HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-09, Page 71� 1'Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MAR. 9, 1888 7 .alai is t1M rfltfser• dry towel. Lukewal nt water i. Bub Burdette,tu the Burlington Hawk- titan add or hot if the skin is e s, make, the fullowiug characteristicto be 'ruder lir chap. .ketch : "We were ata r.ilroul june- tiva one night last week e. ,ting a few beers for a train, in the waiting roomy in the utjly rotating chair, trytng to talk a brown- yed boy to sloop, who talks a great deal when he wants to keep awake. Presently a freight train arrived, and a beautiful little uld woman carne n, et- .orwd by • vreat big German, and they talked in German, he giving.h,r edlident- ly luta of iufurmation ,llTl i alto rimte n e was going, and ternhj her I aggage check, and oel4111414t- tetter inchntd }touseholb Hints. The,. is uothin,t which will gt,u such lightness to ginger bread as the use .d lune cream; nae cup of sour cream. with w te.epoliutul of twee to sweeten it. with a cup of molasses, a teaspoonful of ginger and flour enough fur a stiff tatter, snake nu excellent breakfast cake. 'fila ie east whed warn., but is good when cold also. the'ei1 r ,'prow away even a small piece lir Torchon ; it wilt not feu enure time. (hot way to use insertion is t.. set them in her on the arm. At first ,lir United seams of children's aprons t lutea baby, who did tial understand orsecvdreaeesto,enodowntthne hawetry k et bits tilaorof ssrlarge hei. 1 r Certnnq, was tickled to hear them talk, „„sou of pi•iue, with .• -tripe of insertion and he "snickered" at Elle leveller a udd tl.reu h the centre. of the language that a t4ier spoken. A wee w f to pnt•.tre a fig cake is t The great big mal, put his hand up t.. llrsrlee" a' IVO, round loaf Nike. This the good old lady's cheek and quid seine slnl'1'dI.1 becut in lightthew arand ettsch. or Wehen it u co, lites : fur great ins" eucouragin', and a at Li C tear this }•'u 'dust have a pthin and very sharp 't 1.,,e.0.1 as Itt a ca'be'r eg'i li", °''Aft iia said, Ing, with the es chopped hie and cook - wore to her eye, an hat•py as a queen. Thr whored duwu flow itI knife, and mast exercise great caro not f11illr*ttMOMlicea. Between thew lay- iiswoatt ling made of boiled frost. "Pape, it is his mother ' We knew it led for two er three mieetes in the frust- w'.,but how should .four-year•.Id sleepy I eng. The top may ,he fisted with plain • baby, that couldn t u:e.l°t''sttal Gcrma,,, frosting, ar it may be omitted altogether; toll that the lady was the Lie mites ''.other, and we asked him how he knew, a d he said': "uh, the man Wan no kind er." The big than to ho the rocking l , ff ehair to the old. rifle). give entire sateaction an. �f I are 'n- and presently the man carne in with a bat gage man, and to him -he spoke English. He said : "This is my mother, and she does nut speak English. She is going to Iowa, and I have got to gn biek on the next train, but 1 want you to at- 1e.id to her baggage, and sen her on the right car, with a good seat near the cen- tre, and tell the eee+duotor she's my mother. And hero is a dollel• for you and T will d., as much foe your .tether some time. The 1•agga.e' man grasped the big m.it's hand with the ethyl 41.•1 1./0110t114t the little Gerinan, and he talked of tore trading. buying ted aelling every- evriything that showed he was a live bustnese man, ready for any speculation,' fro:n buying a yearling cult to w crop hops ur barley, Tb.waaad. ase Me. Mr. T. 11-. Atkins, Girard, had., writes : 1 never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my eustomets, pid *ellen." Electric Bitters are the purest and test medicines known rind will punitively cure Kidney and Liver corn- plaepta. Petrify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be witbout.tber. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's. bills every year. Sold et fifty cents a bottle hy .1. Wil- son. (3] and tt�.a}ins a busy one and at timessTui b herr. w disappointed, hard roads ; but with all of his hurry and excitement he -was kind to hie mother, and we laved him just a little, and whet,, after a few minutes tilk about business, he said . "You must excuse me ; I must gn in the depot and see if my wether wants anything," we telt like taking his fat red hand and kiln- ing it. Oh ! the love of the mother is the tame in any language, and it in good in all languages. The Mad etResbsada Clasen" de With- out. Above all things shun the society of the lazy roan : for lie is fit for nailing, except to sleep; eat, building castles, and .flreim of :Infold wetiltlt, bpj noose' mirac- ulous wonder, he is mnmenrarily ex- the best lives are those rejected by the petting showered upon him. He is a insurance offices, he thought nevertho- leesthat persons with "a screw loose" alursoften attain longevity than those in whom no trace of disease can he de- tected. lataalaary 111 -beds`. Among the papers, says St. .hon•4 (4,1:- ette, lett heiied hien hy a German physic- we s . weed w.w.we•. rod all wllseN RAM sears.. PhosF,hatine, or Nerve 1'..s., a Phos- phate Element baste' upon Scteetigp Facts, Formulated by Professor .lustin, M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures l'ulmou- ary Consumption, Stek Heredachu, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting disnarea 4 the human system. Phosphatide is not a _`•fedecine, but a V utrin'••ut, because it e•,tltrine 110 Vegetable e'literal Poisons, Opiate's, Nlrootics, uo Stimulants, but situp, ly the Phosphatic and Gartric laetuonts found in our deity food. A jungle bottle 1s sutlicient to cunvirue. A11 1)rngs(Iats sell it. 51.00 per battle. l..,w a,r.v .\ Co., role agents f .r the D•u.,nu in, )1 Front Street least Tur.,ut.' Alves Awar• We cannot help noticIin tL., ltberel offer made to all invalids and Helmer* by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption. You are retreated to call at Wilson's drug store, and get a'I'ri:al Bot- tle free of cost, if you are suffering with Consumption, Severe Conejo, ('•,ids, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, 1.:sr of Voice, H..arsunese, or any .'lection of the Throat or Lungs. It will positrrely cure you (S) A General Kawpede. Never was such a rush made fur any Drug Store as is now at \Cileou's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. Kiug•s New Discev- ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds.. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Won- ehitis, Hoarseness, 4evere Coughs. or any affection of the Throat and rutin, can get'. Trial Bottle of this tn'eat reme- dy Flail- by :Ailing .at, above Drug Fiore. (4) { Mr. N. (I. Dean dCharletuu.Ont..:aught a rears cold. In a few,day, the s mptoma be- cause eolfke to those of console Ion that he and his friends Inseam" alarno' of the ulti mate remelt Ills phyaiciun who thought more it his patient's w alt*re than of the "eti- quette eti-quette of the profession.' recommended It}. , N'ilson'.Pulmoaary Cherry Daimon as the very beat remedy known to human skill, and 31r. Dean on taking It was Ina very abort time restored to health, 1t is a ge ui ne pleasure to retet to such wonderful. curer as, this in these days of ggnaekery and of ' profenduual eti- quette.' ;an who died a few weeks ago is one con- taining notes of tet-taid conclusions be VICK'S had arrived at during n professional ex- perienol' 4 more than f•'rty yearn. In one of these notes he eipresses an opinion that at twist a third of the ill- nesses of the patieota who sought his ad- vieyy were purely imaginary. a .Hetktyrd it nut only against hie in- terest, nut also against that of the self - alleged sufferers, to destroy the Manion hy informing them that there was really n.. cause for anxiety. 111 health was to them a matter of vital importance. To destroy the pleasing be- lief that they possessed this blessing was ati absolute cruelty. In the few instances in which he broke tb them the terrible truth that they were quite well he found that the result was genuine illness. For the patients all in.: terest in life departed with their favorite occupation ..f nursing themselves, and their health became seriously affected by nervous depression. 1- Tie &Teo found -liar. as a rule, weatty petaens live loager than strung ones. I Without wing so far as to say that FLORAL GUIDE, For ItlIDis an Elegant ,k..sk of rot P..tes.3 Colored Plates of Flowers and Yt•getable-pss. aid more than 1.060Iilu'testiow of the chole Flower% Planta and Vegetable.. and Di- r ections for r('owing. it i. 4.bawdsome enougb for the entre Table or a Helidsy' Present. Send on your name and Post Oilier, .dense. with 10 setts. and i will :send you a only. pos- tage pais. This is not a quarter of its eat. It is printed in booth Knelled) and Genian. 1f you afterwards order suede deduct the 10 eta. ''ten's *Weiser? the Renese the w"erid t The Ft,oaAL Wring Mill tell how to get an& grow them. - `ICa'aFLOWER ASP V FIia'TA II LE I:.(HnatN, 175 Pages, 6 Colons/. Plates, 3'10 Engravings. For 50 cerate in paper , oven : 11.00 to elegant cloth. In Herman or E ngilslr. V!ca'e ILLA•a'r!Q-1TEi MONTHLY MAGAZINE. -72 Page., a Colored Plate in every number and many flue Engravings, pPrico Sl.25 a n Nem - year: :sentFiveoot 0 eentilcies for ; 1 0 trial ropier for cents. .TAMES VICK, Itoeheeter, N. Y. McCOLL BtiUS & CO. TORONTO_ MANtTF.A.C'1'.LrRERS ti ,..peat in society --a disgrace to the human '7 ' lace, and a bore in wretal, You may salt his coffee, sugar his beans, make. up daces at him, stick pine in his .eat -tail, put wasp nests in his bed. throw cold water in his face, before be is up in the morning ; subject him to every earthly PeweapINy (Rewarded. A poor lad, for several years while he was apprentice, used to pass a certain abuse in your power ; but ,for heaven's store every morning as the church clock sake, and for your own. never marry opprsitestruck six, and a very precise him ! No matter how handsome he is old shopkeeper was always taking down no matter how rich he may bo--uo the store shutters jest then. matter how polite, agreeable and e'ndee Each bowed as Joseph passed, a1)d each cending-no matter how much he says said, "Good morning, sir," and beyond this they never spoke to each other. be levet you, don't you marry him un Suddenly the old gentleman died, and Less you wish to becomes menial drudge, the young glen found ho had left him the whole of his bO11iness. Punctuality and diligence had commended itself to the merchant, and the once poor appredtice? became a rich man and poaseesol'..1 vast wealth, which' ho used to God's glory and the benefit of is fellow oreaturem. black kis beide, cook his dinners, wash his shirts, resod his Botha. nurse the children, clean the house, alternately and simultaneouily, whilst your hazy hus- band is shut up in the parlor, enjoying his forenoon nap, Ir studying a work on agricultnre (whick he is very careful not o experiment from), without a thought or Gare for what you may he doing. And now, girls, take my advice, and never throw yourselves away by marry- ing one of these scamps, who infstevery place, and all society, more or les, at the present day. Mow se Hawes re Mds• Composed largely of r iwnered Mica or 1 n - glass, IstbeMUST and CHEAPEST 141)nca- prom the work i - the LEST ST boeu use It dere fMet gen, but terms a hlrhiy polished ear- face urRaoe over the ante, reducing friction and l tentenina the draft: !1 CM[AP[fT1>a: e*li a it costs NO MORD then Interior Ibranes, and one boa wilt do the work o euro of any other make- A:a,vepi as we:1 Mr Harvesters. Mill ueu:lu;. '1 hr. bhtag Fat •slant c',,•ru-I' latcre . arrlagra Doggies aa'or Wagons. GUARANTEED to. cereal n NO Petroleum. sold ty a It dralers.I fir Our Pocket Cyelmodia lir TAu.ea m wit Knowing mailed tree. MiCA MANUFACTURING CO. 223 Hudson 8t.. Now York. Cleveland. ). and Chicago, 40. SAMUEL ROC& RS ACO. Toror to,Ort. :o••.t: 'rr"tr! t ., LAI%DINE OIL vel• CYLINDER CIL. Ci1:nAl.ttsa. - A name well known in onnectirm with the Hair Renewer,which estores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m Four Medals curt three diplomas awarde them last year . cleading Exhibi- tions. inthe Dominion An OAsia in the desert is no brighter ,light to the wandering Arab than a bottle of 1». Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney "How am i to whiten and soften rig Disse . It tris 1a perfect, bpw,liti e. end hands t" is a question that is asked. by a , llederich. 2m on ,rrespondent. Doubtless one way to do this is to avoid doing the work which Thousands bear witness to the posi- ttas made your bands rough and dark, •owe curative powers of the Geese clew - bat often this work may be done with Ieut i'y1OORATOR, the only remedy that mesh rare that the hands will not be in- has proved itaell I we specific , forimgen rel jured. If one is ebads;ed to sweep her ddte. ht i all dieesaes that arise from ,elf- h•*nae, to empty the ashes from grate to abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending stove and to wash dishes, she cannot et in ronsu[aption, insanifa and a Mem*- . MANUFACTURERS And all men cunni':. ,n tebineryy will save money by using our ails. Our LARI/INK marl CYLINDAR OIL has no equal. Facia speak louder then worse, and the public canned nut that the foregoing assert buts are tn1e. by try ing one sample .0 ouar . Oil torices etc.. on al/ aic on leBoll Bros & Co Toronto. pect to keep her hands as white as tats hands are ; but, if she takes the prima- . tion to put on • pair of gloves or mittens wham elle sweeps end is doing dusty work. one cause .1 rough skin will bn re- unwed. Then there are safe prepare- , t i ,ns which one may nae. Powdered. _ ___ .- -- - - - horse is alcelle.t to whim the akin. A 1 MAITLAND H(Yi'RL, GODKRICH The Laraine is fit sale in Goderich by R. W. McKENZiE, G. H. PARSONS, C. CRABB, and D. K. STRAICHAN. 1a35-3 tare grave bold by I drowns, or will he tent free on receipt of •l. o0 per tai, or six heves for N. Address F..1. CRIMEN. Toledo. Ohio, sole agent for the Vatted States. read for cirealar d rtestimonials of [Mleilse ewes. Gen. Rhyriae, Grler-ich. Ria mai t t oA which is eRtd to . , aMv. neLase" flrml 1M Mae,,,,. char to for undue perspiration of the bands is ; the Rahway ae$ esewvrwtewt N the l telt, 's werwied MI ?taper O.tark,. fee eemw- made of 'quarter of m ounce of pl rwdltt fort .,• •1 a«erredtflmw• 1e heated by HotI ed alum, the white n! nee egg and Atr. t enough bran to make *thick paste. kf es .stems ta'r'e. singfesY SAMh ter washing your hands apply this ; let it as town sad mVeeil � t�w� inewe, ak- remain on your Wanda for two or t �� Mendes. and thew wipe off with a a e M a at» cure 1 ONT. a IN NRTH A ' ERICAr f POM Throat and Lung Oise". D'.`WI LSON S PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM Would have Prevented Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. Two Bottles In One, 40e. .1. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL efts AR tUtmrte to deeee I Liens+ SIS atm (aft dlanly t+M RawweMweR �fUSIP► riwtn, t� rote RHEUMATISM, Deerefgia. Sciatica, Lr abate, Backache, Soreness of the aIsf, Gout, Quin37, Sora Throat. dwell- ings and Sprains. Burns and 3idds, Genera/ Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Needarbe, Freest, foot and Ears. and ell odor Pains and Achas. ,pals a► forms en. Pe rr.,e.- -. • sate. a.rr+. al r to oat .Ries/ newel s c.tens M an SO tge es••.ti 01•101•1. ruin!*4 mS ( sets. .d row? oft .ehm roti Nin trvs ebwP ass psalm pee return•. M lone' tele leach SWIM PE 41$''I11AND1181LEU 11/1)13 r. V OGELER. k 00.. aaersswe.s. ld.L. f7- S L •ran. r.. '• . .•a.•••r-u W Lot, r'.. .J'Y.1.1.) IUB REMHDr FOR CURING CONSUMPTION, COUGHS. CH AP GROCERIESI S W F T Brg. to aun'uie•i u. the people of Goderich slid this section of Huruu, that h' ha• purehwoed from Mr. •\. Phillips his stock til U:,wuries, etc., and will c..adieus he bur.iness in the ,:Id stand, on the Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. Having bought tqe goode for cash, and aa I °.tend to intik° all n.y purchases f r n • wholesale men for r..bli .leu, 1 will be iu a p'wition to sell at Very L..w Prices for ('ash 4y sGwk will always be fresh. I will keep the best trends of teas, getel sugars, lid everything in th grocery tie from the hest producers. Raclin, Spictd Meat. ,alwayys no hand in se•ssou. 1 set delermn.ed to. pleaut, both inquelity and price AIR•Call at the etaud, Victoria, street, op•.•ite the Fair Ground, near D. K �tiIChsu's mach..shop. • ...feria), March 4th, 1882. JD- SWIFT._ extensive Premises and Splendid Nt:1'•' Stcck. G. BARB `= GABINET MAKER ANFJ UIDERThKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. .1, good assortment of Kltthen, Bed-roow, Dining Hoorn end Parlor Furniture. such am Ts bles,Chaim lhur Bane aid wend n.'tlt•di, Cupboards. H„I-.t(adN. 51 alt r.:r.•'. tta 1 -.tar lo ungenand.., nand. $. hat -Note, Looking Glasses. N. IL -A eomplete easottment of Collins and shrouds elsaye on band frlre 1'..... - at reasonable rate Picture lemming a etwelalty -A' tall solicited 11:,1 BOOTS&SH0ES 'Be • I. ant;,, ' u'r to the P.eblic oast th. y Lute u. elicit Lrsia.c.s in lht in tl.0 stone h,•uly oc.'upi•ed by 1. era.e N. t, 11. Hasiiw- mirelessuel :• Isere) uud well assorted stock of.Spriug and Stoup, e r (i, ndr at clrwe f t i s, O c Nit t drrrr:rsiue d r. Bite the i'nblic rhe IKmatit. QUICK SALES & SNAIL PR OFITS WILL BE .OIJR 11OTTO COLDS, ASTHMA, 0KOUP, All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and Pulmonary Organs. NY ITN ''AI IHFI, 1 1, 1 CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CVItEO Who,. ether Remedies and Physielens have failed to effect a cure. Recommended by PH islriA,A. MINISTERS AND KV SOPS. In (net by everybody who has given tt a goal trial. It never fails 10 bring As an EXPECTORANT it has no Egnia, It is barmleseln the Mott Delicate eked. '21 eentNns no (I,'rr'JM (n any Fon,. Zireetto^s areo.rlpanl eels bnti7e. Por sale by all 1)ruCride. rah-Plesee call and examine ..lir go . It before purcksrire tit. w Lt etee•R ,member the place, next door to .1, Wilson.* Drug tete... ea -Custom work will 1eceive our ai eclat attentiu'. •)r.rNnne but the Leat of material used told first ciate weekuto 1: '.ui.l••�.,t. �l'lL'pairiug ueatly done ou the .le .t• •••t inn{1i,.. ':,,terich, March's. IV12. DO rV 1 I\ IV (..-, 8 . VY tDDU P Wasstairs 7 rue Friend. A friettl in nee.sl is s friend indeed. 'I"as none eau da,y, especially elicit as- s'1'ance is rendered when one is .incl} , fiicted witTtt dis,:.nt, more particularly those c..tsplantts and weaknesses so c"tt - 1 tam to our female pe t:elation. Every nnan should know that Electric Pit 'ere are wmmen's true friend, and will 'i:ely restart her to health, etmt,, hen all other remedies fail. A single :sial alweys prgv.•s our aaseetion. They 're pleasant to the taste, and only coat -fifty cents a bottle. Seld by James Wil s..le. 121 Uncle Tom. A Waled css[Sywea. liven 'the patience of Job would he- . le ezhsueted w'i're he a preacher and udeavoring to interest his audience 'hile they were keeping up an incessant Ilyhing, making it impussihte for him to he heart. Yet, how very •'a:'v earl ell :hie be avoided hy simply using Dr.' '.ies('s New Discovery for Conatimption, oughs and Colds. Trial Bottles elven w .y ; t etrue, store. 2) arta / Theusrneeof Morn i nanua1ly rubbed Or1heti "tct3,tss.!lrre prrkrngnd. happtnese 1-1.1 he:4111 r•' -tired bat the ours oftheg-rent ;ERMAN INVIGORATOR O, positively amt permanent y curer into --+temey reamed by excesses of any knot., sinal Weaken**, and all diseases thi L fol• 0. as a Peg nenee of self -Abuse, as loss of yr,- . ay, n-.,ty, loss of oemory, ueivor.al INARifttde. J-1110 the lack, dlrnnesie of vision. premn- e old age. and litany other dimwits, that nd to insanity or oensumpti.m and a plrne,- • aro grave. Send for etrcalars with testimonials tree 113- , y, :ail. The INv19elsTea is sold at SI tier • ..x, or mitt Mizell for $6, by all draggle's. or ill be sent free my mail. securely seal' •!. •et. r. -cc let cf price, b��yr�Raddrvnudng. T. J. CRNY.Y. Druggist, 131 Summit St., Toledo. :Min OW. IturnAs, Hole. AKrnt for (lnderiel'. 17112::::MAE'S WORM POWDERS. Are pteaaant t., take 1'matain their own Purgative. T. a site, ,ire, sui carers.) destieyer.t wormer in Cbildrertor&dolts. COI f(;1 L BAit l ASA M. TI r arra' 11111, rrno to also or valuable an [Aim, to ''roup. Mrs. Quints. Weloisgton-st.. 1:ru..tfuav: eny.: 'Y.te "1 1l.,% e,ilchell WILK se red wiry, en elarrnirg attack or 'Chino, as the child gut bhu'k in the Mee I was frWi lcn- lid 110,1 ran in for iq peigbber, Mrs. t;'Flish, who linde0 tu.r .1 hook of 'Dominica, Y ough l'alsam', w-hit+Mr. Fmglish. had been rasing (ur torn lune.. The ars( doer gave complete relief, 1 soon gave another, and Very . ab, rl ly the child was all right and at play. I sent for a Lottie to km p in the Mom tut l hdicvr it wits flu' means of saving nay child'. life." J•ru9gi3!,r sell if. " 55 Cents perifottlr a. TM/SCOTT .A Co.. Kole Proprietor.., Bran' ford, Ontario W. J. C. Nafte1, e..l- Agent for Godes i' h. A week uwle Nit home. 1.y 11 in _natrh.us. I1°alhusippass now M- fon: the public. Capitol. laic• eel. We will Mart } uu. Mets. Wu- _ , num, hays and girls wanted every- wl.ere to work for us. Now in the time, You can work in spare titre. or rive yonP whole time to the hilar+s. - Nn oilier otaiu laid to ill My you nosey .o well.. No eui make, enormous pay. by engaging at ,ince. ('o liy outfit and terns* free Mine'' tondo fart, easily. and honorably. Addreas'i's' r: d Co.. Auguatn..`.laine. ANCHOR LINE. UNITE:D STATES SIAM STE.%SiE TIS Sail Weekly to.ind from aiew YORK .1N1,11LAPOnw, VIA 141NImINIKRRY l.abtn l'assage, 811/1 e IMO. I let nuns. 6110 Millie. Secon 1 ('.1,i,.. ton. Return Tickets, 1;.;. lteenet n paeo•n,rere booked at low rates. l'ass,ttmger aeeoDlun,lat ions one set 11• .1. d LI. 2TATRR0011114 ON 11,1A1?' DFCK. Paeseneers booked at lo next rat. m to or from Go ruuu.y. Italy, Norway. Sweden. lien murk, die. F'er Book of "Tours In icentland." linty:., flans d•' apply to tll•:NDEII1IDNe 1w 110111F:1:S. NYork. WiLL CURE I ILiOt DYSPEPSIA, INOIOESTION, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, Arta every 111013,411Wn Clot ena OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS. DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEW, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS or THE SKIN, .f erMme• wrest.'M Orem 1001.1111111, OR OR NA00. T. ilia u t �. ^''°''=aero SALSA HALL'S c -•-r , ...C. l 1 ATARRH i URE ,. . 1. x-_4.. :.:_a-.. _ .. < i-- 0.1i la Itee.ann:',iled h. p -T.44. 1'• C U "R. 12 e`. d.tarrh o1 eat Masa! Ciotti oro , Catafltt `i fir. 1 ye or 111,,u, INTTER•.ALLY es arts 0,11 t'i1,. Cater Rlnnd and Meccas .`:are. •t ,,t System. .1 + tee best 8,0.,1,,,•,1 . m the W../01_wooe,4 Is o 1 .. that is themed fir It. 1..1 THAI. :dune • TII ONLY Ill [EMIL CORE I:';? I' ':'RN ear rr Trail 51,tt%• _ t $ 100 Wear SA1 :sr lay c' ' ; .V n w' . wt iiia i ;J WCL4lan. 't Ny InWs .ia.gtta•t wv tr. for ten ..••.e, Had wan ver( ruts nee of • Hats Cassa., • elswat aural `v em(1 e..t.ese, 0,., tt..,.,. I bare ass,('de/IO (1 „arrh 1' . g flute ars 1404 r"utM 1. d. -. •• ,tta►relbveN will • ere th'. • '.4) rep by ,ow mN woo of .iasarrh If tat nor 00 r - . '.,r a reasnnabl• httaah 01 dere. VV. -i W►a.,.%en. On., F J.Cwi wvtt: •L d A... Hwsta. - Hay..nl•1 11.,1's .'tt'• r.. , et year. ail ft ar re• anti,..,-; _' 5 ,,,. Ir.. • J. r the • ^lel Hall's Catarrh onre .old by •M Wb•: ee.1. inn nest• ,o ',taw end I5Nte'e tea' P4M.M H . • ••• Yte tatted items "NW l•x: tis : i Centx :5 Botwle. $":'u) tt :ins. • The owl re, we* 4.L'. 1', • ' '-„r '* neer► I af.etise by V. J. o'HKN►T AC.1 1c4..1'1, tR mmrairesme d tm455W s itetelsd for tees Onts•i' trs.tr h7 H. W HOBSON, Wallani. Ont. t1ICORGF HHY'.'r --