HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-03-02, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY MAR. 111s3.
t- published every Friday \loruii .. by M."
I LLICI. nnY rots"... al 1ht•1t• Oiler.. North 13'
t.,:r the Square)
1it1D$11R1ll. ()N'PAllilO.
And is dealtalp' is all part. t tesesurrewPol
countryythe cath.' malls 411111 trukue.
y neral u t,iiiss►on it hos a larger circula
than any other newspaper U (bit part of
14.e country, of is ono of the raciest, newsiest
od meal rebates. serises. Y• (matin
ossessiul; N it item, tier• getu,;e sant
“itdbeing ilti uinlit "bola% t -,las,
:away and l rba1i It. 1i9 t t is I ,re u
t '. est tics: robte a.1 re ertx ng tat NOM
••••*.nar,yy..-=1,30 in tuttanet hist c pre -paid
typ ubllahern; 51.7:., if palet l,efore s: months
$ .eO if not so paid. 'Phis rule will Ii stri..ti$
HATE r' Uwitl(r 1 gig ,.tits pe
ne for In " il1t �( tits lia.►f
'eh at laleasesIn0ty4 \early. t
&kid quart Moon cte wtttwslluctd ' e
(much at the figures
we ettteeet grutuhle I t tlsttn,t'
against us in
Roos is eleettxl1 by u large tau
joety ; tot; three f iuron4 are mutat t
for Reform ; the t loverumlent is
Ain, good wo ling Ilia-
. I . L - rh
s ,
u� .nt 1 a
'Amity ; "�1 ),plat won't go :r the
e•ntntr'\ it► Jltfe. Hip, ]tip, hur-
JIM rtINTI\4.---.Ve bare also*. tits -,fuss
,bbinf depurtmeut Inc sad tarn*.'.(•
no( the must complete oilqt- t and hest tee Metre
' 4: turning out work in Go4erlc h. oro twrtwawd
+o.lot, t-.nc-s in t�1,•�y,.�y'jipn'e t ,r,•.tl,•.,, ..•,t
nr in ,k14 n. and .. `l i1 11/,11.. tw°\.'�
-` -_A -.
Fl:1D:.l. MARCH ten, 1663.
T114 it,ttjlf sol. rl+ \I. Rote,
t,1.P.-P., in- Weer, tinsel, is a Lad
a ha
For ii
:tan lot
•ITs�-.4a•• -.-altaLueten.
rh tht latter gentle-
r .*.(will tee
West linv•,n. and for the' past
tw'pj\',•,,}u(iutlis l,a•l4lcen in active
::elilttt epay�mpli ii seam Oppose_
Hon cateli,latt�. Time turd again
hatj 4P: it• (1tl,alris/ eould ttn,l
wt eery ties ri,11>ty gni!. if
boasting I rirl•I Lave earned the
constituency, the constituency
would have been ctipturctl. Tut
although- : Brag i, a .root( dog,
Holdita4 ti l,ej r, ane for this
reason Mr. .luhnston and his
friends to -day "mourn and will
not 1s• comforted.- tt•cau-e L,• i,
not mtemliter, 1'• 'r West Huron.
Theist.lio rs tit ‘t editing West Hu-
ron to T•Ireitnt have passed and
l;onir-hav• dcpartt•d
" T4Ve the ,taiseless iaM'ic •,t a Iir.isnied
• sight&"
And. now that we hay,. wept
with those \vho "seep, we would
like to rejoice with those who re -
Wo congratulate Col. Bees
rapc,n th• handsome majority
which hisfriends so gamely rolled
up for hitt tin Tuesday last. Our
Tory- friends will endeavor to Con-
tra A the i GS by which he has
beau rettattett with the 414 by
which he defeated Mr. Pat. Kelly
in 1579, but last week we allowed
eonalusivoly that Kelly- was only
put up by the Contervatitc party
in 1879 w as to be•knocked down,
and the beggarly vote which be
polled on that occasion should- not
be taken a: the standard of the
Opposition candidate whorl his
friends delight to honor 1,y, desig-
natinghim"theleading lawyerofhis
section." When C01. Ross ran iu
1875, he was opposed by Mr. Dav-,
icon, the present senior partner of
Mr. Johnston. The contest on
that occasion 4(a. a fair test of tate
relative strength of political par-
ties, and Col. Ross was returned
by 89 of a majority. Mr. John-
ston, who is so :lover a young
man, you know. has not only not
decreased tlk majority against Mr.
Davison. but has actually allowed
it to increase. Mr. Johnston be-
lieved lie would be returned for
West Huron : Mr. Johnston i.; a
sadder, and we hope a wiser :Ilan.
And n•.4( let ns shake hands all
around with our friends. Men of
Ashfield, take the credit due you
for residing in the Danner t"w'n-
ship. The \V awanoshrs did nt,hly
also. Colborne did well. ',lit
can do better next time, and dell t
you forget it. Hitllett gave a geed
recon. Godttrich, (loderich town-
ship and \Winghtmn' were lighting
rnajoritic. This was especially
the case in (lodericli Township,
Jy opp , ed ire will tied me ever ready to
but the noldc'!oand who comprise i tlorte them as their representative. To
the Reformers el that township I toot,: friends wile have by vote and M-
illi,' their l.�t'•1 Is•.f, and held their r tlueuce 00 generously stood by nee, 1 re-
owrl against fearful odds. 111 (;n.l( - turn mycnreliel thank'. They have the
i.Ir•t : r _ t the i satisfaction of having perfornted n Baty.
rich t•)wn tl:' ,
t.. :heir Province and personally the
hest return I can give thein is a straight-
forward, conscientious elischet_e of my
duty, and T trust in that they will not
•• If,J L,{. lif).\ t:, :l•'.11l'It.'l.l),
\\ i; T HI: hON.
' Lau►btnn, E Pete: (hahatn, 175
Lawbtotl, W Hou. T. B. Pardee 221940 uv4arlrl) i"w'`' Il sl ma)
Lanark, N \5'. C. (:.1.(x(•11, Ward. JulmtstiiIt fl. 00
i.�uc, ln, ` \eel: a ace. l St. Audlwa'e
34 Mtddlestx, E. 1cKel,x;e, 100 1St, ])avid'•, 1 111 IIO
19 00
, Middlesex, N. tt stet,, 1 tat. (1 i.ri(e a 1'J
Munck, itlh'd Harcourt l5 • BL Pnfrick's _.
1 Norfolk, N. J. II. Freeftan, MO II .841 L u3 1 a
Furthupatierid r:.CJ, MId I'rrtnt, 023 1 To ,t1 ut.ij. ft .1..Il�istou 44
r, IIMtnA \VON1' t Oxf,,:Il L'. Hou U 1[uwa . Inc.
Peel, 1' . Chisju.lm, f11)
Perth, Titus H.tllantyne, 150
TOWN ••r �'LI2tTOI:.
Johustuu. Role.
52 W
40 44b
175 195
St. Andrews
St. George's r
er t, , tir.
I Ptiterbotit•* , L. Th •s. Int4506
J .hu'e
,2b Vit. 'law"'1'rew••tt, J.1lagtar,
R.wf e4( N
£';1.111411.1 hate oncea"(tin pro%eill iii• 1,,,,,1„,i. ltellw•:•1 1'• r Ar,••t't•'rl Ren w. 4.
Rim .v
t) 1a: the hattiner lteforul town'.hip I Term. ' E.
`Jiutu.e, W.
n1 West Hut'uu. By the hand- l . • \Maori., `i. •
s -'i- mtajnrity of 110 it one sealed! %%ptert.... N.
i' - it to -t11 abuse of good.govcfn-
II1 •I itnnrl i.i\'en ti•stimoni fur the
faith that was in it. The hood-
lum cry "Mowat Must On,- f:,untl
Ile/ CI WhI• I'ro111 the .tal'.y )'i /a -
many; of Atelitiel•l, and the I•l,c•
t tr• i,1 t.l14144 tuwlsLip have pro, -4,11 An•i
txil+tll �' t)+iat th it hearts 1
ttllp� i. AL R
\Vatt•rlt • s.
h Wu11 ui.i ,
�`'vil:ug f'•
He Will •Nu\v t'uc. t. 1.'-.i• vt'tT,l•r \legin�;,:n, W.
1 )pep :hilus.. 55'tllinet,n,*.
I \\'este. r,,1 , N.
t •t leaf
II Arno' little f(1p.i'Inteein. Dull (
thu contest just closed, the Oppo-
sition candidate matte Ashfield itis
real battle ground throughout cite
campaign, and last week We pru-
1114011et1 that he would shore uttit,.
hie Tet-t•1-liebir. like A; hi cv.
The pgophecy has•`-lbeen- t>titib(1'
Even Mr. Pat,. Isclly and his asso-
ciate fuglu-ivan. failed to avert the
catastro he, and we hope that
they alrj ,poW Of that their ef-
forts to warp -the' vete of the
township were or uo ,».ail. Hon.
John O'Ionohue, the talented (f)
Senator,wbo came all the way
frown Ottawa to add another lus-
trous act. to his past political per-
furnlaneesby placingAsllfield under
the Toto' banner, yds given to un-
derstand that despite his powers
of oratory, his fervid imagination,
bis powerful acclamation, and his
Self-styled historical reputation, it
was quite possible for hitt to en-
gage to perforin an act, and yet
fail to carry out the undertaking.
When the Hon. John O'Donobue
seasee the official returns fro►n West
Huron, and eagerly scans 'the•Ash-
tield figures, we are satisfied the
pompous Senator will be forced to
admit that although he attetnpted
to plant and to water the town,
-ship, the increase failed to come
forth. The Opposition candidate
himself was not satisfied with the
result of the worthy Senator's ef-
forts, but was constrained) to make
a final appeal to Ashfield on the
night before the election. Those
who were there know the upshot,
and the vote Of the township
proves beyond a peradventure that
the electors were so impressed with
the extreme solicitude for their
interest expressed by him, that
they feared to trust hint out of
the county as their representative.
We congratulate the Ashfield elec-
tors on their good work done on
the 27th. They have stuck to the
right as leen should, and in con-
clusion we. cannot but repeat, and
repeat right heartily, "Well done,
Ashfield'" • se far as the interest of the Province 1s
concerned, -the best thine to be had is
a strong Opposition, with sbility and
CARD .OF THANKS• intelligence at its tick. The present
r silo rh,.a , f for 1i':.rt liio:;nl ,f Opposition is numerically stronger than
11,x, t::: its predecessor, and if it lacks in calibre,
l'1>STI.F.xEN,--1 beg to return you my then the Lib -Cont. who sent its cempen-
grateful Itckl itl.dgen rets for the con- est parts there are responsible. The
fidenco you have again respased in me House as at present c instituted, gives a
by electing u.e for a third tinie as your majority of 12 to the Government, with
representative by a Handsome majority. .Ah Ionia and Muskoka to be heard from.
I trust you will find that my course Tho last named constituen_ies formerly
during the next four years will not belie returned supporters cf the Gnvctunacnt,
expectations. My services are at the an thyro is no reopen to believe that
disposal if the whole electorate of the they will depart from their usual custom
Riding, irrespective ,.f politics, and 1 when the day of election takes place
trust that those who have conscientious- in their instance. Tt will, there -
fere, be seen that Ontario is still true to
herself, and that she considers it her
bounden duty to maintair. 'her just
rights We append the following list for
the benefit of our Conservative friends
who may be led astray by the conten-
ti(1ns 1,1 the %foil, that the t:•terninent
has nota working majority. The list
is a cerrect one, and speak. for itself, as
fellows :
Ti 1)i\'i•1•' • t. 1"11s(1r- ,vf
111 t'
t its. 'issue...
A Decent ( )ppnesitiouia He.
[ken Wanted.
And Now ..tile 4)ppuaitiuu
Butt^r'l'htin Before.
The ']'?gree Hurons Stilt
i u Line.
3. gra'.
lk)n ling, 45
0. J. Phelps, •01
vita '"'J
W. 1). Suid.r, 35!
1. yla:t.t-, 60
teleran, CO.
I�Iion. l'. Clarke, 21M1
fblbt. McKim, 300
.1. 1.5411a5, 342
Dr. McMfa!t"u, 118
I \]einem el'ih, `. ';.•\muck. Yat
i roll:, E. ie W. 13adeeri ty, .300
sok .i,:inet.,11,
(',trlu►vu, .
Dutteriu, ,
Lune 1 Durham, E.
Etgiu, 1':.
Esex, N.
l:renvilie, M.
Grey, E.
Grey. N.
Loss Grey, s.
1 Iirltun,
!Hastings, E.
Hastings, N.
Kent, W. •
.•s enerttnx.
11.i ouch.
41. W. Monk,
A. 13. Roes,
And. Bruder,
C•..11. Breret 'n,
F..1. Fresco,.
• A. W. Laude,',
1). Cre};htuu,
Hudson. I
"'J. Kearns, 1070
40 zene to promote the railway mei 1,41... se •
+1wt there moll be uething like the gene*.
interests of the town. \1'e a itilrly tits. I al deatruutwl( .•f 1:,t spring throughout
Total niej. few Ross 20
Rus*.' alai Juhnstem's mej.
Aihtielel 110 00
(, iuteu _ 20 00
C. Ib •run
t es
W. %Vieweroa'( :12 I 1
B. \5'aweticiah i/j 00
Mullett :,3
Juttenrlt teen 00 44
Goeleri l�t tup'nel.lp 00 et
Byth 00 4
wingham eel 12
Turalierry 0) •
3_'0 15O
06111 .Oe
A Pleetot's Vs,: ^o 416 Our hal..
..d feel :►Ir..10 •u re*i o. vested elv-
J 5
VA) . '1 , 1 . a 1 d •• L.* .t ty tit that
I I - 104(4 a at:'.t a'r:r .1 pi-
a: ) • ]Huron, a•el had many un ilio
.•rvati0,( !v4(• i:latl•ti otiat'rirn.u, el
travel through 11 •r :1 tit !It • 1 rl,ime.
awl the j.•ttr e:. 4...., L or, .
':h by s•,.lt'•. i. ,. t..t , - utlo-
o nslu 0o l:.. !.. 1 '. .'. ..i 11 •
r Ilm r, lake SIP, ..i . , • , • twos atwa-
le and tstelli$ 4t grand -daughter who,
Alta (heir .eue.a,ee ,w.xstee,
Iy'e' lite caries sor.slons of tee wr,n-
Cut'Yrtt Mee ea The uIuIt CIpal
Connell .if Celttut'u.: Irl• to the T,w tr
ship I all on 1'ei,. 111'.: 1483. Mem-
boa all pruieiit cx:ei.• Mr. Keck.
Minutes of Let wuututg rod an.1 .•on-
tiruxl. Colulnuuicattou fr • ,1 !tir. deck,
4(.a: one-
ble to toe present throe! el 11 ne., limit
AG it appeared there was a II • rote last
`wee itie over the Itl,: oInt.11e.tt i.( t•.w'll•
1.,hii, tticltrs, aid as there eat ,w Iseult
1 th ,:: e was aware of to he found 5 µ1t any
dot Itlrt:5, aro would 0:e the Cowbell to
la;•(opt hie . "t • 1•t 'tever of all the'uh1
I WileeIs !wine r: ,t.i1. intevl for t Ills year.
i it wKs Own Lip IY,t.I i.•Centlyd. that
toe i•v -Ltty to eomtir• r,1, owl duo, tete
Total u:aj, for Roes 103 1 ottlerre remain algwnnlwl as Iwai year--
e.lrtie 1. The Reeve was reoueatud to
TnE �PEI'1.f L ('r►31 MITI' .1: procure four copies Untn'i., Sta.tetu9 f it
C�,mnciller Seager took a step in the the use 01 the C.•usic.l. The 1'.,uneii
t len
adjourns -4k
right direction when he moved at testi
alerting of the council in \Vedneed.ty for
a joint cuuunittet, of councillors and Citi- h. Feu. -_Tnli.alious nry
Tie FMeded 1111*, iets.
agree with councillors Jordan reel Bing-
ham iu saying that it is no part of the
duty of the council to lock after the coin-
merciai interests of the town. IN hile nee
husinesi leen outside the C,Nti.cd c. r•
hs vaIley. T.le toilers are rexfetiug the
water will. It its thought the wend has
herb 1, newt1 by those r'eiidintt to the
1iitliauapulie. Feb. 28. --All nlong the
1 u.uuuuuuie• will he ahu.}ntely de -
1 Kingston. J. Metcalfe, lu^`fainly owe a duty to thewse•ers .4(.l tl,rt,ultdo4t user clurit IL!o ,,.nr.nhntlons
! beetle A 5. X. Leos. 1 ' 11 town in this respect,. we think these who i .r wwka t•• COOK'.
4 'cgttinue l ;seeds fi liken \. H. derrick.
,]shed. S. Preaten, elect our ceuucil4,rs will aloe•+ wit!, nein Hrleun, Ar.. , February 28. '1'bo
Iris is hour! lu�ug. The iedications
I,etiwoe, Ito., expecting from the council an . *.nest ef- j )
L•nilu,l W. R.Meredith fort w bring about seine auielieratiee of 1 ars thee the gre•tteet flood ever known is
Middlesex, N•. A. Jehastn,, 87 uunlmerit. 1'hlutatioru for I00 miles
\orfolk, S. W. Morgan, 44 the deplureble state in which the •t, 4(('n fare teem; 1 vurtl •owl. Hundreds o
NorthumYerl'el.W. Mulholland, 'Lin" in rvga.rd w its railway fcittties country people ani leaving on a steamer.
I I with 1110 s
The Opposition Uatulidate in West
Huron to Stay at Home.
t ►tir Rooster Still Glows.
Perth, N.
Peterboeo , W.
Prince Edward.
Simcoe, S.
Toronto, E.
Toronto, W.
Victori=a, N.
Burk, \V
The :..:4(s been fought. and won
and lost. Ontario still remains true to
Reform, and although the majority of
the Government in the/House has been
numerical.y reduced, the Province
rise given no uncertain response to the
cry raised by the 3fuii that "Mowat
must go.- In 1879 although the num-
ber cf Reform members .tented to the
House was so large, the voice of the peo-
ple was not w overwhelmingly in favor
of the Molest Administration as it is to-
stronger Reformer. Mr. liiishu has evening \1r Albert .tan
day. .Then 121,000 Reform votes favor- gp led candidates who belonged to Inc Ito- sell ,,f Ma. „kart, of the Militia De -
had his day, and although we have every tnan Catholic belief. The fact that five m -wet, 'eli;,p0.l, send one of tbewbeala
sed the Governmept hilew117,000 Con t es ct f.:r him persnnally,we hope thatjhe 1
lee gentlemen of the Catholic bel.ef were passed lege P
Raskkrville 631
Jas. Hart 75
H. Robillard, 68
McKay, 100
J Kerr, 20"
Hon. A. Morris, 122
Ald. H. E. Clarke,2115
Fell,' 112
Major Gray, 62
By the latest returns from Senth Hu-
ron we learn that Mr. Biahnp has been
elected by 83 of a majority, with three
polling places to hear from which will
further augment that figure. The ins-
jority iu the South is not so large as it
should be, and we are of opinion the
result should be luukod upon by Mr.
Bishop in the shape of a notice to retire
and make room for some abler and
and other buriuess iuteretta. As we 'Phe it et ler! t' ere
hate said M . Stager's moti .n fur 'a I 1'°h rat,„f 4441 4 eletbiU14. received
t i-ee40.
joist oontmittee compoeed of seine of trete syrsK:uee.N. Y., for dotal suffrrett
our must active business men was a more will be eistributwf at out,..
in the right directiou. It was, however Caro, III., Feb.. 28. -Tho river has
voted down by the council upon the fol- fallen nearly two inches risme noon yes-
terday. All rivers above are fallhntt tact.
Memel City cis safe, and all danger is
per. The tionnl swept away the villages
tit Blackburn and It.tlei.h, Ky.
I d 1-r Feb 28 -Letters from
Rests Clare, Hardin county, 111., repre-
sent the effects of the fiend Y. ry dittos -
trona. Deztitnte people have gathered
- -- in school houses end churches and are
Dowse in Clinton the Tories were se antfering greatly.
anxious to have a full vote that they Antonio De Moduirus was arrested at
actually took one man ot.t of a grave New York yesterday non the arrival of
and brought him to the podia. He was s the isteamer,.tn the charge of obtaining
grade digger. $57,000 frim the flank of Brazil on forg-
I•ed paper. He is highly connected, his
A nauT bowl was raised during the I node being a baron. .
late campaign bythe Irick l.tneI,an that Ottawa, Feb. 2s. -While attetnpttne
the Ontario Reform party ueversupport- to beard the train afearleton Place this
• Grant, of Montreal
lowing divisiun :-
Fur - Srwitb; Colborne, Mitchell,
Sloan, Elliot and Seeger -6.
A;•aitist.-Johnston, Detlur, Marney.
C.intelen, 1lutler, Nicholson, Jordan,
and Bingham -8.
eercative votes took issue with the cul will at the next election give some other
icy of the administration. Ou that oc- I candidate a chance.
easier so many seats were w um from. the Jackson. Bishop,
Tort/ party that the Opposition was made I 83
to assume miserably small proportions. Seafurth.
The consequence was that practically nu Bavfidd.
Opposition existed, and the heavy duty I Goderich Tutt uship.
of legislating in the interest of the cuuu-
try, and criticising the policy of theGov-
ernment devolved to a great extent upon
the followers of the administration. As
a result, double wiek in the c.nduct of
the affairs of the country devolved upon
the Reform party, while Mr. Meredith
with his "rump of an opposition.' acted
merely in the rade of obstructionists. A
fairly respectable Opposition will remedy
this state of things, and each being tate
case we have no great fault to tind with
the election of a stronger and better Ou-
p,sition than formerly encumbered the
legislature. Next to a good(lovernment,-
(:o\ertlIie It candidate 4(a- w••11
kept under. moiled we tai;• int.)
conii.Ierati.l:t the fact th;:t Mr.
Johnston lar, t ,r s•,ua thing like land me laekint .
1 awn, gentlemen,
nine year, annually cnnta-;ed the 'Veer eh nt s.rt'4.
town for municipal purl), eh, ria,; A. M. Elias,
knew every .teeter in the munici-................-.. _ ..
. polity. •Ittet t4(•) -hurt :u,tnthe Ar tali Kingsbridge nieetmlr o0 310,1
Ehtin, W.
ago he receive(] a lttajortty ,l. 1.10 day last, Mr. Johnston closed his •.noon 1R*sex, K.
in town against a gentleman w ho by stating. "1f T am elected 1 will serve' Glengarry.
had on two occasions boat the you faithfully, and if 1 am not elected 1 F And imand,
will perhaps try again en another •s-
(AnPCr\'at1\'f candidate In Centre 1 lfastings, 's .
easier. Aad the answer to the apt cal I H uron, E.
}Inion. On Tuesday last the kola' by the electors of Ashfield en polling • Hurn, W.
J was brought down to 44, day Was, -Not this time. Mr. Johnston ;' Hurn, K.
Kent, 14(
end when eyerything is takrn into some other time.'
Brant, N.,
Brant, S.
Bruce, N.
Bruce, S.
T),trham, W.
,lames Young, Ace.
Non. A. S. Hardy, 5011
Hon. C. F. Fraser, .t'tO
J. Giniea, 109
H. P. 11'C• uner, Ace.
J. W. klta, tughlin, 147
J. Ceecaden, 25
Balfour, 32
Remade, 150
Dr. Raxtee. G5
.4. M. Gibson. 150
Kills, 29
T. Gibson. 45
A. McL. Russ. 108
A. Bishop, 83
D. McCraw). 250
gw r over his I One was cow lete-
elected by the Reform party on Tuesday ly mutilated. He was brought to the
last is the best,reply to the Ir;�4 Co rot- city, and is net expected to recover.
diun's con.entiote At Niles Valley, Pa., on Sunday,
Jelin Hamlin. firing at a tweet annoyed
A late rasssrat. I a sick Lady. Charles Telford staked
lattrr stout and
27 Mr. Mowat hots been sustained, but
am in 4.' aesUt.
100Ikilled Tulferd. Citizens attempted to
with a greatly reduced majority. '-'p lynch Hamlin, who, however, was safely
„/2 to the hour of writine his advanta_e in 1 jailed.
70 the new legislature appears to he 11. it --- -- -
Majority for Bishop.
.and one polling plane
two in Hay to hear from.
n Stanley and
East Huron has held to its redprd as a
Reform riding. Of all the Hurons the
East riding was deemed the doubtful
one. Mr. Gibson's majority in 1879
was only 56, and as the' majority from
the township of McKillop on that occa-
sion was 60, it was thought that the
placing of a McKillop plan in the field
against Mr. Gibson would be successful
in oustini: that gentlemen. Mr. Thom.
Hays, formerly reeve •.f McKillop, and
a personally popular man in that neigh -
Nolo was on that account netninated
to contest the riding aeainst Mr. Gib-
son. He did so en the 27th. and suc-
ceedt d in overturning the adverse tote
of 60 and tabling 147 in his favor in
McKillop. But although ho made this
wonderful chance in his ew•n township
Mr. flays " didn't run worth a cent " in
any of the other municipalities. and
taken in all, his candidature was not any
stronger than that of Dr. Holmes in
1879. We congratulate our old friend,
"Honest. Tom;' Gipson on the renewal !'ort:an•!,
more think a dozen at the outside. The •
verdict is that Mowat must nut go. but 1
it is also one of enceuragemrnt to the i
cu11servatives. For, front being a weak,
a ridiculed and a discredited mill rity, 1
they will put 00 the fern, ,of a cuulpaet,
strong and rigorous oppattien, which,
if well handled, ought to have the hest
of prospects in the next election.
lu the late legislature, Mr. Mowat had
often a majority of 28 : now, as far u
heard frnn, the figures are: Govern-
ment 48, opposition 38, a difference of
10, with Muskoka and Algoma to heal
from. Front 28 to 10, or even to 12, is 1
gnlat reduction.
But Mr. llfowat's maj,.rity, reduced!
as it is, is a vindication of his stand en I
ti10 honi Bary Issue. -
On the other hand, his reduced major-
ity is a further preef of the vitality of
Sir John Mavdenald as a political power
in this country. For it was the premier
of Canada who fought against the pre-
mier of Ontario, and the suede "f attack
was such that he needy dislodged his
enemy, though he was on the wrong side
of the questions at issue: Only a man of
remarkable p.wer as a peliticinu , could
have induced 40 many of the people "f
Outari, to take an nnpateiotic stand re-
ga.ding the i euud'try •,f their own pr.-
settee. . 11 mai ' • 1
The censersailve emu. art' ' Adding-
ton. Caldwell. Cnrnoall, East Elgin,
South Grey, +lalton, East Hastings,
West Kent, Lenn•a, West Middlesex,
West Nerthumberlend, North Perth,
Prince Edward, North Viet, tie and
Weer York -15
The reforrll gains are West Has-
tings, Fret Middlesex, North 4)ntatiu,
Pres.; tt, North Renfrew, West Mimeote
and Welland -7 -(World.
in Lacknew. on gat ardsy. Febrrtary 17th. the
wife of James lir) an, of the Lucknow .5 "
road, of • daughter, st111-born.
la-.Jtterd. on Frb. 21st, by ti„ Pew. Jame.
('aswell, W 11. McBride. of l.wck•ow. to
Alice M. Old, of Saltfort.
On the 12th inst..at the resoden, a of the Wide,
ptwawrents. by the Rev T..1. 1-sltne, 'rho*..
Iluekin, of Mallet. to t+s
unnah Flab.*., or
Grand TniiiK Rail*ay
"Manitoba and the North West."
The Grand Trunk Railway Com -
patty will offer during the season
1883, superior facilities in train ser-
vice, rates and fares to passengers
with household effects, live stock.
&c., moving to "Manitoba and the
North West," particulars of which
will he :hurtly announced.
General Manager.
\itn.,real. F b. 20,b. 1589. 1180.4t.
1.11'1:R1'oul.-i *sNDON DERRY -GLASGOW
SR91ITEMT ALA *.slower.
of confidence in him expressed by the
electors of East Huron. He hail the
hardest tight of us all, but hacked( by
such Ixen as Leckie, McMillan, Stracb.
an, Wade and others 1.1 that ilk. he has
came throw:ft the ordeal successfully.
esthetes. Hai..
Brussels, 1 Ala
Grey, 144 (10
H itUrtt, 111 tat
N'toxeter, 22 tai
Turnberry (70 (K,
McKillop. 00 147
Morris, 00 31
Blyth. ()0 35
Illowiek, 410 84
3J8 297
Total naj. Co T (lfhse•n 11
\•ethtngt. Feb. 27-1)avid 1)at:s
hae resigtaJ,nas president • 1 the Senate.
it will take effect nest Saturday. It u'
belies .• 1 he was prl:npted I,y infornestii n •
•from President Arthur that he deem n-tt
intend to convene the senate to a special'
• a.suo.n •.n Marc!( 5. it is erideret•,.rd!
that the democratic sena,:n will riot)
oppose a preeitit •lietion of a rel.ubli. 4(n
president pro tem The inrbeeti ,na are
that K,dmnnds will he chosen. The corn
mtftee on finance reported fan,rahly in '
joint reaolation for terminating the.
Haweian recipreetty treaty.
%Ira. Sarah Purgation, of l'eluml.la,
Me., sued Edward Usiley, a tn•rrit•.1
man, f -'r allowed assault Last night
Dailey visited Mrs. Pelar.,.n's !lotto dur-
tngt the&bootee of her husband end .he
glint him dead
i'.4 5( 'O T /.A.\'.
)Lerch 1st Halifax. \lash 3rd.
.YARD/.\/.f N.
Halifax. Marsh loth.
Portion.'. Mar. h 11.45. Balifaa. March VOL
a:ARM.1 TIA .V.
Halifax. slash 24th
Portland, Marto I1th. Halifax, )dans flet.
Halifax, Aped 7t1s.
P0o.ssoxas vu
onto on the pee•
u 7:12 •.m. A
Tuve can leave Tor
of day of solaria
-room •4(d
awe i�iMatiM to taint tir
max kite* of iii 5 en emceedlnw by the
Setorday`a tet►ir•v ip
1...s train leave,'foro(tlo with :he suds and
passa5Rers at 712 every Tb"rsday morning.
connecting with the steamer at Halifax.
Tor tickets and (Mery Information apply to
H. ARM$TnoNn
T,cket Agent.