HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-16, Page 6t► THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIA.Y. MARCH 16 tem, tic : 'Jet s tomer. Td$S Vs Wager. The ad !ter sat la lois eau chats ales*. A healer person there sever Will known; When in tem.. • farmer. a jolly old soul. Whose name fur lung jeers bad been borne os tae rust Of wing eubwrlhere, He had conte late WOWS To brine We good wife and his farm produce - down• Aad barks, a esostuat oe two he could spare. MIA ma 1s ea mal to bring is a share Of Mae w a is wart semiebf.eto lemma • moms Of ilia conn UI tae pries, sad his dull. cheerless moat. The *thiel s walla .• he lifted his eyes Aad saw w ,u weather,. was of joyful eurprlae And he -,voted his Mend with • ,'sl of glad seat, For a q..d chat with bis wee like taking s reel. saes" of jet. The effect is certainly lets lett9 Weed b, ase 4*I•t. brilliant, it nut etarthug 1 he wood The first o U V illii.uu on .r t Hassled 1 aver b Atom are used 'N by law was made a few days ago. tido. dray, pato blue, en 1 reed* oulomsd otos. oe Hicks and A. &Minion, jr., were teems, homes. buttons rya olive, green charged by Chief C.,i stable Heuderarn, and brown diatom cuff old gold on tan, before Magrietrate Lo(lear, with having brio and terra dresses.ata lreem. sold curd -wood by the load, maimed of goods utds include pomttsam on by the weds the by -Ire provides.A which are worked large figurers of dowersby of $1 and $Y uuete were imposed in and trait. Some of the fruit u out to be each owe. The by -law dos not bear un- found in nature, and the Iluwun are • reasonably oil any person, as all that u hind unknown to tluruta asked is that the seller must met his price ♦ novelty in new household voile is a for his wood by the cord, and receive mbg'gg lµ1/4111'.( Sttif latsteboard' °°"111". what is his just doe. The Chief Yum paderafootstool&th for the real pillow to reek tin footstool to looks the polio °nu is, while the pillow sham of loos or em - When at leagtk the old farmer got n L 1y to leave Ms Laid. with a sly Utile laugh labia sleeve, "My dear (mead, there is one thing I just want to Say - hew, *woe don't get vexed. for you know n' my way ; coat wham makes you pot 1e, each paper you grist do such that it is worthless. do you take the hist/ Well. petty miefortueee, and little aiedeeds Awl iota of motr.11 matter Mat eabody Tile editor looked at Mae square 1a the face. At Ant with • howls, thee a mm►lle took its piew the law. The following r an extract broiderud or ruffled meant is placed on floe upper aide of the slaw pillow, whi.k old require no explanations : is covered with pink, blue, or red selects „.til wood, ourdwuud, cud firewood er silk These Shaw pillows gently be cut into lengths fur stoves, and kuown en iltts.is the work of deeming the bed in stove weird, sold within the ourpuretuw the moraine and usdresslag it at night. uI the teem of Klneardwe, shall be sold from the oy•law, which is gwlte clear, .'Icy dear (need." be replied. "rot surprised you dost know Beery Ilse is the paper is read. but its so Asd now, 1t you wish. I will make oty words good. And prove what I say, as even man should. I'1 put In the very Mit paper a Use Or two about you. In coarse print or (lac. Whichever you choose, and just where you may by. And It you doll'; fled on the very next day That your neighbors all road it. I promo to give Irma subscriptions to yo• es long es Iso live." "Agreed," said the farmer. "you shall ming a sew song ; rut It right in the twiddle of one of those leas. Has -typed advertisements -I never yet knew Amy frown of sense to read one of those through. IMI boor treat it twice I will bring dews to lea The best tool of garden las I over grew." Then the "good days" were plumed. end the farmer went out Add the editor laughed to hfaedt, without doubt. Lad he thought of his wager and bow 0 would end, Lid the nice little joke he would have on his friend: Then he wrote just two Iles Lad he ordered them net a■ •;•-u e- Nvertlaesews, by measurement, that is to say that by the nerd, or fraction of • cord, o,nsistiug In the Watford Advecits-Adrimer, in of 128 cubic feet." big display type, among the regular ad- Ally person guilty of en infrectin of vertisoments, we recently spied the fol- the by -low, is liable to • fine of fres sass lowing gem. It is one of the meet ung►- M Eve du11Ya sad *este - ililnoeeliao nal adverttsementa we ever read, and is Reporter. well worth a place in the scrap book man actual business announcement : -- A CAan. --To all whom it soy concern. —Know ye, that, by the payment of ($Q) Sixty Dollars, I ass permitted t• retail intoxicating Liquors at the Mae- doesNi House, Warwick Village. Te the wits who hag a Drumbeat for Hus- band, era Friend who is enforimaatety hesipated, 1 my, emphatically, give We nobso is perm) of each case tar asses in which you are interested, and all sock .hull be excluded from my piste. let mothers, fathers, sisters and bother*, de likewise, and their request* will be re garde& I pay a heavy lax fur the privilege sof selling Whiskey and other Liquors, and I want, it distinctly udder- s mod that 1 have ne desire to seU to *wilierdm or Minors, or to the peer sad destitute. I much prefer that they save their money, and put it where it will Su the menet geed w their farailiw. Throe are gentlemen of honor, sad alma of money who can afford it, and it is with thus, that I desire to trade. I wwid 'p7 is thew whagyisb to trend. with lie, mid oaard it, abate end I will trent you genthnnanly and courteoniy. S. B. McDonald, Propnetor. Warwick, Jan. 17th, 1883. The la/es/y teaestleo. la the asallst of type. thiwkieg, ,'171 win that bet" And he placed them himself, to he Burr and not fail, 1a the midst of • close agate real estate dale: Tor to better succeed in lila little designs. fled selected the place where to put these lines. And have them connect with what followed and mtke A sentence complete in Itself without break. T1s* the Unes that be wrote: "Oar old friend mad James True, One of lbs best men the world ever km to Of the wull-ruown Hope Farm" -that o .4 air that was said About James, but the line next to theee t sou read 'Will be sold very cheap" then went onto nafold The beaut,eeanl founds of the land to be ,h1. The paper 'vee i.rinted. The next day but ore The farmer caul:. in wl.h hie eyes pint to fu:t- •you hate woo," he bezan, "Just as sura a you're born: Why. bet ,:e 1 got breakfasta.e yesterday morn 'two or three neighbors called on purpose to see What flat' meant In the paper they saw about 11 hada't eoen it yet.) Then, during 11:e day Kerry no(gubor that mel me had sumerbing t , Ba). About uty being sold. I oar, fold veru cheap And you did 1l well, ton; it wan oro goo'l to keep to 1' ve 1.414 the whole story. 311.1 cone ado all speed To bring you the garden sauce es 1 agreed." The edaor looked 1r41n Itis window mud sate )ala friend bad brought in ad 1118 horse could draw All for 11; in; he 1,-! 1(1 to accept i1, hurt found That his friend would nut listen, and was u8' with a borne' Saying, cheerily. es he went out: "In your net JUL to) Jim 1'..'s 1 rea.•h,n,t.L nil tihs is text: There naught in thrspaper fruit. liorvere, or wends Vat a Lire in the paper that nobody reads" r 1I'rovidence Journal. Fashions's Fancies. • Dominion Carriage Works, "Blood will toll" A face adorned with Pimples, Boils, Blolebas lc., is not a particularly pleaaamt tilgbt, sad ',- variably botokena sedW of the als Blood. Dr. Cesi tll1glfeta' /Om fres the system fsaas ear redeem the Blood Citeand gime ,Rt Por ssle by all Drapes et 110 cents. 0ODIE RIQ L - ALEX. MORTON Manufacturer of Viral -Class l'arriagcs. eest1L►AUsuS Ir HLINIMICIRS A WILLIAM? 1. The Lia sad *poorest et –Olio deer a.s. • Seems *lowers. The work,au tum( delayed on aeaoust of the prutramted silaeea of the editor, Nee. Alex.kkeaiMie�, has now hese available torveNt',weein ad is meet- ing with a tante end wide spread "tri - bunion. The Mid is a large and hand- some one, a thuromghly well -cede osiero of ne&rly 400 pages and is illustrated with • fine likeness of the sableet 1t the measair. 11 Om a tall and painstaking account et the public .lite of a really great and good men—nue who figured priminestly in the political events of the country ter the Mut forty years, with much credit to himself an] benebt to the ouuutry. As a constituent portion of Canadian political history during one of its most eveutful and important periods. the work cannot be overlooked either be the student or ppoolitician. Tice book is lo I'hop Opposite CdMrae Betel.1 l SW Ni Moot*. tYe The newest parlor game at Laramie, Wyoming Territory, where women suf- frdge has been established, was invented by the Isthmoid that region. The girls sot in one rocs In • row, with a chair in ts front of each we. rte young meare lttaticmed in another room, and ace usebrosght in use by ouselsr. Whoa he ousels in the remit chooses his chair, and the +utwg lady behind his blinds his eyes with a haedkercbtef. Then the black souk owls is, kisses his and disappoint' The yumeg man is released, feeling meek refreshed and elated, sad promptly re- tire to the ether end of the room. His Iselin/ when the next young man comes novel said is seabed to this ovel eatertsin- wesd ala be IS011ieed, but they ace miti- gated bX the tat sestng the fellow p jg�y.fApaperinsent Ass win- ter eiessegignmaesesit it is one of the mat pepirmr K Wyoming. Cls, veep, lawyers, public spmahsrse and eisuseat confirm the opinion .L the general public in regard to A er s Mer- ry Pecteral All ay it is the s mce- dy that osm be procured for all ,((dations of the vocal organs, throat and image ag► Tb�� i in eminently re ft and interesting R to all, th attwke Itse, but especially the young men of the Do - lottery. The minion should avail themselves of the bea & of the wholesome practical lee - eon over me the t Ave masons, repudiet all connection with the enterprise, are'responded to with some acerbity, and the bolding of the lottery is justified, ur rather an attempt to justify it is made. The argument is used that only these who were unfurtue- ate in not drawing a prise condemned the enterprise. This may look very well as it stands, but it is effeoteally disposed of by the resolution of the Grand Lodge, passed before a ticket wan sold or a prize t.stributed, reprobating in the strangest terms the practice of raising nMy by .uch means. It is too late in the day- to attempt to lead people to believe that Stere is nothing wrong in lot:eriui. If here were nothing wrong to them they would net he made illegal by our laws, 5. our legislators have not yet reached that high state of morality in which they might he expected to put under the cad nt•acticea which are right and proper. It .a unfortunate that at this timb, when the spirit of speculation Berme to have .sized held of nearly all classes of the ommunity, and they venture their o,un- m,gs in bank stocks and town sits, pub- lic journals could be found ready to e-n- forse nom of the most attractive forma of �+nabling. - -[Toronto, Telegram. Black Jerseys seont to have become suddeu!y fashionable since Lent began. it is a garment that can cover a multi - Lade of r hl w sista. New league waists of allege 1 Paris - 1.1.11 make, Lave very Ione poi,:teat hack and front. They have the appearance of tyle lung drawn out. it is feshionablo now to intr'duce genie element of tip• antique int.. every mode •,f drums, and we can be hist., ical to our gowns if nut in sur minds. New hats for femania Tirade ere trimm- ed with military -making Is.mpun., aig- rettes and short, f ncy-1.s.kiut; o•trt:h tips that nod at you';tmtinualty. A new lace, tho Helvetian, has n ry sesta of heavy alone meshes, Spanish i.e.:* detains ler the borders,with patches .of Brussels ground, ,e,1 which are duch- ,acne }entail it teaches Pint, the reader is promoted with a lucidly Britten aketeh of the Canadiau political status en Mr. Brown's arrival in the country. That follow the "'Biography," "In lfame- riam,' "Correspeadence," and last but not lest, seven admirable speeches, sufficient of themselves to give greet value to the book and enduring fame to the author of them. -flow on that height he bore a snarly Moet. Lend Ida pen W freedom's sacred cone - Connell wisely fur the nation's weat. And mall ow slew* the ills that menaced her.' ra, 4elekest ?Meg es 1reetnl 1R K ram's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia, Headache, To uthrche, etc It does pot blister or discolor the akin ; requires huh one application to banish all {.air magically without using any greasy hut- ment or catrrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try a twenty-five cent bot • tle from (leo. Rhyne, Druggist. :' 1-itt \\'uxAT.—Doubts have I,ecti pressed as to how the winter wheat WAR going to stand the heavy covering of snow, with touch of it crusted. which h;.i lain upon it during the winter. lately 1 several gentlemen have taken the chins to examine the condition of the plant, and they all report that at pteaent it is in perfect order, green and health). Seve- ral farmer. say, after examination, that the crop never looked healthier. There is scarcely any front in .ho ,(ronntl, and the probabilities are that there wall net ho any of impnr:.tnce. This makes •he chance for the wheat and clover during the months of March and April much better, as there i.likelhol of It is as important to Rec,ire good clover as it is good wheat. as the clover is oue the main fertilizers. Our farmers rind it difficult to keep on with gelid crops of wheat without guewlclover crepe, and the continued failure of the hate, As a very sorbet. matter. 'l>ZU. ease flowers. something new In 14ar pink is s: tiny s'tapping turtle having every appearauce of being "teal" it is made ••1 tortoise .hell, leo d the eve 1.1 the new le tare of roeraldr. (lid -fashioned H••iand clocks nes-rant- ed more or iees that a hundred ye us •rid, are now malts to enter AI 1111e ri nu- MR Bep•wan elf Rothwell. alta my ti•w, mrd nn parvenu'. Itiouse _soul be t m r ,laughter a is .ray i1) with Bike,. "idiot owe ?'ever, need i)r. ('arsons ttt•tasaeb and 1• a..a sus emotionless sent neer h. td N Coastipatien hitters with wonderful se- auite, este tootle entirely Ruhdaed the addle far a time and the n sold hale , f,.rer and thor'nghty ^r•tn►..t I -Pr so t{We.*s "Seward For any Testimonials rec'muneuding Mc- n (tumor r Speedy Cure for Dysl epsia, le •ligoatien, (; o.tiveneoa. Ilea4ae!e•, rte., that aro :*atrium ; n. ire of which aft free. tM)r•etN in OW Mates or Motorman tai utiles array, but from {w•rae ne iso and sr. und Hamilton, out. Vic yivr trial betties free of cost, en that you cannot !,e deceived lie purchasing a worthies article, but know its value hefa,r• belying. Trial bottles and tMtimo mal. given free at I ic, •. Rhynaa Drug Store. Headache, Itilimnne a, l)Ts;.••pola eta 1 Cemetipatwm promptly rel. -ted and eared by the nae of 1.1r. r arwe•,'.Stnmash and Constipation Bitters. Awa family rsedtcine they Ar. far auprrtor to We 'n la -;'e h,ttlea 50 cents. kart ' olid ri the'met of the s alf owl ref ors s g !low is the tine. 11 you whb *sear ice e,1 base. Iso oK Anger's room user 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Dosigts 11eamrttul tailors. and at prtoslsru lama very amok interest geode• (s. sad are the boas value in Iowa. sed mart be sold. &canopied potatoes are deliowss fee supper. Barter the buttes and the ods of a tia ►&stn ; thea slim bad lay in a layer of cold bold potatoes; npria- kle a little melt and pepper and little lumps of beater over it ; then dust it with dotlr, and pea another layer of poetises, eta., natal yarn he•• prepared the royals - its numbered peei*sss, -Opm the torp pct a tayet?f Aebeir or*bs to aloe depth of belll1 mein* ; peer dsec this a little slicf'e_Llonsone cup of sweet si,146— ur.ut if you coo poi it;. fist the Bain in the oven, latish ebomld he asede+"ateip wane, end keep it io than, witb • fire going,1erbboet ball an boar. you h ev • newer tailed this dialt, plume de so. Calvert's Carbolic Cerele. The finest healing cora 1 t uud melee the sun. There is no tore hut will suc- cumb to its wonderful healing propertite. It is an iuval, aolu dretatnL for Cut., Burne, Bruises, 1'iuoples, Scalds, Boils, Festennga, etc. ('rice taenty-five cent.,. at (leo. Rhyne. Dreg Store. 2 The London W.il 1, refer -int; w a work on Canadian winter aiuusetneute jus, published, remarks: -"Aft*. readin. o' the excellence :tali %ariety ni eshiliarat- lug amusement t,; ten ..1,1J1i to ti 'u. uI sleighpt„ sono PIn,r1n , t..lwr4Rn ting akatutg, ' itti ez. and icc•e.uliuk, as em tered into by kith n.•xes. one climes tare eietihly L• the emu:Meton that C•nads, and not Riviera, mould lir, utast tuit:tide for luauy ..1 those who. tied an &Bel.ah winter unenutenial. 'Phe dry crimp si'• ix ju•tt the tbdltu rtgarrtwl after a viti:ti.ul aeniaon in town." the. ober The La11 Sp! kw Pains aid Fay At 33=ErS. A rummage AebeetHed.asans- "tiad sou Mansell and miumble appetite for soaths, sad grew thin aardmde� day I used Burdock Blood Bittenwti=t the most marvelous results ; feel splen- did.' Mss. Janata Jontaam, ite- burgh, Pb. 2 Handsome table -coven are made- of alternate squares or half-ugaares of bas- ket flannel and of velveteen :- -one made of two shads of brown is very pretty, and ouo of brown and leulou color is par• ticularly effective. The spread should be lined ; it is not necessary that the en- tire lining shoo d be of expensive ma- terial ; unbleached factory cloth will answer, providing that the facing is deep. NO border is requisite, but if one !,refers to hese it, this should be of vel- veteen, and tbo facing of a coustrastiug _olur. If the blocks are neatly Jut to - tether, n., needlework is necessary to adorn the spread ; but of course this point may be determined according to the taste and means of the Maker. A Life Oa.lug Present. 1.11r. M. E. Allison, saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle .,, Dr. Kin_'s New Discovery, for Cob sumptiun, which caused his to procure a large bottle. that completely cured hum. when Doctors, change of climate am: everything alae Lad failed. Amih•ua. Bronchitis. Hoarseness. Severe Coughs, and all Threat and Ltunt daoa.ma, it» . uaratitetd tel cure. Trial 1t.dtle at J. \\'th•• i a dart idiot.. 1.t-ge size $1. (1): Dgcw/t:r. Fx.xcka. — A .►lust travel ling man front Chico" tricot to paralyz. o diuitmg-room girl at a leading hotel here, daring the snow Id„cliale. At thence one ol:y h. rdereri "ii,,.sign soup," and quail on fence." She went to this klichee and got a quail and built a feta* on the plate, out of kindling wined. Thee site got a piece 1.1 sponge front the batb- nems and put it in the RemI,, rind pert gel his order in the prea.n.c,t 1,1 several other travelling ?Dili, who gave him the greed laugh. Tose landlord charged hint a dial l,tr extra for serving ;wicks not on the till • f fere, and it edea: him six dollars for cigars *oil drinks t- keep the matter 1.1te4. '«'A:lier*I,a Ie,. tenIM. nes• of cls s3. `tr. 1: W. t'nrmticharl Clieutiet and l)u g,;...it ..f (r! bottle, writes as follows: 'lieu, Burdock Blood Bitters have a steady mkt, are all attest to its virtues with unqualified satisfaction.' 2 `._ W_ iiEN _ FROM LOlut ()F' NERVE �� ww r. or miswtnsthe eton.a-k, th. 1)1 (Islam Ai'YA11AdTI;$ tett is ronvert he=lots be W ett te~11 i Itwate pi tae(/ ilyy WMOW I *aline Ilesm fir. ref the am seydt wow ml 1fD' Alli- WIIR A A t: t1A V A. teas tearoom were work b7 eve- drlvlto the organic reeetisae with at molests a Ad exrffamte. What weer, Ievm,n obtosI anew. The grand 'mntlets of disease ftp the system are the Skin, the Bowels and the Kidneys. ltur eek Blood Bitters is the most safe, pleasant and effectual purifier ■nd health -restoring tonic in the world. T^11 Nutlet' 10 'ustta 411. A Ibaatrba/M Mart. It is a resbmrkahle fact that W. A. Ed_ *ire, of Frew:v.11e, who 14 AA so c.tr guile I with liver maid kidney complaint that hie life was .1rti”ired o1, 'Ane 001101 with four bottles of Bstr,io.:k 1111.. d Bitter.. At no tint* he lay a fultuight without an uperativa o.f the huwels. 2 HARDWARE. 43C 'YO---- .M��ENZIE CrossCut$aws&Axes IS cow thi*iT Ts* ad Pocket( Pocket ('Cier7—3est PaintisgsanAdanils atBotnetm[assP'd9wreiia.c 1%eass,. —Slain 1ii18— Barb Wire --Best Made. DANIEL CORDON CABINET MASER, _..__Acct. - - TUE LEADING tU1NDEIUAXERm 4nn;;;;;Ngt; TO FURNITURE AT t;t►'IT061 PRICKS FOR CASH.. 1 have now on hams u very Iargu,iitoek, yucca a., Chairs ofail kinds, Tables, Bedsteads Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, ar.o., 2 Doors West of the Post Office. T T T TCHASA. NAIRN ee-_ 71_ C ms's iiPiiiiii00004 ` 1'14;' Net Tea . 1.M 1.e• teas rape Is Tows. t. &anal ter weary. :laid gibe Tea t an -t be &rat by any Y/dd Itrdli.tionetna•.r111SO, at....1.pword ors- .rhoof JAPAN. BLACK. AND '•RKR.N .t Chorea and Well iIA. 0(1' NEW FRUITS CHRISTMAS. NEW ARRIVING EVERY DAY An Inspection Invited. COURT HOUsi PIQJARy. SAVE MONEY IN BUYING. A Discount of 12i per cent Allowed on all Cash Purchaeea in TKA y Selected lot of Oreecriee. Geo. H.Old e Feathers, Silk Velvets. Flowers, Hats, etc., etc., etc. Thu1A a Ge:.ums. Offer, as I am anxious to Clear off My Winter Stock. Miss Jessie Wilson, THE SQUARE (IODERICB.