t is t,:.
u, cum,teue of Jy the anxiety s its :a;
-' Secular Morns--TheCarnuvale"..
i.osswi, ptarance, begged for more delay.
�el�t� c:HUK. ei Dalton McCarthy, when he came t„
1 Wens
near ''Wt.o( will Hi my !roses
eiT yyprptla�a. 5Ir. White's chair, unutedlately cote-
MSe our
Oars t . hlenced to argue, in a confidential sort
t. q•art a.,sq- dee aur oars with Feathered of wa
spray tier John Stevenson. 5'' but that gentleman, with shak-
ing head and flushed face, w is eviden' 1'
}ta s `roto- • }he hiss and the Mille r" refusing to give way.
Finding that he could not Louse White ' sh
]/a. u. Hn mie Th .L
G sacrad Chaetae "lmmel. Thine Ear to Me" I from his position, McCarthy returns to
Himmel. Str John's stat and informed Lint of the
CH01tl' i.
1. ntao fact. Sir Juhn then sprang sir, went
Intermission of tea minuet r.
. In Piano.
Trio i back himself' and seemed to exlaietuL,
Piano, Violin undcoaoeruaa-Torch• with Mr. White, but all seemed to tc to
ht ]Yrrch" Scotaoa C'latl:c. I
int rain, and tier Jelin returned to his glace,
looking eery utu.•h crestfaller and anxi-
ald. The ,a Gale trouble was that Arch-
bishop Lynch would not sell himself to
the Tories.
Tns lu.•.,r . ti„sl is vainly calling
upon ita friends in West Huron to send
down a few hundred copies of the alleged
circulars about which that - journal has
raved for the past 'mouth or two. The
Sertin.l is beginning to realize that there
is such a thing as being shoved into a
Darner, and hence its call upon the faith-
ful. In the matter of the circulars the
Sentient can get uo more help from its
friendsinWest Huron than it gave to
them during the campaign. Our fife -
and -drum contemporary's labored efforts
have about a, much force in this section
as the crackling of thorns under a pots-
ot-meet' noise and little effect.
cal+ Malden Speeds.
Jcltn M P., delivered his
maiden ripecch in the House last week,
and made a goosed impression as a sensi-
ble, practical speaker. A synopsis of
]tis mpr••tch is given below :
Mr. McMillan (South Huron) follow-
ed and es a practical farmer discussed
Pair. Nl:WMAN. Ms_.en;:L A. B. HblsUhlt
2. Recitative and Air -'The Death of Nelson
J. ltraham.
3. Part Sot:g- "The Sands of Dee"
Thiefarren* ..
4. Solo - "Mirasb' t $rriss'n }lifted.
5. Sacred c'ho11r11 .um "i 4 Heavens are Telling
the Glory of t} Handel's Creation.
Ilrcltativ "te Splendour Bright" -Ma.
Trio -tilts. F I.rrcHax. lttawwa . itoTu
6. Sulo and Chorus -"God Save the Queen"
('ontiactor Prof. Airman.
concede myth ill •or not. It was
rnence at 8 o'clock. Admission, '25
nus. •
After Sir , John left Mr. White, the
hatter seemed to relent, andali sly be-
fore the Bill waa reached, got
ilp, e
down, and stood before Larvate!. It
was a picture to see the two. White
demandingevidently demanding some considertiun
or relaxation of the terns from the mas-
ter of the situation, who, cool and collect-
ed, adjusted his eye glass and sat quiet `how Rooms on
ly in bis chair, apparently weighing in and Mantle
hta Lilted whether it was worth his while
ow Room Opening.
We beg to advise yon that caro will open our Millinery
!hors open at 7.30_ Concert will cute- to c
Grip's picture of last week in living re-
Finally Iangevin seemed to throw
wane crumb of comfort to the ex -:.rand
Master, and hastily returning he stopped
at Sir John's chair and accosted the lat-
ter, when he pulled out some papers and
a letter and exhibited them. Something
further was said. Sir John's face lit up
with a smile aed he held oat his band,
which White shook and then went to his
seat. All the onlookers knew then that
Sir John had acquired inore time.
Immediately after the Bill was called,
and Mr. White rime very much embar-
eased, and calmed the indulgence of the
House while he made a statement. He
said that a week ago, when the Bill was
about to come up, Jir John sent for him
and requested him to postpone it. In
deference to the Premier's wish, he did
so. His full determination then was to
go on with it to -day unless requested by
the Committee of the Grand Lodge to
cent+. Reserved seats, 40 cents. Tick -
eta may ase had at Ilnrie's, Sheppard's,
Bond's, Naftali, Ball's, and from the
Committee-Me+ers. H. Rothwell, A. B.
Henderson and G. 13. Babson.
Nest MMus Spring thaw.
A fine day, and the extra attraction of
an auction ssle of shorthorn cattle, drew
a large crowd to the show ground on
Thursday. An unusually large number
of agricultural implement agents put in
an appearance, and showed their ma-
chines ie fe •'• running order. There was
a fair snow of horses, a number of them
new exhibits, and the rivalry wan partic-
ularly keen between the two carriage
hones. Johnny Beacom and J. P.
Fisher have agreed to have a trial for
money between their roadsters, each
thinking he has• the beet goer. Alex.
Young's '-Matchem,'• a Durham bull,
weighs now 2160 lbs, Lacing put on flesh withdraw it. His positron to -day, he
greatly durisg the past year. We refer nett, was that the Committee that had
these desiring toPRIZE
know winners to the the Bill prepared and under whose in-
Beaty draught, -4 entries-lst J. P.
Fisher's "Prince of . Keer," 2nd J. P.
Fisher, "Pride of the Isle,'' 11=
Co's "Warwick Hero.'
Heavy Draught Colt -1 entry-lst a
colt shown by J. G.'Fisher.
Agricultural Horses -3 entries-lst.
J. P. Fisher's "Scalper,' 2nd. Geo. Cur- he would move the Bill a second time.
(ell's, `'King Tums' .�nl Alex Yuan¢ Mr.Pickard nose and enquired wheth-
(Kintail "Netherby. ' wheth-
er the member for Hastings did not in-
t:nd to accept the Bill introduced by Mr.
C. lay and abandon his Bill.
Mr. Whine denied this, and asserted 1
he would nut accept any general Act of
Incorporation, but would go on with his
structions he is acting, are divided in
opinion, one party desiring it to proceed
and the other requesting its withdrawal.
He was thus in doubt what to do, and
had finallw concluded. to ask the House
to perntit him to allow it to stand anoth-
er week, when, he said, nt+, matter whetlt
er the Committee were agreed •.r not,
Agricultural Colts - 4 entree+ -1st.
James Young's "Donald Dennie,' 2nd.
John Glenn's "Young Dray -man," 3rd.
Harvey Howell's "Darby."
Road and Carriage -aged-2 entries
lst J. Beacom's "Tontine," 2nd J. P. B l next week.
Fisher's, "Archie Bourbon--. IIIc Blake asked Mr. White whether
Road and carriage -3 years old -1st I he was aware that the time for reporting 1
JaRoa Bailey. t orivatr Bills expired, • n the 18th trate. New Pattern Mantles & Dolmans
Road and carriage --2 years. •yid -1st s,o that his ss expired, et practically kip! -
Andrew Greeks, "Speed," ed his Bill. Durham Bull -aged- Alex Young. I The Sill. Haid the Bill will stand.
Colborne -Bull under
Groans and laughter went up from all
Durham Bull under two ye:us-"-1 en parts of th; H,iuo. Thur apparently
ends the Orange drama for this year,
unless the time is extended for the com-
mittee to consider the subject. In the
meantime memberelof the Orderthreugh-
out the country san meditate on the sub- Cashmere Silk Silk Brocades, Silk and Satin Cords,
jection''which they are compelled to make Cashmere i
to the Minister of Public Works (Lange -
vin; and will mayhap realize that Mir
John is crafty enough to'obtein their
votes And tel shrewd to jeopardize his
jnfluence with the other section of his
followers from Quebec by carryinc •out
his promises,
and following days. when we will be prepared to show the very latest
styles in
New Pattern.
New Patterns.1- ars,
IMPtattTEL Fitt 'M THE
Toi'ethc•r with correct copies of other more notable styles.
tries -1st Jenkins & Fisher's '•Edward
Blake:" 2nd James McHerdy's "Sen-
tinel,- 3rd. John Marquis's "Crimson
Duke. -
Judges -Edwin Gaunt, T. Moon, Hul-
lett: T. Goveulock, McKillop.
Mullets for Two.
Edward Eagan and JohnePatun. two
producers in the Oil" Springs territory,
went into thel)xfer:i Douse in that vii-
!age to get a glass of bcerabout 10 o'clock
Friday night. After takin_ a while and
drinking their respective beverages Eagan
handed the lir-tender. Ji hn Bounce,
the money for the drinks, Barnes gave
Eagan the change. Eagan counted it
over, and said that there was ten cents
inure coming. Barnes insisted that the
change was right, and after considerable
discussion called Eagan a liar. Eagan
reached over the bar and ahnok Barnes
a few nines. Mrs. Barnes appeared on
the scene, and called to some person 0p•
stairs to come • and quell the racket.
Eagan let go of Barnes and went to the
other end of the bar. Berne' took a Mine
revolver oat •,f the drawer, and made a in ,t. 1 aroma,. on the 18th o: 11are I,. leais+
motion to fire at Eagan. Paton then tee S. Luard, relict of the late Capt. !.turd.
grappled Barnes in .order to prevent him in the send year of her age.
from shooting Eagan. He was success Deceased was erre of the pioneers of
ful in this, but in the scuffle received a •3:i, and lived for saute years with her
shot in the groin of hie left leg. Barnes husband on their farm (,Langford) en
fired the revolver five tinter, the last bit the Lake shore, Colborne, and will be
taking effect in the deaf of his left lett. remembered by many of the early set -
Eagan. who had escaped the Lulleta, be- tiers of this county.
came incensed at seeing his c ,tnppvanion ------ p
wounded, :and proocee beettolaound Bartter 1 gg3-SPRINt r- RRi
over the heal with a beer tumbler This
was the closing •bene in the affray, and
the two wo,an,l•.d men were taker: away,
and surgical aid procured. The i velvet •
used in the affair eves a Smith A Wes -
sun 22 calibre. !tames had the bell ex
tracted from his lese Saturday. The
wound is not very serous. Paton was
brought to Petrolea on Saturday, but
up to yesterday the hall hoe' 11•1. leen
dealt'elcte( a. --The following are the
oficeis elected for the present .quarter
of Defiance D.visien No. 309, Sons Of
Tempa ranee :-Chas Stewart, W. P. ;
Maggie Beck, W. A.; Jas. Stewart R. 8.;
Geo. Morris, A. R. S.; Edwin Morris,
le. S. ; doses Morrie. Treas. ; Harry Green
Con.; Nancy Gliders, asst. Con.; R. D.
Morris chap.; Charity Long. I. S.: Win.
Stewart, (1. S.: Alf. Dodd 1', W. 1'.
Mammoth Lone Ire M 1.
TurnIpi1er'dr•,.tcr tree
Carrot Seeds,
Harden Seedy, • "
Seed leas. Barley, Oat. and W Le«'.
Huntsman Peed and Millett.
Buckwheat. Timothy anti 1'icorr see• .
,'RUTi'IIEn (if -T. 1r1at•ced anti oil tike.
Gist:e•!o:•i,•:Ne s: from Pott Albert, eta ►At -t: AT
Kingsbridge, Eenntilllr and other points! �.t
his been crowded out this week. Oar l it�Vs N'tei
friends at these places can look far a full e
bodge! in .en; next Omni
llawidton aged Pietettis'treats
t ►sir new importations arc now all forward, and every dept t-
me•ltt throntthor.t ,mr extensive premises is crowded with
To 1.a• found in the European and American Markets at the Lowest
Rehire to have the pleasure ..f showing you through our various
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