HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-02, Page 8j'III Ht IaU\ :'�t1 ..1.. r.►1 1'. MARCH 2, 1888.
land were tuaulfestltit 1 T y _ti
yy un to a nen i+t r be Lit ilei say.+ r., , plc .n.
. Lilts Crates.* Act. Mr. Fonder uugl.t to I agnluet the Lein la• a:on s. . .... ,t Ila
1,05,1410 Ifra iuore..aed by t u • .. 01'14
as►y defaults.. Pante!! tun.t 1•u,I nog to
eltyiro41,e t:ou.p Lay , it the mat it
dui .
*owe of the vtp.:u.i with wh.•ur 1,e had
acted. It wi,t have been well t..: I
' Pannell shows the H. re tliat tie bad
.1:s.'rwed the int• est ry appeals cou-
*tautty printed in the f jsh Worbl.
return t•• his awgemtal work. He wee
An Exciting Scene i i Parliament. 1'upeiul that he wuald artlathK se. he luta
weathered ether formidable opprtssi .ps.
---I He epa•k'e for tl.irty five minutes. tiu fang
rarer.. 4 lynxes tie Irl Isea4er a nth two- the whole of which period the Trine • ie
atita4 .0 lar u.ttrases .a'AeI1ey, fe.r., Welee was in the g fury.
tles,traded -remelt It emotion. allral. THE UOt SKNItKVTti harp;.
Mr. Trevelyau, replying to Mr. i'ar
Lu11do1+, Feb. 2'l.-ln he Imperialpend, phioevded w vindicate the M,eJiey of
lea 1Lleu tis. rt,tATo A.
1�� the Government in Ireland. Since the
London, Yeti. Y; G.., 1 rtularns !
Connu,•n R1 r. 'rruvvlyan, in reply t" a pro.eut Guverninent there has hurt uona- telegra )heti Treael a.• '
question, stated that a nh..rthaud writer
war present dei,tog the examination .•f
witnesses at Dubli•. Castle. The wit-
nesses were out threatened, nor welt
they proffered drink. Tho debate un
M.. tiun.t's amendment was then re
stoned. 11r. Lot her promised the Con-
servative .uppiut to vigorous padicy in
Ireland. \Ir. Forster said but fur the
Phienix Park murders Ireland would
have believtd Mr. Parnell •u moue, and
would have become ungoveruable. The
recent- disclosures increased the stupi-
ciou that the Laud Leagues was connect-
ed with the outrage., and the public ex-
tracted that Mr. Parnell would elucidate
this twilit. N.. .Mere disclaimer would
be sufficient. He charged Mr. Parnell
with heading an organization which
alerted an agitation that promoted out-
rages and incited to murder. Mr. Par-
nell rseptd the advantages of the write-
tioa. He did not plan the outrages, but
connived at their commiasiun. Mr.
O'Kelley shouted
" Ifs LIS"
several times. He was suspended by a'
trete of 305 to 20. Mr. Forster reiterat-
ed the charges against Mr. Parnell,
quoting from his speechea that murder
was necessary. He said the wretches
who had committed the Phoenix Park
ttuassinations had nut acted un the let-
ter but spirit of these speeches. Until
Mr. Parnell expressed regret and re-
pentance he could nut communicate with
him, A feeling was new rising even in
Inland against the agitation. Mr. Par-
nell and his friends had been unveiled
sad unmasked. There were loud cries
for Mr. Par,/,:i, lid nut insve.
Mr. O'Connell, attempting to interpose
war ruled out of order. Mr. Parnell
moved to adjourn the debate, which was
agreed to.
The Standard says no speech of re-
cent years has produced such interest
and excitement as Mr. Forster's attack
to -night on
Summoned to suppress crime the number for Ito tad, as Gil 4w : - i ,,,, 1.g
of murders hag ueeu reduced filen slice t.. submit to the must .rigid sr: .,4.•, o'
toy sew ma.
Paris, Feb. 24. -It is alaIOe.l .au
be proved that threugbnat t... ,• m ire
period during which Can y ,.•e to
had interviews with "No. 1,' Slbse. tarns
was at Grasse, near Cannes. •
Dublin, Feb. 24. - Carey soiree he be-
came an informer to pr..ttet innocent
men and with no hope of reward from
the Ckovernoent. The " luviuctbles"
regretted the teurderof Ca amid telt which
they did not plats.
monthly to one in the last four a.1,1 a dealt
mouths. The only policy for Ireland
was to say exactly what the Government
Meant to do jmd de it. He regretted
that Mr. Parnell had nut 1114.10 1115
tam clearer. clearer. Mr. (lord's aurendnieut
t•i the address was distasteful to the
Lord Lieutenant and to himself, and
would, if tarried, lead to their resigna-
tion and the resignation of the Cabinet.
He thought nothing would be more fatal
to Ireland than to hand the reep..nsibil
sty of its Government t.. the local bodies.
If the tlevernment were convinced that
the life et an official us. private person
had been pointed out by the Lard
League they would act against it
Mr. Parnell pointed out that one of
the prisoners had returned the cheque
sant him from the sustenance fund say-
ing he had nothing to du with the
League and that th.r prisoners were not
member of the land League.
Sir Stafford Northcote said he would
be sorry to weaken or harrass the Gnv-
ernmentto resign. Itw..uld be better that
it should happen than that the county,
relying on false security, should be led
back to the Mi.laterial policy of the peat.
Mr. norm's amendment was rejected by
259 to 176. The Pernelite abstained
from voting. McCaw' and Blair, Irish
Home Rulers, voted with the majority
THg POLttl' OF T116 LAND LE8t11'1:.
The Times prints a copy of the mani-
festo issued by thirty of the old mem-
bers of the Irjsh Republican Brother -
hoed resident at Lundin, addressed to
all the members of the brotherhood, ex-
pressing the horror and shame with
which they read the disgraceful story
told in the Kilmainllam -Court House.
Dublin, Feb. 23, --Mrs. Carey has
been completely "boycotted" since turn-
ing informer. Not a tenant. has paid
est, sed notices are chalked on the
doorsteps of her property warning per-
sons not to pay rent to the 'cursed in-
former." Fitzpatrick, arrested for com-
plicity in the murder of Lord F. Caven-
dish and Mr. Burke, and who, it wits
+stated, acted, 8s watcher, has been
.. acharged.
P..1•1s, Feb. 22. -Frank Byrne s -ye. :-
Caruy's evidence concerning myself 15
absolutely untrue. I was 'i►ever a mem-
ber of the secret Irish oeganizatinn. I
deity that the LAnd L..•.t nl.,• ,4n 1 Ln-tnci-
Wes seers ever c,n11ected, directly or in-
direct' v. I believe C.rrey's evidence was
concocted for the purpose of implicating
the L-.nd League in the Phretiix Park
murder. It is understood that Byrne
proceeds to London this eeenine•
. _v York, Feb.22.-P. .
1 Sheridan
says he neeer mot Carey in his lire. His
rote, ence to the interview in the Angel
Hotel, Dublin, and promise to forward
arrusare fabrications. Sheridan adman
travelliug through Ire'and as a disguised
priest, but it w• is for the plrl,ose of re-
covering property tak.rii front Iwu durim;
exile, and to up1.. Id the "no rent" inani-
festo. if, .14,111(+ c..iuplicity in
PIP wilt Park s*sassnuntiens• but -dn.-4
Awes t.. remain in New York, as hu
thinks if the British government get
hold of hiui he w-.4111.1 It ttt•_.
silt. 1'At' \ ELL's
1'hPre a;utr
rioted excitement in the
Hutto, of C.•niuuut at the openluu of the
.eiaoe this 1(1 teruoen. A large number
f persona were in the Heusi). Ttie
• strutters' gallery- 3111 pleas gallery were
The seite .•1 all the utenibers
were tilled. r Parnell ut-
111s. tell s'ni 1 the ut
:oust he desired to .111 was to make his
p..eili„n clear i., tit•• iri..h )4 -.iplc at•ituuto
and ..bs. •4 4. Mr. Footer, he said, ought
to be aaha,nud for traducir.,t hien. Ile
dudimd to reply to Mr. Fot'ster`s gnes-
tiona, 111111 ti lrtccl that >;til t1.•nrtn with
1 .tvu•
;raked him (Mr. Tarr PI! )t..infortu
tietinst 1115 associates. If Mr. Foster be-
llied the artiet.rs ria the I ri::1• iVnrl.1
were likely to ineito to crime, w hy had
he not stopped the circulation of that
perp r ! lie conn, lred 'tt•• resp,oloebilitl'
.•1 Mr. F',r-.t. r, who mid the art o'Iusand
be:toted what the rt•'init ,vont.) 11', t"
that of hits, ''i, who Lat•.i nt•.ver read
them. thor_h they were u,•w brought
against him. Mr Forster ban 'ideally
71.ith•.1 rel; -;11.•1141 it as Illetltimouf in
the hit,, uh.ntl Treaty 1 R rotiationa,
Why di.t he r.a .pre. file o , cis of
Devitt, B a 1. 31111 B;,tt..u. n'i•. were lies upon the juries because the Prides -
alai, n.t•tit.00.d es iiktly fn en•le.t•'r t•, tents constituted a majority of the whole
pMtcut eu'r..g• it. ir,lartd 1 lir. 1''i t• panel. F:arl Spencer would no more
ter exelsimed :-"Tna•t w01e not men- think of interfering with the trial in Ire-
tionel 4o ms.. Mr. I'..rnr:l .neiinue.1, 1 land then with throe in the English
he hied been cb•Jlenrsd to d.4. t hip 1- f'eelrt.. Mr Parnell'. ,onendoo',tt was
eset, Tett h d matinee to defend hints 't • rejected I y 413 to 17,
from. IL, occupied a tetter posl ion 1.1
tilt. Ptr, • f ems )'ti th •u ltir. Apr • , "t*Natl r'f.t . r•
(lid in E.,.0.4 •c 1. •tor. the s'eS • w... vutlty , L oud,u, Feb. 24. Ti.. T • a:yg
nt awp,,fo-.as.,, •••-•:.. ,' 11..0 th•, h.s.ltng i:t t F'tiwell'a speech sill be read with the
the f 1; •- f, ••Iwudtrw.s .+f the 1pra/twbd stt111agnance it etch': 1 in the
011111111;14103" .,te. a e'i. sats r' • . d event- Tion. Ilia crrolriem, lint t,•atManuel
Niers reamed the tootswitt Mr. 11 Brien, with sallies meccas, does 114.4 i.. ply Cour.
the tenter .•1 th-ti rioter. wan I berated !age so mseh as shamelessness. Some
fr,naprem. M.- ,Fearerr'• u.,furner;ceneciommese.dthe utter is elsin.ryof
wee shocking. Mr. ferrels .t.atya.d ' his evasive quibbles to disprove of the
the rtv.twrce .4 e'tr.-v, whit+. w +4 a.d 'a ' charge built epees a very bread redm•tton
etatein•'nt of (reit, but .4 belief or heat- may ac:.•unt for the labuted caplanation
say. it h el !.leen siret.it+ .bs;.rocest as :of trifllee, and a resort to the ill-timed
remsede Ars. Byrne. Tire re tile ..e i;► recrimination wtsich marked his speech.
reformer to the sorsore of 1'1•, '• *slider The theme waited patiently for a frank
Find" rested omits tate 1, a tt, aunts tremtsnent ,-f the mein • itest,on, which
men *h&j.' prison nc ive) h true, from 'weer came. The chilling al, inion of
the swetr'.v,re feud .4 Nie 1.1.11 I agne, hie frivolity is only atxentuwterl by the
Such Sid h Lace given t., the. , ,,as of morhenic l sheet. •of the Irish niassbeee.
prisoner.. \ir. Forster s :..t+ . ,a wee', Tt is node' %tend Parnell is determined to
deo to the fart that he end. v •t ,1 tri ,t,- Mess hie it a.ndment to the mildew in
tan, * pr••mi'.• Ire it him 'I'...•.. ) hr reply to the spce:h fn,ni the throne or -
failed to do so, and heti lite otti e. itt.' i nttgwing the eftectitive in Ireland for the
Irwtl.,red that the present ••1Rtt'•,, f TY> n of the Crimes Act.
London, Feb. 26. --In the House .4
Commons Baron De Worms questional
the Marquis of Hartington with a view
of showing that a difference existed be-
twe3n the Marguis an$ Ur Chttmberlatn
on the subject of local self-gevernment
in Ireland. Lord Hartington read from
a speech of Mr. Chamberlain showing
that the latter had not spoken of imme-
diate legislation. He regretted that there
should be an upa cion th it differences ex-
isted. Mr. Sullivan gave n- (rte that he
would ask for immediate release from
prison of Harrington, elected member for
Westmeath. Mr. Trevelyan denied that
Carey, the informer, waa interviewed be-
fore ha testified. The Marquis of Har-
tington declined to give Bir Stafford
Nortbc,te a day fur discussing a motion
asking fur the appointment of a Commit-
tee to investigate the release of Parnell,
Dillon end O'Kelly from Kiiniainham.
Sir Stafford Northcote said he would take
time to ooneider his oourse-
Mr. Parnell moved in amendment to
the address in reply to the Speech from
the Throne, attacking the Executive in
Ireland for the administration of the
Crimea Act. The language of the amend-
ment is very violent. It refer to the un-
just executions, Mr. Parnell said if
there had been any reduction in the
number of outrages in Ireland it is only
because the people are being kept .hewn
by a brutal, terrible Coercion Act, ad-
ministered in & brutal, terrible way. He
defied the Government to continue to
govern Ireland without the sympathy of
the people. The amendment .,f the Land
Act was urgent, though oven that would
not quench the spirit of Irish nationality.
He believed Mr. Chamberlain was one of
the few English members who perfectly
appreciated the Irish question. (This
remark was greeted with ironical cheersre.
He pointed out the fact that hardly any
persons arrested under the Curfew clause
had been convicted, and proceeded to
show that the power of arrest had been
Paris, Feb. 27- Frank Byrne was ar-
rested on Tuesday and takeu to the pre-
fecture of police, where lie was informed
the British government had issued a war-
rant for his •creat. Byrne denied hav-
ing pulitictl relations with Carey. His
examination was postponed uutrl Wed-
nesday. Byr•ne's auswer will be submit-
ted to the minister of the interior, who
will decide whether the cans is extradi-
Dublin, Feb. 27.- -Brennan, who was
mentioned by Carey, in a letter dated
London, Feb. 23, neither admits nor
denim that he mos bslooged to the Irish
Republican, but says that the British
goverument is nut able to charge him
with any extraditable •,ffence. If it
wants himit need nut apply h• theAnteri-
can geeerument.
ems' am of Genres.
M +cit be bad tile beet utile l•S+
.t.. Ir Lton
:., towline a butcher's shop,
ulra.w.eti *ewe liver for wile. Nut know-
ing Wu•t it was, be utopia roes to the
butcher, ant" J h•• wtiould like to buy
r•..}t.•.I, t hie al voinau knee only h..K, I
t.. b'.i �,'praties, Ywherrueer the butcher
Ku...l-n,.turellt offered t.. write hits a
recipe fin prcpariug the savoury dish.
%frith Ibis and his Purchase dangling
conspicuuuoly in his nand, Pat sallied
forth it l• supe fie had no. pr'•'eel-
e t d.1', 1 .f, bef•.ro a Iran and hun-
gry d„_ ml• had leen p•row•lin_ around
f_eirrJ 11 . LintyU. • s th ).cs))•ws,
. ud made ''f as fast as his legs could tar-
ry bi o. 1 .t, in nowise diacunoerted,
turned ar ind with a broad grin on his
ear ate an.! ahakielg Isis fist at the
eat .11r 310r. who was fast disappearing
is the, tartaric., said : "Areal', ye dirty
1•1. ck : uatd,yi re would this time! You've:u
got the liver, but yuttcl't cook It, furl
I've ut the rete tn.nty pocket '"
.ret u b7 some considered an indica-
tion of nasties& Physically this is to a
oertaia extent true, but not mentally.
Some of the ;rudest asset the world ever
saw were plemp eves to obesity. Ns-
poleua was rsaebunpoint. Setae one says
that mss of Realm had a parchment look
formerly, because being underpaid, they
were ousstaatly eaderfed. That type is
now, however, es extinct as the dodo or
mellsthastta. There are ao literati now
whet, like tindery, - flavor their cruet
with a piece of Moon stolen from a
mouse trap. Dr. Johnston was fleshy
even to clumsiness. So was his bno-
shadow, Boswell. William
:rt, tlse greet orator of the early part
..f the century. end attorney in the Burr
trial, peed with Donets, so that he was
consequently carried fainting from the
room. Batzac, the French novelist, was
so stout that it was a day's - exercise to
walk around him ; and he was encircled
with bandages, as if he were a hogshead.
Rossini, the musical u•lnposer, was
a regular Sambo, since for six years
he never saw his knees, The shall
boys called him a hippopotamus in
pantaloons. Jules Julie, the prince of
critics, broke every sofa he sat down up-
on ; his chin and cheek protruded be-
yond his beard and whiskers. L4blanche
woes charged three fares when he
travelled. Dumas, the elder, was stout.
Saint Beuve was cursed with the stomach
of a Jack Falstaff.. Eugene Sue, the
author of the Wandering Jew, as well as
Lord Byron, so dreaded beeoniing fat that
they indulged in vinegar and lemon, It
is generally considered, when speaking of
people reutarkab.e for flesh, that Daniel
Lambert heads the list. 1 -le was an, En-
glishman by birth, born in 1770. tip to
'n t
the age of nineteen 1 hu was tiered 3 • se.
cular fellow, able to lift great weights§ and
c •rry 500 pounds with ease. He succeed-
ed his fat her as keeper of a prisen, led an
easy, sedentary life, which soon told upon
his bulk. In 1803 he walked from Wool-
wich to Iondon to reduce himself. Ile
weighed at that time 4-48 pounds. He
grew so fat that he could no longer at-
tend to the duties ,•f his ottice and the
magistrate retired him en a tiensiou of
.£200 a year. Fat as he was he nag an
excellent swimmer, and opened a swim-
ming school, *here he •.;ate lesnous 4..it1u
'treat success. So great waa'his hulk that
he could. swill), with two men on 1 is little
Retiring, he determine 1 to exhibit hilh-
self, add, beteg unable to travel in an
ordinary vehicle, had one made for Liv.
In London he was . quite the centre of at-
tractiuu,it„un the Ming down. in .rune,
1809, he was weighed. and iippee; the•
beam at 737 1outda. If measure round
the waist wait/wee yards,four iuclees.a:td
lie Wets 44110 yard emu l the le„ Each
suit of clothes cost :100, and, of Course,
were made to order. seven ordinary
mem coo hi to bottomed tinder Itis coat at
n time. fie (died ru lune 20, i810, and
his c,f.in was s1x fret, four triches long,
four feet four inches w.•le, tete ftet,four
inches deep, and t'..iuired 112 superficial
feet of plank to make it. it was built
.',n two tt:.1e-trees :1i,1 four wheels.
Twenty nit'n,uorked half an hour to .tet
this Munster iife the ...lave. :std rut last
slid the see, l plate.
/'nn*PLAINTM OF. JCYV PA, ltl'O. l
He complained of - the conduct of Irish
judges who were u1.etly appointed for
political reasons, awl therefore unfit to
try political cases. When the people
saw the juries were packed and the
judges turned into Crown prosecutors,
all sympathy with law and order wast
destroyed, and the people inevitably
beatne the abettor of crime. If the
Government, after the Phoenix Park
murders, relied on the sympaty of the
people instead of upon tyrannical acts,
Ireland would have been pacified. He
protested against the prucl4iiIatinu of
nprosecutionof the tress:
ntetin s and the
K ' 1
Freedom of speech did not exist in Ire-
land. In the Hynes an.1 other murder
cases juries were composed almost exclu-
en-ely .4 Protuatants, Castle t'adesmen.
or ac.luaietancts of the Lord Lieutenant.
The administration of the law WAS de-
tested by everybody. The Government
had now a great opportunity to restore
peace and order in Ireland. Ile want
('ulident of having a Million Trtsh in
America behind hien.
THE t.(VL..N '.5lT4 01:4I \I .
Mr. Porter, Attorney -General for Ire-
land, condemned the brinifine ..f charges
without etideuces. Ile appealed to the
House whether Mr. Parnell's arguments
justified his atrocious charge, against
the Government. He denied the charge
of jnrypacking . Mr. Porterexplainedthat
there wermnore Pmtestallts than Catir►
s *.e•1 1114. Jeal Neward.
The ...i,lisLnrit e'f Rio Ueye's Monthly
offer :Nelle veleta le rewards in their
iMuatitly for March, among which is the
following :
We a .. give 520.00 in gt.ld to the per-
son tellit._ w which is the longest verse
in the !snide by March 10th, 1883.
Should tea •.r ...era ^orrect enamors be
received, tea pewee., will be divided.
The money will be iorwarded to the
winner March bite, 18E3. Persons try-
ing Inc the reward trust send 20 cents in
elver (to postage stamps taken) with
their an -war, for which they receive the
April Monthly, in which the name and
address of the winner of the reward and
the correct %newer will 1* publi.tbed, and
in which several mote valuable rewards
will be published. t.i.;reu, Rutledge
Publishing Company. i:aston, Penna
A WIN stilt allele* a beer.
Ore night recently a l.urlter residing
near Custer sats •reused' by'an unusual
noise near his cabin. Taking his gun
he wruta out to sec what the truuble
was, and not ad a deer at full speed
with • wild at perched on its back,
and tracing frantic effurtr tocut the deer's
throat with its sharp teeth. The hun-
ter raised his gun and fired. The wild
cat instantly jumped off the doer's back
and made fur its assailant. The man re-
loaded his rifle, and when the animal
waa within twelve .,r fifteen feet of
him he again fired and killed the brute.
Juat as be fired the fret shot the deer
fell dead n few psoas from where the
hunter first saw it. Examination re-
vealed that the man's fins shot had
wounded the wild cat in the belly, while
the seonnd hit it squarely in the bead,
and that the deer had died fr. nu the
biting received from its strange rider.
IcE-sot7'nro EXTRAORDINARY. -Wind-
sor, Feb. W. -Ice -beating is all the rage
at St. Clair. They have every kind of
contrivance front a pair of winds tosf011-
sized boat. (Jae .f these boats, built by
D. E. H. Conway and Walter Hopkins.
made three mile& in three minutes and
seventeen se ands. The ice in in good
condition. Detroit coutributes moat of
the ice -Mosta.
Travelling C■tote.
Paas. Exp's. Mild -wird
Guderich.Lv.5.45an1..12.40 put..3.0upn 7.40 am,
di:afort it. Ar.6.34 1.34 4.35 990
ttratford,Ar.7.10 2.40 6.::0 11.40
Pees. Exp'... Mild. Mild.
Stratrord.Lvl'L01pue.. i SOpm.. 5.15am _3.45pm
Sealurth.Ar.12..58 8.42 8.00 5,40
dr r1h
r 1.3; :..30 9.1S L5
Luckaow Stage (daily) arr. 10.15am1pm . drp
Kincardine 1 OOant7tta .. "
Itenmilter " t\\"rdnee.d.cy
and Satuntat 1 Ar.9.00am..I)c ^.10.
nLaH)t'1•:.' in'aut:fully Illustrated, con-
taining all necex-ury int.rtntlt ,u roe the suc-
cessful cultivatwn of \'etictabte., Flowern,
Field Itoe.N., Petatu.•,• etc., is now puhliahed,
r. •f •1 'r1'1 be+ .nailed fee„ to ail appli.snts,
,l.v141.4 A. i+RICF: 4ttn.
I S.;,y.l Grist+crs, Hamilton, Canada.
t;liLk:IFF"'S S:t1J; 1)I' LANDS.
t'. c os [+ a t
x H rte N i o f a t"
Y n c o / nt of
'r•, N'rr: Fleri I' setae mined out of
di• :Jls.jeet3'z ('ottr.ty ( "ort of the County of
Ht:ron, and to toe directed and delivered,
against tho'laaas and tenement& of John Mc-
Leod, at the ani: of John Persona, 1 have seis-
ed and tadc.n In axe :union all the right, title,
interest and rgnity of redemption, of the de-
tendant..t,.t:n Afai.,vsi. in and to that rcrtuin
parer, or •:net or Ilett, .enunle, 1,! -ting tint) be-
teg 1n tile county of tluron.and being the
North halt of Lot ,. concession 15 of the I own -
Alsip of Stephen, comprising fifty acres of hand
tame 0T leets.
Wbe:h lands at'•I tin, menta i shall offer for
sale. at my live in to. C'ottrt 11011AS Al the
Town of Goslrri•.;h. on :Saturday the Seven-
teenth day of MArcighk:kat the hour oft welve
of the •',, c, ler n.
Ito$&ItT 1.1ttignCS,
Sheriff of Huron.
-- Sheri fr'rofll-.•. Co.tjari•4, 1tM>R.
Ira. titin tins.
4 Art . •.r I: sat. -
AnEnglish 1p ',r''gitees the following
simple, yet in' failiug, vire for neuralgia
end actatica {nine It was furnished by
au uta as. ivy officer
"Take a Inoderate.etl potato, ['Miter
large than small, and boil it in Inc quart
of water. Foment the part affected with
the,watet in which the pdato has been
]toiled se not its it inn i e horn., at night
bsf••re going to bed . then ci u.lt the p,.
tato and tont it en the affected part iia n
poultice. Veer this all niehl and in the
morning heat the water, which elteuld
have been preserved, over again. 'ind
again foment the pert with it as hot as
can Le borne. This treatment must •hc
persevered with for several days. It oc•
Iasii natty requires to he r•'ntinnnl .for
as math as two ..r three weeks. but in
he shorter or longer time it Lag I:et•er
fasted to lee successful."
Med at bee Mevlrae Newt.
t'.3smbia, S. C'., Feb. -MMisa Holh', , :
(1rAngeburg (.bunt%, was to have steel.
married •.n flaturdiy night. 141 Rater
day morning she went int. the field to
rake up leaves, with which gilt kindled a
fire, and while warming her feet her
drone e night tire, the clothes wits burned
from her body and she died at the eery
hour fixed fee het mmtToege
Speci 11BbCC
REI: %high..
I beg to announce that 1 ha\.•
made special arrangement to se-
cure a very earls delivery of all
English and American Magesinon
411.1 Perioilicals at the very Lowest
The cost of getting then here
early is greater, but 1 hope by an
increased number of subscribers to
make it a success.
Successor to T. J. Moorhouae-
[)uuuaut to an order of the High Conte
1 of Justice. Chancery Division, made in
vs. Cordon, rho
natterGordon.Gordon oleo .
of re (ro
1 'Gordon.ate of the
creditors of Christ aria do
Town of Clinton, in the County of lturou
widow, who died on or about the 15th day of
October, 1883, are, on or before the 26th day of
February 1881, to send by poet. prepaid. to
/teases. d• Morton. ltarristers, Oode
rich, their c risttan and surlwames. addressee
and descripption• the full particulars of their
claims, a state ment of their accounts, and the
nature of the securitioe lit any) held by theno,
or la default t hereof they will be perm ptori
4y excluded from tie benefit of the said order.
Every creditor holding any security- is to
produce the swede before me the understgaed
master of Um said court at Ooderieh. on the
Mit day of Mareh. 1583, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon being the area appointed for adjudi-
cation on the claims, 5. MALCOMSON.
Master at t.oderlch.
Dated Stir February. 1959.
1877 -St.
31),. •
Sart lea - -
- L'e.1 lain. in loon.
WO Tea • . - \s 'final ter Nome).
('ol•tlrT Or 11 1.11...-1, t` Hy a inter of a wilt et 138104 Sacs Ira 4 AS'S M- 51, „1 n, any kind
of if•To \y n : { 'sf estav rt ►acW, issued est
MMgies* yty Coell e; tae G�S14nsv
M Hiroo. and Issue dtreeted and
ozalaat tee lite. and tdNrlests
Walker. st the stilt et 'meta Rees, f�Mei
•.454.1 at.. tat,. n in er•wetlew 611 the
title. iatetee. an4 .g4ttts saw ayr�dltM
the above ea:. td del
.i: ada.Nthat r JAPAY.
iti'4uteen•man. ,
��M Oswrrweets 1 shall sett Our
learn of e�te.sse4ss4 Ms *at ., Owlet Ir
Met day of Mareb. t at the r twelve
of the , dr k meas.
ROISERT filnf Ott.M
MherlWe(('o. Horan
Aiit•r:.',, s r. tioeleelet
Her, . - 114.1, 1W itl:bl9t
,• .swaegisttt by.
,rd:,',10,7,;;" hn{sse 1'es die
,Invv .�t1/al�a?r ted anb Select e a lot r, f (j
•tr heawaa M 4iegsse 1 U M�ij�l�l lot (1 lI
me. Ow a wetik is miens 1
town O.: ostilt frees .yam it
awes. Capital net yye wt� -_.
Pew overshoe. elle Iota(=
4wdieessmab0 se ntf�. 4M ss01s, .elle a
sea a VI
11es4Uer. ed
If yea want
Cams at pee ma make great pay all
the time, write for particulars to if. llat.t ter?
R lb.. Port!,ud Mgtne
I.L.s,1 k.
Sauiiti's' /
T.. %I ARE 1014461 -•
--)BARSCA1 e• 1N
i OOtt It .. &Te4111.,
r•1.►7'6n wAR&
w -ALL PAPaI:.
Lost Prices to Cash BuyerF
Jas. Saunders! S
•\t\t door tothe Pe -dont"
Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain
TEAS and Moues Ricer Count
4' :errs. ISA Well
THMltare to the Unite States land
jt (1 (1�t7Q� GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA.
1 ooc les, e.1 I'Tfw%AL II %r e..,1 04 LL prelims*
made.: Y*$$ 10 any Mdrrw h. t
H. F. 111( NALLY,
I G eo I'••'I General $ t MINN*Travemf Agent
' clod 11111RMSUS li NA5.
I d. M 0 O'vert 4i T