The Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 8tt
t'HE ttt'ttU: I1 ,\AL. H'RIA1'. APBtL f, 1883.
t r.• Mlprl.•. of Ire legal Mee. lag
waa Saone-
es bee
area ►t i eieming . the Detail, architect,
arrived here uu Monday to out up a retsi-
daswe Jr James Buchanan. Ile is ao-
March :)loth, 1883. Camper 1 by his two able juniors et the
Thr regular meeting of the town c. un- profession, \Fill and Nurylau. Thr
til was ho d this evening. sound of the sew and hauu1cr is now
('resent the mayor in the chair ; reeve, steadily heard u, the of
ist deputy -reeve, 2nd dopa -reeve, and the trio.
councillors Murney, Elliott, Butler, Jor-
don, Binghaut,Catitelun, Se er, Slane,
Colborne and Mitchell.
The minutes of last ttiet-tutg :cern read,
approved and signed.
The treasurer a statement of rash was
read, showing a hal/wee of cash ..ti fiend
of $1,274.90. Filed.
The street inspector s report was read.
showing expenditure for tirst quarter of
the year for labor $33.50 ; shoo etate-
tnent respecting repairs to main sewer,
and his explanation respecting removal
of some stone from off Palmerston street.
Referred to public works committee.
The sexton's report was read, showing
interments in Maitland cemetery, since
last meeting to be : eight adults and four
infants. Filed. .
fhe following communication was
read :
Pm/osier.. -We are glad to hear that
Ur. Hurlbur: is recusant's; frum s severe
(xdd, and hwoe to see him around again
attending to his professional duties.
Goon Helvetia - Mr. C. Mason has
purchased s tine span of heavy mares for
Frank McLaren, Esq., of J,lliette, Illi-
nois paying therefor the handsome sum
of $520. This is considered to be one of
the best teaus that ever left the county.
Charley wilt have the best.
Goderich, March 30, 1883.
Tu t1,. Mayor and Town Council.
(.glaTIAIIIN-I beg to return you toy
sincere thanks for the honor you have
conferred upon me, by appointing tae
y our treasurer without an application on
my part to any member of the council.
I shall endeavor to discharge the duties
of the office to your satisfactiun,althottph
I find it is not a sinecure by any means.
I would like your honorable body to
give tue iustructious for my guidance as
to whose order I should pay. I may
mention that during the month 1 have
paid the orders of the following gentle-
men, viz : the mayor, clerk, councillors
Nicholson, Seager, Mitchell, Elliott,
Smith, the chairman of the market com-
mittee, the chairman and secretary of
pubic schools, the chairman and secre-
tary of *separate schools, and of the de-
puty -returning officers (under stat .e)for
polling booths. 1 ha ; e nude several en-
euinue for t}_e nou-resident collector's
roll of 1!at year (sec. 90 of the Assess -
meat Act) but the clerk has not yet been
able to find it. I require this roll to
check the entries made in the non-resi-
dent lauds (wok.
I find also that no list of lands liable
for sale this year has been made out, as
required by statute, on or before the
first day of February, (see sec. 108-9-10
Assessment Act), which will prevent me
from selling lands liable for sole this
year (see sec. 130). The amount of
lands liable for sale this year is, how-
eter, small, amounting to only$341, not
Including parts of let 12, con. A block,
which is liable for sale this year, the
taxes amounting to $186, but which, I
understand, is under consideration by
the council for settlement. I think, un-
der the circumstances it would be ad-
visable for the council to extend
the time beyond the term of three
years by-law under sec. 128, for
the collection by sale of non-resident
taxes. I herewith transmit statement of
cash, dtc.
(Signed) P. ADAMSON, Tres • urer.
Detroit, March 7.--
Ire. P. Farley, w,. wasburledfteafrau
years age near Berrien Springs, were
bkeu up this week for ieutoval to sassy- ,
ria, 111 Martie county, when they were I
found to he putt -tied, resembling yellow
marble, and quite .a solid as stoue. The
futures, body, and limbs appeared to be
perfect, ctcep the p .o
whiph, is they ley crested, were out of
I} clay. Ffleshy
Torsed to atone.
SCHOOL Rzroer. -The following is the
standing of the best of the pupils, in
each of the classes in the senior divisions
of S. S. No. 1 Colborne for March Sixth
Class -Etta A. Potter 66 / ; Fifth
Class -Ella 3. Robertson 74 ; Fourth
Class -Aug uate Potter 83 ; MatildaStirl-
ing 78 ; Maggie Tiffin 73 ; Ida Sallow,
71 ; Wm. Edward 69 ; Eliza Smith66;
John Edward 60 ; Third Class- Maggie
Coates 82 ; Hugh Gallagher 78 : Santa
Tindall 73 ; Josie Jones 71 ; Jessie
Burn 70 ; John Treble 99 ; Ruby Rob-
ertson 67 ; John McNevin 65 ; Mary A.
McNevin 6b ;
Referred to finance committee.
i2) Froin Wm. Swaffield, respecting
eeme stone claimed by him to have been
taken away by street inspector from off
Palmerston street -value $10. Referred
to public works.
c3) From Thontae Huckstep, respect-
ing Mrs. Ames, an indigent person. Un
motion referred to Mr. Seagsr, relief Bt.
Andrew's ward.
4, From Charles C. Roes, secretary
tare'company, asking an additional grant
to the company of 8200. .Referred to
• bre committee.
(5) From McMillau t, Co., coni,rac- pardton, and settled en his farm opposite
tors, Toronto, respectingwater works. It. Fulford.a. Mr. Henry Zoelluer, after
Filed a stay of about eleven years here, moves
:6; From C.', Drinkwater, secretary on to his own farm at Sheppardton pur-
'. P. R. E. 11. Osler, vice-president C. chased two years ago. He will be missed
V. R., and M. C. Cameron. M. 1'. , be -
ng replies to communications regarding
• til extension to Goderich.
An old landmark, themeformer presidence
of Mr. 11 Kennedy is being cut up for
Geo. Connell, of the 10th, has pur-
chased from Mr. Hughes, of Hullett, 50
scree of butch land for $1,800
f t tl k f the handl''
the water, with which the coffin was i
act ly full. The ground where the .oflis
lay was Mrs Farley was a 'ORD.
woman, weighing nearly 3001i pounds. I RE.S$ GOODS IN THE NEW OTTOMAN (.
The petrified corpse was esti( ate(' to • NUN'SBLA Kt SILKS IN GROSS GRAIN AND OTTOM A N
weigh 800 pounds.
Fatal Desalt of • apace.
Sarnia, April 2. An old wuwan, ua ,
widow, named Mrs. 8. Rogers, died here
an Saturday evening last Prow the effects
of • drunken quarrel. A matt name(!
Connolly, a too intituate aequauttance of
deceased was quarrelling with her in a
Mr, D. Jailor was offered; but r•:';;ae
;.t00 for his 11 months old entirecolt.
This is the oue we mentioned a few weeks
ago as turning the beam at 1020 lbs.
when 10 months old.
Mrs. Thos. Tichbnrne, who was injur-
ed a few weeks ago by a fall on the ice,
of which nothing was thought at the time,
has been seriously ill since, but is now in
a fair way of rec„ ery.
.__.,__ v.,... ".., xl el .or and wkkb
Nie are now pito wing Dire It
We will Sell R tail at the Usual Wholesale Price>
Sawing bees are the order of the day.
Mies Holmes, of Holosesville, waif
visiting friends in Seaforth last week.
Mr. Charles Disney has parted with
an entire colt which he received $400
The mumps are again doing the village
and vicinity. (hie -third of the children
in the section are confined to the house
with them.
Mr. Thos. Calbick has taken up his
abode in Brunel for the present. He
left for that place last Saturday. We
wish him every success.
A young stranger made its appearance
in the village the other day, in the shape
of an -infant daughter, presented by Mrs.
J. W. Hill to her liege lord. John now
feels about two inches higher
Edging -house ..n Victoria street, and
while she was lying uu the floor violent-
ly slammed the door against her head
two or three times. The, woman lived
but a short while after receiving the
Mot -se MovED. -McLaren Brua.. of
Garbraid, with tackle and block, last
week moved a house belengiug to Mr.
Joseph Cook 24x20 ft.. a dirtance of
3,300 feet in 13 working Ileums. They
just rolled it along.
Movlvc,.--'Several changes of location
are taking place hereabouts this spring.
Mr. S. Linfield has removed from Shep-
here. as he was an "bilging neighbor.
Mr. Knuckle and fatally leave their pres-
ent residence. Bateman farm. and remove
A number of accounts were referred , to Woodbine cottage. Maiden Lane. The
• the tirtence committee. Bateman farm was purchased a couple of
i:ep•,rts were presented from 'the re- i years ago by Mr. Carnegie, of York Limn -
i officers in the different watch as fol- I ty, who will bo along with his family
,tai; Charles Seeger, St Andrews ; this week to take poasessicl. i\•e wel-
to.LU : Lewis Elliott, St. David's, 856.- come him to Leeburn.
•te ;
M. aiicholsoit, St. Georges, 21,25 ; - -
1v. Campbell,, weekly allowances for Wrozeter.
March, 823.50. Total, 8162.88. - --
Thc finance cenuuittee presented the lace,,te,-At a recent nieetttig of the
• II: Acme report : Village Council a by-law was passed fix-
Goderich. March, 30, 1883. , ing the price for hotel licenses for the
I That the following accounts toe current year at 895. and fur slop licen-
ud : Jahn Hillier, relief, 85 ; Mrs. acs at 875.
tiitrhell, relief, 87.52 ; alter, printing, Foe MANiroR.I. Mt Ati.titbalu Mal -
Robbed egad Murdered.
.EiR A CCI.r8, GZ+O'C?'ES, 1--1037-=Mr=
trace Curtaizis ars.(' I amlbrecluixi5
l'esth, March 29. -Count Von Seek -
hely President of the Court of Caasition, SPECIAL OFFER. To all Parties Purohaaing to the amount of $30.00, we will
w•as touts(' murdered at his residence at •mr pay one return flare.
Ofen. He was strangled and his tongue BgMpLEB BENT ON APPLIOlTION_
cut out. His hands were bound with
rope.. The body was lying on a bed in H. W. BRETHO UR 4. CO., Brantford.
the Count's room. The bed clothes were
not disturbed and the Count was not un-
dressed. A thin rope was hanging from
the window of the a(,srtment to the street
below. Tho Count s house was rubbed
by the murderers.
$4 25 ; ,fauces Addison acho,.l census,
125. (2 That the auditor's report be
adopted. ;3) That we have examined
cud of Mr. Adamson, treasurer, for the
•um of ten thousand dollars, sureties R.
t;ibleets, sherifl, and Janice Dickson,
x;istrar, and consider them aatisfactory.
4). Your couumittee with the cemetery
omrnittoe to when( was referred the re-
-,rt of the cetuetery special committee,
(neat fnrthcr time for intoatigation,
end therefore beg leave to report pro -
Moved toy Johnston seconded by Jor-
dsn, that the repprt of finance committee
t.a adopted. Carried
The memorial to the •kuvernutent for
;.e oboe:hon .4 harbor toms, was read,
when it wait moved toy Seager, ascended
ie( Jorian, that the Mayor and clerk
sign the slme, on behalf of tine council.
and seal with the cerle.ration reel, and
the clerk at once forward it to the gov
Eliment. Carried.
Elliott'a notice Of io'ti n lesoceting
oft r .ef street ins ,actor• was read
Pdttott moved end Johnston aecpnded.
that an oft c t•, l,e known as street in-
spector and day eenstaLie toe so'. is here -
1.y appointed.
Moved by Smith, seconde.l by .ler-
dan, that (inlet: lot Bihott'5 twit oat be
referred to public works committee.
G,•uncill•.r Murn.'y rare notice of
caution, that at next rn, o•' ng .,f council
I:o wo obi move that the office of street
inspector le. sb .u.n.'.l, and that 1y -law
No. 2 of 1840, spp, street inapec
t }r bn repealed.
Councillor Itetler drew attention to
Mr. Talton M.Csrthy a railsay c.,mmi•-
siott bill now lefetc the thaws of Con.
mon, an.l scoreestea the .(d(i.ahi i y . f
the onuncil Witter% ng in its fat or Re -
'01 rerT to a1,e1iiil committee.
-'ha N.DRc11 Chap adjenet.ed
Lady Mate Ceatrwdlrted.
Loudon, March 29. --A gentleman from
Eton, of high petition, has deposed that
he saw Lfidy Florence Dime the whole
time she was standing un the spot where
the alleged outrage was committed, and
saw her walk away without anybody ac-
costing her.
A !.aagrtag Devil.
-There was a laughing devil in his
sneer," and consumption in his cough.
Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam
could cure the cough, but nothing the
devil. This Balsam possesses wonderful
properties for the cure of all kinds of
lung and throat diseases. Mr. J. B.
Church. of Brookville, N. S., had been
treublod with a bad copgh for six months
and could find nothing to relieve it until
he got a bottle of Dr. Wilson's Pulmon-
ary Cherry Balsam, and the second left
him entirely cured.
colm. an old and well•known resident of
this section, left en Wedneaday for his
new home at flak Lake, Manitoba. He
shipped his effects from Bluevaleatatien,
Mr. Malcolm has [[purchased a large tract
of choice land in Manitoba, and he took
with him two and a half car loads of
freight. which included fire hearses and
11 head of cattle and a golel heuso all
ready to put tog'ther. He else took
with bun three hired men. Mrs. Mal-
colm and family intend going ..ut in
three or four weeks. Mr. Malcolm was
accompanied by his brother-in-law, Mr
James McQueen, who has taken up a lo-
cation alongside of his ; also by Mr. Geo.
Lovell. who goes to Prince Albert. A
large number of friends and aoluaint-
ancei went to Rluevale to pee the parties
safely if. and to wish there: Brest. rity
in 1,11 ir new home.
The Nam lsetaoa.tretlsu.
"Inc speeches of Messrs Mown: 'rid
Hardy. will lie read t,.tt, rieep interest
everywhere threughuut the f'rio ince.
They have the true ring in them, and if
the spirit they breathe is felt end acted
Upon everywhere by the Liberal party,
"Mowat will not go fur many years t,
come. The Premier himself, while ad-
mitting and regretting a greatly reduc-
ed majority, Letraysd nr symptom of that
trepidation with which he is ctediteel.
He boldly described the nature of the
wesp:ns that hail been used against him,
and challenged an inspection of the
record of his administration. Well
might the Liberals of Huron give Mr.
Mowat an enthusiastic reception. His
victory was won without any resort to
those practices in which Sir John Mac-
donald is so great an adept. and this is
what meat of all annoys thecae who were
so determined to defeat him, and so
eneevalirtp ralotir
Travelling Guide.
Pass. Ezp's. Mixd...Mix'd
Goderieh. Lv.5.46am 12.40 pm .. I.Oipm 7.40 mu
Seaforth, Ar.e.32 1.31 4.36 930
Strstford.Ar.7.20 2.40 6.30 11.9
Pam. ZIP'S. Mlz'd. Mlz'd.
Stratford.Lvt2.olpm .7.10pm.. &Liam. 3.15pm
8es urUa4.z.1tMa *.1 8.00 5.40
.,oderichAr. 1 TACE LIN6:.9945 7.15
Lucknow etsge (daily) err. I0.15•m3pm .. dap
Kincardine 100•n7ans .
Benmlller (Wednesday
and Saturdael Ar. 9.00am..De.9.10.
In Goderich. on Tuesday April 3rd. tee wife
of Mr. W. dharman, of a daughter.
In Goderich, on the 29th of March, the wife of
Mr. Norman McAuley, of • son.
In Goderich, on the 3rd int r.. the wife o.' V'U•
son Salkeld. of a daughter.
At the Nile, on 29 inst., the wife of kir. Joseph
Horton, hotetkeeper, of a son.
In Dublin, on the 22nd of Marc), the wife of
Mr. C. J. King, station -master, of a son.
At the residence of the bride's father,by the
Rev. J. W. Sutton. March 26th. William
ti. Sw•®eld, to Emma Pearl, daughter M
Wm. Henning, Esq., ail of Goderich.
in Melville Church. Brussels, on Wednesday,
March Mtn, by Rev. John Ross, B.A., Jae
Henry CelolouLb,ot the township of Gode-
rich to Margaret daughter of George Han
AA, Erg., Morris.
The issid and Wortrlr.s- -3
are neveritaitnte.:or t.rfrite:. This
is especially true of a family medicine,
and it is positive pr...•f that the remeiy
imitated is of the highest value. As soon
as it had been tested and proved by the
whole w.•rld that Hop Bitters was the
purest. beet and most valuable family
medictoe on (earth. many nuitations
sprang up and began to steal the notices
in which the press and the per,ple of the
country had expresse,l 'hi merits of H.
B.. and in every a•a_ .. to induce
suffering invalid. t.• . • _••I- .:off in-
stead. expecting to. ,. . • t . ,•-t •r. the
credit :.n.i i.' el ,.ane - ti F. Many
nthera started maim t.t t _ t a;. le similar
style to H. 1:., wit:t v.irtec•ly 'devised
(names in which the ce-rd '• Hep- r -r
"Hos w ere used ,n e :ty to induce
people t.. believe th. y : ere the :eater as
Hop flitter.. All stet p.etr11•le11 11011-
(111514 cures. 00 natter what :heir style
or name is, ..:n1 rpp,ecial;r with the a .,rd
" Hop' or " Hops " to :'ie. name or
in itnv wav connected w•itit theta or their
name, are imitations er counterfeits.
Beware of theist. Touel; none of them.
I. nothing but ••muni- H. p Bitters,
with a hunch or ••luster ;cots Hofs
en the white label. T.t.:c t.:.,tliin{ else.
Druggists anti deal.?s ars a..rned against
dealing ih tmitatte•tn or c- .:i,terfeits. •
FarmRrg & [ardRllers
APRIL THE 26th, 1883.
1 LIC AUCTION, to the highest bidder.
that valuable property known ss •'Cherrydels
Farm." situated in the Township of Colborne.
County of Heron. near the Town of Ooderloh.
The property L well improved, and omit -
prises • tract of tend cestalaisg about iM
acres of the bast farming Land in the Town-
ship, including rich alluvial river flan. with
• frontage on Maitland River of over one half
The orchsrda are extensive, there being so
er 1000 fruit (teas. sad as a fruit farm it has •
repetatloa noserpsned in the township. To
a person wishing to engage in the culture of
the grape. there is probably as fine • site for
a Vineyard as can be found anywhere. About
5 acres art now ready for setting out with
The water privileges are unsurpaeeed, there
being several living sprints over the farm.
and notably a monster spring whloh rune an
overshot wbee4u_ ng an amber cane eruab-
er And cider int .
The buildings are good
lets --The dwelling house ii • substantial
stone building. three atorte, in height. rem•
fortah:e and well built.
20) The barns and stables arc ample and
large ,Jeerir.r about a quarter of an acre of
3rd. - The fruit house is a bnilding 40x20 feet,
now used for the storage and bottling of cider.
The large spring atm, e mentioned is wade to
flow through. causing the temperature not to
vary any very perceptible difference the whole
year :wind. The Cadet buaineae is a profitable
one. and offer.[ a sure hnsires, to any person
with a little eapital.
4th. -The -,rets house anti cane mill is n
building 100z20 feet, and is found with all the
requirements for running a large business in
the maeufaetetre of syrup from the sorghum
cane. The machinery comprises 0 ;voiceful
cane •-ruaicr, r,: Aporetore. tanks, Sm., capable
of cru..b►•' ons?'.r•-'mut 50 acrei of cane
during/he neap•• 1 h.• rider press iv n mas-
sive frame worked t.y t win serews, and is put
rip in a nowt amid manner.
3tb. -The dairy is a rest little building, hav-
ing* constant Cow of water running through.
and is quite ample for:%nr.ltig a Iargl• .tale.?
or creamery, for *Ink1 the farm is pre-emi-
nently adapted. -
6th. T:r.r.- is r , ..t,,: .ib .ieelling hoopla
fui working man e--ontenient diatancc
trot.. tb.e barns.
The %bora propert. w:;1 be put up.:end sold
at :ter acre. sub;eet to existing encumbrance.
The proprietor's only rt aeon for selling i. that
he has not the capital Weser" eser" out 1,1, , sews.
and will therefore sell.
Immediately after the r,ve +Lie. the whole
ut the Farm Stock and implements will be
sold to- whatever th.i will fetch. The imple-
ments are all ne,v and in good order. and coin
prise a mtscellanecrie lot such as may be Lound
en an well regulated farm. the enutncratien
of which would be too lengthy for this sdver-
tlsemer.t. If sufficient time permits. the house-
hold furniture will hs offered for sale tilt same
day. an.l f' not. the .fay After. imrnediate
poasessio:; given, as the proprietor iv leaving
the country for a noutherr climate.
The above offers a Me inducement to a per-
son with wane oceans. ,ilio in desirous of a
fine cid I:ortea,•eed. as everything about the
piece is tr. perfre• working order. The fall
ploughing is ail lone. and stunt 22 acme o.
SME P . - all wheat nave been sown, and everything is
now read for the sprine work.
THENEW FERTILIZER. For particulars se to title. 6:• .. referenee I,
Cotton Seed ('oitni7;off,f f/
is ('heater. and as goat or twit'. r. than most
of the Commercial Fertaire-, orse
the prent ata}
This Fertilizer is a real manure, not merely a
stimulant, the value of whicb is proved M Its
ince-riming tine wherever introducer*.
A hundred thousand tors were shipped last
year to F:ngland for fertilizing ptirposrsalone. m
(:wrdencr' take notice that vegetables an -
tired with it mature and ripen earlier than
with ordinary ruanures.
gizeh tJ Meears. (farrow 4t I'roudfoot Bar -
rioters. iioderich. and for the adaptability oi
the farm for trod raising. reference is given
by kind permission' to Ales. McD. Allan.
:w•l . Correspond(nt. Fruit Growers Associa-
tlon. (hwlsrioh.
Intending purchaser. „i:! be shown nttr at say time until day of sok .
0103. Is03-td
John A. Naf'tel, 111 Qllu 11 nun IIUII n al .
Note .Agent for Goderich.
Mao Arent for Herta ('limes. king of feed.
took 1ii,,(orna a1 Prot in: 1,1 :+':••.s Inst fall.
March V.11183._ _ IND -3m
swatted. - -
Porsuant to my direction. ¢¢.,e n in ■ matter
now pending In the Hlwh Court of Jnetlee,
Chancier) i)ivision, intituled "111 the matter
of Beale GraUeaw and others. infants.
The t'redltore of Peter Ieseardines, late of
the Township of INg11en. in the County of
Huron, farmer. w died In or about the
month of October. _ are. Oft or hwforr the
Nth day of April, to send by est• prepaid
to tons
ri h.Mtheir tiestlf «
. a ars
andsf their
cbitna,a gf a. fid Me
eat ore of than
or. 1e detentethereoftkey wt11Ds , ly
evel.ided from the benefit of tblo Ma he
diatributed In the said matter. reedit.
tor holding any security is topers -10.w t r latest
boron. me the tindentttned i+egUtnr of the
sstee++aen's Benet Insisters of the HIffh Court of
wanes •t my t'halnh era in (lagnedr Hall, In
tbs. City of Tn conte. on the 21kh day of ,A pelt.
llttkt. at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. hetng the
time appointed for adjudieation on the claims
Dated list dei of January IML
Iflrt 10,1151tNCHRa4TFR
mors.,*- 0 R t
".‘","1. and North-West,
Dakota. Minnesota, etc.
SLAaON 1663.
11.” pop us:..per'ia1 trains wilt ronunence
\\ ednesday,March I4th.nnd every surrecding
Wednesday during March and April he dee
patched from Montreal. firnckvttle and Tor
ontik stopping at intermediate stations es
rout. for accommoda1 ter, of passengers from
all points In Ontario.
First (:lam aceommodatton pro, bird nee.
o wngers at Inweat fare.
Live stock. wanes, household effect% in
through ears at very 1 rw rates.
For information. [stiffs. rte.. line:, to
Grand Trunk Rail way Agents' or to J.'+t a phe n
son, General Pas.wnger Agent. Montreal : r r
W. Edgar. A..lstani (general Passenger Brent
Tonle 'n .JOSEPH HteE9ON.
General Manager
.fn• - M.. -:-h 2nd 1ig1 141 a•
TL,+'a:wet? Wall Papers are this
,ea.sonsDIREeT IMPOP.TATiONS from
the Best American anti English
Manufacturers, and comprise all
:heir Late'( Designs and Pntterns.
Nothing can equal them either
-n Price or Quality.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Price, range from Sc. per roll
up to 52.50.
ucces>;r t • 7. J. Moorltous,.
North Side Market -Sc(., (it Hierich
Shorthorn Cattle
1 will sell at the West. Riding $pro g show
1,:alerleh. nr, Aprf: 12th, my entire herd of
Ihoro,'ghbreda. consisting of Young gulls,
Heifer.. naives and yews. "'sale
reserve. R HAtri,F.Y.
1401-21 Ma: ,s:A Place. Goderich
1883-- SPRING -1883
Msiiinioth long Its. Mangold
T- urntpb> . IF:very VMiery
ricy. Oats and (cheat.
ani Millett.
Timothy and (:in-: r Sed
Ftas.•ri and On ( n
:1 carer Haaotgs Awe. t':c'Arig 'feels.
.. w..ate*..+.»•++p.a.u... ...eeww•w . w -ti .,w
Baily WiN! Bull 1\'i[ili
Notice to Farmers and other.. licit Fena
wire in the market. Toronto make. Haver e
made arrangement for the purchase Of e
epeeist lot of fence wire at a specist
rate. (Otani wire having been over circlet
ed by a firm and found not wantedd i am 1••
• position to offer a first -clay article at
lee er rate than is usual. Terms of pa mens
raay. Speeial terms to persons clubbing to
gather and taking one ton and upwards.
Wire left at nearest railway station. Par
les wanting wire should order early w. 1t ms,
not hold out long.
For price. and terma apply to
!birdware Denham,.
14. 8
ap-.• 1-i-41VI1 t—t")1PELt!:_Xhril$t oPriI