HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-09, Page 44 i tl r 1111Itt 1's -SIGNAL. I''RII►A1 MAR 9. 14x3.
7 S r
THE HURON SIGNAL WE would like Mr. Pt.geliyt„a„a THETHKEt HUitUN8.
the official return ot the vote in Wert
to psWliod every Prlda7 1V 11 i8�• -.--w-
et 1LLluvnar as thew 312,11‘1/41,1 the
8t )�urou which we publish in anuth,
tuff lie Sauer°, column. By the return it will Lo se n The Figures ot b� Oia31R1 Ede-
'that Cul !toes' figures t.it the 27th air I tttl>IR•.
And G despatched to all p�r,ts of the surround
nR country by the earttert hrile sola tralaa almost identical with those' f 1879, while
Mt. Johnston's vote is setae 236 better
Mtn �r Kelly's in 1870. We said tato
weeks ago that Mr. Kelly was " sold "
in 187% and if that gentleman will
closely examine the two urns and
analyse the vote, evoke he pill be cyn-
,treiuetl to believe that Ife has Le in
RATee or A'it a:11Tt,INU. - Eight ceutr •e urupv a catspaw uf. it is hard to 'e„e-
ne l)i,r
;sit a how the xo►lcs can still keep over
Mr. Kelly's political eywtghl.
By neral adeilaafow It Imo a circuits
we n any ,itMr nuMnas.{isr of
the country, l Is nue i the newsiest
and most reliable journal in Ontario
possessing. as it does, the tirseotasesasatials
sad being lu aidiUuu Gitlin above, • nret-claa.
'tartly and fireside it yr therefore a
,no.* dsairo i. adoareding axed/siw,
'Meas. -1120 to ad ganef reliaen pt+bpaid
!v publishers; $0.75, if pisld betare a wronths
7.4O1f p^1 so paid. Th s rule will be strictly
'nefor first insertion ; three tents per li
,achsubsequent insertions. .Ypirly, half -yearly
and quarterly Ountracte at redaeed rates.
JOS M931TI1011.--..Ve have also& Moods...
, obbing department 1n connection. sad pp�O�saeeasrr
.ng the must complete out tit and t.esttacilitiis
f sr turning out work in tioderi: h, are prepared
to do basinesa in that line at price that cannot
be beaten, and ut a quality' that cannot tie
e ut pawed.- Terns (!ash
FRIDAY , MAB0I8 9Th 1Re3,
,WINCHA3 Times :- We congratulate
\1r. l:4ss and our Reform frieuds on the
result, which shows that West Huron is
still true to herself, true to her prin-
. iples, and true to her Province
I '1'ue old yuestiun as to the p,'bability
of 10,000 fighting men being raised in
Canada to fight for Britain in the event
of a European broil. is just now agitat-
ing some Of the newspapers onboth. idta!
of the Atlantic. The newspapers furth-
est away from Canada --the ,London',
Eng.:ltandarvd, for exaurtle --:ire loud-
est of opinion that 104000 men would
stet, to the front at the first call. We are
not of that opiuiou. We dnu't believe
'there are 10,000 foils in Canada who
lewd,' be wining to make themselves,
imel terse rr%p,wder if Europe got twists
,ed upside down and was turned inside
IOut by a ge-at-you-please warfare. We
haven't ally good seen to spare el Canada;
}wewattitnll the good -filen we cart gee.
It is true diet once in a while you war
!deet a corner.loafer without an aim or
an .abject, and possibly a car lossor tarn
dll these fellows might be shipped acmes
Itxo Etfmpe for elangfife4ing purp'eas, belt
we don't think they'd take kindly to the
joie If they have a real. Rood, old-fash-
ioned, general purpose European war,
we would advise our friends and relatives
over there not to calculate "n a very large
crowd of Canadians taking a hand in the
struggle. Those that we could • spare
wouldn't be worth sending over for kill -
iing purposes, and we can tind better uses
for good men in Canada than standing
them up to be shut at in the event of a
cat -and -dog snarl between the European
in testi Ile lest tieoal pear there was
expended ow Kmrthljlta'harbor, by Ilie
Government u, constructing new work,
33,486.48 ; !ioderich, $2,3o7.04;
lingwood, $8,356.111 ; t men t;otired, P23,
942.07; Pore Albert, el„0491.t16 t and
4ou!lhampten, !0,639.610, •G.Iller eh also
had 6418 expended in ,lrc.iein;.
\1 titer,(Sttron is championing
this of law sailors. He vivant* a
change ,n the proct.•dure'of the maritimd
court, which would simplify the rules
and greatly curtail the expenses bailors
are put to in recovering claims for wages
He moved for a return to show whether
the Government contemplate any action
in this direction. -t C•.rrespondenc.' Tur-
.•nto World.
The Itnierlllss gelled we in taesr, Ease
and Mesta Nurei.-"etatarte : " at a
Premises In the risen Tract.
,. nnaal '(.l! Tr.
Nu. l 711
No. 9.. 61
3lajoetty for Juhuston t!:)
so, 1
110. 37
No.3 69
No. 4 54
/Majoritj for Ross 28
Nu, 1 81
No.2 04
EAST 11U1$07A-
Nu. 3 • 77
No. 4 72
The official returns for triding ale ' No 5 se
as follows :- t No. 6 17
11ibsgt. Hays. 31ajority for Bon --108.
WE would like to hear our getttal
eouritryman, Mr. Matt. Welsh, ;who, by-
the way, occypies the distinguished posi-
tion of private secretary to tion.. John
Costiean, and who tools such an earnest
interest in the election in West Heron,)
give his full. free and unbiased opinion
on the result of the vote ii, this section
of Ontario. and in fact, of the vote of the
Province as a whole. 'He will be satis-
fied in his heart that old Ahab down at
Oteems didn't capture Nab,th'i vinyard
after all.
N 1 tib
N. •l 48
Majority fur Gibson --1.
No.1 71
Nu. J 9Y
No. 3 97
N.,.5 38
Nu. 6 66
Majority fur (Jilisen-144.
Nu 1 4t) it11t, 1 rts�(rrast.
Nu. 3
Ni. 3 ttlajority for .Johnston-
NO. 4 1 wlw.;e1Ai. -
No. 6 rill Se. I
No. 2' •Itt'�
flu. 3 49
;V'o, 4 40
Majority for Johnston -12.
• Mlt. Twos. Hass end his friends can-
not understand how it was that East
Huron didn't go Tory when McKillop
made such a " twist " from its old-time
record. Well. we'll explain it to you,
gentlemen. fast Huron has two end's
and ¢re. One end " twisted " for
Mr. Hays, and the other end and centre
" twisted " for Mr. Gibson. Such be-
ing the case the biggist twisting was for
Gibson. Hence his election by a at:lid
Tent thing of "bracing up" after an
election campaign cannot be thoroughly
understood by anybody who has never
"been there." The coughs, colds and
consumptions contracted diring the
campaign all need careful attention, or
your friends will be constrained to wear
mourning in your behalf. Then there
are the sciaticas, lumbagos, rbeumat-
isms, sprains, wounds and bruises, to be
rubbed with copious applications of St.
Israel's and other oils, or laved with
mild washes ' f potent influence: Then
.owes a general clearing up of the sys-
tem, and the deodorizing process necess-
ary to get you well rid of the vile stimu-
lants and the viler odor of the cabbage
leaf cigars which one is almost forced to
indulge in during the election campaign.
And then there is the nice little "balan-
cine act" between your betting:book and
your bank account. If your candidate
has been beaten,and ycur bete have been
on the wrong side of the ledger, we pity
you feeling*, -not that we can even con-
ceive what they are like, for we don't
1 re any bets, and our parliamentary
candidate is always sure to 'De elected ;
bit our sympathy goes out to you, all
the Same, fer after a successful election
contest, our milk of human kindnem al-
ways wells out to the unfortunate fel-
lows who have been thrashed. There is
just one point on which all agree after
an election, and that is that they will
never work so hard again at another
election ; and when another election
comes on their 't'sweariue off' has no
more effect upon them than a New Year's
resolve. We've "been there" and can
speak front experience on that point -
Jett ion
oint.Jettion F.eboes.
Amherstburg has a Reform voter 106
years old, who was carried up a flight of
stain to put his ballot in. His name is
Hedgeman, and he is native of old Ken
The smoke has now about cleared off
from the battle -field of the recent elec-
tions, and we are able to view the re -
THE Toronto Telegram (Independent)
takes a common sense view of the situa-
tion. It says :--"In some respects the
Government's majority has been decreas-
ed, but a vigorous opposition is as great
a necessity to the Province as t. strong
administration. We take no stock in
the wild nonsenee which apnears in the
Conservative organ to the effect that Mr.
Mowat will not be able to hold office
when the House meets. That is absurd.
This rnajoritly is quite sufficient both for
himself stud for the good of t'I- l'ro-
tinoe." .
Mit. M. C. Cemena has been the re-
eipient of manv compliments on his
Kings oounty contested election speech
in the House. It is one of the few
speeches reported at length in the (:lobe
this session. The Ottawa correspondent
of that paper, upon hearins$`'the speech,
wrote as follows :-l'ir. M. C. Cameron's
speech on the King's county election was
a model of close and dear reauinin:t. It
evidently made a deep impression on the
House, and caused Sir John A. Macdon-
ald to hesitate in carrying inti effect his
previously expressed intention of refer-
ring the case to the Committee un Privi-
leges and Elections.
ty, a tWAN0611.
52 No. 1 .'.i 47
No,,2 5,3 40
No.3 . (7 60
No. 4 32 103.
32 i Majo city for Itoae- 52
El ' R. w•.tw•',Noes.
:1.2 1 I No. 1 52 73
30 No. 2 49 63
51 No.3 43 66
Nu. 4 39 01
• I Majority for it.w--57.
Majority fur Hays -31.
No. 1 60 51
Ko, 2 83 30
No.3 30 36
Nn.4 01 ,"5
Majority for GibAo --111
•Na 1 41 56
Msjerity for Hats AS.
Not 1 25
Na 2 i3y7i
No, 3
No.4 $8
Not ,5 55
Ne.6 34
No.7 22
Majority for Hays 147
Ne.1 ti_ 94
Nu, 2 84 49
No. 3 48 48
No. 4 52
No.5 84
• No. 6 1119
Majority for Hays ---84.
THE report that Sir Charles Tupper,
had obtained a large election fund from
contractors, etc . with !Which to debauch
Ontario at the recent elections, appears
to be borne out by later evidence. To
the honor of the province be it said that
she was loyal to principle, and the ',
ruption fund did net accomplish I:s
purpose of defeating the honest and cape
blea,lmrnistr,,tion of Hon. Oliver Mowat
Alluding to this ,'irrupt election filed.
the Kingston Whit says: "W hen the
means taken to defeat the l:nvernm(
are remembered the wonder is that it h a
sot succumbed. Curres;x,ndence sad
telegrams show 'Ho there has been en
immense expend itur. of money, that 1
constituencies which have been Liberal
are reasonably safe the tiatilsy bras tie
from $10.000 to $2&,000. le Lean 'z,
Addington, Fn,ntonc ts►d Kin/stee
many th mated* were scattered. in the
whole Province it is calculate.1 that the
con -ermine fund must hate amounted to
nearly $600,000. Moet significant of all
the money was obtained at O taws and
Serried by menta pato lame where the
ha1 never 1 e• *fore and e.,o&d not
Stole their booi*SU&
48 26
Majority for Gibson -22.
No. 2 38 inajori
No.3 96 '70
Majority for Gibson -60.
Brussels, Maj'y
ii ullett.
silts with calmness an impartially. On
the whole, it appears to us the province
has dome well. The weakening of one
side and the strengthening of the other
was the very thin}; required t'i bring
al„n:t good legislation. We shall now
probably hear less of centralization and
of fancy franchisee. We are satisfied,
from surveying the list of successful can-
didates, that there will be sufficient in-
dependent men in the new House to
wisely hold the balance of power and to
prevent the perpetration of any unseem-
ly legislation. -t World.
East 'Junin has spoken out nobly in
favor of our old representative, Thomas
Oi w in. M. P. P., to the tune of 41
majority. Since 1879 great changes have
been wrought in the political aspect of
the riding, as will he seen elsewhere.
The Coeiservative candidate in that
election, 1)r. Hoboes, was very p,pnlsr
in she riding and polled a email vote in
every municipality. in this contest Mr.
Have has not been sustained excepting in
McKillop, where he had the very lame
majority of 147. Howick dropped 49
..tes, Morris I, Blyth 15, Brawls 16.
on the Conservative *We. while on tl a
heifer] aisle Grey inereaa.d 46, Tern- i
try 1G Hallett 21. Wrezeter Rave
it ;ass then in 1879. Ea wrong mesh. -
lie itiss there hes been a Jame brought
,ti• et, no d,.sbt, by removals ofd death.
bet it a a feed that *eery alert w -,a ;et
f.•, h b, lath poetise to whs. -Annuls
Po. t„
Ht'1.1.STTt ._
Nus"i,7 80
Nu.6 16 46
Majority for Russ a3.
No. 1 4o) - 56
No.2 48 • 56
No.3 40 45
No. 4 469 :17
Majority for Roes- -20.
No. 1 31 :7
Maj. for Johnston --4-
1894' 2061
Goderich, Msj'y 44
Ooderich Tp, 831
Colborne, 0
Ashfield, 0
%V. tt awaited. " 0
K. Wawanosh, ,c - 0
Turnberry, 3
Wiughem, • " 12
Hallett, 0
Clinton, 0
ty. Blyth, 4
Gibson. Kaye.
1 0
144 0
0 84
22 0
Maj. for Ross
years, to be paid to eisa., year. ; but 1a- Moved in *noonduienl by lite lei.
marl of blains pai4 is
18x.. ue, raany IWtuIIal 1, r �t: h •'•o,,, t ino i new
of them ran fruit' oho beat fnsjialrment t e nomas 1w Mdyded 1 he.pecUIIti cutnmitter.
the present woos. you yid observe (rum Tke ani,ndment was put ani lost by a
the statement submitted herewith.
This involved a Targe amount of work rotMi,on8 adto b 51),..
.- lin ler see ''t'lu'1 by Mui
oh • y ,ur committee, searching three nee, that the thsuts of tine c.e'Ucil be
titles in the cash book front cue to t'uoler'otl to Mr. H. E. Johnston, the re
twenty-three years for the same lot tiling clerk and troaaurcr for the *-
We also found that the date* of pap out manner in which he has carried out
eeetts in many instances in the Came- the bu*inces of his chess during his in -
tory book did not correspond with the cuinbeucy, and that thin res -elution be
slates of payments as entered in the cash ougrosse'i and ferwaidtd to hi ,u Lv tl e
04, clerk. l`arrietl.
We may mottle:: that we punned the Thu co'.::ail then adjourn:'.
following c•.urse in arriving at the result
submitted herewith. In the tint place
we a oetare,l the entries its marked paid
tn the Cemetery book with the payments
the cash lo..k, end took a list of those
Iota which wore melect in the Cemetery
boo: as laid, but waw *titer, 1 is c.ah
book. We a!ro took u list of ;bore en-
tered for lots in pencil in the ('einetery
bons. We Hien checked off elide pay-
inents in the cash book for Cemetery lots
when eedi*.•'neretj thata somber of
I -ts h -'u heti emter.'t as twirl for which
ap 1 vacant i.. the Cemetery books,
which we vetvred land marked paid
$TSAeoa 1Rt•ID6aT. - A few days ago
a bovine belonging to sur lrisheuss.
while feeding at the stmt, stack, got its
• urn lockwi in a Bolder, end it wap fillind
impo.aible to get rid of the ladder with-
out the aid of teals. Aid Arrived soon
in the persons of our arehitect end one "!
his "jeers," but the irighteue,l animal
cuuld not he Galton d for bearly an hour.
H weever, after a hind run .,ver the fields
th'' bovine was ct,"nered, and the cling-
ing kidder sawn aeun:Icr b'• elle joie -nee
in ate' books.m:u,.
We also fou i.l t. at Mr. Andrew fleck Mr. A. Hodge, formerly of this place,
had paid twit.' for lot 14, sec. a Rangeland now of Luel.now, .•:one down on
E see page 375 C. 1i., for 1st and page l'Cursda ,the 27th emus deposit his rote.
403 C. It. for 2nd pa trent. We understated tl at he is in the lumber
Lot 60, Si E., sold to Me, Stewart, trade in the Sep.y village.
May 6'h, 1863, and to tiampa(ur Day,
June 3n1, 1863.
Lit 72. 6, E., sold t • N. Reed, Nov.
10th, 11'(i9, and afterwards to J. Davie,
Nov. 12th, 1860.
'Twits 186, 187, 6, E, to R:.1. Alte:•,
Dec. 30th; 1863, and again to 11. Camp-
bell, March 24th, 1881.
Lilt 9, 8, K, Sold to John Mlntyre,
Ml .reb 1.2th, 1878, and again to Mr. Mc-
Phail, May 23rd, 188'2.
Lots 147, 148, E., roll to 8. Papel,
March 30th, 1871, and t . John Rudd,
Oct 12th, 187 5.
Lot 104, 6, F., wad toTh• s.Johnetou,
Feb. 10th, 1863, and again to Ano i:t.:,
erten,.,. Jure 12th, 1866.
Your committee be: also to report tha.t
they have carefully exandned and cern-
pared the maps of the Cemetery with -the
Cemetery books ai.d have mite' oil the
names ofcite respeotive owners of the lots
on the maps whose names are found en-
tered in the Cemetery bake, aa haviug
paid for them, excepting the fats men-
tioned as sold a second time, sod also
these lots in Sec. 2, 3, F., for which
there are no plans.
Toe schedules annexed hereto with
the names of those who are merely enter-
ed in pencil for lots in the Cemetery
Conks, and not enured as paid it. the
cash book.
Your committee would respectfully
reco.uuiend that your honorable body
instruct the Clerk to intimate to those
parties, that if they do not pay or show
that they have paid for those Ints that
they be declared vacant'
1 our committee would also recommend
that you would instruct your Treasurer
in fatereto keep a specialLedger account
i , connection with Maitland Cemetery,
showing the receipt/ and expenditures ;
this is now more particularly required as
the entries are greatly increased in the
ledges by crediting the town with the
fees heretofore paid to the sexton. t
would also greatly facilitate any future
investigation by having the payments
entered consecutively in the ledger, as
your present Treasurer has dune this
We would also rec,nuuend that the
Treasurer be required Li continue to
enter in the cash book the numbers of
the Iota and the sec., and range, as well
as the purchasers' names, which appears
to be omitted in 1881, but again taken
up in 1883, by the present Treasurer.
Your committee regret to find that
arrest want uf care and regularity are
shown in the manner that entries have
been made in the cemetery h ioks,previous
to 1867, and beg to state that under the
Present system, there does not appear to
lie any check on the entries that the Clerk
or any other person having access to the
Cemetery books may make, and which
we presume will be binding on this
C.,uncil when marked paid in the Cisme-
(517 hook by th.- custodian of the same,
whether the Town is or u not, credited
with the proceeds of the sale of lots.,
Your c manner will also reconanend
that in future the clerk be required
when making an entry of the wile of any
lot in the cemetery book ss paid. to
ente, his initials after the date uf the
entry. And she) that the sexton be re-
quiret to make sn annual return on the
31st day of December to the council, of
the lots marked u occupied during the
year on his plan, which he should also
initial, which the auditors could compare
with the entries in the ledger and steer.
tai] whether the Dressed' of the sales
have been properly accounted fbr.
The annexed schedules marked A. B. dt
C. will give the following particulars.
Schedule A. the names and lots entered
as paid for in the Cemetery books, and
not entered in the cash lsx,k.
Schedule B - the name and iota enter-
ed in the Cemetery book upon theinstal-
ment plan and the amounts yet due on
Schedule C. - the names and lots en
Wed in the Cemetery bsoks in pencil.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
PIT= AnarsoN,
JAM>s AnDHION, Committee.
H. Z. JouRwr,N,
Whet they did as Use last westing £p-
potattag a Dew Clerk and Trsaaarer•-
Report of the Cemetery Committee.
Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1883.
The regular meeting of the town
0 council was held this evening. There
were preaent :-the mayor in the chair,
reeve, let deputy -reeve, 2nd deputy -
reeve and councillors Bingham,.. Butler,
Canteloo, Colborne, Elliott, Jordan,
Mitchell, 'Burney, Nicholson, Seager,
The minutes of the meeting of Jan.
19th, 1883, were read and approved and
99 THs TtEA*URLR S areunester
16 of cash showed
22 Amount addtot 82.9 10.91
55 Italance in bank.. ......... ... 1,360.67
99 The report of the sexton was read
31 showing interments since last meeting
97 10-6 adults and 4 children.
48 Petition of John Elliott end others,
asking that Pine at. be graded and gray -
77 elled,,and be opened to Regent 11.-
64 Referred to public works committee.
It was moved by Mitchell, seconded
by ]gurney, that the account of the
cemetery committee, 546, be paid --Car-
Councillor Elliott gave notice of the
following motion, To amend the bylaw
338 297
Total majority for Gibson -41
The official returns are as
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 1
No. 2
Nu. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
No. 5
No. 6
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 4
OODsa1ca TT.
Ni'. 3
No. 4
Np. 6
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 1
No. 2
No. 3
No. 1
Tuckersmith, Ma;'y 166
Usborne, 7
Stephen, -- 72
Hay, 192
Stanley, 0
Oo derich Tp 0
8eafoith, 0
Exeter, 0
Bey6.ld, 0
Tog Mtl.t..--Things ore slain running
at the ea. will The Lusty smoke curl
ed gracefully from the ktacl. oa Wellies
,11,y haat for the tint time since the (all,
aid trichina '5 aitun beard in our buy
little soilage. Mr. 1.. Pointer, is head
sawyer ; Mr. Nevi,.'-. tail sawyer, and
he en$iueer is Mr. 1.. Ibitisy, all 'd she
stirring city of Dungannon.
an'rrL I.trRovgvs.-r.- -The Daniel. JO
architect at1'l two asaistants ow Saturday
last put in new ceiling in the bar roots
of the Eachaneo Hotel of this plane, and
Nn Luke Ellard, a knight of the paint '
brush (rem (ioderich, is puttiu;r on the .
finishing teucliu, and _leiter, the room a
city sir.
appointing a street inspector, by c.,m-
54 46 bining that office with that of day con-
stable, and too define his duties as such.
37 The finance committee presented the
26 following report: (1) That the sots of
$16.65 be paid to Ricb'd Parker, band•
46 master, for the first two moot ha of last
97 quarter of 1882, and that for the present
60 no action be taken in regard to the gran'
32 for 1883. (2) That the following ac
counts be paid :-D C. Strachan, $3.95;
74 H. Tichb„urne, 51.50 ; Mrs. Mitchell.
64 $3.03 ; D. Ferguson, $3.39 ; Story Bros.,
44 $20 ; John McCallum, $9; 0. E. Rob-
ertson. $2.67 ; A. M. Polley, $31 ; .lea.
43 Doyle, $2 ; Hart & Co., $10.21 ; Wm.
Watt, 40c.; Jamieson Reid, $6.73 ; Jas.
69 Saunders, $1.75; C. Crabb, $7.4.3 ; D.
K. Strachan, $9.75.
T. 0. Drrecoa, Chairman.
Moved by Detlor, seconded by Nich-
olson that finance committee's report
be adopted. --Carried.
Moved tyJohoston, seconded by Niche
64 oleos), that Wm. Csrapbsil be clerk, and
that the salary be $600 per annum --
Ry -law No. 3, appointing Wn'. Camp -
loom ball clerk, was read a first and second
O time, and 1t WAS.
(1 Moved by Johnston, seconded by Jot -
O den, that the by-law he read a third time
11 andpseud pseud -Carried.
19 I It was moved hy Binghsin, seconded
0e by Seager, that P. Adamson be treaan-
6Z ren at a eatery of $9110 per annum.
S3 Ry -law No. 4, appointing P Adam
27 son treasurer was read a first and seeond
tome. and it was
196 Moved by Colborne, seconded by Jor
clan, that it M read a third time and
confirmed ('armed.
The following is the report of the
start At. Orr:TE*T LowwrTrIR.
We here the honor to report that on
aeoordanee with our destructions we have
very minutely examined the entries in
:(7 the cash baeik nt the Trimmer/or, for the
88 paymeuita arade In the ruche/6e ..f Ouse
48 eery lite from the Ent of January, 1100,
41 to the prssset time, a period of over
:11 twesty•three years We kind this a
44 very redrew np.rstuon.friss
to 1866 to 111 8, es the IoM *ervo14 on
the nst&n,.nt prinsfpM Aeries those
Majority for Bishop- 132
The official returns are es fol.*
.pinatas. Koos
WS • -
(x,Damt'tl Tows
No. 1 44
No. 2 50
No. 3 40
4 30
is. P... 5 41
)Ipn.B 49
No. 7 48
llfejerity for .1 nbnsten- -44
le Goderieh en t'♦ elnesdar. March Illi, IBR'
!:lira beloved wife or Mr. James Mobilo
son, aged 31 year* and 1 month,
Tho funeral will take place from her bus
band's residcnee. 'fret* ;tar street, on Friday.
March 9th. 1883, at 3:30 o'clock p.m. Friends
and aet;telntaneee ars rr'spec'twlly Invited to
ln'Godarich Township, on Sunday. March 4th
Matthew levy. aged 9l years mod 10 toss.
in West Wawanosb, on the MIL, WWIamJ..
eldest son of Jonathan Willard, Req., aged
91 ysara
!' -
Paas. Fxp's. Mlz'.1. V1x'4
Oodericb.l.r.5.46am ILO pm . lasso 7.40 &m
tiertorth, Ar.&t 1.311 1.35 930
Stratford.A.r.7.20 : W (ILA 11.40
w' aaT.
Paas. lisp's. Heed. Mee.
Stratford. Lvltapn .: ,seem 5.4Ma• .1tMe
Setif ort h.Ar1t5tt 5.42 A-00 &le
Godericher.1.16 9.35 9.46 7.15
Locknew Stage (daily! arr. 10.1Iam3pm .. dap
Klntsrdine • 100am7.m
Iienmiller •' (Wednesday
and *Warder/ Ar, S.lfam..Da.9tllt ,
it was moved by Johnston, se•x,nd'd
by Seager, that the report be referred to
the cemetery and finance committees
jointly for investigation.
was presented, showing all booms, and
seenante and ash correct to date.
. TiONZER. Ooderieh. Ont. 1781.
and appraiser. (successor to John C. CUT-
S... the People's A net loneer.1 O*los-Cense e'u
Oid Stand. 1139.17.
Household Furniture, Piano,
Horse, Carriage, 8c.
1 have been instructed to sell at the reap
deuce of FRANK E. GIBP8. Esq.. Light-
house Street, tbeifrllowingarticles. contesting
of 1 Steinway Rosewood Piano 174 octaves),
coat 9660; 1 crimson and gold Rep Drawler
Room Set, walnut; .1 crOnaori Rep Lbrsry
Set. walnut ; 1 relation Plush Dining -Room
Set. walnut ; 1 Sideboard. walnut ; 3 walnut
Bedroom Seta; 2 common bedroom Seta; 1
lame Sofa Bed; 3 walnut Wardrobes: 3 sal
hair Matirames; 1 woven -wire Mattress 4
DiManning Centre, Hall andtraFsncr Tab-
les ;
ab1es; t1hatttnwot{aa,, Bracket's. Pictures, Lamps.
etc.; Cooking. Hall and nthrr Stoves ; Table -
we, Smirch d Kitchen Utensils. etc.• 400
Tapestry (Menet*: 1 • stay -
mond Sewlsg Nadide*: Lacs mod Rep enr-
taina Cgrntoes, etc.: Lawn Mower, snit lraney
Flower Urn,: oleo, 1 ('arr-iace Horse, ;1 peer-
ed Phaeton ; Roles, Harness, plc., and sumer-
nos small useful and fancy articles.
8.1e W eomsabce at' 11 e'etbck net. WAIL
TISRet8.- An separate muter $15, cash
ante. 3 months' tote. approved.
The People's Auctioneer.
£#•Thr date of this sale will be announced
by porters to-nioreew, and in next week's in
ane of Mb paper
Saders'�rafifiell Sir
Newest Designs and Colors
5UT.'. PElt ROLL, UP.
Americaa, &at, ui Caaadin
!loved hy Johnston, swonded 1'y MANVFAc-r RE.
Nicholson that this report he received
and referred t.• Branco ei,mmitt, e.
By law No. 2, to authorize discounts 25 BABY CARRIAGES
to the amount of $10,006 was nail a G
tits) at d saved time&fid ,a, motion
on, .rendrd, by Jordan, w, 5 EIEITAOTete INtUlN 1E1 NE
reed s third tithe and oi•n tmefi.
Muvwd by 8eagar, seconded hy Ri:,'
haw that a detailed statement of ti -e
relief granted be made and read at each
mason% Corned.
Melted by Gouger, emended by John -
toter), that erre. J T. Darrow, (leo.
Achrwm, Jes Williams and P. Srn.eth
he regulated to net in e.njuoeti,•n with
the special committee to take ,neesur.s
b, promote the bs.ne.e interests of the
town, either in the way of a onmpetileg
railway, or of emieofectsrisg or other to
dnitrite west doe- t, for Postofare
Na paw afro x ori
Stoves & Tinware.
Jabs. Saunders Son