HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-23, Page 7Fuli and Fancy. "The i&brbitanta ut your State mese to be endowed with patience." stid a wan to an Arkansas gentle'e.u. "Testy ar. the most pruner people in the w„old, sir. 1f they owe you, sir, they never get tired of waiting.” A reel 'tee y is told, apropos of the smells of certain cities, of au tuebneled Scut who, finding 'dialed' prone iu tae gutter, with his mos over the 'twee ex. ulumed raptur.wly. "Ah! sweet Fdiu- ',urgb ! Y &Mid thee nen,." The tromp fhe tried to steal a p amege -tem Albany to New York retinal Lull when he picksd himself up rout re rimer , auk in which the muse t'1 b:akemiats ant darn to , •lepwited him, 'that he •1 he a threw passenger aerie " •;a the fr ,itsef winter vanish under • he caloric iutlie i,& of the sun's mays, w. doer lirtght, 1)i'eese. Dropsy, stony in the Kidneys and Bladder, and lntla i'` oration of the Kidneys, leave the IY•al ep.•n the aduliniutrdwat ..f I)r. Yen lie. run's Kidney Cure. bold by .1. Wilsone jwe A California paper says: "Oust of our wealthiest citizens left his eat «Ulf hn, Lp e ieteeu years Agit, and orf d; iV Francisco with 01113' line shirt since which thee he has accumulated twelve million." Juet think Of it. tw .'nrllion shirts! Diphtheria --that teiri'1.• see -urge 'he present day- attack,' chiefly w hitso vitality is low and blood Imp i'he timely stet of B'inlork Blw,d Bit oresta le the evils of impure blood, ,ayes 'loctnr's hills. Sample bottle enta. .deed seem, a Latile. About the tuns that Daniel Drew be- gan his Wall street career he waa up the country our time to via,; some friends, and two fanners culled up•n him to de cid° a case. ohne had sold the other five bushels of wheat, and proposed to meta sure it to a half -bushel, and sweep tl it tup.of a weaiure with a stick. The ether objected, and Uncle Daniel n:is asked to decide. • "11'4, legally speaking, a bushel is only u bushel," he answered, '.And can the measure be swept uta'%" ' 1 thunk it can.," "What wftl( ?" "Well, if I was selling wheat 1 should pr.'selds lieu half re • head •,t a flour barrel." "What edge et n ••Gentlemen., ,that , a le.iut 1 cannot eller tt,•cidc {un," slgh.l tato old man. "if 1 was Nulling to a widow er a preacher 1 41t1 certain last I should ;weep the mea- •tuie with the straight edge, but if 1 wits (t+,(ahu pa'tured his covet iu ,Sir‘ S s in Ids neighbor's heti .1 tau the ci culsr side, and scoop a little ••. gee —[Wall elt a Street News. of Neat Esery Fe -. - "'reseal ma'am tltdtew. thaw The armed outlets of eli*eass frau the un'• system aro the Skin, the Bowels and the terve Kid,,,,).,. Burdock. L'ltr,tl Bitter, is the end en'i't'safe, pleasant and effectual purifier 10 keel heteitle restmriue tonic in the world. Ptial bottle* 10 cents 2 " to A few nights ago O'Itafferty said Teddy : "What is it, ilk. bye, that you have to do first thing in the tnentiligh '1 know well enough, favther, what I ;lave to do first thins in the •nt smug," replied Teddy, laterhiee. "What is it, ye .pslpeenT" "The first thing I have to Jo in the morning is to get the kindling wood ready the night before." Seeing is believing. Read the testi aeniala tri the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bugle end relieve y.,urself of ell these dielulalle ne pains. Your Drugee.t can tell you ...1 about it. 'OIt1 by.1 )C,1e•nr t:nderich Sen •ir. George Augustus :eels 'elates h hour, •maid who went away in a hu .eft behind her in her flight :in unfini ••d letter which began:—"The Mita Near is a tartar, an' it's nothing, but m )or. jor from urine' till nits." Now that there is a reliable veered" eidney troubles. half the tern rsat 'm three complaints have. been rem•)v For this let all be thankful, and to D Van Beren's Kidney Cure award remise for having thus removed a hitherto onsidered fatal diseease'fr'.m our path. it was never known to f[til. S'dd by J. Wilson. tri "Just gone til press, 1 we,- feeling •'haerved the exchange find as the esti immure) his thumb in .ale. But the borne emergent y, fired the 6 widow, saying, as he v ed remains in the acre f'm 2laul that edit iee • • how." Thousands are 't sI every year with H dI' • 1 the doctors had given u not be siie�I nt 'It'i ire hy George Rheims, est a4.•.;, i (Iter ich. Nin As illustrative: the • ,tics of the thee meteeegene t - story is told: An Ewell r• • ., tree,. man and a Scale i'r. ,n as looking throueh a dow at the beautiful , ,� : 1•,;s., ,lar erg in the ahnp. "t )h Pied M Patrick, "du let us 1 q;. ,• ee a We crows with the d'rir cent •i: that may leek at her .twit•• c.itnt,,i,nt!y an have a bit '.r ehst wit! her. `Y,ei v " Lp ant dee!" said a.• aR i ,• i •t sure one- sl � *,,rel, ,• h f the wr.1 , .quite rs well. Nut let us pn i by All ni euro she u a cbarinin•t girl" ')!, ' Ie ,: ,t weer interrupted Mr. And o a:•,• •. '•e stn it'll serve our per!), ' pal t;i - welt jet to ask the henrtle Lae t•. Cn, us tee six pences for a 'ghillie.', 11 never, whelp Mr Thompson's heti •tool sic like Were no hungry, s.•,•1 a ay as well sat the sills." t' Taw Nue On-rx •'•t jfi,, tees ,rand new offce ter. ••lie„ ere, tp•f:u•,,. with golden rinclen I use oyes— jut* such a bey se ore dative wee; be taken out of ' le , •Rrygte heal i' the middle of the eel tlAraaitorte.) beyond the stars. ", der he elan.. ed over the lihrs'p became aeyo•tintel all the printers s evening_ as hepp beam. The next ed out of the he ,n a bald•heiude.i cat up hy the tail four fights with $2 from an tvc Raying his moth• two days fav free janitor with s hr belonging to a staff, wisesehtl t menet the tc.-c, of type end ons small press. On was received, se not wswt i to we She saes 1 womb, so Do T. my fine. Yonne Till Beeth far. reeler «tunas Away. The young twin fleet Bills -Jeff who w, a the fift 'en thousand dollar prize m the London lottery, does not propose to rust any risk in a court of law. He has disappeared. No doubt he has taken his money with him, and possibly the nest thing we will hear will be that ,some sharp- er Inas relieved hire of it. The constable who went to Ballyduff to serve the sum- ueoua seep; that the village is quite excited ever the tweet lottery and that the peo- ple are all bent on getting fortune* by luvesting in 1ttteries, They would' go without their dinners in enter et buy ow ticket,. This is a very good commentary try 'rn the antuenoats of Abuse who say that ah- l'tterier are unnhlecti bee and should tris be legalized. All kinds of gaml!ling are urs fascinating. Oxios people begin to try their luck at getting money by any ether for than means—by the la - hero( bil�trd Melt r bands—it is a bad ed look.ut. Uufortunately this is what r. all some of our churches have snc,urged them to do, and it is what some of the public priabaes.1d1 encouraging, nae et Macy. Mr. R. W. Carmichael Chemet and ly Druggist of Belteville, writes as follows : for "Your Burdock Blood Bitters have a he dour of the equal t,. the d out of the a •rd the mangl- e •tole, "We steady aale, are all attest to its virtues with unqualified satisfaction." 2 ase Fur some time the members of the 11, `ieltfttrth Curling Club have been playing t: ori .m pii.'n for the pur•p'ose of decoding which nn.' should h.l.l the t.alexll,nian 'metal woo by the club Iaet "semen, fur the. o nrrent year. 'Phis play was cen- tinv o until the cumpetlti.•o W:15 n,trr'.w•- +uiYMi.s/Ihret..nttdabUii. ri ,:_Kuaars. t,. e r lir 1 1 rte Common r •n , • •a n n n l .1. A. Wilson. Mr 'Vilsv.0 i pitted' .a•_:einst Mr. ` �n i i' • ttet lost;' beet trim h)• three stmts. Thr„ stern en ley; het we•ns'Kb.• Wilt 5', , . ' r'r. httnroe 'n. This m-ttch carte ,ei . ',•tT,•: last, tori resulted in vic- -•!. - tee. • a t r .1r. Wiht,n 1,v the aline score • ."r's Will • 1'1 :,meed in the match with Mr Pat- e ters,tn. lir. Wiles,,, is, therefore, the n chrilnp! in eerier of Scaforth. sod holds H. the mesial until *,ext F 1(*,VI, when it will w•e stain be e...niteted t. r to a Aitiler men- ti ner. We bah( to cotezettlilate our conn, x friend nn his cocas and skill. He is ll,. the un•.r, ' . t member if the r h clubi s td his ri:lore is all the noire creditable t» hints free the fact that he has been ab i ' cent tr" we town most of the eteiem, and has Teel. very 1)ttle on'e.rt.nni'y f.,: p:ac tice. —f Repeat tr. 'et :rill ' ere, :hat rl could I J.. 1. Vt a A 1te ««meet, Fare. 7 it is a rt.i,iw, .s.1 le fact that W. A. Ed- :er+, of Fr:tnkt,1', wh.. was so fir gone •vit.h liver and I,i'lnev complaint that his ttf. was (loop .iretl of, 'vas cured with four I h, theca of Tier•'ock 81,•..,1 Hitter.,'. At lir litre he ley a fortnight without an eperttion of the bone's. =f, ralimp!y u,ireeith ns. is all I can say of the effect e.1 Dr. Van Bnrun'a Kidney !`,ere in my c ise. An elderly lady rri►c. this, font Anti,+nish, N. S., who 'tad suffered from tains in the hack f'r twenty years Sold by J. Wilton Gode rich 2m •.edit.ttr' .1 r.e.n, cverrltnd.• knee' r Ist hnoner, .its th, .11/bet no a ant• erettata.d. Iwo geesex4,.1step.: nate, ti.wl th. e hallway, foal r bet, h.,rmw,-.t f the hnitdi, •1•1, eellectel hi e• shier, hit the sk, pawned a c"n' r of the ,rift"rias h• "ff the dn.?". ied three millet-• is finger in the ir'i day a not.• • My whether doe it dim phone N.,ed p►neritt r ter: vane fishin.' k os.. A deine f i have swfLnd with DnpeMia sad tried testi, siseeval until 1 es tees, when ?else! ent. A. i enter Idea aralea. the last 90 veer* General ilretelite. het with little tele.* Mend Rio dick and ranted+ a, lt/ieh. U. N. 2 re feet. Polaiti Ples.nanent are the _,,rr. ,. qs't 1h V . n Renew', Kidney (Ism in all burs tel Kid- ney Disseise is . af.er a few lows. See that yew? 'at (tree ?ntl ism. Vm Rnren'a R' Core Sdd hp .1 Wilson G , ;nee toeless, DY*P'T146a.54 Telly relieved end ref De. Canen'oBteseece' and Cnrtetipati, Ritter*. As a family meliein, they Arc far superior to pills fn la+p* hotti.s MI rents Ifealeehe, Ai (1...ve {ation cored by the ne SUGAR MAKIN., The swear hushes of Verr&ontend wet tern M:aaaachnsette hest •hinged cemorlcrable in sage -t within years, F rmterly the iron kettle wee he apperat.ua need for reducing the tap. The bit, tire of logs and limns ender the 'tett!. would. particularly on is winriv •lav, fill the Moiling sap with sakes and ••indsre. which, couple." with the rust on 'he ire.. preis.ced re rich, dark eller to t he tryrnp. Te get the "settlin's" rout, or make the • •skimmin's" rise in order t• stoop it of', milk, and sntnetimea etre we!" beaten together, were poured in, only t, linen Mack and wake mute "aettlin'a" The straining of the sup. the improved .•vapwrreters. end the er•ch 01 the present lay were unknown. Bet it was nett the enigma then to melt op old .nesse, Aavete •t with fresh boded sap, end sell it Dor enit else% row anogar, as doer. by the whnls ease at the 1wt•ssnt day. The anger 'risking semen of NU is expected to he eery prr'fir5lde. No bwsshnId shontd be ewwsiderwd rnwiptete with.ott a h.ettte of Dr. ru, 't,rren's Kidner (lnw is ie the d.wt. It is the -,• Iv remedy thst will pnsitirsly, perm*neitly and pnintptly rem all forme of kidney dies,.m Vn1d by J Wilms 2m e 1114SSa sea B.ideasp Thr All itiseel.nt malady of centered life to i)yaneer•ia. Rev W ._ (Illtford, .1 Rothwell wee cure, est draperrsi* and 1'vr? eneenlaint thea rendered bis life *Imre&d a hwrwlen. The ewe. wee erwwplet- ,, he thaw bottles' e/ Rardeek Blood Bitters Ctlh HURON SIGN AL, FRIDA1, MARCH 23, 188:; Dow as Alba (dray Swags went' Treat 1 fb t1tNa1. 1 The following is a copy of a letter sent by enc• auu,roue Ades Craig swam to an• Star salt c works .other. 'The young maul aIn, wrote it was etletentl) 11, ea; m at, and we *dote*, the person to .bum the letter was addressed .:, glee way, and give the earnest seeker ;tour matnn►oui.1 happiness a fair chance : WANTED (CHEAP GRtOCERIESI • I1) -RI AN (19,000) Nineteen Thousand Five Hun- dred. undreed. CORDS OF WOOD 1 uut:erv'-• d you are in the hebit of 110001 Five Thousand (' 1,, Good • ;siting Mt: —, and payees consider- able saner;«« to her. Now, 1 know JdSSOOt1you du lee wish to marry her merel to mateyme you du so. What pleasure can you tied in thus blighting the life BUL'l93, ut a young and beautiful maiden ' You (8) Thirty -Sight inches long-- Prices pruteut her piecing her &Rectiuu wholly $2•50 to 82.76 tier Curd. oil ruin who would gladly cull her his and thus "make the lives of two young people unhappy. 1 call your e e- duct uteiul and diah:,uorahle. One of us must take a back seat. Uuttaider the matter and acquaint me with )(Jur deci- sion. 1 ale willing to meet you itt a field at a time convenient to you, and decide which is the beet *,tali, sud the winner tet retain her. Yours in snep.ense,. 1➢g retie, Hedieal Profession. a:1st alt t.!iulu IS may maces. Plums hatine, or based boon, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific i OtlK• DESCRIPTIVE PnlUED C.irT- il'acts, I''orntul.te0d by Protestor Austin,A NCI F., beautiful's 111.1,a rived con - M. 1). of Boston, Mass., cores Pulmon- ary Consumption, dick Headache, Ner- vous A�tteeks, Vertig" and Neuralgia and alt waati,g diseases of the human system. Phusphatine is nut a Medecnne, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Palmate, Opiate*, N Irootics, and nu Stimulants, bat temp, ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in earr daily fraud. A single buttes is sus leitent to convince. All Druggists sell it.. $1.00 per bottle. Lambing & Co., sole agents for the Dorsinton, 5( Frout Street East Toronto. :'1,000,000) Two 3litli'•u h'ect ,.1 Saw =Jogs Consisting of Soft Elm Reek Elle, Haas - wood, Maple, Birch, slack Ash, White Ash, Hemlock, and all kinds of lo;;a, for which eit,h will be paid. Apply to JOHN SCOBIE, Star Salt Works, Joderich SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS! UIogall weueseary inform.,-; '1 ' r the nue- coesfwl t•ultit &tion et \'e•.r.-ta•,1.• Flowers, N. It A complete sser+ak•r.t of t',ans an t qtr, tads alwtya •u Mand 11 :l►..•• f ►, Plaid Roots. relaters. et.•.. is naw p,N.:shed. iK ttrasoaablp rate . and will he naafled be. to all ape:uanto. JOHN A. HIt1;(1,: K (XI. ' 1 i:iuro tl'raalt..t a sp.. ialty.— -A cell solicit. 4 1:Jt Seed Grower! tiaeaittun, e'sitada. S Ser- F T Begs to awwunoe k, the people of Goderich end this section of erten, that he Ila• purchaced from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will continue the business in the old stand, on the Corner of Victoria and Druce Streets. Having bought the goods fur cash, and as 1 intend to *,lake all my purchases fru* wholesale wen for cash also, I will be in a petition to still at Very Low Pnces fur Casli My stock will :away.' be mesh. 1 will keel, the beet httltiels of teas, good sugars, and everything in the grocery line from the beet producers. Bann, Spiced Meats set:,alwayy's eta bawl in season. I am deterwined to please. ln,lh iu.tusltt, :'cel price Pat -Call at the stated, Victoria street, uj,p..atte the Fair (:round, neer U. K. Stshop.gederiah, Merck 9th, 1882. 13I J W� Pre Extensive Premises and Splendid Neµ Stock. G-_ BARRY CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. hit. 'hair Lair. cae nand wet ,n. mtttseated., enhcsu,t . ruled-rterd,star �o art,r ., - t. extsutt.as 74 .-e s Lodng..et, Sofas, What -gots. Luukiug 17lasoe,.. A wet* made at tonere ti the ta- duatnon', 11t-•+ t.;:yu.r•- w..w Of - tore the Public 4'atonal two heed- ed. ed. We :!1 +tart ; ou. 31st.. en - 'ern. toys and girl, w: -:r!..1 • .• r,-- where tot ort f, r es. Now 1. tt.ot Lyng 1.4.11moa h gine time. Or rite four whole tlsse t0 bustaesa. No other bwMae+. arida _,y you &early so well. Co u:.•• ewe Lill to Peak, enormous; pay, by eagagt, g at "nee. (Wetly mutat and torts free. tilos,' made tier. many, and honorably. .t..Inns 4 5, d• Co. .%i ta, Mahe. For the bee e6t of our American friends M cC'J L L BHUS & CO. generally, we bee to state that the pro- phet is nut Benjamin N., but E. Ston. • TORONTO_ WitDfine, Esq? LLD., formerly princi- pal of the blind institute at Brantford, M A X U PAC T L' RE 118 Ont.. aabeecteently a resident of New I Brunawiek, and at present a member of I OF - the tat. talielsartment of the civil ser- vice, i A T7 j1 T�j1 OTT at Ottawa, •, ,(Jl1.LL1,J11V 1J 1L A N D An (rases in the desert is nu Srighter C��I♦ En O . light to the waaderia Arab than a bottle s`/ of der. Van Boren's Kidney (hire is to Foto Mledals matt taw dipttisttesward« the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney then last year at leanest Abaft Demme. It is a perfect, positive and trona is the Demi permanent "re. Ni.Id by .T. Wilaen MANUFACTURERS Gedericb. 2w • Thousands beat witness tr. the puoi- , tire curative powers of the GREAT Gra. YAH IwvIGOaATo$, the only remedy that has proved itself a • specific for getleral debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed hr*in, finally ending in aousumptien, insanity and a prema- ture grave Sold by all druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per box, or six brazes for $11. P.ddress F. J. CHrtraY, Toledo, Ohio, sole. agent for the United States.' !Ment! for eire•.tler and testimonials of gcnctee .torr• Rhyna•s tederiajt,e, (,`It.; t6BME. A ;echo ')'.•o !, wit in nu tie e pec t u ith the Bair Renewer, ell ich tltittores Urso li i to its it 'tent) c •l•,r by t fess lewelr tris« Sold et L , tents per ttigttle by Jamey Wilson. 'n, . ' - -1- • teer' sv.t u1167e .1 ray to the i nto':i- stat be h i Hill's ea- ta•rh,Cnl•u, arid .i ie el! tl,.t is claitnwl for it. .Price lit cads, i•. i ti ot,irr Sold by Gro•. Rhyne,. .. „ . 4, •:t.' rich. OBSQswills lllltj, __ .... ine:1 running macninery will save more by using our oils. Our LA 'WINE and CYLfXVAIt OIL has noequal. pacts laasirr thea weeds, and the pebie Alan And oat that the foregoing assertions are true. by try nu one sample of our. (his prices etc., ou SP alkalies to McColl Bros Co Toronto. The Lardine is tot sale to tiodedeb by It 11, McKEN/,IE, (;. H. PARSONS, C. t'RABB, and D. K. STRACR JI. • lel�i �., -. h ti* ' ,1a1 ,\t tr+. '1 Cris k...h.LL: rei':teeLL We 2 -au• • aew:yetaw,, THE REMEDY t\)R CUEING CONSUMPTION, OOUaHS, OOLD8, ASTHMA, CROUP, AII.Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and Pulmonary Organ.. av ITS PAlTere I, 1755 OOwsva1PT.ON 1109 BEEN cunpn When other Remedies and Phys!etans hare failed to effeet a cure. Deormmwnded by rnvvli'IAtta, MIIlgTPxe A5.p Nrairta. In fart by everybody who has rives it a gond trial. It never Jai/. to bring rwliej. As an EXPECTORANT it ha. lie Egnrl. Itin harmines to elle Mont Delicate (llild. 7s. narceine »n ora "1! in any Fort, �fff fli t'en11r1^. acrompana nigh feotlle. P7tr wale by all braZelits. MANOEMEDY FOIL RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, l u nbago, Backache, Sorenau of the Chest, Gout, Quin:y, Sore Throat, Slro%r- ings end Sprains, Bairns and Scalds, General Bodily Paint, Tooth, 55p cad Headache, Frosted Feet amt/ Ears, and all other Paine and Aches. Re Proms ales,' w ssA Weal tT 3.,r.,s On: M • a.Jl' Mr.* odasysta sal Meetly Int,r.a1 assnoy it YW awWY hat rte reengotativety wens mak, (sstd test" oe weft, .a'wiaywcsesp 11•11 !•dwM past,' Or NA einem heranna•. E ., %agaee,e. /DLL's -ALL illt rtn0111Tn &NT/DEA LTILT 15 XT�EDIOINL s L A. VOGER .L, ttia•m.. Illatadeasere, art, r s TS&SHOES T�w1-�.iss.g ' V"' edit p Be, 5. anuounue to the I'ublic that theyhave «wetted henss iryin the no', tMonsih the *tore is•,ely occupied by Horace uwtmn. Haste • en -relaxed - later and weal aasurte, stuck ,of Spring and Sumpter (:.rads at clue e urea. we a, • • • • r.,untd to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES ik SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR !OTTC tss'Pleaae tell and examine our g.nlds before p.urcheaire else w hes • ter-Remegtber the place, next door to J. Omni a Dwutt Ste air -Custom work will receive our special attention. tdr'$Tene but the beat of material mood and tint clan., w.'kasee etepl. tab -Repairing neatly done on the shortest hotter Onderioh March 9.1>;tf2. DOWNING & WEDDUP PICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, is au Elegant Book of 150 Page,. Plates of Flowers and Vegetable. snore thaw L Os Illustrations of the ohu,. nit Ylewerw. Floats and 'Vegetables. and It, res dons for growing. h is handanme enough , for the ('entre Table or it Holiday Preece.. Send es your name and Poet Omot adds«+.•. h 10 nezt4, and 1 will seed you a copy. Poe ?age paid. This is not a quarter of its corr. It is printed in both English and German. If yon afterwards Bader 'redo deduct ti e 10 ens. s kW* needaare tie Seat t■ Use W.rtd The lei.oat. (es; inewill tell how to get and grow them.s rl.'arw piow'alt /CUD Vr.00TA RI r 175 Pages. a Colored Plates, 500 Engravings. FOr 50 rent. In Pinar severs: $l.co In clegamt cloth. In German or English. V�rIis it.ltT•nwr,.a '+!TIM t o1.Y MIA o_ Page-. a C'oloret+, lint. in every nrnibcr Itutny ane 'engravings. Pries fl. i a r: Five Copies for PAH. Specimen Num, es emit for W cents ;3 trial copies for 15 seen,. JAMES VICK, Roohcster. . st•• r - /1/ ATP'? trl•ic'.' :ro.it+yrtsun , w"•e tic ( Isnteiiel tuw tv1.D} r�. r• k.• ),.► rt.'wivaMelte ple, e. ! • 11.o ,• • ; ins.• :1..1 •t•' Ut .e•lif ' 4' . • , 141'. r,�ca14•n uIna he thamkIdrmr,o. s,tl (,4f4 '. 1 •si'.taIsl 'reyImulsa- are'Id *,, anal rug", other ,11:4•8$1,..fr:1 !. 1,Y•t to in+antti rot ror.an.ir1 r n Ir,` 0 pretty:, tone ;.enter. `head for ,•l:•, 111514 wile ',•rt'i t'.,u h t, 1I'.`. 01 twsil. Thr 13t i hall %FPI! ; 41.t a, rl'' leo..or,,(!t 1«.,, + roe 5.S, 1.t- at; l ,es.'tet free tel snail. .r,: tin:" . sl,'; r." ,•' 4 of pvtor. b>' adutr a Ii•g. - 1 ,t, ('IwP,XF S, itrn Aria+ lel + a ^qtr .t Gent fur y 1'' cle l.lJtnti..,w=... r1 .'" ;7.-. MATTE WORK lire pluataat to Ube. Contain their own Purgative. Is a safe, ante, and effeeraal destroyer of norms in Children orAdults. CURE OR RELIEVE 1 ,1,1, DROPSY ys !,••,,- 710N, fLNTTER/NO OF THE HEART, C' r''IPLTA' AC1WTY OF ' T RHHIM, THE STOMACH, ! ARTBURY, DRYNESS hZ•11).4ellf, of THE SKIN, Pan! salsa arae... .f Aiasaas RAM Ansa e•ewrOary i VCR, stomas ST(�aAtar� hOwtt Oa ht.000. T. Int{ 'URN t CO.. `""9";=,,,,o. ANCHOR LINE. trNiTRD 'TAIT"! WAiL IRTEAMKRR Mail Weekly to and from Wrw 1!'new aanell Ala)nw vp Losne5nap„ I Awn *swum net erns. f110 to fl r. Arson I 1 *t,ln, fe0. teem•,, Tirke.a •M. 9tAorisissPfw'wa na eeenesianda lrotesked at len oone A►.t. tersrrtwwtire Ow M AIM Darer. 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