The Huron Signal, 1883-03-23, Page 4'1'HEHURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MARCH 1:3, Om.
'l E HURON SIGNAL I Me. J. J. Hewities, the represents- A STRANGE CRIME. BILLED 7 TIGHT. I The
Stephens �
The auger 1 ■ sag t Lrelu a Diller
� = r r r.:.,- --_-ys 'U
ve a returoin, officer gene in t»
FRtDA1, MOWN E3ttn, 1883. House of Centime/a, is speaking uta the I �,:,w by tier Uma. nines or IRleat.,' Predtettor ora bowl.... !
_ Orange ina,rtomtien bill stated that he ' - ----
l'1J11. Itroiollra. •recti t/nesse, hal
BNI !t l!Tl .\ !"Vu THEIR DANA- represented the neat Protestant collet it -
uoncy in Uutario. Mr. Hawkins' Mr.
Stephens must be a thurnugn-pased,cop-
scientiou. Protestant indeed, air Mr.
Hawkins would not have boasted of his
piety. t !tut there wasn't much piety in
Stepbcns' tricky war eer , f countiu un
Last weak we were copslralned to re.
ply to the Elaine/ Neettittef itt the matter
of the 11'est Huron election, and by •
singular turn of the wheel we aro this
week called epee to set the 1.'leatinr, C'a•
stadia% the daily edition of the blit Hawkins.
(atiusLeui, richt (1p•in the sante queation.
It snouts it little strange taut the two ; 1r-ree all the bonnet of Sir JeI:u
organa '.ave burie.l their animosities A. 1llacdonald or the license matter, and
his threats as to what he wo.nld shote
"that little tyrant, Mowat," be Dae at-
tempted s despicahie efeet to crawl out
of his corner on the liquor question. in
order to get the reapobsibillty off his stn
up shoulders, he has en'eavnred to shift it
return:: in. West Huron :end pylure
how badly be had been "sold" try his epee the Hesse, And thus make the
w+ a� l:ici:.,a in The +'n. Return minority partakers of the bur -
has taken upon itself to reply for -Ileo `len. Tho Reform members appointed
Kelly, but its attempt in this instance on the committee have very properly re -
is only another illustration that fused to serve, and the foiled trickster
Foots reelltt Where u» telt teat to tread," ltied to substitute 'furies in their Mead.
the ie, if" anyone cam SO stretch their f lihmnine Mr. Moine trytne to hdtt,sltuee
imagitwtiun as to attribute angelic /wall- the Creeks Act itt such u fealties. Sir
ties to �4. 1'. £e1 Under the cite John A. 31unahi it tot so tricky, but
cru'$a •e IEi1 the whole cas♦t/1!$ i s at �'`:
for•the b el6r t* bonder -builder u = - -
the t.oio+li.te, for, evidently, a little in-
Toriesfonnati n n the subject would not venae at Ottawa. The introduction of
the Orange Bill was provocative of
gmiss. - lively spats bgrween. s9trle (tt ,fhe Woe -
Cul A. M. Ross, the present nice- blooded epartyi '-MP Ce■esol,'of • It(on-
ber for \Vest Huron in the Ontario
tread, wanted to give the Bill' a six
• Legislature, has been successful in con
• Insytlt�stkclift. ' white, ipifl$ro-
tesUng the riding or, •th lee see:►si4a..
duatl•. wed ala unii{1 unt#an-
Rrltetn sit .IH • ,u first formed>in g nn ter
er, u •
i chosen 7 strong Tory, told his eastern brother
the Reform party to ..oncost the riding. that if it were said (onside uf the House
He was opposed by Mr. John Davieun, he would resent the insult. Later on
• resident lawyer ••f Clnderich, and a ex -Sovereign ;Fwwell raked up some u(
gentleman who stood in good favor with hLc rs, Red said
the eteeters uf.`tne section. Col. Bou
got;� course
Mr. Ices •' knew evcrytbinlr." Mr.
defeated biro, however, by 89 of a Ives retorted by alluding to Hon. Mr.
majority. In 1878 it was tacitly agreed Bowell asthe "represetliative.eithu } t -
upon by the Tory wire -pullers that Mr.�Sla of the Boyne in the House." The
P. Kelly would receive the nomination Tories in the Commons gra a happy
for the Local House, on rendition that faimily.
his services and iitflu ince would be free- _
toward (ac'.i others fur this occasion,
at any rate, tied both assail Toe St•:NAL,
because it knows more about \Vest Hu-
ron than they du. In n pi-etiuus issue
we asked Mr. Kelly t.• scan. the Oficial
t The des )mss ., t se whelks �i5 hdltas then'band daub h b
ly given to aid Mr. Farrow in North
Huron in the contest for the Commons.
Mr. Kelly innocently agreed to the,
oompa4t, anis in 1878 did his level Lest
to secure the election of Mr. Farrow. In
1879 Mr. Jnhnstun wee anxious to cove
to the front as a candidate, but as the ar-
rangement had been formally made
that Mr. Kelly should rectili& the
Tory nomination in .1879, and as that
gentleman ..vas anxious to obtair
his "pound of flesh," it was decided that
Fie should be allowed to receive the nom-
ination. But ie was also decided that
Mr. Kelly should be killed politically on
election day, and killed by his friends,
so that he would never have the temerity
to again put forward claims to the candi-
dacy of West Heron. By a certain
number of the Conservatives ---some 250
--refraining from voting, Mr. Kelly was
buried under 414 of a majority. The
vote killed Kelly as an aspirant -from
that time forth his political cake was
dough, s., to speak -and the way was
opened up for his friend, Mr. Johnston,
to come to the front. The cveuta in the
recent contest are still fresh in tho minds
of our readers, and we will not trespass
on their patience by entering into min-
ute particulars. But for the edification
of the editor of the 412aenc1;41., we would
state that Mr. Johnston polled 230 votes
which had not come out when Mr. Kelly
contested the constituency, and thus
brought the majority down to 167. To
illustrate this further v:e would state
that (h.derich township, which is the
"solid" Tory township of West Huron,
gave 101 of a majority for Mr. Davison
in 1875 in 1879 it only gave 39 fur Mr.
Kelly ; and in 1883 it gave 89 for 31r.
Johnston, niitwithetanding the fact that
some 20 or 30 of its electors who had
also votes in t:(dcrich town and (Tin-
ton, were instructed to vote in tate
latter places, so that Mr. Kelly's re-
cord of (;oderich township in 187e
would not bo distanced by nearly three
figures. Col. Ross' returns in 18i) and
1883 were within two votes of each
other ; but the figures polled fur Messrs.
Davison, Keity and J.ohnatnn in 1-75,
1879 and 1833, respectively, pro:.] be-
yond s peradventure that there w -a., a
"nigger in t'ie fence," somewhere.
So mush for the "sellitte' of Mr. 1'.
Kelly in 11+7 1. We have no dusife
keep op an interminable racket in re-
gard to our ',seal election in this section,
hut if our Tony (^f.•tru-e, at !wore and
abroad, are not satisfied a ith-the thrash-
ing their party teeeiven in 1VestHurus --
a thrash:ne t'.:st could be repeated every
day in the weak, if it were passible to
hold an election e.•nt(st tare cite:,
then we cit prepared tashow tivun, and
the public generally. n' err they !;a• -e
been hit eu t'.ae raa .
Tar t. u' f: lends . f :Ireslanl Lei sad
at heart at the dpt.ttnite knife poles
adopted 1 y tame' or 11111' woiti•9 Pm %av-
io1111L fiae% desperate meta whcin -e•
utr111ill to only defeat their awn, ::at a.,.
Alas ! poor Ireland.
Waaa'r .i. 3. Has.kira mantpwt:J
when he is tint .ned .e. eayiere he
rspresseted th„ atrpngest Protestant
mesetittuncy its 1...1:1 Ida 1 lerieulda't he
have said '• protesting corietiturpc-.-,
Bothwell protests strouglyr.gaiost .lames
Luutluu, liarch 18. - -Lady Flereue:u
Dixie was attacked at Windsor tusterday
by two sten di rguised in wometh sclothes ,
Her dress was eat with • dagger in seve-
ral places, but she received no injury.
Lrdy Ylsrsncu was walking, in it seeltwkd
*pet near the weeds whoa two tueu ask-
ed her what time it was. She replied
she had no watch, and afterward noticed
thouvt they wore women's clothes, their
faces had been shared. Much alanuwf,
she rented to walk away followed by the
mese ut.e (f whom seized her. Sho strug-
gled to escape, but, seeutg their daggers,
tell in a swoon. This occurred at 4 p. tn.
and she did nut r%x,eer her senses until
4 45. Lady Flureuoe has been prostrat-
ed to day, The story of the_ attair waR
elicted from her only at intervals. The
s svi,g of her life is attributed to her St.
lionised dog which it is supposed pentect•
eel her while ahc lay in a swoon. Lady
Flute nee Lad iso reason to suspect mime -
ditto) danger,althouah she hug I sen some-,
what fearful since the receipt of letters
about she Land league. The last thing
uaut ty remembers �mouth.mud iuto her mouthe s,1 the men .
recovery she found both palms were cut
across and her gloves severed. There
were two dagger holes two inches apart
in the right hre'at of her dress. A broad
steel corset rib was broken by a weapon
which penetrated in the inner luting of
her dress. Lady Florence supposes she
unceneciouty struggled with the men, wi-
elded ny the dog, until the seonndrels
were disturbed by a cart passing the
weeds. She received thrusteuing letters
while in Ireleed lately. Una uf the men
woreagreen dress and large hit with veil.
It was the veiled man who attempted tt.
assassinate her. No arrests have been
made, but the police have a slight dun,_
It is believed the scoundrels were bitten
by tie dog in the struggle.
London, March 19.-- The Flereuoe
Dixie affair is still puzzling everyone.
There is no clue to the assailants. .A
gardener working thirty yards frutu the
scene of the out.& a says he heard noth-
ing and saw nothing of the occurrence.
Lady Florence says she celled to her hus-
band for help. She states she would he
sorry to attribute the outrage totho Land
Patrick Egan says the attack on Lady
Florence Dixie has no political sigrt8eance.
I The family is peculiar, and the attack on
Dra1L. - _
Bureau), N, 1., Manch 19. Rets,ts s!
have leen received from lit irent pans
of th United States and ('tahedt of pee
ph. eaiug driven to imsautty through
bre-•s mg over the stttrui of
"Prof." Wiggins, mud now Huffelti hsps a
fat sadder -eau, that vt the death .4 a
ypuug girl, to be attributed to 110 otherit
114411 .
.:- ....t- -as
Dissolution of the Partnership
t'AltttIEt) ON DURING 119: 1.•t*T 'snit'? I6.tlla 111
Tun Reformers of Clinton and vicine- 1 ,the lady was probably the resp of a aoil f d
ty have arranged for the holdia8 of a
grand Rat. ren banquet in Citation oa the
evewing of Thsrsdsy nest, the ?9th
inst., to celebrate the third wheeling
into line of the three Hurons in the
Provincial Legislature. Hon. Oliver
Mowat, Hon. Christopher F. Frazer,
and Col. Ross, b1. P. P., fur 7eetepu-
roti, Thos. Gibs)n, Esq., M. P. P., for
East Huron, and Archd Bishop, Esq.,
M. P. P., fur Scarth Huron, together
with M. C. Cameron, Eel.. M. I'., for
West Huron,- and ether members (f the
House of Commons, have sigt.ified their
intention of being present Invitations
have also been extended to Hon. Edward
BIake. Hun. Alexander Mackenzie and
Mr: Patterson, M. P., for South Brant,
:tied it is understood these gentlemen
will endeavor to be present at the gath-
ering.' The banquet promises to be one
of the largest and beat ever held in the
Western district, and we expect that the
sturdy Reform yeoman who " smote
the Amalekites" en the 27th of February
last, will gather ill goodly numbers on
the 29th inst., to celebrate their tri-
umph and hearkereintn the voices of the
chiefs for whom they fodght so earnestly
and with such good results in Huron
when the flay of trial waa 011.
Nr. Mewat9 majority.
When the Mail and ether journals talk
about•the impossibility of 'Ir. illowat
carrying on the Government with his
present majority they probably forget
that for the four years pricy to 1879, his
majority was no larger than it now is,
and that no difficulty whatever was ex-
perienced. Tae fact is den .sitiot
was bail'. .:efeated and instead of "ac-
knnwledking the corn " recourse is hast
y en•
London March 19. -rt is supposed
Lady -Florence Dixie's dog followed the
assailants some distance. The Queen
has requested that a painting of the dog
be done for her. L►dy•Florence says: -
"The whole atfir is trust mysterious 1
can aa-rihe the motive to no one, as my
.ytr.i,a:.tues for the Irish people have
been openly avewed and are well known."
She warmly repudiated the aesnmpti.1
that the crime ass of Irish origin. The
buldtess of the attack was extraordin-
ary. It was a owntitted to, a busy
highway, in open day, withiu sight of
the towers of itindeer. She says her
assailants spoke no brogue, She remem-
bers seeiu.g her dog drag Inc of them
The pa rs generally attribute the at-
tack on Lady Florence Dixie to Irish
malcontents. The Morning Post believes
the Invinciblee have transferred opera-
tions to England.
London, March lti. -A dispatch Bays
the alleged attempt t, murder Lady Dixie
has roused public excitemrut t, the
highest pitch. Although officials say
they have clues to the perpetrators of the
outra;e, no arrests have yet been made.
The affair is still ehroudod in mystery.
Lady Dixie is perfectly rational in her
talk,but excited, and seems t, know very
little about the circumstances of the at-
tack. There is no evidence of anystrug-
gle. The slightness (f Lady Dixie's in
juries is causing general distrust as to
the entire truth of her story: There is
now a vague undercurrent of opinion
that the affair has 'seen exaggerated or is
the result of an overwrought hysterical
imaginative: Gossip says the whole
affair may not bo unconnected with a
lecturing tour through the United States
which, it is said, Ludy Dixie has been
considerinc. It is understood if she goes
to the United States it will be arranged
to have her closely follow Parnell in his
proposed route. Isiah ..,embers of Par-
liament discredit the story of Lady Flor-
ence Dixie.
to all sorts of wild speculation about
small majorities, the effect of recounts,!:
the possibility of ceratin members being
h.neuht up, and the likll. --[Kingston
Whig. Turn
P..IIIIeei 11Mmerlsm.
It wiil i,1 remetnbercd that prior to
the late Ontario elections the grunting
.,f the right to cut timber on Walpole
island, to Mr. Tennant, (f Brockville,
was wade the subject of 'uncial inveati-
ga�ion, allegations having been made
Chet Mr 'feneent secured the tote of
the Indian. in his favor by bribery. Mr.
Ilingtn:w, Inepocter Indian Agencira,waa
Kent up to inquire into the matter, and
was unsl.ntnocl to have reported to the
Department et Ottawa that the charges
were f:clly sustained and that Tennant
had by that weans secured from the In-
dians the right to cut the timber, in the
falx (4 an offer leen another party acme
$4,000 (r 86,000 higher. Mr. Tennant
was well 'mown as A Li1Nirki. Hu went
t..Ottawa, had nil ietert•iety with Sir
John Macdonald, returned to Brod.-
vilie and •,tnnunced tii:nself as a raudi-
(lite in. oppovtio:n to H,)n. Me. Fraser.
Within tine least t. w•k iatvtruction, went
re-eirou by Mr. Tennaot's agelet un the
i land, direct Dura Ottawa. to ge,n1 cen-
time the timber.
• Loyalty std the emseybdia.
'LIG Cann/son, M. 1'.'for Went Huron,
is charged just nos by Cmi*eerstare
•..bans with timing etr.r,;, anti-1lriiri.h
sentiwestr 'Mie ht a.1 and heist ..f Mr
C,.ntrrun'e "dist salty" oreoa.istitag its
chiraoaieriaang the trema;•shin Chary-
bdis, o0 which the Cartaehsn Outer/
nest spent $37.000. than returning the
old mat to the I/r�terial autheritie., as a
n,'tn hilt How trst.w-.ndc,otlfy
Intra) these organ. a.sun.e to 1,e bt
f`nu:en Spell*, w os, ey a. Paris in the
cc nary et' M. Cleweuc.•.n. the fasw.�
on. • red Tel atitee.m) ). ! Revel, Roden
Reap/wee'candidate fon• .
Ile tiewesra (basher into n Rear
C.N: gra.
Although some of our town t'ounci]•
Ion oeassionally grow a little aoappisb
we are pleased to say that no such scent
as that which occurred at the last sitting
of the Sarnia Council has yet happened
hero. The oh* rr•r, in its report .1 the
seethe, gives the follewit, spirited ilia
hetue : •
Mr. Watson as.kcd Mr. Raley where he
could get a counter s*tt 111- Haley telt1
him there was one in the market and he
went to Mr. Millard who referred him t,
Mr L sic• nibe.atsd he said he could have
tele. Mr. Raley knew all anoenc the
counter and could have a■ it of ass
tier anti hr heti uv right to •cellae one et
getting nil of it and stet up and rush at
mmehet. a wilt leer es a mad dog and
clue ze toe wank se his,;; - -
Mr Riley. -1 demand an video for
that right straight.
Mr. Watsonon -I eay you west for 1.e
Mr. itilee -1 apt cal to the 1'syur to
bare this mum put out. Pet him out
right straight et 1'11 do it. myself.
Mr. Watson Yea had n,, crus:nests to.
Mr. Riley )idled up un ink 1.,ttitl and
with that its his land send : 1 deemed
you to take that 1401-. .1, -,log,••• we 1'11
knockeit had
Mr. Fusion - 1 teal...,.. i 11 take it
The r.nncillers who were sitting be-
eirie Watson, and who felt thyme/elven
wtnact,1 1 v the ink Iott''. CNet.,nod is
chorus: Ile ap' l ,•.• Hr takes it
trick. it's a1I right now. Their feel-
ines were tench relieved by the ink beet
th bassi pat down.
Mr. Watson -Mt. Riley slroi:',d hes e
two t Rh thea up to peeper shape.
'11.e ''ayor -If goat dant keep better
taper 1 .haf pare the ehaie
teethe-year-oldslaughterof .1 ,alb W. If,f .1
Wil,. Inc. at 184 tirant street. The i
child has always been notably and
iutell gent, was u groat reader, tathtr
uoagivative,and iwctdiatlytiers/nusnh,tot
storms. She rem: 1n the eees,leapeiette t
eredietious bl the Lsn sdtan pr iphet. ,
A week ado tyle stor+n was •r•,plte/ie.l h. .
du its must detttuctite word. She v:.,''
particul trly•nrrvuus. and *spent a good
portion of her time that day and; ' ...\,,.:,
searching through the Bible to hook f.,r
cnnfirutatiuu er relitf of her fears. 1'11.
niembe.s of the feebly ,tttemupt...l to see - 1
son her out tit ,Iyer .tears, but h. vain :
she brooded constertt?y over the aupre-
hended danger, cool would ft'r'q tontfy
I use such expressie•na as : --"'Che houses.1
will all blow doe u; and theft whore tan
we go --where eau we go i' 1'ufir u•
stdy• at the Kui,per table think tau ice
Mr. Wolfe stoke of the prophecy, /nee ��
expressed an opinion that, the events
predicted aright take piece. That even-.
ing the child refused to go to hood unto'
her father excuse h sloe, goal sat in a
chair before the tire tteutbliug and aax-
ious whence,r she heard the wind tehte-
tlitlg amend the house. lint• nervus-
Jaen ce ntiuut.d all Sunday, and that
evenly she was taken with vomiting cud
complalued of pain iu her head and side.
She was put to bed, but talk sol contin-
ually about the storm, and v•verud her
head with the sheet wheuevcr she heard
the wind blow. 1)r. Parmetter was call-
ed io to see her, and it was only the day
before her death, on Friday, that he
could deeerwtne that her disease was
meningitis She fail] leraditelly, stud
at three o'clock on Friday s teruu"a
passed away. Tho family fully believe
that fright was the CAUsu of her tlluess
and death, and Pr. Permitter told them
it was more than Writable that the brain
affection was brought on by that cause.
se,loll _.,at u . '...i tees o:• oto "tack. It is the Lai14, -
i tt i)rj ' i•t.)r , it, ,loo ('t,unt'.+incl link for years haan
re. .. rtl 1. • 11.•• host t•xtppnent of Standard null
.1.1 1`•. (`. :)t!`'
nor visit to Totowa* a t ery Flatterl.a *we.
The Jersey Lily has gone, and has left
a good imp/elision behind her. Her ap-
pearance at the matinee on Satturday
afternoon in "The Huneyunnen" and in
the evening in •' As Yea Like it," was
greeted by large a,odiences. "No doubt
her best character is that of Ilester
Grazebr000k in ''Aha Unequal Match."
She has not been (u the stage lung
enough to play Rosalind as it has been
played by finishedactresea. MN.Langtry
is a charming woman, hat r she is not,
!and to de her justice she'does not pre-
tend to be) a great actress. Shake-
alieare's plays cannot he ' interpreted by
amateurs lite"A niece of triesic that is
reed at sight. The fair Jersey woman
was probably as well pleased at her re
ceptton as were her audiences at her tip-
pearencc, as she was all 'miles and mod-
est blushes. In the evening, after hav-
ine-been liberally applauded, sne tirade a
sleet speech in response to the viva:oils
demands of the students who were pre-
sent in great force ami,.; "the gods."
She said : "I am sure you do not leek
to me for a speech. None that i could
frame would bear any proportion to the
warmth of your greeting-tn the hearti-
nese of your encouragement. Had any-
thing been needed to remind me of Eng-
land, my reception on Canadian moil
would have recalled to me the dear and
distant land where my first and still un-
worthy efforts met with indulgent re-
cogniti..n. Let me then say, without
courting failure in an attempt to express
in words how grateful I am for your
kindness, that it kill nev:r fsde from my
memory, and that of the many incentives
to work in the profession 1 have chosen,
the favour of a Toronto audience will he
among the sweetest and Rtrongest. Thank
yew again, and for a while at least, 1
will say farewell." Among the absurd
things of the evening was the Ringing of
God Save the Queen by "the gide.
when Mrs. Langtry tint appeared. The
singing was nearly am bad as the taste
which suggested the thing. it was in-
tensely ludicrous, but the fair actress,
although evidently embarrassed, had
su$icient good Benne not to notice it, find
managed to keep her face strsi>;I,t.
Another silly thing was in "the role'
guying people as they carne in. This is
very rude-[Telearram.
011borea Asallastilke Menem.
Mr. \l.'C. Cameron's hill to snake in
oast a criminal offence was the subject of
much discu.aiot on the amendment bt
Mr. Ives, that the trials of such cases be
strictly private. The majority of the
French nwwbers atret:n"usly (pinnies]
the bill, arhning that it would Ion tette,
for the public wnrale t( take ne eaten
sgainst parties guilty of such an sett/lice.
In cotuntittee,the bill only escaped (loath
by the casting vete of the cheinnits, but
in the house a motion for mix on.nths
heist met with s disastruus itt fest • n a
non-party vote, and the Mil was read a
second time.
A tettnta■t wasge.atwa.
1% h : • •air lcgvlatorfi ate dimpt:ting
ever the fate of Sir John s war -ship
Charvtslts we have a suggestion to make.
The C, "servstire party have gene largely
into the cattle business lately chiefly n;
the 1luak•,ka district, and will mutably
not he aide to secure enough of stesm-
ship accommodation to take over to beg.
bah markets their spring oonsigameras
Why not use the Charybdis for the ee-
iKert o f"rvative csttib 1 Ker John's
p51 i(tic drovers, who have been in Mat -
muter a national benefit upon Canada if
the eemdition of the Charybdis is as repre-
.rotrd. by all n.l'aths let the Doinim,n
(i.evernm,•nt use the Charybdis for their
cattle trade. As numen,na ridinim are
likely tone npered as the result of elec-
tion petitions it ie preeehle that
regular employment can be giren to
Rte John'. ••sty and original .hip of war.
Stock of Over $40,000
15 Per Cent. on all Cash Purchases Under $10.
20 Per Cent. on Purchases Over that Amount.
All our New Goods are to hand with the exception of
6 Cases ]gess Goods
Direct t•rr•rri the Manufacturers. pet "S.S. Cavpie' Lutl
6 Cases Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,
.til of which are expected this week.)
Our Stock has never been so large or too well assorted as it is to -(hili.
Our arrivals of New Goods will make a grand totnl of 46
Clues, and No RESERVE will he .made in any I) .
parturient. That everybody may know our
pricer to be genuine, we give oar
Private Mark in full •
• ealeate
• X
rjr-To Customers Living in the Adjoining Towns and Villages, we
will give a RFTi1RN RAILWAY TICKET M Purchasers of over
Twenty Dollar%
Sale Commences from This Date
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