The Huron Signal, 1883-04-13, Page 1i GoiERAL orrELLIGENC 1 4- THIRTY-nFFII YEAR - WHOLE NU IRR MA . GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1883. flew Advretteenseats. Seeds. Y, Jordan. Flesh Heeds. J. 'Wilson. OW. -McColl firm. t t'u. Inventory. J. C. IwTeasel Serie. Seeds. Jas. McNair Leads for Sale. R. H. Sart .• Fouad.- Buchanan t Lawson. Sprtap Ops■lag. 31 W W aktawt. Show -Room Opening. John ('raib. New Millinery Ston. -Miss Grahame. :Servs.% Girl W.ated.-sari, 1x. Me$WtttaB. Dentistrg. kir NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- 71.TIST. Oroue and resi deuce. W est sseerseessaa triers below Bask of Montreal. Oais- 1703 She People's Column. QIIEVANT UIRL WANTED TO kJ whomm eeaadd wwaaggeese willbe given. A to Mrs. Dr,MtellICKINO. lyse- t. FOUND. -A BASKET WITH PAR- CELS was found on Thursday mornlag. 'Ube owner U requested to prove propert, and pay for this advertieeasent. afteR which be ,an obtain the goods at tit (' H .1N AN t LAWSON'S planing mill. 1111 -It. HOUSE TO RENT. -THAT COM- TABLIC bosar formerly occupied p reep (sty- npbsseselona i ern on There 0or- c p lel 'ay. Apply to W R. ROB 1 oS. FARM TO RENT. Nacres, s tree of - etsml•4. Vuu.1 born ther Mick oottaie with cel- lar. Good and all well fen S61Ea. q,ttr. of R. T. TNiB Bh&ppsrd PUBLIC NOTICE. 7b ALL WHOM iT MA 1 CONCERN: AA I bare dsterslee d u NO to the North - * eat taler1ng. notice is hereby given to all paetlss k to me that all account& neat bbee BISem$ t I3y not later than the Nth of Apvt{ emila wap be lectured. This is the tut stns of selling cad an immediate answer ill= heat one and all. t.. J•REB1105-tE GENERAL STORE F(IR SALE 1)e(ng rod trade. Stock about 13.3G4.00. W. SHANNON .ormiaow oto JA`t. A. MApply INTO'H. Godttok. 11S$4t AOR HALE OR TO RENT. - A 11' good frame house and two IoM on Palm- erston street. the house containing $ roosts, 'beets sad cellar In gave repair.Good wppb so11 and orchard attached. For particulars to E. R. Welton. painter. Goderich. --_ b.. fy8 'Loans anb insurance. ONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE 1 funds on freehold security. Appp y to Geo. Swimsuit. Ooderloh. 1sa-i . 300,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO qP CAMERON, HOLT t CAMERON. Gad.- • lois. 1710. "`•30,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND iV oa goad Y.cw or Arst•cmas Tows Property *SS per oast. Aeoly to R. H ADCLI ?VL 17x1 ONEY TO LEND IN ANY lsl £mount to suit borrowers at $ to M per sent Private tunas. Apply to Samara cad MOavox. Goderich. V(ONEY TO LSND, -A L A R G 1¢ J.yj amoant of Private Funds for Investment 't lowest rates on first claas Mortgages. Appjy to (JARROW Ik PROUDFO(Yr. 1 OANI3 FREE OF CHARGE. - Money to tend M lowest esus, tree sty costs or ebargea BRAG RR t NIORTOtt. opposite Colborne Hotel Oodericb. lord March 1101. 1779 Q20,0110 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND W on Farm and Town Property at lowest In- terest, xortgoges purchased. no Commiedos charged, Conveyancing Fee. reason N. B.-1lorrowers can obtain money In one It title is sattafactory.-DA V.ISON & JOH 3ToN. Barristers. &to.. Goderich. 1731 FOR SALE. A first class br.. c housecella: under the whole house. sad 1// some land on tae Rey- nold rood. Ooderiskslisrs V a goad stable and drivtnR shed.hard aad soft water os the prem- tAes, grounds well laid NL For p.rticslare M Wyon the premise+ .e to H. beegmUler. e aderich Foundrr. 1•(73-tf, ETODERTO1t. NOTICE IS L\ hereby given al Part RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. Rnprrsonting tintolio@ Com les. Also ages' for the CANADA Live hi Tott Imetramica Co. Money to lend on Mortgage. either to Town ot learnt Property, In any way to snit the borrow- er. Office -(u >-eulrst Kav's block Goderich 3Ftedical. DR W, G. B. MACDONALD, IL D., 1l C. M.. Physician. Surgeon, A000nebear, etc. Office and residence, Main street, Au- burn. Sa -1J1S GR MoDONAGfX, M.D., PHYSIC- . IAN, SURGEON, &o., Graduate d Tor onto University. I.aoectiate ot the Royal Col - of Physicians, London. England. tc.. to-. M. C. P. S., Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Batley's Hotel. Hamilton street. - DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - 070N. Coroner Ike. Office and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1. II G. MACIKID, M. D., PHYSI- L L. cies, Sargent' and Aocoucber, Gradual* of Toronto University. Office opposite Causer -on & Cameron's Bank, Lucknow. H la ofilre. enquire at the Bank. 1716.7. OTIC l te& indebted to the undersigned to note or bock account nre , requested to settle Use sae .' And t:.em• by Nye as enter, r.1 collect to, .. 1 mean l- oess. ABRAI1AN SMITH. Allows Interest nn deposits. Drafts, lette. 8MAIIliL, ARCHITECT, Sc. of credit and circular notes issued, payab JAMES awe crow, mock Kinvites et (lode In all parte of the world. 1761. ty ,r♦ i s and te*suc's work NEW S A130t1'I' HOME. I Mn. F. S. Hick saug at a recut eon- . of the Winnipeg Holy Trinity . '•.t ; laid'. ye. taints' notes, Church Temperance Society, and appears No. faith hill prom l3." to be a favorite in musical circle& there. The Free Press says : "Mrs. Hick gave a 'PQ'W T01IC8. song in a' charminw manner, and was - • loudly applauded." The 'Jun says she xr. ilePeudrj i0 sow prop.red to "SIM "sant( in splendid style." p .>.. Price $1.00. crave your orders at MILrr.\tl' Bair----Amilitary hall un- Imrie's (took Store. l Sasso.' will O. B. Robson has all the negatives taken by der the auspices of Lieut. Co It L. Jobaaton tor the last ten years. Any be held in Goderich on Tuesday evening, verso• desiring prints from the tame me April 24th, and promises to be largely have them by ordering a the old stand. All persons who require the um of a .mope attended. The affair is in the hands of house fur the purpose of curing sweat. can an energetic committee. 'the proceeds bora tb.requ.lred acsotititodstiaw at • reusoe- wilt be devoted to the helmet fund of able rate. dad/action guaranteed. Apply to R. Carmen, Cambria 'roast. Oederlch. Awn, No. 1 (Goderich) company, 33rd Batt. The art loan exhibition at the Consulate hes been very euroeetwl and deserves pttWle osaaaw,, sad so doss the art taller, of R dares.\ where the best of photographs can be glees far Daadal a of Ganda notes. At sats tine et the Tear-1reat.i .prang, Se the poets eat Rebase i. • tead.noy on the pert of meal to contract coach Now preven flee le bettor than eve. and the wee to pre- vent. sed melds 1. to eat first class nor + 1. Meresns liquor store at tole AI ll[v. Z Giky lea returned to Wisni- F•1. Miss Miller, of Gr ll1I L. kiss bison spending a few seeks in tomes. Mn. Chas. Ferguson has sold he_rp ' perty in town to a Mr. Doran, of tzar►- *nosh We are pleased to are Mr. .1. B. Ed- wards around again after his protracted and severe illness. Mr. J. 11. Colborne has been prostrat- ed by an attack of measles We look for hut speedy recovery. Prof. Newman will Ilay for the last time oo Sunday next, ae organist of St. George's church, Goderich. Mr. Beattie, fats • f t':u,t. n, title the place oo the G. T. R. ina.ie vacant by the disputers of Mr. Payne. Mrs. Harry Holmes, ..f Thedford, re- turned last week with her mother, Mrs. Nolan, to visit her friends in town. A large amount of interesting local matter has been crowded ot.t this week by late news. It will appear next week. His Lordship, RL Rev. John Walsh, Bishop of London, intends visiting Gode- rich ir► June, to give confirmation at St. Peter's. Mr. Albert B. Carey, son of Mr. Lu - glue Carey, left this week for Winni- peg, where he has secured a position in a bank. Qapt. Jahn Matties,c and family, of Oederieb, will leave for Cheboygan, Michigan, to -day, where they will reside in the future. i iRS. SHANNON dt HAMILTON, LJ Pny.ielane. Surgeons, A000ucbers. tec. office at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the grol Goderich. G. C. SnANNox, J. C. Harass TOM 1761. Banking. B ANIS. OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL. - - ett,000,atso. ..SURPLUS. - - - • 85.00o,te0. • Goderich Branch. GLASS - - - Monayer. rink. Plana awds'Etionadroomoor act nssgce.daad. POE SALE. --THAT DESIRABLE Paid t•p (:ipiten, - *6,000,000. I1' residence, earner Brittania road and Me- +1, O Oft. I mask' street. Hi t. opposite the Highschool. with If 3`. feistier. The as is in gnod repair with CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE “iirrtscMethouse sal table and other out neU4hai$ The garden is wen stocked with reit NNwss. •rasa viae., *Amber,. tr., R. H. CORE Ni. Tor terms apply ti Davison t J hnston. tlarrMa est DOR SALE OR TO kRENT the /theC valuable Property known psrdtoa Bion aid Pest ONr,e. with quarter of as sore of land. is sawed for sale or to rent. r. The tteor us n ststem bother basis. which I new sad fresh that wiT llre- •• mire e-••titre his role attewua0 Ales the west half of of 6, eon. 3. ED. Asb g eel dd ; all new lase ; two good triune h s two Tbe Int contains lalls. and M res, comfort -- obis de\ hoses*. of slats& M are cleared sed all well f!eeosd. 1Wailalag 30 &ore+ heavily bribers& with wweeeeid roc particulars a `.dress : R T. HAYNfES. Sbepteretwe P.O. 1110 Auctionesring. Presittr,tt - HOY, 1#'M McMASTEF Genera.' AL,,rur,v•r. - R'. r..a..•.a.wv 16K18 PESNTIOR, LU O IC R all wt r. A ase-Owerfe's 1lRg Iy Hw. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the amity or Anton. Sales attended 1n say part of the Comity. .leder.s yrs to ,totfsrtc7 P.O. NIL. Goderich Branch. A. M. ItOSS, - - p- - Kaltman:. Interest allowed on deposits. DraftIn s the principal Towns and Great Britain ma the United States. bongo and sold. Adranceeto Farmers on Note*. with oleo more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 PAINFUL - An infuriated white cow rushing about the streets on Friday crested intense excitement. Mr. Henry Spence, the well known pmduee dealer, was knocked down by the ram- pant bead, and painfully iiijurtd about the shoulder and band. He had a nar- row escape from death, and is still eon - fined to the house. The animal bad to be killed immediately. W. S. McTavish, of Acton, who is passing a thetloeical course at Knox eallege, has been spending a few days in tom willt_hia college friend, A. B. Mel- eflltr• Ma llfaTavish preached an ex- uding a mer on Wednesday evening at the Knell: slunk pretps$Otesting, and gives promisee& beam etleserstul in the sacred calling. His mew* et treating hu subject was very favoeahly oaawso.ted on by those who had the pckailllge of hearing him. A new craze is thus described by a au- ciety paper: -"Can you draw a catty is the latest society question, and you are immediately handed pencil mad paper and requested to give your hest Soli of :i. teat without model or semblance. One lad{ I know has what she calls ' `a eat basket ' wherein she keeps all the attempts of her friends to draw a feline. It is astonishing how few people really knelt how a cat look.. Ask your friends to draw a cat and see the things they make. BICYCLING. -During the Doming sea - sun Goderich will probably be visited by members of the leading bicycle clubs of Canada and the United States. Is it not possible for a cup to be put up for com- petition here at this height of the season, that we may have an opportunity of see- ing some of the more noted knights of the wheel cavorting on the mazy 1 There is no better point in Canada for a public display of velocipeding than Goderich. Let us get op the cup, and we will easily get the craved. MCGdLLICCDDY BROS. Ptr$Lnrum + it 3 .t3Y11A,R IN ADVANCE. STARVED TO DEATH- ; SPRING FRESHET. AreYtlbpraesawaserve•at.e Arae Mash Hart it Cos Flouring Mill B7{'•,( t white niterliaefrees a Matte rlaateem ; Away. ( The m areas. the 51111 Se eaderwttsed, A peculiarly painful case of halluisin- + cad the Meesltag and ta+ tensest* are abase un the past of t► McKillop farmer ' swept fMww rise aw.Itra M+easa- 1pr- named Thos Forbes.,which resulted in his i ,.w g rape tr$the orrapaws. .1 Ten• - death by starvation, occurred recently. Me *retie Tae'MIII a Iea.aaeas. About five weeks ago Forbes,wbo resided on the boundary between McKillop and j A terrible disaster occurred herr .el Grey, neat' the village of Walton, became Wednesday morning- in the tut it destru. - depreased in spirits, and imagined that tion of Hart's flouring. mill and dsm,bet he was going to lose his property and ter known as the Piper property, by thn suffer great pecuniary loss. The matter spring freshet. Feats had of bate been weighed so heavily upon has mind that oe entertained that ceneelerable damage that particular point he became insane, would result wheu the thaw sett in, but. and while iu that ouaditiun he took the no one anticipated such a destruction o' notion to abstain from eating and from property as oceurred here about a a. nt. Partaking of any nourishment whatever. on Wednesday. On :Sunday last a small The most strenuous efforts on the part braid( was perceived is the dant, but no of his wife and other relatives failed to serious danger wasot.prehended bythe dispel the it which overcoat the owner of the twill, and in all likelood mmind of the uyobs to nun At the no serious consequences would, have end of three steps were taken to followed had it not bapp.:ned that the Imre Forteacommitted totho jail at Gode- ice jam at Msuckester,.seme miles up the rich, preparatory to hu rmoval to au In- Maitland, broke on Tuesday and was sane asylum, and ho arrived in the e. •un- hurried down the stream. During Taos ty town about two weeks ago. For about day night the volume of water in the riv- twelve days be eat nothing, but on Fri- ertit thspoint swelled g eatly,and by day day last a little beef tea was administered break on Wednesday morning the strain and an attempt was made to tone be .a. the damat Hart's mill became so great stomach f the reoeption of food. that the water forced its way through at Every eff snake the stomach rc- both ends of the data: - a particularly fain txo t proved unavailing, large opening being created 00 the side owing to Umlaut fasting having weaken- next the mill. Shortly after four o'clock, ed that omen, and he gradually sank. the attention of Mr. Hart. who was On Saturday titaA hie wife and father -in- working in the mill, was drawn t. • the laws, Mr. Thos. Roe, of Hullett, arrived fact that the pier at the head of the mill ilia Iowa, hssis been informed that he race was being carriedaway by the flood, messiakistgllf;ttt, with the intention of and soon to his cenaternatton he dis 000*eytng Lint hnnte, s., that he %cold covered that the foundations of the mill die in the misdt of friends. On Monday were being undermined by the force of two sisters and a brother-in-law also itr- the waters. He immediately gave the rived, and the necessary legal fnrmali- alarms, and with the assistance of his ties for obtaining his release from cue- workuteu and neighbors endeavored to tody were attended to. About L30 on carry out some of the flour which. had Monday afternoon ho was taken from been ground. They succeeded in g*tt►nu the jail to the station, there to take the out some thirty --nine bags, when sadden 3.16 train to Seafottth. He was carried ly the mill began to sway under pressure, on board the railway coach by his of the waters. Every one then jumped friends, but exhausted nature could no from the totteriug structure, which gave longer hold out, and he expired before a sudden heave and toppled ocsr int. the train left the station. The body was the :Amain, and was carried down. At then carried into the station baggage- noon the place at which the mill fernterly room, where it remained until Tuesday stood was a desolate looking spot. Tho morning when it was taken to McKillop dant as well as the mill had been carried for interment by the sorrowing relatives. away, and the water had in a uun:ber of Forbes was a fine looking young man instances undermined the banks of the and of good reputation ir. the neighbor- stream so that a number of heavy land hood where he resided. He leaves a slides have resulted. The brick dwellin,, wife and three small children, 'we are of Mr. Hart which is situated about bO informed, besides other relatives and feet from the edge of the bank is thought friends. to be in danger, owing to the landslips. The mill was filled with goat and pro THE MILLINERS duce, and a street loss is thereby entailed apon Messrs Hart b Co., is aldition to the destruction of the mill and dam, which is estimated to b.- alwia $15,000 No insurance. . Those who happened to be near the mouth of the river on Wednesday morn- ing could see sweeping down, niece by piece, the wreck of the al -fated Luilding. It was the first intimation they had of the disaster. Doors, window sashes, portions of the roof and pieces of square timber - the foundation -were whirled rapidly down to the lake, mingled with hoppers, bits of wood with bolting cloth attached, and other parts of the late mill. Out in the lana., perhaps a qusrter of a mile from the river a mouth, the bulk of the wreck of the mill can now be seen, an ugly pile of rubbish, resting against the ice. Along the river at inter vola can still he found some part of the building or machinery, held by a snag, or flung upon a shoal. The tepid dash of the river has heltied to complete the work of d€molitior., for much that fell whole and entire eit the mill site, was re. duced to kindling( ere it was disgorged 1into the lake by the greedy stream A CLOSE C ALL A new soap fact.•ry it being opened out in town, and ueg• t:ittuns are being entered into to have it established on St. David street. M.. M. Nicholson, the dentitit, is around again, after $ severe prostration of a couple ..f . week's duration from, an an attack of inlammatioc. Mr. Salts, who bas been c of r.eil to the bowie for s.me time with another rheumatic attack and derangement of the liver, is able to be about again. Mrs. Godge and two children from San Frutriac°, arrived in town on Wed- nesday last, and are now visiting at the The announcement of the death of residence of the father of the former, Mier Jennie Poole, daughter of Dr. Mr. Win. Miller. Pohle, of Detroit, (formerly of Goderich) Judge Doyle lett for Fiunds on Tuea- was received with sorrow by the man day last, to a change of climate, be. friends of the family in this town, with A cheep hotbed, with cloth sashes. is recommended by an Ohio farmer, which is made of a single square frame of 11 inch stuff, with a sinele bar down tite middle, and covered with common heavy unbleached muslin painted over with two coatings of boiled linseedoil. He claims that the planta grown under such cover ings are bettor colored, hardier, and bet ter able to withstand transpl.uttiwg than when grown under glass. After the hot- bed in tilled with manure, ley iu til soil so as to come within three insists of Hlg muslin, eloping exactly as it does. As the season advances the bed will s_ttle is fast as the growthof the plants require it. LAN DS' FOR SALE• Pri'vata Malin. or POMC Auction. The following prcpertlea will be offered for Salo, at Captain Coxa British Exchange Ho tel, in the Town of Goderich, on FRIDAY. THE 20-.-H OF APRIL, atl90oclocIt p•m., bp cubit,. . auction. and io the meantime by t.rivate sale: 1st. The westerly three -fourth» or lot number 1310. and all of lots 1311 and 1311. 1n ten-terich, on which is erected a frame story and •-bslr house and • frame stable. ase Ind. lot *49 1n Goderioh, good stork :It frame house, "tone foundation,'Tame stably. This is well situated, being oppo•fu the residence of M. ('. Cameron, tip. ted. Lots MI and 6/13, on which L a frame house and stable. These Iota are centrally lo - R o e r 'oftae s e ttsaae suersad West ant. 41 ,tvrieb}over 6aeOs bookstore. covey te leststwot rates .1 taterest. - 1 EWIS 1 LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Wrnsys, lea erheaoer, ate. c.dee f rho Cort C.L.t N. Lama fau6.gsrlelLA. C.tf>w. ( LRR(1W A PROUD B oR T R 71. 4 Els A i' tw. s. esibiPte . 176 to ( J. T. O,ter.w. kQUOTA J Tinny atis MO1554 WlsgiBaa- (t. Seeger Jr.. Oodericb. J. A. lfiertea. IIwt bras. c1„tiRON , MOLT & C AM MON, eY.Mer' 1s ('hauesry. tr. alls. M. (..w 1isemn, ikli°: Goderbk• t cared " er i A13URANCE CARD. 14R1T180 AAP. ('O'T. Tows -to E. abliahe inn 1'H(X 11X INS. ('O'T. of Cognex meowed) Catablbbd tfld. H ARTFORQ iNII_CO'T, of HARTVottn. Conn ing of late in delicate health. Mrs. Doyle has gone to her old hone at Belleville, with her children. 0 A. Wright, Es{ . a brother of Mrs. Walters, wife of the assistant. rector of St. George's church. Goderich, hat been kaighted for his discoveries it: ccrt:ec- tart with science in Britain. Rev. Mr. Howard, of Montreal, preached in the North -et. Methodist The Latest cad Wast - wren tbey cas et Sou. In another column, will be found the spring announcement of Miss Wilkinsno. The openiug day will be on Saturday, April 21st. til t1jei,re las also added a d ent t.• her <fl ioery trade pee to be succcas- fal in tate latter benelh, Mins Witeon p holding the spring opening in tion with her bulkiness on Satu, April 21.1 Full particulars next w Miss Stewart will held a.spring ,.pen- ins on Saturday Api4I 21st A fuller announcement will pear in her ad- vertisement next wed* Miss Graham is the latest s.idition to the milliners of the town, and her an- nouncement of commencing bwinees will be found elsewhere in this issue. She is asst from the cities and advertises the latest styles in French and American millinery. At present she :+ located in Miss Stewarts old stand. whom Jennie was a favorite. We learn from the Sarnia Obserrer• that when her remains passed through Port Huron on their way to Trenton, Ont., on Tuesday evening, several of the lady members of the M. E Church met at the depot and presented the afflicted father. who accompanied the body, with an elegant floral lyre, with a broken string, and tan an address expressing 1 their sympathy. Death has claimed five church on Sunday last, and will remain daughters from Mr. Poole. in town for a couple of weeks as assts-' 4 CALL TO Cao FJHNIA.- bl r. Awl tent or to Rev. .J Wakefield. P B. Meldrum, well known to our readers The adjourned vestry meeting ..f St. as a theological student at Knox college Georges Church was he* in the school t from Ooderich, preached in Knox church house on Monday et ening. The main I on Sunday morning last, and will preach butanes* was the presentation of the ' again on Sunday evening next. We un. financial statement which was generally derstand that the young preacher has well received. been appointed assistant to Rev. Dr. Robson, the piotegrapher, last week I Sentt, of San Francisco, his abilities as a pulpit speaker having attracted the no- tice of persons connected withcDr. Scott's church. Mr. Meldrum will complete his studies at the seminary, of which hie princieal is president and will see at the handed us one of his photographs of the stirring scene at Curries last auction sale in town. The picture is a good one, and some of .our well-known citizens figurein the scene Robe 'n has a mtaber for sale end of a year whether or not he will nth. Farts 1n' num 13, west of take contuiue his work and studies in the (k Range in the Township of Colborne, in the Mr \\ 1l i(t.i'tet . .:eorget„men, Count of Huron, containing SO acres, beingcadent. He carries with him the recom- the whole tot exoopt N scree previously sold. formerly express agent on the G. T R. Good frame hou"n, frame barn aad other between Buffalo and Goderich, was in mendationa if the leading men of the build Inge and a floe young orchard. town during the week He is a Lloated Presbyterian Church in Out .rn., Ansi the 5th. Parts of inis Di and 10 lake RangeI hest wishes of a host of friends through- '? containing about he acres. more manufacturer u•,w, Lot 1:e still re mem: lout the Province, his geniality at trelI at filar f a lila t tons ac • g 6th. The northerly sores of the north Eh Rtd h or leas. Rood trema house, &*&fife and barn. bets nen • , • e "sweet his intellectuul Sits, hacins render' 1 ain't or lit t In the' 6th cf £atttfleld.'arum I Liu a fat•trite with old and young. division of tlteTewnsaip of Asdufield. Two Mr. H (]teens, oh.. 'e a: I.resut,t out fresco division; house. and • email young hernia, _painting tbt new steamer for the ivsw t)x 'ANt*T nF "It 11"1"6""- tonality 1aM ,Kt Ai tonality bo threeed to • nrsm Uu tanntaer The Lindon Adeertiaer says :-Mr. C..1 lenallty, about metes from Unnpnaoa. Beatty lne. expects to be through with Newman, at resent organist of St. jab and 'stern to Goderich by the George's Church, Goderich, hut recently from England, has beet. engaged as organist for the Memorial Church in this city. Ile will enter upon his duties prob bly about the •i6th it the month. 1 He brings with him excellent testimoni- ale. His musician training was received in the London Aendetny of Music, be being a pupil of Mr. Win. Re•ven, for some time organist of St. Augustine's Kilburn, and of Dr. Wylde, Principal of the Academy. His first position was that of organist of Holl Trinity, Alder- shot, where he established a Choral society and gave several successful con- certs. And hu last appointment in Eng- land was at the Chapel Royal, Brighton. Aa an organist and choir -master Mr. Newman has .hnwn winch .Afeieaey, and the Memorial Church congregation is to bit oongratulsted on having eerured itis services wale .t aheerora,. 1 large crowd attended the auct:.-u sale ..f shorthorns on the tair ground yesterday, but the herd of: Hoo. R. Hawley were hardly in selling condition The cow Ida was the favorite. and sold for $140 with her bull calf a month old. "Strawberry," a 4 yesr old cow, bred by Humpbroy Snell, was bought by Rebis- trar Dickson for $12ti. "Beaconsfield IV," 1 year and 7 months old, was solo to .i,hn Shipley. Gliaton, for $75. The cants, owned by Mr. Hawley aro all of g,,..l straits, and among those unsold aro several promising animals, which can easily be got into condition by any en- thusiastic breeder Risks la the sk wve firstplass owes st the unrest 1p ROttI►Cz IWORTOW e TM N sirs App t,.Aw Ax a•o P A A 00' Y T /• te f.esa lrstrises s.rnrity role ✓ Net - ORACR iORTON e6eda'yk M1. M link PRiVATI' RAi.E Any person desiring pert tenter* en to any of the above, or destrleg to purchase by private sale. may do .o br nai- ls( on the undersigned. •t Captain Coes British Exchange Hotel. Goderich. at any time up t„ the day of trio. RICHARID H. ftARVIS. 100-1 t. British 'exchange Bo•el Iris 10th of May. Mr. Cloos. is a first class faney painter, and his services aro much appreciated by steamboat men LAND roc SAL7. Mr. R H. Sarvis, who is toppnR at tt.e British Exchange i. offsrin soars , both • Hotel R cN'rteh Markets. este sale before the 20th Inst,., they M M • fd0 es' will be disposed of by •uotion on that ( E 30 saw 5 » day. For particslarr see advertisement. sr e o n I, Hien Salmon. Reim -aloe --Linear town and tars. for sale 1i apt sold by OAetnrelr. wheat. Fat o• bash. Wbe&t. (Mpring) • bush Flour, • barrel.. Oats, • bath F`eas • bnsti Barley. • bosh Potatoes • sash .. Hai). • ton Batter, • a... 9 dos.(nnpsokedi April 1$ laic ( pts le 051 0 0 M 73e A 5lel Ott 9 013 sf0 0 0M o it 0 gild •cwt O}p0 w t: cwt -.. 115 1 7. Met s :, 1io II MR baa. ............... drawing at next entrance examination is prescribed ss follows -Outline of maps common objects on paper. A paper will b. set M drawing as gives in Walter Smith's "Primary Manual." The paper will be 'shred at ID marks While one third in this subject is net ettastet,credit win be given torr taw marks obtained in 'asbestos the total Rorke repaired for i - e e$ frse"ivig Mete Nasrerk, the lIeltiewret. t rear.' s heed', bridge Su s Nearr7• I ►m Wednesday last, es the mixed train was approaching ('linter. free' Setif. rth. and just before eminent( the Bayfield bridge, engineer Ikaaneck noticed that the mils were warred to some extent and drew the attent:cgt • f hie trate to the fact. There was no chance to slack up, en the engineer pluckily faced the music and trustlsd to luck and a 'tuick "skip" M cross the tottering str':cture. His judgment proved to be correct. cad the train pawed safer over. hut not without the. bridge goring ur.n.•stak able sign% of being in pt ecsrro•ts ^.'-n A couple of fine young bulls were put dition. .., up by H. Y. Attrill, but we enderstand iVheu Hancock arrived at~(`iintor., that the bide were not satisfactory to shout. w table mai • half further t .,lac re the owner, and tliat the nsiraale will not ported that the Midge over which belied change hands. Mr Ed Rossetbsrry Inst passed was unsafe The wet:nni.e+, was the auctioneer • were immediately Mnt down to examine it, and it wee found that ono of the abet e twee mer■.e ... r. - '• metria was completely :tadetwtine 1. - #• E igiueer Looney who was taking down the movement for high lK en.+,•, w liiclt a "mixed" train, and who had beer. de has suddenly torten* a feature ..f the It tained shunting at Clint ., was thereby temperance cause, began in Lica M, prevented from creasing the rnndownsa Neb., and two years ago the whole state l bridge. Had engine/re Hancock been adopted the plan. The ray council of I{ Eve minutes x the siare Lincoln originally raised the price to that oar rat terrible aseid(•falnt woulncered have $1,003 a year ander the hnpre•sioa •'at no licensee would be called err, and np- pnnente of the measure believed that surreptitiously sales would en on. There were twelity awloona, and the proprie- tnis of six met the 1.navy fee the rest going out of business. Al on;e these Os mese, who lied paid se well f•,r their resulted As it was, Pete remarked to lot acquaintwnce at the +tatte '. 'Well, Mac, to tell yes the trout, f thought I was 'seat for ; but 1 ve 'Assn there before, mid whoa t0. wa.rat oomph to the wont, it's better for a fellow b, face it like a van than te do tl:a rifler thing ' privilerea, become practically special oSest„ to see that n.. ,,i.e sold without a Rev. .:. t•' Austin, M. A., b. U , Pain Benue. There was mush resistance to cipal of Alma College, fig Thomas, will the new edea, especially in Osaha,where deliver a lecture in the M. E. Church, the iea saloons becanits eighty aftet the Goderich, this (1*vauntiday*vauntTea right to sell was .tpsnsivs, but the re- will, be served yt The tit's ,.f the mining e dealers paid into the city tree..l lecture. "Money, and Money Makin*. wwo.r our, ,000, tutted of the $14.900 is an attractive one. end .hoeln Arsov e, formerly received good •rid snce 1