The Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 4a THE HURON SIGNAL..'1;1bAt-- _ ap I 1 t •i , ..,hu , watrrt..T fieuu,lr, vont THE HURON SIGNALItratitett of Provincial affairs, and ultra Bel REFORM 1 roi Meta! D atttu ou to'n's were I w n.t hod. himself in a t • rity 1 re 111 ro,tujre to be dtanewd. FARBW ELL BANQU 1 1 warm uowpbiuent 1.. the Biagi pwruu u..e o ►. M BANQUET ET character aim 1•,lhtictl ca•4cabeity of the Idespete the whole ru•eugth of the Duinili• + Premier, and thou,pht that ion (iluyornutwit, in spite uf ithefact a t!thhat g. LibelIi had geed ground for c.ugiatu• o Imam in the fact t!,i,t their leaders, Mr and lo, al itrws kept ar far a+ pa •:,ibluf tt Blake. laic. Ma.krazie end D1 r. Mowat, 'jellied act derleite wie'le :,Ir sod trutg A Sucoeesfll Liberal Getthelin FRIDAI', APRIL Gra, 11[83. Two very interesting letters appear in I T thisk' f T S On 1a6,01 k Friends or Jelin locale. tib.. tura. Large attrMJaare ars eases hy Ho' were all men of puimpeachable integrity }{ oldie' M..wct. ■•a. a. A. Nord) sae 'Cheers.) All adutitt- use Ut Lotuuu .0 fu sells, a:IrR else • lieeJ '• *end MU' „tarn atarl•Premier Is•ftl/Is• and Aright life. Cheers.) a of t11Y pen,. was an , haus the emphatic uttenttc . u I mere weseutetiun', despite the ■l, tnu tV udr he was pro week's issue c as 10, AL. P ed hat Sir John Macdonald1 our secr.nd page Mr. Colin Clark la" ..rt rv•■++•• I situ a and saxeseful man, but few Lew proof /111ter "tit at 'hall not a On Friday evening last a largo num And Mowat won t go, I.astuint tun, gives some interesting rum (late of rho friends ad • formerly of 1 I servstiver would venture t•, claim that (Great c 'rent:.. and ,Juhn Leckie, Esq., fnrw erly rcere of I Thu Reform tanquet in Clint ,u en i be w,u c.•t honest psehtician. He re- despite ell the illegitimate influences t 'ward etc espi r sinal him, s•, lou;; as the draws eutnparilluus between Southern Brussels and \\Arden . f the count), (Muni.. and Da[Cota at the " Queen's,.' and 'fraternized at a suwptu.ue banquet given in honor of - - ------ -- I their respected townsman, prior to, bis Tnu. r is cow talk of • Comtnercial ar- departure for the Northwest, where he antigen -lent being likely to be made be- ; Pur. aeil to reside in the time t" croute. [ween the English directors of the (:rand There ere': u a ler a aundauee; the feeing Crunk and the ceontrullrrs of the Canada I viand's and h.ju ors pr viol sby Myuheer Pacific Railway. We can hardly see how Roe would bate tempted an :+uchorite, such an unangenlent can be made, but and satiated an epicure. the people t'f Canada shotad watch the The chair was neeupjed by IDs, W. e3 R Ho..... and Mr. E. E. Wade waved Thursday of lest seek, t.. consort rate the continuing in line of ehisdthree Hu• nee, wss well attended, use450 sitting down to the tel les, lnany \tee ng `resent. The spread was one of the Leat it has et t•r been our privilege to in Hu and rotlwar.' credit witness ferred t i the long rull f p opul tr mea- puto le awl electors uf Ontario, as noir, ealueil lun- forre i the thea Tonal tr of he pool for national i er put cool the their ff.airs. 'u Enthusiastictistratien cheering t, of 1. ,kg b Liberal ]es i■lotto''. I rebuked the pretension of Sir Jtihe c- case closely, and if an attempt is trade ; the ba nter'st the other end of the table to make a great central ucunopuly, steps in his usually graceful manner Fu 1 "r president G.derich ltefunn ass'•c•iation .+ ijea,tenel depression, the ..0 Ilk . should ba taken to checkmate it. Gode- ing we give a list •of the toasts and the We Pi'oudfu•.t, secretary Refortn ascots• !a1..ug the commercial horizon, that mea - rich has Leen retarded in its progress by I names of those who responded.. -- G. Cameron, 4 could u •t yet be said by any meauy IIII The Queen and Rapti Frmely -cue being at Incitncr.y of .ue,lute,aud tunny verse .,f Nati.nul Antlwnt 1 y d i i any. towns in Western ()Mario are at the pre- ; The (governor t tenure and I.tente- aemt time experiencing alike evil result nantr(,Verlur- -" For they :re jolly Wallace,<1 the ."nstttuau 'rout the fusion .f the G. W. R. and guest fellows,' by conys►ny. G T It A d , Captain Sweeten confederation. The credit for the pais upon the caterer, Mr. I'. Robb. nee of that great measure was due to the I eheei and himself, upon thus ''•vaso%. Every section of the county Was 1 honored and revered lender now gone ,he rc"; resrntatitw of the Jluwat lice. preseutcd at the banquet. The fol from amen; us, the Hon. Geo. Brown. ernuteut, was indeed a uoutp,rnaan••n for lowing Is the list o1 the 1 ,derj_h Cheers. Ile could remember no an- W." t' the haul battle through which. during P Adenismi county clerk ; E. NIartin„ the 'Netional Policy, anti in view id the I le p. enc : -- Col. A. M. R..ss, M. l..• purely the that coultL he regarded ,he past few s.indee , they hat) been ter Horton, ea West Hume ; Meyer i_ -V ..r I\.... ••t1.'•"{'\toe 'he past Ilfrh senium Biro had embracing whole audience, net only air this wrl- coute, hut for the Siert Bet's'y %daub h id been eela.N ed in the three Hurons, tion ;Capt. phymas, . sacro Burr '. at least he might shake heti .is will► theta M. Polley, J. McBride, \V Mitchell, t„ hate accoe p1ishrd its pretensinna' metaphorically, because there x. re dedi• Geis. Swanson Magnus C. tiwana•,n, D. Hr Lail Army and bet @talon o y donald to tie regarded as the father of , NUN. A. S. Iia1U•Y was greeted with tuulultueus al'lleure I He s tid the Clattering receptaum slit en his aa Bit t!:e plan did nut work. The magic had gout; cut of the 1 wend.ext d iawa taug ter awl applause". nd rtsfnt , the all.-.. 1 charsrs brought Onetime 41, )vrtt,ueut h Mr. aeaiu,t the l siert„ Y Mere lith's follew•ero. I The leveller for Ent Totem,. theeeht he h s•1 thsee eterl r remittal, and of the house painted his finger at the Minister ort Agrteulture, and shook his head, imitating Ser John. He did not grow very indinua t. it would not boa Jle lti,il. \\ hit '• ten axn- dal1 It wax that a mat. font Texas, abi.t cattle ranch owner, had actually gone t l AgriCudtu•al C:h.n: and had talked t'' the Iways, elvisiu.i then% Out to mac teat:'a+, rte. Terrible 'caudal' seeeeeu hetes* how bad it would have been had a woman from 'resas dote there. Laughter. Mr. Monis iwm drop.e•1 that acaudal. Mr. Hardy then alluded to the uniutpt-ached and unim- peachable record of the Ontario Govern- ment during the past ten years. it was es Purr to dry as it wss too years age : the Peg aliich Refurnwr• placed in the hands of Mr. Mowxt ten years ago was a+ pure end unsuliir.l and white to -day as it • .a when the pe,•iota 1da.e.ud et there. Hou. Mr. Uir'Jy's p,.werful and c.nt- e iuriu ad,ircusparklel tnr.cughaut with chai.tcteristie sallies of hurter, and 'nee pied fully an hour in delivery. On re- sumioa his seat. the audience broke forth gut" the most enthusiastic eheerinq. The other speakers on the occasion were T. Ballantyne, M. P. P., for South Pert;i ; D. I) Hay, Liston el ; Dr. Sloan, Blyth ; E. Holmes, Clinton ; M. V efeLean, Seaford] ; D. McGillicuddy, never yet terata Mi'. Dfuwat err_- culties ail the way of the other proi,,.rr. Gordon, S. Pollock, 1. McGillicuddy, I ge•t a measure nni:roper .r wron'e ; hu i tion, for lie raw that a lar; e number • of C. Seager, J. C. Robinson, V . ' • had nett gerrymandered - ' his hearers belonged to tee fear nes. S. Shame, T. N. lance}', J. L Atkin. I cies, although he had the opp.rhnuty of ' (Liul:liter). They had coataiuly achiet-- The hall was taistefully and artistically tieing so. He asked for u renewal of ad a noble victry. Huron Ilea dee° it- self justice in this election as it has often done in the part. Speaking . f Mr. Bis- hop, he cal he was a man who in his speedier in the Hume always ailJed di- Bit i• Yount: ours¢ ; also a sous[ -" Dee p along decorated and uwtt.w,c d for the (aution, I supp.rt under the old conditions. the coast of gar -la _ bJ l.al1t. Stret- especially %unable amongst which were, I was far brittn• ha should keep the re c• rel ELSEWHERE is this issue will be founJ'Iton "Welcome." "Monet \Ven't tee,• •• lion- i of the party pure, even if defeated et • e report .4 the grand banquet at Clin- The P:nliameuts of .Caiada-'l'h.o)as est Government." "Provincial Rights," the paella Choerii He regretted that, ton in homer of the continuance of the Gibson, M.PP. "Blake,' "Mackenzie," "Mowat," i a larger measure of support had not "The Guest of the Erening was "Bishop," "McMillan," ''Rune.' Garner been accorded Mr. ltfowat at the gotta ; •hreci Horsens to Reform. The banquet then prop -[sed by the chairman in a „n a +•f,jba.n," "Harty," ''Hume Rule that cite momentous IraUt at stake had was a most successful affair, and the fact +pleasing style. He w u pleased to be per fur Ontari ," "No Bleu Rule," ' "Ruron I not taken deeper hold upon the heart .f t so %tatty p rroona gathering at Chilean sent to do honor to. an old townsman, Solid for Good Government," "The Hub the country. He had no desire that from all lents of the ccsute to do honor yet he also experienced feelings of strop , Nelcomes its Visitors... to the local members, and jay a tribute regret on this occasion. He had known . The excellent committee of lusuage- Mr. biocide intimately for many years. meat were Mayor Forester, Chairman, to the Reform Premier and his callus - and althuugh they had not been able w, M. Farren, James Fair, James . Smith, Dr Williams, E. Relines, D. F. Macpherson and A. H. Mantling. A pleasing feature of the banquet was that not a drop of liquor was used. During the afternoon it had been as- certained that Hon. Mr. Mowat had train at Stratford and would not reach Clinton until 0 o'clock, guts, goes far to show that no lethargy exists amongst the Liberals of Huron. The cumity is sound to the core, and at ell times to see eye to eye on public matters, he nevertheless believed that that gentleinan had always been actuat- ed by a desire to d0 the rigat thing. nothing short of gerrymandering and re- Mr. Leckie had been in the forein st gerrymandering can ever give a Tory k of enterprising men of Brussels, member a leg to stand on in it.• redly at the Lull's -eve -and eeiera.ly hit it au,'iter), lie referred iu co: i• Goderich : J. Furter, J. l', Stet amen ptinteiettry terms also to Mr. Gihsou, and Meyer Forrester, Clinton. who had fought and tum so well. Tho Thu b'tn.luet ch,ged after midnii;ht, remit. in East Hued' might almost be with ch.era for the heal uiewben, tarty feeling should run to extremes I termed lite "survival of the uttesh, If his Reform friends . f West Huron ,letermined effort had been grade and found him guilty of wrong -doing he I was vaunted throughout the Province to would confidently expect it withdrawal wrest. East Huron from the Iteforuters, of their coufidence, and he was satisfied that if by the next general election, the great issues in dispute were not disposed' of, many patriotic Cuesenatives would be found voting to continue in force the nut it failed. Speaking uf tilt. Itoss,.l e said he was tine of the ablest debaters in the Hnuse,and would indeed be an tene- ment to any legislative hall tut the cen- tinent. ,Cheers,'. He spoke of the een- ran p ex - policy of the Mowat Administration oral results .f the late elections and ex - and had carved his name in the history missed the early f 1 (Cheers.) He fully appreciated, he raid la's the sell pretension that the Cele Huron. And as in the past au would 1 y 1 in closing, the hearty reception accorded I servauves had tun n "victory•• because hie future be. The beat wishes of his but a telerggram was received from the i the members for the Hurons. (Cheers.) !the Reform majority had been reducer( innumerable friends would accompany hon. gent advising committee 1 Dr. tiVilliams, vice-chairman, then ruse , He said that the result of the last D.. the (littera. 1;,venmuent and Messrs. Ilitike and Mackenzie. airs.•(•assady spent* few ti.ty inGode- rich last week visiting frieide. The mill staff has been strengthened of late by the addition of Mr, Henry Fisher and Mr. W. Young, the latter of ahem for years acted as engineer in the mill,and rejoins it once more, to the sat- isfacti to of his friends. i WEEK. -On Monday lest oysters held the floor or rather the table' ; on Wednesday a surprise A Indr:nee has Leen entered in C' :art' i B i g k d :against the return ..f Mr. Thor. Gibson;,. him from Huron, and the earnest hope not to delay •lie supper on that cite' tint, t,, propose the toast of the Ontario anion election was such that the Re- pel e- A Mas M.PP. far East Huron. The petitioner of all here gathered was that an the great and the advice was adopted. I (;ocerntwnt He said, they knew the formers might, if they possessed the au - northwest, health. prosl,enty, wealth After justice had been done to the calibre of Mr. Mowat, and they knew daeitp tin: the same pnnceple, have Heel sda party visited Mr. Jas. Hays, brother .d the defeat -and }tae inerm would be his portion. [ pviands, the chairman, Mayor Forester, what report said of Mr. Hardy, the re- ellumed a victory use the omen cur tropine' citizen, Mr. Tobin , and or ed candidate. PeF somal bribery is, we Applause. after explaining the object of the gather- preeentaticea of that (iovernmunt who tiye uiajunty ass reduced nearly one Thursday three sleigh loads drove to Mr. understand, one of the po9ttts in the pro- . Mr. Leckie in rising to 'capon was ing; proceeded to propose the usual (oval were present. • He said the county of 'Kali Thu late local election was ns. a -(: leers, of Dungannon, where the fan - test -in fact the principal ouint, If the enthusiastically received. He thanked b ( years thought it ndrias ether grounds tor wishing to void the the gentleuten present t, -nicht for this h hand and Mr Mere- unable d to and patriotic toasts, which were duly re-; Huron had been doing so well for a !contest between Mr. Mowat and his fel- and to. number tithey l lowers on the one to , Letter. expressive of regret at being late to meet t ,gorier for congratulation - dith and his followers in Ontario en the unable to attend the banquet were hence the present banquet. He propose other, for the latter was aided and back- s charge ag artl p read from Hon. E. Blake, Hon. Alex. I the toast with extreme pleasure and was by all the energies and forts .f the furs in Huron will have any fear for the ing him, but although that gentleman Mackenzie, Wm. Petersen 11. P. Hon, sure it would be received with genuine minion Government from Halifax to result. The stat has not been claimed diww ed powers of flattery he had David Mills, Al. C. Cameron, M. P. enthusiasm. And, it assuredly was, the Vancouver'■ Island. The Senate itaelf- somehow won a reputation and a name John McMillan, M. P., Hon. C. F.' audience men . to a inan and cheering i that august body- stood still, adjourned roe Mr. Thos. Hayes by the petitioner, fur that kind of thing to -night. ; Laugh- Frazer, and Hon. T. B Pardee. again and'agam, - 1-"I believe it would have been a good and this of itself goes far to prove that' ter;. It vena with regret that he was WL;lc a.siting the arrival of Nieces. l H r, aloes Ar thing if is lead adjourned perpetually,' "warys that wero dark, and tricks that this evening taking farewell of many of Mowat and Hardy short addresses were I said the speaker. He pointed nut that were gain were indulged in hy the Lib -his friends, but he was of upjnion there delivered by the local members, as fol- slid he had to thank them most heartily I he national makero and the was a good opening in the far west at lows : for the manner in which they had receiv-departmental a iol w makers. were found even the didate• the present time, and le and others were hfr. Thomas Gtheun, M. P. P., was' ed the toast. He joined with them in ___ K accorded a hearty receetion. He thank- , doing honor to their local members. He in the country engaged in the battle _- endeavoring to avail themselves tieet. it. only as valuable I against }l r. Mowat. In paaa:ng he [aid tactic toe wits Indulged to to the drains of the organ and violin. Songs an • p dancing were also given by amateurs from Goderich and Colbnrne, in fine stele. expression of their regard to him. He election are n•• stronger than the person- also thanked the chairman for the faco,r- 1 at Mr Gibson, few elec- , able opinion he had expressed couoern- n LARGE ADVERTISERS. He did not know whether he would re- ed thein heartily for the mannerin which appreciated them not side in the northwest altogether in the I a tribute to the hard of Niagara, who 1 11' b t 1 as warm 'sena) the toast had been received, and sincere- ly appreciated the compliment sop far as it had a personal reference. He said there were many in the county equally as cap- able as himself of representing the Rid- ing. He always went inte a contest to win, if possible ; if failure was his fate he accepted defeat with the beet grace pos- sible. He understood, however, ho was not to be permitted to retain his seat un - dirt urbed. He could, notwithstanding the protest entered, affirm that since he held a seat in Parliament as representa- tive for East Huron, he was unaware di - politica a les, u a w friends. (Cheers). It was flattering to had gone into that august chamber for these gentlemen that this was not the the rest of his existence where no one first time they had been returned to par- could cell him to acceunt. There was no liament. The election of Huron had tribunal to which he would be called hut confidence in these men, and -had placed the Hereafter, and anyone who knew them at the head .f the poll again and anything about Ottawa politicians, knew again. (Cheers). The (government had very well that was not a ve rv,.pt tent in - not as lame a majority as heretofore, fluence with them. (Cheers and 'suet, hut they had :. sufficientlylarge majority ,ter.) -Ip his trenchant denunciation 5.1 to carry on the Government with vivre the course pursued hy' the Dominion and efficiency. (Cheers). Why they Governtnert in the late election, Mr. had not a larger majority was a pertin- Hardy first ppointed raout the f te eaknplatfefln ent enquiry : the Conservatives were nay the in to steal a march upon up' n which the ('onsertattie party went It is something more than mere news• ! future. If lie was successful from a paper cant to say that advertising pays , financial standpoint he new of no place It is -a truism. Judicious advertising' to reside in and live at case like Helen is an infallible aid in establishing and . cunty, and he knew of no taw% where a elan could find so many friends in pro - extending any trade or huainess. It p'o'tion to the population as 10 Brussels. lubricates the commercial machinery. 1(Hear, hear. He had had ups and It is admitted by the mo -t successful : downs in his business career, but, taken • merchants to be an indiapensible help too ;all in He a teredall, had t the nnercaneen lt ly e arena business. No better illustration of the' when quite young, and early t,s,k part .-alecplaced upon advert ising can be given lin public inetters. Perhapd at times he by us than the fact that two very enter- i took a wrong course in public matters - prising firms at Clinton and Brantford, j noewas butt if [such weto re theue ecase,attion the have, uns'.,licited by us, asked and ob- I fault was of judgment -an error of the tained space at regular rates in our col- I head ale' not of the heart. (Hear,hear). umns in whish to make their trade an -Regarding business 'natters he noticed a nouncements. Here are large and large number "of young merchants here t°ourishing frills, one of titent many this evening, and he as an old huainess man would enjoin upon them to be [.tiles from Goderich, offering special in- strictly honest and honorable in their ducementa t. the ,people of Huron, and dealings,fer an honest name was of more using the col:n.tns of THE SIGNAL there- benefit to a business man than acres of for, because it pays. Those of eur mer• land and a '.sego hank ccuunt without it. !Hear, hear`. He concluded by chants who hang down the lip. and a;'ain thanking as preecnt for the honor mourn over hard times, elan sales and 1 they had done him, and resumed his outside competition, had better take a ' seat amid loud and prolonged applause. Mr. John Alexander, :and set te. the mu - prising merchants who ti t advertise can sic of ":Scotland Yet," was then "raised" readily see that advertising space in THE I,y. Mr. Thos. Gibson, M.PP., assisted 1 the company. \Ve have not space A poem cinpuaed'by the local bard, leaf cot of their book. Our more enter - Sheet. is worth something. If Brant- ford and Clinton .tierchants can afford to make each favorable offers, Surely our Goderich merchants can do so, ton. We have not e,licited any outside. advertis- ing for THE SIGNAL. The advertisers V. him, thuu¢h far ata. have come to us.. Vb a commend their ; -Mang Huron Fathers he wilt lire, R'hen hewers now lova Ire cold, enterprise, and they deserve success for Then Leckie'a name and Leckie's fame, their efforts to extend trade. Let our ttN lllbrighter h1nc. four-fold. kit ye redly of the use of illegitimate mile- now endeavor g ences to assist in securing his return. them by entering a number of baseless ibefore the p(opie. That ether and tan - (Cheers) Personally he had ever ab- protests against Refer:l ees at the last fair intuences weir used-- putting it stained from the exercise of improperin- moment. No possible effort was being mild:)- was olivine,. The support they fluences He believed that the heart of spared to• wrest the go•:ernment from hard received could t. t surely be at - Ontario was still true to Liberalism, and he did not think it strange, in view of the fact that the whole sterngth of the Dominion Government had been put supplying forth to secure the defeat of the Mowat a doubt. (Cheers`. They did nut re- tween Torant° and (Wawa, su 1 ing Administration, that a more pronounced quire this increase ..n the more of (tfici- I themselves with ex['edients and question - victory had not been secured. He still envy : they had at lean majoriity,„tf File K miens ated tic the once t hes election. them by fair means er foul. No doubt some new elections would be the result of these protests) and the majority -If the Government would be increased without tributcd to the rlatferm upon which they had appealed. He sai•I the Con- servative leaders in this contest, were seen flitting Backward and forward be - believed Ontario was thoroughly Liberal, nine, amp.[ sufficient to carry the 1 Jh >rts of ;h'e' ul( 1 but thought it well the admonition of Mr. Mills should be heeded, that Liberals should stand firmly together. ;Cheers.) In view of the results of Tory Govern- ment in Quebec summed up in an im- poverished treasury, it was perhaps sing- ular that the electors of Ontario had not were all carried but (ne. The Reform ry ie a stood together al one man in the late party was alive with enthusiasm, as was for the entire "poem," oem ," but the annexed contest for the territorial and provincial well evinced at the great Liberal Con- verses will show that the bard has not right of the Province. The verdict ren- vention at Tor„pto, te greatest political dissolved partnership with that muse. dered was not representative of the Convention ever held in Canada. Then e ... * * * , whywas the majority decreased 1 it electorate in many instances, but a re- Through Manitoba he intends salt achieved by illegitimate and des was because they had against them not Ta kick the write h ba'. ( only the Local Opposition but the whole Rut. time sent write here letters beiges. honorable means. Chcerrl, y PP' Mr. A. Bishop, M. P P., was proud power of the Dominion Government He of the grand asaelndlaeo and the recep- did net deny either that the National tion accorded him. He was proud of Policy wee supported, whetter rightly so not lie was not now genie to discuss government. It was reasonable to sup- n to o s u o pose that in t iew of the great territorial • seemed, had a contract to hand over ()n- and other inipem•tant issues which enter -'There col into the late contest, the Government majority would have been increased in- stead of (lucre:med. The bye -elections BeamllLr. TxlererLaN. E. -The following are the officers elected for the ensuing quarter. of Pure Retreat die. No. 308 Sons of Temperance. IL ti. Morrish, W. P., Maria B. Gledhill, W.A., Thos. Heddle, ' R. S., Polly Mugford, 4. R. S., Henry Mew, F. S.; Chas. Walters, Treat,Wm. Moore, chaplain, Nicholas Morrish, con. Ida Walters, A. one. Sophia ltowden, L. S., Gen. Stewart, O. S., A. Heddle, P.W.P. - Review examination of S. S. No. 2, Colborne. V class -total marks 635 ; senior division. 1. Mary Morrish, 539 ; t 2 Herbert Robertson 535, 1V class- • total marks 515 ; 1 David Gledhill, 458: bert son, 345 ;h F 4s Ed. -363 lters. 1344 ; 5 Henry rt - 1 aferrish, 342 III class- senior ; total 1 narks 44_0 ; 1 Robert LeTouxel, 402 ; 2 Gusty V anstenc, 360 ; 3 .Albert Mug- ; I ford, 355 ; 4 Albert Maedel, 352 ; 5 V- ila Fisher, 346. 111 class --junior : total - marks440 ; 1 Louie Stewart, 358 ; 2 h. I Fisher 358 ; 3 Alzina Church, 345 ; 4 H. LeT•'uzel 336 ; 5 Eller. Stewart, 315. !Junior division. 1i chum- senior , total 1 Elely, 206 ; 3 Maryo rePennebaker, 194; 4 Chris. Sandersr'n, 175 ; 5 Thos. Gled- hill, 149. 11 class junior, total marks, 18 r : 1 Martin Mugford, 163 ; 2 Carrie Church, 162 ; :t Gere. Gledhill, 160 ; 4 Henry Snyder 159 ; 5 Annie Stewart, `n., wino r n must 1450. Ti part first chum, total marks 110; '1 Mary Rodgers, !1`t :'2 David Fisher 97: tario t. the C.nsenstives. were 3 John Lmc, 95 ; 4 Carrie Morrish 91 a good many members elected who would 5 Ambrose Vanstone, $4. represent Juhn Shields and Co , if the . I.iberals ever allowed them t'- warru their seats, which was deui,tful. They were something like the member fir Jiro Stephens, who is in the House claiming to represent Bothwell. The members for John Shields di C.. would he a feature of the House. After fur- ther allusion to the corrupt intermed- dling of Iknuinion Government contrac- tors in this contest, and the actual use of the money of the electors to defeat their own will, he turned again to the claim t.fthe Tories and the Tory press that they had scored a victory' f they had leen victorious ho would like to know what they were inane to do with Over fifty -in dollars ass raised ger the second nine of a majority at Mr. Bible society purposes by the collectors Mowat's hack. Cheers.) He felt that of Auburn branch. The annual meeting he c' uld in this case use the words of was held a couple of weeks ago. Mercuto an reference G, the wound in - The ereap, ordered some time ago for the Metlasllst church, after considera- ble delay.•ame to harm last week and was used in the service on Sabbath last. The instrument, manufactured at ll..wman- ville, is a handsome one. the consistent Liberal record of the Hu- Goderich merchants take the lesson. Ir tits name is pure as Vold. * rens despite the perseasice influence. put 1` * * + to work all uta the county by the Tory TATs r0 AD • tRTISE—if you do it proper- 1 .rhe snawa will thntt•and spring will encore, ly. A properly worded, rightly placed I Tia birdies mates will find. But we will miss our Leckie's fuse. advertisement will bring in I000per cent. Though dreams will bring to mind Advertise. Tia happy douse' Auld Lang Syne. W i' him In Jollity. __• _ - Anither cup we'll drain for luck: retttleal Pelsl.• Tae him ss. choir. free: Mac earth's choice Bloc+infra aye be ice. — \\•e' u. lha honors three. During the ;east week Bente pungent The toasts wero.then resumed as fo1- political paragraphs have appeared in the 1 iws : Lean, Seaforth ; Reeve Rogers, Brea as being very tamely and forcible gels : Reeve Strachan, Grey ; and Macara ;sat StsTrP.• tNVApr•• McCracken, Drewe and Young. It is not often that. we can agree so Agricultural interests -D. McLeuch- .fully with anything that appears in our lin, A. Forsyth, le Burgess. local Tory c' ntemporary es we do with Manufacturing Interests -J. D. Ran - in under their control, and they had dttucncy. Speaking of the combination the following, all, T. Town, F. Garrote, P. Scott. in the put, in honorable, energetic, eco• Y ' If the late e!ectio)ts were a `Con• Mercantile Intercede -.1. Alexander, nomical and in the interests of the I'r. - used it meet unblushingly everywhere and "nspiracy .f the Ottawa Govern- permanently, s vera rmanentl as near) all his family re - wince, and et+ people, he would continue He hoped they would i e able to lay ment aaannat Mr. )roust, he said •great y' y y to vee straight, and he had every confi- bare the secret workings ut Tory agents deal of "arranging-- commercial sang- aide there. 1N r. William Elliott also 'One ..,,..•e .neh a;.•. Educational t..•..r••t.__a rincirtal Shaw_ left this week for the same lace. Booth Huron eeu1d approve in some of the constitueeries, and he be- rang- had been done in Ottawa, but he P Coni derable stir w►s experienced en Wedneeiay afternoon of last week, by a race which was announced to take place between horses awned by Messrs. Col- lie and Andersen reespecttt ely, the wager being f2. The distance was a mile, on the gravel mad, lee wren the wheel 'mese and the Presbyterian church At the appointed time about one hundred men, severs) •d whom came from Blyth, Lmdesb•ire, etc , assembled en the gr'•und The horses awl driven were on han,l and a Big time generally wee ezpeattd. halt fnrrnme unspotted cau.e ase rare 'camped in * ernptete titrates. Much diegvet was felt and espveased when the horses the line al an errdinary tent sd the .Salt hes% • few days (.ter it w iil4 have decors a good knri1 ford hoar (;lklb. We have selected a few of them Municipal Institution', Mayor Mc - ea wn. The Ice on tine neer still remains solid. The ladies of the Methodist chgrch dill. are busy getting up an s ito,(raph y Mr. H. S. McLean. principal of Luc - know public school, and his wife, spent their Easter vacation visitin_ friends here. Mr. .1. Pickard, .1 Exeter, is holding or .0 auction and private sales here each day by a majority of the people of Canada. 1 and evening. Con •iderable business is The Dominion Government had used the being} done. party to win the victory from them. He worst and Most dangerous powers for had had Tories in the vicinity of Exeter corrupting the electorate of Ontario in who had taken a hyo Bribe offer to rte older to defeat the Local (government. tor him if he would give them t^, a1- That Gr,vernment had vast and varieds (hough they had the Tory f5 in their po,ceets. (Laughter.) He denounced the infamous gerrymandering of the Hu- mus, and touched on the fact that al- though Mr. Mowat had the power to redistribute he had netneed it. He had been accused of being a slavish support- er e f Mr. Mowat, of having voted straight. every time, and he had to ad- mit that he had need pretty straight rls.u1,hter, and se iong as the policy of Mfr. Motet, and his 'ea -eminent was as powers of influencing the electors un- duly, and these powers they had used t• tinted hy Tyhalt. " 115 nut so deep as their utmost. If they wanted money a well, nor so wide as a church d'wor; but to enough. 'twill set vc. " So it was with Mr. Mowat•s majority, though net an large as before. it was large enough and gond man of either party ever defended. would serve. 'Applause.) For the The electors were not only defeated by moment, Muskoka hal leen wrested money, but by their own money, falsely from them, but the enemy would not he and illegitimately used by the guardians. allowed to retain possession n after the (Cheery). They hal invented new forms wholesale and ahsrneful practices of of teeter • They had vast sums of mon- which they hal i,een guilty in that cop - from contractors they selduat failed to get it. This was well attested hy tie Pacific scandal disclosures, which n., Mr. Joseph Dobie an .hl anti highly esteemed resident of the village, along with his .on ,lames, (if Parry Sound. and William of Fast Wawannsh, leaves this week for Dakota. The younger men intend to take up land. If Mr. Dobie likes the renatry, he will pr"haply nettle tory, said the Ewen) invader. 'and i iotaLearned Professions - Dr. Belt, G. hu record ,cheers.) am undone'"' i Elliott,, W. Sinclair. 5 The Press - W. H. Kerr. and D.'Mc- Cool. A. M. Ross, M. P. P., was sc- Yes, nue mere nuc. t ict •t will suffice corded a musing reception. He was to defeat the schetees .f the 'Eastern Gillicuddy' p invader,' who, actuat..l b1 sectional jest- Our Host-- Alf. R ,e of the ''Queers." 1eaiecisll Yleased to see w many ladies I only, aeons to dismember tintario and rob; During the evening genes were given , Pint, and regretted they did not take as of out rights. t by Messer. I glhso.n, E,Garrew, T. Tnwn;' more active interest in the political issues rill Ler. AL Hm•re, I A. Rirachen, W. Sinclair, R. Laedlaw, "f the day. A Tore 1 barna' professes to be eider- : D. Mc(Illlitudde, Jag. Steelton, and A. At this pont the Hon. Oliver Mows, and the Hon. A. S. Hardy entered the rnntr•1 of t11 great Tory (Joarenti^n. rant 0,8, •t what it cape the insinuationobtothat :Forsyth. room, and were received with round af- been mind ass wast bribery fund. The pe Sir J! hn e4 o al •r Hohi alio mage- The gathering sews bmuzht Sl a close •t gar John 1/aedenal l s lesge,instigation ere- by the singing .d "Auld Ling Syne"asd mice roiising tot sir feet aril chesringaen• the agents rtlahes or the (Cheers'. They truth Bac • !rapBut ' tbsd 'leene effort veneered tnWhet essad rn a splend d cab • ro drfat by ,lutniaenR-M the ''National Anthem. ' thnsiastintllc. and this _ to fly the country nr the truth rent' not scale in ennneetien with(hletxc polities. The :. Rosa, _ .r _ lio Re,t nut of them (1'heers' . They Hrrd+ wore 1 .p;.Pd n!f and changes made were told the National P elle• , was en with marvel! res rapidity it was Chap - overshadowing ,rune in the late contest, kpleat', Monssetau, ceases%, Chs:+1w ! althewRh the Ontario Government had Presto' change ! '.Applause.) To as no more In do with this question than l oomp lish the same feet in (Meanie Mas the mini• era! c owned' (grooms end nn- the ambition of Sir .Tnhn. 1t was to he Blush'%, ones''' rrsn(at .,ng t.. , wore 11 •wr• lfwrr•dith ' Presto ' ellen:e ' lieved the revelation would shock the was glad to acy that they had not ••ar- moral sense .f the c ;mmnnity, even as ranged" Hurnn very suceeeafully. the Peciffc r.atidal had shocked the ns.- !Cheers. ( He said the year object was to len, and he would not be surprised if a Bring About one great, planning. _•.ntrol- similar effect upon future elections should ling "Power. who would rule Ontario in he the result. (Cheers). There was a the future as he had Quebec in the past. 'thea was the nue great wish of this ana- ba nns soul -Sir J••hn-when he pasted off from Ottawa to Toronto and aam.metd large purchasable element in every com- munity. It was unfortunately so in ems, Tire timber limtta of the Northwest had Mowat ..n. •.._ - - amine, salon in toMp tion did net emanate from The cost tot a c run Lemons, third time the aunt of Huron had the Liberals We newer lead any double sheer of the Horse of y prior 7 in k, Mr. R^ballon s impartiality e eieve that $200,000, yeti not A Government apparasmate ret mea t tntariol Parliament. aLiberal(Cheer. )a [They ing in p s Mr. psrdes 4 sure was must he men>' es oMowat has a f Assembly on toren side he trifled away, When isdthisthe tritime flingwail to I maker trip reduced zealnumbers, and energy what they lacked in nutner:c.a force He paid a n .. ,1 ' '%faire h.• !minis- card T-[Ilamiltun Time* .iilh a. 1