The Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 6THE 11 1 L. 1.1.1A 1 , APRIL 18b3.
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tteIPAlk AND asaOLUT[nr.
The rain had taken on, but the wind Mele..uu, $ •11 t:
r. a blowing fresh and strong from the ease. The . et w
pest, and the dark hill-ahadewol watv.1 day. TLere r. Wo ell 1.
uf the Loch were lashing the rock-bound haul, 1 weepier: f '
shore with foaming maims as far tie the " 11.uic, ' t raw e.y repo.: •
geouuld Carty. '• Theo 1 al'h umd.,uNr
Few were the words that passed be- old Chief, al's his eouutel•:
tweeze he old Chief and his escort es lures nide:died &truce 111
they strode with long, firm strides along mem.
that wild and romantically heaetiftil sea '• It ie uufer•unate, rt
Path. 411dowod by the mighty hilis. cel, „ but Sir C, lin Cam..i
The year was teat drawing -to a theme, 111'Iau seemed absorbed in the saddest Iasi, sheriff of Arrylesi,'r• 4 -
WW1 with It the capiry of the term of reflections. Occasionally he Etrude on custodial' of your prodol, •.
melee), extended t.. tee Jae..bite recite- before thuiu apace, as If impatient of the " Sixty utiles ti ett.,• 'e•• • "tr'
a.cutuplislwient of the purpose at jostle, cow stand," capitate. e At i t .
" Exactly," replied t:.r• e...6, .or -
mal old Colonel. '• 1C .; c , ,, r
tunate ; and the roads must nee .1.1;
be wet and bad."
,' Come, eou,tie 0E101) 31, ' ps colo
Milan ;"beamen. Why se nee 1 for
.owl redtape f The case is ours of aware
extremity. The livesef hundreds twig
ou the jasue. Administer the ••ath ante
save my people. Ain Ito befivvv 1 ,.l'1
the subject of • cuispiraoy 1 Why de
you refuse me f I ase clearly ul'shle t.
reach Iuverary before the lapse of three
King's days. I ate then helplessly a•
the wsrcy uf the soldiery. The caw
an extreme one. For God's sake, Col..
nel, sane my people l" sud the old Chief
overcome with emotion, was unable to
restrain the tears which coursed d•,wii
his time -worn, weatherstained :hacks.
"• I regret my inability te serve yon 1r
thii importaut matter very much," said
the Colonel, '• but the blame lies mostly
at your own door. Why was the sub-
mission so lung delayed ? It was sheer
madness to trust everything to the lest
moment. The error is au uufortunate
one ; but in this matter I fear 1 am un-
able to assist you."
•• Why insult my attachment to a fal-
len cause with taunting words ?-' returned
M'Ian. •' Not for myself, but only dot
my poor people I plead your considera-
tion. Do not made me desperate, Cul-
" I am nota civil magistrate, and con-
seuuently can do nothing to help you,
rkplied the Colonel.
" You aro a King's•ulficer,'• interposed
" The case is a hard (Me, and the iasu:•
desperate," put in John, the Chief's sr r.
" Can nc•thing bo done to aid us, Col-
The formal old Colonel strode back-
wards and forwards the length 4•1 the
room as if meditating a compromise. 11 •
was a soldier of the good old typ.e—
rough, strong, and fuk of hard facts and
rigid discipline. But hidden away.unler
his military coat, with its gold faciugn,
which was buttoned and padded' t.. the
chin, he ' aJ a human heart which was
syi pat'ieti.3lly moved at sight of the
venerable old Chief's distress, and elide
unwilling to overstep his duty, he was
anxious to find an oxculpatury 1,re:ext
for ser�jnghitn.
" You refuse me the Ostn''; remon-
strated Mian in a tone of high warmth
" and that too in the presence of two
witnesses who are ready to subsign icy'
ttcslati, n. If after this I and my 1••.er
innocent people are served iy the Gee -
eminent with a sentence of ejectment
and outlawry then I shall appeal against
he justice of it and your refusal of my
subinis.:on either to the Lords .f the
Privy Council at. Edinburgh or t.•
King Iii:uself, whose a•ibj.`ct 1 sire
am, although the nater aE all•• i u.
thus cruelly witholden fru:u we
u,avui,; delivered his lain 1 the •ei-
sp.rite.l old Chief turned sharply
ural with the tears starting air + : .
eyes eeaz.d :hia, stick a:. 1 1, rl
was ina.iue$f,:r the door.
. go,.d ii. •.ol, ie.,: e 1 tLm l
4:elem.% n.,t for yo u C ...• . .v
idle, but tor the sake of yon. : .
cent Le'ple, who 1:%e li' t r i; r
thus' nu fault of fheir own, will 1 .t..
a point in (die matter. In Cr it t
I ata reuiy to serve )• u f .r es ley
pesitiee will let me. It will grate :'..t
l i my own 1iam.1 a lett.r to Sir Colin of
Ardkinless, etatia,g the mistake which
bene:l t yeti fere, 1 e Bung him t.. im
tire t:eCeaeary oat'.e to y• e. I will
lin thee Reath jail a p el'aullal
under toy Own hunt, with t.i' aa.uratite
�• that n•, procee in;; shall be etetitated
.{airs: you ur your people under the
' 1'i•eclamatiun' tall yea s'rall hxv.i t fair
riepertur.aty of Jayne; your rise either
b^ft,ro tha Privy C..uncil or '1:., Kurt."
"Spoken like a true ir...i, (ilonel r'
cried Milne clasping tate rough old so'.-
dices hai.d tctween his eon end v ring-
. - it ••: ith fent ,. "A t': :i,e! 'este
fel dere.&!"
.\'.•.'' :alt further peat .••; . termini 11111
tue:. l a 110411 ethic, i.•. winch some
ordinary writing materials were Wu/
and (puck as the quill could trace them
dashed down a few curt set,tepoes •in -
h :.lying the verbal 1-tnmise he heti just
made, and eupereoritrine it to Sir Colin
a 11=4d net (.el' more than half an -
the Fort, yet the sky bed .0
lou, taken on a uniform deli gray
&Intl the air a told, sharp, chillis,g
.i•.rew, lads," remarked Mien, mime -
,y they had relerged upon the
,. - : 11, 1s des possible misfortune Slaty
act• ray an Whiled& track o1 mlr,ia
a • hate iii snlety wintry- weather •di
iu- ) the best •.f ke, 1 fear. -
es • 'Iii hills are cur familiar
e..rurfuay rejoibed Maleedni, ';the track
i ruor.l' to us ; and the snow may be
1 At eu.,u,h to do no more thea )fast
w,uteo oma pat h.
••'teaching Divorcee, we ,hall then
.1. •W whether it will he safe 10 proceed.'
items.' John, son of the Chief.
" N.ry, u.y lads,.' rejoined M'lan, "se
411411 not turn aside from our stnigbt
.1 mire even to refresh ourselees at Inver
w. The fault of delay is wine. I sm
milieus that my beloved people shall not
.,ntfer by it: With the help of God I am
determined to reach Inverary with all
p.easble speed. It la now three o'clock
in the afternoon, and 1 purpose reaching
Bar•caldine House to -nicht. With the in-
duleeove of the Earl's chamberlain we
way rest there for the night, our next
,cage being the Sheriffs chambers at 10-
verary. Let us push on."
Thus situated and intentioned, the
three Glencoe men stepped firmly on,
the white, cold snow --which was already
whirling thickly down ---driving right
against their bearded facer, with the
wind moaning heavily from acres the
foam -capped sea, and the black waters
of the Loch lashing noiselessly against
the rocky base of the narrow rtwd,which
stretched irre',ularly beneath their feet
1, r tulles
(To ss conTSNQan.)
ants ; and suulI the hostile attitude of
the heroic, if uustakeu, M lac was ss .10-
hant and as res.•luto es ever. He hid
hoped igail'st hepe in the pi silreity of
inspiring his h•otner Chiefs to t..11oe '.aa
daring example. Equally brae and re-
solute as he, others of tee .latohite
party, who had the sagacity which he
wanted, foresaw ouly fatal and trcevo-
eahle failure in refusing present submis-
sion, and the high-spirited ole lieu of
Glencoe found himself in the end all
but isolated and cut off fn,m the sym-
pathy and necessary support of hia c.n-
Day by day, as the term m1 grace drew
to a dose, advice and even pressure had
been Used by M'Ln's friends to iuduoe
him to take the despised oath ; bat the
insidious and misleading wiles of Glen-
lyon, joined to the firm end obstinate
spirit of tke Chief, were destined to give
his enetnies a forma) pretext for work-
ing out a long cherished and Moody re-
It waw the forenoon of the 31at day
,.1 December, 11191 --the last day of
grace, in terms of the King's "Proclama-
M'Ian was alone i,. hi, 'ruse at Inver-
coe. Ile was in an agony of mental ex-
citement, as he strode backwards and
forwards the length of the roem,, nrallat-
ing between two opposite courses—loy-
alty to his Jacobite faith, and mercy to
his beloved people.
To a mind ..f less heroic fidelity the
prudent course of self:interest would 4.1)-
viously have presented itself : but in
M'Ian's view`of it a falling away from
the political faiths and traditions of
his sept was only less culpable than an
open desecration sof the temple of their
Overcome with emotion at the only al-
ternative left him he had thrust himself
int.. a scat before a glowing fire of teat,
when a domestic entered the room and
presented him with a note froom Lochiel,
which had been bender' in by a imat.en-
qs'r who w.ts waiting for an memo. out-
Mien started up from hia revel ie rad
been' : the seal read these wee- .:,nt
words :
"Cunfor.n to the oath at ,arc ! 1714.
e si4ae for the .the
is Helpless., . Ygtr
stand alone! . "'Locular..
These words tixt+•1 his wav'•trnig iiia I.
'My people roust he raved l•' he et Mil_
sprIneinq to his feet. "Instruct Lochiele
messen•'er,' he added, addressing an at -
'hominy a truublod preoccupation o1
a't►d which they did not cheese to dis-
Only once did they stop by the way,
and that was to seek a 'fondest refresh-
ment at a small tori -thicked roadside
inn, where "entertainment for Wall and
beast" was advertisedover the door lintel
in the humblest .1 sign painting.
The ''guidwife" of the rude hostelrie,
wile knew Mien well, was deferential to
hi n to a degree, and gave hint the beat
seat in the house- which was not much
et 'test- easefully and iudeed elaborately
.lusting it with the edge of her white
apron, as s distinction due to his rank.
Civilities exchanged, the homely host-
ess returned with a plate of oaten cakes,
the end of a crisp and highly flavored
cheese, and along with these excellent
stomach linings a flagon of foaming ale.
These requisites served to her guests,the
ale wife curtseyed defcrently to the Chief,
and promptly withdrew.
•'Were my own interests clone concern-
ed." remarked Mian, as the brief con-
versation that ensued reverted to the sub-
ject at issue, "I would soorn to sign my
'lame to such a deed of submission. King
James is my sovereign by inalienable right
dad his ancestors were the kings of my
forefathers. But fur the safety of my
beloved people ---the inhabitants of the
Glen-- i will for once betray my consci-
ence, and kneel to the expediency of
the heir. Glenlyon, I. fen r, has deco ived
• • He is a Campbell, and is consequent -
1y an enemy of Glencoe," said Malcolm.
"Gf Breadalbane's malice and treach-
ery I have never had a doubt, but if
tilenlyon, by encouraging me to hold
out tre the last, has been playing rue false
then I have, as I say, leen deceived in
-''They are both Campbell's,- urged
11a1cehu, "and have played us false."
"But our action today defeats their
.nalicc," teutarked John, son of the
"Ye=." exclaimed M Ian, springing to
his feet, •`with the help of heaven, we
will within an hour put the en rrtenity
of revenge pant our enemies. Let us
hurry yont, lade."
Thus briefly rusted and refreshed, they
at ail' took the read due north, and were
presently winding round the giXautic and
far•spreading base of the lofty Len ;Lev -
The military fort where Colonel Hill's
tondant.' that 1 will attend to his Chief's leen were garrisoned was situate.Pa short
advice. (i. -t my plaid and stick I s.krrl way north of the little Highland dacha?,
out, 8o,1 ece,1 ;:.; u•, John, arts' Maleebe which nestled at the head of the Loch,
of the Inn ; for to -day, blow fair er ioui directly under the shadow of the I3en.
1must take the hill paths for Fort \\'il- It was situated near Inverluchy ; was or -
Baer.' . i:{ivally ctected by Oliver Creme ell ; was
Tie, • , .. 1 i,- Itirtired by Lieutenant General Sir
peau.' 0 Alt 1 1 Al..cr1ty ,., c," w ., 11 1 comas Litim stop ; and received there -
the ,•n. ,•:.hers 4,1 his ' i , r..l. the :titer the ;lame 41 Fort. William --lett ing
allow .,f .tb nae eyes he ,•:esu an ontsu:al been rel::tired and rczarrisnn .l i„ 1�i•,�
eicir,•rielit of mind. William's name.
lobe., }1 1an's 41.1.•x' son, was pretest- Towards this military tti•nn41.4,1.1 .•1
ly tai k,. 1,, a,r , .tad Nubia •. ,eel the rcienine party M Ian curd i . .. 1t
M,,!.,:', eriele, ever ...ele an 1 emit their stops.
proud •,f t:., i,1 .11et., of 14-rviil. ter be- A flee floated above the aur.: r t t:er,
loved C'iiief, w:as also in hia l'etrvcnee r.r :. and the strung breeze which was l,low-
et ii• • .;, ; •• •1-• t -•- •,•'•. ink the southwest stretched out the sitk-
••1;. t '•, en she.t straight and stiff from the )role.
hada, 1. ..r , • 1 e.r `1'0': ,' + ,7! It '. The fort was irregular in form, batt :ye.
'•1 iia., .1 wee frees L chid a..n .. 5 1 a place of great strength, and h:t 1 been
re xaupic4 lid the Whig soldiery , J..i.-
silly for the purpose of overai• 114: the
Camerees, the 1.Iacdunalds, and ether
: r••''l,leeel.e .Jacobite clans.
;Approaching the g.ite 31111)1 ereerur.c
Willisia, hole1 the in•h.atille tip ted himself, desiring an audience o•1 the
t., ,0 ). \\. t• l':mrt rt -I old is ": L. ,orumaudiny Colonel.
• The request wore promptly a,.,•.r J,
i :o . '. r an 1 within a 1.:a' eluates the (.riea.eot
tlll •,) w'ete stated in the Colonel's private
mem Briefly Mien explained lois mire
'•i ani comic. Colonel,- he -said, a to
'ender to you nay submi.,ann to tl e
re•i !Hing snthnrity, and to take the n•ttli
or •lleainnce to Ring William ie tern s
of the nrea1 'Proclamati. n.' For my
self, and en behalf 4,1 tee 1,'1•+1.• peoi.le.
T am resole to he omens."
The Colonel looked 5.141? i 1 •r `. ...•,-
',/Pref, a1)Il '1 Enea Infh t , 1::, 1 11 (*lee
r' yah 1e.nk dtthi••n., (sr rel," i em rr';-
e t ;lel •• •` iso y"u I1:.1:1 t Ural' intU •1.
t •' 1 11.•rt are t.vo :Ate -eine witrrsseli
'emeriti., 1,6 hi. eeeert.) Call yen own
."ti•.•••. a and bring me I ,n alio ink
deori,1 •) ❑i:• or, r,Mjr:i,. to f_'.,l•,n,•1 i11
11114 :at ones t.akolg the each of, willies
eerie 'l oc aultare end safety „f lay pe.
pl • • r•i. . i•. •.. .111 i..' a ,.f.r o—e.• y.' -
g,ine Yee :, ill tic.:,aep:any toe t Eel
t n:(.. .• , : ,• , •.,. 1 •1
1.111) 11. 11.: t.4 r
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i.' e1 -•.I le .o
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C1 ,
9111 .. . 4'r C al -
s••.• 1 • 1.4. rt di -.,treat -:'f re.
t b, •i- " 1 ..
'nes petit .•, • , ;.'rt tweet.
I eels 11114 .6 r. 1 • i * to ';til
It .. •.l..c 1....l'' .' i .. ea.e ha'., feta, t:.
1 ri L1i .ia•o •
Cosueesas. -A name well known in
ouuect.lon with the Hair Renewer,which
retort* grey hair to its natural color by
a few weeks see. Sold at 50 cents per
• sot t 1e by Janie. Wilson. 2m
Yawned by a11.
Dr. Smith's Groat German Worm Be-
oody--A medicine that requires no phy-
sio ; pert.ctly safe and pleasant to teko.
II • nu other ; ;Km., of all druit;ista. 2
aNv 11VJ
*A.L1VIO3d V
L' y
I �N'1
And an
polars 1a Iowa,
Nebraelmliltrnurl. Fan
sea, New &text... Arltta. al
me 61.101:r16br. 1/4t;lt'6L'2T sod
BEST Ura to et. Jampe.
At• abs, Toilets. Deal
sou. Mie, cat
Casa mot lex...
L s
Now is the time. It ; 0,1 ,h one or t wo He Y over st Losse, to see Putter's room par• •
20,000 Rollsof the Latest Designs
Heauttfnl colors, and at priors loss host an s in much
In t mustg000de iwltee
. r i ed ".. t t., nr t >
c11a c; -
14 . Loofa Axon., superior Or .albeit
l •� L.•e, 410 ne'pulta end at. teal.
Q dverr
� .. , ....•ey r-1wt d 1.
r c acedcd to
,•-• • Great
he the best equipper,—3 hCar
ttalnoal In flee 1. .r . -._*. -�
a.Y CIaeer. Ct l r.: •., ��t-
holy r.'ad. tif'ir.n, t hid you ShiaCentpbell, Sbiof Ariryleshire, he
, Ito mini you ire," said theree `.o•tnnel
then tM fan, anerg-
n 4 rope 14)410 of voile; rani truly ting data noel to noIliatst aeon forme! thd
tarry ihnt 1 cannot neeist you in this 01,,,,k
trios., with
the gretefuhl old
twitter. 1 a1/ :a military :.zed net n civil (thief and hie esorre, and wished them
..lgr. 1n'1 Mayo no poet to r0t'etve geu.l spaced on their journey
vont .o•tb.'
1 tno,nent after 3rIsn and hia unpn •
4 • sine T cry /•f an prise hn,ko from tentious but faithf al e:'rnrt had passed
tl.e .•Li Chie•, an 1 Jnhn ^n 1 Mnlrnlm (nen the Colonel's room jute the remit-
sl ', who e i mon t ai'e of him, yard of the Fort, and were presently
t11at' ei11ib1• starts 1. once more in the opened freedom of the
Rat e •seeder. (101o141.' inter' o•eet rola.)
The LaWii Spring liana Pain aid bins,
At 13aLTTZ=12Z'S
TI) BUY Y(►11R- -
CrossCutSaws & Axes
c ' C1-1116INTIEli
Table and Pocket Cutlery --Beet Value,
.1nd Largest Aw,rtmcnt in th,• i'„un'*, n;,° a bull I;n.•, f 4h, if 1lairtware.
Paints and Oils at Bottom Prices
Barb Wire--BestMade.
1Z_ 77\7_ . /J c=.='T'.i-.1I—_
' roti i CABI1•r ET :NI. KER,
Thro•ic:', �•';' ./ Trr14
'Mkt t. i '-i:-%>
� •) ,/, ) ni win I ; t —A�uI_ 4ss ��.jj
Celehr,t .. t.:• ...arta • i} lit �A ■ I '4 t 1. 1_ 11 t/ lit 'I I 114 tr ft r�, t as .
sate •t nCti/ . , uste•d '
the 1;. S., i curer . � • 't\ , ..:.•'-
.� a area
T. 1 POT T 11.
e tutors.
'.1. LOWELL.
C• tiedtalr P: =r,. ?; t,
'roman, rb, •
It. .1 eri 4 *1 oN, .\gent, (i„olerelt
2?.^,Y .L lee .A.Ile.
1::::,'Nl)1:1:ItV t;LAa(I)%Y
1st ,6t r;t:t r5144414.r•.
• •124'1,.
hid..4 ,.. 11 2014). 11'1t..'1 . : .4. 14 :Lt.
; 11111 1141 f.c
:•(o/.) -J'! / t 1•.
't .1 .1
l 4.1.,
II. '.f
1'.1 ULSMA X.
1 hat•,•. now t41 11:,1),1 :1 Vv:ry 1:4rgo attack, such no
Chairs ofali kinds, Tables, Bedsteads,
Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat-
tan Chairs, ac.,
2 Doors West of the Post Ofcp.
- - --nAaair
(H :v) Ai A S.
'pr;11114. — — -- —
.4:..i4trl. N
. .1.ty raft.
116,1:41. )lay lab.
.fAficr 14 hid, the Steamers will he ries-
1,at tel from Qitebec. .
1..•t train leas CS Toronto with tie 1,,siieanti
p,. r.•:m;r rr at 7:12 every Tinlrs4ay morni.t.
c"11isretkg with ,he steamer at tlalifet.
1•'articketeaadeyerr information apply
11. Alt)4sITI1ONO.
Tlckel .lariat.
An !nsoection Invited
'°: A Discount of 12i rer cent Allowed on all Cash Pur( hacee in
.. J 'r'- e- • -e
�., Rt. n 0 D•
Feathers. silt Velvets, Flans, Hats, etc,, etc,, rte.
This is a Genuine Offer, as I am anxious to Clear off ¥y
Winter Stock.
Miss Jessie Wii.son,
1'11 yQUARE (-IOM I(1t•11