HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 7•
4444.. ___.
!'HE HURON 8114H L. s I►A1, APk11J 6. !HIM
run anti Fancy. i:tt'keie. Nrwbre Sebe Nis rreasarred
"Not Utility."
Cutlulry yokel to his sou, et a cenceet, A eteutbes of a church coutYrt)tation in
Lethe performance of a dual: "D' la, Tanow ow its gate"! lata, they're
staging two at a tuna, au • W get doss
suu1 er. "
is it nut a tittle osriats that what
young limn is bent un seeiutt the world
he Lbors under the ballscination that
be can see it better after dark than dur-
ing the daytime 1
Oliver Wendell Hulloes says that tad
air, tad whiskey snd irregular habits
keep the (baton ah.e. As they kill
during pe Yr 1Vis000ain war last month chs rgad will,
Ifembline in lead's, and brought up be•
furs a aloha),/toe fur iuvustigatiee. Thu
trial began by \ a deacuu aakilg
"Brother Brown, the charge a genii/ -
ling in •10 ks,"
YOB, sir."
"And you plead not guilty r
"No, air, I plead i uilty."
"Then you do buy and all stocks,
spnx:ulete Itl wheat, and oats and sell
futures in perk l"
ererybod(• else, the doctors 1001,1 ht es• I du, da Didn't I giro t1,000i4)
cepttuoalIy ..ntaaiset. lush to help build this church
Overheard in the cl..ak•r.a•tu-- "Did "Y„\e •
ett, slwu tut lltet it uA•l. little
she quarry well f' "t e- indeed. ' Hos , ,
worth a million and dri.. . so haul that d:.d in puck. i• u t 1 pay in (Mee t.p
la mean sever go ,tate) ►a.dwIha, org$II 4"ety ;
. she's Yom„
;:0t bothered with him.
liteilande(trf heir*" rani Vt e;at't:-h speck in nets. Didn't 1 rant a tithicieuc)
even Tose with lialf's Caferrtl Cure, nowt, "f f tfe(1 ie the ,: : Lter's lettere this
i Tiat warsl..rt of wy pr•,tits „u u
! The E,I.tor of the (,road R•ier Sic/eel
ear; "We ere u w.Il> quail; h, ..1 t
e1H'nrlulll1 toward 1,a tv,.1 on:idi t .i. • , .
ubwn•atinn and enquiry helm .it,tll..l '
Ula{ then
of %)weer. 5 lilt:
bunt .t. e., styled Burd'•vk 1. ,mal If . !
AT Tlllt-
i ; [Worts I
✓eta ..
term, as al.a.d a.utlfywy •..1,i is 4)....11 : I
lamisand Five Huu-
••f the b gh repeiatlen it has ea/ion let•. •;ltat.
a ..'is t to people." '6 `
A men male a bet the ,.thee .ter 1 '+t
be 4' 'lite epa ,.141•4 t•i.euil
tuinute n.. .4)t t-ekiug a data: of wa ,.
This at. • .a luyde ououtth till 4 fee".
La(klc: iee job, 1 4)t very few ample esti
it. 'late party i ,. •4e•u.1.• ,.
failed. 'IVO rrneatehei all Dees• ... .o ,•
Wye ago when Chief',Alunry pee. d 1...
iwunor coy of Scotland Ina a ea- ; ea,
defeuwae•v las.: it with a vies ,.f
I.dled die safety .ec•.uda •
luau of L.ree c..t...caty, het a• I;:1, ' '
a minute be hail his mouth se t•, • !i.e.
he c•ned seereely wa: las ia.v.
per Free Pies,..
he doctors had given up and said uealii 3•,.11 t • __ __.__ _.__ 4 4.44 , la me. ,tt kiimla .;f logs, Gar
Or . ., OF WOOD
,ou.aad )''+fele, )paid
• JUII &nutzs,
ll th.0
..is) T0,41) i'' -- upbea ',lig - Prices
12 tie to dJ 75 1rcr teed.
( x,11 4 la))'1'M., M•1'-• li FLA .,f
Ti' Z1100461
• f_ et 1-.. I L •t k 11,.4)t, 1lathr
i 1 44.1 " • Neck Ash, White
teat No cur I Seat
el. i o cents a Katie. .•. 'u . t4 „ • :nal. A .ty le
Rhvttws, r. de a,•ik fur , I As the fr•sts 4)t wittier ritual, umu.:1 I'1
'''i :.ret o ries 1n rtockr.
by Deenre cattle Spam a
rind. 3m Diana I cblp in *700 towards tbo 143r:
"Ps," said a little bey at a tl.wtte the sohmwl"
"That came from corner in eats.
Iflee tat I whacked up o1 the media,
asylum, the hew bridge, the park, and
the fire engine r
"You hare." • -
tVell, that moans mora corner. 444)11
14.41dingoit till I felt my hair ere% Me
gr..y. Gentlemen, 1 will step out for .•
inieuent and let you reach a verdict."
H.. stepped, but it was only thirty
s1euuds before he was called in and
corfgnatulated o44 tate verdict of "rot
other night. "1 wish 1 ween).) horsy ek
and get. latebra I•Ki•' • Why, sot. I
.• Because then I o..nld alway4 alt •,:4 the
front r'aw of chairs,"
Headache, Tailiousness, Elyse -Tee a1d
Cuselipatwu pvowptiy relieve) and
:tared by the ore of Dr. C.arson'.Steinach
and Constipation Bitters. As a firmly
medicine they are far ruperi'.r to pilar
In lame tattles 50 cents.
A Taunt•.n, Mass., woman relit.s that
the recently sat beside another wenn'',
•i stranger to her, in an ()Id Colony car.
As the train parsed Qniney than stronger
10. pv4114.140 the creedal buttal place, twee
• he track, and remarked i4) a Beane 1acent
one, "I've got three of the hest. hus-
l.ands layiu' there ,that a w omen ever
l:ad. "
Perfect, I'nsitivo and Pleats:taent are
the cures effected by Dr. Von Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all ea:me .f Kid.
Ley Disease is obtained af:era few doses.
See that your Druggist give. you Dr.
Van Buren's Kinney Cure Sole bp J.
Wilson Goderioh. • 11 n
d Pleasing to ntt Nwaktad,
La these 141140. vette): our newspaper's
are deeded with patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you.,
If you are bilious, blagel out of order,
liver inactive, i'r : cueeal debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you so quickly as Electric hitter,.
They are a Metairie to all mankind, mud
can be had for only fifty cents a bottle
of James 1Nllwn. 12:1
"I hate to see a w.,inan with rings in
' r urs," eccleimed a ;;nod deacon ;
• hey ain't natural. Tf it wam intended
r a woman to wear theta .+'a would
Live been burn with 'boles in tier ears.
1 ne ti:st woman didn't wear theui,I'll be
I nand " "Nn," remarke,l the quiet lit•
ile man in the turner, eine anything
else." The discussion was brought to au
abrupt close, and the house adjourned
without delay.
No household should be considered
complete without a bottle of Dr. Van
Buren'. Kidney lure is in tho closet.
It is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidney diseases. Sold 'by J. Wilson
2m .
"How can 1 leave you, any darling?"
inunnured a lover in tones of distress-
ing tenderness, as he observed both
haftds of the clock approach it perpendi-
cular on the dial. "Well, John, re-
sponded the girl with wicked innocence,
"you can take your choice. If you go
through the hall you will be liable to
wake up father, and if you leave by way
o f the back shed y..4) 11 be likely to wake
up the dog."
Batowr . Duaser of the Kidneys,
Diabetes and other Diseases. of the Kid-
neyssad Liver, which you are being so
frightelsed about, Hop Bitters is the
only thing that will surely and pertna-
neatly prevent and cure. All ,rhea pro-'
tended cures only tell.•• e f •r a , 44440 end'
then make yeti many time -swore..
"i bete, se•i•, you w ill as-,..: .e i,1 41,
whose house and overy•lhiog that n;t. in
it, including, Inc fatuity, 4'.r, was -horned.
up two months ago het Thurs•1 ay. nor
'the merchant to wb this nut.' 'i sits
addressed, while phileettit .q,..'. ,1. /3;111
eery cautious, so he eske•1 : •'ll:eve y.•n
any papers or certificate t , •1, ,.c eat
you lost anything by the fire 1 •'1 diel
have a certificate, s.•1, aerie,) 'tease() a
notary public, to that eti •e: h It it
was burned up w4, in the 1.• lose with
me family and the 'eat 11, e'h,-ts."
The tears ran out •.l tea n1.: r'•'1 ,ell's eves
from laughing as he ha., 1: 1 ••..•r ,i gear
Never allow 11. ----
Never allow the bowels to remain in a
torpid condition, as it leads to serene;
results, and ill health is sure to follow.
Burdock. Bleed Bittern is the must per-
fect re,ulster of the bowels and the last
blo,xt purifier known. 2
Parliamentary Metaphors.
the cxleric iutluenuu of the
d"es Itriaht', Dine.. Drop.,
int 4• Kidneys and 111.e. r, .t.t (o' 44
„waken of the Kiduutys, le.lte •':•: I,., .
epee We aduliniatrettnn of Dr. V ,.r Om
ren'. Kidncv Cure. Sold by •1• Willett
• 2.11
Now that there is .t re'teb re" e•a for
kidney treel. .4's. half the to:
to these coul4datnts h'v., L • .
File Shia lot all lee chaukfo', at,
Van burro's Kidl\ay Cure ,.
11'•1 i.4) for loosing tints rte: .
consider d fatal 11ieles t4
Ir ..,,. twee. L'n•n,•n 14.
The injudicious use of metaphors has
occasionally created great amuseuletat
both in the old Irish and English houses
of commons. The other night Mr
Callan, M. P. fur Louth: a staunch
opponent of the Sunday closing and
permissive hill and personally a great
benefactor too the revenue, replying to
the Irish attorney -genera,, said: "The
facie relied en by the learned gentleman
are very strange. Now, Mr. Speaker,
I swallow a g aid deal. ("Hear hear."
"Quite true," "Beitorra you can,"" and
roars of laughter.) I repeat, i can swal-
low a great deal ("Hear, hoar," ao.1
fresh volleys of laughter),but I can't
swallow that." A few nights before, in
a debate which heti to de with the Jews.
Baron de Worms had just reinarked,
"\t a owe touch to the Jews," when there
melee feeline groan f a well known
member in the back corner, "We do."
"Bletel *411 tell." A face a h,rue,1
with Pimples, 14.N1s, lit•doh'•4 '1••., i,
net a particularly pleas -nit •ielit. and in•
variably betokens An jut >;.tt,• ••F ih:
BI,a,d. Dr. Cars..n s St•ooach (littera
free the system frm, ..11 r•.*s holo ties,
renders the Blood pure sod air ,.nils di•
gestion and ti• -es a heathy .sppettte.
Fo,,sale by all 1)ro 1st., in Indo twtttles
at 50 cents.
The full„wares store ie told • f General;
Koenigsmark,.an officer • n,•,t',ed in one
of the many- war* ante•) it, hypenn time.
by Sweden atrai„at P•elal.l,mtet
A peasant donee to thi :aere(S4..,rele.is
tent during the sinter& Pekene etas-itf e
fered to dev"nr a barge b.'it for the ,an
us•ment of His Majesty. Tile llenetel
see -mine ay, teaid ['eat the 1••11. . 1114.h•
to bo burned 14 a manna. Ntttle,l 011,1
irritated at this. the peewee t exclehire)
"if your Majesty welt but e4).iw bast
gentlemen take oaf his own• .1 seri +non 1
will eat him le -fore i !heli., th•• 4•`l.. ac
oorapsnying this offer with a mean ewe,
Sinn of the jew... first a a• fi:• wa. i'.
battle, K.woitau.,rk saute) tote at 5041
this. Ha 1.e at A masts' retreat f," 1, 41..
tent nee hetreed re hi. own qn eters.
retie Wrinkle
To wte r *la.Ist any M.er, Ij;,1',ev • •
Vvienry 'P►•^:tkte, e < • -.1 , Ty l:nrht' .
Dimas, tt Dw+.e e1,•, as 11 rya Ritt ••n 1,Pl•
sr fails tf a ewe- wherr a earn is reesiele
We kat, w this,
To the Iledleal Prof.... Ion. and all whom
-11 may tuners'.
1three .1t: ret , v, " . :' n(nl, :e P..os-
ph:tte Element loa,e:i 4):.'n Seimt, i. c
Ricer, Fortttteetcd 4,1• Pr.f:•asor :\0,'4' ,
1). of Melton, a11:14.s., o,i:c, l' i iti • -
Consumption. :24iet; flet ia,;Lr, N,:.
0,018 stocks, Vertl1'' iaud 5-eer:111M
and all wavt4)t•t dis•aases of the helium
system. i' • h ... 1:4)` a ti't 'e u• ,
bat a :Catrin, ret, ‚'.4(14' it enr.laIe4 t•o
l'e rrtabie I.1, iner.1 4'.•icon., i4p1'te.,
N itVotie4, anal un S'i.uulanta, inti time
ly the Phosphatic , oil 4;:Irt ric T16•n:: ,I.4
funnel in our daily fo,..4' A an.;10 4.ntlle
is sutlieiwbt to Co004 r••;•, \II 1)rn •tees
sell it. $1.00 p•': 1).44'., i,.iwnes •ti
Co., sole agents 1 • 1'v' 1► ,.ern:on,
Kai Front `treet RIR' 1 t •
• JI
:at r-1 '•
1)T'A N S
bogs to announce 1.. the people de ('t llu.i•'lich awl this section ••f (win, that he has
purehaceil from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of (ln,ccrives. etc„ and w ill
eo+.tinue the bwsines.• in the tad stand, ,in tl.0
Corner f Victoria and Err a 'Streets.
Having ttnu„ht ttt g.x,ds for cash, and as 1 intend to make al my purchases free
wholes le nien for Raab also, I will be in a VIsitinn o bell at
Very Low Prices t.,1, (`ash
My st'.ck will alw'ay's be fresh. I will Lep the but brands • f taat', goad sbgare,
ttt►►► id everything in the grocery lino fruku the beet produce's. Bsa:uu, Spiced M. ate
i•te. , alasya ,i, hand in sesame I ant (tetermine+, to please, kelt in quality teal p 410
IKL ete•Call et the stand, Victoria at,et4, . Hee a the Fat• Gr. und, rear D. K.
trachan's machine chop,
(;ti.derich. March 9th• 1882.
.,,t \\'nik., ei.aldriel.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
G- S—, ARR,Y
SEF -OS! Hamilton Street, Goderich.
U11►t ,:I1':I\-E 1'1tiCF D C.tT
utlc ,.., 4 nlw1, . ., a 1.1,'•, aultitutr) t1ili". "1,a'h dl,.. ern
•, r ..4.1
"Ai .v 4 re n. ,1fretoail..ppliau: .
JOAN .it. tiltl;CE k 0G.
44autitton, • , ea.
.. 1 at .,.,.,.11-
1, t+as-,., ., ,.w be-
” +',.total oat e"cd-
,ed. •, • . .rt 4 o,:, Atte., 1.0-
4(, u1e,, 4. ,..el bit's« bald....a t cr)-
• 1.. • •:tt 'a' •I3• SOW le (lee l.n.P. VIA!
,o •w.n•k '. 4444 time0ur vive ,O',r 401,•,4,•
. •hat„ 1h.•'(01 4)e"+. :ie nahe^ he:4',', - . CI;
ear Tun hearty as well. No one o:en•I.a.t 1.•
41n 4)I ei.441awLL1 racy, by engaging al a:,ee.
;o, ly unttlt .411,1 rerea free. ?lone% made
last, c4w:Iv, and !e•u.arsbly. AddreswTr.rV. te•
Cu., Aureola. 4..aa_.
A good aaaortment of Kitchen, Basi-ruotn. t)oiiug beam ,,,,d Palle r't'urnit u: e, &ugh a To
hie•, Chair, cane mud wood scaled). l'upiwyrds, heels teach, ,1attrets. F. Mr ash•slaa
Lon igen, ::fa•, \Melt -Not s. Look .ng ()Nese,..
•N. ll,- .\ complctc amW d:Pent of Coffins a•. , :.,,,'•,' rl. 1)" l)l hatu1 !i,4 -o 1:iiia, . t h
at t c.eem•ahle nate•
Pb tore F1an11114 a spaelelty.-.- A tall soli:'-..•
v1 'vi)LL c3 ►O Ls 0.
•! ', ! l'Rh,;S
1l` -
. __..y`OR
Neu.'a/gh1. sciatica, Lu nbago,
Backache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quicsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burns and
Scalds, General Boai/y
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frastcd
Feet and Ear', and al/ other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparation on earth, orals tet. J1l44 V.A.
at a safe, Nur" , simple sod Mewp Etter :.!
Reey. A 1.1.l .n4,l. at nme esaapoesttsey
trainss outlaw of :,0 t .a h. aid Deere On enter-
iserlas sets rola an Fate cheap and phew pro'
• Nsclum..
Dlrwrn.•o• In rl,..en Laflamme, ,
BOLD irrA'•i.TRF(ittT h KDDE'.LEI?3
Ti ll¥rD:.INE.
41. VC GELER. & CO,
,•sauna 1,l, rr.1,.
44.5 2.
hour Medals and three ditaotnaa awantc
theta la. -t > 1,..r at the Icahn.; EthIM-
tions, in the 1)omlniou
And all m••n rutin:ng m•a..1,, :.!bate
movies by using oar oil,. Our L.t: ' : V F. ane!
ui(JNtee 4HLhse au egad. Fa.ear speak
louder then word., and the public can nod out
teat the foregoing assertions are true, by try
rag one sample' of oar. Oils prices rte.. on an
dicetiva to
lcColl Bros t, Co Toronto.
The lardlne is fot rale in Goderirh by
R. W. McKKNZIE,.G. H. I'.t..SONS,
=own -.1=g sr Weaa-L
Bee t. announce to the Public that they 1 ate opened business in the ab„te Store
in the store lately occupied 1,;; ,ITt,I•:'or 'eeten. H,.ci• purchased it large and
well :.as„rte w!4ek of Ste il.- •4 `ten t• oi' I o,ods et close• 1 ,ares, we rt a determined
t•. •.:' t' the l'nb:ic the I:.•'prtil.
arPle:ec call red examine "lir !earls 1 ef• to plrehneir.;• e1aeel.) e•
d"Retneull•rr the place, rest door t...1. Wilson's Drug Store
0u: -tote work r'ial tree,%0 our special ntttntinn.
'"None hitt the hest of 'mete all used and first -char, workmen , trent,•, e,
eta -Repairing neatly done •,n the sh.e.:o•t notice.
(i,,,ter;Ph. March 9, Pan. DOWNING & W ED D U P
F:.r 114011. :aa filceaut Ilook of IV Parr' "
Colored Male* of Flower¢ and Vege MIA....
and more than 1,110 lllnstrations of 11. Chnl.•-
e,t Flowers, Plants and V,O.•'ehdrs. and Di-
rections for growing. it is banesomc enough
for the Centre Table or a Holliday Present.
Rend on your name and Poet Office address,
with 10 retie, and l will ,send you ...copy, pos-
tal,. )pail. Thimein not a quarter of Ile coat.
it to printed in both Ln5lieh and Oerman. If
you afterwards order seeds deduct the 10 ctn.
Ylek's heeds are the test la the World
The FLORAL (;t area: will tell how to get awl
grow them.
\-ICK'„ F'I.Ow5R e;tte l"K(FYTAR{.E GAR4NN,
175 Pages, 6 Colored Plates, 500 Isugravingv.
For 50 cents In naper covers ; 51.e0 to elegant
cloth- in German or F.nglish.
- 32 Pages, a Colored Plate to every number
and many tine Fr.;, -ravings. Price 51.25 a
year: Five Copies for $.5.00. Specimen Num-
bers sent for 10 cents; 3 arta' coptea for 21
ita•Fester. N. V.
—Thou,':in.!sof grave.
ire anunrlly robbed
,f their r in im4, lives
i olon cn. '.apptii**a
to I h":alth resterfd
44.1, a craft hcgreal;
1::111:174, '
flyer ted ?feenands
All ,Iter 41 r imp.; oto oi••l't'' 4.e. •tsey
4111/1 Ill Kioe'• 'ler 1)iez: ,very f.'r C• i
sump me. Their t0esistivel fee ree•over-y
by the timely nee ..t $h s ,neat 1 re gat
i". ,rr•w4•iT. catut•-•- t'.t.•h, t^ •i•irle
tares 414 141 pester 1t -• . •1 to
peatie't•ly eery to e • e .r Ili, Ale
eases* hey fever, h^ •..l;' ;, 1, I• .,•P•e..
%ew 1.11'.' far '7 elle e• M•er' a n••1 ley 144*
ease. Pebit'tr and 1)1441,14 a•'
Thu 1,;11 at 4:' "1:11 1. .4 -••
onlyapt'••ifbj•:in 4 ,44 „
Liliti u•.ivrr al les: 1.11e ••r'•"• ..
train in the k. or tit , u . ,mere, - \
•'el14 4. !talc, .a••r44* , tiwcden. I)enmark,
1: of 'Tours; •4t•ntland."Resew, Liana
• 4' to .14:N 1.)lt1ON HittTH$RS.
132e. New fork.
' .:r to cud from
.....a ,. 0rew, 441alw.NeeID*RRT
1,:R itrturn,.6110tq$1(li.
r P•eii r•n Tickets,. 57a.
.•.^tiMo' ,latlow r... .
...eat ion. unec••el'.
:it err:Iooa4 aN 118)14 DI:cx_
• 1.•weet rates to or from
1hatieic•I•th'e y4teitl'drll:+y ho Lr, IH. .9» l , ' 414.1. -
t (late
4elsof ate. 1(11,11, :t(late.GeGenesi.•.,, .. , ..
Reneelte will re-t"1,a the 1 st inset'• ••
.reel•aeC•ire hint+)► And haepine-s, !)1 (1:4
e1, h x 44X 1•05e'4 for $1.00, s„!,! • .
ii,iru.gi•te• Sent'c'11 n'••e•et •t ,
is rr•at aid ale 1' hV R l.hen0. ' j',.L• 1
ate., soil' lemma 1•.r betted Stites. Cu
11l!'/1,a amt teeti,nul.i •ls A. tit f.e4•, -fi'
3y Geo. Itgynt+s, , ' 1',ent. for (l a! -
An Oasis in the desert is no hriehearl•
,••ht fo r w,o lorin t elate than n 11.400
,f 11•, a. !'• rcu'.4 h -ltey Cur to
a,• nn ortupate s,tlferrr from Kidney
U., apc, fret, positive nd
• : ce. t•. ;1.ld by J. W. :on
, t.1 rich. ate
h , tees w.nle,s to the: 1 •.,.•
',w.. er:.,t.\ •• 1.• If •r. of 44,e (1RI:..T 4:. It.
'.IAN 131510.41tA1'r'14, t'.1, 4t, y n•.1e ly a
tet, IMNtell .1.tti' a weeetc fir ''(1 1..1
'. hili',, a,•m'ns! We 0.41e a, tlilpw,teneV,
4t. . on.. a11 lis saes I is:,t arise from =elf•
...use or oyertased hies, I; 1.1411y 01141111V
a4w,r1 spree(. Inoteitt 4611e4I••.,14
'.ere err' a 14..1.1 tv .41 drn!o 11s, n1,
*111 be ,e ,+' fee,' ori 1e.•ript •4 al.o° per
ere, ..r ria d "5e- for $k &arse t'..T
('4.4'v, I'ule•tl... 011ie sole sten, for•
alms Mittel Stit•". tend for ein''.ilar
d tertiu,otsiais of gen eerie. (Teo.
Rh1 nes, ', 1.. :lm
1110 •a . , ,. I.4.ien. w o•,1 1 say tit
be 4.nb440 th d ht ha. tried Hall'. CA
3 ri Curr., end it is all that is 1411411ed
r 1t. Price 75 tate. per h eta.. 441.14
4,v (1,.,a Rayless. * ale s'tant for Mote
• nett 3m:
1,.es ..1 4.itie. or a 4v ' 1.. 1 ,•, of 14,,.
thr•w/ ,anal tulles 4f. Tri a 1 1,a •- •r• c t 1 '1 '4' felell i' E WANT (1F A
•)see.• Iltaje,e *dr,ler r e. i ,a 'a -e :Ts! . t. • e up the 1/1"14.1.,11 hcnith Is
it .; i , i • n sa , stn r tees est, eisly iiviir t 41.141-
n ., Iv Or., il4l,1.r,elhi, a'.or4 tyro
j A tam •',+ether. s 'grief estt•Mwwlife at.d
A Rowena—Of rate+ •L . 7,.,.,.„. , ,'1, M
•h •. ea ' 1, .itwlilt Mminl 1.he red
N 1„ any'n'iM 84 ). lin 1 t., 1, •44 ,,.,.. r, ) ',e'en
,e'en o• .In Hva l"RIMMPw,Inn$
lr'iWine. )Besse • . 1 .I,m'n1$w
' (nwo. fon*, ;,1 est aaine !e*'fnn. wninh',len1,l "n
th• 1
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e .w t 1,'t 1'h• tip M e, a ;'nll4w• a will serine
your drones*. or tid.ltr*ra.• seeim.'itair,' a1 Viers t• Ir• normal plane
4 es f t :ad r
.8 J a"1, t •
)ITE REytt.'DT
All Diseases of the Throat Lune* sac
Pulmonary Organs.
RN' 1 T i F• A t T R r I t. r• s ,w,
1 CONSUMPTION 11.1.1 1EI"N CU:Z1 1)
n other Remedies and Physkiant hie,
failed to etleet a cure.
Ihreemmende44".PursictA' MIlCInnr114114
lel 49414. III 4.,,', hy,e.er)hody. w1.4 h:an
given it. a ga4 trial. Et accor faits
40 being regi.
As an I:SPaCTO AXT is L'xa , i:1:.
It is harmless to the bi• =t Delicate
It "meal./ Orir.1! In any Forint
¢9f r`.reene^a aeeempr,;• eaeh bottle.
eirkw [ere Ly a.
• r 4441
tare.,:': .
mnit . .'(.041.44 •
,.,...,, (.; pri,e. 1 , n: '
1'1444\t'\. r•
RtIY1 A= .
Sole Agent for Linda rich
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WOR*_` POW))!
Arae:,t,:.n at kc. C,lntr.iatheir,etn
Furcetive it a a 'e, w^m, an 1 .NoeINal
destroyer or .rnrma in Cldidron OW Adults.
• it ,uot101 tnvet^teattib. • 1
the a , '4, Maa•e41aa tai MRMRSIM,
Ito . ..44'.1011 rower. and uar (we
•., •watt of a•n r.:rwoes Qat sad
.:, 4, 1: • tie 1 b:atr., Levee* AH1h1aaL
„Ire . 1 e . P4 d. P4 *tonneau 1m Varea
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.t,,4. , 1 e,. fa •.1 ii 08.08, and
Atha,s. 144 A rte , 1,S siptee efeVla on Part taprrw
tete. 411 et t Ttotiet Cantos 1n
obi.e1 ... 1 441 a
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.r'.• .t,.. taw ,e 14111014.lors that e4fer le«. 4et1111
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. 4t. too
ti) oar /ogre... 1'Ielel 0Obr, e4 aders.s
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4440 Pre e• GPM WC. Ma' Tta a r.,+ Ott
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.;.:T RH._.
And sveey peer!.• of ersoino arising from
d•'ordered t V; 4, M,D/itYl, riT0MAWR,
D()wito8 OR *1.(1100,
composedla7Tgay u. dred }:Sea or 1..
leeeeteeLeeTatecezAP6..Tl_- . a.
re . tie., world—the. C'eeetrot:nee Itslows
not Cart, but t -rano a hkshly polished sur-'
face over the pate, rc.l..e nz,fr:a. O:'.: -Id
llg.htening the er3L :. • - C:, IAP .:.=- L
.au:,e It cocas 111) 1 :.....t E. than !: (a; or
rands.11X4'1 ono t- : 4. .I 0, t'C Ara -'t o'
4.1%1'5 .:41'11.4y 0 ' , t. , . t
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•.:hlur's. C r .-i' .
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.1 1 . 10 t .' 1•..I 1 ..4l
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-eammemosaDatet snaz-•.--.
ileo + 0,i: •4) 1, 41 e.
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Sya.m. d st. ,• • i... urtica
inn W )ii 1. o. •• , i; w 14 ll
t(at i--4:14?t. 1,o,
01ILY iiItER411 i
I• i•• .
4• IV 111 ,t
$ or, T.
• .. 1.t.,•.•
Mvlet.= .n••1; , rare.
:neon, i '1'a'.
111•0111 Bret.
40 '
• 41
0'; ,.1... ' .-.
1'3.. n, el . 1.44 ., 1
.s4 -t.0 n 5 '' g•e 1
Issue, i 'v, 1t 41 1 a• 1•e•
c..rr t4' a .ern It •1. 1, a G•.1 ., .. , r. ,
re►lotri, In Ieulth et tilde. .
W. 11. 11431.1 •
Wat.a.-., nett, Mite*
P.J.ewe ,11.11r t .1 ro 4e,
rimer.' :laws 1 a ,,•0)
st)1,.r,s44teer ,e• t::f• t n
et Ire .,. 4.,,. il.
Hall's Cat• -1, rh C
'•ell ,.y all tvL e. ,
sad r' 1 , 1'
tb, •4.44,4.1 i- •,
('H ,•1:
S llllle t
'111(.1 IP. lis,•: •
The only Keene* nab • ,'a• e•e, ••e,
atemeett rev '''. J. ens'I5'KY R et' 1...
asrHerteRe of emit t!e'na
Rete)..) for %be • /-, , • - . to h
H. W. HOBSJN, Welland. Il
4•Ili, 1'.111