The Huron Signal, 1883-03-09, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAR. t, 1843.
Farm anb lbaraen.
Xz ! iU.0 ONION !la=nk -Ere% where
o sons eau be readily raised froin seeds,
many prefer the seta. 'rhe melt is twee
SUM, touch of the early weu.lit.g is*vo,.l
ed, and, alater all, the pdouoliug .nay Ise
done In autumn *:len the work need lee
be hurried. 1'Iw stool is mode NI rick •,
for sue 1, and tboro,JKhly title and Wellow
by •the borrow and rake. 11,1ss 12
inches +met are mar:cod uS, and the
sets plantal at three ur four inches
a art. They ar4i thrust down into the
inell,,w the thumb and Meter,
taking etre to get thew night end up.
Finish by ptssiul a Tight roller or the
book of n wwoduu rake ore:- th.. r ,w•.
&. h see«nth mark ie left unplatlt „I
this le,vus :in alley frena which the recd
ing ,uty hu .Lome. If the rets are not
planted iu the fall, they aheuld 100 es
early i,t anriu; s tea jn.uml e:ul le
Reuel/nese T" Su't'*. w17u +!sero\a
-linione did,,r fnow u,••a •,titer e, 1
not requiring a TO .41i..... 1u so.uc 1.1.0 es
the laird bas bona in union..uieetLy t r
half a reirury. If the coop it to be
grown for the tint time, ore ly u eeae.l
land is best, and next le th,r, so.! ilii h
has been in corn or potatoes. .. •.o,,,•,
deep. rich loam, is essential, a, .-:.• y
miusuein>f. Fifty lords .4 rift.e tu+utYie
t• the acre are au erdissery manor tf,
and may be supplouset e : iy noilie•, t o .e
flour, or guar., es a top Ire Teti ; l'he
✓ eeds should he 'owe t r. r early ;ale veld
be of the previous yearg.• a'th,:tn.l tr.•n
e reliable raiser. Ti.. v -eve are a t..•t
apart. leaving every aerec.;b f•.r a l.,rh
and from three to six pumas of seed are
Irn to the awe. 11,1 laud not fader, iii
ora, thin sewing is Trotter than thick.
After sewing, roll the a.irfa.-e. S+ou.e
sun as ou%oe ..r two of r..luh seed with
every pound of union weal. The Pere.*
come uu in a few days sad mark the rows
so that a hand -cultivator or push -hoe
cut he run close to the rows even before
the onions are up.-[Auserican Agricul-
turist for Kereb
rates ter Maus w user aaluslers.
After' soviet; 'breathe mime a light
bsrrowiug, ur rake it, ane these roll it. -
[A.aericaa Agriculturist for Mar•h.
Prwp•rlas Teves for ruaslas.
Dr, (leo. Thurber gives valuable ad•
vice on tree planting iu the .finer;tan
/Vr:u:elfwiat fur March :
Nurserymen, while they s� riuetiines de -
p it a tree of a large share of its routs
by hurried and tireless digging, usually
read the purchaser the full quantity of
bt:o•uhus. Tito inexperienced tree plan-
ter 4,teiges of the, quality o1 a nursery
treerby the. size of the top. When he is
t.,!.i nett at least ..vee -half of the top
.!i..uld be cut away before the tree is
planed, he thinks 11 o knows better, end
este tee the item just as they came from
tee'eursery-. The many p or,.truggling
,I,;hatdsalt .,ver the country bear wit -
:wee to the iirnersl neglect of the proper
'wapitr4'6mi of the trees before planting.
A ...vice has a great reluctance to use a
wnife eu Ina trees. it seems a great
sea-te te eat oto any tart of the trees
that I•.• hoe bought, though hog ivoshard-
v though to the roots he hes paid for,
loch ere left .n the ao11 of the
gee cry. 1. i• within hounds 1.. say that
even wh,-u , fret. Is carefully dug, at
lest on•e-half of its an,sll tibruua roots --
the avail. r,:eful and feeding rots- aro
bn.k.o" or cut off in the oporstien. This
w old far ••f little oousequenc•i were tke
i,. "t rhe 'tee reducal in the same pro -
Even those whn have given
but little at tidy to the growth of plants
w ill admit, in a general way, that the
not takes rap water trutn the soil, and
that flit, leaves evaporate the water thus
taken up. It should need no argument
to show that if, half of the absorbing
rots are gene, and all of the evaporat-
in'e surface (the leer's which will be
•oa produced front the buds) re-
mains, this will bo in excess, and make a
demand upon the nota which they can
not supply. Most persons will admit
then trrul.le will seen come if theyspend
more than their income, yet they persist
in placing their trees in the position of a
spendthrift. There is no one thing W
nuanced to the suture success of an
orchard aa the proper cutting hank„ of
the tops bolero planting. Before the
trees arae taken to the ground, some care-
ful person, who will use some thought
as well as a sharp knife, should go over
thea' tare by one. Taking mach tree in
the left hand, let him tura the roots up-
ward. 1.1 any of the larger roota show a
rough end, from being broken with a
dell *pads, let them be cut smooth; make
s sleeting cut on the dower aide. If say
rogts are much longer than the others,
let theta be shortened. The roots being
tared for, turn up Cie tree and inspect
the top. If any of the branches ere bad-
ly shapesi ur cr.owded, cut them out al-
together, and cut back each branch nut
les+ than a third of its length ; and as a
rule, it will be better in the end to cut
away one-half.
White birches and alders w .out ly
used kis bean pules, are about tote poor-
est, for they last only one seamen at the
bait, wad sumetmies break orf at the sur-
face 'Atha gruu%d, and let down the
beautiful pyramid of green before the
pods aro ripe. Welts) Cedar frau the
swawp• is durable. sod the reesRk bark
enables the vial to climb without any
help from strings, but thew are not al-
ways seneaaibin. Red Cedar is mtsb
rn are widely dist ributed, and on the
whole makes the beat bean pule. The
wood loss durable as the White Cedar,
sed young trees, from which poles are
,rade, grow quite stoat at the gruuud,
tad, if wiliest, will not very strota,
minds. A set of these poles will leaf fur
a geuerstioa. Far bean poles, all the
side branches are trimmed ori, bet for a
support, for ornamental climber., these
lame be left on. . Cedar, six er eirht
"yet high, wittt the b:s%chrs t:adually
Aortened limn below, upwards, rakes
en excellent support fur ornamental
fines. One of these, covered with a
,leoatio or other showy climber, makes
• pyramid of groat beauty. It is well to
prepare a supply of poloi for '• : -.end
thor plants before t • work is pressing.
{American Agrice.wnat fur Match.
Tar 7I•wer Grrdea a■d Laws.
*elf eserlfee and Its sewar&
A fsaionable young lady was couvert-
ed in a boarding school, and, upon re-
turning hone, she disepp tnteol her
father byi taking a Sunday school chute
in a miss ratary society. In looking up
A claim in the lanes and alleys, die tame
&cruse a bright, intelligent Itookii ! boy
who ..old patches She iuvtted thin to
oouie, but he answered bur gruffly, and
she detenhined t.. s iu him. She did,
and he cars. His parents were very
angry and threatened kr whip him every
time lie went which they did, until the
young lady, tiiditlg it out, offered to
teach him ..n Saturday afteruuuns. She
saw a great change by the tenderness of
spirit and the intelligent flash of the eye
in response to her worts of the blessed
Christ. About three months after this
twmmencad, this boy was run over and
fatally injured. When the pnysicisn
came, ke told him he could live but a
few uu,ments. He said with a bright
smile lighting up his face, "Tell m)
teacher she led ole to Jesus. and I die
trusting in hint."
A Geed whir
The Chilag•., Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company has just issued an
illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the
Continent," describing the wonderful
growth of the six Great States. The book
le beautifully printed, and numerous en
gravings of high merit adorn it. ppaaga.
Any one sending their name mud address
with two three -cent postage stamps
Will receive a copy by return mail, by
applying to Perceval Lowell, General
Pu.senger Agent, Chicago Iillnois. vet
sales of seaway,
1:uit• 1. A e omen's pc \ver in the w urld
ie mentlired by her power to please.
• Whatever she may wish to accomplish
: nu taws, if small, ;se your ;uta can
be had, may be trade by laying Mels.
The turf tt cut by laying clown a board,
tI) or 12 inches Wide, and standing on
that, cut down in each aide of it with, a
sod -cutter or spade, ground very
sharp, Makntg • ne end of the atnp
loose, one person should begin t;, roll it
up, while another uses the spade ! o cut
'off any roots that hold it to the ';round.
Such rolls nre varier to handie titan gat
PR*rAr. NO FOA TNR LAWN. -Whether
'arge or small, or to he turfed or seeded,
-.he soil should be drained if needed ;
Reli manned awl spaded or plowe.i. it
should tiles be harrowed, and the aur•
'ace freed front stones, chips, r ts, etc.,
toy thorough ra1Cit&R. In a lee': to le
s sown-, it is well to lay margins ,4 sod
„ along the paths and rode as well at
►:c mq tin nutlires • f any beds or her-
oine •
Now that there is a reliable roiredy for
kidney troubles, I:alf the terrors attached
t.. these complaints have been rei►oved
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all
praise for having thus removed a hitherto
considered fatal disease from our path.
It was never known to fail. Sold by J.
Wilson. 2m
she will best teenage it by pleasing. A
woolen's grand social aim should be to
Rule :. Modesty is the ground on
which all a woman's charnel appear to the
best advantage. In manners, dress,
conversation--reuteinber always that
modesty moat never be forgotten.
Rule :1 Su the woman's aim is to
please, and modesty is the fist principle
in the art of pleasing.
Pule 4 Always dubs up to your age
or a little beyond it. Let your person
be the youngest thing about you, out
the oldest.
Rule i. Remember that what women
admir.. in theroielven is seldom what
men edchire in them.
Rule 6. Women'e beauties are seldom
iron's 1:i -suttee.
Rule 7. Gravity tempered hy serious•
seas is the happiest manner in society.
Rule b. Aways speak low.
•speertlor las Mop..
Fun ant, Fancy.
A lluetun correspondent unto, "You
want to know what kinfl of fruit an ails -
tree hears. Why, nuts, ..f *aurae ; carte
utl each end of the tree." We thought
some fellow .1 the hub would be able U.
tell us.
Thousands are being ottred o: Catarrh
every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that
the doctors had given up and mid could
not he cured. 75 cents a bottle. &Id
by George Ithynas, sole anent for Gods -
A New York man was declared insane
the other day, and all the reamer' fur bis
infirmity was that he "lived in • beard-
ing house." Just here comes a distinc-
tin. A man Cali "stay" in a heardine
house but trying to ''live" in one -mo
wonder the man was crasy.
Catarrh is the seed of Consumption and
unless taken in time is a vary dangerous
disease. Hall's Catarrh Cure never falls
to cure. Price 75 cents. Sold by Gee.
Rhyne, sole agent for Goderich. 3m :
A Uatttt+s Music *row. -Party (who
has brought back the "music" steel in
disgust,) --''Look 'ere, Mister Auction-
eer, this plaguey thing ain't nu manner
of age at all. I've twisted 'un round,
and of woman have twisted 'un round,
but dart a bit of toon we can get out of
One of our best citizens would say to
the public that he has tried Hall's Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it u all that is claimed
for it. Prior 75 cents per bottle. &old
by Geo. Rhyne, sole agent fur Glade -
rich. 3m :
An English clergyman and a Lowland
Scotsman visited one of the best schools
iu Aberdeen- They were strangers, but
the master received them civilly, and en-
quired, "Would you prefer that i should
speer these boys, or that you should
speer them yourselves ?" The English
clergyman, having ascertained that to
"sheer" meant to question, desired the
master to prorsad. He did so with great
success, and the boys answered satisfac-
torily numerous interrogations as to the
exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
The clergymen (hen said he would be
glad in his turn to "speer" the boys, and
at otter began.
"Hew did Pharaoh die ?" There was
a dead silence. In this dilemma the
Lowland gentleman interposed.
"I think sir, the boys are not ac:us-
tumed to your English aocent ; let me try
what I can make of thein." _dud he
inquired in his broad Scotch, Hoo ltd
Phawroah dee 1" Again there was a dead
silence ; upon which the master said, "I
think, gentlemen, you can't *peer these
boys ; I.11 ahnw how I do it." And he
proceeded : "Fat come to Fhawroah at
his hinder end f' The boys answered
promptly. "He was drnoned ;" ant in
addition, a smart little fellow comment-
ed, "tiny lassie could hao told you that.'•
One night recently a hunter residing
near Chester was amused* hy an unusual
noise near his cabin Taktag his gee
he wents out to see what the trouble
was, and noticed a deer at full speed
with a wild cat perched on its back,
and making frantic•fforts tocut tote deer's
throat with its sharp teeth. The hun-
ter raised his gun and fired. The wild
tat instantly jumped off the deer's back
and made for its assailant. The man re-
loaded his rifle, and when the animal
was within twelve or fifteen fest of
him he again fired and killed the brute.
Jost as he tired the tint shot the deer
fell dead a few paoes from where the
hunter first aaw it. Examination re-
vealed that the man's first shut had
wounded the wild cat in the belly, while
the second hit it squarely in the head,
apd that •the deer had died frcns the
biting received from its strange rider
Excited Tlevraaaw.
All over the land are going into ecetacy
over Dr. King'. New Discovery for Caw
stimption. Their unlooked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Sav-
ing remedy, cause** then' to go 'slimly
wild in its praise. • It is guaranteed to
positively cure severe coughs. aside, as-
thma, hay fever, bronchitis, hoareeeese,
loss of voice, or any affection of the
throat and lungs. Trial bottles free et
James Wilson's drug store. Large stile
$L00. (2:)
At the Oldest Established Shoe Store in Town,
In endless Variety
to suit the most fastidious and th most ecottumic buyer
Is now complete, and I take pleasure in iuferming my custu,aere that at ue pre
viuus'ime have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. 1 have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unti
it is • positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere.
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will Le act e ul
in the most approved styles by first -claw workmen. end
of the very best material obtainable.
_ Z7 0 V7- N T N G_
You Gill Save Money b Baying Your Groceries z FSrovisions
household should be considered
complete without a bottle of Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure is in the closet.
It ia the only reinedyehat will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson
Perfect, Posi.tiv-e and Pleamanent aro
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained af'er a few doses.
leu that your Druggist gives you Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney Cure !Sold hit J.
.► it son Goderich. 1 aC
Waal Knit) or Gros,- Rule !t. A plain woman can never be
cisco with :nattUrea, or `'trot. -$rasa' pretty She can always bo fascinatirg
weds his Out 1u.1 us to prefer them to it she takes pains.
one kind rt Kraals. 11 the ani: is light Rule 10. Every year a wotnau lives,
.rad sand we should :•ono Rod -top,
Y the mar• pains she should take with her
especially that variety kr.owr. a.+ Rhode dross
Island Bent. On a stronger soil we pie -Rule 11. It. all thins let a woman ask
ter .luno Crass (f'•ta pentttu:r, which i+ what will please the men of sena h fore
also called Kentucky Blue-geom. With she aka what will please the men of
either, :; quart .of white clover may be fashion
mown to the bushel of grass send What
•s known as the "Central Pari Mixture"
.,oneist.v of Red -tee and Kentut,ky Blue-
grass, _,f eacF 10 quart. , TtL•otfe Island
tient, 8 quarts , CresI.icg bent, quarts
Wh'.te Clover, 1 quart. Thick seeding
ewrtial. as tine herbage is tm!rossible
• iliMststs M all ltsaklas.
le these times when our newepdpaln
are hooded with patent medicine adttult:
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are biliou*, blood out of order,
liver inactive, or :eneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that, will
Cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters.
They are a blessing to all mankind, and
can be had for only fifty cents a bettlo
of -James 1Vthwn- [2:1
To drive away red ants, put one pint
of tar in two quarts of hot water. Put
in earthen vessels in closets, or sprinkle
sand, or strew oyster shells or red cedar
shavings. These will all be found effec-
tive in removing these little r.uiaance,
Says Dryden - ^�
"She knows her man, and when you rant
and swear.
Can draw you to her with a tupelo hair.'
But it must be kraetiful hair to have
such power ; and beautiful hair can be
ensured by the use of CINUALRSR HAIR
Ra tewaR. Sold at 50 Cts. oy .1. Wilson.
Warns •t Praise.
A . rile we do not recommend Pa-
tent Medicines, bat when we know of
one that is a public benefactor, and does
positively cure. then we consider it our
duty impart that information to all.
Electric Bitterg+ are truly • meat value, -
We are Now Selling This Season's
N E -vT T E A S
From 'fl)eta per M t.. ;:lets
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar, &c.
W.:1 be :told Proportionally Cheap
Extra Family Flour
True N tier Trust.
Toru touch cannot be said e f ti,,, ter
faithful wife and mother, constantly
watching and coring for her dear ones,
never neglecting a single dirty in their
behalf. When they are wailed by dis-
ease, and the system should have a
thorough cleansing, the stomach and
bowels regulated, blood purified. and
malarial poison exterminated, she must
know that Electric Bitters are the oaty
sure remedy. They aro the best and
purest medicine in the world, and only
wit fifty cents. Sold by J. Wilson (4J
$2,25 per SCC 1os_
A Full Supply of
Oatmeal, OoramAlwayeel,s on HBraandn, Shorts, . etc.
:The Best Quality of Coal Oil at .he Very Lowest Prices
people are al Wanes the look
bat ter chases la increase
their earninge,and in tiesel
come wealthy ; rites who o
Dot improve tom* opporten-
j (fife remain fn poverty- We ofller a great
chance to make money. Ws what mer,, Wo-
men, boys and girt. to wont ter us In thew
own localities. Anyone oats do tae work pro-
perly from the first start. The businetto will
pay more than ten turns ordt*t7 wages. Itt-
pensive outfit furnished tree: Noone who ea -
pa • tails to make money rapidly. Von eon
devote your whole time so the work. or only
Your spare. moments. Full information and
all that is ueceseary sent frcr- Aadr' w STtN-
non k Co.. Portland. Maine.
Chilled Plow
ItavtttgyoronsaedWo o t...h 1'
a ptria� tee erewsises Ibr the lsaewfsetur
IoMPLY: 4R 3PWWS sad scale.AGFUIllit UL.? Work
General trig a *oats• will be oon
tlnuod. All work woaraat•.L
Reecunenis the may man s utborire
to const paymeats sal give receipts on be
half or the late Mgt or H%sa.naa *co., an
alt persona indented aro roonastrd to Roto
themaalwen accordlnidr.
.,..ie1•,1ial ILLict.
"i don't believe you have the wett•ruf
tho right temperature. You must get
the thermometer," said an Austin ninth-
er to the new colored nurse. "What am 1
dat ?" "It is an instrument by which
you can tell if the water is tno hotrti.o
cold." "I kin toll dat ar withoot sty
instrumon'. Ef de chile turn. blue deo
de water am too cold, and of hit turns
red den 1 knows dat de water as tete 1
'Wet it. It the Moil is in good condi- gig ,g„dka„•, and will only caro Bd-
tier, three ►m*bli to the we of mixed 1 ietelleteles. Pewee and Agee, Sw
gums. or of a simple load, ia the least Liver ani fiideey C roplsf^h,
where all +tiler rn*edie• fait We kneow
that should he sown. If the soil is poor kava whence ws tbisak, fired era freely
theft four five bushels sal: lee requireIi i lama se au. _gash -Auld
Md 'fifty swift • battle y J. Wilem. (11
P00151 Ta* Mir. -If a Orli late, it is
ealltwnery t• mit a qwr' or ee of oats
w+th each bushel et grana -seem The
,(yr w ng eats afford t utile t, tt • youeg
grass Bot the oats In a mealier. starve
tread lees •rats l•Wu ' Noy iso not
needei when tie eowieg is dose this
.worth, et, or= as late u a::'it
In sewing, divide the grass seed into
?our portions and sew to four different
A Wide Awake fartataMM-
Mr. J. Wilson is always wile awake is
his basica.% sad spares corium to same
the best of every article , his lino. He
f:'etl h no for the etrlebrated
Milliena of Bettie* of Dr. K•ag's New •
Discovery for Censumptinn, Coughs and
Colds, have been given away u Tris)
Bottles of the 'argosies. m
This enofoua
outlay would he 4itastr.ns to this pro-
prietors, were it not for the rare merits
weaned by this wonderful medicine.
Call at Wenn a drat store, and Ret a
Trial Bettie free, sal try ft.r ynnreelf.
Tt never faint M eters. 15)
Kailas is lisiiwjmR. Read tie testi-
reetsiab in taw let stn Dr. Van
UMW* s I[ia.h dor. thew M a *tato
earl veliev0 puma of tea those d' rear I
vtt� paws Tour fan ten you j
all about it Rola toy J nerwv (bwlericli
As the frretaof wouter vanish unlet)
I)r. King'. liensaDtotnver•T for Crnwnwp• the Mlurio ,ndeenne of the sons rays,
bio::. The only certain cure limners for fen hove Bright's Disease,Dropsy atone
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Hostess Mobs sidaeys and Bladder, imji infirm
Asthma, Hay fever, Bon
rehitia. or sol I esmMo ed the the Kidneys, leave the booty
affection of the Throat ani moire,. Bold era the salministtatton of Dr. Van Bo-
on a positive guarantee. Will rive yrs•, test's Widrwy (!ars Wed 1t; .7 WI!vnn.
dfroctions, eotr only oft 4 mild •t*v • tri*g bottle fres Ranter sou $1 "31 2m
Ohrystai & 131afck.
raw .tt/J.Xtt$ and BALI PANS noanoofn-
H. S.Hart&Co-
Goderich Mills
Beg by return their thanks to the pphitc
the liberal patronage received lliring the pa.
year. and to suite they er.- prepared to dt
Grit Is'IP IIN ;
on the shortcut. *Own, or for it.+ convenience
of pe ttiesllvtag at rt distance will exchange
Arista at their town store
W. M. ifilliord'j, ,
Hawaii; block, Fast Mt. liodt•riN..
pg -Highest prie:e paid for wheat '
t $500.00 Reward.
We will pay the alwu; reward for any case 01
Liter eemptai t, Dyspepsia, Mick Hetdwrir.
Indigestion. Constipation er Utstiveaess we
, ence.curr with it ant':, Vegetable Liverpui..
w hen the d i recti W is are etrtc f l y complied with
They an. purely Vegetable, and cater rail to
gl. a .sti.raotcn. Sugar l'. Kited. bare Beta.
Containing NI Pills, tS mina. For sale by ail
ihuggtstw, lkwarc of aoun;erlrlte and irniG
tion.. Th.' gennirr manufaetutM ealy b,
JOHN C. Whti•r i t.u., '.The Pill Makers,'
111 and 5.1 Ling tit. E.u.t. Toronto, tint- Irro0
t.rfat ps.' gage tont by mail prepaid on receipt
of ..:1 rent. 'tamp.
ttired pc u *hottest notate. PorMate as W.Lt.NII DOUG STOOD
Ali I:eoun of Repaiytng eerrattol under th Health 1s Wealth !
119.1117011141 aepervlsien of the Protrrioinra who T
.' Jot;
; .. 'tt_•-a '. ..'-•
1 ' t MO..e4ae4. e•
.4 •.'t i 'tit lltsi rias.
t t t rev TUC Men.
t;LI-' rent flh: er •..•r -a a hoed , ?
•,,sot Thopaaads tot a• ,•
.' ao 1 r i' it to thew til
o to pr mar ti e t catty ':'stole
1A _WoH.
' TORO tam
:...,ii., Rent Chem. St
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!h• towels
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tab maltcctae Witlafuton "Wain11,eir (enema reap
.root em ewe dollar. and We ma road •
/MOM l C.Z. Tora•�'seOse.
Vet Nle hT
Practical Wo otkmere
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own r, a leers. •• .•J appnn•Mr for tty.terta, Inv
'Ire•', (' or, ',ulai., Tits, Normo', Neuralgia,
tinadiu're, N:•r.•w F'rnalrattion canard by the
.-n.rr nlenl•,1 "r tew.rn, Wakefnlae,'. Men
ti Iteprevwb•.., a r:enh }gt of the Drain. rranl•
gin l'i :.r' ; tool Ir:i,1 ng to ml,rrle decay
and deaetl, :?ell stator 014 Ate. Iltiri4•anew
▪ boasof Power 1uPit vet•r.e x, Involuntary Lo.ort.
end Sperme•nrrhtry caused by over-esertitnt
of tae brain, wit'eh tee or over-indulge/ler
1 Me Ion z •.t i' I r n -.• r. ren t e uu'.% Ya• •h 1w,t nor
Law Int' r•'• trnatw,nrt: stn.• 0u141r4 itos,
tMela b.ttr„ ("r : , .• .1n:ler' b•. tors own
,i eWa r«etp n: pence. We ewnrantee prow„
e -I to cure arty ewe% With .a... credorr
a retool bt iv. for et% hose , s•• ornlateied with
«' fvedoHae,,sea•willseu,i t1* purchaser ter
,ter 1 written g ::vr.Lutre to refund the m•+wey if the
G g - w V treatment eoesrot efiret. cunt. li toss
ia•nedonv b'vJAwitt vsslt*mi .o1 ha.
:.-..- . 4 I. ttt►aagesf.w(eedort:fltint. J0tYt•,WICIq'
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tt ; f . fi - A ". " rHrrt. \ : Misty r, K1,�CC fuer.%,-' •'
$ e. ,. � . � t tins( r.. ,e,epgl. y 1�a•
Gray Spec* �ediciIh .