HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-02, Page 74. l'tih UU LU.)N SIG\ +i.. N'Itl l►A 1, MAR. 18;► Farm and Barden. N eek se eN ekiet+ard. Nursery trees should have heed order- s ' earlier 1 f yet to hti d . e, d.. It at um*. a hen tress arrive, t.upack them, • if nut ready to phut at once, heel them in. The uperbituu u( heeling-iu is a temporary o Jplanting, where the rots are eosins( with wtl ■ud kept (rune in- jury. Open a trench sit a dry place, and la in the trees at au angle uf 4bd, and fever the twits avid about half of the stems with fine ail, taking bird to leave Lo open spaces. When this ie well done, the reek stay retrain f, r some weeks. Take care that ail of a suit are put to- gether, and that then can 14 no mixing of varieties, or confusion as to labels, when the trues Arc liken out to be plain- ts Planting the trees should nut be hut- ried. The treatment to bo given before it :'eseribed on page 126. Before the tre is planted, remove the label placed *dun it at the nursery. If labels are to be used, apply the idle determined up- on • but it is better to rtoegnize the vari- eties by their position, according to a record of the planting. Make the hole w e enough to allow all of the roots to be extended. Du cot set the tree any deeper than it stood before. If any ..f the fibrous roots are matted, separate and spread them apart. Use the nue tire that denoted hospitality, he thunder - to . *oil for filling in around and over the ed at the door. and enquired : roots. • When the hole is partly fidud, "Is Father O'Leary here !" water may be applied with a watering- As might be expected, again and again the he was repulsed. At length an angry put, to settle the earth in among roots. When the roots are well covered, footman exclaimed : the soil may be pressed gently with the "No; bother on Father O'Leary. He foot, to make it firm After the hole is is not here, but he has to dine here to filled, make a conical mound of earth day, and the cook is in a rage, and says around the stets, this may be a food or the dinner will be spelled. All is wait - 18 inches high, and will support the tree mag for Father O'Leary." alnat the winds better than stakes. Paddy, leaping from the door as it the A Wide Awake Mrrgglss. Mr. J. Wilson u rawly" wide awake in his limitless and spares no pains to secure he brat of every article iu his line. He k a ...soured the iigeney for the celebrate'' t,,. lines', New Diatwvery for Cutuump- t u. The uul), certain cure 'known f..r Co euwptuon, Coughs, C olds, Hoarseness .ts )tau, Hay Ferrer, Bruuchttia, or ally aueetii,rll .,f the Throat sod lungs,. eield 11 •',five guarantee. Will give you • i ',',.bottle free. Itevular size $1. :i. 1,1sa Wit. An Dish priest was "landing at the C.,ruer of a square about the hu r of dinner, when cine of his oountrymen .,b sen'iug the worthy father in perplexity, t ..is addressed hint : "Ob, Father (FL how is your civ• eche■ Away. ',renes to 11'e cannot help noticing the liberal offer trade to all invalids and aufferers "Afi.latly put ., It ,t •'was the re- by Ur. King's Now Disc,•very for Core "Poi out ' '•1 he'd put out your rivtr- mice 1 "Ah, you don't understand. This is just it : 1 am invited to dine at one of the houses in this square, and I have for- gotten the name, and I never looked at the number, and tine it's seven o'clock." "Oh, is that all e' wad the cry. "Just now le aiay, your rivirunee ; I'll settle that for you." So toying, away flew the good natured Irishman round the square, glancing at the kitchens, and when he discovered a Te sae Medical rret.•ssler. sad all alma N wear cosecs. Phosp{hatine, or Nerve 1'.toi, a Phew- i pbate Element based upuu Scientific Facts, Furutulateil by k'rufesa.r Austin, M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulinon- 1 ary Cutsumption, Kytk Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Pbuaphatine is nota Medecine, but a 1\ tr rout, because it contains no Vegetal, • Mineral Poisons, Opiates, N ueotic , :sol no Stimulants, but simpl ly the Phosphatic and G•rtrie Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is suthcient to convince. All Druggist's sell it. $1.00 per bottle. howlers .\ Co., sole agents for the linin, bb Front Street East Toronto_ ng steps had been on fire, rushed up to the When the growth Levine, the mound u t I levelled. [Amencsn 4gttcultunet • utul and criedvlG`KrS FLORAL GUIDE, for *1 orb "All right, your rivirence, you dine at s e e astonished suntption. You are requoate... to call at Wilson's drug store, and get a Trial Bid - tie free of cost, if you are suffering with Consumption, Revere Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, L ss of Volga, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Threat or Lungs. It will positively cure you (CO A ureteral Stampede. Never was such a rush wade for any Drug{ Store as is now at 1Vils n'e for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. Alt persons afflicted with Asthma, .Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this vruat reme- dy ENKE, by calling at above brut; Store. (4) ]Ir. N.G. Dein of Charlet n. Ont.. ;aught a severe add. In a new days the symptoms be - case so hike to those of cuneumpt10n that be aadhb friends became alarmed of the ulti- mate result. His physician who thought sore of his patient's welfare than of the "eti- quette of the profession,- ieoommended Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam as the very best remedy known to human skill, and Mr. Lean on taking it was in a very short time restored to health. it is a genuine pleasure to rete to such wonderful cures as this 1a these days of 'quackery and of "professional eti- quette." • 43, and a mighty good dinner yun'11 171terta and Corgi. h( Adair of Gladstone, M r. 1', e, Ont. , had an attack of diptheria which was succeeded by a cough. This cough which is described as "dreadful," settled on his lungs. Tal months hie sufferings from it wove intense, in fact, until he ne gall woke Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cher- ry Bsigant. The Balsam calmed his derves, put an end to his cough, and re- stored hum to perfect health. The ac - fon of Dr. t\'ilsnn's Pnlmonsry Che Balsam on the nerves is very remark- able. emark able. The consumptive is calmed and strengthened by it and put on a fair way 4, recovery. Fathions's fancies. Gathered tlounces with piked edges and soft drooping puffs are the trim_ finings for Ottoman silk skirts. Beaded fuchsias and other drooping Bowers cover charming httle capotea to wear with velvet costumes. Velvet Henri Quatre cape are worn by little girls. They have box -piens around the brim, and the crown is a soft puff. Long canaques of velvet with open pagoda sleeves complete the newest cloth suits ; a shoulder cape is added for the street. Brussels lease in the old time thread - patterns are restored to favor, and are used for flounces on black Ottoman silk dresses. Round hats of Swedish kid lined with tsealskin around the brim and trimmed with ostrich feathers are imported fur young ladies. Caahmere braid of fine wool, mingling as the colon of; the Valley Caahmere shawls, is the new trimming for jackets of mastic gray and brown cloth. Black cloth and camels' -hair suite are worn in the daytime during Lent ; for evening, there are Jersey waists with black Ottoman silk and satin skirts. The Marguerite eapote is a small bon- net with velvet puffed all over thn crown pompons of silk on the brim and a thick ruche of cream blonde inside. Resettes Of narrow velvet ribbon trim light brown kid bonnets, and hands of velvet passed through rings of kid are laid on the edge of the whole bonnet. White bonnets aro not worn in the street, and are considered rather con- epicuous at the theatre. Light colored velvet, lace, and beaded bonnets are in better style. Foulard silks for summer dresses hate nautilus shell patterns of white nn dark - red or blue grounds, and also the Moaeic patters that cover the ground with tiny bib of color. Light tinted crape de chief draperies are on dinner drones of dark velvet - Copper -red velvets with hip draperies and plastron of pale shrimp color, are get." "Oh. 1'at,'• said the grateful pastor, "the blessing. of a hungry wan be upon you." "Long life and happiness to your rivir- enoe. I have got yuur malady. I only wia'h 1 bad your cure, ' returned Pat. Ilmsommik Mfg Si. Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan. writes : "I never hesitate to recommend your Electric Bitters to my rustomets, they give entire satisfaction and are rA- pid 'ellen." Electric Bitten $re the purest and fest medicines known and will positively cure Kidney and Liver com- plaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels. No family can afford to be without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctors billr, every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wil- son. [31 IN SPRING, THE WANT OF A restorative to tone ap the general health is • common expp rience. especially among those conWtntions tmpatted by age or disease. Pro- longed cold weather. want of out -door life and sunshine, lower the vitality, diminish .he red globules of blood and interrupt the nutrition of the tissues. Ity promoting digestion and *simulation of food and securing tncrease of nerve force and maecular energy. the use of \YM'eler'e Phosphates and ('alisava will bring up. •nstitutioral vigor to its normal plane. CIrtOALEar. -A name well known in onnection a ith the Hair Renewer,which estot•es grey hair to its natural color by R few week, use. Sold at 50 cents ler bottle by James Wilson. 2m ' An Oasis in the desert is no brighter light to the wandering Arab than a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney -Cure is to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. it is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson llederich. 2m For 1.6M L an Elegant Book of 130 Pages, 3 Colored Plates of Flower" and Vegetables, and more than LAIN llbssurattuns of the chote- elt Flowers. Plants and Vegetables, and IH- recttons for growing. It is handsome enough for the ()entre Table or a Holiday Present. Send on year name and Post Orrice address, with 10 cents. and i will send you • copy. pos- tage paid. This Is not a nrarter of its ooet. it lwprinted In both English and German. II you a terwards order seeds deduct the 10 eta. clews seeds are lie Rost i. tie Worts The FLORAL Genoa will tell how to get sad grow them. Vice's FLOwxR AND VaorrAas.s GAaDSN, iri Paean. 6 Colored Plates, 500 engravings. For to wits *paper covers ; $1.00 to elegant doth. Is Herman or tglt„ggUs-h. V.CE's ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAoaztwi. -1+l Pages a Colored Plate in every number a )ad 'may fine Engravings. Num- $1.25 • r: Flee Colee forbeerrs sent tor 10 caen rte ; *O trial copies for Si cents. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Tl. ,wands bear witne.il to the posi- tive ccrativc powers of the GREAT GER- MAN INVIGORATOR, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, et.mival weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or oteroiled brain, finally ending in cons;lulpti,:n, insanity and a prema- ture ••rave Sold by all druggists, or will he Sent free en receipt of $1.00 per fox, or six hexes for $5. Address F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, Ohin, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular and tesri:!n.nials of genuine cures. Geo. Rhynae, foderich. 3m. .% v. ark made at home by the in- dustrious. item business now fie - fore the public. Capital not need- ed. ive will start you. Men. wo- rn, m o- mtn. toys and girls wanted every- where to work for us. Now la the time. You ran work in .pare time, or rive your whole time to the business. No other business will pay you n'arl.• so well. No one ant fail to once. make enormous pay. by Costly outfit and terns. free. Money made fast, easily. and honorably. Address tni'e •t' Co.. Augusta. Maine. McCOLL BHUS & CO. 'TORONTO- MANUFACTURERS ORONTO_MANUF.ACTURERS OF - 46 Composed largely u: p.:w.lrrrd'micaor Isln- 1am,latheBEaTand CI4EAPEUTlubrica- t or, in the world 7 -the •EST because It does snot Sum, but [anus a hllptly polished sur- face over the sale, reduc:na fridt'on and Ilahtenlneith.draft i t' ,• ChEAPEST b•- canoe It coot* NO MORE than Inferior, brands, and ono boa w:l; du the work 0` 'brands, of any other make. Auiwtns as we!‘ for Harvesters, 41111 Ge.::tne, %la IddugE'al chines, (•.,ret-i'!..ntcr., t'.,rt1a:. s 1:u ten '4,-, as !or Wakrobs. GUARANTEED toot{ oontaln NO Petroleum. t o!Gby ti:l .!cslerRI ilf- sur fa -t.1 (' .-'opr'is of T7.i.;N worm, Knowing melted tr e. MICA MANUFACTURINOCO• EIS Hudson 6r. Now York. Cleveland. ). and Obloago, Ill. SAMUEL ROC►Ra & 00. Toror.to,Ont. • ' ^•nts for thn F.o'rIttln 1. LARDINE OIL vol. ANCHOR LINE ItV iTF.D STATER MAIL STEAMERS worn by blondes as well as brunette, `'.til Weekly to and from Labia PaatliCe, ib to r•. Itet er nu.fa if e' tor 10. CYLINDER OIL. WrayYokeft, DUt.AntOW, t' IA 1...!tnntrD$RRY A Life Sevin. ?roust Room (,•bin. He. Return Tickets. >t Fonr Medals and 1,r, c them last year at the leading Exhibi- tions in the Dominion MANUFACTURERS And all men ruining machinery will nave money by using our nits. Our LA RAIN E and CY louder thenDA lwor0 d.. andio equal. Facts the public can finspeak out that the foregoing assertions arc true. by try ing one sample of our. Ulla prices etc.. on ap diem ion to McColl Brog & Co Toronto. RMittntw paaseitE'rn bonnie ow rat's. Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson. Kat, p sea,commodM4tn.nnet.rll d. saved his life by a temple Trial Bottle of ALL IlTATKRoOlan Ow ll Ala Dern Dr. King's New Dlseovery for Con- PaseenZrrs iooked at lowew Ire. Denmaest rtes to or rk. " r.umas ption. which caused him to procure Gerany.3tal7, tQ• largo bottle. thato,Nn1istelyoaredhim. F„r fbskof"Yearnitti'atland,"fiat,. pl•.a when Doctors, chadorof climate and •f' mete). so IttNI)F.Itens Itlt(riitens flew York everything else bail failed. Asthma, POI Bronehlti�, Hieersnnees. Severe Coughs, and all Throat and (A►TLAND HOTEL (:(►DTLRICH Th d Lu diseases �1l it i. rtlarantre,l to cure. Trull Bottles at J. Wtlsen't drug store. Lame alae t;,t. (1)' In the history of medicines no prow Seek ration hat rseeiv.d set sea- reendatiou for the alleviative it aBwde, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases. as Dr. Van Boren's Kinney Care. its action in these dietressenq complaints in Limply wonderful Hold by J Wila.n 201 ONT. 'flue shove new :and Rret-clans bora*. close to tam %sliest n. to e Ont io', owl oa sod � towOntario. be emu - fort ar.d n,,'..mltse to basad tiny bet it ntits 111111116 a rnmagse JUTS 1 a1 1 The larline ie fit sale in Goderich by R. W. McKENZIE, G. H. PARSONS, C. CRABB, and.D. K. STRACHAN. ries.; Croquet I.ewn eel Ant tied raid rowels An Oetn.bas to dMlMRde}!M scantly is Atte Wet or •. tis* tae tor w o RTH j jt aMOM - *et. Arnd Lunt Dis° lirW1LSONS PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM Would have Prevented. Sold Everywhere d 25 Cents a Bottle. Two Bottles Is Ole, 40c. J. W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL CE101114DIEDY. 88E11i''AiI3M, Neuralgia. Sc. dice, r.0 neago, Backache, Sor"rtass of the Chest, lout, Quincy, .. = b Throat, SII'eiI- ings and Spr: le, Burns and Scalds, C ' erkl L'cd.•y Po. is, Tooth, Ear sad t:,.adache, Frosted Feat said Ear., and ell st;,rr hies or 1 ick7• *.. P.•trrewsA endo . . on .1. +r I' • OM ;a sat►. env+... .•.. . Aev , "4 js.y. A tri.! •' . • '7 w1saK •'seiy f A , ' aw 1'.Atoms . We. :Ina.• M r.-•- led THE REMEDY FOIL CURING CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, GOLDS, ASTHMA, CROUP, All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and Pulmonary Organs. at I1• /'AITOFr I. 1'111 CONIUMPTION 11AS BEEN CURED Wben other Remedies and Physician. have failed to effeet a cure. Reecmmended by Persil -Lois, Mtvlsrxaa Ave NcRata. In fact by everybody who has titan It a rood trial. It a,•r•. Job to bring rrlie 1. As an EXPECTORANT it has no Equal. It is harmless to the Most Delicate Gild. Ir swamies no OTIC.iI in any Form, Sie' ttiroet,n.•a aecompanY each bottle. flYYcr s..:o Ly u:i Druggists. CHEAP 1/4.) 7.11 . !legs to . 1 1 111.'0• to tun 1, urchaccd from Alt. t. ; 1,111it,1,411r 1!1 '.14,0 • Corner of • istr>rr.::. K � Having bought the goods for est,. ..1.• wholnsalu 1110, lot t •1• Vere i.,,v 1't My stock willalaaye he feel. 1 w'II. ,. . and everything in th• gr isery I .,: tine, the 1 utc.,slways err baud in *loom. i tun,'•••cru: ,errCell sit the stolid, Vivt,r1a street, tin Strachaul'i machine shop. Gtalerich. \;arch lith. 181+2. Ertensive Premie•;'- and lip+:iii CABINET - MAKEEt A a • • t. :I t. Il Hamilton Street, Crl de' 1'' I A g000d assortment uf k be .0.n.. Uts'I.t. 1.. • w .. blas, ('lair's (hair. cane and a, >.:•1 o r' 1 ,• , . Louace,. Stifle,. 51 hal \01.. 3. sok ,-. t.Jeete. N. li. .1 comele1s awiollm4 u1 n. Cottle.,;.i.1 01 tow my n)'-.: 1 e at reasonable rate . l'icture t'ran:.ng a eta t:sah).-- ....11 .4 1.c lit. BO &t.uz,)-::. �.T y� asks. Z7O W .L.L.Li�.t, 1 t- a ni ounce to the Public that Ihey hate . t of ,•r1 1 r in the store lately occupied by Hensee Newton. Kit wul! axeorted stock of Spring eu.ti Stew, t r foot',- .- , . to _ive the l'nillic tb•' A • ,u T_ .1 ar Ta 1t 1 + 1.11 ter It • 0 "NIA t • I. I11,• and „ , , let..utued QIIICK SALES SMALL FR OFIT r¶T . J, - 6:Pt MOTTO f•dP1eaae call and ex,uutne „sir geode Safina i r14 i : ', • . 1' jt "ltemotuber rite place, teat doom to J. Wil , r , I" ` ne-Custuin work will receive ,our special tiltrl'. 1:4.1 -None but the taut of material urea r•'r1 ht • t ' _f:-ib•'Repairing neatly done on the shortest me •. Goderich. March 9, 1882. D C W I N N C E DDUP Woman's Trot Orlesd. A friend in need is s friend i. decd. T'.is none can deny, especially when as- sistance is rendered when one is ,sorely afflicted with disease, more particularly those complaints and weaknesses so 4' - Il to our female population. Eit.ry worrtD should know that Electric Bit- ter. are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when - alt ether remedied fail. A single trial always provoa our as,tstion. They are pleasant to the taste, and only coat fifty conte a bottle. Said by James Wil- son. [`1 Uncle oin. A Veasd Clerprsaa. Even rho patience of Job would be- come exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, staking it impossible for him to bre heard. Yet, how very easy can all this bo avoided by simply using Pr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given away at Wilson's drug store: '12) --Thousand - of graves are annually robbed of their rictima.l ives prolonged. happiness and health restored by the uae of thegrent ROBEEB GERMAN INVIGORATOR which pon.tivety and permanent) cures lin- potency (caused by excesaea of any kind.) Semifinal Weakreaa and all diseases that fol- low as a seen3nce of Self -Abuse, as loss of en- ergo. loss of memory, universal lassitude,, pain in the hack. dimness of vision, prema- ture old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or ronuntptioa and a prema- ture grave. Send for circulars with testtmnniala free by mail. The INVIGORATOR it sold at $1 per box. or six boxes for $5,, by all dru;tgiet•, er will he tent free my mail. 'securely sealed, on r•,.eipt of price, by addressing. F..1. (:It NF.Y, Druggist. 187 Summit St.. Tale,:o.:11.. •, Grill. I IHYNAA, Solo Arent for Godericd. FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. Are plua•ient to take. t untain their own Purgative. Is • safe, acre, and efferttal destroyer of worm* in Children or Adults WILL CURE OR RELIEVE 11LIOUSYCSS, DYSPEPSIA, lNDiCEST/DN, JAUA+DICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, - FLUTTERINC OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every sport.$ of Aiseaw arising cram disordered 1, !VIP, KIDNEYe• OTOMACH. BOWELS OR 04.000, T. MILBURN & CO., P +IYwersasa COUGH BALSAM. 'flee great lung remedt is also a v aluable an- tidote 1.- Croup Mr,. Quu.n, \cllatgtuu-eel., Brantford. bars: ", De of in) children was se,r-d 5. ill an alarm nit a•ta, k ul ('.vat, as the ehtl.l got Mat k in lire fa, c I was frigr•tcn- ed std rise In for my. i.e./ 0bor. Mrs. Euglieb, who handed me a MHtic of 'Ii miniuu euuyh iialwsm'. which Mr Kngl.sh. had beyn using for sore *orb. gl. The Ms dust. rate 'ta.mpl4e relief. i nr.en gave anuthcr and tory shortly the child wa+all rigtn( and at play. 1 sent for • bottle to kot.p in the house as I believe It was the means of saving my chill's life." ' Dnrni.ts tell it. - K. Tar: wort d ('e. W. J. C. per Rottls Kele Prepvleters, Hrantont, Unla110 N af.e1, Agent for (lodes inti.. ALLAN LINE! ROY.& L 354 Il..:_ 1.1% ERPOoL-LONDON DERRY-(; I. tSt1)(V RUORTEKT 'SEA r.tosvitGP. S•r•tauinu from Portland With Jan.; Llnlilux s-7. ifaris:an from PorHsrld Itt Feb.., Iinl:tnx 3rd. ('a4pfun from llolifax 10th Feb. . Sar•;a:ian from foreland 15.4 Ft braary: from Irulifnx col. Feb. l'AasANOKHs vi,. Porrl•t.ANI, ran lase Tor- onto oa the prcvioua Lerida) ,!ny of : ailingg at 739 a m, A Pullman Drawing-rta,m end Nleeptug ('ar will be a' 'ached to thin Train. and will be tun ;111111101 10 Port rand for the eonvlence '•f Pirsiteligens proceeding 6y the Katt :.:...'e .tet. unship. The St eauvsli ,sof oho Allan Lint Icnve for the Grand Trunk Railway. For ,:,•kels/and every information apply 11..11tMSTI4ON(i 'picket A ire' - Goderich t ,C.7.:,=.1r- , I . I... .6...-0C Otinnei 9l 1feronnnendeil by 1 tteir'i;ln•r. CUT.U'' i 1 Cat 'rh of (As Natal Cavity I.sr^r_ and Ilk.rrtivet eatagtpftsr tic lye or Penni. It l token INTERNALLY ant acts ::itsCT1't won ttis coed aM Recnu. Smhces nt the System. d :s the best tl ant Ynnti •r In the W OM ',and h worth ALL that is Charged foe 1t. for T1141 alone. T111 HALL'S 1� ATARRH i URE ONLY INTERNAL CU9E FOR CATARRU Aar 1N Thin H VIRM,NT ., $1 00 11,7:::•$:it 3w':t:!'lto,c-••:1'x100 erauaeaasasws i,►la i %YELt.A) u, •'et. 41 .rah 23, Let. Y.yn r ,a glt'-reattm•_:'.•1 •lett Cst.rrh far tan yaws. rn 1 w., very m s'11 h'•t:•i1tt1W by Ns use o1 •' Hati's Cataxr.t Cur 1 " CNet le row abou' ^nn•1. vY, T. 4418111, Out., %1•.t bee, ten 1bareutsd"Hall'.( '&,.I ('r',' sad 3014 tuii{1 from the i 10'1 remit, 1 I -rived from ova bnttie.lailsaw It will neige the moot stSM isitt ease of Catarrh If Its mai bs c ot'l.iced fee e eel/1°,11'1,1e leuath of time. W. 11. HELL***. \\ r1.1.4, ,e Ont, 1t;rih 70, ('.wi',rvRc.•..T,I.•L.,n, eiewhrHay. sold Heill • aetwrrh ''•aro fur ult r , t••ir 4,1 it si:r• n•e"ro •r I.!. 4••. 11. T„•era on •. H_ Wir. N•r.(bON, Drs«tet Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 • "itilia Who*su I srel 11,,,4 .11 Dna Wigs 1}{AGYnRD _ . - . _ -t�ase4ftneaat ti..1rxNIr LsAM-,:,0 ked Canada $ Cents $ Bottle. $4.9t1 a 11oz True call to taJN tau' (:atenh t'et, t• n 7n. taaomi b' r, J, clicIntat • (Xs.. Tw'to, O. showers d iw,tt -:.a Konica iso M (nark. rex.* to H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont. (lE(11t(IK RIO� i w,)» 41