The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 34
Tut,' iI+ i u.\ 016:IAL, FRIDAY APRIL 13, (8s3.
Farm anb ffiarben.
Let shall chinks bevu pretty full lib-
erty. Exercise is natural to them ; be-
sides they will stand a better chance to
rid theinsel%ui from lice that have come
to thein from the neither hen.
The Furu.:•,'i Review says -Prices fur
shorthorns. we are pleased to observe,
are ranging higher thus tar this season,
and we predict a %cry suoceesful year
and higher prices for 1883 then fur seve-
ral years previous.
An enthusiastic admirer of Pulled cat-
tle says they are gent's and :to trouble
unless a dog shows up. Then the dog
must go They eat, grow fat. and are
not dainty ; that they enter the stables
quietly and in god order, and that the
bulls get all ur nearly all Pulled calves.
Tu cure rot in sheep the following
salve is recommended Graidually die -
solve four ounces best honey, to whioh
add one-half uuuco Aruieuian b le ; then
stir in two ewes. of burut slum reduced
to powder, and add as much bah or train
oil as will convert the mass into a salve.
A hog of the proper sort should nut
only be extremely wide through the
shoulders and fore parts, but that great
width should bo carried all through the
camas, se that when fat they are just as
wide through the haws as the shoulders.
A broad, well -covered loin is alai an es -
Tt"beat time for shipping bees any
great distance is in April or quite early
in May, before the combs are too heavy
with brood; though with proper care in
preparing and ordinary usage in handl-
ing theist, they may be shipped at any
tome with comparative safety, except in
quite cold weather..
A good bog does not shoal, nor u he
restless. He takes his feed quietly,
goes to sleep when the meal is, over, and
converts it into fat. Thus the habits of
the animal, itstemper, and its disposition
hare great influence in the 'natter of
profit and toes. These propensities are
characteristic of certain breeds, and in
impreving the hog should not he over-
looked in the selection
A correspondent of the Beekeeper's
Mttgwine, whose apiary is at Ocean, N.
Y., gays, the following advice to these
who um shallow fracas hives : "
the blies alwaysto face the east er sesta
I first buildabench large enough to hold
four hives, by driving stakes in the
ground and siding up all around, and
cover the tap so that the hives will in-
cite* ao tbe front enough to carry the
water riff in that direction, and about
eight inches from the grouud."
Plasma. Nr a. -The peanut s often called
ground nut, because its pods, which grow
something like the common pea, are
Af�ed in the eronnd. The vine is a
Ob , berries yellow **weirs.
iese fall off the stems grew lene-
er, bend downeards, and the pd on the
end forces itself into the ground. large
forks aroused to pull up the vines, and
trt»'1Aem the nuts, which are picked off
assdpaeked is bags for market. The opt
is used fur makinv soap. Peanuts are
raised in the Southern United States, in
South America, and on the wes: c.'ast i'f
Clerical Aseedetrs.
IOBI11e0111'e ROBBIRY.
Ss eraties *mese te e Iris' seesst a/•
HawlLToe. April 6. -In connection
with the se of Ars:.
tab, who was arrested here last evening,
then is • rather iatansting story : Some
years ago • Toronto widow, of thi ee
sours, who k.pttand it is said still keeps)
• bearding burse in that city, had a
"natnmunial" advertisement inserttd
to an of the dailies The advertise -
anent gave • brae' but highly -painted
outl ne of the oharaoteruties and habits
of t e widow. Anteing the ap hcatioua
ter • lady's hand was James Robin ion,
who set forth in effect an his lirst letter
that he cared little lir riches, but wish
ed to Wei a partner 'who would cake
things comfortable ler hila au his detain
ing years. This was the man for the
widow. She asswered R••binsun's heater
by newts► et matl,aad a lively corrsp•.n-
dlsoea wrwed-
Tbe deieet fined widow and the ardent
bwheltsr mot by arrangement 'wade by
letter. Neither was disappointed in the
other's appearance, and the greatest c.'n-
lidenoe was engswdered un both sides.
It was decided that the rnerriage should
take plane in Baffa1o, Robiuem s home.
To pray* to the widow that he was rol-
ling in wealth. ttubtnaon presented bis
fiancee with s deck fes $100,000. The
wedeiiwa was duly solemnised and Mr.
and lira Roberson Cook op their mead-
ow. is Bakke tesepKMfly. at the
house of the Rev. Dr. Stratton. who
tied the knot.
- Four days atter the marriage, when
Mrs. Rubinson began to make souse
h h
(t*aura.ueut.K:al). Ramped Union.l
'1111rill IJI? DlitileE1t1hG
An En-Yollou Ofllour'e f3tory.
xi..- Ales., is Aare Tit did mot tall him.'
Mr. M. lllu.ti , prt;priet•r .,f the
Puineer brute, No. 1IJ J street, is now
nue ill Ilio it .pilus' well illi 'til TamtlmLO,
wneross a sit •rt ti•oe *Inca ttw field* for
h.u. Is %eau to look gen in their
g ire of winter -greet, and the 'unable.:
of Caltiorote ar a glimpse of the olid
night rue et alntsberguu. tie iitd the
rh-utuetls.u. What 10 41 t. •rtuced with
rueuu.attsmi eau delight In the nee•.ties
it nature ur care a tig whether the run
shines u. out'1 Mr. , iyemu 411.1 IIU1
k dew what tes d„ alxiut it. Ile had tak-
•o the prusur.ptiuus ot physicwue, but
toe dull, doi..d wuhe and the horror and
druid agony were still the. u. rho nest-
vuus to him were as though c•.vered with
the pall ..f unending night. Others might
smile, out :ilr. Hymen found no cause w
allow a ray of mirth to creep int, his
feed. Tills sort of thing had gone on with
hum et intervals for years, and here
seemed nn help for hint. But the poet
teas us that the darkest cloud has a sil-
ver lining. The darkest hour is always
just before the damn. There was help
fur him -relief present and permanent
for his ran►et bt,dy. At hat soma one
told hint of the (creat German Remedy,
St. Jamb. Oil. •' What !mea mere lin-
iment, after exhauating the *kill of doc-
t .rs 7 Wby, it u &wad. sae to talk of it "'
' Well, just try the Great Remedy," said
the voice f his friend. He tried it.
' What is this r' Italie' ! He tried it
atartl+ng discoveries concerning her us- stain- More relief ! "Is this the wand
band, R.'binsai left the reverend doe- of the tna.43oian7 Yes, 4 s relief --ease$
r ibef after wakeful sights of agony
fur's hoes. and his bride, taking with days long drawn out with "suffering 1'
him i6, •Roto h..ded aloe, and mu
Al last he had dutwvered the soluti'.n of
overcoat to !tis hart It
bis trouble. He was eared. Sleets this
was the„ led that the cbeok
which the heidegnuom gars his bride was happy recovery filo gentleman cannot
bogus, and In. Stratton applied to the say enough in praise .1 the (creat Ger
la to Remedy. He advises all to nae &-
Jacobs •to bunt up Rssarren, who Jacobs Oil fur rheumatism. He says
fjad,�a'e` "l��emlilllm,whtarehri gave
asarrestoduf there is nothing under the dome of the
• change of leeway. He hi• age as universe comparable to it as • pain vuanni-
e. HSOea m MittHis n . recommendations in the
even to himself ,bat itt mystery
was was learned that past few weeks have been the means of
he was at use time a railway conductor. the wonderful specific, and many of the
Mt.. Robinson,ns who, after her husbaud ti ase when be urged them to use it. His
had deachorted her in Buffalo, wait back was a wonderful caro.
be Toronto, os becoming aware of Robin -
sea a is
with her. dawg6Dame upEer, bus bush went back t.. policeman of this city, buts also felt the
Mr. W. B. Ferrell, the well-known
Tonto without seeing the prisoner. It t►ileatenisin,werful friendship, which St. the hour of physical suffer -
is not known yet whether he will gas hg. Mr. Ferrell was severally afflicted
back to Buffalo or net.
At the Police Court to day Robertson
was met to jest for sit swaths kw larceny
Dr. Stratton, in givinghis teaatimony.aid:
"Your Honor, I never IMM a, VMS with a
more perfect address than the prisoner.
He had the manner and conversation of
a gentleman. I never heard any ons say
the 'I will in the marriage ceremony with
sock emphasis, lad the prayer: he used
to offer Hipp my house, I hsvo seldom heard
sweh prayers. And then his singing; he
oowld beat me all bellow at singing
Moody sad Itaakey's hymns, espy ly
Nearer y God to Thee.' Oh. e• a bail tame. Why, your honor"
said Mr. Stratton, "we treated Aide
like a prince. My wife, who ie
sickly, came all the way from Philadel
phis to take care of him after his wife
went away. We bought him medicine,
for he was quite sick, and surrounded
him with seer, luxury.
There was .t story told of Mr. Rad -1
ctiffe, a fox-hunting parson of Devon-
shire. The Bishop of Exeter (Dr. Phil-
potts) came one day t.. visit him without
notice. Parson R:olcliffe, in scarlet, was
just about to nee his horse and gallop
off to the meet, when he heard that the
bishop was in the village. lie had bare-
ly time to send away his hunter, run up-
stairs, and jump, red coat and boats,
auto bed, when the bishop's carriage
drew up at the door. "Tell his lord-
ship I'm ill, will ye 1" was his injunction
to his housekeeper, as he flew to bed.
" 1s Mr. Radcliffe in e. laked Dr.
Phi H.
"He's ill iu bed," said the hou•e-
" Dear me : I ant so sorry. Prav ask
if may come up and sit with him," said
the bishop.
The ran up stairs in lore
dismay, and entered the parson's room.
The parson stealthily put his head out
of the bedclothes, but was reassured
when he saw the roots was invaded by
his housekeeper, and not(by the Mehl,.
" Please, your honor, his Irwd.ship
wants to come up stairs and sit with you
a little.
" With me !' gasped the parson.Users of Pills can ahoy the best m the
'o took cruel down and tell his 1.. r; it 1 I'm world, purely re)ktabie, at to cents a
aggravated bad with scarlet f rr ; it an sample bol, theyare Ho; e'e Re;tslatinlr
case, and very catching."Pills, (solar•colaed)
Enough, doubtless, to settle the bishop.
- e'rr's elate tweezes,
Curie Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
flash, relieves any pain instantly, the
cheapest and quickest application known.
Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia,
Headache, Rh,umatsm, Lumbago, Scia-
tica, Sure Throat or Awute Pains of any.
kind when you can gra to Geo. Rhynas
drug store and get It perfect and instan-
taneous curd fir 2:1 cents. Ask fer
Kraut's Fluid Lightning.
CU'?RoLLI!I': TRx 110 i -'rhe fela19
may guide the Morse, the bit may inspire
Hall's Vegetable tlssiban Hair Renew-
er is a certaia remedy fer removing din-
drutt, snaking the acalo white luau clean,
and restoring gray hair to its youthful
color. It iinterts a tine gloss and fresh-
ness to the hair, and is highly recommend-
ed by physicians, clergymseand scientists
ae a preparation sccontplisfkin,p wonder-
ful results.
Cerule Colds.
A cold that may be curtd by a tea-
ipxxwful of Dr, Wilson's Pulmonary
Cherry Balsa to -day, may grow into
censtunotion fore tau years and defy
the highest m foal skill. Why .,t cure
it then, in the beginning by theteaspuon-
ful of Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry
B.tlsam. But even after the cold be-
comes chronic there is no better remedy
than this. Mrs. A. O. Jackson, of Doug-
las, Ont., who was a sufferer fount a
chronic cold for over twenty years, which
was accetnpanied by spitting of blood
and general weakness, was completely
cured by it in s wonderfully short time.
Hair Vigor
restores, arae the glees and freshmen of youth,
faded or gray lair to a natural, rich brown eater,
or deep black. as may be desired- By its me rapt'
or red twit may be darkened, thin hair thickeeed,
and baldness often, though not always, cared.
It ehecka falling of the hair, and stimulates a
reek and alekly growth to rigor. It prevents and
cares *curt and dandruff. aad heals marl) every
disease peculiar to the scalp. As • Ladles' Hair
Dreading, the Vase* is asepaal sd; 1t contains
ae/ther oil nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy,
u•1 alIkue in appesranee,and lm;nr'• a delieate,
arreesb:r, u.d lasting pima*...
ate. 4.i. 1'. Itatawaa writes from Kirby, U., Jisiy
3, Let' •• Last fall my hair ct ed felting
out, and is, a *hart tint. 1 Meanie clearly bald. I
need )•. -, of a bolt. of A% ra'e Sala Moos
ethic% •••rip, -1 the hall eg of the hair, and•tartsd
a new growth. 1 have new a full heat of hair
growing rtgernttsl;,., end sun convinced that but
for the moot sur preparation 1 ahonld have bees
entirely tcil.l "
.1, W. BOWES. proprietor of the ,tlr,trfhur4OAfo)
Kugelecr, nays : ' AYEa'a 114111 V,,.olt Is as Inset
excellent :'r.•l1atestion for the hair. 1 ap.ak of it
fron, .ny'•n•1 raperieuce. Its nae promotes the
6ro•.rth . • 0 hair, awl snakes it gleesw Mal rat.
The Vi' rat '1:11110 n ware euro for d testi- I. Not
within nay ktlovrtedge liar the preparation ever
fai!e 1 to µ.I a ''lits.• ,'Iti,t4eli.,11.•'
Mk. A%.r• F,tittit*MS, lend .r of the eerie-
brnlvi' .1 •iriwiru Faintly "of seottr.b Vocalists,
a-r.t.. rem., /own.,alas,., Pea. 1, IMM: •• Ever
1111 hair holt u. 41gir« all very evidence of the
cl.anpt• *lith 11 . 1f log time proeureth 1 have used
Aerie's :Lon n VI.1si, and se have been *tile to
nlaimseiw wb s,gwarnnee.1 ye*tbtit1&Sra -, mat -
••e of col baerah!•, eu7014•tl•74•11-0 f.. tnir•'vOrr$,
with rheumatism. He gut tired of suffer- .••• teen ..„tor:.*u.i 411 f.u•u ••a••r• • q1..' 14•••• In
ing, and determined to call in the aid of "t, ..e .h • ,,o.. t .
the grand old specific. It (lid not fait him.
The disease was deep seated mud declined
to yield Without *struggle; but the appli-
cation of two bottles of the Oil made at fly
away lad cease from troubling. lie is
new well sad hearty. He recommends
the afflicted to rely on 8t. Jacobs Oil as
A. iPG:s. oT r, •.cri. tux fr.. it Is Etat 5t.,
rw.,rlr,tnn'r., .Nesse., April It, I0c. +a)+ : •• 'riff)
s anis ego about two-thirds of easy hair atm* off.
It thiuntd very repidlfr and 1 waw foist growing
Ou using Avru fi HAIR Vmx,w lite failing
ete"Nd sad a wow growth cuma.eneed, Red Is
tlea welts m head was cotnplrt*ly covered
with abort hair. It has continued to grow, and ie
sow as geed as before it ern. 1 angularly usedbst
one Pohle of the V ire It, but now are it occealoaf
At the • eldest $wtablisheti'tlhe.e Store in Tone,
In Endless Variety
te the most fastidious and 'h' mist eoonomic buyer
Is now complete, and L take pleasure In mnfcrwiug cry etmtolnere that at ne pre
vioua time have I had such a
Large & Varied. stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price net,
it is • positive fact that no such value in foot wear con be got elsewhere.
the most ready and efficient cure for pain soy ei a dreaalnC."
in the world. Captain O. O. Lsraway, We have hundreds of similar testimonial* to the
who run' that tttuat thriving and well ofileocy of Aves's Hos VIGOR. It needs but ■
stocked groosry,cueaer of Sixth and N
ts, is a great suffererwar from neuralgia.
WWI. tau reporter
day. waitiag his turn for-sapplisa.- the
Captain told hire that the Great German
Remedy was a powerful liniment. It hal
relieved flim of neuralgia. and given hum
many hours of ease. Hag clerk also owned
to tuevtng had the baoibotie taken out 91
some ugly rheumatic pions which hal
p eon...eilhis legs, much to his et:noyeeee.
for ammo time. -
'1he foregoing shouldcolrvince even the'
most skeptical that the article in question
u,indeod a great remedy and conqueror!
of pain. "We indorse it," is heart''n,
all sides.
Wal to convince the most skeptical of its value.
r*ZPAUD nv
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Wes.
Sold by all Druggists. '
of e'.ery'grade still recorder my prompt and careful attention, and will be uta a Nt
in the most approved styles by first-olase wurkraen, and
of the very best material obtainable.
rtmplee aad Blotches
Oil: at (leo. Rhynes' drug store eiati
get a package of Calvert'nCalbo licUc ate.
It i9 composed of Vase!7na, Cal b,.l:c Aced ,
and Cerate, and lots Honor failed
wave Pimples, P,lotchee, U:cer.t•-es;
Sores. itnutth Skin. It curet whet. ee.
otters fa'!. Try it.
bi.s by iia careful manipulation, and the N r le•saehold should be 4.. 2:11ele^.•'l
whip may urge hen forward to greater a„nip!1te without n b. t'l•' .,l- fir Veal
ancbitiou ; het the hutuan voice is inn o Boren's Kidney Cure is i', the _lee, e
potent than all these agencies. Its as It ,s the only remedy that will p.'sit..€'s
string tone* will more quickly dispel permanently and promptly cure all f•.-•
his fnzht its sharp, clear, electric x1171- „f kilney disease*. S•.ld '1y •). '� i
mends will more thoroughly arouse his 2m
ambition, and its gentle, ktndly praises
will more c••utpletuly encourage the intel-
ligent road -het -se. than the united forces
rid the bit and reins and the Utah. No
animal in 4.•rnestic use more readily re-
sponds to the power of kindness than the
mat hoarse. -Live Stook Journal. e
Perhaps no public speaker ever excel-
led Mr. Spurgeon in profuseness of
anecdotal illustration in " disooateea'
His sermons and addressee teem with
anecdotes, which are usually very much
to the point. To his students last year
he told a good story. to show the need
of preachers beino attractive. " When
i was in Arran quite recently," said he,
" I heard of a minister who preached in
a certain church, and at the close of the
service was strongly urged by the ruling
elder to promise a future supply of simi-
lar discourses, the collection after his
*ermon having been utausuelly large. • As toe eralM."
" Dear me," said the minister, with Mr E. T. Rose of St. Martin's, ''
becoming pride, '' what might your or- wassail by his physician to be u: the
dinary collection amount to 7" last stage of ennsurwnlartf. lad was given
" Last Sunday it was twopence -hale I an as incurable- H. had net a Mone
penny !" who. mold Rive him tepee tit many daps
" What s it to -day then 7" asktd the i of life. When in Me
lit• bra I
muster, expecting to hear a large sum gran to take 1)r. %lames Pultennery
Ei;htpcuct.half-penny, wee the rt• a sued His cough grew looser, the
Probably the largest kite in tL' .e..el +
was recently made near Roche..tcr. The
fran&o was of lumber two inches wide by
half an inch in thi..kl:ess, :end was co. tir-
ed With ,vanilla paaper Tho eur'ece
oontaint•J nearly 2(i') sycire feet. Tho
string by which the kilo had flown was of
three -sight inch rope, and ,,OC(t fee! tit
length. it oho' into the air like a feel.
loon, and after floating a mile Mgt.. for
two he,urs was only bre:set'. down '-•v
oa"atm ,'f a pally and tear.'.
'8 it..•niche see eskers all the troubles tnel-
c to • biliuns Maisel thes atea,such as Dls-
..., blames, Drowsioosa, Dress after eatinagg
:0 the Side, Le. While their most rentr-rk-
•• enemas Inas been shows is caring
..larhe,ye' Csrter'sLittle Liver Pills are •q n ally
.ntab;e in Conatipatloa, outing and preventing
.4* a".uoy ing complaint, While they a.m . orriet
,ltgi,.nrders of the stomach. atimulate the Iivrr
r^gnfate the bowels. Evia It t in y slaty cured
E _ 17 0 N11'�T G- _
You will Save Money t3uying Your
Groceries ,
A- .t7.,yaroeldhealmostp.rieel's:to tr.
r,tlr. r fr.un this distressing complaint
ua:eiytheir geodneesdo'anot endherr,ir.a'`. •e
Iwitn once try them will dud these little tills a /OW
abb• in so many ways that they willnot be wi;iing
to do without th.:m. Tut alter all nick h •a•t
i M I L•T O N rr rl" .
We are Nee, selling This Season's
From 3'1x, pet ttt tis•-fct,
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar, &c.
Will be soli l'.. oe rtionally Cheap.
Extra Family Ftour
$ 2_25 per 1.00 11=
.O. Full Supply of
Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Bran, Shorts, etc.: -
Always en Hand.
The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices.
EGYPTIAN OIL. ! H. S. Hart • & Co
The Great Pain Conqueror.
rapidly diapelr pain. i teaapoonf•t: to water
will euro a distractlag head ache in Are min-
utes, It applied to any affected surtax of the
body, as tooth ache. neuralgia. rheumatism.
:f -c-, tt give's the sufferer comfort and instant
relief it is a charming remedy, Only 2 o . and
money refunded if not to rcpreoite1l
A. T.tPS('ATT i (e., ale Pre prletor..
liras; f•.r.I
Goaorich Mills
Beg to ret urn their thank.% to the public •
the liberal patronage received during the pus 1
year, and to state they ere prepured to d:.
Ch it; I P4 ni �
on the shorla.t notice. or for the convenience
of pa-tiesliting at a distance will exchange
grist• at their tows More
Ontario Lof,• Ir. M. Hilliurd's,)
Masonic btock, East St. Ooderick.
Highest prioe paid for wheat lit
W.J. C. Nafiel,
Dru4gL9t. etc., Agent for Godel i• b.
week mate at home 1•y the in -
dustrious. Rest hlinlneua now 'be-
fore the public. Capital not need-
ed. lVc will start you. Mon. wo-
men. boys and girls wanted every-
where to work for us. Now is the time. You
can work In spare time, or eiv:• 30147 %%hole
time to the business. No other bunineee will
pay you nearly eo well. No ono can tail to
stake cnormotte pay, by engaging at once.
costly outfit and terns free. ).fond made
fart, May. and honorably, Address RUE eg'
('a, Augusta. Maine.
teak.' our gr..: Wept.. Our pias fur.; It while
others tenet.
Carter's i.eale Leer Oen arevery small and
very easy tobk^. ('nebrtwo pineenkeno otpdeose.
They areoe
pint.batatrictibytheir gentleveerfalac iioonanddl.Inus4Saltwho
realism. 111 vials3. here, es; n'ate ter
a1$1. Sold
ty druggists everyoe
NOW York City.
J�Cy/ • : EYES
V �1► to ', is- at 1 D --
people are always on the look
out for remains to Merear-
their earninml,and in time be
come wealthy: those who do
hot improve their opportal
$ties reseals In poverty. Wo offer a grew.
chance to make money. We want men wo
MOW. boys and girls to wort for us M the.
nwtetaflttes. Anyone can do the week pro
b n wit/
peel,' from the gist wart. The asI ors
pay more than ton times ordinary wages. Its
pensive outfit furnished tree• No one who en
deem fettle to snake mossy reeidly. You ear.
wrote your whole time to the work, or may
yearmeet frll Information al at is necessary e . Address Heim
sow & (`.n.. Portland. Meese
nam' •1. Cherry ITalssm,and an immediate eltence
y' Woe is rate," moaned the intimater
within himself, "Inc i gave the eizpen(e
if 1"
hleltei gradually ceased, Lis appetite
refereed, and is a abort time l:e was
ImHere is an example of a possible mu- The body of Towng Bec'a'w' ,.n a,
construction of Ianqungc. " I fear, . I clerk at the lteiwttq, east, ThflCttifle,
said combat "fila" to $oak, "wbes vise *tuna at 6.3S April 2, in the water
i expkifnsa•ye�l to f in Rty 6e6 Air*, at Mie end of Demote Pacific pief.
sets to that piaanthrepy was She km'
.'f sur spe.iee, you meat have mswindet
*telod me to say 'apache which may ac-
count for the sm*Ilnrw of the collection.
You will prove, i hope, by pier pretest
from that you are no hove
1*boring after the sans mistakes"
Headache, Biliousness, Dyspepsia and
('•.natipetinn prnl:npptt:y relieved and
cured by the nae of Dr ('arson'&Stotw&ch
tied Constipation Ritter, As a family
medicine they are far super;•', ,e. rill*
In large bottle. 60 mints
selffi Bucher en has been mumng ever
sines Ilaturday He is reported to Lave
been ranch in debt, and this may ha%e
premptc.i Lim to commit asicrde, the evi-
dence 1 sine, pretty) clear that he it r•.wned
bi'•}.eil on 1+.t.srdiay ahem ,or.
At,+ UNE
►y ,ns auoltTRar. QUICKEST end
And all �' DRAT lint to "t Jnsepb,
MIMI In tow•, Z)>. t ilanaToMki Den'-
IteMYta.IliasourLRan_- J, jj, spa, Dallas 04
MB, new Malleo, Art,. .n1.1l.... est ^u
WS and Telma.
hu 14 411' I, AIX) aupenoe tn•%there
les, attenealinlie sed et. rani
QtdrMsaa• Nwtlonauy reputed as
McWe15554 Pp//s, m3: Lir in the O
lesalead is egt4te.' Vt'0
M M5.see of (,,,,,c
All cnenertior.. Taie
fa 1)51.1
l ieen44
Ticket. via tit
O,Iebrate'l 4.10' 1'n
SOW as eelee• f n
Use tt a. eel
►� TryK
aan Ton wilt
'n,, tray-ltag a
alum, lastaM
of a die•
�/►_ cesarort
r ompcsed largely a pmrdcral Manor tain-
BEST andCHEAPiSTinbtI"&e
tor, In the wnrkl -(Ise BEST bwrI11v' it does
not gum, 0114 frons a blahs e+e.Itetrod oar
tsos tsve, tM axl.. a edtrofi Morton nae
lightening the draft t:.eCMIIAPg37 W.
Carrie It costa NO MORK than lrf. lCr
�brand•, an.1 one boat w'il do the work
wo Of anyother make. Anr•At!91it, wet
err nsrvr.atcru. Mfl (:,-:lamp;. 'i brr'ahing tl
chine's. Corn-r1.tfltrttti (terrlag,a. linggh'*J
err., ss !,.e Wagner CUARANTEIO tq
taln NO Petroleum. Noldtlkrs,
f V rior.Our Faith' t'jrelopd(a q1 by T .'aua N•oreatA
R emir, sp maned 'tat',
II!a H.s4son et. Now York.
CI•,etand. ). ass Chtesgo. Iii.
SAMUEL ROC RS & CO. torocto.Ont.
-IV, t •--- • 4 *,r t n.+ floe loteia.
Please ('onvlder this.
Tf11•. PERRY AViS PAI'. .
UFKai is with wonderful Toppi,' ' err'er
jails, w lien t ek.a at the coma nt ot
an art -k, to eke.- Cholera.
Mtorlstu., as a. a'l Smt'.ilei tom
plaint; oea sitnil-tr t.ltuie.
F.r Sudeeu Crtics Sore Threat, &c.
A eablespnonfal of I'Alt•Kit.t I. • taken.**
the beginning of an attack will p:nre an
alnVe;t never•failing Curr, an,l ....`.%"( much ;nee
For Tootlesselie, Ifiwrw.,
Itemisl•, (outs, Hrntem, she.
t'.,. : ir:-l:lt 1 i 1: wdl be foetal''; %�illinp,
, r, .oi . and ;olio: l.' ','4iett you,
• beet delay,: `d at .1 • re, insig
apt 6O. 1; ; a)a.-r7 is
Kn.t.i.l;n is no equal,
... 111 -, cr been I iflwn to fail to
in :4 Nino's, i^stance. It Lt
of ilia fekett, livery :tastes
,r:rrneries in tie world. To
Iamb . or other stock
.,; from cord, a tittle PAIN
.11 1 '1,.4 nn'tetl with milk will restore thea''
Ith vtfy quickly.
Leff" The Patn-Killer is hay vale by Drug
vi•'t Apnthrearies, (ulcers and Meader
cairn: tbrnughnet the world
Perfect, and Plexraan.•n; aro a1
the cures eget ted by Dr. Van l:uron's ,
Kidney Cure. Relief in allows tf Kut- i
ney Dieaase is ebtained of:eeslow deice.
Eta that your Druggist titres
e 4 r:,uk Dr. ! G
Van Buren s Kidney Voir. /t
Oeiseidt is
t+k• f.,ro e • i. ,• 'd•. I+tse.Irt•
t:h lr . 311. f pJelle'e. tit.
T clinrroft,
tbatltsdiat Pass. As
Toton.l, t tt
on R. JONWI tOR,
'.".silted Agent, Cao d ercis
For sale by
J Af' tt• ILmote