HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 22 TIHJIR%RON SIGNAL, FRIDAY AP'itlL i;, 1F83. Che Poet's Corner. Who rearm els obetr noshes /Vein dees w wens see The caseated' that I .k te'this :— "who feeds this idle LtTnatpease do thee rate colour ap ear noes Wes these mei in {�I�e�, Aad paroles all their cIOthnar n0 three Idle blokes. Eb el&;A his� la their pockets Irl he buss ham all 'the fou.Efar eat. Is sower, i *reuse. R's rear a tearer/ Who MM thoseleafw•e a�athes. hal them the tobacco.. Ali 'retries wens.. o To feed eac sz bloke. At night they yield their.arniugsur. Aad *hen they *honed n Theyart braids •a wret. bed gse, To pates the loafer's clothe& it Wo tester how the w•r may work mop idler+! milt,. ,,,. AA And they meat *',ave a cheerful ere And har' a well macer bed. Ilusbagd' to au th wiv •s as !tat Sre less like fries 's than foes, For au the thank. they get i.leave To -patch their (tarty Anthem. It wakes me mad to sae • bent there, Stand idling In the street, While all their solves are seurtelegbard. To earn thea, bread to est. Six: there the, . ta.td. each w;th a pipe, stuck undrs•aeatla pis noxa. Not one has e'er a thought t.,r her Who pn!rlms all his teat hi9. 'there's h,tiof work for wen lite lbese li they vile only 1r} • There's u.a.•teuse (or Wien. as In mew like th.•.v.-say 1. If all II..+t wive* would take a club • And reek each ruddy naso, 'Tornio terve trach ten, mu. It better far Th : patching op their clothes. AN OLD-'11111ER. OonWaree tae Huron of Fifty with that given by our friend Jas Thom- son of his new home in the West 1 What a state of thiatpls there—kis sou blown away in one of their frrgasat bliaasrds, and lit on a row stack; feet and faces frost bitten ; *1. tore penned up some forty b. urs ; ems end horses without watee for days te- gever; d$' below acre in a heavy whirl - triad in airing it stento to lut*s mires from the crib. Well Wight our trieod Ugh fora return to his winter quarters in Uoderish, or what would be better still to make a trial of Iwautimeton. The question may well ba asked : Why such a rentals of contort 1 A triad horse given upend tors often - ' - le une.ao^ens^' ssnesd In forme OS oats to t� their turtuae Dakotr, kni that in the is knows .f the tet'Ci1t2' and timber for other purposes, the au - purity and scarcity of water in many places, the large atuouut of marshy and waste land, together with the fact that the more staple classes of fruit canted he grown there. But one answer in trutboan be given : "The love of money," which is called " the root of all evil," 1. the iuducement. True, the land is 'rich, randy brought into a state of culti- vation, and yields largely of cereals and ns.ts, but this is all that can he claimed for it, with a genial a nu sphere iu summer. But the many disadvantages, more numerous than have been men- tioned, should be well ouesidered by the sturdy yeomen of Ontario ere they de- cide to decimate our population by so hasardous a change. I shall be glad to glad to give any further information to enquirer touching our prosperous vil- I lags and township. • I am, yours truly, CDLIN Ci.,arta. Leamington, Towusirip Merea, harsh 20th, 1883. farce of • tht •' 3(srloh Towash&P their winter, the scarcity of facet tter� part o1 Wt week, i. �"bu 1W- a wristlet (%sane. t of than 19th sono, btteiryt tbt.•e10fita' Hee. W. K. Waited, win.* pastor of 1)eosassd bad bee lading iup on Wu' M. It Merck, Bothwell suffered from sttr••.i. dyWepeia su hada as to readttr turday, and his chain getting caught be - alowost a burden. Thta s (aattltes •Opposed so hare strained himself in bas u.. inuesniux it, for un going home he c,.an- of Burdtc. tlll llittvi; fort`d htir 3 pWNd of fueitt* unwell, and after a few �p b w tfluess ep . d despite ell 14i for his rei rjf. It."" was etwidered one of the 6ue0 y ung a m in the tuwu- ship. • splendid *minion of the Cana-. drat faro y..u01t, and had only .tt uwrr 4ave months. That i sea held ui •try biXh estseq 0ws ill ed by the �e"�-qim)Jjsg who tulluwed eta remake* tit the grim His Wife has the hopedelt sympathy of a large rings 4 friends in her bereareaanet Years Ago. Went Wawanosh. w'thn the. and the Dakota of Te -day An aatere.ties rammer orEllosey. T1 the Editor of The Huron Signal. THE $tit,--H..vi.lg been a reader- of /, ■QE Sh)NAL toned its first issue by the late Thontag liuQ ieet, ;oil still favored With it, weekly visits, may plead my ex- cuse for trtsp.tssing on your columns, believing that many of my old friends and neighbors in Goderich and vicinity, will be Lrahtied to hear of movements in this. the most southerly part of onr Dominion. But tint, alluw me to allude to my forty-one years sojourn in the Huron district. In 1832 my father selected a home for h* family on the lake shore, some toils south of Gudertch, and the following year found. us, nine in all, on our arrival rrom Edinburgh. Scut - land, enclosed within the walls of a roof - leu shanty, save the cove-ing afforded us by the &ail. of the two small boats that bore us from the wooded villain of Goderich there. Size about 16 feet square—hewlo.ck brush the floor, with piled up trunks at night for a doer our nearest market Detroit. Risking the weather and character of the half-breeds employed coasting all the way in an open boat, compelled ua to depend large- ly on the woods for a living ; not at all particular as to t]}° bill of fare. Our fi.•at crop of wheat, grown among the legs, not having learned the art of flail =skint', was threshed hy pounding a handful at a time on the edge of a coarse b .x, my father at one and I at the ether. Cleatrini done by, a fair breeze, orf to ruill, a distance of ten mites right thrteigh the woods. A bush- e l being my father's load, half ditto mine ; quite enough for a back of eleven summers. But I need not follow the u ps and .1t,w it of our early hush lifer further. 1 c .old well have enjoyed -a place at the fe=five board of those Kin- ,, cardiac piosrecrs lately noticed in your paper—a goo 1 lu'tny links in the chain of adventure acid privation might have been added trout my experience. But those days and those trials are all nv'er. My father and mother now rest in your quiet cern eery. In April, 1874, I suv- eredDty connection with Goderich, bade f irewell to our dear old home on the Huron road where all our children, eight in number, were born to ua, leaving our brat little nae bebiud to moulder in the dust. It n.ay, t ierrf .re, lie imagined that my attachment to Gtalerieh is string, and my interest in its progress and the welfare .,f old friends is still dear l" nee. Thr local news in your columns t-.•ru.ed because of 50 !many fa Milia:' names. The demise of oto many of tlio 1.1.1 pi,ucers is noticed with paiuful regret, and but few now within' your borders c etiolate lraei: antecedent to ' myself It loaV seem strange that „with E rich sad 'eYI :',enc' . f early bush tile' that I sl -i!1, vu cou:iri hero, especially I at ply' sulv:urceol ape, select a bush lot to e ort tort into a farts. Such pas the case, browcver, Uri .o somewhat gritty in tan- ; t ire as well as in p .'.i! acs. The result is I that my nine years of hard work --but not such living its 4.1 yore --lean been amply repaid with what is called a good farm, etc., .tc. Anil tat tho ninth mi- ni yet n-niyet■ iry of our leaving Goderich we e::- i ,,ct to sin reuderthe uun:.gement o1 the farm to our eldest son, and occupy o, it cronfortable resilence in tae villa►:•• Lr the test of onr ,lays. As to our cdunit.). an able writer in the Ciuhc lately g:.ee ; the county of Essex '),re•cntineite•, over a'1 others in the Dominion as the mo t oval and 'melt -rate in temperature, eke:- ' se weedy healthy ; and ai a fruit stow •, itg section it not excelled auywLcle. All classes of fruit crown i:i ten! 1) .ti info n I succeeds well here, end is their_ ht trier in flavor to that crown fu,.hcr B orth. We soil,l m i:se* r,,,.,• f: to injure crops or Shavers, have not as Oe( in the least suffered in that res;•oat i ur flowers last fall kept their appear• soca well in the garden until the first we•+k in Dec •mh'r. The health .•f ley. I self and ftn,'1y has b-• •'i . x,•nih til, ei•h.1 the exception of sor.,t:+,t'acks of the ng e the seennol r ear after a u.ng h • e, boat there las !pal n no. rototn of tiro wi.. i Donne visitor to any m,.o s -. r of the b since, and su,dh a c•.lr.plaint now is uearcely made in oar neILhbrerb.aal. Another vacancy has. occurred in the ranks of the early pioneers of the town- ship of West Wawanosh, in the person of Mrs. ilirvin, wife of Mr. Chas. Gir- viu, Reeve of the township, on the night of the 18th ult. Mr. Garvin was awaken- ed by iter unusual breathing. The doc- tor was immediately soot for, and on ar riving he found that she was beyond the reach of human skilL She remained un- conscious uttil her death, which occur- red on Monday evening, at the age of 59 years. The respect and sympathy for the fancily was witnessed. by the large number that assembled on Wednesday toconvey the body to its last resting place in the Dungannon cemetery. A sad accident occurred at the resi- dence of Mr. Thos. Brown, E. Wane - nos, on Snnslay the 18th ult. It appear the hired man in preparing for church, had left his trunk open. It contained a revolver. Two of Mr Brown's nephews entering the room observed it, they thinking it was unloaded began to ex- amine it, when it was accidently dis- charged, the bullet entering the elder hoy's breast The doctor was imme- diately summoned, who, on examina- tion, diioovered that the bullet had struck a button of his coat, which divert- ed its course. The doctor bas good hopes of his recovery at present. Ss Alum.—The.uther Clay Mrs. Rich ardor°, of tie 19th congestion, acci- dentally scalded her foot pretty badly. She has bsen somewhat ill lately, and had only been around and able to work s short tiete prior to the accident. Boners Utrrru. —The death of Mrs. Wm. Weir, of the Bayfield concession, was very sudden and unexpdcted- She gave birth to a son eq the 21st inst., and appeared to be in a fair way of ro- covory until Sunday, when she became dangerously ill. mid died on Moud:.y morning. Deceased was a lady held an very high esteem, a lumber of the Presbyterian church, and her untimely death at the age of 33 years is. much re gretted. Mr. Weir, with his family o.1 small children, have the eyeteeth J of all in their ber•eavemeut. lauds of seven mouths he has loan father iu-law, moth- er-in-law, and wife. On Monday his brother, of Markhari township, seat• driving,pt order t.. attend the funeral wheu his horses ran away, and he sus- tained severe injuries. Bent it er: • Etvt EBTAINwEPIT. —The No. 2 school entertainment was a decided .uocess,not- withstanding the very stormy evening, the Intl was crowded. The musical pan. was splendid, especially the French piece given by Sias' Packwood ; Mw Kernaghan also sang a very nice piece, but the best of all was a comic song by Mr. LaTouzel, which brought down the house. The proceeds of the evening amounted to $15, which will go to decor- ate the school roots with Bowen for the season. . Osrrrai n.— Died on the 22nd ult., Sarah Vaustone, relict of the late .Iohu Vanstone, after a lingering illness of several years. Deceased was 73 years of age, and was a native of Devonshire, England : she emigrated to this country some fifty ouc years ago, being one et the first settlers in this neighborhood. Since that time Mrs. \-anstone had won the respect of all who knew her, by her very kind and generous heart, was al- ways ready to assist a -friend, and better than all was agood christiau. She leaves three song and four daughters to mourn her demise. On Sunday her remains were (Altered to their last testing place by over one hundred vehicles, showinst the oateem and respect in which she was held. In the evening the funeral ser- mon was preached in the M. E. Church, by the Rev. Mr. Saunders, to a very large congregation. The rev gentle-- uisn, with his well chosen remarks, dwelt strongly on the noceasity of always being prepsurrtl to die, so that they might he nunihered amongst the cho„•u unci. • $51110 :t. r )n Wednesday Mr. E. Tighe bought a span of 2 year old colts of Mr. 1)'11 ire, M It i I L;, n t about $3vO. Mfr. Heuty Slit.aon, of KKittionrn, had t r.,re , y, .roll Ivry brolly 'eakit•.i the ot'ser day hy falling into a pail of hot utter, carelessly aft te,to t!i ' logit 1.f t!..a boos,;. To tax W i.at?. - - A party, coot ' it ii e :lir. John Gonion and roti..7-irumtO 1,i 1, tn, It. 1t I.h l sod other+, left on Thorsdav la.1 far Itlauitoolia Mt: Cuua- iu', took terve horses and seven head of cattle, 11. (t:ddrll, three ho•:•ses, awl ell ' h•:,'c roll,' a. hatn,srs, etc., in:tumoraklc. .c:Dar: - Mr. (:. {Aa t.ehy, .1 rho Pitt! tan., Holten, while ro:urnnlg from the funentl td the late Mr. R+cdforal, cart with rather a armour accident, rho hair- Pei tor and short on g in4 irate Mr Gan ia t s tiel.l, hisser the ..slight and i thaav the parties tier, Mr. Ra:dhhy 1 striking a rail with his head. rend: rnet i Rini onconsci ons for a c•�n.itleuiole t car. r'ttts. - f>.o rause quiet nf. Ifancek was broken in upon on !'lthhath, by the rrpa..rt n( • fire in the subnrl.r. 1'1•r Indeed I ern ss that o :; ;;i:.erd h al h house on tle less keen ranch biotite h•,. loan when ,a .o-:-u;oiel by Mr. /leery T..v'or, as re eery I f.rmof lir.Ilan.a`a,xni Ooderich. (1- - ani..!, r 1.1. tete•, co', ' (II,ze) 1.e ashes during the. to npa Int pleasant, The an +w aierai .' •hoot absence 4 41 the .mates. Everything lllsighing. Wheel* have s+:).fri i n•o t, -r I Traylor, n •t heirs leaz tn%rrtt.l, ti inches —jos! rn of ; i too nr t : • 1 b,,rne d. The h`" •rill for heev), rs the past three we.•i.s, *Lila •r.• h v 'vrry.k'ng new. been reading and honrin; o.f arid t o o t •• f{uuosis DaaTx. --Ohre ••f the WA three In five feet deep L, t fir .off. I!,,ddo.t deaths Ott hat orcenrre.i in A/ t htras+ t't' t..wu,hip for a long time happened Tae terse s a7wat West Huron gwtains a c..auiderablq been ttiuo of Oathe 1, voter and ;,has P 11 A ii i 111 A pi � 1llit IN TPP 2r CO. beau the aim of the 'hey party for yuan past to 10*1e that vote for its eaudidate. In 1879 they sr up Mr. P Kelly. it red sou* ' uded ash The Dissolution of the Partnership CARRIED calf DURING THE f.L$T POUS TZARS IIIT gaud pato aiw mt r rsau, V llL&.I.M who had burp cajoled by their artful battery, as their candidate for the Local Legislature, and he was Watch hy Mr. Kau by 414. At the pruviul.a geuerat egt Mr. Koss carried the cunstit- o oabs over Mr. Davison by the swan number of 89. This year air. Fre.{. Jubilation was the candidate. and hos, hopes ran high' in the expectation that by riding the two horses he would over- oume Mr. Rtsaa's u..rulal Majority of 89 and have a reaped:table ul.or1iu 1.. sleet him as member. Senau,r 0 Dtanuhua, and other "ioItuential” agent* of the D :esteem Got eaminuet were sent np to put the Catholics right. but the counting o. the ballots showed slut the Cathodic v tees stied fast by their Ltleroi prin- ciples and polled their votes so strongly its fever of Russ as to secure his return by the kaudsuwe majority of 167. An examination of the vote polled shows that while air. I1.sns veto was almost identiu+l with that pulled in his levet in 1879, Mr. Johnston oft+ ' el nearly 250 users than Mr. Kelly. It should not re- quire much figuring tan Mr. Kelly's part to convince hum that a "ergo section of the Tory pa' ty quiet's gave him the drop iu 1879, ibougit they expected to use hire for their own advantage iu 1883. —[Sarnia Obaorver. Clint= The population of the town, according to the assessor', returns, shows an in- crease of 34 over last year, which is en conragiug, when the continued emigra- tion to the west is taken into amount. Copt. McCulloch; of the lake Supe. rior Transit company, Detroit (formerly a resident of Gt•derich township) takes an interest iu the new hotel ben with Mr. Charlesworth, and expect to move his family to town during the summer. There are a number of aged people in town, bon among them few esjuy better health than Mea Fair, (mother of Mears. T. and J. Fair, who last week passed into her 81st birthda , and retains the possession of all her t • and enjoys remarkable good health fee eon so old. May she be spared many years more. Mr. David- Garvie,• formerly of Chn- ton, writing from Kansa ander date of the 15th in•s., says :—"Lastyear was a good & ..0 t.,r Kansas. We bad off 80 acres of wheat, 9090 bushels; off 90 acres of sus, 700 bushels ; off 126 acres t4 Dorn, 5,500 bushels. Other people had equally as good crops. Last fall we put in 115 acres of fall wheat ; this @prisg it looks well. We hive this spring plowed and sowed 20 acres of mita, sad bare just started to plow for the Dorn, of which we intend to put in 170 acres." The Rev. Mr. McDonagh, while preach- ing on the subject ..f " Christian Union" last Sunday evening, made sane state rnents which, too my the least, do n -'t ap- pear quite correct in fact. He said "the present movement to consolidate the Mhthodist churches of this a.untry info .one organic ,body, is being forced upon the church' to which I belong " We ask, do not the facts cane prove that the opposite to what he asserted is true,since it is well now and can be proven that fully nine -tenths of the Quarterly Boards of his church. from Vancouver te °.tape, have caned the basis of union with over- whelming majorities; and. besides, we are warranted in believing that every annual conference will give a majority in favor of the basis next June, Dr. Rice, the president of the General Conference, be- ing onr authority. Then what are we to understand by such an understand by such an unsupported statement t If it is claimed that a few of the ministers, most of whom belong to the London Conference, and who have used their ntrnost endeavors to prejudice the laity aa'sinst the basis of union, compose tie Methodist Church of Canada, who, then we can understand what is meant ; but on the other hand,if the .hnrch he made up of the laity (who are represented by their quarterly boards) and the minis- ter", Its assertion is not correct. He made other reference to the laity the correctness,of which we think cann',t be substantiated. While we take exception to the foregoing, it is but fair to say that ere cm endorse much that he said ou the subject of the union.-11ew Era. Catarrh is the seed of Comers Ohm and unless taken in time is a very dangeraos disease. Hall's Catarrh Cure never fads to euro Price 75 cents. Sold by Geo. Rhynes, sole agent for Goderieh. 3w : urwm's mud Lari atsg. Needs no advertising when once in- troduced. Every bottle sold sells hun- dreds of other by doing all and more than represented for Neuralgia, Tooth- ache, Headache, eta It removes any pain instantly, quick a Bash. Try it and you will way is is well name? 'laid Lightning. Get a twenty-firsoent Mottle at Geo. Rhynes Drug Store. ' Drydee "Mutative r man, and when you rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a sinvle hair.'' But it mast be beautiful hair to have such power ; and beautiful Bair can be encored by the use of CIRoaLEau Hata Rnrswty Stdd at 60 eta. by J. Wilson. 2m An Extraordinary Offer OLZNTON Necessitates an Immense Reduction of our Stock. It is the Largest Selection of Dry Goods in the County, and has for years been recognized as the beat exponent of Standard and Fashionable Dry Goods outside the Cities. FOR THE NEXT SIX WEEKS Trp AGENTS_ GOODS UNSOLD RBTURNED. If you are out of employment and want to start in a business you can meat, from $3 to $10 a day clear, and take no risk of loss, we will send you on receipt of $11, trawls that will sell readily in a few days for $26. If tie Agents fail tc sell these goods in four days, they can return all unsold to u.. and ws will re - •urn them their mosey, can anything be fairer ? We take all risk of does, and the Agent gets started in a business that will he permanent, and pay from $1,000 to $3,000 a year Ladies can do as well as men We want an Agent in every county.Full particulars free. Address, U. S. anufacturing Co., No. 116 Sauith- tield Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. 0 ACRES FREE! - IN TIIE WE WILL OFFER OUR Stock of Over $40,000 AT AN IMMENSE DISCOUNT F;F;F;P 15 Per Cent on all Cash Purchases Under 10. 20 Per Cent. on Purchases Over that Amount. All our New Goods are to hand (with the exception of 6 Cases Dress Goods Direct from the Manufacturers, per "S.S. Caspian," and 6 Cases Scotch and Cauadiaa Tweeds, Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mousse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary- to UnitedLand OM e GRAND!he FORKS,aDAKOTA. tes s, THIS WILL BE 1N OPPORTUNITY SELDOM OFFERED, mFA'T1f[AL MAP and FI LL particulars [nailed MAX to any address b) H. F. McNALLY, General Travelling Agent. ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS i MANITOBA R. R. Ya E. Front mt. Tarawa; Oa r All of which are expected this week.) S rsleeding Frost The Luny. (4 I Mr 0..1. i:.)tn1i of Maple Hill, P. Q.. %1� i I�II1`t1 �11111(k S1 �a if1 to•,k is severe cold wlaiosh settled on his s c'ieat and brought on bleeding{ of the sags. He bled freely and grew so low that his physician gave hulaup, A gond !earns itan hrouetht him trnno of Dr. I Wilson's Pnlm.nnry Cherry Ilalaaur and' !,ecrnitinueil its 1101 nnti1 he, got nutirely well. In this manner mono than any other has the talueof this perfect etrteat remedy f •r coughs andcolds And all manner o f boo-0and lung disa,s?s, became so wi sly and favorably known. It is valuable in ea ngestion of tree 1»naps. /11141140f1anti Hutches vanish like chaff '•••fure!he wind, when Churchill's Climax Ee' 5:11, 0 and Ointment is applied. Price .;+ rents. • o wineight for aunabletlis wort:, felt astF, tt'hI would as of die a• lire, thrnn.h Dyspepeesand Ind L•'.t on. T weig'vol wt the time of sfeHar a t••ittle .d M4iregor's Speedy Con! 13 ► lbs.: tilled 3 bottle*. and now ,„„;21,haft Ih• tool rotor was better in I; re. ie was `.1 •G roger.'"greedy ' ore t •a be w •' t n.e aroeand tit aye W'm Fill, Hamilton.(14 M (leo. Rhyme's Dram Store and est s free trial bottle e r ho moiler sire G•r fifty cents and one - i o t.• dollar. N o. Mirnp'y rnirsctilnne is all I can se. ref '1 r. I the effect 14 Dr. Van Bermes Keey n.4 i ('!tn in my ease. An elder) lady writes this from Antignaish, N. IR, who moat I had snffered from psine in the haoft tett the twenty err" fluid by .1. willies Ooir the I tacit. inn * t appy eon sour enm t colt WALL PAPERS Newest Designs and Colors t(;T, PER ROLL, UP. --;or(— American, Egg d, aid Catlin DdAlrIIF'At7TT7 25BAABIT CARRIAUES IES TAM fin ONE 25 e14 WSW Melt noel Stoves &Tinware. Jas. Saundors Son "TNI MOIST NOY1f (1000 TNI (Nett deer to the Pestedce.i Om- Stock has never been so large or so well &shorted 'as it is to -day. Our arrivals of New Goods will make a grand total of 40 Cases, and No RFSERVE will be made in any De- partment. That everybgdy may know our prices to be genuine, we give our Private Mark in full: HAGERTOWNY.X 131,'To Customers Living in the Adjoining Towns and Villages, we will give a RETURN RAILWAY TICKET to Purchaser, of over Twenty Dollars. Sale Commences from This Date farThe Business will in future be carried on by JOHN CRAIB. 4