The Huron Signal, 1883-04-06, Page 1TAIMIT26rit few .%Averilareseat.. Public N Aloe L. J. Treble. Farm to Rent. it. T. Haynes. House to Rent. W. II. Itobertimu. Just Received. J. C. Detior & Steel Barb lemma WOW. - It. W. McKenzie. Dominion Cerrito Works.- Alex. Murton. Auctioneer ter she Co. ot Iluroo it. W, Ball. '3.1..Tlif r. 0 Roe sad rosIdence. West Street goes +Wars below I4444 of Montreal. (lode - lob 1751 Che People's Column. WANTED. -A GOOD GIRL WHO understands plain cooklog. waahleg. and ironing Fainiir of four. Wages to .a OconipAent person II, per womb. Apply to IOTOUSE TO RENT. -THAT COM - 11 FORTABLE Imam formerly ocionpled by /LH. Omit\ is to rent. There is • large or- chard on tho pecomisei. Possession given on 1st of May. Apply to W. R. ROBE itTOION. FARM TO RENT. 30 acres, nearly free of stamps, Good barn and other buildings. Brick with cel- lar. Good orchard avid all well d. len- quire of R. T. HAYNES, Sheppardton. leffitt. pUBLIC. NOTICE. As I have determined to go I° the North- west this doting. notMe is hereby given to all rtindebied to lee Quit all amounts m not .= mom etie-aot later than the geh of ' .April or coots will be incurred. This is the ' last tame of calling. and an immediate answer LS amid trona one tad all. L. J. TREBLE Mac tic 1866-2t. GENERAL STORE FOR SALE. i come good trade. stook about COM.% i Sittistactory reasons tor selling. Apply to Mrs. W. 0, SHANNON. or to JAS. A. McINTOSEI, Goderich. 1111114 -ft -11-• rood tratne house an.1 two Iota on Palm- erston street, the house containing 6 rooms, olosets and cellist. in good repair. Good *able sod orchard attached. For particulars opply _ to E. R. Watson, painter. Goderich. 16604f. '.1 00MFORT ABLE HOUSE TO RENT ° mediately north of the registry office. la open for rental. The house is very convenient in ' every rticUlar. Ponesaion given on May 0 17th. or particulars apply to 0. N. Davis. ll ENGRAVING. . All kinds of plisin and oracinet.tal engrav• uts. gold, silver. ivory. pearl, executed neatll 1 iheaply and expeditiously. Dour platen made 'tactical engraver to the tr&de. 1977-wtt 1.1. A tram, liciii . . nearly new. with II foot ( ry and good cellar with woo,. -wed aral other iutbuildings will be sold on reasonable terms. A good well I• nn the overeat!, For poi0nti-, I • Loans anti insurance. %IONE' TO LEND. - PRIVATE Geo. el waitron. tioilerich. ISclop:twill's? tioloiA'No&t•AMALPoie,,Y. TO itli0,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND t d per vent. Amer to it. It A.DCLITIFIL 1731 ‘IrONEY TO LEND IN ANY ...TA amount to suit borrow:too at to 64 per coot. Private funds. Apply to examen and lel amount of Private wars tor townsman st lowest rates on ant -dame Mortgagee. Apply rime, to lead at neest rano, tree of any costa or charges. SEACIFIR & NORTON, opposite Colborne Hotel. tioderieh. ffird March Mel 17711. a 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND OP on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgoges purchased. no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees reationabie. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in one day if title is satistaotory.-0ArlsON & JOHN STON. Barristers. Ste- Goderich. 1751 DI RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, 1.%). Idle and Accident Insuranoe Agent. Representing first -clone Geminate++. A iso agent tor the CANAD• Live oracle leiseuencs Co. Money to lend on Mortimer. either in Town oi Timm Property, in any way to suit the borrow - R. McDONAGH, Oil D. PHYSIC - sort • IAN, dURGEON, &c., Graduate of Ter- nto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col - of Physicians. London. England. ke.. Ike., C. P. 41., Ontiwia °Moe and residence te Bailey's Hotel. HanrIton street. God - R. Mt:LEAN, PHYSICIAN, 8UR- Bruce Street. second door west of Victoria treet. 1751. • clan. Surgeon and Aoomicher, Graduate Toronto University. Offiosowposite Cala* on & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. Lt mot la Moe. enquire at the Bank. 1/1S-7. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Mee at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the rol Godorich. G. :41.134•NON. J. to Keane 1711. • 0 .• ornr.t. of tan square and West °coy to len 1 at lowest rates of intsreet. EWIS' ot LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorr.eys, Solicitors in Cha.ncery &c. Mee in U10 C4' out House. Goderich. Godertoh. J. T. Garrote. . Proudfoot. 175 FOR SALE whole house. and 14 acre* land or. the Bay• field rood, 0 ailerich.there is • good stable and driving shed.haril and sett water on the prem. apply on the premises or to H. leeegmiller, krOTICE TO DEBTORO-NOTICE Is LI hereby given that all portion indebted to the undersigned by note or bock account arm requested to settle the same ot Demand there- by save an entoreted collection. I tr,ean busi- ness. ABRAHAM HMITH. 18111. TAMES SMAILL, ARAMITECT, &c. 01 Office, Crabb's Block, Kingston* .Gode nob. Plans and speoltiootionsdravrn correct ly Carpenter's' plasterer's and mason's work measured and valued L./ arrangement* with Mr. MoOregor. the well-known bookbinder of Antaforth. take orders tor work in bill . All work dionstrom the plainest to the n. .4 superb at Toronto prior.. Orders lett at t. otBoe will redeye his porsonal :attention. lfa3 reaidenee. corner Brittonia road and Mr Donald street, opposite the High /Wheel. with two loto. The house Us in good repair itl. rarrlage house and stable and nth:. oat windings. The warden In well snacked with For termi iipply to Devisor Johnston. VOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT 1 ' Valuable Propfirty known as the Strafe pardton Store and POW Offioe. with quarter of an aore of land. la offered ter mole or to rent. Stock in atom all new and fresh this year. The proprietor kw other businees which will re- quire his noir attention. Ma0 tho watchman of good orchards. two food wells, and comfort• able tram,- housea. 'The lot ,ontains 100 1Wreg el 14111011 50 arr cleared and all well tested. Remaining 50 screw heavily tirabered with hardwood. For particulars a.dd rens : it. T. HAYNDI. liheppardtan P.O. MOO and epigram*. riesesser SD &Be C. Car - Old eland. featly LI W. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR I 1. the County of Huron. Sales *traded iaderich P. 0. LSO INSURANCE CARD BRITISH ASS. roaosero-Sombeshe 113111 rata Malted 111141. Rieke taken In Ube above Arstolais Off, •.$1 0 The enitewdyned le ales Appall's" ter Q.. CANADA PZIL LOAN AND A TIMOR Y Wise? to Lose en Arst-elass nee.tir.t1 row - 'et per Coat --Cheers weedlarate. C. Seeger Jr., Goderich. 1. A. MortigiM ham. 1751. IAMICRON, HOLT & CAMERON Barristerk_ Solicitors in Chancery, &c. 3oderioh and Wingham. M. C. Cameron. U Mtwara. wi nrimm. 1751. • Allows Lateral; on depoeita Draft*, lette. of credit ond circular notes tasted, poyab in al porta of this worid 1754. °ANAL/LON BANK OF COMMKRCE Gooerich Branch. Iroorest allowed on deposits. Draft.i on a the principal Towne and Cities in Canada Great Britain awl the Cleited States. bough Advance:Ito Farmers or. Note,. at,' h. oar oc more endorsers, without mortgage. 17i Literary Nollre. *year , St for six ntonths , 10 cella per won. ear. Irnr sal.. at all berAkatora S▪ cience and Bovelatio.r., the first p Sr! of which attracted Inoich attention. .1 toor- M▪ out:tamp will be appreciat• od Ly actual tourists and by stayet- home travellers Stanley gives another chapter of his stirring adventures in the Dark Continent, copiously illustrated. Wm Meson. of Toronto. whose relent death Was triumphaet as any In the di▪ .. grey,. is a stnkinc And able paper, graphic amount oi Untnivaitylim IS Gn- IA pv.t to this number. hy Joseph an account of the reorint Missionary C --r. ference in India 11. hook notices are GOl)ERICH. ONT.. FRIIIAY, APRIL 6, 1883. NEWS ABOUT HOME %r." faith he'll prent tie.. Robeinr, the well-known photo • apher, has purchased the business 0 E. I. Johnson in town. and intends t keep the reputation of the es:ablishme up to high water mark. He is a citizen, nod e are. glad he is uot heaving 0. eneeort• "benaenrmmt 'et"Illetalbelr=hajar. 13"re" ahamd7 bars- I Don't expect that a reporter can be iga= given in furniture. MaOILLICUDDY 1tROS. Pt' L 4 $I.3 A YYAR 1N kbV �- I Hw* &7sot. P�isM�:aderich is to f- be con;ratdafed in poseesweq �, able o and devoted a teacher as R I. Strang, nt Principal of the High Sehool. Ma con f- uection with the school has been a moat creditable one, and his endeavors too ad vance the interests of his change hay been as unselfish as they have been ear nest. We understand that he law an nounoed his intention of ot$.riug ani ail nual prize for hest public speaking, to be known as the Head Master's Prize. and also a prise for the best essay, to be call ed the Preston Prise, in memory of Mr. Strang's Dr.decossor. In additio+t to these two prizes offered by the principal, the teachers will give a prim for the hest reading. Each of thew prizes will con- sist of $6 worth of bookr. The Chicago Bicycle Club will start June 30, fir an extensive run. The pro - route is to go by cars to Ann Ar- r,.11iioh , then ride on wheels to De- troit, then to follow. the line of the Can- ada Southern to Si Thome, (int., then to London, up to Godetich, then to the Niagara Falls, then to Buffalo and back to Cleveland, and from there they take the boat to Detroit, thence home by rail. The trip will last twelve days. The boys go in tourist costume, carrying all per- sonal baggage on the bicycle. The short- est day's run will be thirty -fire utiles, and the largest 100 miles. Correspond- ence is being had with about thirty oth- ee clubs, with a view of having them join. Several of the Milwaukee wheelun►u ex- pect to join the procession. - AtrrN LINO. -Great reduction in steerage rates frim the old country to Canada. Persons wishing to send for their friends can now obtain prepaid tickets at greatly reduced rates. It is and expeoted that the present low rates will be continued for any length of time, w that persons wishing to send for their friends should now take the opportunity while the rates are reduced. Passengers will be brought from Londonderry, Bel- fast, Galway, Limerick, Queenstown, Glasgow, London, Cardiff and Bristol at same rates. from Liverpool. The steam- ships of the Allan Line come direct to the Grand Trunk Railway wharf at Que• bee and special trains are des patched im- meaiately on arrival, thus saving pas- sengers trouble and delay. For tickets and every information apply to H. Arm- strong ticket agent, Goderich. WLlio , ho ore In' tee Albion block. always snakes it • pmei tably get the beat value for his money, That is why he sells the beet liquors in town. tame nuns r of proteets have bren en- tered against the return of politkal ciaatlida.tes Lately. but no protest has ever been made &Against a photo turned out by It Sallow.. He tbe people's photographer by a barge n Altar - 0. B. Robson wisher to notify one and all that he has purchased E. L. Johnson's photo- graph business, and intends carrying tt In future in kis ows name. Herbst spent sev- eral years in ofteet tie beat gallaries in Tor- onto. Mr. koala! hopes, by turning out first- class work. aad idyl close attention to bus loess. to merit • swat of the patronage so iongezteaded to Mr. Johnson. Unscrupulous dealers are telling farmers and °Mao that those chesp cooking stovi-s at Bounders k Soa's Variety Store are amide of laterior metal sad will sot bake. The sabot of tbe free adyeettstar kat weak waa the sale at five more of ''the *Wee stoelln- That/oral rant every stove to be made et Use beet pig Iron. wad to Wm Palmer. Glee them • call. The Cheapest House Rader the alma. Mr. R. Leong, of Stratford, was in tawniest weer. The spring seises will be held in Goderich next week. has gene to Maaitoba. Misa Fisher, of Oretid Rapids, is the Hon. R. Hawley and Mrs. Hawley, are stopping at the Albion Mrs. W T. Cez, leaves Goderich cc -- day (Friday), to reside Chioage. Mrs. Ramsey of Newmarket, is visit- ing her father, Mr. John Bond, drug:gist. Miss Nellie Vanderlip has taken a position in e millinery establiailantent in Ingersoll. A tea meeting will be helil in the M. E. Church, Goderich, on the evening of the 13th inst. We understand that Mr. J Deacon has purchased the Osseady property on Lighthouse street. H. Tennant, M.P. P. for Morris, Man., is riming bis family at the homestead on the Bayfield road, Morton, the carriage maker, is lough- iug things in his line this steam. Read his new advertisement. Mr R. Ef. Kirkpatrick was in town on Monday on briars oonneetiou with his real estate in this vicinitO. Crystal it Black have about completed stool boilers, etc., for Clark's new tug. The workmanship ia excellawst. Mr. A. B. Meldrum has won the He- ron scholership at Knox College Se- cond year Good for Andrew. Mr. J. FIcEweu, well lumina in eon-, nection with the %yield harbor con- tract, has returned to Winnipeg.. Penn. la in tows, mita; her mother, Mrs. dot/mart. She will remain for a few weeks. H W. Bel: a.i.r.ounces himself in a card as an aucrioneer. He has all the qualities for the businees, and will pro- bably get a good share of custom. Towe Soon -wen. -During the mouth of March just closed 15 births were registereel at the clerk's office ; 8 deaths were also'recorded, laid 3 marriages. ok [lowlier of the you.ig friends of Men Bond presented that popular teacher with a tive o'clock tea set last woek, up- on her retirement from Cie profession ClillORAI. CBIOS CON•;IIRT. --Consider- able interest is evinced in musical cir- cle, as to this entertainment, which comee off on Tuesday Pith lost Mere anThon 61):%:11 show a the West' Riding of Huron Agricultural /3ociety will be held in Goderich, un Thursday :mot, April lOth. Send in erdere for job rrinting early We learn that Mr Wm. Webster, for- nierl of this town, and son -in law of Mr. . Martin. has purchased the Cen- tral hotel, Blyth, and will take posses- sion on May 1st The wirdow of it Vi McKenzie's hardware store is attracting attention. There v planer at work, automatically, Read th?' hart' wire adv. in anither Mr J Harrison., the populer manager ef the Arcade Rank, after a very le employment ,ni the new line of radi- oed in Michigan. the Flint and Illar- uettc R Usements and the sooner they are got tr. the 'menet they will loloasoom into al hig trade and ripen in enlarged premises. There is no danger oof the crop being in• I jurod by the frost 1112: We regret to learn that Mr George Sheppard, of the news depot, has beeo hen o' the lungs lie wan up and around etineeda7 Wo hope to see take up • large space in this untie of Ter 4141‘47.. :advertising their hominess.. The firm need's ne recoonenenOati,on from us. It hie established a repatation for enterprlse and fair dealing. A prom o eierywhere, anti know about everything 1 which may happen. If you would like ; to have any ociernenee written up, tell I the Tocal editor steed it. Give hint the I facts, and he will serve it up for the pub- lic. The editor's life is a busy one. He cannot be everywhere. Seelou Creston:. -John Craito, the pushing dry goods merchant of Clinton, aunouncea his spring opening on Setur- day, April 14th. Mr. CrAib is a large advertiser, has an imtuense stock on hand, and would like to see every lady in the county at his grand opening on the 14th. See his offer of return fare. Rom. M. P. P., returned this week from McGill Universite, Montreal, where he paned • very successful examination in medicine, and graduated a full-ffedged doctor. His full title DOW is W. Ross, Roes is one ut the youngest physicians in Canada. MANITOBA •ND NORTHWEST. -Parties who contemplate going west or north- weet would do well to call on or write to H. Armstrong, ticket iirent Grand Trunk Ry., who will furnish •all imioruntion required. A large supply of valuable pamphlets, guides, maps, etc., always on liend ind furnished free to ail en appli- Goderach each Werinsettio: at nom direct fee Winnipeg and intermediate pout& Remember the address, H. Armstrong, tieketegent G. T. Et. and agent ter Allen Luso of Steamships. DiAllAirk'. -The Townsend troupe gave an entertainment in Victori* hall on Tatueste=veaing last. There was a fpreairfortners being delayed by the os. Owing to one of the eon -arrival of the mixed train at its regular hour tbe entertainment did not open until &beat nine o'- clock, much to tlie chagrin of the en- tire audience. Tke "gods," however helped to pass away the time by indulg- ing in ca.t calls and by-play at the late arrivals, and by joining in loud whistl- ing of "Old Grimes ia Dead,""One More River to Cross," and other rollicking airs. The farce weaved. Milwaukee veaselmen do not antici- pate an early opening of nevigatian. ' On the contrary, they think the reason oan- not begin until after May 1. The basis upon which they argue is that it will re- qsire at least four weeks of -sunshine to thaw out the iron -ore at Marquette and Escanaba. The ice in the straits is now thicker and more extensive than has been found them for the hut twenty- seven years, and it bears no present in- dication of having been even partially thawed by the warm weather. An ex- Periesced lake captain said that if the present northerly winds continued for any length of time ice would not be I cleared from the lakes until at least ' May 1e. -[8arnia Observer. Imettovsn STOCK. -The thonaighbred steel; cif the county geoeived some valu- able additions last week, by pur.thases made by ses-r.ral of the leading breeders of the county. At Mr Armstrong's sale cf stock at Guelph, Mr. Appleton El. ing Durham bull, Mr. McDonald, of Morris, a yearling Durham hull, and Mr. from the Bow park farm. Messrs. H. Snell Sons, of Hullett. bought at lambs. In the courae of a very little while Huron will stand at the head of the list for thoroughbred steck, and the efforts of breeders to improve the stock of the cnunty should be seconded by every farmer in it --[Ex. estm,,, features of the spring fair, Thurs- day next, April 12th, will be the auction sale of the shorthorn herd of Hoe. R. Hawley. of Detroit. Nearly all these animals hase been bred on his farm, Maitland Place, on the Huron Read near Ooderich, and will register in the Canadian or American herd booka. On Weaned* we accepted an invitation from Mr. awley, and drove out with him to the farm. The animals were found to be in Rood condition, and all the cows but tone had young calves at their sides. in the stall with "Princess o! Bautonsfield III" was a handsome red yowling bull, which gives promise of being s mom superior animal. "Ida," a novenve animal, imported from Michi- gan, dropped a pretty- red and white bull on Easter-. po-cil by Reacomsfield TT. The iittlo fellow, 13 thrising, and will he soki with his dam on Thursday. "Mait- land Rose- looks' in gicod notwithstandine the fact thAt she has nursed a handeonir pair of twin heifer calses since September Mother and daughters looked am con'ented lit could he on Wednesday. A yearling heifer "Strawberry.- purchosed from Hump- hrey Snell abiout two years ago, had a fine heifer calf with her. Several other ynung heifers and bulls, among hem two good yearlings, weie othies seen. all chnice shorthorn stock. This heed osportunity he afforded our agrieul, lar feature of their trade is ssliong hy Bevel -o'er ( .0., believe that f01.141 StOek, low prices and newspaper advertising are •- (We `011111fill heIDDAINII tilneti introducino into their herds some choice *rams. Mr. Gorhem, ir h., I manatim MaitIsnd Place for Mr Haw - 1.y. hi. hewn keerieg the Ammili good trim with this smicess of the affair. Mr. H. T. er Moires us to announce tkat the .• sow prepared Iv take pupils in elocctimi for the tette_ to be trained for rite mid • • !adept in teaching this pleasing are - number of the censtables of tho county . fuel at the Colborne hotel, and gave 1 I complimentary to Mr. J. C. Cur- - 1 rie, late county b constable on the I eve of his departure bee Winnipeg, whith - ' or he goes to mourns a position in tho Sheriff's Aim in that aity. After the thin had been partaken of, Mr ames A dime was called, to the chair, and oon behalf of the cointabled of Harm, ity of Mr. Curie as • wools blip and as a remembrance. Mr. Currie, on accept ing the present heartily ktanked his ftiends for it, and maid one of his greatest regret. at learialt Huron was the fact of parting with ags many of his old and tried friends. nuesever, he hooped to seemany of then% aimin, ant i would juat say if they ewer erns. to Win- nipeg liot to forget so call seem Johi Campbell Currie. and they would.receivo as good treatment es it WM. possible foe him to give. Songs sad speoahee were then given by Messrs. DeLoag. Connor. Boren berry, Campbell ..Diskaosen ,Y ul e. and others and a very pleassat satin was brought to a close *bout midnight day morning, and his msny friends ie thin section wieh him the fullest measure of prosperity in his future. home. The P. A. Landiee 11,rald states that one of Flaherty's new store on Cumber- land street -the east one -has been leas- ed to A. E. McGregor & Co., who will start a wholesale and retail grocery told liquor store there, as soon as navigation opens. They have given instructions as to how they want the store finished to suit their business, and the work of fit- ting up the hew premises will be com- menoed immediately. They intend to go into the' bulginess quite extensively. Mr. McGregor is well and favorably known to many of our citizens, he having been captain of the steamers Manitoba and Sovereign for a few years past. We --sash this new firni every prosperitv Mr. James A. McIntosh, of Gollerieto is, we understand, partner in the new firm. He is a grocer of loug experience, and an upright man. We wish the new firm every success. Holism SIM Pin. -On Thursday last Mr. W. L Ferguson and Papat shipped Ohm heavy draught stalliona to the Unit- 1 ed States. Mr. Ferguson wail fortunate I in previous venturee, and as he is a role able horse man we have reason to believe , his present venture will prove equally suocessful. Mr. Papst, too, is one of ! the "squarest- cif horsemen. He took with him "Scotland's Glory,- a noble I heavy draught, black. with long flowing I mane, tine action and aplendid form. This horse will create astonishment and ' admiration over the line. Mr. Fergio son has a "picture- in "Young Coach - four years old. He also took with him a fine two year old heavy draught bred by himself, and a yearliniz stallion Iinol by Mr. J. Fisher. Mr. Ferguson ought to make • good strike with his horse- flesh, for it is Huron stock, and that is saying • good deal. entertainment, held in the Temperance Hall on Friday last. was a success. There.was a good attendance, and the performers, young and old, did their parte with more or less ability. In the juvenile songs the tochool scored a hit each time, and the little folks gave evi- dence in all their prrformanees of care- ful training. Miss Goode aoccnipanied them on the piano Miss Acheson play- ed oin the piano in a very pleasing man- ner, and her duet with Miss Goode woe will received Mies S Williams, for so young an elocutionist. was veto success- ful, and gave token of histrionic atility oof no ntean sort. She also showed a ver- satility which surprised and pleased her friends. Mina IL Wynn, as "lady Teazle," ease evidence of a talent for comedy, and her Archness lit cajoline her testy husbend we+ well simulated. Miss G. McMicking gave very realistic no- lil.iuy of an old misi r. and the hilsh that fell upon the audience, testified to her powers. In some respects her elocu- tion is almost faultless, and but foot- a habit oof dropping her voice to.. low at vocal mioic, and Mra. Fletcher sang a to• ok special part in tho entertainment were Milner! Mabel Cameron. 11. Widths, F. Lawrence. F.. Kirkpatrick, Fisher, Graham, A Ross and K Dewey. The dialogue between letaSes Onalisin and Cameroon was avill given Mrs. 'Pletcher and Miss Goode must feel hiehlt satiserei Gederirdo M.S. Literary Katentatamowl. The society met in the school room on Saturday evening last. It beiag the last meeting of the term, tne usual election of officers took place The following officers forzu the execution committee for the ensuing term : -President, Mr. rotary, Mr. E", S. Hogarth ; Tteaserer, Mr. R. A. Seaborne ; e3ec'y committee,. Mira Halse ; Librarian, Mr. farrow ; Councillors -Masses Cameron, Tighe and lated on securing such an able staid. officers, and we feel conbdent that the hitherto good reputation of the- society will be maintained under the reanage ment of 'such on able exeeutive A vote of thanks waa then tendered our worthy - ex -president, Mr. F. Itia.r, or. 'behalf of the retirieg executive After the election of ofhtzets the • literary part of the programme was car ried out Tt was in the form of a coat test. The first part led by Miss Came- ron and Mr. Wilson, ci,nsisted of eh. rur, members of side ; recitati-ir, Mr. F. ed • ;" solo Mid chorus, Mr. 11. Hortoo reading, Mr. E S. Hogarth. Story ef of aide The part captained by MIAS Halse and Mr. J. Farrow, coraposed solo riid chorus, members of side : read ing, MiAr Strang, " The Riddle read polo, Mr. R. A. Seaborne , recitation, Mise K. Ball, " The Lest Hymn . ' read into Miss Heise. " Keenan's (Marge ;" were all rendcred in goi'd style, but tho chorus '.round) oriveik by the Past, side waa empecielly will received by the an diem's, The judges Messrs H. f. StrAng and J. It. Miller were cesniniotia in their decision for part . Tho National Anthem was sung and the Meeting ntljettrried. -Hamilton, March 2'7.-Sun:e tone ago a man exhibited on the eortter of Market • and MacNab streets a tnonstresity. in the shape of a humanoid/a with parte of varlet's animals and the body' of a duck. When the showman wee hmoving show sonie boys stole the monstrosity and hid it in the cellar. where it was dis- covered hi- another ehowtnan a few diva ago and iv Constable Harris t: -day The eleohoi hail eveporated trete the bot to be Almost perfectly formed. the head having been niutilated by the showman and the body coveted with the skir of a • duck t,, make it look eaoristroog, on the qtreet. The to:i.her i. prevail). streets and public i.ssen.bliti. par:.cillsr- hia euppoped fine form. Juni his szarrar, is to captivate and flirt w-', illy oirle ' an• alyzi hie sillies -olio dosage oa,' nee . every fem ski with alio tattooer -it -se ef for i or feature as legit:mate prwy. Lever hesitant -1,4 by hie brazen atlyences to Sao advantage of the allwarad .ng or t.t. tri t▪ imidity fail to riatot his Am 'denims, ' This species of hostas poppy ii •• the intorno- 'Foe PM*,