HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-30, Page 11 _t ;1
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vrHOLi NII3I11t8S�i1 i •
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Yc(.LIc•UDDT $ EVAN(`=.
Lew Adv.rt4+emeab.
Meta! Park k P rdom
origege. a-- e u
Auditors' Report -Town of Goderlob.
The Bad and Worthiest -lfop Bitter Co.
Auction Sale of Shorthorn Cattle -It. Hawley.
General ,More for Sale -Mrs. R'. D. tlh.s.o•.
The Larawttnuok of Waf Paper S est of Ter -
onto -Japers Ionia
U. T181'. Oscs sed r:siienae. West NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN-
thtes gars below Beak o• Montreal.9tr•at
She People's Column.
good trade. Stock about_t
Wiefactory reasons for selling.
W. D. 11H AN NON, or to J AS
claim or claims ageism lire. wUl oblige
be wading in their s000u-its on .r before
Vturday. March stth inst. 1 will leave for
c of no1Lir esi Tuesday. April .Yd, sore. t
URld R
11 good feline house an 9 two iota on Palm-
erston street. tae holutssedoostigates 6 fogad.
aclosets and cellar aa orchard attacked. For ppsrticlies Males
to L It. Watson, Minter. Ooderieh. 1-d.
That fine trick house on North -et. Ins.
r sly north bregistry
reolThe boes very efillea M
Pomes.io• glow ea May
ftp For p•rticnl•rs aptly to G. N. Davis.
Doane crib insurance.
toads --on freehold secwrlty. Aaaiy to
(leo. Swa•r.s. Goderiek. lti�/an
*600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
toh. 1756.
an good Farm or g,11-01 se Town PMw4
• t 1 w
per cont. A.MT to It. R ADCLIFFL 1TSS11
HO FOR WINNIPE(: ete to reove to p�
I have
disposed of my auction business to Mr. James
Prettle& who wine to me highly reoomsewd-
ed, and who I •m satisfied will 111 the bUL I
trust that my Mendps in the county willgive
�t�orDderd support
in pi thich they so gleare. 1 wulr.-
nine wlul me odiste all slet pril ales anntrurted to mein the .
J. C. CURRIL The People'[ Auctioneer.mcv.
-LVA. amount to suit borrowers at 6 to M per
peat. Private funds. Apply to Manisa and
Xis fee. Oodertoh.
aaoent of Private leads the tavostmeat
at lowest rates ea dretalemMorte eges• Apply
Mosey to lead *1 lowest
Osi rends,
MORTON, free
asy noit se or chargee
opppsosei1te Colborne Hotel.
(loderick. r!d IMareb 106t. 1779.
IV ea farm and Town Property at looting in-
terest. Mortdgss pesShamd no Commission
raanod O.n ogs..lts[ e/rusonetre.a,..ddlaer.
dN.006.Js.reewm+sitelery-e—hiDaf`YIBON t JOHN
ETON. b .•tYBarrYtfers. &c-. Goderich. 1751
1110. Life and AAsld el heseranee Agent
Re ting Mtctampgeigaales. Almagent
ter the CANADA Livs Broca bi.uw•trca Oo.
9Loes1 M lead ea Illafflillge. CAW fa lows a
• e Lee Meek Ge tO WI the borrow-
All kinds of plain and ornarneLtal
executed grav
int, gold, silver, Ivory. pearl , executed
ohsaply and expeditiously. plates made
end eines; .,1 n short notice Estimates
giver. 1'. J. NEw all v. South -IL. Gatwick.
Practised engraver to the tree+••. l*Tt-ertt.
A frame house nearly
new,reUtng oot
containing 6 rooms besides hall, pen -
try and good cellar with wood abed and other
outbuildings will be sold en reasonable terse.
goodapply t W. l A.RHYn the NAPi Ne raor west° parties-
fors apply to
DR. W. 0. 8. MAGDONALD, M. D.,
C. M., Physician. aargoom Aeauebeer,
els. Office and residents. Mata street. Al-
b se. a.-1eMs.
•'A eidel's amanK )r. tali,' nulv..
An' faith hell Areal it. -
=re TOMO.
We are glad to see Rev. J. Wakefield the choir. also the "Ave
in teem again, after a stay of several dust parte being .ung
f the Coo ke Siad Duylo,—{Cost.
weeks in a Isere souther) portion u
Province, but we regret to learu that his Caaxlvat_ — On Weduo.dey, 2'2nd
las lost lits voice. We trust, however, 1 lust , a oernival was held in the Arcade
tot be roil aeon have his vocal powers skating rink. The number of oosteeses
restored, and that he has many useful 1 Sial and there were
Doric hJust received a vrr) large duv years in the pulpit before him.
Regina' the Shortly after Morley•s death the deft
apt for $1,600, which he claimed he
_ d paid Morley before his death. Tho
plaintiff denied the receipt of the mon
ay, and claimed that the signature t.+
was not u ergo u us the rec.ipt was not that of her late bus
not any strikingg new ones among the band. The plaintiff then sued for thnw
gents. Mrs. It. S. Williams was sward- mortgage nney, and the defendant set.
ed 1st prize as ''Morgiana" in the Forty upthe payment oft*$1500 and the goes
tion at the trial cans whether or not this
$1600 had been pod. The court decried
that it had not been paid, and made oue
decree for plaintiff with ousts.
by the Misses went to the plaintiff and produced • re:
se est or the art rag and Aura. rappin
per, which he *11! .ell heap fur~ nnl, lRosie
r pa -
weight guaranteed.
All prssao who require the use or a reeks
trek, O purpose sitt, e curing meancam have
tate. smtssfaction guaranteed Apply te R.
Carmen. Cambria road. Goderich.
Diens the owing spring • number of per -
0. ['.more to the far west. They
not tall to get a few good phobia at
asDewif, to leave with their friends before
tier shake the dust of Omterto off their het.
FrsL O, Band has ust received Smother new
sup/ll of reele•1 inatrnmwts, via : canoer-
tuses. karmenteaa, aired iseea• Cass and 'lo-
ans. can mad Sae them. They are all guar-
anteed traps tits best maker. and will be sold
at reawmalte pries.
. IAN, SURGEON, to., Graduate of Tor-
aronto Hai vergty. Lioeetiate of the Royal
leges( Phygoases. Louisa. teems. do.
If. C. P. Ontario. Omer sad res deuce
Opposite Beile)•s Hotel, Hamiltonteiale. Wo -
HOtlSE, AND 76. oerner of V cte rie innd NOS.
st trete ta
tie or are elipan- 80 Vt: 'us
hanged for farm Dertch.Reed.'• For partimasue
�pp1lyy to Jas. 0,11ILL, eroettect, omcc Crabb's
Bl of era J. C. Coasts, aaotrebeer.
1t takes as k104. of pp to make a world.
e ast Jam Smoo salt t,^� Nit•. have
e lms[how to stele e. ~ Mm
wear to
cut O 10 ev y lord p•�•--
p1et. In every de =wasting
bargains ghoul a giro Nest • colt. "The
cheapest hours ander the see.
ne liquors at Mdse treat be bad.
the to
thgreed banquet n TThhursday anwished to ud dogged
that the toasts should be druuk in oold water,
the latter Ilqu+d being deemed waterer.
Perhaps, it the truth was known, the Mateo
water is stronger than the whiskey bet at
Oodertchoe get the best liquors of all kinds
at W. L. Horton's.
Dr. G. W. McDonJ1d,of Auburn,spert
Suter in town.
Capt. McCullough, of Detroit, was in
town this week.
Mn. McBride, of the Albi.,n, sent
Easter in Forest.
Miss Lillie Whitely spent her Easton
vacation at home.
Mia Nellie Duuagh left fe t Michigan
on Wednesday last.
Mies Porter, of S•aforth, is the guest
of the Mimes Wilkin•oe.
S*iT Dnwa.—A man named James
Campbell, of Lower Wingham, was ar-
rested on Monday week by County Con-
stable Bullard and Chief Pettypieoe, en
the information of his father, whom he
had threatened with personal violence.
Tbe case was heard before Thus.
Holmes, Esq., J. P., and in default of
sureties to keep the peace he was sent to
ODON. Coroner to Oros sad residence
i;te•e Street, sewed door west of Victoria
et. 1751.
. clan. Surgeon and Aacoucher. Graduate
of Toronto University. Office opposite Camer
-ow & Camerons Bank. Lucknow. If not in
oma . encedt'e st the Beak. 1706.1.
A fleet clan brick ',,.use, cellar t.eder the
whole hoses. and 11 acres land on the Its -
field rose. Goderlo .there is a go.! Stable and
,trlving.►ed.bard and soft water on the lens
t gree the
well s out
to H l�lter,
on the peen
(xodsrieh ro*adrr_
Mrs. Nolan offers for sale the f.):I•owin
preoerty to the town of Goderich. I.ot 171.
t 16 There reisof lot ad the west •%elf frame fouselin
rorV 11 story y
good repel!, 12 room and kltohw. ageeads� For
°eller. bard and soft water. Tonna day, or
further partloulan apply to
'•leliolsor. 0oderhoh.
berets given [tat stolrbook aeaoen1 are
this reader $050ttle 1k same a own soil 'hars-
h, sanegavve ase enforced nLieotlon. I memo eg weero -
new M
. > ITH. .
L' ereSALK imon, weer AT BLE
Br0Maniis road
Ito -
Desalt' street, appoalte the High 8oh.el• with
two lots. The house Is in good r'cealr
earefage house and .table and p�!r
°elidings. The garden is well stashed with
reit trees. grape vines, hr.ib COra�8,
Tor teras 115917 in Davison d" Joesmon.
1 'V SALE Proper, Olt TO EEit l' as the 9-
Disse here [tad Pest with
Ss. Sore of ore 1 egals era lora Tose
Stook t etor has r terser wheattwwiil re-
glre hie sole etre the west halt of
of 6, non. 3, E.G. esu Mad : two
,food orchards, two sea
s.1s. trams bosses.
e f w:alt
welt tarp.
bl oe •T aro T.'�`
Itw+ralnind Ma aeras N!T
hardwood. For
i►AYNEd. 9herDatdfM
11 Peydotans, Surgeons. Aoeos/shers, Ike.
o/oe at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
pro* Oodortch. G. C. SnSONOV. J. C. HA75MM-
PHONIX INS. CO'Y, of Lonox Sngfands
Est•biiahnd 179E
HARTFORD INS. (7lYY. of HatrrroR:i. Conn
-Established Ills.
Rieke takes In the above first-class Of loee sl
the lowest rotas by HORACE HORTON.
The andenegned Is alae Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on first-class security. rote
7 to 9 pt'r Cen'. Charges moderate.
Gedor : b Sept. l0. Ngo.
On Friday lest ((hood Friday; there
was another blockade on the Stratford
and Goderich branch of the 0. T. R.,
in consequence of which travellers frost
Toronto who left that city at 7 a. m.,
did not arrive in Ooderich until 8
e'ekwk in the evening. The "winter of
189!--3 will be long remembered in this
section as the season of railway snow -
CHORAL UNION Coecxar.-- The tune
for holding the first concert of the
Choral Union has been fixed for Tues-
day, the 17th April, when a musical
treat may be expected. This society de -
reeves a big hunse, and we hope to hear
of Victoria Hall being crowded ou the
night of the concert. The manager re-
quest • fell attendance of member at
the next practice, on Monday night.
Mia Crockett. of Hamilton, is the
guest of Mrs. Roberton.
Remember Mrs. Fletcher'• concert at
the temperance ball this (Friday even-
Mr. and Mra Richard Miller .pent
their Faster vacation with their friends
The public and high schools re -opened
on Teriday. The attendance was onthe
slim side.
The Town Council will meet for re-
gular monthly semi..n thin (Friday': even -
8traylea Animals.
pe•rmises of the sebeoriber sot 9. cos.
township of Colhorae, •smtall black and white
dog with tan-oniored heed. The owner is re-
quested to prove property, pay charges and
take it away. JOHN M. Illli HANAN. Col -
borer. 1675.
Auctioneering. -
J. T1ONR erleh.Ont. MTM.
1 A MES P RN ICE, AUoCTIOhike 11018
♦ and appraiser,
fir the Peoples Auottoniier•) Omoe-1 s
ni Bland._
Many persons in this neighborhood
will remember a wager made prior to the
last general election, by W. J. McCutch-
eon and Chas Howson, the former stak-
ing $1,000 against $100, that the guy -
ernmentwould net have 60 of a majority,
in the House. Although the govern-
ment has this majority, their first divis-
ion only 'hewed 53, and the wager was
settled by McCutcheon paying $100.
Thieves, and Ada McKay 1st prima ler
girls' costume "Red, White and Blue."
Mr. Sam. Reid took 1st prize in the now
well known character of "Sir Walter
Raleigh," and Mr. H. Arnold 2nd in
the 9uall familiar costume of "Harle-
quin.' Mr. Fred. Crabb took the prize
fur comic costume, an "Organ Grinder."
The judgea were Messrs. Munro, Newton
and McCullough for ladies, and Messrs.
R. S. Williams, Newton, and Munro for
gents. Owing to the neglect of inns -
quer to hand in their names we are un-
able to give a further list of characters.
Among the names of vocalists who took
part in the second concert of the, Ora-
tor Society of Winuipeg, held on Fri-
day March loth, we observe that of Mrs.
F. S. Hick, formerly of Ooderich. The
Sun in its report of the concert, says :
"Mr. Hick a'Mat Thou Know That
Fair Land' in a creditable manner.
Mrs. Hick has a deep voice of large
scope." The Titers says' "Mr. Hick
sang 'Conner to le pays,' from Mignon,
!< Ito 5 0 ! lOck,
Messrs. J. and L Kidd of the Inter -`i The following which we take front the
national salt -works spent Easter at the onto Mali may be interesting to any of
home in Dublin. our reader mo
who are at present unacquain-
ted with the law regarding this atter:—
"A servant who refuses to obey the law-
ful order of his master or employer, or
the orders of an agent appointed by the
employer to direct theservant, may
lawfully discharged, and
forfeits any claim to be paid wages for
the balance of the time for which he was
MASONIC. —At the last regular assem-
bly of St. Elmo Preceptory, No. 22, of
Knight Templarn
, Oodech, the V. E.
Fr. D. B. Burch, of Lambeth, Provincial
Prior of Western Ontario, was present,
when the following ofliosn for the ensu-
ing year were duly installed : —Past Pre- e -
ceptor, E. Sir Kt. Isaac F. Toms ; Put , hands, ine ebony walking cane, after
Preceptor, E. Sir Kt.. D. MoO. Malloch; reading the following•
Em Preceptor, Sir Kt. R Radcliffe:Con- •o0RZiel.
+table, Sir Kt. J. Beok; Marshal, Sir Kt.
M. R. Counter; Chaplain, Sir Kt. A.
Worthington; Treasurer, Sir Kt. ILNich-
oleon; Registrar, Bir Kt. A.McD. Allen;
flub -Marshal, Sir Kt. F. F. Lawrence ;
Almoner, Sir Kt. J. 1 Tamlyyn; Captain
of Guard, Sir Kt. D. MoLeod• 1st Stan-
dard Bearer, Sir Kt. Lewis Thorne; 2nd
Standard Bearer, Sir Kt. A. Taylor ; 1st
Herald, Sir Kt. J. A. Morton; Ind Hee`
ald Sir Kt. C. Hamilton; Stewards, C.
A. Humber. J. Luham; Organist Dewitt
H. Martin.
'0LN D'
trreoratataea lo Mr. Jens l . Carrie
On Monday ovetting last a very pleas
mg event took phos at Horton's hotel,
Dunlop, when )Ir. J. C. Currie, County
High Coostabls of Huron, was banquet -
ted and made the recipient of • band
some gold -headed cane by the re.ideat. i
of tint ch•han. Shortly aker eight o'
clock Mr. J. J. Wright, the well Howl[
proprietor of the Point Farre summerhotel, wascalled to the chair, and that
gentleman after making a very able
speech •xplaintug the object of the
thering, presented Mr. Currie with thn
legal column of • recent issue if the Tor -
Mrs. Schiller, of Batavia and her
brusher, were the guests of t e,
Mr. Joseph Herr, last week.
Capt. Robt. Rhynes, of Detroit, was
in town during the put week visiting
friends and relatives. He looked hearty.
Mr. Charles Somerville, of the Leen-
don Car Norks,spent a few days in Gown
during thek visiting (Id acquaint -
RC. H+Yl;3, KJI.Iu1rJR &c.,
OSA coonger of the ears and West
some, Wised at lowest raise of ov er ie ,est oro.
heir unel
unng wee enga4t'u•
arses.On Good Friday eve. after the eta -
Mr A. McD. Allan hasbeen at 'Poem -'tions of the Cross had been trade, dur-
to during the past week, whither he has
been called by the illness of his father-
in-law, (.eorge Leslie. sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw, of Manitoba,
who have been visiting their old home
/ Atter.sy.. Solicitors in Chancery kr.
Once on the Cour Hose.. Oodetice.
iRA Laws M.A.. R0.L. E. N. Lewis.
\T RISTSRB, Agoras Solicitors, etc
Ooderio*. J. T. barrow. w Proudfoot. II,3
IL/ arrangements with Mr. D McGreier'
hn asipasRwa .^...�rtala-aiet of SeA It h.w le
,oke eaters car work ry els lime, All week
tsnettem the WWIIlt to the met waters at
Ternateprices. Oesseeutt•►thteewer will
rec leve lu rel Mt ___
Legal Notices
Under sad billet,*of aWave
onalaisil a
seatael (tra06
of to tar her
suit osvlag
11 era win be
e 1e
I ,t four. IS
SI:: a half ham • heron nn
the *beet tare. miles frost
tttnr��, wet wt!! he rade knewe os
tOEf trees ap9NeaMan to the mole.
sntiel PARRS a PtIRDOiMVerideetileasion, asides
rr.tWast S. 11. Aaalversarl•
The anniversary of the -North-street
Methodist Church Sunday School was
held on Sunday and Monday Wt. At
the momiug services, a number of Eas-
ter hymns were sung in a spirited man-
ner by the choir and congregation,among
the latter being the children of tbe
school occupying the front seats. Rev.
Mr. Cosford. one of the early pastors of
the church in Goderic", preached at
both morning and evening services. It
was eluting the pastorate of Mr. Cos-
ford that the North -street church was
built, the pastor assisting greatly in the
progress of the work of erection. Many
changes have oocurred in the church and
the town since that time, over 21 yews
ago, although many of the old acquain-
tances of the preacher were present to
preen his hand on Sunday last.
On Monday cvening there was a large
turn out of 8. S. scholars, teachers and
'parents in the church, at the annual en-
tertainment. Mr. George Cox occupied
the chair. The superintendent road nn
interesting report, from wlioh we glean
the following: - Number un roll schol-
ars '23, teachers 30,, officers 8 ; total
261. Average attendance of scholars
159, teachers 24, officers 7 : total aver-
age 190 ; Receipts for 1882, $160.67 ;
expenditure $167.21. The library con-
tains over 600 volumes, free to all the
school and elan to parent. of the schol-
ars. A murder t.f children (whosenames
we have been ut:able ', get Cron, the [tat a were ther. made by Messrs. Joe
managers) gave some interesting recita- Morrtris tS. Allan, D. McGillicuddy. J.
0o will,
tiens and dialogues, and An address was Knox, S. P. Williams, Marshall Wright
lesson are s popular feature of the guar theles, not my will but thine bedone. delivered by the Rev. Mr. Cosford! and other; after which the entire party
terly eacrcisee. Co)I at adjoerned to the dining room, where a
Ven. Archdeacon Elwood left nn p I ttaannrl Iueting.. i capital spread hail been prepared by
last f or London to attend the A compact and handy l rimer of Ma
Tuesday Geography has just been issued by W. J. , McMahon vs. Whiter•. ---An neto-:. cu I Mn. Herter., tae which it ii r,eedhiso see
meeting of the Standing Committee ir. Gage & Co., Toronto, f .r the use ref { u-
ce.e ofher with the Synod of the dio- I recover back money alleged to have been say ample justacc wa* ora.
pilo preparing for promotion, en►roue, improperlypaid t:, defendant. Cassels I After the good things had been dia-
Huron. intermediate or any other o9tcul exabu LanM. G. Cameron tor plff. ; Carrow & posed of, epeechmakine and Siegel% be.
Dr been 0. S. Macdonald, of Auburn, nation• Thu arrangement of the tabu !land
fur deft Decree that plain- came the order of the evening, the re
has appointed by the Ontario Oily- lar analysis is all that could be o!rsirrd. I tiff have nccnuct, costs t.• abide result cf marks of Mr. J. J Wright being espec
ernment the cru commit/donor for taking Okla- and f'then mala+, erinu their mania account. i ially interesting, at:1 :.'. dry pleasant p
vita in courts. of Ontario, etc., and turo form ore ae perfect ns. could be o•* I lienntl so. Mosolyy \r act:, I. • ,' t;r.:e wan six):'[, which i' :•• trntteht ,to a
for taking recognizance of bail, etc., fur pected. The railway map, >i}} ferture to I aeunf. Carrow s.4 Ymudfood f r Oa - suitable eine by the air.Gil.r of "Auld
the county of Huron. which spacial attention is /l,rectod, is Cane il , Holt & Cameron for deft. L' • fang Sym^,' and t: •• " Ne.ohal An
Wo, would like those interested in the not strictly accurate, at least as to the' cue•lo,, Sergent-refertr ' to the Water them.'
variona churches, acid ether inatitutiens l location of lines tcrn1inatingat this peint, cr take consent -f whole matter and find Mr. Cum: will ionto i . tit ::ttup� g ou
or societies, to inform us le any spec- batt the cn: tracted Size of the engraving whether anynartnerhi', existed ; costs, Tuesday next. and will Carty with him
the d andri of the '1,••*rr o•errlmin,
gal occurrences in their circle which may tee melt' ily cult. absolute accuracy ex eexcel t :u te�Mosely, to depend on wheth- go'
he of interest to the general public. It treroely difficult. er anything is found due from one t , the of t1 nn tion
is impwsaihle t•or us. to report them other TSR f4A1.T BvaiNg.+.—Thu members of ,,;het ; Off. to get costs est) to time of awe, 7tweet Memt.
1 Canada Malt Association were enter - f a from
ing which time the Choir sang theStabst
Mater, an excellent sermon was deliver-
ed by the Rev. Father MacRea on the
Passion of our Lord. He dwelt particu-
lar y on the millions of souls, that are
To John C. Currie RAs., MO (Dont* Con
stable. C.swts of Burow. Ontario.
DEAR Ste, --A few of your numerous
friends of Dunlop and vicinity, being
aware of your early departure for Mini
tuba, take this opportunity of satisfying
their high personal regard fur the many
excellent gnslities, yon have displayed
while residing so tong in their midst, and
as • practical acknowledgment of their
good wishes ask you to accept of this
cane, which they trust will alwaysbe suf-
ficient to protect you in the hour of den
ger, and in your old age proves neuro
and lasting staff, bringing to your mind
pleasing reminiscences of former friends
and happy days Wishing you every
prosperity and success to your new
honk. Believe n,, Dear Sir,
Yours Faithfully,
A. AL..sor, Fssl' HORTON, JO$5. ll
Moaata, J. J. WRI•;Hr.
Mr. Currie, in responding to the ad-
dress. was visibly affected. He was at a
lou to know why the people of Dunlop
cou d see proper to pay him the honor to
make hin, so valuable a present. His
public positiou had not been ono that
could of itself be looked upon as a factor
for making friend•, nevertheless thie
token of the appreciation of hts Dunlop
friends proved couoluaivelj that it -
was posihle f,.r a public official to obtain
the rsepect of those with whom he came
in contact, :f he did his duty fairly and
squarely, and withoutfesr, favor or parti
shty. (Hear, hear). He was going to
leve the county for the North-west,
haying been appointed to a public poli
ticn there, and the greatest regret he
had in leaving Hurn, was that lie heft
so large a circ:e of tried friomde behind
him. He thanked then) heartily for the
handsome token of their osteon with
which they heti seen fit t., present him.
He would always remember their kind
nese to hilt, and if any of thein ever
went up to Winnipeg they would find
his latol • ttring where they easily open
the door. (Hear, henr, and applause).
Remarks of n highly copiphmentar•y
at Galt, spent the Easter holidays, with drawn to Christ on that dry to pry trt-
their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Creasman. 1 bute to the agony he euffered for them
The quarterly review of Knox Churck on the Cebu, the intensity of which,
wan so great, even to him, the `on "f
S. a WASlargely attended last. week. The I God, that he cried out '`Father if Thou
lurnd illustrationsstrairfie each Sundays remove this chalice from me, never -
TEYR 6.�oo,,,� ego•. Gatwick and W lagham.
C. Seager Jr..Oodsrich. J. A. Morton.Wing
tam. 175!.
j i■ Chmn.ery kc
C.; P.
n °n trkpl t er
deea•mMmt of the era
Ip of A.h11-14 in the
I wise.
m. M. C (lmneeon, I Rev. Mr. Cosford will a ccupy this P°1' tsined at supper en Thursday evonin.,
eon. /iodeiiosh. W. it in the North -et Methodist church nn
1751, {{ 115th inst., at the itnttenhury Honso.
Sunday next. The rev. gentleman was'i 4fter the usual pearl thing.; had been
the preacher who was mainly inatrlunen II diepoaec. of, (in the preparation of which
gal in the erection of the church. He is
1 Mrs. Rance excelled herself). *,•viral
now in town visiting his friends of the j testate were proposed and drank with en-
couum in 0. statement ^f ne on.e ro Thu- remains of John blower.: l'eyt,e
that time, deft. Mcsely- to have c ee s
l;niteti States, and the Lordy_of the home
less met. v-wro:; '•Agree, iiw•ct
Home," will hereafter •eat in his native
latehusbd in pursuance e f a 1oiland ['erre was not a omit poet, sod
i.err marie to herran1•nfore marri:tgr. q' the aer.tansent d melody el store r
male ?:;. seseg L;anupuiM t1 sit ditke: s mrdt'
rnaidell in West Wawsr•,+h, tar• • f''Le As r4.6eally wtittst. Ili-• i'°' cr•-tsin
defendants in Uoibor::a and other" in the 1 ly was a etude ,igte ref- t,:wfwarton, but
ly an
old Country. Mr. Closed IIr. `ks- I hretthir; a ,,,,+"tni« •';•.a h.• Rade 1'
i;er for riff. , (Jarrow Ar Prondfnet for u*dyIg
pert of lefts., and Ctniercn. Holt 1 ,��.��r o ::rt..
Cat:lcron inr hal$nee. Degree fir Dat! Ilia 1 pi.•.....w t aa1 palmate' thrair0 we ewer
for conveyance of tonal, and costs ‘.11,71.1.1
. +!! I tout'. ,e t.::mt . "mow lie 9lsoi.
e'wll. be c'
pantie. to 110 paid out of resents! *stets. I' iota home .
(IraLem �•s Bntler. -f 'mewls & t•ea.;�r' A otomy '-,, - a ty::ow e•.
ter ;1t.: (arrow k Plk.udfa.•t hi' `.• 1, Mm *6.4*6.41L,,, 8o Gen, e4,e • .e •• .std, t:•..... son ew.
I'lainti8 lust Uoveriiriint c'•ntract for, -.i .- •'•
helidieg scows and erecting pier wi rk in ! ' �o''''
, hers•.
(7ieierirh hsthr,r , deft. wsa t•• advance '.aoxsl•o tfte i, e. • t
lands fee carrying nett the wort. at.d'te• i .a•.• rre r brood t> - rate .
i p ` r, ve owe s. 1 call .?tall
(-eves pert a the fetes The !cows '!M Stn nz rets
were• ct 11}let. d x.eh me,ney p'ar'd"''Net ANS** the t o e.
.^ el ...we,.
n.4encmr•dt : but, rasing to (a a f)usr ale
!adorn t• r.m . pier wort lie boot die
contract, led he new brit. nation ,
relearn deft 'tor not ad"aneieg 161111,111 on Nartt,•4110Reserra.. ea are, rma' •
it Dscr•e—reterenoe 14' the WOW tae lr Moe, Mileb 44 f":ntt.+, renis
hr c power te take evi•ionee ,n the soh. at St. Poi is Crt!tedra;. Sett: '.y, s tries
lett '•f costs , each party t.• haat tight t• • , Altered :. •--.ti els tits alta /bras Ma
prove damages. ('r st-+ sad further kin hat of , leaped .�rlsl+ 01,. that
direetinee reuertcd. (Imbed the cross, cur gtaticks, tries
• (ley a IDaml.he3 was tri scar of flowers •n fel. greeted Tllre Dwa
ratite( s peculiar dwfeere. The deft hail WOW ebsrt91s11 s.eerral t
he Ube
Irmo years sten bear:.wed comfy ran 06~ ail'revs hiffiakagise
at time from the pile husband. Inc polies. 116 111e escitemg9ttiMl6
t • was 1if.•.r-y x4n
. .,i.: K! et T9 -Q, e0,• ...1, t. „,._;4...t 1t el:e a Y�
levy a
'CMl1 s
sweet long ago.
Mr. George A Res.•, e f the Sarnia
l troon,ns. ( Agrienttural Implement works,is around
�s,aen,dr, • after a severe %tete,: of pleurisy
t on by sieei.ing between damp
He is now • prepared to give
forietnetl regarding the machines
I1d y him. at the stand rel the market
Ildr. Alex. Rogers. ran oil time ren•
fleeter ,.n the Buftal•e S Lake Hu
1 R, and well-known t,. the ,•1,1
(iitx uric , was in S
Goderich Branch.
1) oil ASO - -
Anlotn :urea ea deptte. Deane. le
of moan sad siredaf Sore Untied.
la all parts ',the w•1M __.
t h t can ever
He hada good tins with the old
thusisesm. The speeches however of
Memel iiightmey,:r and Platt deserve
mo a than ordinary notice, being full of
most interesting information. The meet-
inC held e.n NVednes lay, at the load nftlre
of the asse,eiatinn, was for the11 ecti',n ,,f
officers. W. M. Grey, i{eq.,
was rhnsen President for the
nd R. Platt, Freq.. of ito•Ierich,
Vice-Prssido,.t. The board then .p-
a praioted +i1d+n Hetoford .1 (•into»,
£tseTetrlry, and Mr. e. F. I'aahL+y, a:
lttrwwtant. —f New Era
Easter Sunday at St Peter s woe ee'e
brnte'i with the usual sa,leinmty, pertain-
ing to the grand festivals ..f the fy+tb.'tic
Church. Tha ehoir which is cowered
Poo tat ostieef, 06,0o0,0o". raking up reneniscenoes, and to
' - •1,400,x. view the history of Gederich in rem
rr..al/rwr • AWN. WM NelLAS rfld
11Pers Seat Jrrmaeprr, - W. A. w.•..astev
**dare& Branch.
A. M. 1111011111,Km 44.RaR
tlits Mrr e.. hwadp.
Caae4Y )NgSTt!m•:. Tl>, Easter meet-
against Taggart, his c'•sts ', . he add •
his :n. rtgage debt.
Dure'an v,. Mymir.gt.t• I'IA. h1.n,s
action to receiver proeurty left her by
i have been brought from Tau to the
lag of lM testry •d St. 1 .- ,vge s chalet 1 d many new Washers, ate/ ezeeellinety
woe beta on Monday evening lest in the well, end Mia Cooke darters groat
SiMidic Paboolh•"utw alr..l the followiee credit for the pains she Ms taken, sines
order- were :t; - :retest fie the en ' she accepted the position of or :unlet ■t
MINI J� : - Richani Radcliffe. the rem' St. Peter's. Tie otitis of Miss O'Rourke
M torecltareherarden; T.: 4.weichentkl,the at masa and vespers were very finely
wstlsalr and penp}e's ehurchearden; de h t. due fewdereel, and were very'noel ma mired.
les said , dies Annie Doyle prasesses a testy plea.
Mve.Mssio Farmer*:1 -der 1,1 Jobe 6 ltei .itllseellh , Ing voice and sang the dares with Mi's
more aro.
_ T $. tVaaEvery anti 1s1. Cooke. very creditably. Mise Cooke,
ARCHIT}R4`T, Ar. Ile business meeting in con frith hang a beautiful "0 gelatin." at the
� . omelet;t'sleek' , R��gg es •n., Cede the vestry will he held, en A $th, lllernmdie it.neand a solo in the "Tinter
t•trh pbM yA rondonstjr•wn aswane wham the tinuteial s4tltiaeut w gg1. ErTr. '- The English hymn "Prs.oi' ye
V 41 roes Sas ,naso was wham met a s 11 Ie rd renderae in fin• Nrtw i.t
meas., r