HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-09, Page 1GO1)ERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, )(ASCU 9, 18"3
•L3 A TZAR IN ADT'Alk Cil.
11e» t Neel I.r•seat..
L.osl. •SsoN.tt.OM e
Noting. -K. ('anrplou.
New Seeds, S. Sloan.
Sheller. C. Crabb.
Wall Paper. Murders Ana.
(kand Trunk Itrilway. J. Nleksss.
Uaruservud .ruction vales J. C. Carrie.
('$sap Hard ere Store. John A. Heir
rite r. O.Ileeand ern 'revs. WeottlUsut
t .: doors below Bin% of Montreal. O.d.•
I. b 1712
Zhe Peopts' s column.
Tattle,' indebted to the ...tote of the late W.
1. Shannon will phrase Who soiled that the
thrnta of std a to a hare bees placed in ai
twin • fur immediate ooilactis sad that all
uapatd amounts appearing Orris w retell
debt., will on that day be reed.
Holleiter for Adndaist►elrir.
tloderirh. Marro ft b, tri tri -2t.
11./ test., ttetwvw uedert.k Joh Move.
'Wherein • Ml•k Boa. The Saar will hr trey
Wendel by leavens It at tile eller. 1d.-tt
1 mood frame kenos nod t lots a masePane-
lo reand.s>r stable
Fir 'stilettoeslinty
a s. 'alar. litedeer. 1 Uf.
AU perinea desiring license for the sale of
titers fee the oomieg hoose year. ars bere-
tby oodlSd that their app the lateeUrw oetiomeet be In
'he bardswe before the
tray doe ot April asst. Stoploss Tates, tri-
ri.• s I•ep.dor Wer Hares..4ei4".
March tat. 1s1
1' r. J. C. Currie has received Wer diose to
by entities as Therodamilleth at Mea eh,
11.111M121.811.ilie ateUtrIbleottroon.bei nit McLEAN, >ltST8L0IA1lf, $Uli-
awaesk, eostniataa M sorsa, more GE0��� sr� Orta tad eeridsa
on w era b •Ness ears find mrd deer west of ♦labels
estops. • p� to lsouss, wad tint ol•ss 1721,
unibar:i A =MI rivulet runs across one ear- 11 G. MAC1BD, K. D., PHYSI-
.l net of the tarm, it is sitsted on • good trav-
road wtlkla 1 MUSS of Deng•apon and run Butge.n and A0000aleet. Oradtate
ails its from thfi Nile. Tenon all
of ToronW veesity. Ofgosoppoal egret
� day pa/e ranee in to dale. �� Cwbesetls Hack, Ltsskfw
with lateroat at a Dose, en at t10 Mask. f.
Loans ana insurance.
fti.ds-- ea freebMI s s rlty. sp1J to
Ona Swanson. Oe4eelcb. I$7sae
an good Farts or first -aerie Tows
tpromnt Arlie w R. RADO 17$1
1 .saroast t. sett borrowers ate to se per
nest. Private funds. Apply to yes -torn ud
NORTON. Ooderieh.
it lowest rates o t. amount of it.es MMo for ins. Apply
we y
IA Mosey to lead at lowest rates, tree of
may costs or charges- IMAGER et MORTON.
Collages Hetet,
OOodriol, lid. March M1. ITT/.
elfe on Farm wad Town Property at lowest la-
Weast. Mortgagee psrchaeed, no Cearatsba
charged, Conveyancing Fees reasonable.
N. B. Burrower. can obtain mons in one day
If title u s•ttafaotary.--DAVISON k JOHN
STON. Barrister. Lc.. Oodetioh. i731
ReprLife wad A.ocident Iaaar•aoe Agent.
esentingerstol.aCompares. Anoages l
ter the CANADA Live @moos LYivawNC, Co.
limey to lead on Mortg,ge• either In Town a
Farm Property, in say way to salt the borrow-
er. Omce-Imp-st•tn) Yar's block oodericb.
DR- W. (;. a MACDONALD, K. D.,
('. M.. Physician. Swyger Aeonpaa- r.
see. Otfoe and residence, llhjn stet. Aa-
N�t. wa -IM
at Ts,c
1eg. fu.ntario. es aid reside•oe
�sDsulk Bailey's Hotel. Otter. Jed•
orioh 171b1m
M�/t� row R *. to
errs* peg shoos• pew at 1 o desk, [wag,
1 Richard Ad anOB1+ Ii+9Ne.! iiAMILTON,
iadtnitelWrgh. 7t Feb. i Thomas J. Bell,
timid. Krentore. oaoe at Dr, 7 near sim
grel OOderlch. S On, J. C. Hann,-
.kYS FOUND. -A COUPLE OF row ITaI. Mr. Henry Bolton, for many
sell bra on • atria wereford Aar- messenger t, the Beak of Watt'eal here,
•at s week and telt at tali eros The owe- -
w assi this them dace. y pa7hi[ Nr ebb adv[. AP r2((fVRAFOE QARD. 1 has �e t.; Guelph, where he will ni
air at this . t • ' 1 I future reside. Mr. Bolton will he missed
in the Oddfellow circle of Godsrieh.
SUDbIN DRAWL -Kr Matthew Les y,
who for some time poet has been residing
us Jir. Polley's farm on the Huron Rued,
died on Sunday, after a brief illness ot
three day., from an attack tri ooegestlon
of the lungs.
Mr. William Campbell was appointed
town clerk of Godeneh at the last coun-
cil meeting, and Mr P. Adamson was
appointed town treasurer on the same
occasion. The two offices have been
severed onoe again.
C. Crabb has a large and varied stock
in his stores, and is making special an-
nouncements in teas. He also thinks he
hu got the boas thing in the way of a
corn sholler, a cut of which appears in
his new advertisement.
CeatatvsL. --A carnival will be held
in the skating rink to -night, when a
large number of wetly prises will be
awarded. Admission 25 omits, ticket
holden in costume 15e. On Saturday
sitar soon the rink will be devoted to
children at 6e a head_
Mr. Geo. A. Roes, agent for the Sarnia
Agricultural Implement Company, was
in town yeNsda7, and report's haleness
good in the district over whieb he oper-
ates. Mr. Ross makes Ooderich hie
headquarters. --[Sarnia Observer.
NEWS ABOUT HOME1 Th. Seaforth .yid., in its roped of the
late poultry show at Seaforth ways :- -
A erdel'e arms Ye. t•kiee Durr'. W. learn that Mr. Dickson, of Gude-
An' faith hell Arent It." ( rich, purchased from Mr A. Calder the
--- i let prize cotterel, which was • grand
:0wif TQP±OS• • bird, and the 1st prize pollen, with two
Sonic of the wort loe•otuul l:..e oar .•a gels can 1 grand hens from L. Thorne, making the
be lead at bteppsrd'a book etre. lost breeline pro 4 fipantsh in the
Waw u energetic. reliable Doul to run. ce,usty.
vafor nets sate of Orwnne and i'-wliag Ma- raiment CONca$T.-Arnngentents are
Domes. Address J. W. ti'e•therald, Gude• I
rasa. being made for a parlor, concert to he
James ammaire & tion an getting in their ! held at "The Maples,,' the bawtdul real -
Uprise stock. We are the srrival ot gam donee of M. 0. Cameron, M. P., on
llsof wall
• ofwarr I boilers, etw., serener, wane, Thstedny evening, 2211d March. An
ata, wheal win lteeetd ekesp. Farmers wish- ense twining programme will be provid
ins'Imre/as sbosld c`11 -Tim nha nett loose ad, and the public are cordially invited,
under tete sea. The proceeds will be devoted to the fund
Although the Provincial atrium are ovr, p
It 1 dlifnrs4 to for Ikea idea of the campy. of Koos Church. Admission 10 centst.
of e HornnIT Refuraran say It t. as To won•t eight u'otook
re and the Cewrvauves day tt Met: 1st
Ortu Grand T*
leg tad 4 Tories are an pietas tfone mind arned oat b R. nisi- ikcvaatoa Tauri tog Mu rru e a V D
lows, lbs eaeeaarap Daatr2a -ToiTrod, Ry. have
%raoai•s Smarr. -The other day I read arranged through trains for the Nonrth-
about • sae who bead • cave in W. -. The boat train will ie•v.Ooderieh
watch te Mow muesli sed y• Be had on Mafnb lith. A great reduction in
late i• s us aths previsions wow tars has been s•de to all b in the
►ave • se mead pte•aic. aa7 Pan
Oodaitb setas sneer som and b to NorSbwest. For tickets, maps, guides
•e-dy efIced UAW. be eleeld resesber and ell infcrtnation apply to H. Arm -
that the best Mak of velar end Hours are
are on wale at the ren of W. L. Horten. Af streeg, ticket agent. O. T. R. l;oderioh,
Mon Block. Ont.
Mr. March Green le attending the lenevatt,--The lecture in North -et.
Veterinary School at Toronto. 'Methodist chords on Friday evenaeg lost
Miss Alice Platt is at Palsatet o, the by Rev. W. Williams, monied `Elbow
guest of herester, Mee. Hayhurst. Roos," was fairly, attended. The rev.
Mr. Thea White is wow libenrian for lecturer did full jostles to the subject
the Mechanics' Institute, ni<c Mies Lewis and et the olues was tendered'' a amnia
retired laws vote at *Saks fur the able manner
Mr. DePendry's benefit concert is in whiei he Welled the sa%jest. A
billed for Tuesday etsninq next- Dewe lapin" is "flint is Selssas [Ltd Re[ig-
forgrt it. •j by Rev. W. . @Whiata.
Twenty outdo of wood are wasted gar ill be given this (Ifttday) evwamg, and
mediately at this ole. Tee-ma-ashthei �� a Ro°1 whom, will greet
y. rho lectreev.
n • deliver
The usual meeting of the High d..h,roa
John A. Mattel is making a special Litersocietytookon Frida
announcement of .able cutlery in his pi.� ,��
new pmpe mo etAers
advertisement. the Mowing Sts r, Miss k
Miss Wilkinson left fur the Queen Trainor ;
Cityon last Saturday, to select from the reading; Mr. Duroen ; . Siert
7. Mt. Toe" Away, a; Misses M. Start
new spring'hnportatioos in the millinery and E[. t-.- a hdikw• selections,
line. Mies A. Oink_Kisses Start and
Miss Kirkwood, of Brampton, is visit- Trainor ; ;L'Li . F. Blair ; dla-
ipg the family of Governor Dickson. loges, Milne Hulse and So.Rmilter; quer-
She expresso herself as much Owed tette, "natio the home foe me," Meow
with Guderich and itssurroandings Keys, Anderson and Seaborne.
A heavy mile prevailed on Wednesday Mr. Ser! athywed the meeting on the
morning, wad the trains we hear were Nil d
cancelled. Th. 9.30 p. m,, train, how-
ever owe through. The weather oom-
tinuea very gold.
'WANTED, FOR 8. 8. NO. 15 ASH-
t FIILD. • third -abs teacher, duties to
ass••`e Issedi_ate1J.- -Apply to JOHN
atoDONAL9. Iiec.. oohalsh, P.O. &B 5-dt,
Being about to remove to Wisalpes. I have
ttapasei of my auction business I. Ni.. Jame.
''notice, who came to me highly reuummend-
d, and who I m satirled
nds e� t111 � eve
bill. 1
mod. that mJ 1 support which they so er-
•elu Hat accorded
nery eoeerded me in put years.4iI w re-
��lmtteaw{kmfe untilFtdL let April n the mesa.
t all soles eatrosted to or.
t. Q Cg IZ, The People's Auctioneer.
Altens ofplain and ornamentaleu�evJ OG FOUND. -OAKS ON THE
orr. geld. sflvr. ivory. WaLeiuuedeitJy newly and efpedltioury.f..-/
Door Plates made premiers of the tbsortber lot p. Don. a,
end engraved on short sour. Estimates township of Colborne, a assail Mar and white
4i von. C. J. N O W M AN. tlosth-tet., 0alrbb. dog with tan -colored heed. The owner in re.
,,rac gal engraver to the trade. 1177-wtl. quested to prove property. payobargee and
take it away. JOHN M. BUHANAN ('ol-
OUSE AND LOR FOR SALE.- bore,lilf3
A frame bops pearly sew wita 1e toot
oiling, oostais(alt a woos h.u. p•'-,qal.
sty nape� gtveo�dd cellar with �waeserria
d ether
;t gee 1d1eBg s eaill bbaold as Per 4
1R'red bow ` R atilt;, 3)LIJ[rJR Rt:.,
•� apply te W' `L BAs' e/Aab 1877. ) 2 ;1 3 eraer at the square and West
Mot, i.1wine, ores Butlers bootsiore.
it OUSE, AND LOTS 806. 33 AND mosey to len t at loweil rates of intens.
ribIR townioh lift stems,
for fartp parcloelan 1 Attapela. Bolloitgn 1a Obwoery !o.
alt Sauter eef.agl a Ceabb'u oadoe et tae Oosrt Boris 0oderiCri
or J. C (�laatatasr_ ___ Ins Lawte, K.L. Ii. O.L. S. N. LKWIN.
4 grit clan botok home amsr ender the 'LT fueTJ:Iit, rrsw.ees, Solicitors. oto
whole house. sad 11 sera low on the Bay- Goderloh- J. r. Ose.rnsw, dr. Perrier. 173
• Ord seal, Carrion there M •Rood stable and
4rtv5R sbed,b•rd aril sett water ou the prem- QBAGER & MORTON, B Ali R 18 -
'.s. greeds well lam est the �slars TEM, lo.. ke,. Ooderieh end w
gagy oe the pronO er to IL t Bice. h dealer Jr., Gaiter!. J. A. Kertos.In ng
(iodircnb lent hdry.
V Massey, /Lc
Mrs. Nolan Barrs for era the followlpcgg ti Q O•meren.
e,reserty Ie the taws of Ooderich. Lot 177, Q P. Y G. Goderteb. W.
ga.• ball or let 11a sad tae went half of let maims. 1751.
MR Tye 1s • eery and • belt frame boss In -
seal weir. IS loos seed t" neo! 'tS�attar, bard aiia soft water. Bantling.
=rinirtiosbars way
BRITISH ABS. OO'Y, Trui:mrro Kew:4mile
lisanblaW HARTFORD 1�. of Hsxvtoan. Conn
Riots shove&steassOrales tet
the towns rates by HORACZ HORTON.
The tutoeWge U nem Appraiser for the
Tower e.
Mosey to Loan ea fret-ohss security. rose
7 le 1 per Cent. (;hargvr moderate.
Oodr•:k Beat. N. 1w.
Strapea Animals.
herebygl fast •11 partiesIsdelted to CI /1,mro
Pr AL. t 0,d.
die sets or hock reset w
,��d Ile the eew�eeetts M este aun�tsen-r S f!=PLUI. • - • 14..00.000.
by sere new ARRA Ar SMITH. tell Godarich Branch.
'rellidinnek wow BrIMesl► read and Wc-
D.wNd afro* rNseltre the 1141 lolrool, with
toss Mesh The booms le in toed repair with
.,mage Mw sad stable and tabor nut
Too loonies r eau rooked with
ma woos, gnM rows. shnlerl R.o
R. H. (70'xidan,
r. arum bogie 1. Devises ! Johnsssa,
nnerlotna Nom.
'wawa*. Property teems as
a the M
oaraw of
and t':s► Odor► Irks
In nen land, • 1d. pale r M teals
:stork le Mon Si sew Ml IIOM 0ite 7asr T e
k.Mecss Ina wl� M1
41711 esu Ala lbs tes.1alf of
long` aws�� � , ail sew Iced : two
gsas rnuk.sMOn= walk% and tett-
knee Mums kit sores.
eerrr ddsssa . W.
if A rd. if
x P.O. derink
D. GLASS - Afew.yer.
Allows tracer es depmldts. Drafts, tette.
of credit sad elms. settee used, some
In •ll awes of tie wail. 17e1.
aresf Stratford Beacon
segos : "On y Leta deploy tilt
'took place it tbu residuum of Mr. John.
1(lnn, draggtst, when kis fourth daugb-
ter, Bowie .Helen, was united in mar-
riage with Mr J. W. Drowett, formerly
of Stretford. A large number of guests
were present, and same valuable gifts
were made to the bride. a silver tea ser-
vice from the groos's father being es-
pecially admired. The bride was pret
tily arrayed in • garnet silk ; travelling
dress, ditit green cloth. The young
oouple left by the sin o'clock train for
Ingers.11, their future home." Among
the Rusts were Mr. and Mrs. T. McGil-
licuddy of Cloderiob, the latter of whom
is a sister of the bride.
Mr. D.Ppuoae's BzrranT. --A bene-
fit concert wilt be tendered Mr. De
Peudry by his friends on the evening of
Tuesday, March 13th, at the Temperance
hall, forth street, when the following
exo.ilent programme will be rendered :
i - Piaso Soto . lo Barblr de Seethe Rosin]
Mr. DePssdr•y.
f-9ese.0ur Jeek'.Oaese Home Today.Devere
lira Fletcher.
Me. A. Sesaden. IC. A. White
4 -Walls SongA Bled from O'er the tis
Mass Bsseth.
s - --- -
Miss Omsk,
6 -Swag.... ...TWI.1JSMaim ... MaoOvoy
Mr. 00.4.
T Waits Song .The Dave. . Luigi Arditi
Miss Radcliffe..
A funeral sermon in connection with
the death of the late Nellie Grant was
preached in St. George's ohuroh on the
evening of Sunday last by Rev. Kr. Wal-
ters. There was a large attendance and
much interest was taken in the service.
Mr. A..4cD. Allan slipped while get-
ing off a railway car at Clinton one day
last week, and had a very narrow escape
from being crushed to death beneath the
wheels of the moving train. We are
glad to learn that Iio escaped all injury.
Sr. PATRICE'S Cowesar. -A .nnoert
will be held in the convent hall en the
evening :of Seturday, March 17th. An
excellent programme has been prepared.
and we have rearm to believe that a
treat ie in store for e11 who will attend
on the (,res$inn.
Peed asp Capitol, 08,000,000.
Rat, - 81400,000
President M.N. WM M*M48TI1i
Oaserwi Manager. - W. A, .,.... ar..,..
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROHR, Maieat.ff.
Interest towered nn depesIaa Orfs M a
the erlwcip.1 Towns and Mow In (lases
Orcin lands pad Lila UnttM Statim. WOO
and sold.
A Arsamene Warmer, nn Notes. with pee eg
ranee ederesra w about wdrw,w 171
1 t arra ngu' moll alt► Nr. 0. reOveerer.
►b, 11 slows neskMwdir of iteaforta, to .T AMMI SEIAIWe, ARCHiTRCT, kr.
tate oMmre tor work to Ids Ilan, All wart (ween, (>rwtiti' fjisek, Lames M.,gMe
done from the pia ttaet le We mora etUiS t+ at - . h Ilan and apo [lens drawn esrrect
• rim at a. lona . Pr~1 twit •< tani near*. will 1r t'arwnntp?.' ppf a mad metre a were
assi. ve a oerssts•s 1111161011.0MR etmn..red sad .slew
SLATING, Ezeierrioese- -Our tones- I At this stage Mr. F. F. Lawrence of
.ran Mr. J. C. Harrison secured the ser the American Express Co., came forward
vices of the champion skater J. M. Cook and road an address to Mr. Ridley, and
for a series of exhibitions list week, and preseut.d a handsome gold rine to that
the American appeared at O odetich, gentleman ou behalf of the employees of
Seaforth, Stratton! and Landon under the Expruea Co. The following it
his meuagement. We regret to learn THE ADDftffiL
that the champion tens tit„ largely H
ronized Ridley,
here, as he is the at skater Dees I iiia,- Having Iearnetl with re
that has yet appeared in the sestina of gree that you hate been called to &ever
Canada. At Stratford he was well re- your connection with us, in order that
and at London he was s: -"ally y�wa may be placed in a better position
suooetatul The !tree Press says: -"The her the advaucoment of your interests,
largest audience that hu aver•rissemblak we feel that we cannot allow you to de
at the Queen's Avenue 3katiing Rink part from amongst us without showing
onngrega'ed there last evening -the at- you some slight token of our esteem and
hectics being an exhihitior. Riven by
John M. Cook, champion skater of the m„g you as we lave d„„ „,„3.4
North-west.. Every portions of the o
ture every day for many yeah past,we can ace
was crowded to azceat-the pwoplW sur. a that we have always found you
filled the waiting -rooms, lingered In the obbglog and courteous in all your dent
Make, took munition of the platforms, no with w, your kind and social &s-
and the throng ort skates was w dt position towards us in the past we hope
as to render lbs- sours s a liv Issy be found in your, successor, and we
sovisfg ares[ 'isles exhibition given Iryt that you may long be spared to en
Mr. Cute; was a very brilliant one, and joy the good things of this life.
he was loudly and frequently applauded Accept from w the ring as a lasting
the spectator, his fancy evolutions tribute of uur good feelings towards you.
being the most intricate. erectile and Wishing you every none in life.
llnely executed tante w
fcate ovitased eian
In Doted this 1st daySigned b of Marsh, A. D
the oily. He gave two exhibitions uf his idda
skill, Indelglitpg in every variety of pos. , F. Y. Las east's
turfing, dancing, wall , and fence
figures with admirable AWL,,
• „n, i,uoaif of agents and employees Am
Peer. Newtrse's Risme Conteear. Et. Co., Godench and Beffalo Division
Mr. Ridley wee touch affected by the
Thi benefit concertto Prof. Newman on tttanifeatation of good fellowshipevtdsmo
Tlutsday ennug of tut week, ars a edth. esployees of i60 Expewae ,
decided success. The attendance was and y the gentlemen around the fwIive
Recd, and the different numbs", of the board For seven years he had boon a
rsmme were well vaeyiad ef, aaresident of Goderich,anu in dell that time
'News Piano duet[, )etas a back b Ann kindness and courtesy fruit the people
and mother," Mr. J. Rel,iuson ; instme of tloderiah Never since he loft the
mental trio, Pruf. Newman, and Messrs. parentel roof had his hoot felt so sad at
Henderson sed bead : song, ['Nit, ars. parting fruin friends as it did to -night,
Mian Smeeeh ; cher ; i.na duet[, Messes. and he could assure all ppreesst that costs
Bead and Belcher ;song, "The Shap- weal br mime woe, Oodench would ever
herd boy," Mian Minnie Bell, (b res have a wane plat^ ,n his remembrance.
quMRj ; tWlo ime bells," playa., ftp Druriad the evening suitable speeches
rip the fairy bgY,,, biro F. Bend ; ba1jM.
„ w}rw tllade by Mayor Burton, Reese
' Killarney," BBss Oook' gle., >j'..Johnston, Judge Toms, and Mems F.
shephettds, tell ase," Mrs, a $• 8milb, F. Lawrence, Clifford Elliott, J. Robin
Mrs. Fletcher, Mips Bali, Messrs., Int son, M. ,Nicholson, N'. 'Mitchell, J
demon, Robson, Bond, a:id Saunders: Starke, Tho.. Hays, D McOiUiosddy,
piano duett, "Merry wives of Windsor," J. $Ilion and otters ; and goons were
Bias H. &with and Prof. Newman ; by Man Rothwell, Rolitnsoa,
snag, .1* P1Dhjs " tidies age s, Bond and James Doyle.
ppiaunno nolo, "Ohrntmae bete iniaroh." � (+At! eaasnt evJams was lxuu4ht
Mt Cirfey whist "Joyow Ufa' Mn, to a &ma y the singing of "Auld LJnng'
Fletcher ; sole, "Lout Treasure," Mr. J. Syne.'.
Robinson ; solo, 'Lonely harp," Mia - -�--
Smeeth ; concertina medley, Mr. F. i ,Mlle /Wheel Beard ileettas,
Hoed ; solo, '•Tfs pensive old w
kits Cook. ; piano solo, Hom sweet Monday, March 6th
home,' Pref. Newman ; solo, "Warrior school board met this evening,
bold, Mr. A Saunders ; ivatruatental bars present Chairman, Ceuta
trio, Prof. Newman, Meiers. MendeYsteticholson, Ball, Swanson, Butler,
and Bond ; "Qed Save the Queen," hy n.
company. Dunne the evening tee midi-
oncein,t* of last 1"" -ting were read
showed their patiedI� of the ef• ~
forts of those wit) took part by_ calling ITh principal's report for F'cbruary
for encOrea. Miss Seneeth'a "No, Sir," I wee read, moneyed and fyoed,
took the hoose by storm and pritleipal infor i.d the buerd that
the songs by Mr. .:. Robin •n,and ink was required
Miss Cooke, 'Miss Radcliffe . and for th itivme4 seohotola.
Mrs. Fletcher were also duly appreciated. The ca tt elm was instruct
"Home, sweet heme,"by Prof. Newman, ed to get them.
was very well executed, as was also the Tho inetpeottor's report for 1882 was
instrumental trio by Prof. Newman, and read, and, on motion, received and fyl
Messrs. Headers/to and Bond. Mr.
Bond proved a fevorite with the ooucer- edA communication from Miss teary Mc-
tina and fairy bell The concert was Quarrie, asking for the appointment of
under the management of Mr. F. C. temporary teacher, wee referred to in
Bond, and reflected credit uponhis abil- epode,.
try. The following accounts were ordered
FAREWELL SUPPER. to -be paid : ' 0. H. Parsons, 61c ; John
Ralph, 57.23.
To =e..n. Sarvy and W. a Ja.a s It was moved tend seconded that the
ZadJ•y..Y.ecaretakers uf 81. David's, St. Patrick's
and St. Andrew's bm re-engaged at game o
On Thurxlay evening of last week a salary as last year- Carried.
complimentary farewell supper waw given Moved by Nieholacm, seconded by
a_ (nttrementol Dust.... Waits -- -- by the friends of Messrs. Harry F John- Swanson, that S. R. McDougall be re
Meagre. Headets°aaad DePe°dry, ston and W. 13. Ridley to these two gen ed as caretaker for Central sohoel
/ goeg. . . ... Traria' Harrison Millard en gag
Mrs >Zluoit tlemen,prior to their removal front Gode- at a salary of $290 a year. Carried.
rent rt• rich to other spheres of labor -Mr. John- Moved by Butler seconded by Fergu
1 Piano ihtnt.Lew Dames de Seville.Scturhirt
atom to Octroi where we believe he has
Mlaw Ceres wad Mr. D.PeadrT•son that the secrotery be engaged at
S soot - --- secured a lucrative position, and Mr. sane salary as feat year Oaells(ed. .
Mr. A. @tenders. RidleyGeorgetown, where he has he-
a11a.1.Jsophine Napotsn.Mn. Orion to eos gThe motion of r Ball, notice Of
Myo 10 crone a partner in a knitting minute:- which was given at last meeting, relating
4-ConoertLut8olo ..- tory. Mr. Johnston has for some time to the promotion of the junior teacher,
s Iresoa D,wL1 .1 oouvettes,.Lulgl Border occupied the deal position of Clerk at the central schen"', an,i the abolition
Mies Redone' and Mr. DsPedry. Treasurer of Gedenoh, and has perform- of the 7th division after rnuisa:r,mer, was
MW (`eek. -- d the duties pertaining thereto in a carried.
7 - Instrumontal Trto..Anrora Wtital.bitaky most satisfactory manner. Mr. Ridley was !Kneed by Nscholann, neoonded by
Meauu. Hendereo., Bond and DePeudri. ter the past seven years an employee of Ball, that the o ntingertt comm(ttce be
8 Deet. li[r• Live a Re d Oemvaso the American Kzprees Co. is conneet.on empowered to either gravel or plank the
Ptenc ieto..Walra.Cowep.brMr.DePewdry with the 0.T.R. Cu„ between Buffalo sidewalk underneath the shed in the
Mr. D.Peedry. and Udenoh. Beth were much es girls' rd at the central school. Carried.
WRIT.000 nava THE WRIT. teemed by a large circle of sequaintanees: Moved by Nicholson, seconded by
Hon Smoot Newn. -A1 the meeting hence the large gathering et the Park Ball, that the contingent committee, ob
of the Ltkrary Society on Friday night House on Thursday evening. The fain estimates as t t the cost of arranging
last, it was aeeided to hold a public en- spread was all that msuld be desired, and the doors so as to open outwardly Car
tanglement some time nett month. and reflected credit upon the proprietor of vied.
a committee was appointed to make the the Park House.
The board then adjourned
neeeaasry nrrengemests. Due notion The chair was occupied by Horace
will be given when these are made, and Horton, Eeq., mayor of G3odsrtcii, and jeNb�,
st will her b, s.e n full horse the vice -chair was heli by F' W 'oho --
stow our well-known reeve. joss kddh Horton 'Lewd
away last week
Tlte usual loyal and patriotic tears .ageing old friend, in and about Holmes -
were duly proposed and responded te, roe.
and when the toast of the evening "Oar Mn Jefferson end family, . f the Nile
Uueats," was prnpssd, svaryane pre- have woes to geoid, here.
sent filled a bumper and drank bi the t
heiIth, wealth and prc*nsrity of ehA n Loma - - T. 0 0. T. No. 213
young men who were ♦boot to depart will hold an open lodge to their hall here
from their midst. os the evenin; of Friday. the 16111 dad
The mayer,in proposing the toast, paid A good twrrgratns. N being p
a high tribute to the goitre, and eonelud and venters are .ipeoted form
ed by hoping that woos would los their and B.nsilt.r. There will be no ehagwe
io"rtlon wherever their let wee east ter admission, and all are •rtleom..
Mr. Johnst. replied Gist :tithe toast. The onld weather of election day did
He had been born is Godwin, and we net ps.vent88 volts from seeking their
loth to .ever his oosnwctiees with the ballots at the Tsspsranee hall .1. (1
good old town. Rut eironsetanees Stewart was returning "Meer, and John
over which he had nn rrontrol so Linklate- poll clerk A. Allan and D
willed it. that fee the present th. link Canoeing watched the intonate of the
which hound him to the town should rewp.etiv.rex Aldat',. They werea little
n.r broken. Ho hooped, hnwover, that aas,st.-d in points of taw hy a disciple of
the majrance weeld not he a Anal one, Blackstone from (lnderich. M. Reap
and he looked forward to the time when, acted me attestable, and had lint one pat
having made his " pile", he would he twiner during the day --the lodge goat
able to come back agai•i, for he lilted which was kept ont of sight of the voters
the people of Ooderich, and he liked the The Onoline beverage of the I. (► n IP
goo -i •old town (Apples»..• knot every men ;tr q ...4 her•+.
The twiny friends of Mr. James tksfinen y pe ,
Robinson, of R. R. Smith's, will be sorry as word The heard toaster having
to learn of the death of his wife on Wed- intimated that tan forayer puptla of the
nesday Iasi. Mn. Robinson baa been school. and r�►etnbers of the Society,Mr.
in delicate health for sown, time. She John McOillivre sod the Rev. W. S.
was the eldest daerhter of the late Mr. Joeieects, he'd though kis stale Jona-
R. Ryon, of the Nile tine to the enmity, t]►e former of a book
of env with sumo, end the latter of
Mee"- 1. Lens and 1). Mo(idtieuddy several Tolson of test books few the
of Ogdsrtah, after.rereoieiag their teen- Binary, a eseteon was unsatintewly
shies in Wast Bows on 1►. 171b t4 passed thanking theme gentlemenfor their
Feb., travelled 41 swiss Mor irate Bast gifts, and i &pressing the hope that other
Hews to give "Reset Tom Gibes s ax tasslen and friends of eke Society
aaaler 17 $lift. Both vales suer, polled would fnWnw the .sample the set.
shortly before 5 .aolo.k, Kr Mc(alli We eft pleased to Isom that another .d.
endiy a giving a Rdurwt reeler" y "f 1 1• pupal of the whorl and es -president o
Brnss.le village. the Society, has jest finished n seat hon
A great many deaths among our e:t. orsble and sue ne fel wages of study et
font have occurred thin paeaing winter the Mn 'hips' College of Medicine, De -
Thin week we regret G• chrrontolc the trot, when hn Rrdeated e'rt Monday
death of one the early settlers of our last. We refer to 11 Tr W Hemlin,
town, Mn Janes Hale, anther of out ane of John Hashn, Rel . ..f West
respelled tnweseian, Mr. H. Rate, who Wasesnosh. We do not know what Mr.
tied at Lerknow, at the reeidwnee .,f her We plan for the futon, are, but frees
daughter, Mtn McKinnon, in the 63rd what we have beard of hie ohsrsot,r and
year of her age Her funeral reek place ahility we have no doeht that ho ail'
es Treads , from the midway,. ..f her divtinguuh himself in the prormesion
.nen Mr t. Hale Park Rt We cordially in* him F1;c tea