HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-23, Page 8•
JAE HURON SRA Al.. ' . MARCH 23 1833.
byrou and Ant/wily Ferster
tit alerehan. Out , tweedy pe.4 A 118,1
• ".1.1,k1 Farm," the ectiatie.• ot tbeir
i' •
fatlane They' reit oil not "lee ly is elect*
ithoW ,,4t east 44 lietC.
Mt. D. Bair h purelisacel *rem the
‘A.grteuiturel ainq Aits neeiation of
Weterloo, the ttieeeiree amsrthorit Vsr
haus bull "littt er fur tee bunt et $125.,
We aro ;tits/Lava t.• hear that Mr.
Satool, who Ilea neertrey sick late, is.
rut -uttering.
Mr. Petkney, from the county of
terry, a former resoluta of tins pia ss,
was viaitiog friends in this vieiutty hist
Mi. George Irvin, beceuting weary a
single besasednees, has joined the ever. -
diets, t•king
daughter of Mr. .1, lei Johnston,
for his partner fur life.
Mr. James Gardner, of Ashtield, pur
ehmied tart week twu very fine young
thorough -bred short -horn hill.. fall
were bought front Messrs. Green tiros.,
of 0,1k ville, at a luendeene price.
Mr. Jr,. Jaeger's, councillor. received
bad fall while working iu his lure Mit
Tumidity. Although he fell fully 15 feet
happily he reixived no injury further
than a scalp wound.
Thos. Bennett, well known in Howick,
Juin with a aid calamity on Thursday of
/eat week. He had been at Lancelet to
witness the races on th s ice, and during
the day drank considerable liquor. In
the evening he got a ride with a fame,
part of the wvy home, hut when he left
the sleigh he evidently lost. his way•ui
the storm and laid down in the snow to
aleep. When he arrived at his brother's
house, late at night, both his feet were
found to be frown. Sines that time he
has not been able to walk and it is quite
probable that both feet will have to be
wee Y
Onirumal. William Wright, post-
master Morrisbank, died on the even-
ing of Friday, the 9th Nat., after an ill -
(U53 extending '*ver 'levees( months. He
WWI a native ,if Haddingtonshire, Scot-
land, where he was born ie thereat -11116
Nearly forty years ago, he entigrided to
tmerica, first locating in Galt, where he
idled the vocation of sbeetizakere his cone
[banjoes of the "bench" lineg Peter Pet -
lick, recently deceased, and Robert Tay-
lor, of Orey, who died upwards of seven
years ago. More than quarter of cen-
tury ago, Mr. Wright removed to the
township of Turnberry, and took possess-
ion of 300 sores of land, contiguous to the
Grey and Morrie houndary. Upeit the
removal of Mr. Jim Orr to Missahri,eight
years ago, Mr. Wright was 'appointed
postmaster at Morrisbank, fulfilling the
duties thereof to the satisfaction of all
concerned. He was much respected in
the neighborhood where he so lung resi-
ded. The interment which took place on
Monday afternoon to the Wingham cem-
etery, was largely atteuded.
Oran Loves. — this entertainment
laehl ender the auspices .If I. 0. 0. T
No. 213 on Friday evening, the I6th
inst., was a decided success. Roth the
attendance and order surpassed any pre-
vious "open lodge!' held here. The
ranting was formally opened by W.C.T.
Bro. John Stewart, after which Bre. D.
Cummings was appointed chairman. The
Sanford and Betimiller lodges were pre -
'sent, and lent A helpful hand with the
prograinine. The Saltford t*dge centre
butee: A dialogue delivered in good style
by tit e characters. IL D. Morrie made
very creditable Mr, Wattles ; Char-
les etewert as the Inshinaii brought
hewn the house 114 his . cle.tr imi-
tation oi the brogue. They were well
supported by by Edwin Morrie, Jame%
Stewart and Charity Long. Ir.. George
leitt n followe.1 with two well relidared
Irish wings, w filch (Nut vulsed theaudience
with laughter. Bentniller Li dge als
aided the progreme. Tied %nelson;
dialogue. •• fakiii..; the Trent Toinorrew"
was well put on the Nordic Sister 1.1a
%Vetter' ne the iltI amain bewildered
the I Alice clerk George Stewart with her
litany questions, and the huogry h..y,
Willi., Stewart, cotting sticrt her lecture
Jiltii brought nut roars ,,f laughter.
Her animated /Mardi through her bag-
gage for the, cure, and the haste in collect-
ing her goods w lien the aura: whistle of
the "Intilgitti.3" Wa.3 coid.1 hardly
be ezcee let. The Jiece was a *tutees&
Bee George Stewart we baldly applaud-
od reeding. Froni Le horn t die
tho edlowing coutributiens were made:
Readines by 1100. IL E. Brown. J.
Linelater, .atel S. P. Williams. Si.ter
Martha 'is gave a reeding
"Mother.' Dream," wheel was reel with
•104.1) fo•ling, end kept the close t %nee -
Lion ei et,' taudemee. Several solos Were
rendered by lee, .1. Loiklaier in line
style, and the dun of the prettreitie
h• w44 eA1/..1.1 1/(441/ rho athliootice
with "Genesis 01,1 Atei Clumr,which
he gave in a eipital manner. A flialiefee
•• I'lie triniMen ' 1,v Bios. Jelin 8 tame
and S. P. Williams en 44,11 reve1,01.
41,41...4a., • rhe(111 'ti1 the New, '
• ii• v chneacter", v,,s4 taw, elle: 01. tee re
C. Merton p re et ced a tetany of the
I',,,'.I to fete's', am! si-ter Mary
McKie stir 1ade a e eel I isneenme.
it A.". Ai. ,4-e41110.1 11/ LW/ 1.1•:ers
11 eten sell, 1. Stereo, "e'er E Her
t eseeete her demi Ai ;111 orgacist be -
f. tre A 1.. 3.1.11111 4111.1101/0,.. 141,
lattja, h•IV,Rhdfilin'. *es eiresely am, ,
enol lleb;r1 hiemell appe •
• gel set tits euthsea, twitterfug 4I,C1 ss.
• toe ,th ,tie, tx the satomehnieut and
delight of t4W audience, who gale tre-
it.i.teloes ,appta .s * silken the btrl (it
w ) fereoleted its imeg. The tileCieg
w is 'us d in the ureal mangier by the
V . C. 1. We wish to .tendri Cie Bee
.r volfferil lindji tliaoks for
eir*r me • '4', 10/41 44•111411104 1:1 the
1, ghee appeared in regalia. 1 e
havii L -.14* h • • •41 Its WorAirt,i ,1e,
von -. *ad hey 31 .0s...stela. T
• ..* oRligedeleeips is Doirlep. It/11,na:e.
we ,ry if Weir to.M4114 n w vs keels
Cie Lee "trine .elit e-ott g wWhere
4 meld ter eat .t,As
4 ge‘d lot; 'beg ,Iirected, hes hem. the t.,iisahment of
• 11, • le s feet .1 17.., i. o opoi.. Jthe 'Western lIntreraite
Ileneery Wetting.
Ten Wimps of this pont began huge
en Tuesday bent Vice Chancellor
P 01+,111,Kit.
lime wre XX cases set down for trial,
drat ease en the list WAS All tteett
Woe* Ise one Astoria mKgtnoud,wh.
live. between Seafurth and Egniondville,
and who there carrion on 44 woolen man-
ufactery, against the town of Scafoith,
p.event .the town fn tu fouling the
weter ef Si) :sir Creek which runs through
flit town and then through the plaiutiffs
teeds. Scum yens ago tbe town dug
deo s borough the town and emptying
u.to the creek. Salt and sewage from
the town in this way were carried into
the creek and so destroyed the purity of
the water that the plaintiff was unable
sae it. The court made a decree in
elaintilf a favor, with mte, a:.d directed
a reference to the Master to enquire as
(41 11411144411.
The e,oneert heldtu the Methodist
cl.urch here /ei Friday evening was a
e; lender' sweets. The night being tine,
..ud sleighing good, a targe 4tIlitinee was
preemie whip for about thee) hours lis-
tened with close attention to the several
pieces presented. Rev. A. E. Smith oc-
cupied the chair. . The choir of North-
st. !Methodist church, Goderich, was pre-
sent, and during the evening rendered
about a dozer selections in splendid
style. Reedines were given by Misses
C.mpbell end Harrison of Westfield, and
Mears Hoare and. Clark, of Auburn.
Rec'tations by Miss Henderson, Messrs
lielidereen and Hogarth,o1 Goderich,and
Master Benny Wilson and Mr. R Maller
Auburn. Refreshments were served
during the evening lag Mae ladies. The
proceeds, about fiftydriterato be applied
to sard purchasing a new organ for the
ehurch. The N nth et. 'their gained
'many indeed'', their drat visit to our
village, the eelections He Itose from the
Deal, Swing low Sweet Chariot and Steal
Away being particularly appreciated.
Te keep abowidan 4. sweerks—The Mete
Man who Waste the rtUsk Uses Tremble,
Waterbury, Conn., March 18. — Pat-
rick Egan stud here tirdly that he had
come t.. America 1.. prevent the extrude
nun of Sheridan, as he could give evidence
proving that Sheridan was not in In-
land at the time *,f the Phoenix Park
inurders. Egan left England bringing
nothing but the clothes he wore. At a
public meeting to -night, Father Walsh
introduced Haan as "the little man who
made the British Lion tremble."
said behind to -day was in the handof
a rent larertal and coercive foe, who was
hanging innocent men, bayoneting
women, and shooting down children.
England, he said, withher spin, inform-
ers, and picked juries, is trying to crush
out the national life of Ireland, but there
is a new Ireland on this aide of the At-
lantic which she cannot trample out, and
which will hold her to a reckoning for
the crimes committed at horn*. He be-
lieved Ireland'e long night of alavory was
approaching the dawn, and that the
measures for her national independence
will be suixessful. Egan was received
with prolonged appluse. Father Welsh
said Egan was not ashamed nor afraid at
the proper time to give a full accomet ol
the Land League funds.
llialelon eis tile Sick List. •
The Conservatiio papers are calling
for the resignation of lion. A. Crooks.
They say he should net hold office un-
less capable of attending to its duties.
We may be sure that Mr. Crooks will
net remain Mineter of Education if he
does not hope, after a short respite and
trip abroad, to be able to attend to his
work ; but we have not been convinced
that a Grit is not, in illneas, worthy of
the same consideration which Tories
claim. N., one called for the resigna-
tee) of Sir Charles Tupper wlen he, on
the 1„mound of serious indisposition, saw
tit 'to sail for England and attend a
meeting of the Canada Pacific syndicate
afinoet on his arrival at London ; to, one
has been small enough to demand the
resignation of Him. btr. Chepleau, aho
is in the Southern States and has
been unfit for service since his appoint-
ment 48 SOCret, try of State. -
18e sprints* tof has ignilen.
'rile opening of navigation will be
delayed. At present thore is nothing to
indicate an early opening of navigstion.
Duluth, at the far west, is entirely block-
ed with ice, and sI Princo Arthur Land
'nit it is predicted that there will be no
sailing till May. The Detroit River tied
Lake and River St. Clair will not be se
late as many other localities, while Like
Michigan ports are not it backward
condieon. April will ()eller° before navi-
gation opens. Vessel men do 114/1. seem
to he in any greet houry, and it is Reid
they 'ire generally eel pleased at Lie.
backwardness of the season. The lees.
pects are not very brieht. A new lin..
of eterneers, traversing the 114 d horn
lakes, will be started during the 0
sermon. This is the North-West 'rause-
portation Conran ,with its howhinare•rs
at Sarnia. The 1 feted E• 'mire, 0 le (Po
thq four boats nn the line, is emmmand-
ed'hy Cap,. Robertson. and is a new
boat,and vessel men generally p.m-
nounce her the fittest vessel of her elms
on fresh water.
Following the return uf the Bishop of
Hunin from England to tee tity eat
M'edneedisy et -miles! Int, the ameinee-
merit is amide that the (Ju. en, in nee.,
lance with the &reify of the Lord !liable,
of Ilipee, hes offered him the appoint-
ment ',18uffravan t.. the lbehimed Ripen
with the title-Ilishop of Hull. Biotin?,
Hellmutis will prolisnly brute this mat•
ter before the Standing Committee ..1
the Diocesan Synod which will meet en
the 29th inst., in this city. His accept- •
&nee of the See in Northam] now iritee.
down the interesting 411leeti0/1 of who
may lercerne ha 41100011/4/e here, Aid al- ea
ready the names of sever.' invest
clergy have been ennititmerliemp
Holimoth hoe been etwaseeted with the
Mom. et Huron for mewl, twenty
reale And ditring that time the Chtirell It
4 England has ...eta marked penries i e
teeny we* e. Anong tile *penal es'er
twine which his energi.'s have boss r
la Embio, ou the lath Inst.. the, trite of Dr. 111.
AdAmii. of a &teener.
Al Yorkdalie, Saturde). Mar h 1041s, th,
W 04Aithl, S. Rooth. of a daughter.
In louden. els the Ill I /a* .. Leo he. it.. Atronoi\T sALE
Grant. Mg. It. tial,., 1.4no rly 011VS'
te0, to Mho Ruth, daughter ie. Mr 1, mg.
of London. 444
In tioderich, 011 Friday, Starch Intit. (either-
ine, *wife of 3/r. 111111e ut lisCaig, agsdIU
In Ouderieh, on Friday. March lath. 34 khaki
Fel gateau, aged 15 years.
At 1.;ar. Donal,),
.oilikor:1:411a!rv,i ;401 atrirl4614. M*4iIe.
aged 21 3 eitre and 6 itionthe. •
la Godencli Township, uu Saturday. March
lith. Elisabeth. wife of Mr. James John-
ston, aged 59 years.
In floderich, on Monday. March link, Andrew
St wen. aged 61 years and 6 months.
In west Wawannia, on Monday. Merck illth,
Jane, beloved wile of err. Charles (Devil'''.
sr., aged be irate.
,6ederlels starters.
GOnliCRIC11. March 22, 1,
%V heat, Intl)/ 41 ...• • • • • 00 ta SO 13
Whent, (Springl bush X 4 IS
H'lour. V barrel.. . ..... 4 50 ri 5 eu
0 37 4 0 ar,
Peas. 11 busk. ..... 0 115 61 0 70
Harley,14 bush. ..... ......... 0 45 060
Potatoes 'bush --------------091 to 037
llayOion 7 AO en
Rutter. 1 L.• • 0 18 ttp
1 dos. (nspacked)........ 0 20 .mf
0 11
Shorts -11 cwt ........,,, „„ 0 20 to
Bran, cwt
chop, al ewt • tbr
Wood. bb "
'titer ic 1114 .. ....... .......
H idee ......... S11
Hogs dressed 7 al
0 12
1 71,
4 0_1
g ee
Hum. Exp's. Shed. . Mir'd
Goderich.LrAilam .12.40 pm. etepin Maim
Seeforth. Ar.e.V 1.38 4.20 139
Stretford. A r.7.'3:1 2.40 4.30 11.10
Pass. lexp's. Mied. Mtx'd.
Sitratford.Lvt2.01pni 7.50pm 5.15arn 3.45Ples
Seaforth. A r. 12.541 X. 12 8.00 5.60
OoderichAr. 1.35 In/ 9,47. 7.13
Lucknow Stage (daily) arr. Ittliam3pas dep
Kincardine • 1 011asenue . "
Benniiller " ilVedneeditY
and Saturday) .17.9.00ant.De.2.10.
ee and appraiser, euccessor to John C. Cur-
e ,e the People's Auctioneer.) 0Mce- (Nark*,
Old stand. 18711-1Y.
1.1 arrangements with Mr. D. McGregor,
the we II-koown bookbinder of Seaterth. to
take orders for work in his line, All work
done tram the plainest to the mon superb at
retook priosa. Orders left ells *Moe will
melte his personal attention.
will hold their ussal
-is Twig—
FRIDAY EYE 10}E.3tli Int
An excellent programme o til be provided by
Ithastwass tack. mews Owes a17,
Childres ander finer -
teen years nets. Coseenss Veloric
Fallon &
sEmi 1--ropm1
Cotton Seed Compound
is Cheaper, and aa good or better, than moat
of the Commerci•I Fertilizers of
the present day.
This Fertiliser • real manure, not mereiy a
stimulant, the value of which is proved by its
increasing use wherever introduced.
A hundred thousand tons were shipped last
yen to Nogland fur fertilising purpoees alone.
Gardeners take notioe that tables man-
ured with it mature arta ripen . artier than
with ordinary manure..
John A. 1•Taftel,
Adie Agent for Gederiell.
Also Agent for Herby Climax. aing of feed.
toot Diploma at Previa- ial Show last fall.
March 22. 1883. 11.1e33ni
1 COUNTY ilItet()N.
In the matter ret Jame; linearly .• Mill Site
and Water Priveleires, In the Village of l'ort
Albert. in the County of liuron, and of the
Act. Chapter Ill of the Revi.ed St.e.iitee of
To oil traom 41 okay COM.VrIt.
Take notioe that un Monday the '23t -,I it, of
Apra /1.1). Lin at ten o'ciock In the foreimoo,
a petition be present and an epplitetioa
made on behalf of the stdd James Mahaffy, to
the Juri..os of the (not, Como ot the Counfy
o' Huron. las • in :`a. Coart Flange
In 411..• County. pntring that the said
James ManatTy ma> b., mlo ed to inaintnIn
his dam on the wild mill site end water priv-
Dog t nt Pre'tent !wish,. and at whtch time
and plea:eau order will be ,.,ked for in the
tering of the graver of the said petition.
Dated this MI, de, of March A.D. let,.
Sao DM by M. G. CAMEttON.
434A Ac ;-51011clior Mr the tend
3ndge ('. ('. James 34 &harry
"Pedursuan. to my ,Iireetit n, given t, matter
now peed trig in the Illgh ltourt .19 J
(' .11111iPry WV on, int itt111.1,i An 11,7 matter
of Coale Gnat roil and others, Wards.
1 be Creditors of Peter lieadardine., late of
the Township of Stephen, in tle, County ef
Ilaron. farmer, who &ea or 4,11.Mtt the
trt tntli 01 Utelols.r, 18:11, Me. .A1 or before he
lSJ day of April. 1:43, to send by re:, prepaid
0 lie tforton.Itarrister. God e
rich. then CM Piddle aud surniusts, addressee
end deecript ion. the lis 1 part means of their
rialtos. a statenwmt of their amounts, end thr
...,. ere. of Mc 'termitic; (if any, held by them :
oi••e4.1eilettdeflifuroltmt tPre4 c4w.tiihrr, t wotatitb'eiteTh'eTenrsToriti,eY
`.•,eibetiul le the laid Ma:ter. Evers Credi-
tor a, *tutor , securer ism ee Menne
ine the tinders= -1 Registrar ot she
yoren's ilemb 141risler, of the Hien 1)ente
Jiteities at my Chambers In Ingroode Ki, In
the (711V 41( TfitiV41.4,. on the 234h day of eeMl.
tireryto.. sp %wee intro; isnot j)4ide ,frarts.,,lesesee,o. tureer.enuist
(Aro Jomm wieenteterr.M,
i erOast
11tursi,er Q. II.
2E3 A. I. Tre F" -
Valuable Village Property,
Umtritibi*irtSt 4'i (00
win ihemsof,X be by 10 agetion
ow Aire _dsillnligriusgmraiseroll:
the A MERT13 N HOTEL. PROS..1ELM. on
• Pin. lie Bedside of T
,loe e'olook 0.in , the =Igssorgir
ner nf Chorch and l'ureberry. streets MIK
;nags of Brussel... County of Rural. Ms
king ono -quarter sere, more ,r lees.
• and one.linif story frame Ilemen Pel
ith wing x 101.. alert Intern. M.o., 15
n.1 frame etehle x SI. Yrieli.4 ,4-eberd
no,::elleactithe tints 4515 „of male, the balance of
1 Ef.1144: The purehlumeaser stseilmelerr%),4411 destinwt^00.
ore,' theeetter ; the remedial., easehatt la
rieh, or wwwired he • morilligit .1fmliffshiat
on one to eve years et the endless 09 the
pillrebilser. For further paritewhirs, apply to
(711KRAIR it MUIR.
Venders' Reuniters traminen
orfarel 1110.11
APRIL THE 26th, 1883.
eat 11/111 property kuo11111 "tge
litr44i AUCTION. to the highest bidder,
ietire ."e.t timed In the Towaship of Colborne.
County of Heron, near tho Town of Dederick -
The property is well improved, and com-
prises a tract of bind tontainitig about lig
acres or the best farming land in the Town-
includlag rah alluvial river date with
a frontage on Maitland River of over one half
ite, hank are extensive. there being ov
er len fruit tree', and as a fruit farm 41bass
reputatiou unaurpaseed in the towuship. To
4 person wishing to engage in the culture of
e grape. there la prObahly &I flee a site for
a Vineyard re can he luund aaywhere. About
5 a IVA me now ready fur *eking out with
The water pri vileges Are unsurpateed, there
twing several linty springs over the farm
and notably • lattneter spring Which runs an
overshot wbeel, driving an *whet- eane cruel+ •
1st. The (*wellies lame, is a substantial
stone building. three stories in height. com-
fortable and well bulk
Ino.—The barns and !gables are ample and
COverleA about • quarter of an 03(5 01
3rd. --The fruit house is • building 10:20 feet,
now used for the stonier and bottling of cider.
The large spring above mentioned made to
flow through. causing the temperature not to
vary any V50pemeptl rile difference the whole
year rants& Tee cider business le a profitable
one, and ollts;.• a sane besinese to any person
with a little osietal.
itis.--Tbe •tress house and come mill is a
building mem feet, and is fennel with all the
requiremenia fur running • Inge business 44,
the imam/enure of syrup from the sorghums
ease. The machinery ceinprises a powerful
cane crusher, evaporators, tanks, go., capable,
of crushing the erode,* from .50 acres of °sae
during the seeetia. The older press is a mar
si•e frame worked by twin screws, 5114 44 put
up in a moat solid gramme.
5111. The dairy la a neat little building, hav-
ing a constant low et waxer running through-
anti4. quite ample for running a large dairy
or creamery, tor which the him La pre-emi-
nently adapted.
6th. --There is a eomfortabk dwelling house
for working man at • convenient distance
truThmetheabobsrimve pro. pert: will be put up and sold
at per acre. auttlect to existing encumbrance.
The proprietor's only reason for selling to that
he has not the minted to carr > out htn views,
and will therefore se/I.
Immediately atter the &bore sale, the whole
of the Farm Stook end larpletneets will be
sold for whatever they *Wretch. Tile bottle -
wants are all new and In good order,and com
pries a miscellaneous lot such as may be found
on &my well rogulated tarn, the enumeration
utlewmilietnht.wlfould surabletert tiletnengitherroyfiotar "tbeadhoose-fer.
bold furniture will be ollsred for *ale the same
day, and if not, the dsy aftee.
rcrar:try for a eouthern climate.
givenhe , as tproprietor is leaving
The above offers a tine inducement to a per -
eon with nine means, who 1. dissirswo of
ear old Imasesteed, ail everything shoot the
plasm le la patent working Order,. The fell
an= le SI dens, and about SI scree of
Mem sows. and everything in
"101111ftiweo. rte.. reference is
Proutifoot Mar-
aud the adagketliity of
11111114 Alex. Mel). Allan,
. nsfereaos given
Trott Growers Animila-
autte„. pre"Iiirbalhridlankiseog mwelinessaiky union waniltal bcitabOot woman o. eer
Marcia 2ted, mat 11634.1 Pr"r1.4".
The Great Pain Conqueror,
rapidly dispels Fein4 teaspoonful in water
will care it distracting head ache In Bre min-
ute... If applied to any affeekid surface of the
body, as tooth ache, neuralgia, rhetinsatisin,
etc.. it gives the sufferer comfort and instant
relief,it is a chArMing remedy. Only 2.5c, and
motley refunded if not .i represented.
4. l'salanTT 4 14.4 vele rreariel•no,
Brant ford, Ontario.
W. J. C. Naftel,
Ytraggiet„.1,4, Agent for node' ich.
. HAMAR; 11,1roh
(Nit4, Starc.t 10th. Halifal, Starch 31st.
e Halifax. April 7tha
I April tali. Halifax:April 14th.
i fa , A ern :let.
E'er! haat. April IStb. Ratite ‘, April afith.
May fah.
f 'Alt/SIAN.
Halifax. May 12th.
3. .f:i- l,ict he Stvatner- will be dew
plot tied from Quebec.
48,44. tIllan bane( is Toronto with the matis mad
passangere at :IS every Thursday morning.
connecting with t 8443514)41 1* neither.
For tirkete Paid eVir, infernal. Int. apply to
Tel t Agent.
De-rinA Lake, Turtle Mountain
and Mouse River Country,
Trii(1,14rj, ei 0k.. (441141 °Mee M
n.se 111)4 11 LL particulars
ma lbsf Many &Mires. 1,3
If. McN A I.LY,
General Travolling Agent.
911 a. "Peel /11 reerente:Anel
• , L. -11•,14).t rtki
L -St,
Specill Notice'
ere 1, 141 Ile.
AN 1
I bag to announei. that 1 ha % e
made special arrangement to ,•"-
ettre a very early deliver3- of all
English and American Magerinee
Periodicals at the very 14)W4"t
The cost of getting them herr
early is greater, but I hope by an
increased number of subscribers to
make it a AMTS.&
Successor to T..1. Sloorhort.e
liati) Wil!
Notice ..4 Farmers and priory. item Fence
wire in tilt market, Toronto make Haviag
made arrangement for the purohsee of •
special lot - 09 fence wire at., a special
rate. (Said wire having been over order-
ed by a firm and found not wanted.) I am In
a position to O01& Bret -elate article at a
lower rate than Ls usual. Terms of laymen
caey. Special terms to persons clubbing to-
gether and taking 00( 100 and upwards.
Wire left at nearest railway station. Part-
ies wanting wire should order early /*A it may
not hold out long.
ror prices and terms apply 10
iferdware MerohlthL
Iliainntoth Long RCA 111hogodd
Turnip Welt., IF:vory Varlets
Carrot Seeds,
Garden Seeds,
Seed Peas, Barley. Oate and 1V heat
iloagerian Seed and Millett.
Buckwheat. T1ttes6hl and Clover SPtirl
irint.opd and 0110SYn.
Z. ST..4DA1NrS
11,1m i ;ten smii
John 0, Curia's Last Sale
:ST --
Heine about to redeem to WInnilte4.
will Pell In the bitted hiddler.vetheat IMP•:rirr
the fo hie ,na g.rort, '44 1 Illeek pony. 2 enits
1 year old. 1 m t,41 • oss I Itockboard. 1 cutter
3 robes, 1 sett s met, Monne 4 melodeon. 1
organette, 1 walnut bettered, springs sod
mattress, I ivainet, exteetion diem& sable.
renter tablet, 4 other Weise 1 sore 4 nair sem
chain.. 3 meldirg ebeen, 1 arm Awned new
seat cheers. 14 miasma *sire I side sena t
whiniest. I liergria table., I eseiseed 111114b
steads. 1 Dereaus, FraVeatlerete I teal
ad move
piessarvarits earpetelplebiree
2 chaseelinellibeireht k ram. X rolswars
of books, I elm*. 1 WNW watt h, 1 re vet ?tr. I
Hee. and a naissAllimeses id t rremher,
elibipmere aro. inetageese ere ray own steees
and will not be sold by paint, este.
Term. $10 and wider, rash, erne
eight months credit on 11m)reved ItOte4,
1 am bestrooted by othime panne le wen en
ireeigiisani tA1 mall Ober art'-
. 4 *srpm 11 tatters
01111, MON of guide knows
Flair silmillair IfOf
tlke AuoilletellihillaZt. win
Role oCis at 1 f.
f1.111 11,4 erre, thing
Innel45. NOM
1. Carititlt
IMO AlIttelesee
447 nig
Oldest Established Hose
1"q- C T:7 le 'I'
sue, seen, ribbon. an wow Franc,
.yhmer,..„, orator; sad biessaisd obite•
Wats, tisr.. at roe 1.11An whinnies prima._
Sosteh and Coarium tweeds at woossea.
Woe. 1)uck401.1411111111441011 104.11(e... very low
Before you 64_64 i- Ibes o• eniagese try
taw Ts use Hyson les warractedE
hest Mote peripeend ue Nan ten at
10 45.45 met. lea ely tore
tn. worth Meta. Wriest inipwried at 7Scts. per
pound. All p$ee, se,:.1 '.y me e rn. per,
EE.A.nl:VW.A.Rit STOREI hold tn .404 1 4 :or:, assonment of bar
kon. etrei. heals Pul.. etia,
ee th a genenst ta....orttot. • t of 1, :" halthre.
and the hest
reeked of Amor, a.
defiant. Wing in motile rand
c. cn
'eti at,"
Graild Trunk
lifanitoba and Noel'
Dakota, )4;
A.18 0 INT
11,e 3,opolar special teal-
'ei needy during Marrh •
patebed Esme Sloaterat
onto. slopping at inn
for setommedetem
all points in thitarin.
71r.11 (le,. 4r, t.r,.JA1P
arnmer- ii1 'no .( la*
I II. 1‘ SUP a h •
(414 1? 41744451
infr-weleffell 111111111,
Greed Trnek 1:1111.tAOobiej
bed. nooPral Preenaer
W. Kr", nese*
rennin. March letkaad
rice. 4,01) fin
rn and thy it
ta, etc
1 Fl 8 3
pre be dee
and Tor
etatiOna en
cline pea
Maxie ie
MP* ty
• *mei ahiaravr