The Huron Signal, 1883-03-16, Page 3THE HU IRON MN AL, FRIDAY MARCH 16, MI,
3 ileatosere. I Aabaia.
As toast el my readers are aware tb. The Presbytenu.. soiree. which was
Outstrip Gevesassst, about a veer atfi• held here en doe est u..t, a;as N decided
"abliand what i. kwewn r a Bureau .,f !si' b .fea res air. mai in the Temwere dr-
46.04 heal, after shall uldMsr.+a were de
industries, the object def which war to livered to the church b tlw hollowing
„woo el*
sties its rtius W elm e,FM ti uvutlrtarn : •Nr. Halyard said interests ..f the Province espy- M' Sl"db ..t It.0 vrlhgre, +roof Mr.„6„11:;
�h.Nl iii L,,.,Itsti••r•.. 7'h. choir,
sully. As was to he impeded, consider-
able dilicohy was experienced in sour-
ing retorts., people not heintt familiar
with the woekisg er requirements .1 the
Boweee, sad net altogether .pprel.••..1-
tag the true object. However, the 6r.t
salami report has hem issued, sod ei
.mMaoes ..ver hundred pate* of eery
wsefally tabu'steel statisttteu. The in•
foraatwI ci.ntained in it is of weenier -
able value t.. fanners, and we would ad-
vise those who wish to obtain Rome ides
of the prr.duot. .1 the Prorinee, to semi
sad proven a We a few
et the 6gens which rebate to this coun-
ty Mas follow.: -The total number of
atoms u.nupted in 1882, was 746,916. anO
the population 66,746, losing au Morse.
of 7,000 during the last ten years. The
o•uettpied screed(• its CI►ntoa was 724,
(loderiob 805, Seaforth 460, Winghan.
uta Iu.NI,r lop .1 Mr. R. Miller _Meeker,
•ullvuie-• be pr..otvdint i wish moue
beaetiint .•.•'tions ..f wane. Total pro
Nods, dli.i.U0, winch are t.. be applied to
the Melding heel of the ouagertlation.
W1.03 of the eriuw of 8. S.
No. 2, Colborne. I..r February
two Division Division - V Class tot -I marks
4IS5, 1 Mary Morrish, M25 ;2 Herb. Iiob-
erts..n. 60a IV 520-1 r teary Mor-
rish, 436 ; 2 David modbim 434 ; 3 Cer-
ritl signior. 433 ; 4 Elwin Walters, 406 ;
b Jo,.. Mellor, 306. Ill Clare 446-1
it.,bt. L.Tuwel. 423 ; 2 Libby Ashton,
414: 3 tlbeet t4..d-M, 370; 4 Ella Fmk -
or, 318 ; 6 della Clarkson, 349. Junior
Div. - I I Clan --280-1 James Morrish,
256 ; 2 Allan Rigby, '143: 3 Chri& tian-
derwu, '113 ; 4 Florence tiledhill, 209;
4 Arthur Maude!, 196. II Clam, Jr. -
1110 --1 Henry Snyder, 188 ; Currie
Ciutrds, 174 ; 3 Ataoie Stewart, 172 ; 4 Ashton, 169 ; b Eli Walters, 146.
1it26, while Howiek sod Asbaeld take the l fart 11 let Book- 140---1 Anions. V so-
Innd among the tuvenattipa, with 117,1162 Moe, 117 ; 2 Carrieeltorrish, 114; 3 M.
sod 82:575 reepeetively, Tu•nilerry he- H"dt. 111 : 4 I61►id Fisher, 108 ; 5
toga, seediest,seediest,solei 34,x00 aero ..cot-
Jn't.".m Piper, 1077.
pied. The tall of rano during the year,
ae reported at (l.derivb, amounted to
over 10 ioditee, and the fell of snow t..
over 90. which represents a level fell of
7i feet. There are 16 chases factories
in the scanty, bot only 11 rade returns.
The mama" of milk used is these was
12,432,175 tba., which produced cheese
to the value of $131,0ft0. The number
of taas.f aturiag see biisheseets in the
county is 230. The average pndeatiut.
.4 field mope per acre in Huron, wan as
follows . -Fall wheat, 29 halals ; spring
1$i besiisy 31 ; eats 36 ; peas 42 ; sero is
thersOr, 60 ; potatoes 1110 ; taaneulds670;
carrots 4 ; turnips 480. The average
rest of farina in this county is 62.50 per
acre. The total number of farina 8.568,
which •mbrsoo 738,881 acres, 446,444
being cleared. The *dal value of farm
hood balfits4, buildings, Ac-, is put at
$42,318,515. The amount of ooarm
wed produced is 266,403 IM, sail 6n.
weer 85,88. During the year 66,102
Hr. of ample sugar was mads.
Thera are 686. thoroughbred Durhaau
in the county, and solidest of outer pure
breeds to make a tMah of 0811. In the
comity there are 14,161 wording hordes,
3,440 boeedtog mares, sad 4,880 unbrok-
en colts, 26,688 in dab ones, 46,215 coarse
wadded sheep peer /ix old. 20,800
OP. 8,900 turkeys, MAW geese and
210,700 chicken& We do not think the
estimatelut poultry near hhi, enteigh,
as there are over ten willies eggs ship-
ped Irvin this county every year.
The statement was recently made by
the Master of the Provincial Gauge,
that "by proper scientific farnnng every
acre in Ooarit. could be made to produce
.,ne-half more thee,, it does." On the
surface the remark may teem a rash one,
but we incline to the belief that there is
men truth in it than most fanners are
willing to adroit, sad it is limply a rep. -
tition of an ides that has often been ad
vaned in these column.. Bemuse many
farmer' cannot see at once the advantages
expiated from certain inveMments, they
armee that they are unprofitable, where-
as, in many cases, it is the esteem, and
only requires time t.. demueetrate it.
Underdt*ming is an investment that
is very profitable oft a farm, yet It is one
of the things greatly neglected by far_
mer& it was a lou, time before the
advantages of thoro-bred stock were at
all appreciated, and, even yet, a great
noisy farmers are loth to make use o•
Durham and other iinproved stock. If
farmers would only be las prejudiced
and unchangeable in their w yo, gond
adopt. as far as their means .1.1 permit,
only method that will add to their ma-
teriel prosperity, the strides that agri-
cultural would male would be beyond
the most sanguine anticipators of many.
It has been repeatedly said that the
money made frum the soil is the cleanest
of all money, as no one is made any
poorer too matter low great the produc-
tion or profit out of it an there can be no
monopoly connected with it . t herefore
every encouragement should be held out
to income as many se partible to engage
in at, with the greatest degree of push
and enterpeiee. •-{Za.
Ulnae, later..
CANADIAN itrrneeser sots. - Price Its
b.'r~'Ilsrrl foeranto orate per now
The .Moet nu(u'ortby article in this
number a one by Principal Dawson,
D. C. L , F., of McGill University,
on "Points of Contact between WOO*
and Relights" -•e subject which, treated
by moil a master hand, is full of inter-
est aad is ail great and permanent value.
The illustrated articies are More about
Fire Mountain..' and a chapter fall of
stdrrtttg uleldeut on `tansy's Adventures
i.a the Dark Cuntinaot-beth tsnely WUua.
tras.d. Admirable Life Sketch, with
portrait .l the Rev: Thep, Savage, by
kis eon, J. W. Savage, is alto given. As
a 6r.t fruit of Methodist union, appears./
an interesting article en Astroaoay from
the 11.v. H J. Knott. of tb. Bible
Okeisejao Cb.,ch.. , 'The ]¢lt►. I!. L
Yost* rwowrs a thrdlirig adventure Oa
the ice of Lake Wiasipes ; sod the Rhe.
T. Loris, a Welsh mrsu,lary fa New•
iooadlated, vectords some etelkaso iu.i•
dents .7 early Methodism in Wiid Wahl&
Dr. Nellee's admirable addeon toe " The
Consonance of llcimnee and R..-11 1 n "
wi11 be read with the attendee stdsioh
everything that he writes stall Melt tb
The Editor reviews, with copious u -
dome reamed Boottiah Phatq ; amid edn-
patwlates this Church .s the virtual un-
animity of the Unice vote. The actives
(4 itspoetant remelt books are unrsuelly
full of sad varied. Although an .rtes
edition of the -early sesbers of dee
Megane* was published. the Jaawry
issue was sons exhanses& and had to be
faro at alto terse.
iia t aunt he ' shopped." Heat and I ORDIIR3D 11118.714 COFFIN.
dryness cause cracked hoof and Isms- *a.e'Ammoni0.m•s--ware. teems.
18. The feet should not be "stopped' -
oftener than twice in the week. It will
sake the hoofs soft and bring on anus.
19. Do not urge the enimal to drink
wets( which he refuses. It is probably
hood and unwholesome.
20. Never allow dregs to he adminis-
tered to your bests wMhout your know-
ledge They are anaded to keep the
&atonal in health, mad Amy do the great-
est sad must saddle telisaii.L N. Y.
1. Never allow anyone to tease or
tickle ynur horse in the stable. The an-
imal only feels the torment and does
not understand the joke. Vicious habits
are thus aunty brought on.
2. Never beat the horse when in the
stable. Nothing se soon makes him per-
manently vicious
3. Let the horse's Inter be dry and
olean underneath as well as oat top
Standing ..n but fermenting manure
manse the hoofs s ft,and brings nn lame -
Tear Peeples leatwsedeasev.
This is how they do thing up its Wal-
kerton, aoourdiag to the Telescope :
Some little time ago a lady with trou-
blesome teeth waited on our town deo-
tiat, Mr. Hiighe., and told him that she
wished to have sixteen molars extreeted.
ahs wasted teo go north on the .spates
train, and as the 'bee was then ua its
way to the pest case to bring the mail
to the station she asked Dr. Hushes V
he could draw the whole sexists quick
eaoegh to allow hes to catch the 'bus M
U came bask. The dentist mid he esotid
and she got into the chair. Dr. Hug*
put his imaram.mts into operation IMP
fast as he ,sold, sad one by sae tide
teeth were extracted, se that obis bill
e.Mde some -busk, within the span, ed
a ray few wholes, the lady was sett*
to takeher plan with settees teeth h
is her Mad than she had a few minutes
Mire. Sash courage too the part of s
patient, sad stash *dimity ea the part of
dentist, are seldom met with.
mete a.wariewes
A liboral reward will. be paid to aa
pasty who will peados, a ear of istsed..
Kidu y or Stomach eomphiia64ktt
trio Bitters will not apeeddyiISP
then , ie 11�U' esa6 yell MM
the a..# +iii. ,thole*, 8M'`e
wilt be well table sot year ala .
besides. Ali 4..-ies, D ....i -
nese, Jaandieei-`011istipatiou, and goa1/-
ral debility ard41161811, aurae!. "atiafae-
tion guaranteed or Iu•wey- rutund.d.
Price only fifty cents for bottle. For
sale by J. Wiles. (41
A habit w.maat
4. Change the litter partially an some
parte, end entirely in others, every
morning, end brush nut and clean the
stalls thoroughly.
5. To procure a ;toad cost on your
horse naturally, use plsuty .1 rubbing
and brushing. Plenty of 'elbow greased
opens the p.•res, softens the skin, and
promotes the annual's general health.
6. Never Olean a hone in hie stable.
The dust fouls his coin, end makes him
loathe his food.
7. Use the curry -comb lightly-. When
used roughly it is a source ••f great
8. Let the heels be well brushed out
every night. Dirt, if allowed to cake in,
causes grease and sore heels.
9. Whenever a horse is washed, never
leave him till he is quite dry. He will
probably get • chill if neglected.
10. W hen a horse comes off a journey,
the first thing is to walk him about till
ho is cool, if he is brought in hot This
prevents him taking oold.
11. The next tking is to groom hue
quite dry, first with s wisp of straw and
then Witt a brash. This removes dust,
dirt and sweat, and allows time for the
stomach to recover itself end appetite to
A 1).treit New, repoge r while walk-
ing towards the Michigs4 Oestral Rr&
way depot on Wednesday mutating was
joined by a man, who said : -"Take a
square look at me, pouter" without the
uemuuy of sa introduction, "sad tell
ase what Tot think of my immoral op-
The reporter surveyed the man, but,
before hs had tits. to think, was Der-
primedky another break on his part about
tthe words :
My pats• is John P. Boyle, and Tm
from Sarnia, and have just ordered my
oo/a "
"What r asked the reporter, "order-
eed ppm" oo8a ; net fur immediate use, I
f*Yes, air, for any own use sndtmy owe
corpse in the bargain," was the reply,
senaady given.
Areo you sick Y' asked the reporter.
"Awe thump that breast aad see for
yourself," was the rwep s "Why,"
6e snntinned. "I'm a compktte wreak ;
ttathiag left of tee ; sad sitbooe' I as
tow forty years of age I dent remember
the dday diet I was a well roan."
"What is your occupation T"
"rut a sailor ; have worked es the
Nsrthtsmea rad Jolla *rums the past
seesaw but thea up with, tee now.
1 wok t lire threes and I ass on m r
wry to the Martha capital to peg est. '
Bees Boyle rsbitiit.d popes, showing
his sorties sad Ideality, sod tb.a weenie
fee leery :--"Pow, pets think it •
that 1 should to as undertaker Midi
MAW a etas for sysilf, but that th
hip hew dealt before. and i hare as 0
vigliCto air shade, as the richest, pre -
44 I Ider ar1 , mor, Irl
Boyle tattled awayisstyle ss lie
walked alone, and lobs rejuielag
over his anticipMsd early dream Ar-
rived at the Pod Owee be parted .ote-
posy with the wepstsr, sing weeded to
the Hesse to obtain a marine
H' kola weeds wore
that Hospital
dooat th. Hospital would
UMre him then was aodhiag serious the
eaMar, brit be knee he was not more
three days for this earth, and want -
the reporter to titch out sad see if
is Walt pot a prophet.
.'Noblesse her aan, sad when you seat
issd atweae..
Cmell gq you to, wads a ainele hair."
BM domed her utfhtl Bair to have
such Power ; and' bhaliful hair can be
ensured by the mei mloorwai.ew Hats
Illations Sold it 60 sta. toy J. Wilson.
A letter .fres Ltd/ Ihaderiek Caven-
dish Was read ata meeting of 15. Shs'p.'
ton Liberal Association It• -was writ-
ten in mower' to a.aeet.1 Alis Mau. 8.
Loyd, who had a.Asil 41 issue to de-
dicate to her a saran& spo!Ip1e�.�I�hs. assert•
nation .f the e nsi $i*
iatay Imly
Predate* Cwvsesdish epe44!= r
. The Dahlin disclaim did Weed
teach the awful lesson cmotorise& la The
last Irene. .f the third chapter •1 11
Samuel. You will, I am sure, forgive
me if I beg you, before amid- the M8.
to the, to look through it first
with the spatial view of ss.iog If there
is any word that could he turned into a
desire for vengeance. You will readily
understand how 1 must shrink from any
such frliag. I would rather, as far as I
reverently may, adopt the Lord's prayer
on the cross -"Father, forgive them, for
they now not what they do." The law,
I know, must take its course for the
sake of the unhappy country itself. I
pray that neither the unspeakable great-
ness of my morrow La"r thu terrible wick-
edness of those men may ever blind
either myself of any of the English peo-
ple to the duty patience, justice, and
sympathy in our thoughts, words, and
deeds with regard to Ireland and its peo-
ple at large.
Believe me, dear sir, yours truly,
P. 8. I can't say how deeply I feel
all the kind sympathy shown me, most
especially by Lord Frederick's constitu-
MUNICIPAL Howosrt --Our township
Where have net far utter us. They
have emeented the following:- Fence
viewer, Jehn Horton; poundkreper .1.
l.iokster. W. Burks, pathmaster, will
hare no lou than nine bachelors to Look
(loon Since. The One colt which Mr.
Wm. Steadiest bought from Mr. J. Link- to fever or bad feet.
later when 9 months old for $70wet sold 14 Let your horse stood inose ,1 pw-
when 111 months old for $160. One of,.ible,willhuut being tied up to the mang
oar farmers recently gat $b5 for • breve,
7 11 h .d a porker
Hew We tear taseMaar woman** h ole
ewes. Imam* se* N.'. air
The Great Getman Iuvib .ter is the
only specific for illtpotoacy, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the bask or sides, so mattes how
shattered the system as; be from ex-
eseseeosf anykind, the Great German-
tBereedy wirestore the lost functi.w
and secure health and happiness. !'1t.00
per box, six Foxes ter 56.90. Bold. by
all druggists Sent on receipt of prise;
postale peal, by F .1, Ch.aey, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent ter United State& Cir..
cubits and testimonials sent free. Hold
by Geo. Rayne., sole agent for Gode-
rich. 3m :
A Tutee Item the felted wales.
I have suffered for the last 20 years
with Dyspepsia and General Debility,
and tried mauy remedies, but with little
success until I used Burdock Blood Bit-
ters, when relief was quick and perman-
ent. A. Lotion, Alpena, Mich. U. N. 2
12. Also, let his legs be well rubbed
by the hand. Nothing so noon removes
a drain. it sago detects thorns or splint-
ers, soothes the animal and enable* him
to. food comfortably.
13. Let tbe hone have seine exercise
wary day. Otherwise he will he liable
d MrH r as ret dor. Pain and weariness from the o01
Thousands are being cured c: Catarrh
every year with Ball's Catarrh Cure, that
the doctors had given up and mid could
not be cured. 78 cents a bottle. Bold
by George Rhynes, sole agedt for Goode
rich. 3m
The 0ntarlo eppseIblsn.
Whoa Mr. M. C. Cameron relinquish-
ed the Opposition leadership to Mr.
Meredith he left him with to ample a
an .ere n.,
which tia Dunlop
Id.rk evergre- cause swollen tooton dent and other damneder'. habita d
Did the Ugralep
serf such a weight of hnedseh on .the 15. Look often at lite animal's feet
Maim, Joe 1
Mated. saved, seed, was the 7epr.r
efam of a dirusewten.d maim" of Dee
Moines, Iowa, as he stepped not d 5e*
front door after beim confined to the
doom fora year'. He had hese given
up to die by hu Acetone whets a frond
tendeht him a bottle of Dr Vat. 1131 --
age's litowev Cuas,asd in throe months
Ito wee perfectly will
At the Oldest Established Shue Store on Town,
In Endless Variety
to fait the most fas�idirws and th moot ~amain buyer
Is stow.norttple.e, and I take pleasure is ialeneiag ayy customers that at a* pre
viols tame have I had asci a
Large & Varied Stock
Aa at present. I bete wised the Sasadasd of Quality and Lowered the Price oats
it is a positive foot that too such vales is foot war oma b gel duewhere.
of every -snide still remits* my prompt sad omelet atteMMs, tied will be cos a talo
in the most approred styles by Mot -alar workmen. sad
oat t eery beet motorial obtaiaabia.
_ I� 0 -W N 1 N & _
You will Bari; siiy Baying Year
rote. nes Provisions
We are Now Mediae This fleases's
From 30oat per tt, to 76.ta
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar, &c .
Will be Sold Pr000trtinaaliy (Abut•
t lura Flour
4144.25 tf 99 roc_
Oatmeal, fm 3 etc.
kale Qvauf f of 4ea10i1 at eke Very t PriGes-
saraclee's Andes move.
1'he ;;reateet medical wonder .1 the
world. V*-arranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruisos,Cute,Uloea, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblaip,
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed t.. curd in
every instance, or money refunded 25c.
per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly.
Catarrh is the seed of Consumption and
unless taken in time is a ve.y dangerous
disease. Hall's Catarrh Cure never fails
to cure Price 75 cents. Sold by Geo.
ithypas, sole agent for Goderieh. 3m :
backu►x as he can boast of to -day. Un-
der the hatter's lead the t Ipposttton melt-
ed almost .rut of sight. 1t orae todotced
one-half by the general elections of 1879.
ou management was weak, cacillating,
disaftrnus. Recognizing his weakness,
he virtually andtoted the uthce of leader,
and &Buwed Sir John Macdonald to as-
sume its functions, and under Sir Johnin
guidance, banked by all the power and
influence of the Dominion Government,
openly and unscrupulously used, Mr.
Meredith finds himself just weer() Mr.
M. C. Cameron left him -the leader of
• respectably sized Opposition ; nothing
more The Liberals have nothimt to
mourn over. 1f there it any weeping
sad tearing of and gnashing of teeth
it in amuuI the Tnnom, w.uo pinned their
faith upon Sir John •..cdonalol a power
and ability to make good the toasts he
indulged in and the threats ha uttered
prior to and at the great Tory Conven-
Lio nlast September. The funeral is not
ours. -- (Sarnia Observer.
wools ars alvei jsga the lest
out for ohan te.
their esrntnge,iMts tee
.one wealthy; those who do
not improve their opportue-
itlevi remain in poverty. We offer a great
e hanee too make money. Wo want non, wo-
men, boys and girls to work for us In their
•.wn localities. Anyone wan do the work pro.
tart. The bueineo.
pry more thtsaen ten ttmos orf 'miry wage& 41'
pensive outfit furnished true. No one wbo en-
gages fade to make weeny rapidly- You esn
devote your monies - Full to le infwormation or and
alt tr ',pans 4,,nevem/tarpsent
PPOithatN & C o Portlan. Noise Address Artw-
mSMLLLall l
h i te' Pao W
an awing ur saved the Oede4Nb
• NWBB o• far
J ami- all b•
tinned AQ west atdraatecd.g
Mr. O. Rwnemal& la Ns este area st5orlae
to voltam ply and Klee sane�m,ois be
half of the- lite ant of 1 tmdmaa PAs., an
all gessoes tadebesdl are meowed to ewer
H. S. Hart & Co.
1'rt�QfORS OW TN*
Mitt l3i11s
e LATZ P1 PER'S. )
to rot Uaeb ttraang is las pal lic
emelt �ts�a��. essayed eartagtbe pas
re*. to vests easy are soman to el(
43)- lir hall 1N(
ora ea air doreat adios. or tor the ooatente.oe
of to leo Uri's at a QUO/tare .01 etchang*
grime at shear tows Mors W. 11. Hilliard',. 1
INamente Meet, East Br. Oesero.b.
8i best for what
mod loins. lhwrse or wuuads in those
parts, if at an neglected, noel b.•c,.mo
16. Every eight look and sem if there
is any dose betweaa the hest and the
shoo slteadlet$ on it all night the horse
will be lame 001i morning
17. 11 the horse remains to the stable
s Igln4Mer. user
The all prevalent malady of Meowed
life is Dyspepsia. Rev. W. R. (Itfford,
of Rothwell, was cured of dyspepsia sad
liver complaint that rendered its life
almost a burden. The cure wow complet-
ed by three bottle; of Burdock Wood
Ritter+ 2
Now that then is a rehab! ' O'.t iety far
kidney troubles, half the terrors attached
to there eomplatate have bean remo'fed
Por this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Vaa Berm'• Kidney Cure sward all
prides for having them removed a hitherto
considered fatal distal from our path.
It was near known to fail Volo) by .1
Wilma 2n'
thernselwee soon innate
8.9E*Otsf1.*8. )r a axile pts 'Oa
we pay
Vomits re y Casa of
- 1,1e it shoo.
c�t� & Black.
wheaths �
Egr wase of
The gremlin
JOHN 1e* and _ ILLiaigtT by
sea rest
New 11011I.1*8 sad NAIR! PANM manuf.v
tuu•edlos steetest wow
ver P111&
fed with
er failBoxto
sass. hada
to.. Makers, '
bo rsoelpto.
____ 5*533.
All klrtia of Itepalriug executed under the Math, � ���
perswtal impewvialaa M lbs Prop/Isom wile
Practical Workmen.
I'. 0, Box 100 175r
Ow -
t-4 fo-
Da. C l'. Warr'N Nava mum Haatw ?mit
mem a niaramte d geed& for 9)I terra, her
,�m�s� l u..rulataea, law, Nervous Neuralgia
YlmNaehe. Nominee ProsinnatitiO eaused by tbe
1.111. tiaolrl.r.� basso tkene
tat peseoaai.R
Of t Main. result
i.•anh Wto tsi�.irrry, dere,
mrd death. I'ntaatare (, Age. liarrennres.
Lea. of Power in 'Decreer. lar oleate ry Loom
awl sprresatorrbeaimed tti • aed by over-exertion
of the brain, self-abuse or over•(ndulgenc.
Owe Ws .a,U eater rereot ease. syeh but non
War. n r,r month's treatment One dotter a be.
.e ax Morro fee ave fetor,, went by mail pre
gel 1 en ref -71p M price. tt ,• Nuarnntee alt
hoar. t.. ,-err ♦n, rase With e*rh order re
assts' it us for rla hilt rt. u. ompanled with
a.e dwlarc, we wilt .en.1 the purrhaeer our
wrlttea gearaetee to refund the .inn,/ UM.
lrwatnae•.t does nol.'fMet • Cele. einarwnteee
ta.ned Boots M aAAltae WItMw sols• author
and aatrerU4rerk'h.test. JOHN t' WRAT
e CI e.. set' prapAetors,erneon n (Int
Gray's Speck Iethcine .
?flab! MA*ETex fines•. TIMM MUNI
P.,OLMH &a-
eaur An un-
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A ea Oa- or IN emery. w,. envoi real
*its. %win i•. :.r Nark. biessecei of Vtxima.
,. L 1 = Preartar. .d.4mg,.&ad neat ether 41•sesua
sr b i L i f I.
- 71Mstea,) to i,'wwttr er •rm,ninp4 ,'n aced a
ptwe�cern gra. r. Rau put,rultn la see
1 6' •. F f V ppeaaml• Ap las. ooh+rn wg Awn to g -ed ((�m,� b
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For ails by