HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-09, Page 5r'+a 141 l;(1` Si'•ti \L. FR[DA1, MAIL 9 188;; lee wawa.•.'. mureasse. The following ivietr4y dfrom Nun j SPRING Gf10�S .d he following and vicinity i. from bye•yrle for February. lt will . perusal - MY Dz-tit Brett•llt—l'k• l.t,ove is t title given to Uuderic h last bummer by one wheelille, and eudursed r who has visaed the old n proverb, "Sats "4310 a . le slid ate Hoderistb iery die, m ht be app. prutelly you die." Acknowledged by summer visitors to be the pettiest (rive to C teed. ; it, beautiful situation, together v:ith its xplendtd gravel needs a • t t:herutiu3 glimpse of scenery. P, . u•dhing ed the piovurbial beauty of its young ladies, all combine to reader it a %cry Parrdiar to bicyclists. Not outy are all itestreets t ".e$ory t'OTtrr i{ravelltel, but shoo ell the ,.pprawchea from the surrounding country.'the rant Striped `11irtiiig-, from London, vis Luean, Eimer, Bruins - field and Hayfield, 66 utile+, . if jne if'r'' • the finagle rdele ta. h td t C. d- ads ; ZOed vel Isaias allelic iv y and`!' t, � no tills >.1to N nnotpMuug. 1tr�ld IM Ambits/Ho'ender, honete., wiahl Cut . hoi u selection of hills en which to test his climbing powers, he tui cone from Tints 1N1LL,O\t'f,•; ;,;Ni. Brumfield via Clinton, the disteucc that way is some 4 nines shorter, but wut.;ti :ie u mush homier 1f the !i►lir were. tolled • est. If st v of 'paha Si atltlt7 1110 .1.14,411Y r J'C .) ': infortnattun regarding that Alpine pioec f ro.vi, they .au ase ar.itt Pathe, watt !'rialto iii all the New • l ll'1th r 04o,U ISld,WV, a Urge au :f , Idoeg. �(V/ , s r •, a 11 ... 1)t'1 Z :.!. s 1, l.• .arty.. I ti J. C. DETLOR & CO ,:,•t •.. ..t..t\'arrMt, OIdianlald. Jt.s,uuekekes eaI\\'11.1,Ot'►MNMF:vF:ItAI.a.11.t: t•, i. • ,. Inca orf dollars: have you aro ids .• wh nit ..,.No. --rel --reloaded* oar'sweretorntodonu.r'1h F GREY & WRIT.I COTTO,siu3 0 ,',a.yi.lttl by otlu•r$,older,a lith of Kid b a Irat 1';'.�o:, V, 4 .. 1rte;. tont meta. end Low tansy all W. •.l Claudeat • o. rteeriet ant Drab fennel. %Mai. h w msay 'axle of the rare I slot from •4.,1a. , tows the \ silt} of ('alto, ' )'.O•ce. e s.,ringI.4'*'vi'. tem otie.,.1,•. •r .,..1l be .le las( al the w.*,.•r, sud .1 ,r .t.1,1. Jt :,,y . at special intone ions by the pies*. ,lust reovived unr case of Mal'' OP 3E''MtI1V pftINTtB. Ft u.. -I•• ,•I liner In it R F: 1+-t 4:u1 !.norm of 111..\4 1. C A Sii\1 F. It i:1 1 i)ETLOR &[ (:'U, 2 INT F R O Zai '�' esG..a.G as.. ai.�r.trrea `T • ABTR. ALiAM-i-MIT} CALLS ATTF.I•ITIQ . T. '1'111.+ FI/ '..UN's (i..: Y'� 1 �,�•tr lJ NG, ..s.\ L\l;oe .% (il1Tlawxr, Nix I \'I'P:>t1' U'•:sIt.\-oats -�— z 1 ` 1 - s••' \ , I�:' L��� I� peg:: e:K LI,F:: 1 ':.\ I:1 1:•1 V. r i .'. i. t 1 t .' `. has boon over it and can speak finial ex • - ^J I.erience. On arrival in (i•,dkrich, , ., c,,);ii alto T.to\vesf tt. 1 ht t• visitor tittle himself no the "Square' which however will be wire ap{"try gold llpicid and at prictst til:ot him the;impnsaien ofoideele, teeing ue• • , , • ; t .. ta`uo in shape, and having the etglit • principal street' radiating from it. lit - t he centre stands the Court Elegise, :sir. DEFY Cpm P E T � -i" I 0 N ' - ronnded by a fine petit of Rant: with uu.neruus shade trees, giving it quite a pa -k like spussesuce The diatauce ::round is about 1 of a mile, f,.rnuty. it beautiful course. Leaving . ur 'head uarteie, 04 anti& Iltechange, and k tug a run deem West &l'eet to the li house, we. itld ourielvee on the edge the bank. ennne 1411feet' shove the Is with • splendid vie% over the blue wat- ers of Lake Huron, the hart,. .r and the si inland Riser -arch t Isere ti omit into th,• 1 A r a tort a,oi down t the etsrl •f -Not t�ri.l tl/,uud bj the j..tl, brills(/'' us- t•., tie Ateg !int where we gotta t'ralil View et the beauti- ful i.riley of Maitland, with as wooded i bank& land the river winding its way -eel a- ttryegA its fiats tat below., till it rah**, tb`Lits. Continuing tree way rosnd lob come to the C. T. R Station at the end of gnat Street, where we conte upon an- ot 6s. reset of valley and river n,vgr a 11511, in length, with the village of Maitlandville lying down in the hollow to our Ie(t The river is here 'pruned by **new Maitland bridge, •bandsoa» into structure, opened to the peblld het Dominion Day. A fine Sunday trip is out ,y�Io the Point Farm, Mr. J. J. Wrigptys beautiful wormer rearm, 6 Indio north on the Lake Shoe Raoul. Leaving town by the Maitland Bridge, we da* thnesgh tits village thee .ttp- lhibirsp i Sill, a long init&IIab, ta+t+uat the staying poser. The rider is however rewarded for his trouble. by the view ••P reaching the top, when he will probably stop to get his wind, and may take is the view st the same time, Then four miles o(.gur.d grltvel road until we the farm, where we have about s mile r mud or dust road, as rhe case may be, interspersed with patches of corduroy rather trying to the patience, and elicit- ing numerous "cursory remarks." On ed Dross Silks, acid arrival at the house, we era however re- paid for our trouble ; piling taschines, White Tablings. we at once make for the. beach, and en joy a refreshing dip in thea.l waters of the lake. Being,by this time remiuded that we feel hungry, we walk to the house -to interview the genial "Joe" on the prospects of dinner, and spend the int.erventina time in • climb to thetop tf the tower, some $90 feet ab..ve the Lite, whence we obtain. view unsurpassed in Canada. After an ample dinner, and a good rest, we again mount saddles for home, where we arrive as the shades Of evening are closing in. Another fine afteroeon's run is around by Smith's Hill and Manchester to Benrniller, where we crass the river and home by the Huron Road shout a down miles of good going with some fine bits of scenery thrown in. And now hiving described .sur town and ■urroundinet, a word about our- selves. In the Lnguaae of the gentle e Wordsworth, "we •reeeven,"1 mystic seven, but we hope to fill up the dozen before this season closes. That seductive youth, Perry Doolittle, rod. in bore one morning in July, and hie Petra ordinary performauce, arupled with hos insinuating elcqueoce, induced your nor• respondent to invest in, the first bicycle owned inOoderioh After wrestling with the diabolical thingfor a week,and gettin { more or lass d.maged is the interval, be- sides undergoing all the chid sof the ir- reprsssible small boy, he at last ..eesed - ed in keeping his perpendicular, .and at ence awoke to the conviction that his iife hithcrtn had been 'fiat, stele and un- profitable," but that, after all, he had not lived in vain. Aix others •noon fell victims to hicycleenania, and there are indications of its breaking not 'gain in an .gvravated form this sssaran. Se much for • •irtn.,ns example. Your newsy and interesting peper ie much liked by threw who receive it, and if it is not still more widely circulated, it won't be the fanit of Yours truly, HUWSIutt. a Jr• H.••, Twt.teds and Cloths. ti; . truest '.fit ar riieI.. t:t l _L . • Stac ever st Lig r. edicai Hall ---F MIMIC -1 °i WIt01.11ii12. AHD I110TAL. Itrugc,Chemicals, ilye 9tuIs, Horse nag Cattleltea. • Psecy NI Pde• f wi h especially t.•• mention 4, Black Cahme;es, Black and Color - C'olored and Over 100 Pieces of Embroideries from 3 cents to 45 cents—the Cheapest Goode of the Kind ever seen in town. Ladies who would regain that clear rosy cow.plexion en justly coveted, will realise tbeir hops by using Fountain of Health. Price 26 cents pedw/ak Maretees. :t and AIN"e'A Wr T1at: L \TI:'rl ; r\ li i't�., tri.\1 1. I',\'t 1'F.I:Vv, \ AI)!sNit5 1,PIT ttao%IA 11110. !'. !\1) t:vrrale ,•1.,1. .t • el('?.()TI1S. kt C2- - 11.1 __ ,� .eChi':a;;o : C?• WEST-S'T., GCjFR Tr''T'1 -4 THE FALL TRADE , N. M I LLI W ERY 1 F. fin, n.,,,; ,,ltt'netl at thttt l to:ul(lunxt•.r. s .. '.'t•:• ' 1 'hi.:"•moo 1•d(iliFe: 4 CO It11,1,I an. now in a position to .tat,' tont '';'• late t lC* h.,t•'i^.t.i'rial - C ;t)1tiiinost reasonable prices loon lis' foal;:.: ti,e7.-. i:ror\-tl•ili;: in the aro. Millinery.line in Misses, Young Ladies, '.1.1'r.:.1- :t:i,l Intl.• t• -•'t' e:tr it t:1: on vied' not the Chicago Honest. A lna•tit•ulaiii lint• lint. is \VidoWR Caps inn be seen. MISS WILKINSON iy also agent for l;uttt•rit•t::'-' ",'tt('rii . and DragIiiit 1 Perjter's Stiam bye Works, Tore::lot;. t'e.-•.i.i.n: . Ttoil.: .At Wlr• an 80B9$VLA and all wrote/ow dismal" New, Baemw iteteMs. strt�wJelr.'ltiss ons. maniacs, netts. and 1Lrwltaf.sf.1 alae llkN. are tMs direct result of an immure of the blood.• To care these diseases the Mood must be puri- fied, and restored to a beanhynd natural condi- tion. Aria's SAa.APA.ILt.A has for over forty years been recognised by eesiwt- sendleal au- thorities .s the most powerful blood purifier In eslstenee. It frees the system from all foul he- mon, o-mon, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces or mercurial treatment, and proves lb self a complete master of ase scrofulous disease. A Resent Cure of Aevofnleua Soon. •' Same months ago t was troebied with scrota* IoW sores (ulcers)on.my rep. The limbs were y swollen sod inflamed, and the sores die lanae mantNed et orhseNa matter. remedy 1 Vied failed, until 1 used atones =s£PASILLA, 01 whlcb 1 hthree have, now taken the MR 1O{ges, with the result that the sores an Ma�sd. s my general health greatly Iwpr•oved. 1 feet vary grateful for the good your medicine has doe Wt. lours respectfully, Mos. Ato (YBetAx." lel Sullivan St., New York, June 24, 1rc1. .�• AU persons interested are Invited to en�1. o.Irr..O'Brian; also upon the Rev. Z. P. Wilds of 78 Roast oath Street, New York City, who will take pleasure In testifying to the wonderful efficacy of Ayer's Sarsaparil- la, not only fa the cure of this lady but its kis own rase and many others within his knowledge. The well-known .writer on the Boston Herald, B. W. BALI., of Rochester, X.N..wrtte.. Juno 7, 1812: " Having suffered severely for some yeses with Ramon, and hsviug failed to find relief from other remedies, 1 have made use, during the past throe meths of AYClen SAaSAPAR1l.r.A, which has eite sed s eeetplete cure. 1 consider it a ns.galfi- esat remedy for all blood diseases." In all other Departments our stock is complete, and Prices as low as the lowest. A Complete Stock of (,roeelries. Our Ayer's Sarsaparilla e tfnnlates and regulates the action of the 11- gesavt end sedmlletive orgena, renews and w }efftissie tke vital formes, aka speedily cores Iiewrsleia, Rheumatic clout, gMa@b, Gas mI Deiility, and all disesteem Mosta. from as impl.rished or corrupted eo•dl- Lion of the blood, sod a weakened vitality. It is tneomsparsety the cheapest blood medicine, on seems* cel Its esaeentrsted strength, a.d groat powst oust dlsatae. 3 Ta1rTA•an BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by .33 Druggists; pries el, six holtiss fee tilt 50cent Japan Tea deserves special nwntion 5 lbs of Tea for $1.00. The Best you Iver saw for the (ionwr•tt. Mar. h !, Id*. Wend..rale• hath MMI •Mtn Price. (nerlegl a beat, I (0 • 1 at Flour4NI 1 *0 aM. ► . 17 • e al Pew pi.:eel • o„ Barley. sh 6 Mi 0 • 0 • 7M 0 11M Har•. ti ten 0 111 w e 11 Ratter. 11 1..... 010 w• 0 9 Ow, e. hapeskd) a 11 0 11 i ew1_ fig l' 1 pram • rept • ..... ..... aloe • rot4 Wow) 3IIf 110 • M 1 Ii iii Rides WANTED' Tritonlenther the pleee: THE ('IU1'.\(1O IT( 'S West -St root. t1 E Vtil A^ J V L S AT ret t 1 • !`&L & `! . OA Works :. Star ' `W S �:. (19,000) Nieet,ei. Thou,;vtl Fite Hnn- 0—v- 0 -v :: RC0 �_ C! s • CORD OF �/oo Scotch, Eu�lish, Irish & Dubin tweeds llassuLl lleathli r173-Gx n v r, =,oP BOLTS, (38) Thirty -Eight mat, Prices THE L A DIMS' SAY $2.F4.1 to $2.7%1. THE •DOMINION HAIR RESTORER ,,((ADE BY S. TAI'SCOTT, of Brantford, pleases them better then shy orpreluir•- C.STT 17 nn1 tion they ever used. It t man refreshing bi ca.. of ht-adeche or feverishness of the a W �og� Ina1p mkt.," ", tradedtraded(lrsv flair naeuntc a charm ;ly n tl atm)ayni h'slthy n3p.:rnnce. 12,000,000) Two lot, 0 Iwo • -[ Consisting of Soft Elm Ruck Elm, Base - wood, Maple, Birch, Black 4.ch, White Ash, Hemlock, and ill kirni' of lregs, for whish cash will be paid. APpl) to- ' JOHN ECOBIE, Star Salt Works..i•oderick wILS0 rT, S Price 50 Ceri.ts Pei 7?ottle -GEORGE REYlUS, A C3•ENT FOR G OTYT3 IOH. . i •., .• �'�TKEFARM�R�Ii�'TNEIr�I�N'��Y���H��I)N P�scr� too Drs t�1 P , (;EN'l'LEMEN, -By request •.f n Iarye ,tptuher of they .t • the coy ity - we have decided to manafacture ROWN'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY BUIL ICOR COUGHS, COLDS, RC, ' "' DIAMOND DYES, -THE • BEST IN THE WORLD. SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS!► O(114 DRSCRIPTIVE PaICsD OAT- Ai,OGUR, b.autlf.11y 111wi180el Mn- talnl all seeeessty lefe.•maNen flat the ante asesett1 euN/vsitns of \-rgetalaee. Hewers. field Roots, 1•otatt eti. e:. . Is new psi tubed, aM will he malted free Is all appMo•ata. • JOITN A. nitres too. Seed (trnwere. HamIitoa. (mads. 320 Ams FR.EE! COLBORNE BR4)S i IN THR 1OC- PER- PA.CSbQF_ D' v i l'e Lake. Turtle Mountain a .ad Mouse River Country, 1 NORTH DAKOTA. Trib.st%rr t.. the Posted 0114••s law/4/ee to GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. •Atvie1AL. ittr. aid P11ltlt partlr.I.se malt' 171011 to am address hr H. F. ICNALLY. (rimers) Trsedarte I Agsal 17 poll e� ELq deft a:t 1' -j _'l 6\ V ��iiii r A *%err (:tutee 311 REIAPZIQGF AND MOWING MbCHINES, uv action with our Plow business ft r the year l$ir3, which for material end ,coot kn• tnship will be second to none. Do not git a your order a for reapers or in ,w - I era ant •1 you see those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs in County ,whislj will give the farmers a good opportunity to inspect our machines. We di lT warrant our machines to do as good work as any ether made. We %•t11 al- b bare s number of good L A N D H O L L E R S for the 14 ring; trade. $IN� STOVES tonsorial. OOO always on hand, and will be sold cheap for cash, ••r be exchange.; wood t salt paid for old iron. SEEGMILLEIt d et). Getierich F. u.tt:ry, • T013N' moi._ NAF'"'�,t='i..• CREEP HARDWARE O`t► sw New Firm 1 New Goods 1 New �'r;c:?s. March. Int. Just received a choice assortment of table riflery, n.. razors. In these Hess I am ebrieg • dna ohne article, la tin Is It .,t •es •ur 1 IQ Nh.Akld Eng . (7ues. end see say ivory handled knives ani flack .o:.h nate& .(Ino Aho hast bone handled. bort rent. an 1 comeontteet I .•1 waters In every �a•f!� la knives alai 8•rlts for p.n� use 1 her. areonget others, • vanes; handle sad blade, with amen ars ter eklktreu :epctal value 1s tile, diced. sad see apnoea. something new in .1 .• silver, eMsper, tad leaks JIM as welt. Meer white throughout. Icon t . whether rem seas se bay or set. No fresh& t•. show hoods, ihrWese sad ethers w•a • call In end etc the Zorrka so•�t. • (ruelpb f1Bss s geode Co. iaae rid and . heap. Sarnia Agricultural Implement Yanafacturini t . 1 M ITED_, MANIJFACTURERS Cas . 1 . • to Rappers, Mowers, Binders 8 T',' . !'ire the Dominion Separator bef.trt• You 1'uteh•ixe . Tll„ E. nine. Simplest and Treat IhlrnIde Met hie R in the Malt - I RRI4411T. PRACTICAL BAR W . a>b. �tend .« T . i v >s ; ,A 11} 1 • : �i :V `+� W A 1'v '111" W v1sR Peeler. near ' IDS lllieeEA M • lwlisafl 1. I. a ♦ e t..,rw CI se t tires* Si fesef.aegirs �is1IO111103Rt A_ ROta ' Aesetal greet a OM