HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-30, Page 3i ME HOW* alGNAL, FRIDAY MOO 30, t8s3. BOOTS AND SHOES ..wtta,e.� �. astr.w. vied .e ',aside i ikr•efs... e• s.dl.. L4 1 teller. TM Ms.rM•%s eat., moo memo — — wry .erli.le w tht� Apel nnuth,r •d -- It as uuls.awmbi+ t, speak frankly lou Che leartaei sit dish wtts6/n� treed ata1bs el - Ta the irlllwtY the Kama Simmons. a"tting Is perhaps then Chit rots a q•srr.•, • MA .. u*p , for ..ye r•.aa-• a ..r twiny delicate j rtii i.a of u,y throne this all While e°itaged ie the psoettss Unca le =hat week's hams : but w douhq drat child star- bisate'. amen,. , .nt++ espdu�.! n..tw •., (uo { '�, ..morningdish wrwtli.K, • lively little ditty bate'. uu abets, 'Twit to art .ale i"".tt of there is aa ►011 whin The $Mt Hu non Itooluu ," and which gees oil to sA ►tares explain • portion of the physical caroled forth, running somewhat like view, has ever lest. n vie 1 T:.+ (ern gmeekness th !legato ' Who doubts) this . t ieoe is r,u eut,weN+1 Isaw tare {►strait .eMr flays aye that the Returning 0 - • Naahlrsdisbes. of K,,ah,,,it.w 4eluK My utiles.,. Wsr1r4 or *mid wet he tooted, that in fact he that this race, which ...sur fn,eu the „�aiet : aarO1i4J l himself so u t.• eeadti.mirvks. Werk'wa wkly. Newttmn, arid al i+ pttblt.bo 1 w;"'1»• of rise nurihweK side of the liuuwyr Mouse that ouwelrwatb the notes had w oe•tgrtary d Irtrsrsl4's b rah. Mr. ;en. be tett st bga Mr. bays is tains and Grlroga to the sante stock with First 1, Do sot Sow CWm,has Gurria te,e to lb . hs arses ti set now is Of holes. teed 1 have dyad ourselves, would be developed under . lt�ou`de era + t�. sketch an the r,( and a ,„ ,,,ies 1 our article to hies end demanded of hist far more favoreWe ciroamsWwee f.,r the i sketch sit the wrier, eel hu arvles your he had made such statement or \\ hen the day tar th New York's " most fauteuil rev, ' i'h• lie 1 out, when he denied !menu* dune so to the Pr,ductioti of str.sgth it chill laaitiwga Earle Gibbose', ly o s " Fedi. in Fru.. s editor of The Hanoi Sipuitor or any were abt.lished 1 Who doubts that Inedi- b▪ else esu ly of ruead lite `h 1s s; suet twee "es' This deeitl he grade in eke Dal science ought to be carried to the •rr. Rightfu . *ketches .4 the slit.., s I{r r MA°, of two withers', therefore, Mr, doers of Hindu households by wouwo t are fourth paper ( Holland H. ' brims Ethtor. Tuu has" Deus droving largely A man a not resulted as a physician tnurlk piper ar 1lullaud is eve a in re.rupon your own imagination or hare c.dedit ; {lieu clow which Dasa pee' bora revioual misled. by a woman in • Hindu household. Yuu ceded it ; and the illadrstioeu hive the g r "These find some of the poorer demo of the tuatara gotaintness and 'testify dot eh . r.o- Further on the article says : toles the tett, lbs BLit/teem'. to the chartew are ;ode openly against him by Hindus ready to go to the h.mpitala lbws sixth chapter of hie Arteriewa Hie ory, Mr. Hays land his friends and in justice the missionaries open and obtain eedi- t„ himself w well se ewirneus to Mr, co • cine " Anco English Y..re%ie rift. aday cine ; but, as a general rule, • Hindu Mr - concise and aomprehsn•eive r"t i,+w ..f the (;ittann be should ant Ince • in set- early English settlements in this arse• ting himself right be the public. 1 ace woman heti rather die Ihau receive &e- ery. Thu chapter is very etfeaively, not aware that the ,yublie know of -' Y- sistance from a man as a physicists, at illustrated from drawings by Howard thing having been done wrong. From �„t if the assistance require th►t he Pyle end other sourous. Mr. (1e . Tisk- the day of eleetiun uutil the day I made should enter tho :mama, tiro hat ti. nee (b ties contributes the fins ,•f two 'of return to dm (a7erk of the Crown in papers me "The Treaty .d Peace anal In- Cheneery I teaesither in my owes house female apartments of the Hindu home. dependence,'• ratified a tenancy at'•, w.tb "r in rhe sillmge of Mres•eh, sioept once An American ruedial missionary was not ax portraits. ', A H Lan '• u a that 1 was in t e tuwa .d Winghant, and lint; ago called on to save time life of a subject of universal interest very sore if ray one wisbvl to find me they could wife of a prominent Hindu gentleman, fully treated by Mr. S. It. Parsee., yule mashy hat" duns r• of our (rest authorities iii horticulture, For the information of the public yet- after the native physicians had failed to and is beautifully illurtraled from draw- aide of Fruit Huron, 1 easy say thee1 be of service. He t.ould not see the pa - live at the ono side .•1 the Riding abrin) tient ; he was refused admission to the ia1{s by Alfred Psust,nr. Thu H..ut.J..lu° eight mitos tn,w Brussels, whish is in Bagisl,w, O. en article entitled " The the ceutire .of the Riding. The ninnies "Ilene' Finally, "-the tyle was vr0ent Ilei. sicn," giv a to the imperial Cn.wn the was held there.and the Deputes ball I and as the hood of the household had a e4 b%ra:ou, ' Kies, an m eote•t►uk s maxi. rimed ittstro clique flims to amabttbetr somewhat unusual freedom hoes Hindu d tan's happy reign ieteol with ilfTh P udices, the physician was pernsitted miIimo s unhappy nig. "turn* to . M ti knows atm die t in Mexia.. The Bank olSce, rvassla, and which •j Outafu, to go into the room where the woman lay subject of the article is Princes Din Au- esu alsoanmwucced on the hwtimmga Bustin de Iturbide, who, when an oaf cit, They wake their returns Chert, sod til. She stretched her arm through a was taken freta hu mother end kept for 1 also made my return free' this place curtain. He was not allowed to feel years by Maximilian, nen twithstandinR thrunirh ale ez{,resumce and punt of8oe, the pulse ;but the husband felt it, under her constant portrait and solicits- and a notice served upon me at any time tms. A fine portrait of the Prince ac- before I made my return, or while in the the direction of the physician, and thus nnmpanies the article Prof. Ft; mon act of duiuir s.•, would have erred the a attain amount of information was Newcomb t i o moat at interesting with +ng ty,ac- purpwe, therefure tt ie useless for Me. obtained a dubious style. A alit esu cut e1�Mse at him tlttl0eat osterview with Cety- Has ur his frieuda to talk of tate hoppiag in the screen, and the poor patient made �a Lush cos. and tried a far- nut the way to evade service. Atter to protrude her tongue through it ; and ShaleWoo& of the hatter's autograph. Mir thew statenienta it is perhaps 'nineties- -Sheaths P Woolsoe's " Furth* Major," and Black's for nue to state, as I do now style, a.. the physicusn obtained further know- mnibs. lea; ' are both on r.hort that I never evaded service, or attempt- lodge as to her physical state, prescribed in this tNm tri ; and a eery strong king. d or wished tt• evade sen•ice, m1 any the t,aeoper remedies, and her 1:fe was story is ouotritsatd by A Wutrkii 1. papers which either party might wish to Girl." Poems are contributed by T. B. serer upon me in connective with the wed' But that husband would rather Aldrich, It, H. Stoddart, and John 11• recent election in Bast Huron. have seen his wife on her funerad•pila �ybb j;eeidss these, there u a quaint I mu yds than barn allowed this missionary to see Uu Glary u verse, entitled "The adLitRumI' kuL1rt:urc, the White Beggars," by Belem W. Led- R.terniug Officer. low, illot by Dietitian. The Wdi Harris, March 18, 1Af33. curial Departments aro full .if timely and ter f Bntroa s Alters —We are glad that thiointerestingtefi t�g� The Drawer eat this tttotMflryF�yed by it. earlist Mr. Armstrong has laude such la dear -editor, Dr. 8, L 144h�e and .tpliett denial of the charges prefer- red against him, and that he has succeed- ed in pruvinf his innocence out of his chief accusers own mouth. This should set the teatime me at rest in so far u he is concerned. For the information of Mr. Armstrong, however, we would ay that we hate not "been drawing largely upon our awn imagination," nor are we in the habit of doing w. The statement we made last week u substantially correct and accurate, n„ matter how positively Mr. Hays may find it to his advantage to deny it. It was from him we first gut our information about the matter, wed we gave it, in substance, as we got it. In proof of this we refer to a similar statement which appeared haat week in Mr. H1ys' own ossen.] . u cast I. e lesson in bed - making cusses. the class sl•n& ssetwesi a table, no which is placed • deli•M1, diminutive, but perfect in every doted. ,Every necessity in the way of bed cover uqj is there --sheets, spread, ` piBuw- shams," and metres.. Before the in streetioe begins the girla sung in chorus : "When you wake is the morning At the day damming Thruw let in nil Theo shahs up the sus Io w.vesane la we, And leave these spar shadowy. It the day u eulte fair While sweeping the floor they keep up a lively song : - •Four little gide west sweeten' To keep tbe0 rooms peat. For to keeps room tide. One oust Sten sweep. They skip wound the room in couples, sweeping briskly but carefully, mid thea Iona into line and march to the broom cupboard where they leave thei►• duet - pane sod branny, where they can be feud when wanted. The child is next taught t.. scrub, Buckling cheerily down to the job, the class goes to work with a will, singing together :-- "8erebbi away Te stake 411oaie look stall), At break er y. Iron • good mrd scrub is the very hest wsy Ib make all •oxen so sweetly." The waiting -at -dinner song is inter- esting. 1t runs :- "To poste we pass thing first, til to the fatally Mat. Feet l0 the ladies. thou to the )teat►enten, Things are always passed." The chorus is sung to the air of Ben - thorns and (irosvenor's"Convince Me if You Can.'' "We pan our tray like this. We pass our tray like that. A►ways hoist it. t7 to hold O. Very. very stat The last lessen is moulding, which, it is safe to say, hu to the pupil all the for- bidden delights of genuine laud pie man- ufacturing. Cakes, pies, and every oon- her. Who c.on remedy these terrible c description of pastryarefashit•n- mischieta endured by women in Asia, ed out of clay. The clay ia kneaded and except female medionl missionaries ?I rolled by the happy children, pL.esd in (Applause.] They are wanted all through place prates anda bread y pansuvea, and 6 to oally in bake. Indo. They are wanted in large nam- plit bile engaged in pastry vetting they bens. They are wanted for zenane work, sing a song expressive e.f the invaluabil- in teaching, for all kinds of instruction in mission schools and secular stablish- wents of various kiuda A angel from Heaven itself, as has been often said, would not be welcolm_d in many Hindu zenanas ,more cordially than a well - instructed female physician. [Applause.] There twines a new life into a house- hold, and in three sacred hours when a mother trembles between this world and the next, she is usually treated like a thing, even in the beet orthodox Hindu - pagan families, She is put into the worst room, probably, and for days and weeks no one is allowed to go near her. The air of the room may be like that of a miniature Black Hole of Calcutta, and yet there ia no attempt made to purify it She has only coarse fo.,d. Any touch of this mother by other membere of the household is pollution. Malty lives have been lost limply- ivy this Lar- bsric exposure under circumstances when all human instincts called f•.r the use of the highest medical skill. Octal India, then, medical missionaries, equipped with the best learning of our Occidental science ; send radical missionaries, fe- males, with their harts aflame with the Gospel ; and, beyond any doubt, you will he doing fur India what Christ . Ur Lord meant that, his disciples shuvld do, when ho said to them : "Heal the sick, L1i0C112 011. FatilZ0aL Spriest -A number of the members of the Lucknow Caltdunian So- ciety had an oyster supper in A'hitley's hotel on Tuesday evening lot. the eve of the departure from our moist of Mr, Allan MoDunald sad Mr. Donato McPherson, two respected oitizeio and hithful and energetic members of the Society. Ills chair was oesepied by Chief MacCrimrmon sad the vice -chair by Mr. M. Campbell. a After justice had been dine to the net tauit, etc., *applied by the hoot, toasts were drunk u follows . The Queen and tae (ceer.ur-(Ienetsl, coupled with the oatnd of 11[r.- IIL Campbell, who in a treat speech set teeth the good qualities of the family of Argyles and Campbells in gen- eral, Mr. Dromgole followed ooh the song, "Mary of Argos," with his usual effect. Our guests, ens next proposed and feelingly responded t.. b•. .Ir hie - Donald Donald and Mr. McPherson. Mr. Mc Donald next proposed, "The Land we Entre," to which Mr. Dreamer respond- ed by • song, "Canada." The Medical Prolamines was responded to by Dr. Mac- 4ttmnos, the Commercial laterests by Mr. Drumgolo Songs suitable, to the gathering were also sung by Capt. Mac- Pherson, K J. McLeod and K. Kerr. The company dispersed after take the "Dhough ted Dhorsh" and singings • 'Auld Lang Syne." llesars. McDonald end McPherson go ae seek their fortunes • in Oregon, accompanied by the good wishes of ell who know them, 'PAa0lormatiOWRDDI IO. -An event of store importance in this Viilage and which excited an unusual amount of interest in social circles, specially among the ladies, tack place on Wednesday e,edning last ether Mia Lizzie Gordon, second daughter of James Gordon. Esq., warn united in the holy bonds of matri- mony with Mr. T. T. Smith, f .ch Winni- peg, was peg, Man. The ceremonyw perfnrmd by the Rev, 1'. Smith, Gonads Methodist Minister, took place at the resident of the bride's parents and, was witnessed by a large and brilliaut u- semblage of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties Tho brill$ was attended by Misa Mary Sommerville, laughter of Jams Somerville, Esq.. M. A meeting of the fire cempaues of this P., the best man on the, occasion being village was held en Monday evening last,Mr. D. E. Cameron, banker, of this vil- at which Mr. Peter Scottwas elected lege. The bride was then given away by Chief, in place of Mr John Campbell, her father, wsa'attired in a magnificent retired. dress of garOet colored silk with •etin polka dot, and robe of cream brocaded silk, trimmed with Spanish lace. From her head, which was decked with orange hlssnir.a, depended a tulle veil. The ,thole costume, which was pveil need by the ladies present to he just elegant, eve very becoming to the fair wearer, who looked charming on the occasion. The bridessasid wore a very pretty dews .4 pus White silk cashmere, trimmed ,• ith white silk, a,..1 er.gaged a fair share .f the honors of the oceslior After the .•arem"•ny the company sat down to an excellent supper. to which full justice KM done. The health of the dude was proposed by the groomstr:ae in a Hent and appropriate speech which was heart- ily received and appropriately to by the bridegroom The h esti- motion in whist the bridal *maples n hill(' was ahowt by the largo handsome and valuable presents give?. to the bride.- [Bestinel- 3 At the 01444 Latebl►shed Shu• tlture in Town, In Endless Variety to twit the meet fastidious and th meet economic buyer MY WINTER STOCK le now eu.tple.e, and 1 take pleawrr+ in interment my customers that at no re vies' time have I had such a Large ,& VariedStock 3104 As at premise I have raised the litaadsad of Quality and Lowered the Pricemiti it is a pueitive fed that nu suck value in foot weer can be got elaewhere. CUSTOM W ORK of every:grsde.1111 taseeivee my peoespt and careful attention, and will be ma e tel. in the meet approved Kyles by br tclaas workmen, end of tbe very beat material ubtainahle, DO-ViTNIN G_ 'Pttokon lith. Kzoovseivel.-The many friends of Mr. Appleton Elcoat will be pleased to learn that he has now nearly recovered. He was in Clinton on Saturday hast, and ia able to attend to business generally. His eon David, however, is still in a pre- carious condition. FAso 8OLD.—Mr. David Moore has sold his fain on the Kippen Road neer the Red Schou' horse, to Mr. James Mo• Tay ish,of Hibbert, for the sum of $7,900. The farm contains 150 acres and is cheap at this figure. 3i d000iA. hey. Mr Piss .,l4 his clear Grit .2..1. - to to Mr. J. Jones, of Clinton, 1$160. We esderstend that quite s number of our citizens have been caught by our oonetable H. Chapman, trotting their harms over the bridge, and samr'of them have been fined. A number of our towns -people are talking of shortly taking their depstture for their new homes in the north-west. Among those we notice Messrs. J. Leek - ha, N. McLaughlin, S. Watta end A. Veal. Mr Rar•ual Hopkins. assisted by G Snider. are boon to open a buteher chap Rett door to McCracken's grocery. Scene of the timber for the bnildivg is already on the ground. ityofsalt : "We need it in brcad,hand we need it is but- ter, When boiling potatoes we put it In water, We we it in beat. we use it in padding- Indeed, we can't cook without salt." A soon INVKSTMgNTI Yoe still Save Mosey by Buyittg Your ' s groceriesz Provisions < Nevem. Allow et. Never allow the bowels to remain in a torpid condition, u it leads to serious results, Rod i11 health is sure to follow. Burdue'c Blo id Bitters is the most per- fect rekulator of the bowels and the best 'blood purifier knnwu. Mr. trm. Saddler recently, felled the first tree where \Vingham stand,. He came to what is now Wing ham 33 years ago, and was nearly 64 years of age at the time of his death. AT .FERGUSON'S tLTON STREET. We are Now Selling This Season's N EW TAS From 30ct.•t per 11) to 75cts. New Raisins, New Currants, Coffee, Sugar, &c: Will be Sold t'rolwrtionally ('1tent.. Extra Family Flour AT $2.25 per 100 lbs_ Relative to the lottery prosecutions the Quebec Cronick . says : —"The On- tario people are setting a good example. Our readers must remember that thew cases are proceeded against on the crimi- nal law statutes of Canada, and that this Quebec offenders will be amenable to the same procedure." A Fall Supply of Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Bran, Shorts, etc. A Great Discovery. That is daily bringing j. .y to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest, or 1 mix any disease of the Throat and Lunare, • positive cure. Guaranteed, Trial Bot- tle free at J. Wilson's Drug Store- large size $1,00. (6) preach the Gospel." The tw a duties ee togther, and we are to fellow the ,, to the ends of the arti;. i Appleuso, i (J ueeph Coni. salt Memo cared. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or ttankzr S ores; 1f so, go at ones to Geo. Ithynas s Drug Store and got a package of Cat. err s Carbolic Cerate. Price twenty-five cents. ft was never known to .fail. Always on Hand. The Best Quality of Coal Oil at the Very Lowest Prices. BHHOMtLLER Chilled Plow t_ND AGRICULTURAL WORKS. slaving pseehased thetrtuhoappnnd�drwyy. , teer • had AORICULTURA Oa scale' will be Work raineGened tie were �t� s Sr. D. AU were leOre slatyman authorize to osl et Ingelatidewet sire receipts on 15' Wladthe Me Ore if sen s0ea to o r sairsi S. SEW MILLER. Proprietor, GOOERICH BAILER WORKS. Here is an item front u:t Amt:ican paper that may be called "important if true :• "it is claimed by a London baker that soft water will net make as good bread ns hard water. A Vienne bakery started in Linden I.as premed a failureImported to the soft water of Lon- don. V ienna flour and could not furnish bread equal to the Vienna article. It is alsee a fact that Vienna, Paris, Buda, Pest, Tunis and othercities whore the broad is of a superior quality, have hard water." �Irntal depression, headache, and nerv.,us debility, are speedily retndied by that excellent blvd-purifyi_nj{ tonic, Burdock Blood Bitters. The Iditor or the Mitchell Reorder states that he was aired of biliousness, liver derangement and neck headache, by the use of this medstine a..la Lit RISKY `soe-tz•ry--Censidersble in- terest is being manifested in this com- munity in our literary society. Every Friday evening the hall is crowded, and is continually receiving new Friday ever n the membership lit' e ing. Mach 9th, a debate was held, hav- ing for its subject, "Whi'h curses the test tnteery. war or intemperance t It was close,y eentested and warmly discussed The leaders, Kee J Grrk, taking intemperance. and John Beacom taking war, rave an eteellent display of erstweiewl talent After the speaking was over the tl;a rtr.an, R 1 9leedy• j IME PHOSPHATE. A T1S$tiE gave the decr•eoa in tacos of istmenattar*, the source in our food of se. „cid. the hoot in whichPhsphertut d Nerve tower, Ammo ts tl►e serve raselta icon t'b.upbae, SW bleed the carrier of oxygen �.a of haat and motion in the ant I malarial and tonic to irritable mueotm .a w M eerAlal in W ifmR.mt 5 •wroi ,susses e • perely rreloles�- tut re terstive et alt horns p of debillite. April Cathartic Pills are known to be the sn1M, soot and beet purgative medicine ever Aired to the pubic They n their.ffacts. and ire mild but certain • e keep the systems is gid onnditon Iledewse W All. Dr, tltnitb's Greet German Won* Re• reedy A medicine that requires no phy• sic ; perfectly safe and i±la�t take • Chi no other , _ter of sU people are always on th•look out for chances to Increase their earninge,and 1,. time be- come wealthy ; those who de law Jnot improve their oppoRss- itles remain in poverty. We offer a wast chance to make money. We want mean wo- menir own' localboyities. and Aenyonc can rls to work o the workor us fn ipro- perly from the first start. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Da - pensive outfit furnished Inc. No one who en- gages fails to make money rapidly. VOA can devote your whole time to the work. or only your spare moments. Full Information and all t Q has necessary scot ire. Address Sriv- arse Oe Friday nicht last. sad eisgle life' was discussed; Mr. Al- bert Astlleseee ori the tssreied life, and , Geula Anderson led the single Beeth' were barked up by •hie supporter', and the subject received a thorough over- yr,liag. _Fleetly the Thurman, Mr. P Cole,deetd•d for married life. The lie- ciety hes challenged t)e Glint. tt House of ('.tnmena f.+r s debate. to take place shortly & Black. H. S. Hart & Co. 1'lt0t•1tILTOItd Ole T11li Goderich M'�lr1s (LATE YIYEk' t Beg ai return their thanks to the l nt.I c the liberal patronage received during the ser year, and to state tkey are prepared to de 431- ■t 1 :'e T 1 " (yr on the ehortest active, or for the corn:•nleo ee of pa"ttea lts•ing at a dtatsnce will, cit : u ;gen grl,ts at their town ;tore Lut if'. M. IliRiurd'e,) •alasonte blot•k% Last Fit- Uoderech. 2 11ighest price"paid1,.r wheat. -dna TO -MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New B011.1 and SALT PAN'( manufat' turgid on shortest notice. 5500.00 Reward. We will pay the *Uri% reward for syqy case of LlrerComp:shit. Dyspepsia, Sick Headscbe, Indigestion, Constipation or toetiveeces we cannot cure ,with 1% cat's Vrgn'ablc Lever Pills, when the dtrod ions are tittle tlycomt'1It d wit b. They are purely \'egetwble, mud never fail to give satisfaction. SSug•rCoat ed. large Boxes containing 3o Idle, Yi centa. For salt by all Druauts. It.•,vare of coun'serfotta and imita- tlona. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN 1'. W Fr1' & CO.. '.'rhe Pill Dekkere,' Bland 01 Kang Ft. Font., Toronto. Ont. Free trialackage sent by mall prep*1 l ou t -ceipt of a 3ccn' stump. War Rah as vt 31124411111 was ATP n r. • All kinds of. Repairtssvexocuted under the �e ■ � Wea],th persona] ! supervision of the proprietor. who ARK Mighty aatsalaetiery. impure brood and Mw vitality are the _ great •nuroes of most disease for wbioh �urdock Blood Bitters is t>,e specific. CIO,: 'teal - - A name wenn known in K Perris, Druggist, of Lindsay, ogrey ihair t Hair Renewer,which by that Rurde,ck Blood Bittersgive more stewrestores hair to its natural col .r by blood s few weeks use. Sold at N mots per general eatufwoaos than say purifier in the market •- bottle hp June. t1i:;isnn ZR• 4 For sale by JAM r►' CM Practical Workmen. P. 0. Box 10.1 1787 0-0 t:9 Oa - Di Eose co t-4 re- bid Fol sect Vet Vet 1=1 eieg Coo Ise DR. 11. C. Wrsr's NRRVR ANO BRAat( Tamar rawT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Ulu alnee,t. (on, nlslou••. Fite, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache, Nerrou.% frost rat ion canoed Ity tt o ••h use of alt..! or totumc o, Wnkefulness,.lfa- tal tk•pre.:.lon, Noftentn of the Brain, result- in`in lawny+ and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature (1!d Ag' 1tarrennns. l.ossof l'ow.•r in eitn . sex, le vein itar) Loosen and fiperinc.torrhma, caused by over 4 zertten of the brain, self•stbaM or ofd- I nhetrenee. One box ',t111 tune recent ram v. F'arh Ian 001I - to Ina ire n•ontb'e treatment, tin -Anila. a bas. or six bux..tf.rfive dull., , ..t hl •allper- il er- i '?, - dtRs re.etp M (trice, \ve in:aM'nhe alt[ C � "'^^ hirer e an) cayR. 1VPj. emit nlcrrt- 9 tt a' eti•e•1 n C : C F s,:teamtyetaiia•itheart ,aitimpetdwltb o `L r s' five dell 're, we will send Oa purcbserr oar r 3. h7 e, I wrttter; f•..MIMMIre 10 rooyd tete money If rte fr s *t'a,t owes not efRAia bete. IhtarantIM ace-, o e a. Ir f- melee o old) by JAM'S MAIN sole euehet- Q" lxsd etF •„ f ,r lade c nt J r9 � w o 7 t 'a• c I o �t • ( t- h.O . otift�r W lST e' a. L .j "'1 e1 "" ; a; ('l).. tools proprietors. Toronto. Oh: : g e;' 6.5 Bray's Specific Medicine . 1 ` f' g - 2 ;, tL` _ i. TfAAOS •ARRTns ORKAT - YRAOU mus IS: i K p amnia'. It• c Q �. .. .y . 1 man.. An • - 11.arr , r Rem,,,•. SARO mac, Sp •rma'n. ,AMA, In ewe, •., etsewitee 1 • �'� • W fulluw as x •e �T e.0 See of a•;' ArTD ,•••••;•• unci . • !Tenor 1 e.t er•al i•r "'7 " 3 {,,'rade, f`a'n 1•, `tare I• ,:•c,•nm .•f VWo•, s 3 l'yvwmater. t ,tot tied ' • . • e C C f, .f .; .I R E 1i �, O o Cg red $QQa+n i a aa C i that IetA h, tnsawrt♦ nr , ,, ••e ndour ir 6 w miIatnribleb whielr decors •,, a r e . ^71* ., small M 71�7t Ppsa.rt taoy, t e is g n II s.1"4"4":":1:11 p ":1:1�witivie r fM rl'y swarf enn,eet "rt .t aw,e 1y ut44;=1,,, ° is g mai S TAF tt hto Y iseg 1 R". M.. nee' ! 3. R' t t r• el' r. c J