HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-30, Page 8fr A.-u3f • .. .e .,,,,.... s.:, .•tr..w..a.rsa. o...asl.sllRt a(M... ._. Aw.ra .- aeatl ,.. i-ei =641;:-.,i :. - .. -...,(tsar - • •.-mama sasusilas. ... r....0 o.ww.,. , ,... wWW.r.F.r THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIAY. MARCH 30 1883. $ sppardtoa. ISIe Wona. 11. cystic day. W. G. Bowe and W. Haorkiva, with the L.ug saw and nuc, cut GJ ,u,rus lit wood. The wood w.. piled by our jovial felted Cepp1t A. Bogie in te a tin • Is there a naliQt Mart who can boat his renurd in the piling lute 1 PesemeeT Tore, -- last Thursday even- ing the Leehunt ctiotr, ad a few totters entoyed • pleasaut evening at Cedar Chef, the resicteuo. uf Capt. Andrew Bogie, who gate several thr.lhng •r.trt.a of his adventures ou the mighty ,lop, much to the entertainment a all present. 31:11.rfartdsa. We are pained tot learn that Mt Pat- rick Wall has returned 'nen M.uueaota suffering from a severe attack of conges- tion of the lungs. Mr. John Desmond, of Greenock, is the guest of his friend, Mr. 1'atrick O'Reilly, of this place. Mr. Themes Hussey has rented the Kintail brickyard. and iutends to start snaking brick as soon a• the season will permit. Mr. P. O'Reilly Is visiting. friends in Waw•nosh. 0arbs'atd, Fames or Nervaa - -A ewe beloneiug to Mr. George Patton, Woodcock street, gave birth to a lamb recently, 'and in about 24 hours brought forth siiother. *11 concerned in this uncommon occur- rence ars doing well. Cowviisseairr. --On Saturday last it gate us much pleasure to see Mr. W. Morris moving around again for the first time canoe hie accident with the accident with the see. He desires through the columns of THE SIGNAL to cxpree his gratitude too the friends of Salford and nlop for their kindness toward him during his lenp confinement of nine weeks to the house, and especially too thank Messrs. It. Gibbs and Janie, Wells for nursing him. 1'n their con- stant and brutherly care he attributes his early reetoretu,.i. 1 • Ltd to wel- come to his active duties once inure one of the best choppers in the township. 0,13:10h :arash•p• Mies Thumpai>n, of Bayfield, is t isitittg Iriendson the 10th con. Mr. John Connell, who has been visit irk the "old folks at. home," retur.totl to his home in Holland, Grey, last week. Mr. John Middleton is shippiii;. to Manitoba dreaaed lutnber and other ma .teri•1 for the erection of a new house and .table. A little girl of Mr. Geo. Robertson's who was shopping at Mr. M,Aliister's store, Huron Reed, fell against the stove and severely burned her hands and face. Mega Wee Cooper and Mckenzie have the carpenter work and lir. Arthu Cantelon the brick work fur Mr. Weir' new house on the 16th concession. It i in the right hands to make a coed job of it. 41.abara. (tut. Messrs. Pritchard aiid Smith ez- cltaug id pulpits um Sabbath last. Use Easter ezamtnation of out sins I was held uu the .fternoui of Thursda) the 22nd inst., and was well attended. Mr. P. strains of No. 1 Colborne .wwist ed. We are sorry to have to mead the death of William, secoud ion i of John Mills, winch took glee at hot father a rrsidenoe, dost. 2, West i\ awgnush, uu Sunday, 18th inst., after a ah"rt Illness of four days. Deorsed wits sixteen years of age, and was held in the high- est esteem by all with whom he issue ut contact. Mr. Mills and faintly /lave the Qieme sympathy of th> entire commun- ity in their bereavement. The funeral touk place on Tuesday. A very seriees accident happened to • young man named Parrot, living with his uncle, Mr. Thos. Brown, 3rd con., East Wawanush, on Sunday morning last, 18th last., and one which serves as another example of the danger of tare - lowly using fire arms. It appears that as Parrot and another young roan, • cousin uf Mr. Brown's, were preparing for church, • younger brother of Parrot took up • revolver which w.s lying in an open trunk, and began handling it, not ku,wing that it was loaded. He puin:ed it at his brother and pulled the trigger, when immediately the wwpun went off, the ball taking effect just below the breast bone. Misdeed aid was suin- moned, and everything possible done for the sufferer, but there s very little hope of his recovery. Lina --Parrott, the young MAO, who was accidentally shut un the 18th inst. is still alive, and hopes are now risettein- ed of his recovery. L»bara. Pewu,SAL. --M r. Harry Hotton and '1'. C. Wright enjoyed their Easter holt clays from the seat of learning at (3•i..1e rich among old scents. They had several pleasant excursivus in tishiug u:1 the ice near the Point Fartu. Booth look well and hearty. The Eastsr ux:ouiatiun ..f ". S., Ne. 5, Colborne, Leek place mi Thursday. 22nd inst. The exercises were conduct- ed by th3 teacher Mr. R. E. f,r,,sn. assisted by Mr. Harry 11 tun, ..f liuds- rioh High School : ou ready creases ,e tee pupil. .bu-i id touch impr.''. einem, caul reflected credit tin the teacher. it thio cl .re of the czamation Mr. 11c:her- nigeta was oallel to the chair, at 1 nen ,rt ddresses were given by Moseys 3. Link- _ (:.ter,Naito! and Barry Horton, c•';npli- mentary to Mr. Brown and his echelon'. About 25 visitors were pteasel The following epistle was received by your reporter from Muskoka, dated Mar. 17th, 1883, from (iso. Hall, an old reaidentof Commercial street, and an es- teemed assistant reoorter of the Leeburn items for Tota SIONA.L, and now greatly missed. • DEAR \\ enerme,-I have not hoard any tidings from you since I cause t„ Muskoka, only that little y:.rn about Devil Point which I noticed in my fay- erite paper Tan Sio!un, and I thought in w.f'oR to John that I would just drop a line to red through hint. I am much taken up with tlld Country, and I think in many respects it is : !!o.'uti-pd in America. The surrounding country presents a very fine picture to the eye. The trees are tall and magnificent, and se high that it takes an ordinary eye to look twice before the summit can he reached. The land presents a pleasing feature being nearly level, and undulat- iftg slightly from Different points. The lakes are also a groat advantage to the country, and it would raise your spirits in rowing a young lady ,ever the fresh blue waters more in half an hour, than in getting some of the finest jottings about game roosters, cats, etc. I wish you would come up hero and stale your fortune, for I knew your ability in des- cribing landscapes and water ..cones. Your old friend Mr. Arth.r H 'rron, in whose employment I am at p.-.se'nt, is well, and sends his respects to yr.n.. I remain, you.s truly, Oso. MALL SCHOOL REPORT. -The follow hog are the names of the pupils of Lceburn pub- lic settee' who obtained honors in the various subjects of the differet,t• dames at tho quarterly review : IV clam -arith- rnAtic-1 J. Greene, 2 A. Hetherington. 3 E. Cowan. Grammar -1 J. Oteone, 2 A. Hetherington, 3 S. Smith Geo- graphy -el P. Stuart. 2 L McAllister, A. Hetherington. History --1 P. Stuart, 2 J Greene, 3 L McAllister. Hygiene -- 1 A. Hetherington, 2 S. Smith,. 3 E. Cowan. Spelhng -1 S. Smith, 2 J. Green 3 L. McAllister. Dictation -1 .1. Oreetl 2 A. Hethrington, 3 8. Smith. Cour pnuition - 1 J. Greene, 2 8. Smith, 3 A. Hetherington. Writi -1 E. Cowan. 2 A. Hetherington. 3 F, Boyd. Map drawing --1 A. Hetherington, 2I). Heth- erington, 3 E. Cowan. Ili Class - Arithmetic -113. MoWhiney, 2 F. Jforris, 38. McAllister. Crammer -1C. Weise, 2 S. McAllister, 3 McWhiney. thee gr.phy -1 J. Lintie'd, 2 X. Greets, 3 C. Weise. Spelling- 1 A. Thorley', 2 J. Lettield. 3 (1. Fulford. Dictation --1 A. Thurlow, 2 8. McAllister. 3 C. Weise. Composition -1 B. McWhiney, 2 A. Thurlow, 3 S. Mc Allister. Reading• 1 F. M.'rris,2 13 McWhiney e S. McAliin ter. Writing --1 T. Il.,yd, 2 11. Mc -1 Whiney, 3i. Hetherington Mip,ir,tw ing• 1 IS. McWhiney, 2 A. Thntlew, :31, IIethpongee' ii (:law 'tot h•iiOsc-- 1 A. iligic, 2 W. Fulfonl, a M Teley, (loos raphy 1 F. Strong, 2 R. teener's, 3 W. Fulton'. Spelling 10. 1611, 2 jr. strong, 3 A. Green. Dictation -1 A. eve, 2 F. String, :3 M. Foley. Coin petition I F. Rtaong, 2 A. Ilog,t•, 3 Asy liret•n. Reeding 1 A Hn' w,2 1). win 9 F. Strong Writing - 1 A. Greene, 2 F Sting, 3 .%. Bogie. 11o. iClam - Anthasetie--- 1 A. !lurk, 2 A. Awe* 3 J McAllister. Spelling 1 C. Strom 11 A. Kerrie, 3 F. ilendersta. 1 A. ~'.wrist, F Ilender...in, 3 W. Griew. Writing- 1 A. Morris, 2 F Hendedusat, 3 A C..wtwa. Tattles 1 A. Burl, 2 A. M •r, ie, 3 W. lir 'tan. Jr. I (,lass - 1 A. K nuckle. 2 M. Khield, 3 J 8trnn1, 4 T. H"w,tarth, is M. Conk. Th- neeehee rf p'rpilaun the .oil for the m. -nth errs fie. res a !dr. D. Juuor bought of Mr. B .vee!- punter, that din rsole two story frame house on James street, Clintoo, foo 3700. He then blade a present of it t i his dauo'.ter, Mrs. Arthur Cautelon. We cougratelate &Ir. Cantelon on his good lock. Mr. Henry Tebbutt, ono day last week when chopping in the bush, the axe caught on a limb above his head, causing him to let go the handle. The axe came in contact with his shin bo::o inflicting .evure wound. There was party at the rasidence of Mr. Edward McLean on Monday even- ing of la.t week. Many from the coun- try and town were .present It was a farewell party got up by several young lath.., in [aver of Messrs. E. Oui T. Weigh, and J. Elliott. C.L .us.. Fever here. It is reported that Wm. Ce.ok, Portlier - .y of this place, had his feet frozen in Manitoba. A. Roe, of Brussels, will not run the ,.,tw hotel after a11. Special services are dein; held tint the 1i. C. Church. The brethern of N, , 34, A. F. and A. M. gavua spread last Tuesday et•eningat the Commercial un the eve o1 the Jcpar- tere of Messrs. Copk, McCartney and Joslin fur theNokth-west. Messrs. Mac - whirler and Mallotak presided WaxrwA)tn itllino iAMON. - On Wed- nesday evening last a party of considera- ble elm left Clinton cation for the west, taking with thein 10 car triads of stuck, an., »hipped toy the following parties: - Jas. Wittinghain, J.' :erten, T. Correll, D. Pollock, to Cappell ; Jas. McCirnoy, Moose Jew ; J. 'helm, Virden ; It. An- ' .ier'v'n, Elkholn ; Cleo Robinson, liran• .Ion ; W. Sterling, J. Cox, lirar.din, Dak., A. Churchill, Sowell. Among those who left were James Whittingham, Angus McPhail, Jelin thirrell, w,fe and three children, it. Auderaon, wife and two children, John .loslie, wife -told family, Jas McCartney, -.John Taylor, Frank (iorreli,:at.d R. ()erred from I'1 se torn ; L. Pollock, NO.! and huffily, Mr. McAllister, wife and two children R Patterson and wife, Ed. tee, sister and Mr. Lee, Ind Iticheel Ho'h'tin, (Stanley. Ohm. Robinson and I), 'han'&h, Hay- field. ::,r..h Powell, 'r ickersrnith. Mts. Demme, II •is ri and Wm. tiit'ring and t.v.t...ei John Cox, Arthur and Mary Churchill, John Cox, and Jos. Trewar- tha, Goderich township. Then ieft at ab .at 10 p. m . Messrs. 11 F. MeN Jlv, .11 the St. 1'. M. tt M R. It., and Mee Kay, of the C. R 1 h P. R it., acu.'tn paeying them. A report got ahrsise lbs a F etraneyo mon'.rn4 that aka train ha 1 ren off the track derinc the aught be •hie *us iocerr.•'•' is it reached Pu, t parson aft 0 a, o., Tk rale! a 1 ntbt. Ile are. 0,lein Callaa.l,v, Mice tin-reil,.d . .t.,., a • I A. N a, cyst, r : (i'tteri.•h ttlNp: a1'iF, a so leave ti1ie we k New ls.r► - Itat.tiree UU:eeten of the Kids:eye Di rlet• • &.►d of her D,•r'..iaw...1 th'• ,tees I Live:•, wt:,..t ye,-' are t, 'n„ • . Nieto ' 1 Lett iI"p R..'• s is the n S thin that wilt sorely aid I•t` 1t n'iv pr. vis 1 ani here. Al;'.:h.r pre te de.l ewes only ra.,e a for a tee , and tuste -.eke Toe emenv theme *ogee tlawlsig Ms M rely. Mr C. Mitt, %Witte vtl•e, Out, had a muse distressing cough for months, daring which he wa., under tuwtioal *Avlse. Kut still he grew wueee at,d we're std his ease was given ep its b.u;;lit two betties of Dr. Wiliwsi'a i'ulnionary Cherry Balsam slid altar using them wa..ble to earn his own liv- ing. Itis the very beet cure f•'r all man- ner of weighs and mitts and all (mina cal disease of the Jul. esand air passages. 11 cuts away the phlegm, seethes the in• tlammatiun, and tours up the system. t .r .•.. s matt To worry tl...':.u.y lever, Ki Inay ..r iiri. cry '1ti('nb'a, eapscinlly Hrrt,ht's 1)1,. senDi he es, as Hop Bitters cot fi s d rime e le:ree • • • is pe..•iele W. keno fhb The Mad lid w are never wasted or coatnterf 1. This in especially true of • family medicine, and it u positive pried that the re.ie le imitated is of thu htlheat value. A. woo as it had been tested and proved by the whole rorld•that Hop Bitten was the purest, beet and most viluahle tine y medicine on earth, tetany imitations sprang up and began to steal the notices in which the press and the people of the country had expressed the merits of H B., and in every way trying to induce suffering invalids to use their stuff in- stead, expecting to make money on the credit and good names of H. B. Many others started nostrums put up in similar style to H. 13., with variously devised names in which the word " Hop " lir " Hops' were used is a way to induce people to believe they were the same as Hop Bitten All such pretended reme- dies of cures, no matter what :heir style or name is, and especially with the out., " Hop' lir " Hope " in their Dania or in any way c.nuscted with them lir theta name, are ilnitatious lir counterfeits. Beware of their. Touch hone .f them. U13 nothing but genuine Hop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of greet. Dote WI the white label Trust nothing else. Druggists inid dealers are wanted againsi dealin4 in imitati( ns or counterfeits. 1: 'lie res: tee a of the hridc't mother, an the lite inst.. Mr. James:lcott of A.bech!. to Miss Jaat . daughter of sire. Sterling. of riuderi:h township. At l'ranbrriok. on the 14th inst.. at the rem, dente of. the Inside's rather, by the Itev. U. H. McRae. )tr. James Mammon, to Mine Maggie. only daughter of Jobe Cameron. all of ('rsabr'ook. At Blyth, et We residence of the Index fath- er, on the 19th inet . by the Ret. A. Me- I.ean. 31r. A, C. Venkgmoad, of Seaforth, to la:tbe:Le eldest laughter of \V. Drum- mond. hee. of Hlyth. .1' Winnipeg. on the 15th Inst., at the resi- dence of the bride's unci.( Mr. lemi.ders. byy the Pe• . W. F. Clarke. Charles W. itsndstumb. to Annie, eldest daughter of Mr. h:lvs Platt, Clinton. Miss. ' Tr ...hill. aside. OItANI) TRUNK Peas. u Weise. Mlt'd. Mts'd tie a bb.Lv.at6am ItiOpin. Lew 7.0rim Ar.1M 1,311 4,i OM dirM/ant. A r.7.110 t40 &1O 11.1* w 11.T. Pees. kap'». 511a'd. Mta'd. .4tratfued.l.v12.O1pw 7.611Pni .:.Main 34$m' ti eaforth.Ar.ILt5 5.45 1100 440 iiudtritbAr. 1.35 9.3o lit., 7.15 STAGE LINKS. Luuk•uw Stage (daily► arr. 10.15.m3pw dep Y.uuardine • 1 Wa'a7,.re ' iienamiler " (W edne.day aaiSaturdav) Ar./Wam..1 11.tu At h:s resi•1•-t.. •', lot 9, can. Li, township of nay, u•. the 16th lea,. Mr, Thomas Timm - but!. it: his td,7ear• Deceased was a na- tive a- tive ,,::lox htu ghseire, 400tland. in Ooderich Towaabip.p on the 1eth inst. t'hryatin... etlsot Mr. Wm. Weir, aged SI years and 9 months 1. s.e/erlea Marlins. f o1. hlCL. lfaat;u t , itS,i. Wheat, 1'♦ N bash........... 110 42 090 93 Wheat, (A;trin cS p build........ 9l le Flour, Y Lerre-. ........... 1 50 or Oats, i bush. a 37 te Peas, 41 bush . 0 S• 0 Barley. i bush. .. Potatoes 'bush .: Fps, el doe, lunpeoked►,... . Cheese, Shorts, g en'. ,.......... Brag i cwt W doo. Hides... .......... eheeoaeins.. ., ........ Hogs dressed ... ..... . . 0 60 0 36 750 11 IS 0 al 0 11 0 90 070 360 {d 30 BENEFIT CONCERT! 'else pupils of MKS. imrretIKFt'i $l•HOOL will hold their esuel 5 CO e 38 o 75 o 56 037 850 010 0 21 0 12 100 Ono 1 70 1 00 600 1 S0 800 AUCTION SALE ar- Shorthorn Cattle THURSDAY, APRIL. 12th. 1 >:3. I w1:1 , tae wee. PJdlr s :Spring S of Goderich. ea April lftbe my enthe thoroughbreds, oouslstlag of Young Bella, Hoffer.. re: n•, and Cnws. tS, n..Ic a::`.:lit regime,. t'. !L1%yetY 1&11-2t. etai•laad mace, God. -. I. armors & t1n1ellers S1 HEP E THE NEW FERTILIZER. Cotton • eefl ("iiiapound Is Cbeap.-r, .r 1 ats, gcevi cat 1.,.1 •c r, tlwo newt .K n 4ommce:lel leer:tltzcrs of h. present dire. • The. 1" -reinter s a re...! riaar re. co: sheatLe a stimunar.t.1.1., ;else of w!,l.-h is rroved by de increaa!nit': a+ wherever introduci"1. A hundred ti•1,aAued tons were •hlppee had year :o Ens:..n,l for fer:li:zii' r heripeuw.ecs alone. Oarieners tat a notice that vea• tl►bk's man- sired with it nature an.! .ratee earlier than withor,!i-.ry ..A - `•. John .A.. Nafte1, w,:e Agent .ur feelers h. Mao AIT: rt '..r Rett- climax. king of fees!, took Diplon& at !Vont-Jill *Show lest fall. Mare* ". 136?. 1141{-3nt 1 N THE CO("%TY COURT OF THE L COUNTY CIFIll :(1N, In the: r,.at'ar of :cines Mal.*AN i 3x11' site and Water i'rltckgr'e, in the Vfhaxe of Mart Albert In the County of Heron, and of the tire Chapter 114 of the Rcv'rsd 'tatut,', of Ontario. rb off .,Ann L: ii ay tont-w.'. T..i . ,.,'floc U.•t on Monday I:.. 7trd dry cf April. A.D. 19tttl.ot len ('desk in the forenoon, • petition will be preset: and rot. rt .pllratlon mute ..n lot half ret th. t. fist .lantea Dfah•fn, to the Judir.• nI the ('c'tnty Court of Uri County of Iluron, at hi, chambers in the Court -Ileum In the 'wad Coue'y, prayirg that the said James Mahal', may Iry allowed to trainmen He dam un tee nal, mill aIle and water prey Hogs at IG present state a: ,: at which time nest place en order will IX, tanked for 'in the lenient the bray --r of tba seed petition. i)add thni 't'.'6.y of M.. -rh .L. Iletlled by M. /I, (A'A511EItUN, ISAAC F. TO'M+. 114dicltor for tee asld Jmlt• (' 1 . N'trMs. dare'. s bt.,hafer. 14214*. g 1HANCIi'ki NOT1t-'is: TO CREDI- lJ TOR.4 Or PF.TeR U; \ttDf5Ee, ria, esa.td. aa Par.rl to try dtr'eetler, g sY-w Ina matter N OW pending 1n the Bigg Coon of Imam. Casso.ry INvleise.4et11.Md "fa tbe matter d Gramme and others, Waimea The Creditors of Peter Iteag.relas., tee of the Yew -whip of Stephen, in the Comity of Hue.w, farmer, wbo died in or about the tantetb et October, 1. are. '.s or before the t$ib day. of AprtI, leek to send 1•y prepaid !w Mayers. t'e.s.r a 50410. R serene liege. ri k, their (1hrist.an and seraamea, addremae cad do.eriptM.. the (tin a mars of their rblaas, • statement of accounts, and tote aware of the rriutties 1if arty) tied Ivy teem: or, In default thereof they wlrlbe perestlrcwlly esele*e4 from tL • benefit tw three mow.y• 1. M. dies bated to the said matter. Oveerrt'y •'redl- ter b Ming any see',riq M to Oral .••• tame before nes the undevnen.A itatlMrar of 113' H orett s dtenoi INvt.t.. of the High Court of lytatice- he air .i Of (.'cambers in tttaonde Bn all, 1 T e. the Mt day el Aerie IR3,.1 f o'deek the afternoon, bring the 1lttte apple for a{►udication to. the dooms m.. !Nand flat of JanwW itfst 1(1RS w j11CA +t1.64A rat[tr(rar Q 1t n EASTER CONCERT la Tna- TEMPERANCE HALL oh FRIDAY EVENING, 301 An excellent programme wiil be provided br pupils A/wtasl.a t/.05. Nen *pea at 705. l'tlldres wader leer - seem races 1Mb. Cerneert a. a *'deet. MI 0 7' :- Valuable Village Property, ULeder sad by virtue of a power of sale oo•- I enedle.sseetg11re made byALexAxns Serrate, de nen havltt n been made in try cwt tbereet.wUl he sold by publk auction at the AMERICAN ROTKL. RRCS$SiLM, no THURSDAY, APRIL •iTH, It483, at one ti clockm., the fdlewing property Lot No. Ile Eastside of Tenbrrry tit row. our - ter of Cbnroh and Turnberry streets in the Village of Bounces. County et Hurua, con- taining one-quarter re. more or hoe New one and one-bad*Wry frame house Is x 11, with wing II x lb, alw a frame house is x !y. and frame arable 18 a 51. Young orchard. !FIRMS: -The pureha.ar shall pay a depos- it of *NO u the time of sale, the balance of one-half or the pur:hase motley in three week• thereafter ; the remaining one-half in ca,.lt, or secured by a mortgage payable in from one to aye years •t the option of the purchaser. For fur ;,.v particular.. apply 10 CPERAR R MUIR, Vomiters' solicitors. Hamilton llamittoe, Mere -1114. 1111.111. CIIKRRYDALE' FIRM! AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY TO TACE I'LAl'i:ON THUR14DAl, APRIL THE 261h, 1883. TUXRE WILL BE SOLD BY PUB - LTC AUCTION. to too highest bidder, that valuable property known as •'Cberrydsle Farm," situated in the Township of Colborne, County of Huron. near the Town of Oodrri The property is well improved, and com- prises • facet et lain ettelllpinn ebeel 109 acres of the best farming Lib Int the Town- ship, including rIeb alluvial river (lata, with • frontage on Maitland River of over one half mile. The orchards are extensive, there being ov er 1000 fruit trees, and as n frust farm it has • reputation unaurp•aaed in the township. To a person wishing to engage in the culture of the grape, there is probably as One • site for & vines, V Ineyard as ran be toad aaywbere. About 5 acres are now ready for in out with The water privileges are unsurpassed, there being several living springs over the farm, and notable a monster spring which rune an overshot w eel, driving an amber cane crash- er and older mull. The buildings aro good : 1st, -The dwelling hose is a substantial steno building. three stories in height, now- fortiegd.abic and well builendt. Ynd. -The barns stabica are an, and large, cerertnR about a quarter of an acre of ird.--The fruit hou3e is a bei Ing 4d.*( feet, now used for 1.11. storage and bottling of cider. The flow through, cspring awl above 'Deadened ix made to peratnre not to vary any very perce ible difference the whole year rc und. The cl e, the tembusiness is a profitable one, and offers • sure business to any parson with a IitUe eaplt$L til. The erred house and cane mill is • budding *00x80 feet, and i, found with all the requirements for running a large badness In the manufacture of syrup from the sorghum case. The maehliery comprises • powerful cane cruiser. evaporators, tanks. &c+, capable of crushing the ermine. from5ecree of cane during the memo' The elder press is a maa- aloe tin:ne worked b> twin screw., sad is put up ds a most solid tanner, 5th. -Thr ie •oral little baildieg, h&v Ing • constant lfow of water running thrvaali. and is quite amply for running w large da or °resmary, tor which the, farm is preeuli neatly adapted. 6th. There is a comfortable dwclline house for working man at o ennyenient di,tance from the barna. The above property will be put up and sold at per acre, su ect to existing enoumbranoe. The propricto s only reason for selling is that he has not the capital to carry oat hie views. and will therefore sell. • Immediatele after the above sale, the whole of the Farm Stock and 7ptp1ements w.11 be sold for whatever they will fetch. The Imple- ments are all new and in good order, and coin prise a miscellaneous btauch as may be Fouad on as weldregulated farm, the enumeration of which would be too lengthy for this •dyer ti•ement. it suflcient dm' permits, the house- hold furniture will be offered for sale the same day, and if not, the day after. Immediate ►osarrtion given, as the propprietor is leaving the ennntry fora southern c'imate. The &bot r offers a fine inducement to • per, son with some means. who 1. deslrops of a fine old homestead, as everything about the place Is In perfect working order. The fall ploughing is ail done. and about 22 acme of fall wheat have beep sown, and everything is now ready for the spring work. For particulars as to title. &c., reference i,. glues to Messrs. Darrow is l'roudfoot. Bar- risters, (k.ttertch, and for the adaptehllity et the farm for fruit retest', rcfarcn. a is elven by bind permisslmt) to Alex. Melfi. Allan, .. l:orreeponder.t Fruit Growers Astocla- tion, Oowlerlch. Intending p»rc!tasela will le shown over t:tt premtne's at any time until day of sale. .I.IMES ('. LaTOt•ZEL, March 32mi, 1511 t51itd 1'reprietu:. TNN LARGEST STOCK WALL PAPER PAPER wisT OF TORONTO AT IMRIE'S BOOK STORE. DADOES. FRIEZES. FILLINGS. 14()RDERS. FRESCOES. STEN C! I L DECORATIONS. CORNERS. CENTRE PIECES. EXTENSIONS. t'I':LLiNLi DECOKATitiNM. AND AL1. KIND*, OF BORDERS, PLAIN AND GOLD. The above Wall Paper", are this at-allonsDIRliCT IMPORTATIONS from the Beat American and English Manufacturers, and comprise all their Latest Designs and Patterns. Nothing can ('dust them either 'n Price or Quality INSPECTION INVITED. Satisfaction Guaranteed. The Price•s range from :•(. per roll up to ft2.50. JAMES IMRIE, Sucees or to T. J. Moorhens°. North Side Market -Sq., Goderich. I TOWN OF GODERICH. Receipts and Expenditures of the Town of Goderich for the Year 1882. RECEIPT/4. Balance from 3001 Maitland Cemetery Taxes Licensee Non Resides' sande Magistrates Fines Rent Sundries Hills Discoun•e,! interest Common ftcboo:. Boundary Line.. Pete le Work. • ARC I 1* 15 L,133 IMO 41 INS 75 M 75 110 00 i 0 211106 X lei it 27 de 11313a EXPENDITURE 7111 . rubble able F-lectwfb Fire i►epartmen! Maitland Cemetery Sundries Relief l'otamun helmet* ,y131 7'1 Conseil Chanter and Oln,-e leapt•as's 111 41 Inauranee Band Bakeries Sinking }tied. lark Hie!, sehol Market County 1...' Separate School. InHlsh se•henlr Printing Works Dominion Day Mechanics' Institute Municipal i.oan Fund Public Works AMT. MOOS 10 51 50 35311 al Ot 1f3 Si MlSt. I:alan-e fornarl JO Oe !roan 2470 eOa All Ou 13 3' 1115 -- 3t3 6. 1)?0 3' ltt50 fV 44 7. 157 W le. Mr 100 .s 1.A 00 M33 31 215 fir 131( H. W. BALL, Auditors W. R ROBERTSON. • f 1 r n OOOUt+ t'H1SAlE'ItiI: THAN >iYEfi ' I ,AT Tlt Li I 8ath Oldest Estoblished House IN THE COUNTY_ fiilite, satins, ribbons, i l tool t'rcn, 1. cashmeres, factory and ieeaebe,l cotton. Wats. Loc., at new than wholesale prices. Scotch stud Canalise tweeds at wholesale prices. Ducks, cottonades &c.. &c., 'cry low G+ROCER.I E8, Before_you bis• of pedlars ,,r grangers try my teas. Young Hypon tea warranted pure hone Seta. per pound up. Black tea at facts, equal to most Met. tea eold. My 40ct. Mack tea. worth facia.• finest imported at Viet_. per t"'• ( „1 A II spices cold by me warranted purr. Gram rusk Railway. HARDmockWARE ssl3TORE_ 1 hold in mock a large assortment of err :r'm, steel. nails. paints. oil.. g itaes ,„,ether wIt h • general t i.'r'men, of shelf hare eare. Iilaultoba mad North-West and lit he. CORN SHELLER Dakota. D QiDneliota, oto. 1111ce8ON 11382. The eopu.ar spet lel trains will . uamrnee V. eduesday.March l(th.and ever, ',tweedier V. 'dneed•y daring March and April be des- patched from Meatiest Hrock.ilk cad Ter onto, stopping at intermediate Mahone res road, fn: accemmedetion of pessengrrs from all pinta In (otter*. Pine. nese ncenutmodat ion pros Wed pes- tenget'. at lament fare. Live (Meek. warren., household 50., t• in th'eegh eery s.1 very km rates. Per Infnraatittn, tarilh, ere.. apwly to Grand Trunk Railway Auenie OT n J.Mtrph, n ewe General Pae.nger Agrwt, Montreal:', W. Mar. Asstatant general i'aearaaf'r Aerot Tereate. JOAKl'11 I i 1(' K SIO (TeerrA) Manager tttsatawf War* ease utltt eat' On the rant menu . ' .e 'sir-. A. {'rice only iter dollars. Mets in some eon of (-oro and try it c. 1:3' '•N)nitoiCn Nonce to Fanner. and other-. IR. St. Fee wire in the market. Toronto make, Haden. made arrangement for the purchase of e special lot of fenoe wire at a speciei ✓ ide. 1:4aid wire hating been over otdk. rd by a firm and found not wanted) I am n position 10 offer a first -NMI article at e. lower rate than it usual. Terms of payment as33. Ned lid terms to persons clubbing t. gether and taking one toe ned upward., Wire left ret nearest railway station. Pa:: ler wanting wire should order early as it 1.17 not hold nut long. Fur pro es and terns* apply le. .TOHN A. NAFTEL, hardware Merchant IAds -1 GoJerM_i. 1 RS:$-SYRINc -1888 BRUCE'S SEEDS. tlant•n-,th 1.o•gg IiM M•aaggoold Turnip SP( CIA ii:rcr? ••r110.1> i'n'r,.r ile tt.. I1arden weds. •• e"ee P^na, Re -ley. Oats cad Wheat Ranxsrian Meed and 51111.1. Hi -k. 3'.'. Timothy and Clever Areal Fla.ar'-.t ane h!1 1's. t•. nod .11,R AT S. Sz.tcAN's Kerns'- ttaettlten and Victoria streets