The Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY APRIL 6, (84. 3 Fashion's Fancies. Ottoman silk wean well. Sicilienne comes in all colon. The new style u( velveteen is vary de- sirable. forgoes ant worts during the summer season. Indian pongee curium thirty-four inches wide. The word comes from Paris that pro- menade spring suits will be uniform in color. Plain and figured tweeds are displayed by leading merchants at melons prices. The bold "impressionist" patterns are foreferred to the inure intricate designs ur braiding. Velvet is fregtseutl used in connection with tweed. The polonaise is cited fit- ting, apron drapery with bouffant back. Tweed combination wits me attrac- tive. Tho deep -kilted flounce and the Straight draped apron give a new style of modelling. Satin is used for visiting' and plast runs an.d especially for facing. uf bright odour, but it is not seen in the profusion Istely fashionable. &de panniers and t•bliers are retaiu- ed ; the pra.ent patterns are very like those of last fall The beuf*nt expres- sion la rather more promineut A lovely spring costumue, showing • combination of cashmere and Matin, ha. the skirt of the former with drapery of both goods --a hip barque, with atmulea- ed vest. "Newmarket- style of oust is wholly K,•glish in model ; s oecoming spring wrap for young ladies. For dressy Iw *Aaiun, the "visite" is the ohic for mid- dle-aged fashionable•. Dresses are designed very high in the neck, especially those worn to the street The princess cut bodice is draped close- ly l se•ly over the hips, a style only suited to a perfect figure. There are a numeer of lovely chanes observed in millinery for this season. Colored straws are very conspicuous -- satin braids and chip bonnets aro lin- red ; the style a not as popular as ola.eoerly. Buttons remain small and conspicu- ous, and are no lunger used forshhw, but merely to do service for fastening the deeds ; they are, however, very pretty when made of crocheted silk in ball shape, on which a star or square is wrought, and these are placed in two rowa close together down the front. There are flat metal buttons the sire of a silver half dime, some of which are polished blue steel with a gray steel rim, or they may have a bronze ground, with a gilt crescent moon showing the profile face of a man in it, with tiny gilt stars beyond. or else the plain black surface may be dotted with steel, gilt, or jet beads. The new dress buttons are all bantered metal, as the indented surface is called, which have become so fashionable in sil- ver -ware. Hammered silver is used an goesy and ecru. bronze on myrtle green and olive, •gold un br..w.. and claret ; either may beemnployei for nary blue, but silver is prettiest on "art" blew or blue eray. Round hats are brought out in vari- ous shapes The square and high s.op-• mg crowns are both favored -the one is as popular as the other. Laces and flowers massed on top of the %rnws "ex- tremely high" appear to be tato chief in- ncvation in the spri•• ; oillinnery. lice frills are revived -a .uvely fashion, quite becoming to most ladies. Farm dna Saraen. ' member of the Western New York Farmer s Bleb sprayed hie orchard wish • solution of Pars green te exterminate the censer wore, and reports the apple •phis, which had formerly infested t►i• trees, had wholly disappeared Fruit growers advises the syringing of pieta trees with • solution of Parts g as suuu as the trees come into biome as a remedy kr the curesho. They recoil, mond three applicattens ; one teaspoau- fel of the material to a pail of water. itaea►eniber when setting out planta of any description to spread the roots out in their natural position, nut cover them when cramped ur d"ubled up. He care fel not to Dover the crest's of strawber- ry plants with the surfaoe, snd press the earth firmly about thein. A Nova Scotia horticulturist says that he keeps the wurins frons his current and gooseberry bushes by tuulchingtheground under them liberally with refuse stems from a tu:,aceo :aotory ::he potash in Om sterns being air, a valuable fertiliser. The stems can be ,•brained at nearly every tobacco factory free of cost In selecting strawberries for a family supply, do not take old, "mixed," "run out," sons from • neighbor's bed, but select from the catalogue of a reliable nurseryman those varieties which have perfect blowouts, rowrked "staininate," or "hermaphrodite." it d ea not cost any more to seise tine berti,a than in- ferior or small ones. The atrawber y is a gross feeder, and vtithout a well prepared roll and abuud- ant supply of proper fad, and at the peeper time, no great success can b. - anticipated. You should plant on land which has not been for some years oo- eupied with strawberries, and manure an 1prepare thoroughly, sail give a good top -dressing immediately after the fruit ing season. The new "Ontario Tree Planting Act" provi 'es that anyone woo ties or fastens any animal to, or injure* or destroy(• a tree planted or gvuwrng upon any read or highway, ur upon any toad or high- way, or upon any public street, or cuts down and removes ar.y mush tree with- •.ut permission of the proper authorities, shall be fined not neer 11125, or be ounfie- ed not more than 30 days in the county jail M. B. Huhrell es.. in the Iowa Howse stead, that the Bnyd. r blackberry has Leen slowly but surely winnistt its way wherever introduced throaghuut the Northwest, and adds that it is among blackberries what the Concord is among grapes in regard to hardiness' and pro- tectiveness. A to i :hhor's plantatii n of re acre in extent has produced from 75 to 150 bushels, and netted from three hundred to five hundred dollars Prof. $ H- Knepp has been expel t resenting with potatoes un the lows Collette fares for the pact three years, and renorte that out of GO varieties test- ed, 15 are extra good, as to quality. They, are the fallowing. named in the order of the greatest yield: Crawford, Dunnior's Seedling. Brooki Seedling, Mammoth Pearl, Begat of Hebron, Charlotte. Early ;l.,nweake, British Queen, Bermuda. Advance. Brownell', Rnreka, Ala.'. a, Indian Russet, Galva, Purple Eve. The wind depend* fur its health very largely on bodily conditions. The gloomy 1 fears, the drep.,udiog Sews, the wean - awe of soul ttat many cwupiaiu of, would often disappear were the biuotl Made pure and healthy bake.. reaehin. the .debuts vessels of the brain. Ayer's ' Sarsaparilla purifiiea mud titalizt's the blood; and thus (*bedews to health of y and sanity of Mind. S •utache braid wail be much used in palms and in parallel r ons, and the r.sw fancy is tit put the braid on a material uf different color from that of the dross, and then apply this braided piece to the dress ; for instance, a dress of olive Amon atal"nere lies the olive wool 'out - ache braid IA.et en dark -red cashmeres which slots with pretty effect through the interstices of the braiding patteru, and brightens up the rotor brown of the dress. Oblong and barrel shaped ornaments, with paaeementerie cords draped in our - vee between thein,' are used in small sizes for the hack of the besiege and in very large sizes on the overskirt in var- ious ways, tither on one side only or ac- ross the (rent, or am if supporting the bouffant drapery behind. There are aide' sets of three ornaments of indetiinite de- sign, forming two terve clusters of cords, with many pendant balls for the front on the b aqui, and a similar ono t' bo pleic- ed on the waist line on the bar Mow M Sorb r. Wear a feat of Tar sad I este are. "Moat people dun't know was a ter - rib a puna h,ueut terrine and feathering te. They •oppose that it is nothing worse than • badge of infamy, ratherun- mhsafurtable, perhaps, but nit painful uti- les* the tar qct. 'ninths *yea. This is a treat mistake. 1 helped todaub •loons. Ile was a rile 1.c.aa a dtsgr&.eto human- ity. ai .t lie dent ted what I.e got for eu- draeari:it! to ruts a:t tnnocen:younggirl, and for *mealy Insulting respectable women on the atreeta. But I had no odea until 1 saw that fellow plastered what rt tough deal the pn'cgaa is. We pouted 1 all over pretty thick with the broom, end some enthusiastic vigi- lant p pored a few gdlons of tav en his head. Then the feathers, taken from a big pillow were dusted on him, and he stood ont white and Huffy in the star- light, like Prone huge and grotesque look bog bird. Ho had to put his chalice on over the whole mess, and then ho was ridden on a rail for fifty Janis or so, and we put him on hoard the west -bound train et midnight with instructions not to c'e,:;n back en ;tilt .ref hein<g hang- ed. "I saw gum on the train. Be was sit- ting with his head on his arms on the back of the stat in front of hien. The tar wets so thick on his headthat it cover- ed the hair out of sight, and his poli shone in the light of the car lamps like a black rubber bill just dipped in the water. Tho poor fellow was groan- ing, and 1 couldn't help feeling mean at haring taken a hand in the job. You see the b. dy is covered wit'' short hair, and when the tar hardens a little the slightest m .vement causes Rent.) pain, as if one's hekrd were being pulled out with pincers, hair by hair. Then there is the sto,opage of all perspiration, which would eon kill r man if he didn't make lively ti.no in petting 'scrubbed. Besides, the smell of the tar turns thn rtom•ch, and about half an hour after A man h,a been coated he must feel 'nighty sorry 'ho wasn't hanged. Then comes the ecru). - I.ing with oil. it to 4( tw. C:naamen and a drat key three days in Ti nckeo to reduce J"n,•s to A mild brown. i'I:e sebbing Inake. the skin tender, rttd the hotly :noel be tors as a boil fur weeks.- ' Do you thick they Rill tar any tramps in Keno ahn r ly t' :asked the re- porter. "I don't know,- replied the N',,.• mai:, "but i hope not. No each tinned. - 'nent should be inflicted on *man expect for borne crime for which death would 1. ' hardly ton *ever, a penalty.--(8*ii Fran- cisco Call. Mental depressiou, headache, and nus debility, are speedily remedied ray that excellent blood -purifying tonic, Burdock Blood 'fitters. The Editor ur the -Mitchell Recorder states, that be was cured of biliousness, liver dbrangement, and nick headache, by the use of this medicine. 2 Rurielaa'a Armlets Salve. Tho gre•tteet ,nodical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruisos,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Totter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guatauteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded. 25c. per boa. Fur sale by I. Wilson. ly. "Why should a Doan whose biood is warm w ithtu Sit ike his grandsire cut in alabaster 1 Or let kis hair grow rusty, scant clod thin. When "Cliroay.sssasxswsa will maks it grow the faster. For sale by J. Wil- son. 2m A correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune, flys orchard grass may be sown withan7 kind of grain, as .early as the ground is tit to work. Two bushels of orchard grass and • peck of fine clever to the acre, on good dry land will give satisfac- tory results. It will withstood drought, but will not grow on wet lands. ■iebir amitlsraetety. Impure bland and low vitality are the great source. of most diseases for which Burdock Blood Bitters is the specific. S. Perrin, Druggist, of Lindsay, writes !hat Burdock Blond Bitters give more meant' satisfaction than any blosd purifier in the market. 2 Sdt Shrum cared. Are you trunbded with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go M once to Oeo. Rhynas s Drug Store and get a package of Calvert'• Carbolic Cerate. Price twenty-five cent*. It was never known to fail. The bad siren of Raby Sh,I.g• We know a mother whn positively re- fuses to let anyone kiss her baby in her presence, and who hes given 'drier orders to her nurse not to a;low it to be kissed when sho takes it 0•.0 for tai daily airing. "1 wonder tf Mrs. B. thinks hor baby is any better than our babies," and' Mra (1...ee.l not be so afraid that everybody wad watt to kiss her young one. it is not so pretty," aro Nome of the c,impli rnentary remarks made by eeitain fornaln friends .who have offered to kips and been refused ; hut we think that Mrs. B. is to let commenced for her wisdom, and that it would bo a good thing if all mothers were equal es r.c: and pro - .tent This Isbst of baby k,'isug i. full of hypocrisy any way ; nobody really cares to kisa a baby except its mother and own h.otne folks anti besides being hypocriti- cal and Coolish, f} castor' is often tho mole of Megane. People with sore tbrnsts and fever blisters nn their lips are lust as ready to ''kiss the lull" as theuirh their breath was aa sweet and pure as the baby's own. in fart, the sore mouthed and the pen- ple who stiffer (rem chronic cold in head are often reedier to hestnw a hearty amncl, on the babies of their acquaint - ince than the really kiasable people, who, 1 y the way, sr• ea ore to toy' of the n:tkisanble. f' it bad enough for girls end grown women to indulge in the habit of Riming each ether on all occasions, ao do let tit spars vii. helpless bath es t.}•n diss rev able and da•.gerona tede"'i^'1, evert if we are to paste an ugly strip of atickint rIs•efee over the'r yrotty menthe when iter we 500 a chronir kisser earning our War AYER'S Cherry Pectoral. 1" other complaints are so insidious in their ale tack as those alfeotlas the throat sad leap : nose w trifled with by the majority of sufferer, The ordinary oough or *old, resulting perhaps from a trillus or uucuusetuus exposure, 1s often bat the baginoing a fatal sickuees. Avaa's Cantel UA-TO/lahas well proven its etleeaey in a toed years' tight with throat and lung diseases, aid should be taken to all saw without Seta) A Terrible Congb Cured. " l0 11,07 1 took a severe cold, which affected my lis 1 had a terrible cough, amid gassed night after eight without sleep. The doctor gave n.e up. I trityl Avast Cuaaty P$CTOaAL, which relieved my longs, indulged sleep, sad afforded me ww the rest eery for the recovery of my strength. fly the comae wad use of the Pet-rut.L a penes - seat care was erected. 1 am now et year ole, hale eat hearty, amid am salified year t:ata•Y PaceosaLsay.d me. bosses PAttaaoTyta." Itoctlogbaa, Vt., July Ib, U67. Croup. - A Mother's Tribute. " While ha tlhe eowstry last wlniar my little boy, those year old, wee takesIllereap; It seemed as i1 M would die 'Mug dls frees One of the family saggsrsd the mise of Aa-ta's Commie Pat -rots x, a bottle of which was al- ways kept In lb. house. This was tried is small aad leaguing doses, and to our deli lit in leas than hall as lour the little patient was bre.thlag eas- ily. The doctor said that theCYtaty Pacivaai. had saved my darling's life- (:min you weeder at oar paused.? Binearely your, Mae. limos 6erwtv." 150 West Mb alt, New York, May Is, lain. " 1 have used AYtm's Catsse Put-maAL la my family for several year, and do sot hesitate to prof ousse. It the most efeetual remedy for coughs and colds welters ever tried. A. J. Christ.' ' Lake Crystal, Miss., Marek 13, UOS. "I sefered for eighty from Bronchitis, and ale trig.. many rwae with no •seism, l w cured by the use of •rat's Cataav PttrozAL. JOatrmi W izsga." Bybalia, Miss., April b, 1152. "I cannot way epos& in praise of Avet's Cairene PreronaL, believing as 1 du that but Mr its see 1 ,Mule long sista have died from lungtestable..priItuoous." Teem. Al +2, tan. No ease bf as affection of the threat or hap exists which ew.t be really rehired by the use of Avca'aCusaar Torroa*L,and itwill alttays nen when the disease is cot already beyond the .Detrol of met ielne. IOW ter Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mess. Sold by all Druggists. CARTER'S - iTTU P `Et TSick R, which" and relieve all the troubles ,nct- de,: t to a Whoa, mate of the aIMem, each as Dis- t,,,.•, Balmer, Drowsi•ces, Dieu... after eating, P's. •, u. the Bide, Re. While their loom remrde abt:.ucce.s has been shown fu coring CURE TT G_ H_ oz=s M0 444444414 MAW 31b. :feet Tee - Sect Tra !'ON LIMP Meat Walser Is. Trw.. No Rquat for NwMrp. T+ and girt Tra c'an't M• real lay Amy Died Itednct ion. made. on Mb and upward parcel.o 6f JAPAN, 1 IILACK. AND GREEN, A Choice and Well SICK R•adadiejetCarter'ILIIIM Liver !Balite rgaally valaalde fa cousanager, tering sad Preventing this annoying oumplaiat, 'kilo they also correct all disorders of the Momseh, stlmnlete the liver sud r the bowels Z, es it tiny only rand EAC Ae'. • t',< y world boatman prk• I. -a to Uw•., • aide r t....Is this dletreseing complain': bus a--- "Itnsay ouce try will Mid these twt•a Miley . { ■ lags lea ao marsy ways that they writ net b.., ' :tido r..' til:.:... rut a':.•rt'.r ':1 tI ACHE tot`e5Wiseofremiry live. tis'l:cae_ e'•• •w !' `_e our g.est bare. Our L•::f cora it ♦.-.-. p: t: •es Co sot. e urer'a Laos- Loor 1" is -err : :I : -,,1 .i s.-7 to teat. Ur^oft. •',.. y w:• rerittir v., '-tilet i . . 3 t^: •r • p.'>;•z btit itty Moor rcpt., or.. a . ',.i.. t. '•a r .tea"+. as:aLis•:,:era. •: t• t. 2.4 l f trio/vie site; wine., e: Aanta f tare:. CS::TEIL BEE DIC.INI: (`7.i Herr Y4ric 'vlty TEAS The Great Pain Conqueror, ROOTS AND SHOES At the ')ideal Established Shoe Store in Ttwa, In Endless Variety t.suit the most fastidiuus and th' most ecouumic buyer MY WINTER STOCK L Dow trowplete, and I take pleasure in informing my custo►nen that at no pre vious time have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price anal it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM W ORS of everKgrade still receives my prompt and careful atteutien, and will 1K, ma e ul. in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, rod of the very best material ubtainatsle. E_ ]7 0 W" N 1 N G_ A ROOD INVISTMCNT. Yuu will Save Money by Buying Your roceriesz Provisions AT D.FERGUSON'S HAMILTON STREET. We aro Now ;Selling This Season's NES TEAS From 30cts per M t.. New Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar, &c. Will bo Sold Peesertienall, Chirp Extra Family- Flour $2_25 per lbs A Full Supply of Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Bram, Always on Hund. The Best QuuIity of Coal Oil at -the !l err Lowest Prices. hoots, etc. SBEGML (6. Hart & Co. Chilled Plow — AND— AGRICULTURAL WORKS. baying pnrehsaed the Goderich Toundry, am ening the premises for the mannfaotur o CHHILLSDPLOW8and AOMeV LTURA IMPLKMKNT8 on • large scale. Mill Work (Iorteral Repairing and Jobbing will bre con timed. All work gdaranteed. Jdr. D. Ruuciman is the only man acthorbes to collect payments and give receipts on be halt of the late arm of Runcim•a ! Co., an all persons Indebted are requested to gover themselves &eeord l nal y. ie. S1:.C.M1LLEH, I roertNar. EGYPTIAN OIL. i cooERico BOILER woMts. Selected lot of Groceries. Geo. H.OId. I pnople are alwayson the look WI'. for ehanoe-a to fner.vuse• their carni regi, and 11a time tie- oorne wealthy ; those who do not improve Weir o{gtortun- itien remain in poverty. We offer a great chance bs mike money. We want mon, wo- men, boys and girls n. work for ns to the,r own 100a11t tow. Anyone 1•an do tins work prn- perly trona the flat start. The hu uncss will ppeeneivc more finordinary tfurnished fr en ten timna None "rho en- tails to make_ money rapidly. You eon devote your whole time to the work, or only your spare momenta. Full information and all that M necosmary avant tree. Addie STrx- tMR ft On.. Portland. Maine A efIRE GUARANTEED in the hist•.ry of mesh...ate.. fossa ration has received such universal com- mendatiou for the illeviation it talents, and the permanent cure it effects in k1d- noy dieesaca. as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these dietreoa'ng complat':la to aim s y wotaderful. geld by .1. N titans Seeing rte believing Ii,ss the testi monis& in the pan•plslet oo int Van Burin's Kidney Cure, kh^ s 1' tea ► L !„la and relieve yourself of all t i ,.• codtrt*s- ing pain.. Year Druggist can tell you all nho•'t it. iteiid by J '.t•lisnn (I.sderich dna MAQNETICMDICINE. a ,. S'- • 'FRAC,MAwr ' 41 's• - V \' -tom-. 411,-.4 ,KiBRAIN///&NERVE FCC' Zoe Ofd nal moot. glair •,.( remde rapidly dispels pain. 1 tcaapoontul in water will cure adiet reef ins head seheiin five min- utes. 1f applied to any affected surface of the body, as tooth ache. ncuralg.a, rbenmatkm, d•. o, it ^Ivea the auttcrer comfort wed instant rclief.it is a ehartniu.t reu►rdy. Only roc. and money refunded if not as represented. i, TAPAC OTT d t •.. bele Proprietors. Drool forret, Ontario W. J. C. Naftel, 1>ruigist, etc. Agent for (nide. ith. reset, olycures Nervousness inail its staters Week Memory /w, of L'rva;s' l'ow'er, Near nal Prostration, Night greetsfr, Npe►mwtoteAww, taertr*rrhena, Pere. warty•, ,Wwetr at Wallowa, Sint Ilearvwl Lows o/-!'n"vr. 1t repairs Mar«wa it'n,te. ?triune -not ee the Jaded I'Sel- me1, s!reamme s ttv ICnJrrbtrrf /heal*, and 1*. Mortal y Vi to the Unseat Hee cue h tnr- or- der tortwatvs packages are.:mp,nled with flvaAdkins, we wilt reed ewe Written (guar - nater to fefnred the money. it Ihi treatment does not effect a cure. it i, t he 4 Mtn raw, Riad Rest tided lend. In the marks,. 1st1 p•rtlantern In err pamphlet. n Lich we desire Tot moil frier, to any address. Ralet'i faageetl 0ledtrine Si sold by I'rag-' gists at NI eta. per holt, or 11 eels far Is% or will 1.5 matted hoe of postage, nn reit ipt of :he mensyr by addressitr� DACIA'S wAYI1T A* Ill I (e„ clot r ,•pada PAM In Odeletiek, bi JdafMI WILl0see a'1 Lrttdtlatireve y rF. —r' 1 fes Purifying the Elt:c'.to--CJARSAPARILLA ( JOHa1TON'8``"�' been In n -s, for In yenri. an.i 5 to Oil 'n tr•'^t rt- ...•twat ,,, , f s•- lies: K liJZA .,t i.tir ' '31RA, r,... 2 , tri t 1 f1:3 erni f. -e aDwore. : ••d 1 "e t •i.1 lout, �eatab'I et re- 1. a note it and give k tot,. .r 0.... rhr*OWNS pr,ser.os tit . ,'re It once. farom*W'stt it t.' r': : r. o from Yewow Stet I, a vi; t, tW tW tloet . t' A'.,`411"4". .r, tiaa wfrat. M lintoo ca saltiatde I 4 s it i, *neatly '',Vets. tet .1 r 'S tit* tared, dN:ert a cot '111 ' t 1.404.1110.10Li.: t Lee. A, or t'' , I -reit •^trttdeser' -'0 '. in�ta.,,. t . •. ., e . ..nI k4; ' ,. .,'•n r' • "al •,.oar. t,, nitdh•irfa f • •n tF r deuce, ,. wag ons Curate. ai.1 we will rad it Chrystal & Black. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELI, MEN mica- 11o11,2:1L9 and SALT PANS manafie tcre•t;on shorts... uot:ce. All kindi of Repairing executed under the personal supervision of th'; Propzio'ors tbl.o Alia Practical Workrrkii. .13; P. 0. Box IO m CO f"" T l'l:Ol'It1I r(>le8 OF TF1lc Godcrich Mills ;LATE 1'IYL'lt's ) tics w res.urn their thanks to the public- tho ublictho liberal patronage received during the pe11. year. and to state they are prepured to de V.ti iM4re1'\TGI- on the 0.1DVeat 11ot:ie. or for the cont•en!euce of pi'tira living at a distance will exchange grist, a: their tnw-n *tole I,n^ 13'. bt. llilliarid's,) Nation:, block, Eaat eat, Oodtricb. "0 -Highest twine paid for wheat "VIE $600.00 nowar& We will pay tee abevo rre�pward for say cede W Liver Complaint, ltyatw!bsla, Kick Headache. indigestion, (•onatipat n nr (ostiventee we connut gore di';: V.c-t A V egetablq , 'ver pins. when the dir•c:Jon^erpe'rit.tlt tet ft•Ilyd with. They aropu.^eiy VlZ,tc((aabin, and never tail to give satiataution . SuttgrCoat at. LargoPozea. containing 30 Palle, fkjl� cents. Yoe rale by an Drugg;atn. Beware of counterfeits apd imita- tionr. Thn genuine mannfantt red only ,by JOIiN (:, & CO.. "Tho fill Makers, Mend 83 icing ht. ram., Torof,to. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail prepaid un receipt Of a 3 e•.... mains. Per Ante at WILSON'S RCI.': ear vr. -3 5! M+rra "% .1 x r 9 ,1 `.A.-. 3 '. ',I 7- 'I_, it t e a w•Y i n Y D g. 13 ._ r; » ren 0 e , A a. w e- w 60: n "° t•y •n .t r -• T t 11 I L 1 •._ d r, s .. 5- O r Cra » r 1; C. n e o. . - '-~'. s " i :� - 3 a p e y a 7. } O o '0 A s d, .- w*Etitfa ,t'wamay"rwn For sale by • 'An atisisN Health is 'Wealth ! e is h g " rtes a ' gs � n ay i' - o, r -311 �► e 2 5 i s Da. g. c Wnst'A Saliva own BRAIN w Ta MUM a hatred Ifb for Hysteria, gat• spec mamma Conyulslonr, M.u, Net voiNtts► Mtradasbe, Servons Prostration caped by iNi tau qt akAmet 0, 10404110. W sktfidnee,, Mee- tal D►epr,estnr 1 t'rnitit of too Weigh [markt Ins iIlea trite and ?nadirs t* in it cry,detaf and death. lel tnattoro DM. /! ire. ibsrttwa afb Lotter( Power ta•ettbetrse a. le. a:eater/ Lem= nn•t e‘;terranicrrt.rnr,mune d ivy over«initis of the brain. ,olf-a►ane or overdndnt„este . one bot itdli care recent caste, kach Mt osu- tAtt.. nnn remitter! tie atmr..: ()ne dWlar• beds. nr sty tastes ver Ray de1lar.: is, at by mail preNs- Copaid Or reals t< piece. We eterantee eat•• . • -„ aro c•,e.t. Wi'h each order ee Miser 1 for kir boob a • otnparttd wit 1'vi ' , ' e ape" arta, t: a Imre/awe OMR wit to ' •"•nice to refund tee stoney if Gin teas; es t • <s tot tfket a elite. Uu•rufiA 1/001.,•1rel .s 41.10111111111011110111. ant* Mut 1 eA aw't.: for t;cwtefiol', (tat. 1011,y C. W & (s.1.. note t '•rt•r.etera, thernnte. Ont. BraJa'�B�idc IidiciueTOADS kvut.ris, d ; Me*gia ,tr••t•. As,:r. t'**wlh t f} t Kperrtattr f..her, Itnpnt. itier.A. ,thee Maw asase- WPM TARSO. mare of 'eft AFTER yA10[R A”ata-;•,- t-tewr*rr ihivonnn IAset t'M: Pn .. 1'arh roinsane / f I''riew, tete. reed r::My c.��e- is r arca lhai Iia : a 7,nYt fir Mruww pa.y r. A a prww*'eer :rare. !*.Pntl pant . ter ,ri rear pamphkt, which see desire to P: se or. L, will lis rvcryo Tis Pore'ek sroo,c.trc, kr 1 evl,1 L,y ail e'rf•. •t PI pet�r c .r sit ►tic-btg►,* f ' f ` ',•r r ill ice44411'y• ea 1 T Moll 1PIC11.1A1' NKIIIc:1NRp(t,•Terse .pot. MI Mild is (Iederteh y 1Wiiecr.. I 1 5'