HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-30, Page 7!'Rh HURON 811 4,1 II, FRIDAY, MARCH' 30. 148.;
. _..,-.•
Farm anb l&aicden. Fashion's Fancies.
New Chiva grapes come is the pelt•.,
sales of salmon, tone, and blue.
Embroidered rubes of cashmere and
veiling are seen among spring novo ties.
Birds on one side of the hat and ostrich
feathers un the other is a late Parts
Twu oor.trnsting eulure are uitroducLd
in the new naafi -chocked summer silks.
All the new blue and terracotta shades
apto atin the new checked and plain ems -
leer silks.
Hoary colored Spsuial* _'uioure conies
for trimming new black ( ktou.an and
site grain silks.
Tie must oo.ify alt{ durable .1 all
glaallwan is the booty Staff"onlstute dint
glass cut in Arum i a
Underwear is n r .., itch and line
year ago i .hurt at' ' utahlet to th • Intr -
ductton of crwoliiie
Cade Walde tells the (_Nei, Fe. ow, he
stows peas to February 'lid they are rare -
injured. Spinach, lei!** and cab
va will alio stands pr:: ty hard freeze
may he sown about th., same the as
early peas. Radishes and toots may be
. A rural reader "bowed us hue leas
grown from seed sown ie the hill. They
were planted five inches deep. Sow
outs as early as the land cart be worked.
rhe Western Rural says that raw ripe
(utttatues rubbed upon saris will wake
them disappear.
At the late conisation .4 the Khtrt•
huts breeders Prof. E. M. Shelton in-
troduced this resolutb•., :- " That we
urge upon our senators and erpresepta-
tives an Congress the importance of 'pre-
tectiug' the atrricultural and producing
classes against the rapacity of ntonopo-
:lea crested by law.
Prof. Cook says that sulphur end leer -
Aerie made into an ointment will cc.
l ually rid hen houses ■n 1 poultry of lice,
f appplied to the roots ands little rubbed
.Inder the wings of the fowls.
The question was asked, " 11'h*t is the i
test remedy fur lieu on rattle (mows)?'
S. M. Carr replied that wa hing lith i
arbulic memoir • sure rumedy. He had
tried it several tinios and always with
t oppose,
Mr. Iluffusn said that iu his first ex-
perience, some years aga, he was told
that applications of komeene oil would
ill lice. Ile found it true, and lamed
also something more — that kerosene
would take the hair off. He used it af-
terward mixed with fish oil, half and
half and that was effective. Any oil
will kill lice. ..-tT sFjlsp
President McCann said that snots
vears ago he bought a few steers in tine
condition, and after a while hu found one
„f them covered in spots with blue lice.
Somebody to him to wash with strong
soap suds. He did, and it killed the
lice, but it took the hair uff too. Weak-
er suds will destroy lice without injury
to the hair.
Three intending to set nut fruit trees
this spring should select with care, and
order earl of the must trustworthy
Nolen. There are new sorts each year,
And the only safe way is to itoy unly •
' cw ..f these, and rely nem well -tested
aricties for the hulk of the order.
Breeding sows should be st.parated
from other pigs and provided with straw.
k nil fastened to the wall, eight inches
from the floor, will prevent the young
pias from being crushed. It is well to
feed the sow .eine raw linseed oil a few
days before the pip are been.
Unless poultry have been well and
cleanly kept, vermin may be expected as
the weather gets warmer. 1f lice are
present, apply kerosene to the perches,
from which it will spread to the fowls.
Sitting hens should have a quiet and
warn room. Feed young chinks often.
The principal profits of the farmer who
has no monied capital inust necessarily
be derived tmm small industries. And
.n many instances a good housewife
makes quite as much—if not more --
money from her butter, chicken., egg.,
feathers and the like than the husband
does from the farm.
Col. Hoffman says that we cannot
afford to do without clover even is we
have to pay $20 per bushel fur it. Sec-
retary Armstrong /Elmira Farmers'
Olub)sni.er.ehe question as to whether
to.bw the small or large over by sub-
eittiag the reply of a friend :—" U I
want clover to make hay, or to pasture,
i .ow seed of the medium variety, but
when the principal object is to improve
the soil, I sow sapling clover seed and
let the crop rot on the land after cattle
have grazed what they will take."
Lotteries and IMtertea.
It is a striking end not a crditable an -
truly that while prosecutions for buying
and selling lottery tickets and advertis-
ing the drawings are going on in On-
tario, the lottery business goes on with -
nut cheek 10 the Province of Quebec. In
Quebec, lottery schemes are increasing
before the public ; and they all, or near-
ly all, take place in the name of religion.
Sometimes high dignitaries allow their
names to be used as a guarantee to the
public that everything will he done fair-
ly and above board. The Mayor of Le-
vis is, at the present time, pr.-aident of
a church lottery, '.which ();furs $4,00) in
prizes, and the c en.ri tteo r•i( organi.:a-
tion einti ogees several ..toner local di_g•ti-
t•ries. But these prizes are not all in
money : there 14 &noono them 30 lots of
The a-Ieertieeiaent, while telling the
amount ed tba prizes, fails to show how
much must ba psi.. for tickets befnru
these prune ran he drawn. This draw-
ing has hung tiro for a good while -it
was to have taken place last October—
the required number of tickets not hav-
ing been meld This ie a good sign ; but
it must not be tad;en as proof that the
people of Qneboc du not like the ex,!ite•
.Hent elf Iotteriee ; it may mean that
money for gambling in this form is It•ir•ee
that the chances of gain are ao very few
compare{ with the chances of lou, nr
that the burnt child dreade the fire.
Wh.tever the caner, it in a good sigh to
see that purchasers of the tickets are
Many petwems in Ontario. seeing these
Quebec lottery advertisements and know -
tog that the choreh is c 'monied m mak-
ing money out of them, do net reflect,
and indeed .10 not know, that the lottery
laws of Quebec and th••.e "(Ontario are
net the pante Even the peediag pro•
seeutions have not es yet .carrely made
this plan. . it is * fact of which .11 who
desire to keep out of tronhle ehonld take
note Those wh., fancied it a safe thin
to bey and sill lottery tickets in Ontario,
if the oI.j,.et wee declared to he charit-
able me ....w u.idre.'ereel. Tbks Ia a
great perm mooed : and if the premien-
tem' taco no other eft. rt they will not
have been in vain Moreno-. Wena
P$e s. WIGS S epessy.
1'hiladeiphis, Meech 20.--A wealthy
'daffier from the Sandwich Islands, tile.
had been • leper fur eight yarns, lid -
lately found his way to I'hiladell.hin end
placed himself wider the care et s phy-
sician bore. This 1•oy$ici•u, it app, ere
has evu vel a ilio cry of his owl, ala,ut
leprosy which differs fr shot of the
medical ternity generallyHe hold..
that the ti ease a not lrnntesrions 41141
o n be a -nl,tunieated only by 'motile. I.
tle.n. 1.1 corder to prove the a.rreetues-'
(d this opinion, it is stated that he start-
ed his patient last week on • toot
through the t' tied State, to keep ep
his geueral health anti spirits. If II •
*tient sows the reads of this most terr -
ble and hitherto, iu roost I.ittrlitra, uti
Liman disease eherever he may tto, tl u
consequences will not he limited to th-
disupla,iutnient of the. Philadelphia doc-
tor eh.tut his the. ry.
While Duncan !McIntyre, of near AI -
Cita: c'iuuu d
vtng •tykes, tircerap.- 1 . y
ries, and ;esthetic dresses "amid duelvii.st.,u, was aittu,i.' I the eartu stove
luxurious underclothing. waiting for breakfast to cock, on Sunday
morning. he heard a de.,. b,rk. The
bark had a frozen, icy sound to it, and
he proceeded to investigate. In his
barnyard he found slid es staudiva
erect but ell four feet fT "en in the ice.
He chopped hint out with an axe and
thawed him out by the stove. The
night before it had- rained l the deg
stated front the ban, to tho house. On
the way the cold wave struck him and
he froze fast. We Revisit got Mr. Mc-
lutyre's affidavit to this effect, but local
papers tell the story. They neglect to
say whether or not the tail snapped off,
frozen in the midd.e of a wag. --I Detroit
Commercial Adve• titter.
Lace is the tu.,at beautiful trimming
for underclothing, and Valenciennes i,
the queen of lad for this purpose.
New silk and Lisle thread gloves in
all lengths and iu all the new colors ap-
pear on the leading glove counters
Lght wool' d.sgonala for spring ap
pear in all tie shade. of dull green, blue,
term cotta, brick, corn blue, tan and
Capes, in all aorta of shape,., anti fell-
ing just to the waist line, will be much
woru fur street wraps as the spring ad-
Dresay silk suits shout.' never be worn
in the street unless they are covered en
tinily by a long circular or Russian cloak
or pelisse.
Checked "toenail costumes and largo
felt hats are de rilueur for Persian ladies
who drit e to the meet of the hounds at
Shoulder -bows of ribbon are very fiu-
hiuuable set agsiust the standing collar
on the left soda
Beaded fuchias and other drooping
dowers cover charming little oapotes to
wear with velvet costumes.
The high Bernhardt collar, stiffened
by tine wire., is worn with a narrow
sgeare.opening below the throat, which
is filled m with lace. This is becoming
to very thin ladies.
Stylish baaques are sharply pointed m
front and back with very shallow side
pieces. The shoulder wins are short and
exactly in a line with the shoulder; the
sleeves are close to the arm except at the
arm hole, where they are slightly bond -
Lsdteiwwho have fine arcus wear tete
pretty peeve that are drawn twt. inches
"better in the outside than in their inside
seam Those are for day dresses; lace
sleeves, or no sleeves whatever, are tenni
with evening toilets, but the long gloves
for full dress conceal the tapering beauty
of the ann below the elbow.:
Scarf tunica braided with silver or'gold
are punkt around the hips and knotted
behind on the kilt skirts that are nn wool
droves. Several rows of the braid are
sewed around the kilt plaits nearly at
the bottom.
New balmoral skirts have two or three
steels insert* in the back widths to forma
turanure. Morten belmorala are gored
perfectly plain firm sidg'o side and the
back breadth has two 'thick box plaits
tied back to mako them very full.
White bonnet, are nut worn in the
street, and ere considered rather con-
spicuous at the theatre. Light coloured
velvet, lace and beaded bonnets are in
better style.
New neckerchiefs of pale tinted
Chinese silk have Targe dots or balls of
dark strawberry red for centre* and deep
herders of the same color.
New black lace* wrought with gold
threats and ornamented with disks of
black velvet trim many black lace and
black China crape neckerchiefs.
A dress composed entirely of feathers
was worn by a Russian princess at a
recent hall at Nice, and the feathers were
peaenck's. The looping was held by the
proud hirda heads,the eyes being garnets.
It was decidely these who profess to
knew all abont those things that it is the
only dress of the kind ever made.
Cattle IlltabIe PINrs.
.1re cov stables made of cement or con-
crete dura Ole 1 What are the Deft floors
for cattle ,,tables ?
ANNWvR.—A cement Auer. It better
than wood becanae it will not wear out
if it in rightly made. The best floor i,
made of siva11 round stones, act on e.lre.
This represents a floor haven¢ a putter
y,r tho manure. The earth is first level-
ed in a ter per n 1il1t r and raked reocith
the atones are then laid firmly and pod-
ded in the earth so that the surfoo. ie
even. They are then rammed tiown
firmly atm bedded in the earth e . ,lint
the surftee is even. Leitly, thin cerneut,
made ..f one barrel of cement to three of
sand, is poured on the Hiner and worked
in anions( the stone* with an old atifl
broom. Coal ashes and lime will make
an excellent floor. If this floor is then
'sntnra!e.l with h gas tar, nr asphalt. it
will he dry, water proof, vermin -proof
and very dnrabit. Or an excellent floor
may he made of a concrete of cosine ere -
vel, five parts, mixed with cement ,nor-
!er male of three parts of nand and one
part .•f cement. This floor must he well
I rammed down, by which it is made
tough and lasting. A very good floor
may he made of common clay puddled
with water and worked up until it is very
sticky and then mixed with an cion!
part of wetted Baal ashes. When :t i•
spread it What be beaten very firmly and
not need unlit it is dry. This makes a
lasting. firm lint, hut it wilt ohne h
moisture end is not rat nrnof
To tie nodical Prerrsslos, amid all wrem
1t stay retires.
Phosp{ohatine, or Nerve Itbou, a Piuls-
pphate Element based upon Scientific
Irmats, Formul.ted by Professor Anson,
M. D. of Boston, Mau., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Nes
fous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the h in.•n
system. Phosphatine is net a Medecine,
but • Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegot•ble or %liners! Poisons, Opiates,
N emetics, and no Stimulants, but sirup:
ly the Phosphatic and Gatti -lc Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to couvinoe. All Drugsruts
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. IAewnaN &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion,
fib Front Street Fest Toronto
An Oasis in the desert is no brighter
light to, the wandering Arrtb than a bottle
of l)r. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney
Disease. it is a perfect, positive and
permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson
(lederich. 2m
Thousands bear witneaa to the posi-
tive curative powers of the GREAT GER-
MAN IltrIDO tATOR, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from self-
abuse oaovertaxed brain, finally ending
in consumption, insanity and a ptema-
ture grave Sold by all druggists, or
will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per
box, nr six boatel for $5. Address F. J.
Cus.:E1, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United States. Send for cireuler
and testimonials of genuine puree fico.
Rhy iia., Goderich. Sin
One of our best citizens would say to
the public that he has tried Hall's Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed
for it. Prioe 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by Geo. Rhynas, a ole agent for (lode -
rich. .1•a :
'1 A! TES
star 14/at Works I
(19,000) Iku•.•Iret. 'l'I..,t.r od Ft,Mou-
.11i d.
ta, M101 truer . h,•usard Cords, (i'ssl
Basswood & lleadmg
.:It,) Thu ty-11+$•_;1.4 nucleus long- Prices
ti.•' to to V. 76 ,,ter Cord.
(2,0011.U00) Two unlit, i. Feet .•f
Courier's.* . f Soft Elie Rock Eine, Baas-
•.nel, Po- Ido, Birth. Black ksh, White
tab. Herultaik, sad all lied! of hip, for
hich emelt urn be paid. Apply to
Star Salt Works, ,;,alericl.
AI; HIUE, beautifully Ilhtatrsted. rwt-
tuning all aeeew*ry information tar the .uc-
esdul cultivation of Vegetables, !lowers.
Veld Ho.Hs. Potatoes, etc.. is wow published,
and will be mailed free to a!1 applieon!s.
JOHN A. Hltt'('F. it CO.
teed tirowent. Hamilton, t:a•*da.
A week made at home 1- - the la -
dustriotr. Hest busine', raw be -
tore the public. Capital not raeed-
et. We will start ; ou. Men, wo-
men,boys and girls wa':ed rrery-
to work for ns. Now is the time. You
ohs work 1a spare time, or vice )rut - wbole
1I a to t e business. No other business will
pey on arrl, so well. No one can fail to
makepay, by engaging at once.
Oently outfit and teras free. Money made
6e1,4111418y and honorably. Addy. toil' III' E d
Co.. Augusta. Maine.
Four Medals and three dipinwar anardc
theca last year at the lcadttyytt itsbul-
tions. in the Uomii,Ton
And all men running machinery will save
money by ming our oft; Our LARDIN K. and
CYLINDAR OIL has no equal. Facto speak
louder then words, and the public can find out
that the foregoing assertions are tree, by try
ing one sample of our. Dila price* etc.. on ap
dication to
icOoll Bros & Co Toronto.
The herdlike is dot sale in Ooderich by
• 1pbd
RW &oe llrt njo.t•u ta. 1...u...in
111 Minutes of the Throat, Lungs and
Pulmonary Organs.
11 IT9 P- ,-nr.• 1, ria/.
1, When other Remedies and rhyl.icisna havo
failed to effect a cure.
Reeen nwwded by PeY'IrrANa, )hNONTTL( Aire
Newest. In fact by everybody who has
given it a rood trial. /r neeer dmfs
to An.g relic'.
As an EXPECTORANT it hal no rquci.
It is harmless, to the Mo.: T)elieatc 'find.
h errree sue ,v, OPIUM in any Forget, •
nireet'oar seeem pan- each hot 110.
Mir For oak 67 std Lou=ist.
Begs tti auaou*te to the people of Ooderieh and this section of :olio, that
purchaord drops Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., as,, • IU
continue the busiaess in the old "testi, en the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce
Harng bought the goods for ooh, and is I intend to make all my pureharres 1.. u
wuulesale men for cash also, I will be in • position t() ;.sill et
Very Low Prices for Cash
My stock ill always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of toss, gaud .tot 'e,
void eve ng in the grocery lints trout the best producers. Bac. •, t•I .t,. U .. to
etc.,alwa hand in seasson on. I adetermined to planar, both intimate! i•1, t • .e
ger-Call a at the staud, Victoria street, element. ,the Fair tiroun.l, muni 1.1, k.
StGodercrachan's machine,Mann slop,, D. SWIM.
O.aierneh, March tkh, 11482. -
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Slick,
Hamilton Street, Gederic'_'.
A good assortment of Kitchen. Iled-i-o nt, Ido'ng Rot... er.1 leilur 1 orbit t. sect, as Ts
blow Chairs their, cane and wood waited). ('ul•t..e•.!-, 1 -r.'+. .!.slot.*... ataat-rUo
Lwtungn, Sofas. NA'ltat-Tints. 1.tr.,►Jog Ulct•r. r.
N. IL -A complete assortment of Coffins ea 1 S4retub ale ars ton ha.d",sl-.r Livor.. • l '
at reasonable rule .
Ple.ture h-anuaa s specialty.—A call solicit, d 1;.11
=,vw*r]e zz.t.g 3L �CiC%mi@CZ.CZLZ
lit! t, announce to the Public Hutt tlo y).have opened t•relt'ess in tl e r 1 • e Morel
in the afore lately occupied -ley Horace Newtdn. Havii.•: outlaw rl r !:.roe and
well assorted stock of Spring mod Summer Goods nt char l' nrea, we t'' 'o tie::ined
to give the Pul lic the l crofts.
r4r-Please call and examine our goads before purchaeittp flit el iv..
TO -Remember the place, next doer to J. Wilson's Drug Stone.
tar -Custom work will receive our apecinl ettentioue
ne-Nene but the hest of material we.: and ti st•cicrr ,• (rktne,' , uipl(•to c.
r- -Repairing neatly done eta the shortest notice.
°workh.moral 1I,1882. DOWNING & WEDDUP
For IIIA is an !(lega.t Book of 1:.0 Page, '
Colored Plates of Flower* and Vegetables,
and more than 1.000 Illustrations of the choir -
est Flowers. Planta and Vegetables, and iii-
rections for growing, Itis handsome enough
tor the ('entre Table or a jloliday Prurient.
t --o.• on your name and Post Office addtcee,
with 10 eetta and 1 will send you a copy. em-
itter paid. This is not • quarter of Its poet.
Itis printed In both 1nglls6 and German. If
vo.i afterwards order aceds ded net the 10 eta.
Irl,'. seeds are the Best to the World t
The FlAntAl.Ou.oK will tell how to get and
grow them.
175 For Pages,0 ct. la papeer coven : 51.00 innelegant
cloth. In German or English.
-JI Page*. a Colored Plate in.every numher
end inlay fine Engravings, Price 111.tS a
beyear: Five Copies for 55.00. M Imen Num-
rs sent for 10 cents ; 3 trial copies for 5
itochester. N. Y.
IR rhauaandeorgraves
0 ,t annually victims,
Ieil s, lroives
of their t•tuNma,llvrs
pr..tonged. happiness
an.t heelth restored
te, the useotthegreat
which positively and permanent y cures Im-
ppoat{e�aey (caused by exresesa of any kind.)
Keisilaat Weakliest'. And all do -cameo that fol-
low as A sequence of Self -Abuse. es loss of en-
rrey. loss of memory, uritersal lassitude,
pain in the back. dimness of vision. prema-
tureold age, and niawy other diseases that
lead to insanity or consumption and a prema-
ture grave.
Mend foreIrculars with too imnntnls free by
'rail. The I%VILYRATOR le sold at 31 per
,sox. or six boxes for $5 by all drn,tgt.te, or
will be sent free my mall, securely sealed, on
receipt of prlee,addressing.
187 Summit Mt., otedo, Oblo
tiro. itnYNA..
Mole Agent for t:aterioh
FEL::* 1!t'IAN'S
Are pleasant to take. Contain their own
Pargatiae. I. • safe, sire, and etrrrrwal
destroyer of worse in Childress, Adults.
litturalg).1.:clatica, Lu rbago,
Backache, Soreness of ill, Chest,
Gout, Quir:y, Scre Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprcirs, Burns and
Scalds, Gcrercl Bodily
Tooth, Ear end lleadac `e, Frosted
Feet and Ears, and ell other
Pain, and Ache:.
Ne Prseersrtrn on -n-th eq, . .1s f r Jr r..ot e -t.
r a toff. MIM. N.apie s.,1 cheap Fstm.d
$e..edy. A Mal an'a.;s lad tbw n.wpntivsly
trifling minas of lie f+afe, •ed.'s•♦ rineawbh
hie .I0' pun can eves rtesp and 1 is1dr. Prete
of In d.lm..
lNr.ctloa. M Owen taingese.e.
4L VOGET.ER & co..
•I: err(mo,v, S.r . F..5 4.
stall W.'rkly to and from
). rw Emit fit bll ins 1.0!r Pt ,CRT
t able Pusses.1110`, l¢ Ruta. pt01et•.1M.
Speen 1 ('shin, ft M. .etnrrt TT11ckM.,1mm
worrese pae.eotrrn *women at hew rates
Towson,• r ae, •nram(r6tlss s.exoNM 1
ALS al ATER"Owa eR Yate berg
Powwow es booked at tewestesms tit or from
Oerwset Italy, 1:orwa7, *wad es Dews irk.
rnr well of "Ten•. M Netrtla.d."!fates. Plat a
ire., spply 'e toroneRfi 5I nROrierne
la♦R New York
And every spoelrs of disease artelne( from
disordered LAYER, KIDNEYS, 111TOMAAA,
T. MILBURN & Lo., 'O'T g7
AGI- AlI `J N Meta. H'S
{� tv.r .
1ro.*b�sen+,eA .t
Lyn tlCa.
rompueed largely of pnwdertd Micaor19tn-
glass,istieBERTandCHEAPEST lubrica-
tor, to the world -tie BEST because It does
not gum, but hmnre a highly polished our -
facet over the axle, reducing fectba read
tlshteningthe draft; t'. c CHEAPEST bc-
xlse• It costs NO MORE than Interior
1nrands, and one nog wilt du the work
Iwo of any other *haute. Answers as we
for Harvesters, 544*! Oeartzw, '. h rea'dog M
chines, Corn -Planter:, (Y1ii.,- % L'u$4,1
etc., as for Waggle. Ob t*ANTEED t
cents I n N O Petroleum. ,+old b r all dealer%
Or Our Poole, (sj-1.1 eJis of Ph i ons IrortA
Knowuej mailed tree.
2P Hudson er. New York.
Cveland, ). am; Chlaatg,. 111.
gain£* ROC'RS*CO. To -or to.Ont.
a ONT.
The above r.ew and slat-. !ons holm•, close to
the Retinae Mania and conve•n' -t i to the
tows. le wowed to t.obe In I)ntari.. for corn-
( .•: tan! a,xvommudatlort. Is heated by Hot
Crested Lawn and garden on the I•rr taloa.
Hot and coni ,,,',O, A• alt boars. fortravellere
An Otaalbss t., and frnas Sotto and tan con
tlMtly t. attndance. Jao. Broamann.
to R.eomn:ended by P"talrbine.
C U'FL E'l
Chore e/ tan slat! Cavity Leone sed incentive,
IN RNALLt.trial arts Throat.
Tft LY fume n
Me Blood sod Nut,,, $urracos of the
System. it s toe bed Btuad Vq flu
b the WORLD, and Is wortk MO
that l2_Ihargsd rot I1, ftp
TT TT adores.
I -- I`t TIAs M 11110 KT .stn
1 0 0 s 9I1r B:60 fpr a -alto: tT
:start. It v,g tet 't ; ,) I OO
%VRLLAKD, ,lbs., Mate!' A 1000.
My Iit't...righter was trot"4t with Oesarrh
for two ...ra, •.0A ws. very taunt betterhy,d by
tl o use •-f ' ia;l'. Catsrru cur.- Sh4 ie now
w arn ecre1. W. 'f. H•)US$.
v1Wa.,t.ArD, Ont., March tot, 116.2
i bare owl " Hall's catarrh (',r'.' en judo
n* from Me gno.t manilas I derived from one
1.4110, believe It will care the Iowa stubborn
run of .'nc-r-h if It. ass be co•, In -,..l for a
✓ easonable Ien4.h of tPne.
W. 11. IIEI,LEM,t.
Watt awn. onto, March 00, fuel.
V.). Cwtivvr a c,•. -r.--i,.
Onus. - flays sold Hairs ('+tarrh ra.' foe the
I•.$ year, arse 1{•Ires evalre eandaetloo
T'.rre trvlr,
H N' He1Rs.V. hrccesl
Hall's Catarrh Cure
•sold by ■ll Wlurlwe.l. •.ed_Botr.1 Dratted.
sad Dealers to Patent ,cones le
b1. ratted Mases sad Qtsadla.
tents a Dottier. $8,00 s Dpi.
/he Baty ps.wf.. palls Catarvh rem le alae•
O1101tlrwd by Y. J CnV!5LYa(1'., Tutsd., O.
MERewere of lmltratlaes
tlletlwi M- Ms (htta$n tastes by
Nr W. HOBSON, Welland. Out
11F •Ito:'