HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-16, Page 1GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 1883.
S.,. 44. crie.e.s.cis44..
J.i. Curet.
Mr... • deeds.- $. Sloss
War% WIIPV• J A. Keit. .
Lap ...Ie. -Juba (*.Claret..
Lar. -IL Annagres.,..
o kw*. 4.1. N. la,
• mosioLio(, 11,41R1)N DEN
tit . ria?. t) 11.9.4 I esal l.ae. Wi'.' sir,•44,
en. 14.040 b 1 ..v .l. 44 41 4 entreat. .1.4,1e -
o. 1161
Peopie's, li.olumn.
1=‘,11 1101131A1. LIM FIFTH
1,4 awn. hawses firdsbeiellajlelfirW.
e,Cuier• r. a Ow. eripi be es.
T see& by lower It sit this 1101-te
• Aft eLeliales• slimiest oar. will ours
Aare. )Thiseltala WM. r (114;ave, tor
new us Tuesday. April 314. sem .1 C.
initSALE OR To RENT. --A.
ossi beam hones sod two hos ea l'alas-
peers street the Mose nontalnieg 6 rooms.
eiseets" sad same In poet repair. flood wants
tied stahmel seesehei Es=allareunilY
as E. It. W.1..Peleeee.
11isa eme brisk home on Mertliet.,
4i...street, tura ed registn dice. a 0Pen
reat,.I. The hew, Is vary smigrenient, is
*Twirl yartekiolnia _Peeseesien fives on April
. Yew peeresses apply is 11. N. Davis.
AU persons ..6,1,4 i.... N.ih. sal. of
llanare for the coming liessuse year. ere here-
by *bottled thet their liaellaatinas wool be IR
tarn basAl• of OW Inseseser ea or Were the
k,- day of April neat neseeen Yates. LI -
craw taapseler. West Henna. Goderieh.
Marre tat, NIL
- -
P.ulbeslibish4e1 oIbe ewe., .4 the late W.
Mamma will please take no, los clot the
Nooks el sold estate lure been placed in my
staartle ter braredlate collection and that all
oartild Worsals "rag therein on thole*
hit.. will es that be seed.
Solicitor for Administretrit.
Aiderich, WO. , USI411.
Mr. J. C'. Cerra, has received isstruoticias to
• by auction on Thursday, lath of bilmeh.
1.10, en abs premises. that desirable farm be-
ing earth half of thateorta bait at lot 13. ooa. 3
Wrri( Wawancah. wintelatag * serve. more
4,- less. On the farm is a frame barn and
utabie. a good concrete bows., and Ara dams
• nechari A small rivulet rune across ase car
eer of the farm, it is situated on a geed gear -
el road within 2 lairs of Duurotase epA
about the same from the Nile. T
us dar of sale: dellissere 1.tea days.
sevired by Inn mortgage with interest at 4
Ise coat per saner. &ale st I oclok, pas.
I Richard Adams,
Londeihorough, M Feb. i Thomas J. Dell,
iMo-td. Executors.
IX- sump kers os • string. were found dar-
ing this week anti lett sr oils office. The own
er can bare theisa kigpay,..1 fur this advt. Ap.
Iry •t this sane.
WANTED, FOR S. B. /40. 15 ASH-
rl EL D. e third -ores teacher, duties to
`'sg4DTMIDitnia. sece!rocall,lishAil!. tr. to isityp
Dime about to rsinave in Wianivf, 1 hare
Wait i4 c. whr) came to me reoominend-
trust that Du Meads in the county.w give
biin tn it liberal support whioh they so net.
dy a..:eorded me in past years. 1 w I re-
main here until Int April and in the mesa -
tun * coodnct all mitre entrusted to me.
.1 u The reopte's A vette...pr.
Loans anb insurance.
ta•444 un frochual asurrity. AM to
lieu. ilwanens. biodencis. •
t 300.000 TO WAN. APPLY TO
Gale -
,IFF ea goad ifarator drst-ulass Town Property
•t per cont. AORIT to IL RALICLIM4:. 1/31
anassat salt borrowers at 6 to 64 per
°Dal. erivato fairer Apply to Sworn and
Illoireus. Go brick.
TL anionet ut PrLyate Puede for ism/lineal
it lowest rates oa drid-oleas Mortgagee. Ante
AI money to lead at ieweet rates, free or
say eons ur charges. AMAGER st• MORION.
lopite Colborne Hetet
erne. Ord Karol" MIL MIL
tie on germ mad Town Property et, &sweet to
tweet. Mortgages purchased. no Commasimi
*dread. Conveys/auto& Fres ressusethk.
N. R. Borrowers can obtain nioney In one day
11 16.. is satiedateary.-DA JOM'.
STON. Dentelare. to.. Gederissi. 1731
kb. !Ate sal Accident Insurance Agoat.
It -presenting dret-classCoaspeara. Alsoagent
ter the Canape Ltvx 'room IkatntAboult CO.
Mosey to lend on Mortgage. either in Toan oi
Pam Property. in an, way to matt Use borrow-
er. One--4upetairei Kay's Meek Gederieh
0, M.. Paysictae. Surgeon, A000ttobeur,
etc. °Moe an -I reaideara. Main streetista-
1...t.• IAN. SURGEON. inc., Graduate of Tr-
ost.° University. Lleectilepi Idle
tie nettey's deed. ant
- • 1
s Coroner Sc.
Street- second d
C. MACK' D, M.
Li.. Wen. Burgers and
of T at Came
-on . Vast la
office, 1701-y.
Payslolan.", Sargeoes. Arstenshars. Abn.
*We at Dr, Mammon's reekteass, sear the
prof Goderich. 11. C. frrattirow. J. C. Ilants,
BRITDRI ASK 00V, TOatizrro Establialie
PROM Tend. COlr, of L010,014 Ragland)
Netablished LIlL
If A ItTECIID LK& CO'T„.M Harcrroan, Coan
Ristaillitereabiriges a *eons Mora at
the lowest mote 64 TON.
Tbi such Appeaser fi'w the
Money to !ohm en &stadium seourity. corn
to 8 per Cone. - Charges moderate-
(ods' -Mi *on. 10. lag
disp4.,-,1 of ay solution boielnesot to r. James
Strapeb Anirnigs,
od, an I ..l.1 I am satisfied w I II the 13411- I
FA - -
:greet plain and ornamental immerse-
esta silver. ivory. pearl, asecutiql Crotty
and expeditionly. Deer pia 'mule
ad enrraved on shad
a.-ess. C. J. NEWMAN. =Let.
ureetiralaarraver be t he *ride.
4.--- -..........--.
rental,. reatandar II rooms WNW* h Palle
ILE Abase, leaseeearly sew, wity nye'
smite.: will be poid on restionsb,airrins.
Iry anrlig cense with wood Medan pilaw
\ guod I la en the premises. rot Airtime
I . Imre apply se W.A.14111111 AK Nowieseditreet.
. It77.
LI 76. caesura( TWIrria and Melliellieste, la
be tow.. of 9 wale ohesp.et ertll be
tautened for tarenrignieirr=tre
ielcito Ja.... Nkt
or J. C. COMM. illeNtemper. Is
A Gest claw Wick hoar, online ender the
whole beestr. sad 1] scree Wed on the Deg
dyivleg eat water os the peers -
1414 road, adelLtbere la a good *Wide aad
seg. for partioalars
auhre71114111Pousradells or to 3*..
' --
Mrs. Nolan eters ter pale the_ fOrithowiNy
priaareiv In the OMR Of ieriets. I ot 177.
the rad her =ger
Ill There is
steed repoir, *1 OM
cellar. hard and seet
further pa= apjer W
herr' hews la
- - -
mietaleireir that an min
eth." debted to
11 brume weber* •weenst are
Try wee iptearse at
7 nsesanin best -
noes. ARM M.
.1-1 premises of rhe solistvlber lot icon. R.
township of Colbo,-anot amen lastoknad white
dog with tan -colored Wed. The arose ts re -
}nested to MooPanyetlT. ping elisowes and
take It away. JOHN M Doc:MASAN Col-
Volt 8AL1L -THAT D111111411Le
nonwee, ognmillis=linalleft
two ime. The WWI 110
carried* bon" andre as* Ma
oviD4Infr. The with
roil Hwy. grew views s.
Ti,- terra. aunty fa Davison iowessen.
wareemeirs. Matt.
11t 0.1111 °erten of tbe swears end West
stret, Vav or Butler's t000kistorn.
money to len4 tit lowest eistee of interest.
1._A Attorneys, Solicitors in Meaner, dec.
Ooe In the Court House. Opierich.
Lrwia. M.A., D.C.I.. M. N. Lorin.
1 Taleable hewn a• the Shop
, with emery fit
sane sew and Wash this year. The
eaie nr to mt..
lers ether bodge= wliteestspee
the west et
slew ; two
sad sessfert
eel t
iestaine 110 be
an wed ea
*SA res• R.
RIRTERR, Attorneys, Relicitorn. oto
Goderfeh. J. T. Gamow, W. Promdfoset, 171
TURK &c., sto.. Goderich and Wiaghein
Camaro Jr.. Goderloh. J. A. Mortal, Wing
blue. UM.
V Banisters. delieltore ia Olussurry. &a.
aederieh and Wirehair. IL CI Ciainewin, u
C.; P. Holt.. M. G. dfaiseron. Goderigh. W. g
Mtwara. winanain.
of which *
In noecriebon suaday. Yebrt.ary nth the
wife et lir. lame 11.1wasily. ot • won.
In tloderlob, on igengny. March tyta.
wife er Mr. Thomas $e55& of • dargar.r.
Is Ooderich. on the nth the wise of 1:.
C. Mack. iChryeal Ulswil. of a ono
In Ooderieli. on Isanday. March flak. Ow.
wife of Mr. Alex. Strait, 4n, usti...1- mas-
ter, of • daUlibter.
la Brussel.. on leek. se b. the wife of Mr. H.
Driver. tot • dares: el.
la Bruesels. on Mend. ha, the wile ut Mr.
Arthur Veal, of • dauletnee.
In Brussels on rah. roe. Cho wife of Mr. W.
Ca/bick of a de mita er.
IS =els. on the 111. Inst., the *De of Mr.
IloCrarkes. of a daughter.
la 'Ws... on the evening al Wedareday.
roe. ow in. wee et the ne.. T. Gee. of
- eon.
la Conlerke. ut the name. on the °reshot a
Wedasaday, the lith last. by the Re.. J.
A. Turnbull, At A., A. MeNride. to Mary
ter of Thomas Wyatt, taq.. all of
1. Morris, ea the ea fang- by Mar. Mr. Welts.
et illyth. Janie. Purvis. to Annie Cult•
n ngbam.
In amoeba 011 Moak 7th. by Re.. S.
James T. C6.....to Aside Metteot
both of Grey.
lo arwlek townaloso Thursday, Mar 41
ark Joht Blipeleep Mdeeisp. aged le years
1 mark and Id IS.
la Goderieb teint ea Wednesday. March
168*3. William seeeld. aged Wyman.
"A chiers amens ye. takin' notes.
Anfaith bell preen le.."
Wanted. an saergetio, reliable Beau to era -
yew fur the sale of Owens andAewing Ma -
;tree. Address J. W. Wrathersid. Gods -
The premier liquor store iu G•mlerleb In
the Albion block, comer of soienoit.. and
thisere. The oboloeet ut limners are in lb.• cel-
lar and on tbe shelves, and W. L. Herten sad
has sersistent eon MI the bill ler courier.
The town ananapor• are walking to and
fro with the tiose-lionored tints's:. They
npurt a great amenity of dogs. if this
state of thing, continues some enterpris-
nig resident will bare to come. to the
trent with a kennel oe two, and rescue
the Norio tr000n 115 present "dog gourd"
• t't.
McBride, of the "Albien." *oddly re-
marked to n. the other et ening that the
• Wo., if it remains until the 2tith mai.,
will have completed a full fear mouths'
' term. Mao doesn't ponied to forecast
weather, but as a "ft...rob/Sector' he ten
discount any 4.05 else in the weather
Litanies' on our visiting list.
ST. PATIIICeliCHNCIDIT. -bt. Iletrick's
day -trill be celebrated in Godeeith this
year by a *meat iii the Convent hall.
Owing to the heavy lay of snow es will
have some difficulty in obtaining a sham-
rock for the 17th, but we can afi drop up
to The head of North at. ow Saturday
seeming, mid enYoy • nomical end literary
treat at the Convent hall. TieketApfor
sale at the bookstores.
Many of those who will oat, Minster
mrs and send Easter cards on 4,r about
March 25th, will net stop to think why
Feeler falls on that date, and if they do
bait, will give it up and take 'another
sta. Th. moon of Mars determines the
time. The rule is that East* shall fall
un Sunday after the full moon, which
comes after the vernal wrinex. In
1818 it fe41 is the 22nd of March, the
earliest daM possible. It will not fall
upon that dete again in this we the fol-
lowing century.
C. T. U. -The Stratford Advertiaer
mays "Ota lialsbath last Mr. hfcGilli-
middy, of Tun HURON Sionac, and Kee.
Mr. Gilpin addressed the meeting in the
Tetuporance Hall Both addresses wore
interesting 'told instruetiire, and, wore
listened te with great atteution by a
large audience ----Mr. McGillicuddy
spoke in the Baptist Church at the revi-
val send,* en Monday hut. His ad-
drem was earnest avid thoroughly
evangelical, and was listened to with
great attention."
Mr. John Byers, heretofore occupying
the positions of mate and pilot on the
Beatty line, having served both on the
Manitoba and Quebec, has been appoint -
.4 to the command of the Iron Duke
steamer, of Detroit. This appointment
shows the high esteem in which mariners
hailing from this port are held abroad,
for the Troia Duke, which belongs to the
Detroit Transit Line, is one of the larg-
est steamers on the lakes, and carries
over two thousand tons as her regular
load.- [Sarnia Observer.
FOR Manrrona.---A special passenger
train for Manitoba ak, Dakota will leave
Goderich s• Loon every Wednesday dur-
ing the mouths of March end April. The
sccomodation on these colonist trains
will Le first class in every particular. A
special agent will accornpany each ttain
through to Winnipeg to see to the com-
fort of passengers and the proper bond-
ing and clearing of their baggage through
customs at the frentier. For tickets and
all informatien apply to EL Armstrong,
ticket agent (1 T. R., Goderich, Ont.
Liam:novae 111 Pla.OVE31 soars. - Mr.
lf you order a tow down photos at SallOy. •
there L4 never any occasion for a nraniant.
The returning ottner at the gallery does his
business right. and gives the full number or
good photo" twerreise. And they'll stand a
soratiae. too.
Notwithetendingehe reports of unscruplous
stealers. Jeans deuitilen* Ren continue to
sell those &rap cooking staves. every one
alienated a prooddiakee, and warranted best
metal. A 1.1 14 thet cheap wall paper rill to
sell. "The cheapest hoses abdet the run."
Mr. Joyce, of Detroit, has returned to
Neat Sunday will be Palm Sunday,ar.d
the following Sunday Easter.
Mrs. Palmer hes returned from her
visit te the state of New York.
Mr. Michael Ferguson, tenor singer in
the Choir of St. Peter is seriously ill.
An excursion tram left Clintuu and
vicinity un Wednesday last for Winiii-
Petr. Taylor recently slopped a carload
of stock from Losidesbove for Winni-
and Mrs. Thom, of Montreal,
were the guests of Mr. Matt. Hutchisen
during the past week.
Mra. P. F. Walker, who has been con-
fined to the house for some weeks foal, a
severe attack of sciatica is better.
Mr. Ashton Fletcher, aa C.. :If
steel', will conduct the Crean business'
at the WWI.** t, be held in O•derich 4R
the 1th of April.
The ktiowing 'nes say that R. W. Mr_
Ker.zie, with his new flyer.eall melte things
sultry round the Square for the best of
the horsey sports.
Tne appointment 1 Js1:a Kauai, of
Guderich as NSW of the lat Division
("curt of Huron,in room 44 J. C. Currie,
resigned, has hewn gazetted.
Another ciiroival i billed for Wed-
neaday next. when a number of prizes
will be awarded for costume* and race.
Aearraza nut:a -An exchange cues
the subjoined as another of the many
phial; of defrauding the honest farmer ef
his heral-earned money : "A larsaer re-
ceives a circular thruugh th• nail stating
that a new variety of winter wheat has
been discovered, and that seed will be
furnished free 4,f charge until a good
ort.p 44 said wheat is raised, en cend.tion
that he wind 81 to pay for packing, etc
The dollar 4. emit and nothing mete is ,
heard of it."
Auermar Sate* Next week two im-
portant auction sales will he held in
tow. On Tuesday the household fermi -
lure, eto, of Mr. Frank Gibbs will be
sold, at the residence on Lighthowie
shiest. Particulars are given in adver-
tisement. On Saturday Mr. J. C. Currie
will clear out his aocumulatioos at the
Auction Mart en Hamilton staeet. The
stock 4 large end varied, and as he is
selling off without neerve before gulag
any PeleeTh,-
to Winnipeg, dies& wfll be sold
last. sales will be the
hold y in Gods -
rich, and he will doubtless draw large
crowds of buyers.
Tut BrerrAgan IhAasto. all the
towns where s newspaper is published
every man should advertise in it, even if
nothing more than a card stating his
name, and the hopitiess *3. 4. engaged in.
It not only pass 113. Annsetteer, hut it
lets people at a distance know that the
town you live in has a prosperous onus-
munity of business men. As the seed is
sown, so the fruit recompensea. Never
down your sign while you expect to
do business, fer it indicates that your
bunk:less ie poor and you are losing your
grip, commercially .peaking The judi-
cious advertiser will receive ten dollars
for every one invested in the wham)* tot
a live newspiper.
The Sarnia Observer says :-"It is un-
derstood that Capt. A. E. McGregor in-
tenda to go into business at Prince Ar-
thur.* Landing, as soon as navigation
Capt. McGregor made an excel-
lent record as captain of the Manitoba, tn. DttPireag'si Bireerfo Cots:axe -
last season, his skilful management of This coomart, held in the Teinperancts•
that steamer during the great gale which Hall on Tuesday evening, was well et
sunk the Asia having won for him the tended by a sole* audience. An attraf
admiration, not only of the passengers tit pneiramme was presented, and the
who witnessed his euedeiet cot that caeca- entire entertainment was voted a sesame
sion, but of the public :generally. His by Voile who *me. pretiset. Dr. Do
friends in tiarnia,and the travelling j.ub- Patudry shorted hi50sel4tei be a mastexof
lic who patronize the line, who would the instrument in his plane solos, and
have been plowed to hear of his re -en- his original waltz gave evidence of rio
*gement as mutter of one of the N. W. moan powers of composition. He. was
. Co's. lends, will regret the chengii: at very Isoftetabie as an s000mpanist,
- it is.to oar mind, rather on 1t -e 11SPPant
I side. He is a good maniac, and harea
Ipeculiarly droll way of pouting to empha
lain which hasa tendency t.: excite the
risible% of his hearers. At the close a
vote of thanks was posed to the rev.
geatleman to which he aptly ruspundsof.
The Stair was occupied by Mr. Stephen
Yate. is a highly satudectory manner.
The last lecture of the series will be giv
en en the evening el the I:0th inst., Nr
Rev. K B. Byakoman ILD. , subject, "Be
sure you are right ; then go ahead." which
promises to he one of the beet ever del)d
tired in (loderich
t WTI' AMY -I r•i• el the ..litest settles
in Godenah towiaship, Mr. Wm. McDon-
ald, died on Wecineedty, at the advanc-
ed sge ot 78 years. He was a native of
Lanarkshire. Scotland, and almost a
half century ago emigrated t. America,
Me spent a few years in the States, when
he removed to Canada, and. settled in
Goderich township upwards of forty
years ago, making his home at "Porter's
Hill." Here he cleared for himself •
fine farm, and earned the reputation of
being, a good noighbor. .kbout five years
ago he lost his wife, and sine's that
tune has lived with his suaarelear,
Mr Joseph McCuskey, a the
3e41 cote He had been suffering
foam paralyse Ito about six months, and
his death was daily expeetest for the
pest few weeks. On the lith anniveruery
of his beloved piutaers death, at the
same hour of the day, his spirit mace
fully palmed away. What adds to the
strangeness of the coincidence is that he
arrived at just the same see that hie
wife was at her demise. He was a mem
ism of the Presbyterian church, and
leveti the tiaras 01 3412 pester, Rev Dr
Cie. He leave% behind him three sera
and a daughter: Capt John McDonald
of the 33rd Batt., Wm. McDonald, ef
Galt ; James McDonald, who resides on
the old lesuestead, at.d Mn. Joseph
McCluskey His funeral will take place
Harry Clues& has been instructed to
place five panes of French plate glass,
61i x 37 inches, and three -eights of an
inch thick. in the Goderich light-
house. A new illuminating sppara-
tus, with ten manituoth fiat -wick burners,
will shortly arrive frena Montreal, mid
will give a light of an improved char-
acter. It is expected that the impreve-
talents will bo effected by the epening 01
navieation, and Mr. O. N. Macdoushi,
the affable lighthouse keeper, is exceed-
FJr partici-1v, Pee streamers. ingly pleas with the praspect.
Mr. James Cul, aif fioderieli Teel,. THE Rae CARNIVAL -The masquoiade
ship, recently sold a fine heavy • draught
brood mare t.. Mr. G. A. Cooper for
8325. There is money in good stock.
Tie lake captains who reside in Gode-
rich during the winter season are prepar-
ing to join their vessels at nn early day.
held in the rink on Friday last was the
mot sucessful of the season. The ice
was thronged with in:meteors, ani there
was a large attendance of spectators. The
costumes were varied, and some of them
were very good. Joseph Chambers, of
Clinton, as a Knight Templar, had the
even though, as we expect, it truly turn and we don • dot ' that his setwrices
out to his advantage.
Waratatee Beene -The Brantford E*--
positer says: A joyous corn pony assem-
bled at the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
S. G. Matthews this morning to witines
the marriage of their eldest deughter,
Carrie, to Mr. Charles Robson of "Car-
rington Farm," Riverside, Man. The
bride who looked charming in a very
pretty and beevaming travelling emitume,
was *Headed by her sister, Miss Mattie
Mathews, while Mr. Chita. Miller, of
Burford, acted in a similar capacity for
the groom. The ceremony was perform-
ed by the Rev. Mainly Benson in the pre-
sence of a large number of invited gueets.
Among thane we noticed Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Arnold, Ate (leo. Arnold and
Miss McCosh, Paris; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Matthews, Princeton ; Mr. Her•
rey Matthews, Toronto ; Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Lutz, Galt ; Mrs. Mirka.
and Miss Middleton, Rayfield; Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew, and Miss Miller, Burford;
Mies Smith, Fairfield ;• Mr. Geo. Shekel -
ton. Mr. Andereon. Jndge Jones, Mrs.
Meesmore, Mini Robinson, Mrs. Ben-
son, Cant. and Mn. Young, and Lt. -Col.
C. S. Jones. The bride and groom left
on the 10:18 train for the west, carrying
with them the very best wishes of their
numerous friends.
On Wednesday lest there wp consid-
erable excitement nniongst the curlers
down at the rink. A match owl nn the
tapis between that well•known sport Mr.
A. M. Polley, and M.N H. Horton, for a
Even a love "enter notivl *0 30 a:nil
lbest costume of the evening, but he ar- tees ef flour, to be donated to the poor of
at ast
rived after the judges lied alien their the town. For two nr three day:s ante -
Wo uadoeloantl that the trio of Gode- decision. The work of the judges was rior to the time set for the event A.M.!'
rich young iron, Messrs. Marsh Gordon, done very satisfautorily. The skating of could be found on the track -rinle we
Cheri* Davie and George porter, hove Mr. T. H. Robinson. champion amateur sleiuld say- - putting in good honest work,
r.sciled VIr•c:'"re:hiand.b. 0., on the of the Dominion, was a feature of the and so proficient had he become that
Pacific coast evening. Mr. Robinson is n graceful latterly he never had the "flng drepped"
skeane and his feats were deservedly rip- on him at the "hog score,- hut was dead
planded. Our local Aston, R. Wilkin- sure of sending his dyer down the hetne
son and .1. bloOullaangh, also went stretch and "crosetng under the wire"- --
through some manoeuvres, and wero well or rather, placing it dead on the "tee'
received. The following are the prize to the malefaction of his friends and the
winners : --Mies Bluett, "Gypsy Queen," consternation of the backers of his oppo-
1st priest ; Ur*. Seie{er, "Norigprody Pea- nent. Well, when Wednesday last Raffle
sant." 2nd ; Mr MoCullough,"Highlrue Polley was en the rink when the jedges
der." 1st ; Mr. Smith. 'lurk," 2nd ; rung the hell mill up the 'darter*, hut his
Lottie Vanderhp. "Shepherdess," lst ; opponent was nowhere visible to the
Katie Ball. "Flower Girt,' 2nd ; Walter naked eve. After waiting vainly for the
appearance of Herten, Pelley decided to
go over the course leisurely and claim
the match by three etteight heats- best
Mr Theniaa Whitley , mine hest of the
Western, has returned front Warwick,
BE Or morcrItsAL
MURPLON. • • r,Ooton.
alklierich Branch.
Ir. CLAIN e.•..ere
Allow* Interest oa deposits IWO', lett,.
ot credit eat aired* metes tweed, tinyah
Wall porta of this morWl.
- - .
r" 410 "4,484 *ff,000,o0t)
Rme. . • $F,400,000
resinsient Nite.V. Wit 1111•1111ABTRR
Chereca Messopr, • ir. re ...e.reedoseo.
Goderich Branch
A. If MIR, Moo at.an.
istsroot oibiwrrt es emeatia Deana res
therinelpel Towns ited Cities In Oantsda
Winos and tan Gaited Maths, hough
sad said.
mirsioposio Person os mom& with GOA oft
meI ossomissa mums siorisiro. its
Mich. amid
ilgesITKAILL, AR0111Titer, R
KIMI=mat.. Celts
1Ze‘ealirsn' e
enI N. wit mansab
where he attended the funeral of the
little son of his brother, Mr. John
Whitley of that place.
Mr. Robert Crnckott, artiet, GF Hamil-
ton is the guest of his aur:t. Mrs. Robert -
non, Waterloo st. Some lcry tine sprat -
mane of tie nrt are •m exhiljaieti at
&guilders' -Views of Venice.
Messrs 1' al .1. P. Fisher last week
shipped; thra* mar lesalof 11...4 to the Idar'k• "Pop C41111." bt ; "uttr "'die
Kidd. "I rishinan," "Potato Race,"
lame eurnber f horsey aiming the year,
Angus McKay, "Berrel Rase" A. I&
being importere as well as exporters..
Kay Fnney Minting, T. H. Robinson.
Mr Frank Locke, formerly of 1;ode-
noh, and for several years meaaange., Among the other mitsgeers who appeared
' on the iee were the ("flowing -
Ilse Bank of Montreal, in Guelph, has 43_ Lois
essinger, am ; Mita Fleet, Dolly Vat -
den . Mimi M. McDermott, a country
maiden; Mies Lonnie Seeramilter. A Bride;
Mite Alice Ferguson, A Bride; Miss
Little,81.. Valentine ; Georgianne Medan,
Queen raf the North ; '.lies s
Daughter ; Mrs. Harrisnn,Queen Ano.;
T. Raid, Humes ; Mks Reid, Dutch
Woman Orace PnI1., Olney ; ZVI% Wil•
kinsion. Fairy; Hattie Smith, Widow;
Fred C. (1rofts,Rpanish Cavalier of 1 fith
°tottery ; 11. n. Arnold, Clown and
Rel : A. R. Headerdbin, Fairy Cog;
; .1. Reid, Pie *alto,
Wm Evan., ',dims Chief ; Fred Oral*
Prim* 04 Denmark Rolst.
A Bain 04 170* Ceetery; ins. Clieveliere,
Clinton, Knight Templar; R.I14. Ilestkay
11, o-hivetri Rover, Rob Rey
United Stan,. This firni lintidles a Smith, "Oo onel of 33rd'. Oolitic, Mr1..
retied, and accepted the management
ef new Western Hotel m that city.
The pulpit of the North et. Methodist
char* was occupied by Rev. W. Haugh.
of Hayfield, un Sunday hurt, in the aln
woos of Item. J. Wakefield, the pastor,
who, we regret to state, ie still suffeneg
from oollotio indispoait
Our cid terwienum Mr 0. IF Dunsford
taking _part in the winter sports of
Nelson, Nan in the Monsitoariecr of
Noss11.11tb his name Isom sonsgst the
sooSilsdlows fa a two ss Magi* nee.
g_.41114 sot, however* owns is reboot.
We Who wiry lor AWN owes to dm trent
in the rase, hot wo Asset boom the man
if b. wnl.' ^tee to the trent
will to the future be @elicited in.. that
capacity at local coneette. Mn.
Fletcher sang "Our Jack's Como House
To -day" in a very expressive meaner,
and Miss Smooth proved to be ahem/cite
with the audience in her sun & "A Bird
from fTer the.Sea," and "Josephine to
Napoleon." Miss Cook introdooed two
very pleastng airs to a 41aelerieheudiesios,
"Only • Pansy Blosecen" being especially
new Mn. Elliott sang very sweetly,
but we wuuld leave preferred to
hear her ni some of inose simple airs
which she sometimes gives in soexcellent
a manner. Miss Radeliffe heaspcnchfan
for oprratic relections, and throws her
self ardently into the spirit of her part
In the French duett with Dr DePeudri
she was very well received, and the pair
got a well-deaerved encore Mr. F
Bond captured the house in his cancer
tine sola, but in his singini, he lacks die-
tinetness of enunciation and is at • dis-
advantage, notwithstancling a sweet
though not powerful Ton*, and a sympa
thetio manner. Mr. k Saunders was
rather unfortunate in not holding the
words of "The Man Behind the Plow.'
His get up was suggestive. and he wan
in excellent voice, and the piece is one
that he can do full justice to. fir- did
very well in "The Outlic:," and with a
little attention to clearness 14 mrticula-
tion ha will bo a Flinger much above thee
average amateur The leetruniental
duet ef Mr A. B. Hotolerioll,
and DePeudry, piano, was heartily re
ceived, and them gentlemen, oasist
ed by Mr. F. Bend :an the flute, ale.
gave a trio. Miss L. Carey la one of the
mist promising amateur pier rates in town,
and her duett with Dr. I)oPencley Ira*
very creditable. Her neouspaniment of
Miss Radcliff...and(' was noticeably good.
We ceagratulate the beneficiary end him
Resistants% on the swamies of tato oormert
Ooresitaeit Vtl. Maseolere.----A ourlum
man*was played et Meaforlle is the 7th
last., two risks each fur tho Qoustig
modal, resulting in favor of (Weil& by
one Rhot . as follow•
Ittwx2411;No.AMI. "41
JR.1441sKileipt4r0..rdi. ,
A. 11-th...Mv.mooreount sr.
(weC°I..14°)arenne".y. Akin LJ.
440.y.17nan.. skip. 11.
11. C. Rtratibaai.
threw in five to harness, with 'MK 'Meier- !LINNo 2-
nooks, overshoes, top met and big mite Sheen,' Dihmaria,
thrown in for match weiohte. Mr. Polley itiiionrht„,,7' J. St neon.
is new open for enzagemente during the lea. McNair. skip Ws. It. I'ornIron, alk. p V
balance of the curling *poison • catch it. On the f4th inst. a match was played
at Ninghem between that eltib and
tLeeruaa. Tho eoc,,nil lecture ‘,1 the Oodrrich. rano rink techend resulted in
emirse artier the nitspices of the 101051(9. favor ef tliaderich liv et shots, as fol
ment of North St. Methadist. chunk, 1:evs
was delivered on Friday seeming last, by
Roc. W. MeDesagh, of Clinton. The
subject was "Cent in Science and hi
Religion " the Snit pert of the lec-
ture, the speaker vsatuired somewhat be-
yond his i0*, mid rasher mystified than
rtslighloormsd she how portiwt el the *e-
dam" lot as silo hoer rad at tito soh.
jest --owl in voisioa-Ito soosotai to he
sow at Mork awl sosoadwid dor weir
-- by bio bosilsosse of
(wilOgnirlft •oistOtthat
Thee Heel. Neeleada.
11. W. Meyer.
?tor) All.. *101, Kest.
(' A. M1112510514. skip :(1.1. Mosley, skip in
Newhaven, March 11. • In a leoture
hero Rea Mr. Dyke, secretary
.4 the Nee Eugland 1 v orr !tams,
League, said there te now an average rti
440 divorcee in flonnecticatt a. year,
again* 81 in 1313 The iimrsisee.
the everwmheig pmep of basswes trothor States is also greet °vet. Sit
sad Asses& Tbr Ise brourorb is *___nil woolso dio yearly fmte, tio
0.4 tdvilrwr.WW•••• oat *see • a• Weisel to dew? .1 hro.r, 41)104r4f45