HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-30, Page 44 °fit THEHURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY MA' CH 8U, 1883. THE HURON" SIGNAL IT "tat" that • peterttge swats fis Marquis of Lorne upon his return to FRIDAY, MARCH SOrn, 1tIeS. AN UNRELIABLE "RENI'IN That bright and shining literary Uryy pdd teretestaat expotttast of Wee, the Orange&neincl, tried hard in itl' last issue to hold up its head and ipu- dently brazen out its previ, seely pis tab- /� falsehood 'nett the distritfitl• cal • the "sectarian tinct;:• hi Wed Hums shthe last election. We have already own the previous statement of the .gentind to be false in every panicul.r ; Iknow that O'Donehua bot his in tee tit Mr, Cameron was not is Huron, exempt the people of West Ripon know the I, Juno las►f r clolsig duties to hetra4 bio for three days, and that during these • twinge of die Sentinel os nits subject th' iliuiitryNltlr politically. end if Cigk is days he was w incapacitated by illness - be utterly without foundation : and the general impression in this section is that if its Protestautism is founded on unfirm- er a basis than its knewiedge of .the poli- tical lirtical wgtektngs of Herrn, 'There will Great Britain. THE Tury papers havu been making a L." desperate attempt to be merry user the Huron Reform Bapret. They emeld esatsothtuet attractive in it ; —11itire was ed liquor provided. mi- js,yqaA been piertpd in some cf the neirspapdts t}a1 Glee y, the DiAile fustner,is a outdo; of the hon./Mater O'Dunehue. un.tf erO'Duuohue. We don't know Low mach truth there is it. the report, but we do True veetido•s (1) jeered, the Med. of %route; on Tuesday test bed an at - tisb pasting ret the eooelitnenciee in Ontario which ht 1 I been "bought up' by the Reformers. West Huron figures in the list as one of the penises,' ctn- stltuencies, and it is alleged that M. C. Cameron was isatewesental by the "devices" of wickedness is bind rine the Tunas from capturing the ritlini. This information will be news to t i. peuplt of West Htar>n, and will so like a roman's to alta! `terror Tories," M. C. Cameron. When it is gggsaerally.kuuw that daring the contest d a kinsman of the Hon. John, lie is only Ithat he was ou;We to take act or part to fnllowwg.out the traditions of the fain- the contest .the truthfulness of theA(ail's fly by hulking after his own interests in statements with regard to other confit preference to theme of his euuntrymun, ueneies may be similarly gauged. Not What went* man do le save his 'reek I a single Tory paper in the cuut.ty has likely be a fall --a • • heavy drop," so to i - __ ! ventured to raise voice sophist the ester speak—and great will be the fall tbereef. i We are pleased to see that the author- of Col Ross, M. P. P., ler West I1ureu We caught the S.ati.t lying a few I dies are tusking a c ie iroua er.leavur 10 • j _ _ — THE Tories are endeavoring to put the blame of tbeexpeeted defeat of the Orange Rill ups.: the shoulders of the Ontario Refunners. The Orange order is not sn iestitutiun peculiar to this P'evince. Its lodges are to be found in every Province of the Dominion. It is the Quebec Coriser atives-44 of them—who are go- ing to hoist the Otinnge Bill. Mir Joint A. Macdonald boasts of a. majority of Over 60 in the now House. If he cannot get a tuajonty for the Orange Bill out of that, when there are but three down "Ontario Reformers" at the capital, then he should blame his own party and not the Liberals. Tie Toronto Telegram says :—"lt is issolisil upon as pretty certain that the Orange bill will be beaten. The omen of Sir Juhn Macdonald makes a strung appeal to the French Tories to withdraw their opposition to the bill and allow it to be- come law. It also takee a drive at the Ontario Reformers ani says if the hill is beaten it will be their fault. Seeing that Sir John pledged himself to put the bill through, this is a queer ergusiest to advance. No fewer thea forty-four Quebec Tories voted against the bill If Sir John (Wares to implement his pro- mise to the Orangemen, be win get these forty-four French Tories to vote for the F;". He has certainly a greater right to obtain aid front the French To- ries than to expect Reform members from Ontario, upon whom be is trying in advance, to shift the responsibility of detest„ The aess.s'asses. The at. John Fisproy't toys int refer• ewe to Sir John l)laodumald's war whoops over the license question, and ttisaaeakiuginto a 000utittee iu order ;,'lurk responsibility, that "the action of Hit Joan Maeduttald i asking tor the appuiotm_ut of a annuli tee to which should be referee the pe ph• fu the speech reletiug to the proposed 'exists - den u;•o l the liquoe question, has been dinned ey his adutireis as a piece of re• ,*s.k.oly duper I'arliehieutary tactics but it o sus to us t,• be a confession o weakue.s. It is merely a deperttr': from th• usu •1 porus dire ; it Is not w ac - oar . w th the principle of omelettes. re- s,e,nsibdity for Leri In►tion, and not at all iii keet..eg with the rather bold declares boats" e i'ren her Mesa tl.►. 4uestien iu tFiearlthy part of diet autwun. week :tee, and ceg ;roved to the sattafac- ! crush out the lottery swindles elsich tion of the peoq,lo of West Unna thatihave serum; up with mushy .p strewth that journal mi_ht be`a •• g.eel enough ."1 since the London lottery. .t uumbet of I►range organ, Lut was not a very relia-' prosecutions have been suoce,srully He faintly news' rafter aIL We cots- pr'e ettg, and OW* in 1• �iie-int feel' wicted the &sit .',1 partizanship! ing of k rrer anens$a/sy who jhpre been hypocrisy and de rate falsehce,d. Thi forwarding thew lohst-e sell( gess • It is Orange or_:.n i•a.l••:ivored to reply last a bad day in a nun's life when he gets week, but the s�eueak was a lamentable the:lottery fever, end it would be unfor- weak one. .. , tensile for Outsrio if we steed ueit legally Our charge of partizanship ngai,tst the !suppress this insidious vice. Ike. Fen - &Mire 1 is admitted :n tet.., an.t no at. ton descries the support of every honest tempt is trade to deny that we had found and trail'k.ysI salami in his endeavor to -a true hill in this indiums. efforts the la sigauditlg loferiea, and On the charge of hypocrisy, whisk was stamp out ttheeiniquiton% pis t e, made against the endisel byus—in that, although now prating abotit sectarianism Drs.nsG the past month our circulation basin; been fetes (luceoi into the con— test iu West Huron, the first -sectarian increase. THE SIGNAL has net only its ci)? was raised by the Mento .l itself—the morns to com(iead it, bul.it has also the cri;an ;lint :••t i tried. s the white horse for gratuitous advertising of a half dozen en - its Pegasus. ,l iris. all attempt at regly, virus contemporaries, wh.,se attempts to and acknowledges itself to be what it damage this paper are laughably futile. really is—a hypocrite. The Tories who hear of the had, bad nen • On the charge of falsehood, which . we of Tors fflortAL, and the terrible contents against the gesitiwd, and pow - ed the awful journal, are disappointed preferred when we preferred it, the Orangewhen they find that we wear neither hoofs organ, with characteristic cowardice, en- nor borne, nor eat fiery brimstone in deavors to shelter itself behind the order to work up our leading articles opinions of mythical cen.espoadeeita They find upon examination that Tau it says on this point :— Snow. is a clean, plain-spoken piper, "The statement we made in reference whose suocess alone makes it the target to the publication of sectarian •'tracts" for the weak wit, personal references, by the Reformers of K'est Heron was and silly innuendoes of the slow -coach made upon the authority of residents of Tory press of the county. the riding and of newspapers in the country ; and in the absence of anything but THE SIGNAL'S contredictinn of it, we have yet no reason to doubt its correct- ness-" • Isn't that a nice way to let itself down NosorY believes that Sir John A, Mac- donald has an honest, and fair scheme for the transfer of the liquor license power. Nobody believes he is sincere in easy on the part of the organ of " loud his profession that the local legislatures sounds..)- Well, Mr. Se,►titi.l, we have have no right to take the matter .t you just where we want you, and liquor licenses under their control you have either toprove yourcase,or, by Everybody believes that Sir John A. your inability to do, so, admit that is going to be governed by expediency you ha(t•e traduced the Reformers of 1f by hook or by crook the Tories could West. Huron and borne false wit- capture the Ontario treasury benches, nese against THE SeeNet. By the Sir John's pronounced opinion un the Tars (Friday) evening the residents of Brussels and vicinity purpose doing honor to an old resident, by banqu.tting him. The guest of the evening will be John Leckie, Eeq., one of the best known men in Huron, and the event is preparatory to his final departure from the county where the best years of his above extract we learn that ycu were license question would not be held by life have been spent, to further his in - led into making your West Huron ate- him a den longer. Then the Ontario terests in the north-west. Mr. Leckiest menta "upon the authority of residents Legislature would here undisputed washer many years Reece of the town - of the rima' and of newspapers of the power to appoint inspectors end appoint I ship of Grey, and' afterward for some county. This might pass for an argu ccmraisaionere. That is the Lesson we seven years Reeve •.f Brussels tillage• inent with •••f .e, the mantle," or gullible feel certain that no definite action will A record of his public services would persons , f.hi:s calibre. but if the N.., goal be taken at Ottawa until the Tories are comprise the history of the section in depends fur support• in a party matter on fully assured that they haven't a ghost which he has for some thirty years re - the teeth/pony o z its Tory correspondents' of a chance .,f capturing the un- sided. He has occupied (very inunici- oi campaign extracts from this suction i tartu le,islajure. Let us watch, and pal position in the gift of thepeople,from taught by an increased exodus what are it stands a geed chance of ••getting left.- : note the sinuosities of the tricky chief- ; townships councillor to warden of the I the real effects of his system. The correspondents who have been stuff- j tiara •n the license matter. county of Huron: In IR74 he was. i the 4ntiarl as to West Hur.•n have 1 - — -- selected to contest North Huron in the toady Stile Austell. The Dissolution of the Partnership ate •e./.a le a center. Mr. Ulrike aid his friends were amply justified in 'clueing to servo upon So John rdacdoualol's license law cumutitteel It was arrant eowatdice uu the reit of t le Premier, after boustiing what he was eDing to do with this question, to run behind n eot.'mittee of tho Hoose to es- cape from the consequences of Isis bottl- e/elects. it was -the cheekiest kind of impertinence to ask Mr., Blake mud nit followers to assist in helping him out of the diffi.ulty. Mr. Bbeke could not • u sistently take part in framing a m• asure ou a subject with which, iu his epi tui Doiniuieu Parliament hes HO right t , interfere. Sir John basted and threatened what h• was going to de with the liquor licenses and with "that -little tyrant Murat.' New let hied cany out his throat in his ..esu way, and not seek rib entrap the leader of the Opposition o.r his tolluwers into sharing the odium of his attack epee the ooisstitutionsl rights of the Province. It would be worse than fully for the Opposition to identify it - Self in any form with to attempt to override the authority of the Provinces. -(Sarnia Observer. t•AMMIED tit' DURUM THE LAST FOUR YEARN Int CRAIB,MAC\VH!RTER & CO. Tie Tuley • &A1. The Bystander's strictures on the tariff questiou'h•.w that those who supported the iniquitous N. P. when launched. lace come to forst aditferent opinion of it now. Prof. Goldwin Smith says : For a month the Domiuien Parliament has done no. hing but carry on the party battle in Ontario. Blectioneeriog isnow the main besiuess of statesmen. At the tints of our goiter to press, the Budget Speech has not been made. The Fin- ance Minister will be able to glory in a large surplus ; but he will have to admit Lllrge increase in expenditure. The ud of these.thinggss things is apt to go with the first, and Governments, espee- iilly in circumstances like ours, ought to be forbidden ever to take from the peo- ple mon than the public service actuall' needs. It is to be hoped that somebody will muster courage enough to raise his voice against the coal duty. That tax has not even -served the bad purpose for whish it was imposed, and it would be difficult to devise anything more absorb than a policy which attempts to force manufactures into existence in a Pro- vince destitute of fuel, and at the name time imposes an import duty on dial. The Finanoe Minister stood originally upon safe ground, professing only to ad- just to the circumstances of Canada the new taxes which the deficit rendered necessary. But since, carried away by success and spurred nn by interested supporters, hehas- passed from adjust- ment to protection, and is leading the people to believe that he can make them rich by increase cif taxation and .by rain- ing the ccst of living. He is thus caus- ing an over -investment of capital in man- ufactures, and a general inflation, of which the Nemesis will come. A few years ago the balance of cheapness was decidedly in favor of Canada Against Me United States ; there is now little differ- ence, and should the balance incline the other way the Finance Minister will be CLI1•TTO-N Necessitates an Immense Reduction of our Stock. It is the Largo.,; `election of Dry Goods in the County, and has for years beep recoguinee as the text exponent of Standard and Fashionable Dry Goode outside the Cities. nlf not acted as men and brethren t , the Tut. Toronto Mui. says •• Cm num- : Reform interest, and succeeded in great - editor of the S. nth, -.'• They knew that her of .pee sone in Canada who favor a re- ly reducing the Conservative majority he professed t, be •• orange," hut they ( tum of the reciprocity treaty between which had' obtained in that riding until thought it would not -be impos•ible , Canada and the United States, could be thst time. During the railroad agita• to find him " green" enough t.r i; covered by an ordinary. sized (linin¢ tion from 1871 to 1873,and until the W. sert their c •tt'sh.tiens. They took iul- !room table.- The idea of getting G. &. B became an institution in the north of the county, Mr. Leckie figured as a front rank man, and few contributed vanesee of Ce. "worthy iii. titer " - " he "under the table" is suggestive of the wail a stranger, and they tonic -him in." I condition of the talented Mail editor As to the - :intleirity of the newepapers when he penned the, above. The state - of the county,- we wou; l mildly remark inept is a piece of downright rubbish. that no c,,rr•bsrati:e line was ever men- I Golerich is a Tory town, and gave 44 of a tioned iu tae culeanas of a luc..t Tory rnaieritg egainat the Reform candidate journal concerning; the sectarian tracts alluded to by .the,k,,tiaei, and the fact that no Tory newspaper lea offered to put a " cushion " under ibe &n'ien to nuke its seat on the editorial tripod easier during this discussion, sc.,ee far to show that it has no support f•r'r its contentions. Now, we will snake a fair offer to the /Srnti;:ol et,: / I, .end• . r., Prole ra-' 1- rncek (save the mark ') and we hu; , to see that full-lheaded, gore -seeking jour nothing rd;tor ret the Alin.'. nal take a•lv.uitage of it, or ever after hold its peace. Tai: St(.yAL will ;;it.• Dct.rte.o the recent election contest in $100 for a try c• py of. that "arctaiis:, 1lu?eiit, ire heard a great deal from the tract " ane; cod by t foe 1L »finch to have Tons. about the partiality of their party been circulated in West Huron, which 4' Rowan Catholic candidates They the organ can j . --:leve. of th:v said that the (frits only pot up Roman were distribute, t , the •- t••t • • Ca•'n4.c candidates to be knocked down, presented 1,y tiie a•,.',ettl, that but the Tories always salted that will find hate sat► o.pg,o.rtunity of jrst113- R refect Uetuolic standard bearers with ing itself in the eyes of the pe•..ade of the intention of siring them places in Huron, and of plating its wallet in a Pwrliamet►t. Well, theelection was duly hrW more plethoric condition. This gas on th.•.itih of Fete, and fuer Roman bonen enie offer, .7t a legitimate Were., sed, unlike the Orange Lottery. rues >n - temporary cannot he 'Snead for !•,kit..'..r, motive interest in it. -cane e.r.. Ma' t . '. •.. at 'the last election, but we would like to int ite the ants -reciprocity editor of the Afoi: to Go'derich, an.l have him person- ally poll the vote on the question of a return of the reciprocity treaty. The % t -e in Goaerich on toctueatt•m, if net uni.niniotls, would certainly average P9 to 1 in fever of the halcyon days of reei- l•r. c..t trade with the United states A•rl :1 with (i.derich, so with other 1 wns, despite the opinion of the know - Carr. CA:. V. i.h . (. •.t• soeeenneitering party in Rule I»n.1 where the 1l1•f'ated Prince imperial kit liable, died last week. We uncle: st..od time Captain was a relative 0! Mr Ln Usey, of this town. London, illaeruh 24. — Capt. O'Shea. Home Rule member of Parliament, noti- fied Harcourt that when the House of Canteens assembles after Easter. he will ask whether Lady Dixie formerly hoaxed the public by the invehtion of ■ letter fr•ni King Cetewayo, and whether as result of ingniry into the alleged as- sault upon her et ttinduor the police eluded she is an imposter. more than he toward the inbringing of t _ the mad. In every public enterprise, as A LUNATIC AT L URGE. well as in Ina lisbors as a private citizen, he has always been the leading spirit of Re•eiax Naked Theeega tar s•tnvt, his section, and by his departure from meawelt.a. Brussels a void will be created which it will be a difficult matter to fill. So, HAst1Lr0 (, Mardi ?fi.--A great deal eentler.'en of ilruseels, do hence to John of cxcitv:uicnt was e.ocalionwl in the wast end this morning by the freaks of demos Enright, while auffering from mental aberration. He has been twice in the lunatic asylum. Enright has lately beet, confined to his house, No. 23, Queen street north. This morning ho was feel ing s,nuewhet better, and was sitting ug, in his bedroom c•inieraing with his wif., wn(n he overheard his another and a clergyman in coilcersation in the .then mom. His suspicions were aroused that something was 1►eitag done with a view to his renewal to the aura tam, and he becanie very.much excited, and before his wife had time to think of intercept- ing hire he wee nut into the street. Be- fore leaving the dining -room he pulled the in.n ornament off the top of the tore, which be feurished around 1.1 hewn (-twang vengeance against the rev. seotkman. Enright, on nvertiking the clan yman struck es the held with the weapon, ceasinghitheon blerol tar flow freely. William Kesyes, ea laboring mea, thea erase ray oa the scene, and ilia- teem the attenti'i, ..f the rasy man froom the eknrynan. Kamm* was *truck three .r four blows en the head, and was felled to the ground and kicked in a terribly brutal manner. The fellow's heed is badly chat, and his obese et Leckie, f..r in h. tiering him, you honor yourselves. For uureelcel we would say that. knowing Mr. Leckie no itnately for many years we cannot allow him to de- part from ourcennty witli•.tit expressing our lest ►hon,ugh apprtef•ttion of••his many good qualities of hem) and heart ; and our most fervent wish is that in his new home in the North -rest his ability, integrity and business tact, will gain for him a return mint plenteous in basket and in store. Paree11•s re•eceeetlea•. New York, Marsh 23. --London spy coals say it is evident from Paruell's ,ro- ce.dings to Perin that he has resolved on a campaign which will he attended with ,noeientoias coasce{oenees. He untitled n.. mesas W ,coke )''wench hostility gland. He decline' Car�ey was a Cetiselie Tube* and iise Ite,men Cath/die Uovermeent neer whn sen►reveel the Ref amen were elected ty ones in the PMenix Park marier., and led astray the! g+• .r follows a ho r. mnitted then►. a l.nxnlature. •.f Ontari ,. The Pro- l),, the n-assewbling „f Parham. to Par - p• mina wee not, busmen, to the taste .f nen will prnhably be asked to ewafgr. ur the Torus, and we now leech tient pre►- ; d. ny the statements he is alleged to proy to teas bate been entered eeemst the tee i here mane in Pars. rhe (i.,rernment and other rifts .f her body are eel ered FOR THE NEXT SIX WEEKS WE WILL. OFFER etl.tR Stock of Over $40,000' AT AN IMMENSE DISCOUNT ;.; 15 Percent on all Cash Purchases (/fiber. S 10. 20 Per Cent. on Purchases Over. that Amount All our New Goods are to hand. (with the eat:motion of , . • GCasesDress ods .I Direct from the Manufacturer', per "S.S. Caspian," an 6 Cases Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, All of which are expected this week.). THIS TWILL BE AN OPPORTUNITY SELDOI[ OFFERED' Out Stock'haa never been so large or t<u wtli assorted as it is .to -day. Our arrivals of New Goods will macs.• a grand total of 48 Cases, and No RxeEttVE will be made in any De- partment. That everybody may know our prices to be genuine, we give our Private Mark in frill: a AGERTOWNY VrTo Customers Living in the AdiiiIningK Towns and Villages, we will give a RETURN RAILWAY TICKET +.o P',Irehaserg of over Twenty Dollar.. Sale Commences from This Date u losing dnpwd daily h•: reports of ren - with brn,e••s. gni cur says that Etinght tarn . r tbr,.c Itr,twtnCetholi Reform era:. t mplated .hacks net e. thee.• an•1 revTy.threw ole hi. shirt while he was a,hntnis Erne - (' ,l. 7elivain. N P. I ,for 1C.Jl ofd and where. The anti -iris', feeling is grow. ; tering the eastiestte'a, at'd l.••f're he reached Hess street be . .d removed every stitch of hie clothing except his socks. He wee ultimately secured by the police and lacked up. Lewitt* is engaged n4 s l.aggsgetwln .•n theOHM! M.•s-ra bowled, M. P. P. , for Knuth Ron- ling de: i.ledly stn neer in the large fr.w, and moire.. M. F. P,. for 1l oathtowns). Soee,nployerstalk nfdiecha g- (Some t,, all the Irish fro,,, thew service. In Itrafree. Thu .1..01w Initanee who're t.,llia'•nea eee•s r.•p,rt in.hilify'to per • T.•ryts-i .tiwv(,i • Ito Truk nee'I ap• IeeK situati.rfia.is for Irish servants. mint- . eves .d wbon ars being 4iscbarged skit'!•. flunk Railway. Stains'. will in fnterc b. earri.0'!m div' JOHN CRAIB.