The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 2• THE HU1tOIV SIGNAL, FRIDAY APRIL , 1883. She Poet's Corner. i ,,re good miter* and are - Mtvei' '"""' Or. ■altar. le Bks Jae/end us. f The roads. though net to be with Canadian roads, aro ever eery bed esospt after • blieear4. and some roads is our viciatty have I eeau well beats.] as to furalah good sleighing for the tu,•rt part .4 the winter. Por miles around, the f,Isade ooae to visit, and the arrival of the tie le always eagerly hailed to give free seeps to moon- light ex:ursionista Moonlight on the prairie is magnificent Often, ae i hart But, what his rights he mill her. gazed out upoe the boundless plain, bate Ile bow! before the Glial ermine. 'lou wield the household rod anndd reins, I wished for words, to properly express the enohanting scene. Never ,does it what curious tales has life in store, appear s'(,eatitiful as when the moon With all Its must -bee and its mas-be•' shines on a mantle of newly taller Snow. 'I be rage of eighty years and more Then looking out over it, ono is forcibly Voce crept a nursling on the floor. reminded of thebroad 01:0811, the mounds Kings, conquerors, j udgea. all were babes• of snow here and there bsiarintr a striking 'Oliver Wendell Holmes, whose WS was rtcentl appointed to the Bench of Massachusetts, read the 11ew- tng petite, with reference to that event, at the annual banquet of the Beaton Bar Asieu *Shun : - "Bis Uunor'r•" father yet remains II1. proud paternal posture Arm in ; 'I 1.e fearless su ldier, who has faced The serried bayonet* gleam tappaUing. For nothing save a pin misplaced The peaceful nursery has disgraced With hours of uuheroic bawling. Tb.e mighty monarch, %%hose renown Fills up the stately page historic. Iles howled to waken halt the town. And finished off by gulping down His castor oil or paregoric. The justice. who i❑ go•.vn and c .l . resemblance to the swells of the retiring wavejl, while the whole view sparkles like silver sheen. The long winter even- ings afford ample opportunity for reading and various amusements, so that our time is fully occupied ; and though we deplore the fate that separates us from absent ones, we have very little tittle to indulge in loneliness. Education, though at first somewhat unavoidably neglected, is now receiving due attention, and Condemns a to retch to s:rangularie::. school matters are progressing favorably. Lisa thrashe a his nava. and Spilled hi pal.The neighboring tewua have erected cou.fertable and commodious rich( lel - houses, and the interests of the rising generation aro well considered. We are fortunately situated at no great distance from several rising towns, and the way in which these towns are increasing in population and general improvement, is astonishing to see. We have had com- munication front all parte pretty regular- ly, considorinv the way the roads have been blockaded in Canada, and enjoy nothing so well as hearing from the old Our Boston Is so pure a city, folks at home. DenoTVTK. What call for judge or court. indeed. When righteousness prevails so through it Galeria Tomah!". Our virtuous car conductors need Only a card whereon they read, "I)o right ; it's naughty not to do it :" The whirligig of tine goes round, Aud changes all things but affection; One blessed comfort may be found In heaven's broad statute. which has bound Each household to its head protection. 1! e'er aggrieved, attacked arused, A sire may claim a son's devotion '1'o shield his inhocenceabused, As old Anchises freely used Rio offspring's legs for locomotion. Yon smile. You did not come to weep, Nor I, my weakness to be showing : And these gay *stanzas, alight and cheap. Have served their simple use, to keep A father's eyes from overflowing. And sprawled across his mother's lap For whol.,some laws administrati. r . knees er Ii,rsstrjtr. - James Conners has eg$1 his house and lot on John-st., I oI 'tacker. ]A Leckie was entertained by bur lady n nds at a eoeial to the town hall un Wednesday ev last. A very pleasant forum/ war Mr. A. Bieg.ten, neaehft•ist at Br i.- iclalbtplify, lett for Wjsips$ on Wed- usedie kei, te takes position on the fire Ilepat111Rlatt as engineer If one of the etesm es. The city hu secured a good wad. Jamas Watt has sold the two acres of ground on which bIi sow mill lately Mi. 1 . stood to M Payne. Pz t'os•t. -The tunny iriends of Mr. Donald Scutt, of this vi e, License In- spector for East Huron, wi'''ll learn with deep regret of the contiuued illness. Mr. Scott has been sufferine from ill health since early last fall, and although not ent,rely confined to the house, ne is not able to bo aruuud mach. It is hop ed, however, that with the return of warmer weather he will recuperate, nnu and that before the close of the aumuuei he will te wholly recovered Thera are few men in Huron more highly respected than Mr. Scott, and all will rejoice to learn er his speedy convalescence. Ah. life has nutty a reef to shun Byfer: in port we drop our anchor. But when its course is nobly run Look aft !for there the work was done. Life owes its headway to the apartk. r. What keeps the doctor's trade alive 1 Bal air, bad water ; more's the pity But lawyers walk where doctors drive. And eta-ve in streets where surgeons thrive. WINTER IN DAKOTA. Not so Bad as Reported by. Some. An Optimistic stew or the Horth-Wrest.-- •eaathy Winter Weatlier---Moon-Light Excursions. Holmesville, April 2, 1583. Council met to -day pursuant to ad- journment. Members all present - minutes of last meeting read and passed. Moved by J. Cex, s by J. Bea- cunt, that \V. Elliott refunded $2 dug tax fur '81 and88,,, out having any dog -Carried. \loved by J. Cox, I seconded by J. Beacom, that the mem- bers of this Council act as road commis- sioucrs for the present year as follows : Reeve fur Noe. 4 and 5 subdivision ; Deputy Reeve fur Nu. 2 S. D.; J. Cox, No. 3 S. -D.; J. Laithwait No. 5 S. D.; J. H. Elliott No. 1 S. D. --Carried. Moved by J. Cox, seconded by T. Bea - COM, that each road commissioner be allowed to expend $200 in the sub -divi- sion over which they preside -Carried. The following amounts were paid, viz : A. Knox, keep of tuwuship horse $1,; Huron Newslircurd, printing five check books, $7.50 ; J. Connolly, taking horse from Nolmesville to Clinton, $1 ; Mr. Houston, selling hone, $1 ; Goderich 4t,, printing $9.64 ; clerk to get 7 copies pamphlets for use of Council $'2.15 ; Jus. Miller, indigent, $18.75 ; assessor's salary, $75 ; Mr. Drysdale. gravel, $31.60 ; Miss Stivena, per John Hunter, needed assistance $15; assessor, four additional columns on roll, $5; Jas. Elliott, flour fur Geo. Abbott, $6.20; C. J. Spence, error in taxes, 92 cents, Geo. Dyke, for digging drain, $20 ; R. Bray, indigent, $10 ; W. Collins, indigent, $18.75. Moved by J. Laithwait, se- conded by J. H. Elliott, that this coun- cil do now adjourn to meet again on the 128th May, as court of revision -Carried. JAS. PATiey, Clerk. 'rhe prevailing idea among Canadians, and ethers in the East, seems to be that winter out west, itt the great "Lone Land," partakes entirely of an unpleasant nature, without any redeeming feature whatever in its character. Being some- what acquainted with a western winter, and knowing from experience that there is as much of suaahine as shadow in it, permit me here to mention seine of the facts with which I am impressed, in vin- dication ' d my statement. Cold weather we certainly have, we.do not pretend to deny it ; and "blizzards" too, enough to make the 'winters spicy. The country would lose its reputation if it kited ti, .produce an occasional "blizzard". But -we have f:ae weather, torr -clear, bright days in which it is a luxury to live. Often in the clear, early morn, the first sight to greet res it the appearance of our neighbors' houses close nt hand (though none are nearer than half a toile) drawn so strangely near by the wonderful eta: - tee On such :i morning we can see for miles around in all directions, and some have declared they could count the hous- es in a town !1 or 10 miles distant. We have known the thernrnmeter to fall to f'O° below zero, but if it ranged so low in Canada, the conse.Iuences would he seri- ous, because. for some reason or other, which some explain satisfactorily, we do trot feel the add hereto such an extent, :es they •vend l fa Canada, were the mer- cury to fall tot few there. A more healthy c'ouutty Gould scarcely be found, • -very few complaints are heard. The scarcity of rain during; the winter months preventing at "thaw," all underfoot is dry and conifurtabie ; and in cense- .;uence. cuughs and colds are net so pre- valent ns they are fatrtlier East. In 'tib *1, here the climate becomes the elixir i life to many ; and net a few in- A Sten'*es M it. Sir Boyle Roche was the blunderer of the Irish parliament, in the d•.ye when suers Irishman thanked G. d that they had • country to sell and- sold it. He has fathered many a "bull'' awl mother- s scop tet mixed metaphors. Early in his censer he as. made fa- mous by the remark that hu cululd not b-, "like a bird, in t feu plisses O tame." Hu added to his reputation by saying, "I would Rktdfy, Mr. Speaker, inclines not only a part of the constitution, but the whole, tit it, to preegt•re the remain der." Once, to express hie horror :,t what might hepp It if the leaders of the Ire' ' rebellion should succeed, he a xrh.itut.d ••Our heads will be throw u, Al r. pea - IV, upon that table to stile un a' the face ' ' "I smell a rat, Mr. Si -eater, " said the one dry, trying his hand at :. metaphor ; t•I see hint floating in the air ; but I shall yet nip hint its the bud." Vet the blunderer, wheels ' bulla' and metep'.rs m.td,• him the tanghineetock of an Irish tj.arliautuut, once, galled a victory over ( irrat . tint prince of wits and waters. "De not speak of my honor," said Ctrran to Sir lioyle ...ice, iu the 'Irish h .use, ''1 ant the guardian of mina own hailer." "Faith," replied Roche, " knew that at • see tt•rru .or ether yo would accept a sinecure " Bore reelection Wanted. A deputation of manufactures of agri cultural implements were at Ottawa last week, to urge upon the Government the necessity of imps Bing an additional ape citic duty upon all imported agticultural implements, in order to give Ontario manufactures a monopoly of the busi- ness of Manitoba and the Nurtls-Welt. The gentlemen, composing the depute tion are Messrs. 8. Crawford and John: Elliott, London ; R. Cochrane, Brant- ford : and Cockburn and Reekie, of Hamilton. They waited upon the Min- ister of Finance, and complained that the fanners of the North-West were ob- taining their agricultural implements from 't. Paul dealers. The total valve of agricultural impleutenta imported in- to Canada last year was $79,0x9, paying $19,750 duty. Of the total importa- tions, Manitoba took $46,555 worth, all being fruni the United States. etealOrth. Fait's Sot.». -Mr. Simon Young has sold his farm on the Huron Road, Hal- lett, near Seaforth, to Mr. Christopher Dale, for about $6,000. The feral con- tains 100 acres. Mr. Young intends to retire front' farming. SUDDEN DEATH. -- Mr. John Kidd, hardware merchant of this town, died very suddeply on Monday t ight last. Ile had been in pour health for some time, but recently was sufficiently removed to he able to attend to his business. He )tad been in the More all day Monday. In the evening he wan amusing himself with some of his children when ho was suddenly seized with illness, and lying clown upon the sofa he expired in a few moments and before aitl could be pro- cured. Mr. Kidd was one of our pioneer business men, being of those who remov- ed from Harpurhey to Seeferth soon af- ter this place commenced to attract the businoaa from the surrounding country. He was an enterprisirg and honorable business man and was widely known and universally respected. He leaves a widow and a large family to mourn his loss. The funeral took place on Wed - stances are recorded of persons coming nesday. and the remains were interred Here hi delicate health,kho are now well' in the Maitlandbank cemetery. Out of and atrrnit. During our past experience I respect to deceased all the business pla- wehave si;t ared no more from theseverity ces on Main street were closed while the of the cold than in Canada. Fortunate- I funeral cortege passed out of town. Mr. ly, however, it has not fallen to our lot', Kidd was a comparatively youtie mean, to take much part in out door work aur- ' being in Itis fifty-first year. --Expositor. - ing the winter : hut what part we hate _ taken has out iccasiuucd wittily great in- ' If Yearly bead convenionco Itefero cowing here, we after taking creme highly puffed up stuff, heard much about stereos being so severe with long testimonials, turn to Hop Bit- es to prevent people heel feeding awl ter:•, and here ne fear of any Kidney or watering minim's, .Ac; but are agreeably Urinary Troehles, Bright's Disease, surprised to fired ourselvea able to attend, Diabetes er Liver Complaint. These with as much regularity ass is rgeceeaary, Om nses cannot resist the cnnttive power to these duties. The women folks of the of Hop Bitters : besides it is the hest 'house, also, 1e whom is assigned the family medicine on earth.. dairy wei k, are quite pmuctual in the din- , charge of their duty. In paassine, 1 may welt a. Ever. state that horses and cattle to, well in ! Lottie Howard writea fr.•nt Buffalo, the v, inter, having sufficient time, from ; N. Y.:- "My system is carne greatly de - one svorking seas onto anot-her, te fatten. belitatetl thr ugh at killi11111 professional Poultry, if properly cared fur, do well. dutieis ; suffered rem nausea, sick head- Feome have written 04 regarding ve;et,t- ache and hihousn(.s. Tite,l Burh.ck tiles, askin4 ho'v tee keep them from Blood Butters with the most b.'neticiel freezing te. Well, we have had no dial- i elreet. Am well as ever. 2 culty at ale, .and has e been oblige,' to• keep the ventilators leading from the wraireSeW.leered, rare. cellar, open, bec.tusu the potatot•s were From the many remarkable cures : '1'growing. ' Of cosine, our houses are we've/du by using Mit:regor a Spee.'y not generally so large as those in Canada . ('inc 1•.r Dtrat•eg'sr., In•lwe.tion, C,.nsli- t we hale n..t re ached that rage vet i patio• an.l AtTeeti in 14 the Liver, and i therefore du net require se lunch heat to from the im•' *nee •ale of it without any' keep thorn wart'* -- hist they are large 1 •.lv.• t, intr. w • hoe "•mo'w'ed Gi phren 1 enough to allow for c-.nifwrt and limit*- ]it'sten .itel', the market, so that nese, if they are nut stylish. it areas., (these wh saff•' may h • e a perfect title, rather, that we maven an alvsnlage in : (:o ' G Rhyn is drug store get a trial t leaving our heas.fs all, or tie My all, about bottle free, or the . (• alar size M b0 eta the same size, so that there are very few a r1 t' brothers of high degree, but we have all things in commie», and kit tw very little A comes .' (hen fatal, (limes. is of prideexcept n.ti••,,, pride. AMeer :It Mun.lr a lietru).te the action of the in some parte, neiseitsara are pretty wi.tc- Liver. it I cleanse the blood with Bur- ly acattere , there is no lack of visiting, dock Blued Bitters, and the worst case feasting and hospitality in gee:ersl ; an I m.y be speedily cured. 2 The Dissolution of the Partnership e'ARRIEI• 'iN DURING THE LAST FOUR 1'EA10.1 lel' May Oe'Bowsaw" T True, you m ty be in a oiser..bie con ditiun-you utay be weak. paled, and neiveus. You cannot at rp nt night nor enjoy your waking hours ; yet, whe lose heart 1 (het a hotels of Burdock Blood Bitters. It will restore you to health and peace of :rand. -' Lewis Clark, jail tunikey at Napanet• was examining a loaded re,olver . n Monday morning when it was 'lischart.- ed, the bullet entering his body near the lower ribs. It is doubtful if Clark will rescuer. far Charles Taper. Sir Charles Tujiper will leave Canada a disappointed man. He fully expected that by this time he would be leader of the Conservative party. Sir John fre- quelitly said in his apeuchea that he did not iutend to remain much lunger in public life, and that Sir Charles Tupper would succeed him. Sir Charles took him at his word, but Sir John still holds en to the leadership. It is said that Sir Charles had a definite promise from Sir John that the change would take place after the ,r.>' session of the last parlia- ment., uut as session followed session and and no change occurfed. Sir Charles began to see that he was being duped. Years ago Sir John used to spnit of re- tiring. He used to say that he had "cul- minated.' But there he is at the head of his party, apparently as vigorous and as lively as ever. He will never give up up the leadership while he has stren,g h enough to hold on to it ; and this is the fact that Sir Charles has at last discover- ed. Waiting for otherunen'a shoes is al- ways a wearisome task, and sometimes it happens that the owner of the shoes outlives the person that is waiting for them. --(Toronto Telegram Tory "Temperaace" Hen. Temperance electors will scarcely ex- pect a satisfactory license law from a Government which contains the Hun. John Carling, Canada's principal brewer; Hon. Frank Smith, a large liquor dealer; and Sir Alex. Campbell, a bitter oppon- ent 'of the Scott Act, whose ally, Mr. Meredith,leeder of the Conservative Op- position, is solicitor to the Ontario Trade (Liquor) and Benevolent Association ; and which receives the solid liquor vote at every election. These may be un- pleasant facts, but they are facts never- theless, -[Hamilton Tribune. As Direllent Report. Hon. Jeer, G. Goodridge, of pan uklyn, N. Y., writes : -" 1 cannot express my- self in sufficient praiseworthy terms of Burdock Blood Bitters, which I have used for the past two years with great benefit." The Beath of John Brow a. o • Various rumors are afloat, in London, concerning the cause of the death of John Brown. The doctors' explanation that death ensued from erysipelas is not credited. The loss of her faithful ser- vant has profoundly effected the Queen. John Brown's yeuneer bruther succeeds him. Pers' nate evidence. '• (Often unable to attend business, be- ing subject to serious disordet of the kidneys. After a long siege of sickness, tried Burdock Blood Bitters and was ro lievcd by half a bottle. Mr. 13. Turner, of Rochester, N. Y., t.tke.s t'.te pants t( write. 2 hood Maxim•. CRAIB,MACWgINTEN & CO. C LSNTON "Why should amen whose blood is waren itlt Sit ike hisgrandsire cut sit alabaster? Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin When "CINnALESERENXWER will make it grow the taster. For sale by J. %t1 - son. 2m A greedy •::an God hates. A great mark is aeeneat hit. A great tree hath a greet fall. A hasty man never 'ants woe A honey tongue, a heart of gall. A hungry man is an angry man. A great ship must have deep water. A great reputation is a great charge. A guilty conscience needs nu ascus. A happy heart makes a happy visage A handful of trade is n handful of Le.I l .•t jest o'riven trio far hrirgs home hate :A great man will net tramp on a worm .t headstrong man and a fool may wear the same cap A great man's foolish aeyinfs paw, far 'leo •roes A handsaw i• a ,;••.,1 rii-ug i,ut n''' t shave with. A joke never gains an enemy, but of- ten hoses a friend. A joyful evening nosy f•dlo'r a *ernes fel morning. A handl it t ( etni.mnn seise is wotth it hu.hel of learning ONGeLEtis. -A nem. well known in (insect ion with the Hair Renewer which restores grey hair to its watrwwl color by a few weeks rise. gold et 5ti cents pee bottle by Jaates Willow. 2m, ,eeessitates alt Immense Reduction of our Stock. It is the Largest Selection of 1)ry Goods in the County, and ha.' for years been recognized as the best exponent of Standard .and Fashionable hry (lauds outside the Cities. FOR THE NEXT SIX WEEKS A atar•tirag aiisevery. Physician's are often startled by re- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery ter Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is daily curing Patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best Phpsi- cians using it in their leaches. Trial bottles free at J. Wiiu.n s Drug Store. Regular size $1.0 . (4) Thouaads are being cured cf Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said could net be cured. 75 cents -a tattle. Sold by George Rhynes, sole agent for Gode nch. 3m Sacklen'..%rates !live. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuta,Uleerw, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in t very instance, or money rofunded 25c. per box. For sale by 1. Wilson. ly. WE WM. t •FFER 11111 Stock of Over $40,000 , A REWARD -Of one dezeu "MASER - KY" to any one sendin t the best four line rhyme on " T BABaIRY," the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Bath. Ask your druggest or addres. 0 kCRE FREE! IN Tilt.: Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United tita:ca Land Offer et GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. 1 aLrlln\tL ■ar and FILL pr .c,.lars mailed FELL to any address hl rr H. F. McNALLY, General Travelling Agent. ST.•PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS it MANITOBA R. R. IS E.:Front %t. t orente,'Ont a 1 ---- - .1'1 e \ - IMMENSE DISCOUNT 15 Per Cent. on all Cash Purchases Under $10. . 20 Per Cent. on Purchases Over that Amount. All our. New Goods nue to hand (with di.- (•xception of 6 Cases Dress Goods Marrtfactim r4. per "S.S. Caspian,' and 6 Casa Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, 111 of which are expected this week.) THIS WILL BE AN OPPORTURITY SELDOM OFFERED, Oui Stock ht.a, never been so large or so well assorted as it is to -day. Our arrivals of Now Goods will make a grand total of 46 Cases, and No RESERVE will be made in any De- partment. That everybody may know our .prices to be genuine, we five our Private Mark in, full : WALL PAPERS r isaeHAGERTOWNY X Newest Designs and Colors *ROM( . uT, I'ER ROLL, ITP 'To Customers Living in the Adjoining 'towns and Villages, we ll!e caIl, English, Twenty holler• a Caaadia will give a RETi'RN RAILWAY TICKET to PurchMers of over SQ AIVUF'AC:LRF- BABY CARRIAGES 25 EVER,SQTNER soup GET &If 25 .e. ..res *rine ort• Stoves &Tinware. Jas. Baundera t Son 'Tel CNIAPIST MOUSE UNDER TN& SUN Maid deo, to • be rnetotri'e,i Sale Commences from This Date tl►"The Rn-:rl'.. will in future be carries' on by JOHN CRAIB.