HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-30, Page 6Till HURON BIUNAL. FRIAY. MARCH 30 1883. BPILi.nu: MILK. Mw Week sashes Ir..i. a avar.Ot7 W the Lassos.1 Mad. New Yors, March 20.—Them M a groat so..rcity of milk hale n. ea.nsequenes of the rcuun of the Oi .,,ge county pro- ducers fhe a moral • igbt superinten- dent ..t the Erie road a. pi de►l.ateh to til . • lent tl,e - ad eters' As- a, 'e o•ulcir, rk .•i the ' • , ,..•taw 11..1If•'lyt 1' 1.1 t L. •141 t soy ,:ion a . of ..ill b ,.,.odled t., the f of the o , r, • pp„nlinent t .. • .o. t:re wore .a 1 •illinit oum- n.ttt• a i.: nothing .oe..y He as- ap t a numb tarmerw who de- sire t1. • el milk .ales called on the She, . to protect t property, but the Hben:f sym •►thin .. ith the meutla.rs of the Association. PoseJsavis, N. -der h m -The milk war is unah..t, . At eniaville, Howells, Milddleton, Ham ton, iiowhvm Chester, Oxford, .onroe and Tureen abipment.today w 'r eetically stopped Crowds of farmers and cit s• oil seri ound- e1 the stations. 1' •. pply on the branches is ciao great! ' r duped. ae.arrettl.•g • rib amber A touching incident ooeurred a few weals ago at the di.teributwu of prises in the English School MI Sciences turd Arta •t Keighley. The Bishop ell Maticheeter gave the .Tr the pupils, and must of the audience, the Walton" occupies the piece of a father to his children ; uut only reeerenoed as R Juan of Gid, but ••• lib- eral, practical thinker, one of the leaden of opinion in England ie ail matters which influents the elevation of humane ity. Surrounded by the buys and their par- asite., the goad Bishop suddenly was led to speak rt his uwu mother, and told the Anil of bow she, "not a clever -managing woman," had been left a widow with seven children►; how her great love and trust in (kid had helped her to lire, sacri- ficing nut only luxury,bet comfort, to make $ home, bare sof ell but the most meagre necessaries, brisht and happy as that House Beautiful, whose chambers were called Peace, and from which could be •sen the hills of Hearse. Moat of her children through her efforts have ris- en to position where they could help to. make the world wiser and better. "She is now," said the Bishop, with broken voice, "in my house, peralyaed, speech- less, and helpless; and when I looked at her sweet fats this 'morning I thanked God, who has given her to me. I owe to her all that I sm. " Goethe, it is said, always declared that to his another he owed, not only his gen- ius, but his strength. There is a period in the hie of most boys when they feel themselves imsseae- stably wiser than their mothers ; the lit- tle knowledge they have Required from books iutoxiates them like new wine. Probably they find the good woman at home. who gave them life, and has sacra tioed herself fur thein daily, is iiinursnt of the hubby--nuthematios, or Latin, of baseball—and they are too apt to show their contempt in rude dioob.dieow. When • n3an reaches the position of Goethe or this Bishop of Manchester, he is wise enough to appreciate s mother's uns•lfiah love at its nal value - (Youth's Companion. Ems, Pe., March it1 —The people of Tiadlay Lake, near here, are greatly in canoed over a ghoulish obtrago, by which the remains of an honored la•iy have been disturbed in their 1e t resting place. A year ago Mrs. Findlay ell and oroke her lee, from whioh she never fully re- covered. As her friende were din aatieied with the deformed condition et the limb, an action tar &limed mal practice wag brought against the at'end tog physician, two months ago. Before the suit could b•3 t, led Mrs. F lanai• died and was buried in the family 1•.t. Yes trday the grave was found to have been disturbed. a was opened, and to the horror of the family it was found ghouls had taken up the body of the lady and chopped ..a the inlnreol memb3r. Near the casket were .:o-.; tu:e 1 everal dis- sected parts of the leg. A Cootre.l. Hues To DIAL WITH Doo BITLi The London Lancet, one of the best medical _ If the Conservative organ could hying authorities published, has the following regarding dog bites: au absurd super - up against Mr. Blake any such charge as I stittou prevails that the bites of all aura that he sold a contract for money ; that he trafficke•l in offices ; that he livu.l by prateming sectional jealousies ; that he gerrymandered a Province ; that be em- ployed partizen returning officers, and sent their verdi.ts to a partizan commit- tee ; that be had been concerned in any such odorous trrnsactions as the sectio 1 B frauds, the Carillon scandal, the (J. - derdonk job, the Springhill colliery, .rr the Pictou Railway affairs ; that he had became rich,,.from the conducting of "practical politic' ;" and that; as a last desperate effort to shake him off, h s party was about to ship him to England : then there would be souse justification far abuse of Mr. Blake. Bet there is no possibility of fastening upon Mr. Blak: the slightest charge of dishonorable cin - duct either ie political or private Iife.— (Toront•• Globe. The Awful Fate of a False reap/.t. There is but one way to dispose of Wiggins and his weather, and that is to kill hint This was most successfuly and effectually done in London some years ago, it. 'he case of a famous quack slman- as-ilea-er, who used to predict all sorts of portei.u,us things, weatherwiae and oth- erwm.e-for a year to come. A wag wrote and it leading paper published this wea- 'L"•;tileaa-as obituary. His dath by au • cide at his lodgings was set forth with minute particulars. In vain (110 iue pro- phet protest through the papers that he was not dead. Tho -editors Inonounced- his "cards" to. be forgeries by pretenders who wanted to succeed to the quack's name and shies. The people who, hal belieted in hos prophecies now itelieved in his death --and he was dead as a pr - phet, from that time forward.--[H;n•t ford Times. • f Inver Dawn, Almel▪ at/ng Madera.. w ,At Chester, England, on February 21 & matt named Henry- Wickham wascharg- ed with beang a wandering lunatic. In the duck he delivered an oration on Washington and Columbus and declared that he was the husband of the richest woman in Philadelphia. 44 arently it was a clear case, and he was sent to the County Lunatic Asylum, where he was recognized as having boson in that in etitution four times before. The thief Constable of Chester thereupon' ;lade an investigation and found that the roan had sojourned for shiirt periods in more than forty County asylums. He is in a word, .-t inteninus impostor who •timu lutes madness in order to secure the com(urtalole fare and treatment bestowed 00 lunatics. A tit•catebei . Failure. Philadelphia, March 141. --Win. Lewis, colored, tried on *t turtley to pick ut with his bare hands and arcus mad piece int s barrel one hundred live rats in sixty minute*. for a wager of $200. The rata were thrown into a smell et►elo,iure, and Lewis picked up eighty rate, bait did not t:y to pie-. up the remainder r for lack of time. Ile wee bitten thirteen Uanea. ace un the lip. A murderer *as hanged in New Vara the other day, and a lwize-fijhting thief who had been shut in Chicago w.es car ried to New York for burial. .0 reeitel of the scenes at the hatues of these men and at the graves rapids minas bite t de- acription ..f htcrhsisal; .11 net.•n.-s At , ifance-ha1 than of what "'tar.rd ur. the aces•inn Of flit. last Kitt ofli s being performed for rutin. The ate h rers, apparently without a th•,u':hs t' then wsa %wham haat inc,.ntnee m us thee action, atoppe.l the 'eras' er in h. w.irk 'al they eeid.1 to to a mw •bison• "them and get A .Inn':. with which the t metal the in.•leery of the de a iuie.l, Tne streets were blacked for mile . eh c►rria,ers anti crowds, and the what. tor• barber of alae mob was betake...me an•' shocking. A Retreat' Of arse d•.wme "TSAMt a e" to piny one mending We hno t fon lin r:lyme on "Tea/melte. ' the tenter abl little gem for the Tarok and Oath. Ask your drneeat or addiwa. eco.-mlp.ti s+...11..nem The f.4luatu/ ham el Unlike was ad d reseed by Cuitewayu t. the Queen : - - Admiralty Mamie, Siuiiittt'''tttt.0 • Bey, Jan- uary 4, 1883.— 1 am nhug to )) on, Queen Victuna, to thati you fur releas- ing use from the cruel bouda,zo 1 w,u ro- coutly kept in, sud tar sty that 1 •au. 1l. . day leaving the shores of Saw to Atoka for my native land. I thank you far your kindness, and hams that I will be able to sleep safely in may country, keep my feet off the gamut' aa a mother would do her infant. 1 do nut want to get into trouble any more 1), not t!•iuk that Getaway° will ever neglect ynq„ eo d if you ever again hair idle reop..rt!, 01 me, ask of m• to or ime to you and ea - plain all myself. 1 am the obild . •1 tar. White House ; keep me and watoli ever me always. I conclude by thaukieit you for your kindness to cit, ; and when 1 Imre this plans trust te pamper on your mane. As lung as 1 aro alive 1 will al- ways want to hear of you. (ttignod) C.rawa W. should be either cut out or cauterized and the poor animals destroyed. It is not necessary to adopt either of these serious courses, provided the dog is heal- thy. In fact,they are simply ridiculous, and are calculated to produce groundless fear in the person bitten. Of course, in severe cases erysipelas may supervene, but with ordinary care, the wound being oleaasod by disinfecting lotions no serious oattaequences will follow. In all cases, however, a doctor should be consulted. Waal 'rfydaaMr' Says. THa UKPLT N. P. The finance minister stood originally upon safe ground, professing may to ad- just to the circumstances of Canada the new taxes which the deficit rendered ne- oessary. But aince, carried away by suc- ces, and spurred on by interested sup- porters, he has passed from adjustment W protection, and is leading the people to believe that he an make them rich by loaves* of taxation and by raising the cost of living. He is thus causing an over -investment of capital in inanufac= tune, and a general inflation, of which the Nemesis will come. Till CONesaYAnve ?ARTY. I After the Manitoba and Ontario •lec- tion. the Liberal Conservative party, no doubt, feels its hold upon the country firm, and promises itself • long reign. Yet the sword of doom is always sus- pended over it by the thread, inevitably dwinghng, of its leaders political life. It is the party .of a man ; ar rather it is not a party st all, but a combination' oaf heterogeneous elements fortncd and held together by an artificer who, in the course of a long career, hue acquired a thorough knowledge of all the mu:i, the interests and the passions with which he has to dtn1, uses that knowledge with consummate skill, and shrinks from the employment of no moans of iutluonte. while, like Walpole, in the tm,idst of cor- ruption, he remains personally pure. • Thousands are being cured c; Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure,.:hat the doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by George Rhyne", sole ago:it for Gode rich. 3m 1!y.alaehe, Biliousness, Dyspepsia mei C..nstipation promptly relieved and cured by the dee of Dr. Carsrn'sStotnach and Constip•tio.n Bitters. As a family medicine they aro far superiorsto pills In Targe lattice 50 cent.. "Bleat' will tell." A face :el.rne.l with' Pimples, Buil, Blotches tic.. is not a particularly ; leasant sight, and in variahly betokens en impure stmt' of the Blom'. Dr. Carson's Stomach. Ilitteri free the system froom ell gross holasee n, renders the Blood pure and cowl', 'ids di - ;nation and gives a heslthy appetite. }'or sale by all Druggists in lean' h.,tticw et ;,O cents. Life •ar lax tar.' .tat. air. AI. E. Allison. Ilutchin« a, Kan . saved his life by a totemic Trial {tattle itf De. Kittlt's New hit.covery. tar Cam- sumpti•.n, whish canned him to: prrcnrt • Lugo battle. thatt.mrpletelyer:red :aim, when U,cttne. Ali.. ile of elime.tn rind everythiitl t' t' h•td f is".•:.^., itrotaehri.., 111,11111111M18. frvr.r t..., !II , and all i'hred and Long diem/WO, it a ettanantetel to cure. Trial Battles at J. W t1o.n's drag stain Lards Mae $1. (1) • New Ii.u, ra • ' e.rU.u. erwatea d try DM esu, Debility •.ad Oi..lp Iirl•. i be Gnat German lea tweeter is tt e onlyfor Impotency.nsrv.•os .1. bilet, uuniverse! laaeitude, forgetfulness, mein in the hark or sides, ,o matter how chattered the syetew tray Ire from er- ees.es of any kind, the (lr•:at (lerona:a Remedy will restart! the 1 d foot clivi. and mato health owl hwppiaess. *1.00 rocr has. sox boxes for talo.00. Pohl ty ill druggist.. Sent o 11 receipt of pilot, .amtace {{raid,' Ly F' J. Cheney, Toledo., ')bio, "tole resent ler United States. Cir Wets and to stinwn.i sls seat hot Sold flee, 12111 nos nn'• agent fen `'!orb•. tidoOta Seeing is believiu1. Rua.. the testi menials in the pamphlet nu f)r. Van Buren's Kidney Cute, thou buy a boottle and relieve yourself of all thus, distress- ing pain& Your Iruggest can tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson i lndetiob 2m An impostor is going the rounds of Hastings county selieiting aid from the Catholic people, and repreeentit.g hint self as a Catholic priest from the Otrdens- burg diocese, New York State He al- leges that his name is "Little Father Dnragbu•," and hie intention, no doubt, in assuming the present name is to palm himaelf off as Father Donaghue, of King- ston, but he will hardly succeed. In Trenton recently he auoeeeded by false pretenses in securing quite a sum of money. A warrant was issued for his arrest, hut Wore the paper crtuld be executed lie trade good his escape. Tholes who saw him there describe him as • rine about 5ft. 10 in. in height. His dress is similar to that of an uedin- ary priest. Dominion Carriage Works GODHIRICH- 1 ALEX. MORTON Masefact'tee of rind -Clem Carriage. zwItL AiRINS IN All SAANCNES A itICIAITl Itebuy Opposite Colborne Hot.•I.t "Why should anaart whose bled is warm *item Si ik• hisgrandnro cut in slutstier 1 Or let his i►air throw rusty, smut and thin. When •Cnioar.rssasiswsa willmake it grow the faster. Fur Nle by J. N'il- soa. 2m Dr. Tweedale, of this city, Las in is s asussiun aro uriginal crooked sixpeuos of George III During the memo of that sewerage silver became a scarcity and the sixpences, a great mealy of which bad bleu coined at the begiur.iug of the reign on account of their being ea badly.wora w..uld not pace at par. Toi remedy this the king had them called in and bout by inachirlery, after which they were again issued as face value coins—hence the nava ctuoked sixpence.—(St. Tbomsa Times. A. 11. Roe, the well-known hotel - keeper of Brueeelt, is about to remove to Clinton, where we understand, "Carton's Block" is now being tuened tutu a hotel for him. ' In the history of medicines no prepa ration has received such universal com- mendation for the alleviatiun it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kinney Cure. Its action in these distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold bad. Wilson. 2m County Attorney Fenton has declared HAI against all lotteries. He has writ- tt n to the (;aunty Attorney of Perth ask- ing that uctiou be taken against a Strat- ford paper for publishing the Ottawa ()range lottery. He has also sent s let- ter to the County Attorney of Ottawa suggesting that tie authorities be on hand and arrest all who take part in the drawing of the Orauge lottery in that city. No household should be considered complete witholnt a bottle of Dr. Van Burea's Kidney Cures in the closet. It Slim only remedy that will positively, permanently and promptly mire all forma of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson • Qm A Giro, Egypt, letter says that the false prophet has been the cause of 400 women being divorced from their hus- bands, and during the past three years has become the father of over 50 chil- dren. He has acquired such ascenden- cy over the sterner sex that injured hus- bands umbands have begun to re -marry the di- vorced wives cad now consider senti- mentality or flirtation between the pro- phet and their own spumes a mark of Divine favor. Perfect, Positive and Pleamaaent are the cures effected by Dr. "Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Relief in all oases of Kid- ney Disease is obtained after a few doses. See that your Druggist gives you Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Sold bp J. Wilson Goderich. Sm The extension of the ct:r,m•.: or gene- ral gift :usin•,z+, fr.,ni the ttttr-.,,a :.1 1..x et.,ros ::ud ilio al,i.t of Sueday eao.,le to theatrical audience., it ttikl.:.t great stri lea. It assumed the fora:..f i'rrtty pt-otraarines, to coum:ucnl mite cath, r n holiday festival nr the' hun.jrodth per- forutaue, el a poi -tiler plfly. Poet' idly small rll.iettays welt, ina:•Ninotd 'aa a ditio.n al nttrscti. i t, nmol se the tuitions developed, assail lately, it. is al!et:e•l, in audience was Tot tegether in Baltimore by presents of jnre..1 prest•r:al fruit. Says Dryden "She knows her nun, and when you raet find swear. Can draw you to her with n sine's hair." But it moat be beautiful hair to have aitch p savor ; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of Ctsu.tt.gas HAIR R.g:tcwgR. Bald at 50 cte. by J. Wilson. 2m .t farmer driving into time village on tlatuidax, saw what hu thought was the t.tp of a `poli' bottle sticking up through 'he snow. A bright vision of what it nitgt•t contain domed through his mind, and li • lathed hi.s team and grastrod -- tine glass iitanlatt.r on the top of n tele- graph -Poole. Mr. Slues Curtis cats vouch for the Irutit elf the above. Tar: Lea- der. A. &newee mweased Cast aqy one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not spore idy cure 1 We say they canexot, as thuusalda of cases already perutanemtly cured and who are daily re- commending Electric Bitters, will preys. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Week Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cared. They purify the blued, regulate the bow- els, and acts directly un the diseased parts. Erery bottle guaranteed. For sale at bOc. a bottle by J. Wilson. [11: ataets•a'. sraiea Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burne, Bruises,Cute,Uiosrs, Salt Mount, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guasnteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded 26c. per box. For sale be J. Wilson. ly --- eS— Arl Dezigns iu Wall Papers. Mrs. Bepman of Rothwell, says my my daughter was very ill with Bilious Fever, used Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters with. wonderful re- sults, one bottle entirely subdued the fever and thoroughly restored bee to health and vigor. EGYPTIAN OIL. The Great Pain Conqueror. rapidly dupe,l pato. i twapooniil in water "FIR cure • dart/sating head ache be ere min- utes. It applied to any aReoted eurtsee of the body. as tooth ache. neuralgl•, rheumatism so.• it givse the smdbrer 000fart ami lemaat rellet.it is a charming remedy. Only She. and money refunded tl not as represented. pi. 7 tr1CwTT at Ce., Mels rreprIMees• Branlard. Ockfarm, W. J. C. Neftel, . ,r t::rlel uL. ALLAN LINE! ROYAL MAIL_ LIVERPOOL -1014 DON DERRY -t.i.ASC., tv .11915TIFAT sat rttiatt.Y.. YahArn- Tf.IN. Halifax. Starch ('IR•'.t.-4R1,4N. - I'ortL !. Afai•i:h Yah. fietiiae, Marden :Stet. I'.1 HIYI! V. Ite..'Jt, April 7th. SAHn(Nt.4,V. — l'urt:ar!. t pril 12th. halite., Apel,, tub. POLYNA:SIAN. ! t..l t fa-r..t r:..:'tat 11,;(.7:-! (N. I950, i;.rt,:•a,:. A1ir.; alb. - I .t. '.z. Ilaj yob. !'.tR'41.1.', (tiling. May tea. LIAi'.•r will 't tIte 1'r..m'.'1 will be des- patubod from Quebec. Lsa.Irain 10.11VP111 Toronto will: nae m;wisaad p.tseange n at ;di every Thursday uorwiag, ennneotir.u with the steamer at Halifax. For ttci a and e very tnfor•nat:oa apply to it AItl dTP.ONt:, Ti.ic.Arent. 0 neck rieb_ hii,w that tilers is a reliable ren eel, for I kidney troui.►les. half the teirorsattached bi these complainte have been r3mered For this let ell lie thankful, an 1 to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all praise for hating thus removed a hitherto. considered fatal disuse frau our patha it to, . as corer known t i fail. Sold by J. Woleitn - 2.1. Devil's Lake. Turtle Motisatain 't;.. lteniw..n, of Philadelphia, prose• and•Mou.e R::-'? Country, cutwl 'noun** Craig Gar breach of pro. mime. no 1 he pleaded entity, accepting a • menu' of six months' imprisonment with ',tentence and roaiunatiom. The plantiT seam seemingly a amend church member, and h ad made out a pitible case. 'tut just when Craig was about to i.e taken to the penitentiary James John. - sten rima., fnrwar,l with a chart* that , Mia. Iteni..n hn.l trratt•tl him wiwws is 1 ,. n air; n than the prisoner had served her Hr I r...ittrn,l m bundle •,f her let. tors, win:h pmteai that her rhnneter wee the revers, of what she had nude tt ap- I,•pir in court. The Judge re.q•rned Craotaii case and discharged him. As the fr nets el winter ymtlish under t1 o• caloric influent,' •1 the sun's rays, Pt. il•.ea Rright'a Disease, Dropsy loons in the Kidneys and Bladder, sad 'Mi s: nuticn 11 the Kidneys, leave the body urn the administration of Dr. Vila Br ren'. Kidney Cure Held by .1 Wilrrtw, Q A ORES FREE! NORTH DAKOTA, Ti .'....a:, ',• 1 iiia. + art••.. (.and Mice et GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. ass771p+t al IOW azul Fin particulars mailed MDR to say address bI fi. F. lictiALLY, (leacs, Travelling Agent ft. PA*.. U .Int$ a IMMITiia A. 1 le IL /read es. T•ee•ws•vas Now is the sive. it you wish Ste or awe tiles nom at posse. to eco rellee. room paster Me bay. ser 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful calors, and at prices/tea than ver) much inr.•rior , ot.d.. t'a 1 •r.d t.: tt. art ib. are tl:4, boat virtu • in lona .►..t nowt In rill. The ��hl�l )i)rillg bil331d At $7.741 1Z'S_ HARDWARE. R.W. MKENZIE'S m BUY YO1'R-- C ross C ut Saws &Axes YOUR cow C�AXN� -—YO[rR Table and ,'octet Ctlery--3eat 4�Ilue, And Ijegeid Aasartaeat is the (`peaty, also • fall lino os t3kelt Haadwar.. Paints and Oils at Bottom Prices. —SER 518— Barb Wire--BestMade. R_ W_ Z\2c=MNZS1_ DANIEL GORDON CABINET MAHER, - THE TING VNLERTAXER. rfi FURNITURE AT ii0TTOM PRICES FOR CASH. '1114 i ha. o now on band a very large .;tocksuch ng Chairs ofall kinds, Tables, Bedsteads + Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, 8zc_, Bic., Sia. 2 Doois West of the Post Office. CHAS. A. NAIRN NEW FRUITS R I `'I' M A S. NEW ARRIVING EVERY DAY. An Inspection Invited. COURT RLR PIQCAR!. SAVE MONEY IN BUYING. A Disccunt of 12 Feathers per cent Allowed on all Cash Purchases in Silk Velvets. Flowers, Hats, etc,. etc., etc This IA a Genui:.e Offer, as 1 am anxious to Clear off M Winter Stock. Miss Bessie Wilson, i HN. -tfI ARI. 4,(11)ERIt•H