HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-23, Page 1,1I si-f 'sem, to -PN4 ''‘ .1644 '2M6 l'HIRTY-817T21 YEAH. , WHOLE IfIJMISH :teti. v aT ..n..a n.ati.. GODERICH. 0;1T., FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1183. CENEIR mo. - - .• �'. - tot a:: INTELLIGEI" ' \1cGILL1CUDDY DROP. Pustuitaa-i 11.5 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Kew ad.erli.rarnt.. Loans an insurance. s:Tptlan Oil N'. J. a Nene.. ♦.._- ---- benefit Coaoert. Mn. Fletcher. Spring, 1118, Spring Mlle Stewart. Cheri mine taro James C. LeTouu;l. Farmers and Gardners John A. Nailed Sale of ValnMWe Village Property ('terar lc Mule. Chancery • Notice to Creditor* John Win- chester. 1s ole ('oust ('nun of the('uimty of H �e-vn Isaac Y. Tents. U:aaotntton of Partnership Crafts Mac :v-klrt- rr t Co., (hetes. Dentistry. NICHOLSON( SURGEON DEN- j�'jjygj� Ofice mid redden.. �Nero below Rank of Mimes/Lk IlEsie- 1111 UST -ON MONDAY, THE TH Yet. 111 between Dederick John Meerut, Bo a Mink a. The Ander will be re - wood by leavYtg 1t at Ude otos 1 1-lt NOnCE--PARTIES HAVING ANY Datta or olalms *Sian me. will oblige be wading In their accounts on or before arsrurday, Mardi ftth in* I will leave for Winnipeg on Tuesday. -April 3rd. sure. J. C. CURRiE 1e1t FOR SALE OR TO RENT. --A good frame house and two lots oa Prlm- •ntna street the house oontalaing 8 rooms, donna and cellar V good repair. Omit stable sal orchard studied. For parttonlay. m17 ru E. R Wanes, painter, Dederick. IaIM the People's toluMn. !'COMFORTABLE HOUSE TO RENT 'Li That Ase Wick how on Nortb.t, Int - medial sly north of tee registry Dolce, is open for rental. The hose 1s very nosveisient In every particular. Peusa.sion given os May Mk. For particulars apply to O. N. Darla. 1108 -It. -- -_ NOTICE, indebted totes estate of the late W. 1:6Uwill take Rodeo that the hands oortin=vb..«nilLil unpaid aooaate�ioon the foil inst., will oa that y be seed. E. CAMPION. Solicitor for Abtstafeatels. Ooder(ch. March Ilk OIL 111141. FARM FOR SALE BY AUCTION. Kr.1W J. C. Currie reeeived lestruotioas WI to ]l8teoa promfon desirable Mares lag north half of the north half or let LI. e� p West Wawasash. onstaking�i hosts, alms Sr Ise. Ontd o teem is R me boos end • sZ eea mall rivulet ewes arws and Ant dace o rchard across oat' ear - tier of the farm. it r ~el on a good grav- el road within 3 olio. of Dungannon sad slept the arae from the Nile. Terms glee oa any of sale ; tie more In tea days, Wm* seemed by afro mortAae with Were.% at per mint per seethe. Saleat 1 Po*► Leedom borough. IS r.. t �Lore ea tens. 111114/11. .1j EIS FOUND. -A COUPLE OF FX. small keys. on a string. w.re found Our - Lag this week and lett at Mia °Met. The owa- ,f sag hare thea b7 paytn1 for thio adv', Ap• in7 at this etdoe. K0 FOR RINNIr'�.u. Being a1., .! to resider to Wins.. 1 have liapesed of my auction bualnees to )(r. James Premier. cab .cane to use highly reouosaerd- •d. sed r•L , 1 as aniseed will All the bill. i ir•tat that in y Mends in the county will Atte ban Vu II') seal support which they so r- otsnly e.cerded me to past years. I will re- nnin here until 1st April and in the mean- t:me will emtdsot all Weis entrusted to me. J. (•. r'' I:,'ICa. Wks Poople'. Auotloneer. 1871. ENGI:AVING All k.n,l. of psi a and nrnau,.•ncal ,•nyrav mg. gold, 'ver, Ivory. 4,esrt, 'xr_ri'. d neatly rheapf7 and expeditiously. Poor platen nude nod enrrs..•.t on obort notioc. Estimates given. (!. J. NE W MAN, South -a:., Gatertoh, practical ea.ravoe to the trade. 1877-wtf. MONEY TO LEND. -- PRIVATE funds -an freehold arourity. t 2., U. Swanson, Uederich. 1 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO to CAMERON, HOLT &CA)IZIRON, Oode- fok. 1780. a 50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND N good Yarn or asaaeless Town • t a ger Dost. Apely so R. R ADCLIYTL ra U ONSY TO LIND IN ANY Irl aneUDt to snit borrowers at It to M per Dalt Private faads. Apply to Saimaa ani Mtesrroa, Dederick MONEY TO LIND. -A LARGE atausst of Privet' hada for ia,c staent it lowest roses on arst•osam Mortgages. Apply to OARROW & PROUDVOOT. -r .0AN S FREE OF CHAROK - LA lrssey to load at lowest rates, free of say ewlaer vecka e H L OER & MORTt►N. �O.lsorr4u !rd Marsh 1801. 1778. It90,000 PRIVATE FUNDSTO LEND In- terest. Yana .7+own Pews. a at em t la- pttreha•ed no Qotamtstiw charged. t sysgillio Fee. ._-- le. N. B,--B..uawees sea eb(aia In one da it tide le tinactory. DAV & JOHN ss STOIC Bstrishes. &c.. Oedertob. 1711 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Looe and Molded Iaearaaee Ag t. Rtprasea:tng Anot-clasegmpanka. Alb f for the CaraDa Lira INavOIKORRCCO. Money to lend on Mortgage, either 1n Town es Yarn Property. In any way to soft the borrow- er. Orbe-( Lt's bleak GNeebh Jiebtcat. DR. W. G. S. MACDONALD, M. D., C. M.. Physician. Sargent A000uoheur, etc. Once and restdewoe, Main street, Au- be*. tem. -leis GR. MoDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . IAN. SURGEON, &c., Graduate of Tor- onto or Col- legeUniversity. I.ioeetlate of the Royal Col- Yet Physicians. London, Spgt•Dd. co., floe.. C. P. S., Ontario. Oaloe sad residua* O `Atte Buller. Hamiltonotel, Han t tiod- 1- i9<, ML&cLPAN, PHYS1OiNs,sBSUR- 12Sreet.Ciereaar &o. e do�sswsltt et �lOreat. 1/111. [.1 G. KACLID, M. D., ?EMI - L -L. cies, Hennes and Aoosraoher, Graduate at peroata 11y..Oalssopgsal l sr Mt It.aloe. sneakiest the Sink1 gots. g j DRtl SHANNON A HAMILTON, it Perectsoa Sarseeas, Aaostsohee, Re. Dales at Dr. 's rt'idneca, sear the grei anent*. G. C. Saintrow, J. C. Hum- ' 1440 1701. HOUSE AND LOR FOR SALE.-- A f: s,ae house nearly new. wits le foot I shoat. caatalaIng 8 rooms beside* hail. pan- ry ao,1 :t n, l cellar with wood seed sad other -,rbtildin a will be sold os reasonable terms. A gond well 1s on the premises. For partieu- tartappiy is W.A.RUYNAS, Newgate Street. 1877. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 7gpart of ViWert&sad East Stents, In ' beteM,d' ~inns for ode ebeappso- will be tc ed J (0rs. ferny k e�ryt.y. t, otic • Anilers Craltis or J. C. CURa,e. aiottoessr. NIOR SALB. - - A Lorre class t le, .ae. reisr ostler the etude house. ge�� acre* land on the M7- o1e71 east, Iioderi there le a goad noble cad •trivlaot she i,bard sad soft water oa the prow t�grounds well lees oat pyoMee j17 on the pronWa orb orlon tlode/dish Poan4rr. F01: SALE. Mrs Nolan otters f- or sate the tdbwlat const, in the town of Dederick, 1..1 1777 h*sstt Leif of lot 175 and the wagtail of fit ibcrais • story and a half frame beam in neat r'r•ale, 11 scut se/ kltohes. g.od nose -wain. herd l t water. Terns posy. Per rotten apply to F. at AM�t N. rottener. se la rIJETODEB TORS -NOTICE iS 1.31 her .hp glveb that all parties Laden.' to trs uud..rs,ghd by Moe or b*ck anew* m 1Kme ,•„Ase, d u aside the mus at mi and ae mv. sidemen aiIiAPIAM - - -LIOIt SALK--THAT DESIRABLE is sad sad IIitSM!a eat tlrftM INSU'RANOI CARD. BRITISH ASH. CO' Y. Toaorrro--Eatabilahe 11* PHZNIX INS. WY, of LONDON England/ Established I732. HARTFORD IMa. OO'Y, of Hamrroa,a. Conn Risks token la above first -damn Oakes st the lowest rats. by HORACZ HORTON. The unaerelgyed Is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER LOAN 1N awn SAVINGS C'O'Y Temtowro. Mone? to Loan on Srstelo s security, rots 7 to 8 per Cent- -Charges moderate. HORACE HORTON. G ode r- : n Gent 10. 1888. re.:deers. net ger Rri Dent' street. the fuse in. Tr hewn hi la w n t • - nes toper+r a e ria. gaps vlttae. R. 1• Pm spas 1 Gsvtaea ielealtees UUR S ALE OR1{igTO��oMRlIIT-THAT a lo: Awes e ��=iACirN flee wi* eeootthe deeret ego - o : 'aro.1 Il fro* saksr m i yearreTeR ' se s:r. st tad. le *Ma !(tett •raw wi te- pt��.,y„r •R !�i. h , , se• attwtdew. Ahw Aliso t►e et tail elf n10. 0.44.s ILD. Asb 11,1,1 ; sl* *Wel ; two or. .►ard •. t C.. ' ,,gilt as . fro• : • •.,, r •.lot ramiale.teeserer. of wbir.h ".• era :.:ra-...l and all well Penn.d. Nary*, ; p y„e+ heavtlr tiretwriwt with n.M w •' Fer address : R. T. UAVNits. Shep .0 1182, Strayed Animals. 1100 FOUND. -CAME ON Till 11 premises of the subscriber lot !, con. & towa.hip of Colborne, small black and white deg with tan -colored head. Tho owner is re- gimes/1i to prove pproroperty ppsa7y *antes and take It away. JOHNM. L**antes Col- bert*. 11173. Legal. NEWS ABOUT HOME. I The annual Easter concert in exounee- I Mr. E. Campion has remove: to the law ti. with Mn Fletcher's school will be ehambereformerly occupied byMr Dovle "A elder* amens Te• tabtn' notes. I held in the Trwperaaee hall, ou Friday, I in Jordan's Bleck, and is closing up Mr. le' faith hell press it- March 30th. A guud trmettleemettle lou Doyle's law buainesa. Fishing begs preparwl. See advtt. ' At the last meeting of the Sarnia Presbytery, the clerk read extract mime tee from the Presbytery of Maitland, in- irr.5R$ and Pere, an „nada Ms. in. timeline that Mr Leitch had atwepted litany bee are t'aptereed. the call from Point Edward, and they had granted the translation. The Pres- bytery appuiated the induction to take \\ a would not attempt 5.. describe place on the 3rd of April next, at eleven the various modes adopted t.. catch tiah n o'clock hte preside. M a McCue tcheon to preach, Mr. Currie to address the minister, and Mr. bicAlmon to address the people ; the edict to be served in due time. Hiom Scisoos. Noma. --The following has been handed us bythe secretary A meeting of the H. L S. was held tut Friday evening. Among other busi- ness officers were nominated for the en- suing term. The library exercises were oomtnenced by a song by Mies Caldwell and Mr. Miller. bit. Thornes McGilli- cuddy following, entertaining the audio once with an address which was inter- esting and instructive to both old and potting. Readings were then given by Mr. Moore, Miss Strang and Mr. Bean, after which Mr F McDonald, an ex - CALLER HEt R1NG. . 70VIT TQJIOIL FrHm the Regina Leader we letaru that oar former townsman Mr. Dixie %Vat- Imilieearr dreadful) Menai of freckling in March, but `allow*. the phetogespber. Vagbs at frockies, and every lady who sits fee a a ltjstan ran rely on looking as If ,a eels - wee faultless. Thee king wtatarr Ia drawled ta a Wogp!! uftbe banefulsadecta dapaem aar sissslsrda, by mien only the bast Deaars for medical purposes 1-uull get the beet at W. L. Ho ton's. Ome Room 'Rot Lomas. The demand for Nie le Inoreaalag daily. No wW 1s complete without it. The WOE V ore tarsg egiaggi adtom advantagreak iag es p8. ter �asee Meg to emit t t and ,,aa �p ta�ite. alasaiors deSao carries a full sad Ste 1t op cheapen In town. Artistic picture framing a speciality. Mourn ! 11 you favor the oomt of your selves and your children. you o t to get a baby oarr.age. C. F. Mtrauhel, Utea't will open oat this week the Asset lot of diner - Wan carriages ever imported to this town. which for style and quality cannot be beat, and at prior* that will defy competition. 11 you want anything nobby in his line, give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, and judge fur yonraet're. Good Friday. Marbles, marbles, inarblee Mr. Troy of Wawauah has removed to Godot ich. Master Ed. Ltrgau left for East Sagi- naw last week. Miss Lucy Whitely will spend Easter in the Forest City. How maov eggs do you Deckle -ate you tett di.pe»e of on Saoday-Easter 7 Mn. Centelon mother of Mr. D. Can - talon baker, West fit. is suffering from a lung attack. Mr. O. B. Johnston left last week for Kansas, where he will spend sons time with his parents. The Lenten devotions at St. Peter will finish with the stations of the cross *might (Good Friday) The choir of the North -at. Methodist church sang at a tea -meeting at Man- chester on Friday evening la.t Miss ids Straubel returned from Tor- onto la.t night to speed her Easter vaca- tion with "the old folks at home." MuTrso Satre -The rink will be opm this (Friday) (molehill. Thebead will be is attewdaooe. General admission, 10c. Mini Louisa Seetraiiler of Walkerton, who has been limiting friends in Oode- nide, is now the guest of friend. st Cline ton. lir. John Robinson,00r popular vooni- iat,left Goderich this week for Winnipeg to shine among the stars in the Prairie City. Mr. G. C. Wright, of Berlin, formerly of Chilton, is about to return to the am- bitious little town twelve miles down the tuck. I� 0. H4YE3, SJLICIrJR &c., 1 01133 corner oftbesquare and Went *trot, i .1 !rich. or er Butlers bookstore. stoney to Ion1 at lowest rata of Interest Auctio► aartng CURRIETHTPlCO LE'S a t 1 EWIS LEWIS, BARRISTERS, J Attorney'', Solicitors in Ohanoery &c. OMee in the (bur! Clouse, Ooderich. IRA Levu. M.A., R C.1,. E. N. Lswra 1880. ( ARROW & i'ROUDFOOT, BAR. T Riere.RR. Attorneys, Solioitors, etc Ooderlob. .1. T. Darrow. W. Prondfoot. 173 WIAOER & MORTON, BARRIS- TZRS, kc.. 6co.. (Federici./ and Wlocham. C.Sppr Jr.. Goderich. J. A. Morton, Ing ham_ 1756 CAMZBON, HOLT & CAMERON, Berr hent SOYsllsrs la Chancery, foo. O.; P. ek and G.II gm 1K- od C ameron. tl 0.Kaa Kamm Ingham. Godcrtoh. 1781. Banking. BANK Oir MONTREAL. '4P12 AL, - f ,!,dee. r, ttURl'LUV. fs,e01.00e sow has been appointed clerk of the court for the Qu'Appelle division of the Qu'Appelle and Seeme mean district. Mr James McCaig, who has been-ale seatfrom town for a number of years, returned from his home at Dunkirk N. Y. to attend the funeral of his mother. the late Mrs. William McCaig, who died suddenly on Friday last. Dr. John Garrow is now to a visit to Canada after a successful examination is medicine, and the winning of his parch- ment. He in the guest of his brother, Mr. J. r. Darrow. The doctor hasn't forgotten Ontario politics yet. Dlr. T. Gilroy. the well-known msur- anoe mac, is in town. He is delighted with Manitoba, and expects to return early. We wonder if Mr Gilroy has not some attraction of a more tender sort than insurance in Goderich Mr. J. D. McLaren, of the Muskegon Iron Works, paid us a visit on Wednes- day. Mr. Mclrr'en is an old Colborne boy, and is suooeeding in his Michigan home. He is a good specimen of the energetic Canadian -American citizen. We are informed that Charlie Davis has tut gone to British Columbia, as re• ported last week. He is to charge of a drug store fur Dr. Tulford, at a place called Stonewall, some twelve or fourteen miles from Winnipeg. George Porter is still in Winnipeg Mr. J. McDonald Gordon. son of the late J. B. Gordon, of Goderich, was in town during the past week, vivltiug the friends of his youth. Mr. Gordon is now Dominioa Crown Lands agent in the North-west territory, with huebead- quarters at Regina. New Deco. --Messrs. J.. et' J. Kidd are building a new duck at their sawmill. They will ountract for about 800 feet of wharfage during the season Mears. Kidd are enterprising men, and when their works are fully completed W iartow arill be greatly benefitted,-(Wiarton Fslto. A Now Fool -mimeo. -Mr. J. A. Naf- tel, hardware merchant, is introducing a new fertiliser into this section it the shape of Cotten Seed Compound, which is said u, be a valuable aid to the soil of gardens, etc. The price is not high. He is also agent for Cotton Seed Meal far fattet,ine stock. These articles eta sold in bags, and are easily handled. Miss McMahon has had quite a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs, but we are pleased to state that she is touch better. Sermons will he preached motninlrand evening in St. George's church to -day. Services will also Le held in R. C. Church. Masers. Harry Clucas and R. Logan. arc at Sarnia engaged at painting and decorating the new steamer "United Empire." Miss McQuarrie, of Bay City, Mtch., who formerly taught in St. David's ward school, is visiting friends in and nrnend Godes ich. The Miaaee Wilkinson are opening out a dreas and mantle making establishment on West at. next doer to their present millinery store. Don't fail to tumble to the racket at Goderich Branch. P (:1.1,TN - Manager. AAs` Interest On tps0esiia DsMrtett'. of �tswil ttiNso Islasi. SBpo ANADLX RAA[ or CO�tI' k rani up Gaveled, 9t ,000,f*O Rfet,- -. - ♦ I.400,00n and Spoe.riag Through the Ice. during winter weather. Many a chapter could be written upon that class of sport. But as some of our readers are doubtless wondanng where the paunchy perch and the slim, shiny herring now old on our streets are caught, and how the fishers go about it, a few sentences reeardiae the work may prove of interest. Standing upon the brow of the hasher hill on Saturday morning a number of black objects,some stationary and othese moving, might hare been discerned less than a mile away. These were man and buys tishing for perch through the ioe with baited hooks. A few small wooden- huts oodenhuts could also be observed just at the odd of the piers. Descending the hill, and approaching closer, we find that the little woot'en structures are just large member who happened to fall iu with us• enough to permits mar; to enter and be being called upou, addressed the meet- I seated r hole n comfort. with the - They yerh a pl* tae ing. The meeting was closed with a I duett by Miss Chilwell and Mr. Sea- I twenty inches in diameter, a small doer .erne. ENTERPRISE. --Among our advertise- ments this week will be found n double column announcement of Mr. John Crsih, tho well-kuewn Clinton mer- chant. The business now conducted by Mr. Craib wry fur mime years past known throughout Huron under the style of "Craib, McWLirter S Co.," and had made for itself a reputation. Mr. Mc- Whirter has new retired from the part- nership, and the business will hereafter be conducted by Mr. Craib. The push- ing manner in which Mr. Craib places his trade before the public at home and abroad by means of printer's ink, shows that he is bound to keep up with the procession of wideawake business men. Surae of our Goderich merohants would heneit by taking a leaf out of Mr. Craib's book. SUDDEN DLTn-On Friday last Mrs. Catherine McCaig, the wife of Mr. Wn. McCaig,Victoria street, died suddenly of heart disease. She was apparently in her usual health, and was engaged in attending to her regular domestic duties -when a spasm seized her andshesat down on the lounge to rest. She expired shortly afterwards. Deceased was an old resident of Goderich, having conte hither with her husband in 1846 from the county Down, Ireland. She leaves a.husband three sone and a daughter to mourn her lose. SAVED His HANDS. --On Monde; e•en- ing, at the vesper hour, while Mr. Dan Carty was attending to his duties as bell- ringer at the R. C. Church, he caste across a drunken Htghlandman in the snow vainly endeavoring to keep his hands from freezing. Mr. Carty sting, ed down and rubbed the boor fellow s hands to promote circulation, and almost carried him to n neighboring house, where warmth chased away the frost from his limbs. Had Mr. Carty not acted so humanely the unfortunate inebriate might have been terrib;y frostbitten. hanging from a leather hinge is rained, the sportsman squeegee himself in through the aperture, lets the doer down again to darken the place, deposits him- self on a rude seat, and with a "decoy" suspended by a short string in arm hand, and a tole headed by keen prongs made for the occasinn in hos other head, he awaits the silver scaled tool: The deoxy ie made of wood, shout the miss sad shape of a minnow, with pieces of height tin for tins and tail. A pseee et lead fait tared to the belly of this wooden demi, er keeps it in proper position. The sportsman keeps it genu, moving, and the hungry herring soon are seen pre- paring to gobble it. Wonders fish are rather indigestible, and pointed steel is. very penetrating ; and so it happens that the pseudo minnow is never devoured by the"etnuute bah, but that the herri,g,by a sudden and skilful stroke of the spear, is inpeled and in the sportintan's hands before it has a chance to tell the edger fish that the bait is too„ tough to eat. Inside these huts it ,s mite dark, yet the man sitting and watching throu the hole con see every movement of the herring several teet below the ioe. while the•fish is not so fortunate, and ogles the minuow with the tin tail and fins in per tact ignorance of the impending spear. The herring run in schools, and mine days the waiting spearman is rewarded, by a large strike, while on other days the shiny ones will fight shy of the holes, and the eportsuan waits in vain. This herring sell at 25 cents a dozen, and are very good eating just now. On Saturday morning about twenty live or thirty teen and boy could be found a quarter -ef .a mile beyond the entrance to the harbor, engaged in line fishing. Holes a foot or eighteen inches. in diameter wore cut in the ice, and at sonic of these three or four persons were standing or 'kneeling, each holding a. line. Thr fish were biting well, end arour.d each hole several deruene of plump• perch, with their distinguishing mark of red, could be seen flopping helpless- ly Den the solid ice. The bait used ou the hooks are carious. Some prefer a piece of fat pork. which seems very at tractive, but the re!a'ority slice up s small perch. and his follows bite at 11. ,without any misgivings. The perch in far iufericr to the herring fur the eeble, yet many(' like the former, and a large number are daily disposed of by boys at. prices which seen: to encourage them te persevere in catching. 1'orelt at re- sent are more nun,oroes than herrtog. although a spear's• informed. u* that he recently vet ten dozen of the silver *idea. CURLING SCPPz.. --A supper was held in the Colborne hotel on the evening of Tuesday last under the auspices of the Goderich curling club. In addition to the local curlers present there were quite au attendance of Seaforth curlers and their frienls, among whom we noticed Messrs D. D. Wilson, J. Beattie, W. M. Gray, M. Y. McLean, J. Strong, .Jno. Beattie and Van Egmond, also Messrs. Cresswell and McConnell, Irina Tucker - smith. The chair was oecupied by Mr. T. J. Moorhouse, the president of the Goderich club, and Mr. M. Hutchison, the vice-president. held the vice-dhair at the feast. The usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given and responded to, and song and sentiment prevailed until the "wee, erne' hour ayout the twat'," when a party of jolly good fellows wunded their way homeward, well pleased with the evening's enjoyment The spread on the occasion reflected great credit on the proprietors of the Coitwrne. 1'AitI.t:: CONCERT. --On the evening eel Thursday bast a parlor concert was given :at the residence of M. C. Cameron. M. P. in aid of the funds of K,tox church. There was a good attendance, and every- thing passed off well. The f•roeran.nie wart a good: one and was well carried out. A concertina solo by Mr. F. Bond, and songs by Miss Smeeth and Mr. R. S. Williams were encored. The following programme was given on the occasion:- --Instrumental solo, Mrs. Elwood; reading Mr. Duncan ; vocal solo, Miss Kay ; in- strumental duett, Mine. Cameron and Start ; dialogue, "Lochiel's Warning" Misses Halse and Seemiller; concertina solo, Mr. Bond ; insttwnentat duett, Miss Carey and Mr Del'eudry , instru- mental solo, Miss Heeemiller; reading, Mr. Turnbull ; vocal solo, Miss Since:h ; in a lay. Tho day meat Lace ioeen very recitation, "do.chinvar," Mr. W. It. prnpitiutni Dickson ; vocal solo, Mr. IL S. Wuhan,'in : dolilion: 14- tui :move1 t fltwneoi reading. Mr :Soren; ;qua{ Golfe, Messrs. ways of trourine tial:, hem are also re- Rnbsot , Saunders and Misses Kay :aid sorted tu,hut we have not heart) with what. Meldrum.sweeties during the. present Reek. A F'A";: SKATING. Many of onateur asweeties• mile er two Drat in the -lake night lino,.. era take a keen interest in skatinee, and well baited are often left, noel during will bo interested in the °picinns of tile r sial - Londe': newspapers on the reert tiro the neintt. some hne apeot"nt t: sal - merits of the chewier. skate Conk menprunt, wei,th,nq from trete twouty and Robinson, who aro both known to five eurds rash, hate been secured by Goderich borers of the gifting steel, tie-fishertrrr •;vho visite,' 'heir linos and elle gave a Jena ezhlbition at leap 'ne *ter in Lit day ife. araa.oi. tl:e I,erriug will don on Tuesday. The Eve, i.0,4„. my, : Iles more veraenously Then the boy*" Thu skating ..f Mr. i' 11 Robins ,u will hock thetas l:y t'.: d men or the at tenea hesetil a• nlsuded His Currie's auction mart, opposite the Cl.oWe are very sorry to chronicle the bine hotel to -money/ (Saturday). Cut- death of the late Mr. Michael Ferguson, rie's last sale in town. the youngest brother of the late Mr. Mr. Stephen Andrews iia+reatuv�d his Charlie Ferguson, an well and popularly butcher shop to the well known stand on known as the gifted, but blind Irish nee Hamilton street. Mr. W. McLean has sicun. Mr. Ferguson, for puny yearn Peter's -- stepped down and out. belonged to the choir of St. J cter'e-- Owing to the holiday (tnu..l Friday i, 'red, in the funeral sermon preache.l un we havegone to gess rather earlier Monday by the Rev. Father Gillian that P gentlemen eulogised the deceased, pay - usual, and have lad been able to insert ing a high tribute to his worth as a faith- coeresponderce from late malts. fol follower of Christ ; ',ringing to the 1 number of tl:e residents of G,derich mninds •.f those assembled how many availed themselves of the spcciel train to times Mr. Ferrnson's voice joined in the Seaforth un Wednesday evening to attend "Dies ire." IL-yuie..rnet in path. the military concert in that town. Le -ryas (1!1 Tuesday evening the On Friday last Mr. Rnohnnn, of the third and lest lecture of the comae un- Maitband House, gave an uyater spread der th • auspices of the North Street t, a r -.umber of fnende. Hrnhclan can Methoalipt church was delivered in the do the thing up in style when h likes. church by Iyer. E. R. Ryckman, D. D. iWe are sorry Go learn that tour old The lerture um well worth hearing. friend McNair, the seedsmen, has been The Dieter is net an orator ; he dens net laid up by a severe cold And the ice attempt to :aar rito the empyrean, and has bees in such good trim for curling, has delivery is rather jerky ; but he is to,, «oned and solid, end a pleasing lecturer withil. He speaks in an earnest, hearty ,earner, use. g,ed lenge-tee anti has tis gift of illustration i•'ell dei eloped. His it monoses, time tore drawn from Agnea May, the ..,tepte,b elaggl.ter g,f Mr. Rubt. H.udersuu. hes teen very low frees s severe attack of diphtheria. but is now recovering. w. arc , eased to elate. Mr Alive' It..th, left fes. P:eitdele GO Saturtley tr. attend the fuseealef his sister -in law the late Mrs Beeth, laugh. ter of Mr D•r.a:d. who Lend in 0 .derich a short time Mr. and Mfrs. W. L .Juhrston, wt, I•reserrwr MV.Y 18+11 M.-M4171.lt have tar theme fisc pant been vision: pewees/ Mswsper. . W. ft. ......nr.. friends at C1:aton Springs. N t Y. and Godefieh Branch. (Infiniti', retnree,l to their h etre to I -a - A. M. RO(ig, - Matta... kola last week. Interest allowed oR a. on a F. M. Wililatns Ria:.-• fort., tuner, will the priseipat Towne Yi (%IW+ In be in M. all nest week, parties wiabi$g live Hrtta.n and the lilted Stake. yiwos tuned will leave word a. Mr. Jae. and t'nln La's book store, nr .it Kr. (iotdos s AAtann.e.e.e Farmers nn Vette, w1tA etMeg i more, endoreare, without mortgage It%I ft8f0it\8e wsxsroosta The ftxseral of the bate Mrs. James rtMRr SKAILL, ARCH 'MGT. site. Jamb"' was 'Li' tarp" witIoe• •0 OAlre (tubby�, Wi nstep% st., elate cd for a r cry long time, sheet elle bus - rich. r1Rns NA hpe,tl/osiiewtsAuswsexwreet dried tehielen following the tratanseft}.e ,r mrpenterw piast rer's and pace's wet dues to the en•.Ya.e vac c y "spins'. were eemileut. (dr is a green,- re, with nu mat•• "i ton,; beer than a► P R •(whiter ful and conscientious aka...r, g. r. little a4 al..w. and his fljores are sellerfectly}, 1 - deeu:. Mr..I. M. Cook. vho �naeowetl, •'a . •'i i -,'s ('otecrar {; oneetf- gnvr rtdashin; ealubition Hs goon et ltrli 4.the eoev.at 'hall t.; , Saturday hi+ w..rk with a good deal of ape -l. end' everting 'net was l.rely attended TMs being very active, prestt:ts a fn. -ti 1, 1t••wtnig i••••.,tr.lrari' was ctrried not • eteryday lite, and whsle homely are imamate on the ice. H» did el.. 2 al. I ipeni . g chorus, "lane nor (lbunte'y;" none the less forcible and apt. Hie leo- vine well, and perfenued a waltz en t',i ,iwtrunaent al duet, "Marc) ••f the Menu' lure was hosed on the well knows aphor- ism ef " Davy Crockett," - ^ Ce sure tout a refit, then go ahead. " and was a plea for the derbiepwtsnt and oxer (tee t.f whats-,ver is noble, tree, breve and rizht. The speaker threw teat some ealuable hints regar.ine the ee- l -nailing ,•f character The lecture war of that practical nature which ~aer- ates while i. went+, and entertain. w11tle Ott instructs- Dr. Ryckman can count on a lamer audience should he come to (loderich again with an equally good lettere. The chair was txupied by Mr. W. It. flohertsun. A ,nicely framed tote ,•f thanks was moved by Mr. F. Jordan. seconded by Mr. J. C. Dealer. The char did good service daring the canningunder th., leader- ahip ef Mr '. 1' Halls ie.• His' a.'..,' •cern e. i^ -k ori Rosi... kfarlurle," Muses Nellie and Pet:niter, Th•: • •t,v •i. • ketoses thy ' abtlttma . 1 saw:-;, "Prtiting clown to !sea Air iKe tho r'val ekatera as fol{owa - " Mr. I Hhillip.r . wog, "Asia 1 Rei er*b.rvel in Retention th.,, rtipeered, sad west lE-'., Mise Ow3,le, 1SP0'. w- ,, .,Fan thrnnch a numher of difficult figsres in ! ?seise" Mie Riles ; amen, "?'be Puri of good style. He was fnlloweit by Air.. Tars," Mr. Kidd , ring, ''"' .a.. MIs. t'nok, Ami afterwards by Mie. Patter- McDermott ; song. "The ..ire for•tay,' a.,n Then Masora. Cook Ind R•ohinsuls Moans Kidd at l Mc!'hilline. Ti:leaw , ekate.1 toret her. This wee whop* the beet chores, "'rhe Keepers;"wan , wile. time to tate . 1 their relative- •.nwers, I "Irish Airs."Miss A. Roes; wing "Thrrs't Mr. R•.t:rne'n isa much Canter -Tian than a dear !{pot in Trvd:and,' Ma. t'.r,k : in M, (!..ak. ami *holm twitter :.dvat,- ( sttudtenttl duet, "Crow"! Diamonds; tape WA th•. ice when 'kat. •t, i int .. 110 hies 111 Dean -, and Met+iew,.r ; soap, R:«, tt•/es thr' ngh his figure•s mote coin "L.n3eing :mote ' M•+1 )iar:e; Nags partly, thereby not twine ablate perform "Ivy (intim, ' Mr. M.P hii:ps , minima therm as as high a rate e.f tpeest. -Mr. thert ale ohikdten. Thr musical chatttade Gook skate inn dsahing,pt; le, coat ring Ly tlaA thilorrn toward tho close el tics more ice. The spoetstors seemed t t ry entr'rtainrtvent, was exceedingly well plot much divided in npinien as •• - tit' '-el,•.• (ori on the beards, Ind •. •-err met,f ive merit. ret esch. •• ' .:.tlr in,)'s 44