HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-16, Page 711 fflk HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MAhCH 16. 1'c Tun ana F3ncQ. A■ .N Se.ldea( Gear Many of our readers will learn with A little girl went recently to visit her deep regret mid some surpriss,o(the death geandtattter fie the ***tele,, lehe w fwd at Mr. James Kerr, el teeKilitie, which cyf milk, but firmly refused to dunk any while there, without giving a:.y resnon. "You had nice milk to dnur, hadn't your "I ttnees 1 didn't drink any el that milk 1" she indignantly replied "Do Jnu know where prand . gut It 1 1 saw him spied* it out an old oow." '• Mow many genders are there Y' ask- ed the schoolmaster. "Three, sir," promptly replied little blue eyes "mato tains, feminine and neuter.' "Give me an example of each," said the master. • • Why, you are a masculine, because you are a man ; and I mu feminine because 1 am • girl." "Very well et --tad, ' rj don't know," said the li•tlel i t 't bit I reckon Mr. Jenkins is n i bis an old bachelor." t An Arkansas politiciani nein pprulll:le ,•d by a man who said : "Col. please give tee a nickel ; I want to cross the river.' "Haven't you got a nickel !" "No sir." "I wont give you nue. A ratan who hasn't a nickel is just as welter pa tpu Ries of the Iver as the deter. Now; if you had enough to establish yourself in business after crouiii , I'd give you a nickel." A gentleman who had taken the right of shooting over a moon' itf,kjorsliltet1t T Night rent, bagged ticalfielgeOfpkie Ale filet day. After counting the price, he grumblingly remarku4 e. the tenant of the moor that the birds had cost him two guineas the brace. The tenant very in- nocently rel•lied : "Aweel, air, ye may be thankfu' yo has votten Rae few o' them ; thev'er far too dear." DON'T Lk•as • TRADE- No, dw't learn • trade, yuuag man. You miuht Roil your hands, wait your shirt collar and oil your complexion sweating. Oe keno your chin over • counter, and learn to talk waddle to the ladies ; part your hair in the twaddle ; make an ass of yourself 'generally and work for wares that wouldn't support a Chinese laundry- man on rice fed rats, anti leave big enough balance to pay your wash woman, just because it is • little more genteel in the eyes of the people who pude prevewts them from pounding ruck or hewing wood, and whose poverty pinches worse than one of:th•.se patent croeslegjed clothespins, it the truth was only told. Simply miraculous is all I can say of the effect of Dr. Wan Baron's Ki�rey Cure in my nee. An elderly lady writes this free AutigoDish, N. 8., who had sneered fus'p.iles in the back for twenty year Raid by J. Wilson Gsde- House ole ittnts,t„ , To clean a spore mill, grind s tel of raw rice thraigh it. A gridiron ahosld always be heated be- fore putting meat on It to broil. The best way to hang up a broom tato ,crew a large pictere ring into the tup of •he handle. To prevent the juice of pies soaking into the under crust, brunt the crust with the white of a beaten erg. Te cute a bread or sprain, bathe it in cold water, and then apply a decoction of wormwood and vinegar. To take oil spots out of matting, etc., wet the stet with alcohol, rub it with hard soap. then tvash well with cold eater. Ti, renovate old black silk, aponve it with spirits of amawuia mr alcohol, dile ted with water, and press un the wrung side. ' To rid a room of the disagreeable sneer f fresh paint, let a pailful of water, it w hich a handful of hay has been placed, stand in the room over night. To remove stains from supe or ether articles of tableware M•r marbleized oil- cloth, rub them with tolerates, either with the finger or s piece e,f linen. To remove ink stains from mahogany apply carefully with w feather a mixtuee of a teaspnonfill e1 water and a few deeps of nitre, and rash quickly with a damp cloth. took piece at his residence un Tuesday night last. Sir. Kerr had been in delicate health fur about two years, but was able to go about and attend to his ordinary avocations until about a week prier to his death. The disease which carried him off suddenly at last was seine affection of the heart. Mr. Kerr was the second sun of the late Alex. Kerr, of Mewling - shire, Scetlaud. He was a editor •4 Sterlingshire, and was burn there iu the year 1, and was consequently 51i yetrs of age et the tone of his de*tlL He came to this country in the year 1850 and after residigg in Hamilton for about a y ear he renewed NI, McKillop, and settled ou the Rami whe¢e Ile *moment to realer until h daedi. i !Thirty-two years ago Mc- MIlep WU$11t tl,iuto.t unbroken forest, and like utility others of the older rem. dente Mr. Kerr settled upon a bush feria, which by perseverance and industry he has couverted alto as comfortable a home- stead sea can hit H,una ih t interim He Was /Zoomed, upright and honorable in all his dealings, and was one of those leen of w -how it may truthfully he said "kis word was as good as his bond." For several years he filled the portion es(-e1t1u r jae mond t•iIle I'resbyter- C .1. (qt the wn,tstry of Rev. [ . sec bibs since the organization of Duffs' Church, McKillop, he has been a leading .member of that congreeation. He has occupied several important posi- tions of honor and trust in his aluuici- palty, and at t)}e titne of his death he was president of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, in which he took a most lively interest. In politics he was ever a most pronounced Liberal, and was &emotive and enthusiastic member of that party. Ile leaves behind a widow and several sons and daughters, nearly all of whom are groin ap. The funeral took place on Thursday, and the universal es- teem in which he was held was abund- antly manifested by the large concourse of mourners who followed the remains to their lad resting place. --(Expositor. Rush Meru. To She Medical Prerpelea. clad all wheal /s may re•eea. Phuaphatine, ur Nerve Pouu, a Phos• plate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Roston, Maes., curbs Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases .4 the human system. Phosphatinu is f ,t a Medecine, but a Nutrime` ', becau tt contains no Vegetable .,r ' tilers'! P. us, Opiates Nineties, awl II" Stimulants, but amp" ly the Phosphatic and Gsrtric Elements found iu our daily food. A single bottle is adlicient w o,uvince. All Druggists sell t it. 11 00 per bottle. Lowente d CO.,' sole agents fur the Der.Jnion, 5a Front Street East Turunto. Au Oasis iu the desert is pu brighter light 4. the wandering Arab than a bottle of Dr. Van Ituren'e Kidney Cure is to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. it is a perfect, positive aced permaneut cure. `gold by J. Wiliest G.derich. 3m Thousands lower witness to the 140111 tive curative pewees of the Guitar Cq11- I1AM INIIUeIeATUn, the only remedy that lima proved itself a specific for geyerel debility, gentlest weakness, impotency, eta, and; all diseases that arise fronts 1 • abwlo or Averttjepd btatf►, find1 40- g u, ounsulpptlun, insanity due et a !ammo tune grave Sold by all druggists, or will be lupi tree on•rte*ipt of $1.110 per box, or six boxes fe,r $5. Address r J. Coastal, Toledo, Obit ode agent for the Boned Staten. Send for circaiar and testa/axiilL of genuine cgrea. flex. Rhynaa, Goderich. 3ni Oiwo•l.tate. -A mune well knows in ooneotwn with the Hair Renewer,which adores grey llair to Eta aatur&1 color by a tow weeks use. lduld at 50 cents per betde by Jame@ Wilson. 2(u A mitsdas se tl l Sinatra✓. . Is there times 'bee our nesupapers me flooded with patent medicine adver- it is kraalfying to know «bat dements, telpleeere that will certainly cure yea Wiihru aro bilious, blood out of order, liver insefamr, t,r :Amend datilatated, Governor Murray Celli a laughable t ere a teething is the (wield that will eon »yy.ieky i Bleetrgic Mittens, story of his elperience in the (leor'gia - . area biemiagto sit 'Ataalresd, cad W 1..r only fifty costs • iteattie James Wilson. 121 march to the sea, which is worth repeat- ing : "Speaking of the famous march thro' Oeorgia," said the Governor, '•I shall never forget the amount of money it ext o. to keep aa old woman from cry- ing herself to death. Of oeures we were of the sentry aa we d we natvsdly took the best in sight. One day we took poems - pion of a chicken ranch kept by an old lady who'rl's!' at the front gate with a broom and threatened to lick all of Sher - man's forces 1 they did not move on. Now chickens were considered offioers meat, and as we were infernally hungry, we went for these hens pretty lively. When she saw that her favorite fowls were being caught and killed she keeled right over and began to cry. Presently she began to scream, and finally you could hear that woman's voice dear to Atlanta. I sent the sargeona in to quiet her, but they failed,and then the officer, took tonne, heat the wort, attention pal her the more she how I then got pretty nervous i linfe�rlplj>f roles, ktaclllae`tbe whd witbeetit, anti they might suppose somebody was torturing the woman. Filially Sherman read upend asked what it was all abet, when we turd hint he acid : "Give her a bushel of confederate bonds for her hens, and see if that won't stop her." Acting on this hint I proceeded to business. 'Ws Esti captured a confederate train the day before with $4 000,000 „f confederate west Lie One of our best thalweg westd my to ie ML•1ha baa tried Ws Co- uld it is all that is claimed 5 per e. Bold AITLAND HOTEL, GODERICH M ONT. new -and driffelner Loose, oleos to ricyjsMea ,tad oeeeay..rnlleat to the alio . Is mew • be fist 1R - tiaras. saci�!'.jen sieriMaileiG S'AR'K Yet l▪ lAla to t Yrs outlet u t `�bpe tiff treats see ears eon ilnittndanee. Jeo. illraaman. Pee- Tout, money and 1 hunted up the train at ,mace o prevent the hair from falling ase a mixture composed of two ounces of The money was worth two Dents on the spirits of ammonia, two ounces each of dollar. Well, I stuffed about half a sill - glycerine and rues water, one half ounce lion dollars in an old carpet sack sad of cantharides and enou,gh alcohol to clarify. To raise the pile of velvet take two pieces of woad and place them on a table marched inte the house. " 'Madam,' I said, opening the sack,`I'Il give you 850- 000 to quit this noise.' It was as still as sad between them, bottom made up, put death in a minute, a?d then her face ex - *ase rely bet at irons and lay over paraded in a broad smile. I laid the them a wet cloth ; hold the velvet over package of notes us !ie table and i never t o cut with h cloth tit B oot r n• side down I saw an deliythted a woman." ani when thoryuu ij aided brush this pile with a liana For some tileim It has been the custom of s nnmher `H the worshippers in St. James cathedral to remain sitting during tbo ainginq olti a anthem. Last Sunday evening thllpere minded the congre- gation thio ss just as much an act of praisll'e any ether part of the service, and 'sgtiegged them all to rise. He then antleinWd that the words of the anthem went taken f• -,.m John 23e1 chapter, lido revne : "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." A smile stole over the faces of nearly every porton present, and the Ldies tatelaitTay esarehed their billet., afraid to leakaF their neigIshnn for fear of laugMsg &lend.--iToreeto Worts, As the fp ate of winter Tanish under the eater* InSss*e orf the a ass's rays, so 4•ea l rklit's blow* Ducey, Musts intim Zi lasers wad Ridder, lied fids'&: 'nation of the Rainey., leave the body upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu- ren's Kidney lura IoM by J. Wilton). 2m is Aaawer Wau$ed. prletor. M4COLL BKUS 4 is 0. TORO -IN! '' O- \(:1Nt' I'' \ 'CURERS or- LARDINE OIL Can any one bring us $_Q&�5C of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bittern wilt not speedily cont 1 We nay they cannot. as thousands of oases already perntanenrtly eared and who aro daily re commending Electric Bitten, will pence or Bright's Disease, amp/16M Diabetes,- Weak kly cured They purify he blood, regulate the 1we'v els, and acts directly nn the diseased parts. Every bottle Qtarentoed. Fo sale at ,;W. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1J: W. M O'Beirne, editor 14 theNapamee jiipltes, has horn committed for trial ler Wsisg a 1164.110es flysheet during the election eemts•agn, palsied at Mr. A. H. Roe. the •voeea Iul easndidete. The eksesisee drr..sest dwelt on Mr. Rossi brier .a--- tllld Me idiaieen belief and wee Apia '110elessesare Giesler." Hail wee alaseeed. M Olktnee UlmtaeI to $400 and two eMut1N hit eon each. Seeing is belied*. Read the test; moeiele rn the pamphlet on ih Vea &ace's Mee, 01111. them bay a bottle and reuses remelt of all those dletevrs- iuig paid. Your Drat eon tell �oa sill SWIM it Roll by J ibion Gederals be CYLINDER. OIL. Four th,Mdlard year at hea Is end leadt leading Exhibi- tions. -in the Donlinien I Oodposed largely u. p.m -erred U na or Ima- gism, Lathe BESTaud CHEAPESTIubriva- tor, to the world-tke r4 ST uuu,,U* It cow) not gum, but forma a hlhty polished ma- tinee over the sato. re000duolna Mose,, and tightening the draft; ;',e Ct.EAPELT b •- catsu tt costs NO MORE than Infector Tbrands, .a4 one boa w.0 du the tort wo we se/Other mate. A:..+trete 55 - 14 Uarreatent. yllll lieetin`, '• bra chines, Coni -I'! • nice, ('aniuer a etc.. as far Wagonte. GUARANTEED tml eentaln NO Petroleum. final by slltk'alera ter (lir Ames( (: p&p.da of . Tbrey eerie X .owhtp Mailed Dee. MICA MANOFACT RINOco. CABINET 228 Hudson Bt., Mew York. - Cleveland, ). and Ohloago, 111. 8AMULL ROCLRS * CO. Toter to.Ont. r'P!•• A^••ate for the Ron -dole t. (CHEAP GRACE • LEAN SWIFT (tugs t., eutnolmco t•. the people of (iodurich anti title sectluu of Lune, that be halt purchaoed from Mr. A. Philips his stock ut Gr,s:otielr. etc., and will continue the business in the old stand, "u the Corner of Victoria and Bruce -Streets. Having bought the goods for cash, and as 1'mt,+ud u. wake all mly purchases frun wholesale men for cash &lau, 1 will be iii a piraate's. to sell at Very Low Prices fur Cask, My stock will always be fresh. I will keep the bent brands of teas, sued stigma, and everything in the grocery line front the beat producers. Bacua, Oho. t.:i..:,t. etc., always on hand in season. 1 am deternuwd 11. plaint,buth utttu.tlit4 1.t.6 l n tt•o ldreall at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, neat Ej. K. Ste,MMus shop. 1 SW E"~• Guderich, March Ath, 1882. + Y 1. -•g --rt Extensivei Premises and Splendid New Stcck. G . BARRY EKER AND IINBERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. I A good n.aortment M Kitchen. Hed-ruout, Dan.ug I(.. in end Parlor Furniture, in c•1• as Ts Nen, ('Rama their, eano and wood a, eted). Coto* sem, fled nerds, Mattressestt aal -sten lecu,g.•s. Tufa-. N•bnt-Nitta. Look in;: t:'e+•ae*. . X. II. .tcoi.pletr..aeortntent of l'utUnnun' • - ala rye en I:at.d'rrlao Hinrar, t h at ressoueble rate . Picture lerasiaes.wecfaky.- --.1 ra). se1e..t.. 1i51 MAN UFA'ITURER, And all men runai•t. in 1• hinere will save money by usingnnr nth,4 nue L A11111N E and CYI.ttUAIt L has nnedunl. Facts steak louder then weeds, and the public MITI tied out that the foregoing apprHtots are true. by try ing one sample of nil:. ,'its price etc., an ap di.Ation to a steed serer The Clti.•tg•,, Burlington k Quincy Railroad Company has just issued ae illustrated trouser "The Heart of The Continent.;" delq'ihing the wonderf growth of the sig•Oi'aat States. The lsstt: is bsautifelly printed, and numerous en graving* of high merit adorn its pages. Any one sending their name and addend with two three -Deet postage stamps Will receive a onpy by return mail, by app==sng to Pereevel Lowell, General Ps..sstger Agent, Chime, Illinois. 5f lcOol Bros & Co Toronto. The iatdlne to [t. W. McKENZIE, 1:. C. CAABB, and Ti. K No hos■ehold should be considered complete without • beetle of Tl". 'Van Buren's Kidner Burt ie in the closet it is the only remedy glut will positively, per.nwnentl; and promptly cure ti1 fume of kidney diadem Sold by J Wilson 2m txoderioh by 11. PARSONS, $TRACHAN. ti.16d Ps, feet, Pa idve and Pleamasent are the cures elated by Dr. Van HaTea's Kidney Core Rebel in all Dents of Kid- sV Disease is cleansed &Ler a few dns ea dial roe Dreg* wee Fee Dr. Oka% Mid", Otimi SO be J. Illa SBEO►AATI3II, ut Tat and Lw1K011114 D"WILso (SPuLiii0NARY CR Balm RAM,iAM would havrs►revented Sold Everywhere at 2t Cents a Bottle. Twe Bottles 1. 011e, Ile. J. W. BRAYLEY. MONTREAL. Ieerellie. Sciatica, Lu nbaggo, B..teche, Soreness e/ the Chert, Mt. Q.fasy, Sere Threat. eoll iegs and Sprains. Barras mei Solids, General gaily Pains, Teeth, Ear anal Mabche, FfwfW Fart mad Ears, did e// Ohm Poise .ad &boa. try ea save gtota te. Item tot ea e saw* r crates/ Wows IMas4• padsa mei . te lin wasessse.wy :LW. s l_ 1" w •,•ewrev as.. taw' 01Streseleee Brim wwtgY SOLD"! OLLIU DI ILEM 41.170=1,2111. St 00.. asrlaws i14. era a THE RFAIEDY FOR c'eRING CONSUMPTIOII, CO' HS, GOLDS, ASTHMA, GROUP, All Diseases of the Throat Lungs &ad Pulmonary Organs. R'TS a s ltNP1: L QoU$verPvioN MAS SEEN CURLED When other Remediee and Physician. have failed to effect a cure. 1eeemmerdrd by P@` afelA V.. Micncrrae .at, Iil:Rssa. In feet by e.ery'bndy who has given H. a good trial. I: serer hails to briee relief. As an IZP'C GRANT It has ne rgaat. It U harmless to the Mo.: Delicate ('h:ld. ys w.aasta. ow, ori•'-': is meg Farm, -ftA,,,,n,im^e n.•e •^"s^♦ eaeh bAtt:w Oh/1.4 as.e ler a t . •... . ... BOOTS&SHOES We .dap Ret t.:ntnounce to the Pnblie(IteS they hate .•ponied been:csa in the Rht vt Store the .404 Neely ueeuptuel by Herres 'Newtee. 11a,iig 1 urchas:d n IRtge bud well ne..rted stock rat Spune tool hun,ieer tl..els at elatelitgt a, eau ale determined QUICK SALES & SICALL,I PRPuOFITSbWILL BE OUR MOTTO e" PI nae call and examine one gide I et,ore 1•urchssit:g he , !tt►'ltemember the place, 'next door to J. Wil.tnt's Drug Stole *a'('gstom work will receive oar special enroltun. nt %en VP'Nene but the best .1 material used and tint-clt wet -broom employed. "0-Repetring neatly thine on the shortest nutlet. t:,•(le•rich, March '/. t8 2, DOWNING & W ED D U P Uncle To VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE( i F r l*5S to art Is rat Book of 110 Pa a'.3 f (!olef1M Pedes o�llowent atnd 'l taxies. and mere IAMPIIlnsteatioas of t recttona forehuic- eat no we and 'Vegetables. and 1x1- b . It is haw l.oim enough for the Centre Ta o or Hensley Present. Send on Your caste and Post O ce address, sob In .•vt t* and I will send you a ropy: pos- tage paid. We hot aBarter et its cont. Min }Tinted Naboth Bngll�teed Creation. It Yea afterwards order Ned" deduct the 10 cts. t' Iek's shreds are the Seat Ica the World! •rbe Fu/"tai. LILA nu will tell how to get end grow them. VICE** FLOWER AND VsorrAsLw O*Rnaw, 156 Palms, a Oelese4 Plates. Soil liagra►intis.. Fier 50 rests in papers ; $1.00 In eleent olive. In Reroute tisb. V ions Ir autrRa't� ltto: :mar fgtasN Au•wl' a. e b e��•ery number and Poem.11561,Drs ting", Pries. 51.5!4. a year: riveCopkill TA . Awethilee Num- bers tent for le cents t 3 trial copies fur 25 Dents. .l A M1+S VICK, linebester, 1;. V. - - D(/\ 1' [i)\ ('OUCH 'I3AlASA M. The great lung reledy ie Wan a valeahle an- tidote to Croup. a ra. Quinn, VI' cfl ngtoneft., Brantford,says,: -tine et my children wee vwallas waed wan %Lertnma attack a Pretty. the child got bJsck In the (ace 1 was ft -totem - re old ran in for my neighbor. Mrs. 1/1nttttity. wh• hauled tea a bottle d 'Luminion (`ea1M Helmut', whk: ?la E,.glish. had been using for sore lungs. The tit at (loan g'arc complete raUef, 1 soon gere another, and very slam, the child was all right and at piny. 1 sent ter a bottle to keep In the house as 1 believe it was the means of sating my child's life." i)reg,ists.rU it. - f5 (Jenf. per Bonk N. TAP1ifsltTT A t... tele Pregriseeina Brantford, Ontario g�. Og t.-. ,..•,1,11.. .ahheah ••' 1.. ., lives . ,�• n•-. ',.„coat Litt ntoPas •.•` he+Irl• t'e•"t,lurd .ase--r'hecrest 311.1t1 tJ fNYfOOR.TOR' al. t;1poen toms eat isrrows sen.\ uruelaty- •r,.I. vey t-nus•.1 b).,t' `Curmte:• i•1 .t,i! kuoo .r sir oat eel siwabsseaea ,sou a .'fUf'.•tltnt•1n1- T.. • as n hes of e1•- •t•. !•. , ,•o: .,,n , .. tt ' -•• c• t IRm+U moi.. t1e'n i•. tit,• ole d tip., t+lou. pmnul- u o:e. and pp11111 .miter di..eases that Matta. i nraiaOyaw..ieeantrl*tia'h,and a Prelim - gr. + ••td for. ire iilatro With I,-alttuoritnt( free by 'na.i The rt, Windt* AT.s 14 sold et -SI per lin- or nix Miami for Id. by till drawl -tie, or will la. aunt feve goy . Ma W'ehg aunlcn. On nacho of price. He t,dteri�sfeg, i••' ' k. J. IHiNiW. Unegging. lei Summit St.. Toledo. ::)11101.. L.Ituv��•e, 'Ode event few (toderleh W. J. C. Naftel, Agent for Codcticb. week made. at hmmn by the la dttetro.ua. Meet burin se now be - pre i1 u public. Capital not beetl- ed. We will start yes. Men, wo- n. boys and Obis wanted every- '►etoswork for n". Now ie the time. 1•Qu yea wtR'k iu •lode t Illy, or rive your whsle time tonic hu., -.. . of her bn•tnrae 0111 ' laky you nearly w. welt. No one win t&tl to make onormess i,ay. by .ngttaMoney At moare -Costly eltrtitt an It rue. face. feat, (naily. and honorably. Ade:rem Tn H A uyunla. AN (11101, L1Ng. l'1' ^:.v It .111. fiTk:.1 MICLLS NnA n-4-.1.1' to and from yaw font a'.0.I1 LAvesOW. VM Lw nnwbiaav l.abin Retwrne,al1044110. -. 4ccont t'abio. 11. Heinen 'reticent, gee. N' ••r•- i'P"s` tmemo•rw intense of to w rates. 1'...inetkicer neem mudutions unexcelled. Nt'A'iI;ith(MN ON MAIN lea'OK, l'.,tee•'.gelo I cto4 ut beret nates to ur from ,;- (Iermany, 1MIy, Nnrweiy, Rweden. Denmark. . rScotland."&c. ,:.. . or Book of ('Tour, in Scotland." (totes, Diens .f-n.. apply to HT NI)P:et9ON nnerrH1^RP. IMlA. Now York. FRET NA,zrs WORM POWDERS. Are pleasant to fake. (contain their own Pamatere. 1a a safe, sure, mil esteems.' destroyer of wares in C11L1ttren or adults WILL CURE CILIOUSNESS D ..PCPSIA, I,11DICESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RMEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every spedes of Aloes. arising Wean disordered t tt/ER, KIoorYE, sT(W AO1*, BOWELS OR BLOOD. OR RELIEVE Df ": 111(.7.4, DROPSY, FLUTTERINt1 Of THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, ORYNfS., T. N1480RN & tTn,�• AGEN1 S„ or Capital rwnn•reel treat Merb.. HALL'S ATARRH URE Reemmmended At Pkrt:lelene. CUTh S Catarrh of tee Naya1 Cry Tic and Wceraliwr Catarrhgftls F1.' nye or [hrest. It is 1.kea INTERNALLY ani act IR(CTI.Y psi thy. Blood and Muco., *Nest el Ike 5�latnm. rtt s the oea BIool -' g flrr in this w pilot, 3,4 4 earth ALL YnM Ia cit god hw It, for THAT alone. •. ONLY INTERNAL CURE FOR CATARRH 13- IW one M %nevi' W s Olbr elt� at say 7171*. $ 00 Gta,T. rt tial $ 00 r 7.witw ata.ieiaa witooten, not.. Msreh ELM. My little .mummer wow tmc:•'.4 with Orient Per two xws re n 1 sets very m Iola b.uefltted by .be as. rat ' Sitars Vestige(' ran" she Is now about curet. W. T. 11IH0811. W,T.r.Ayn, /)res., March rt Imo ihave need" 7414 (,.tan* (1.14,' sed ladle rat from Hie @ s14 1,1.4111111 I derived from else •.ail., br'1.. v" it w1.L.rwro the moist stubborn ,N of loser's If we. be enatatead is • ,as•etW4o levetb of Lime. W. t1. 11RLLZItE. Y'nt.t.!m. Ont, Korea 1q IOW J.c.Ry' Rs• .-r,1,do.,O. Newt. Ass. rd 1 il .'1'. C+mune "are fee OM ea )..r, a.. 1 it ,five • *mare •attaMesbta hairs ural'., H K' HOR3OV, Dr'n:gl.I. £call's Catarrh Cure .nit by M1 tt'L•,'... N and Retail Ttraeitste see Deanne .a tassel N elelase le ties U,.iere .lapse eat Osoaea. rittCE: (luta a Rattle. ;,,ill► a Doc •rb• may e.werwo Satre Catarrh nave top mea allweelea by 1'. J. ('lts:NRY et W.. Telma. o etaseeae of imitattono. pealet he Me ORM. I,• ,reds by H. W. NOBS JN, Welland. Ont. .EI)RUF KHYN A •, areae Agei,t