HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-23, Page 88 S i DA Y SCHOOLS. 8nthuaiaetio Gathering of 8. 8. Workers fet Exeter. sir demo / toady teat ender of /1413 a Lr. at :urer.% t *ketch, t1 Ins rroerrd• Ings. We am hadebtud t., the actable and en- ergetic recording s, cret-try, Mr. Will • t Clarke, for tl e folluwinl me ,sting sy- m.pota of the recent very. suocessful ' On - day School convention, held at Exeter last week : Exeter, Feb. 14th, 1883. Thetenth anou:.1 convention of the H urou County S. S. Association coin inenced sittings in Cavan church at 1:30 p. us. Mr. T McGillicuddy, preaideat, in the chair. Openiug hytii , "What s friend we have in Jesus." Prayer by Rev. T. W. Blatchford, B. A., Clinton. Scripture lesson Dout. 11 chap., W. M. Grey, Seah•rth. Singing—"Rescue the Perishieg." The president after a few opening re- marks, appiiiuted Capt.. Gibson, Gude- rich ; T. C. Pickard, Ho:uaess idle, and C. Snell, Exeter, as the nominating com- mittee; and Rev. Birks, Blyth, Rev. F. M. Whitlock, Hensel' ; and J. C. Ste- vens,n, Clinton, as business commit- tee. Verbal reports of schools were given from Knox church, Goderich, by T. Mc- Gillicuddy; Hulmcsville, B. C., by 1'. C• Pickard. Cliututi, C. M.,by J. C. Ste- venson ; Sunshine, C. M.. by Mr. Rud- gers,n ; Walton, C. M., by Mr. Morri- son Seaforth, C. M., by W. M. Gray ; Blyth, C. M., by Rev. Birks ; Turnber- ry, Pres., by Peter S. oft. The subject assigned to Rev. W. Mc- Donagh, wee, in his absence, opened by Rev. H. Dierlamn, Zurich—"The aim and Object of Sunday Schools." The speaker sand all should have an aim. Aim to train the youth to keep the Sab- bath day holy ; aim to teach good habits ; aim to raise ul, it !r.ti•l ahie:. will have righteousness fur its motto. The follow- ing persons Spoke to the subject : W. Grigg, sr., W. M. Gray, Rev. Gundy, Rev. Whitlock, Mr. ,$, Scott, T. C. Pickard, Mr. Lloyd, Mr. Morrish, and Rev. Fletcher. Sinding, "The half was never told." The next subject was introduced by Mr. D. D. Wilson, Seaf,rth, " The model superintendent. He firststate. it a hard teak in finding a model superin- tendent around him, but Books beyond to the one great Model, viz : our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ- the only perfect model. fie alt .ws that the great model adapts his teaching to his follow- ers. He was scriptural, simple. The Great Model used his pictorial powers, and simple illuatrationd- He was an example of tenderness, fidelity, dile gence, prayerfulness. He acted as he taught. Revs. Gundy and Fletcher, offered suggestions un the subject as presented. Discussion ui unfinished topics were taken up by Rev. G. 1Vebber, Rev. Birk J. C. Stevenson, Rev. A. D Mc- Donald, Mr. Duncan, D. D. W awn, Rev. Gundy, W, M. Gra) -and Itev. Fletcher. Singing ''Ho, my Cumrades... Ilene - diction, 'by Rev. Mr. Birks. C. M. Church. EVENING fE$8ION. 7.30, p. m. , Anthem by choir "All heal the power of Jesus name." Prayer by Itev. Flet cher. Scripture Lesson Nehemiah 8th chap. read by' Itev. Jas. Philp. Read- ing and adoptiun of minutes Anthem by choir, "The Lord deeended from above." President's address—Atter a few re• marks complimentary to the choir, he I rat. HURON SIGNAL., FUIDA1� , fr.1i. .3. 1U8 Rev. P. Musgrave, McKillop, peat i di l abilitu•s did credit to both christiau I Mesa meso TewMrs arealsayw, took up the rub ect "SUI )day slot Ach.M,)character and 1 which d _ a ve uc e this aas,oiatiOtrs present position of instruction, of sural impression, of , and power. We also huts and pray that the wurahip of God.. The cherw.:ter .of , wherever his Int may be cast that his the hymns should be simple, scriptural, heart may he strong and his timid titan se wally itunderstood. u f ought r u h . t rulexl` -luminous. ittaelf ;tit to trutth,Kthe and interstate hims.,,to the light ta, is f should be short, spirited, lively. A good Heaven. leader is very essential, and the church Resolutions of thanks were also ten - choirs should tar trained up in the 8. H. dered to the inhabitants o1 Exeter f,• Thu address thruu4hout was humorous, their kudos.. and hoapitaljty in miter.\ nappy and very suggestive of the way in twining the members while at the eon which Sunday School music should be coi ucted- Sitiging "Saviour like a shepherd lead us.'• Mr. Bengough, Kelgrave, neat touk the platform, and after a few words on the leueties of ''Blackboard Exercises," gave some very tine specimens 0 Scrip- ture illustrations, which proved very in- teresting and profitable, showing how the attention of the chtldten ears be riveted by using such illustrative wan Singing, "Lord, 1 hear 0 showers of blessing, "Example 4 Senior Clams Teaching" was conducted by J. C. Stevenson, Chit - ten, to much pleasure and profit. Bene- diction by Rev. T. Broad, Crediton. u w uc i aro due eape,- Musio. ' is ought N be ! I Rall h AFTERN ON assrloN. 1.30 p. in., C. M. church Opeuing hymn, "Work for the Night is Cuutiug.'• Prayer by Mr. Gregory, Exeter. Scripture lesson, 8t1- Clap. Homans, read by Mr. Scott, Clinton. Reading and adoption of minutes. The nominating committee's report was then given and the following officers elected for the ensuing year : President, James Thompson, Clinton ; Vic, Pres., T. McGillicuddy, Goderich ; P. Fisher, Wtngham ; C. Snell, Exeter ; W. M. Gray, Seaforth ; J. R. Miller, Goderich. Cur. Sec. and Treas., J. C. Stevenson, Clinton ; Minute Sec. W. J. Clarke, Exeter ; Executive Com.—all officers and evangelical ministers resident in the town where the executive meet, and J. 'canton, Exeter ; 8. Yates, Goderich ; D. D. Wilson, Seaforth ; T. C. Pickard, Hohnesville ; A. H. Manning, Clinton. the next convention to be held in the town of Clinton, on the second Tuesday and Wednesday in Feby., 1884. The subj1ect"Care and Culture 0 Con- verted Scholars," was introduced by Bev. J. Stewart. Chilton. The period of childhood is peculiarly susceptible to christian teaching. The pastor and timelier must live in the affections ut his echolars, and live the doctrines he teaches. "Normal Class Work" was spoken to by Rev. Jos. Philp, Belgrave, who plac- ed before the convention in a very earn- est manner the benefits growing out of normal class work ; and urged the ne- cessity of instituting such a class in th s section. Beneeiction by Rev. W.Cuumb_• Elimville. MASS MEETING OF CHILD*EN in B. C. church, 3 p.m. Opening hymn by children, "Oh, we are Ve unteers." Prayer by Itev. F. M. Whitlock. Scrip- ture lessen, Eccl, 12 chap., read by Rev. Fletcher. Singing by children, "What can wash away my Sins ?" The subject, "The Scalar's duty to the Scheel," was presented by Rev. P. Mus grave. The speaker dwelt upon the scholar's debt to the S. S.; attention, love for the school, regular study 4 the lesson. Singing by the children, " Following Jesus. " Rev. J. Caswell introduced the sub- ject, "Mission work by S. S. scholars " The speaker spoke 0 the life of the -first great missionary—Our Saviour. Schol- ars can do missionary work by inducing others to come to S. School. Singing by the children, " Where is Your Passport." proceeded to take up 8. S work general- The subject, " The Hoye and girls ly and asked three rluestirns, Viz : ferChrist,' was next presented by T. TVF,y should we teach ! Illet slniuld 31c(;lllicuddy, president, Goderich. The we teach 1 And 'lou• should we tuieh 1 i speaker impressed the children with the The speaker's reins ks were timely. and ifact that clod keeps a record of the weli chosen, and presented some easel- ! names and actions of boys and girls, lent ideas fur S. S. workers to carry with 1 and men and women, who love titin. thein. I Every boy and girl can do something to Anthem by choir. “On Jordan's', build up the S. School. God wants the stormy banks I stand. - , 1 boys and • girls to Frew up• noble and The •'Home preparation of the pupil," pure. was next presented by ltev. A. D. Me.Singing by the children, " Soldiers Donald, Seaforth. 1st the duty of par. f for whom the Saviour died." eras teachiu',; their children :it home. :it - Benediction by Rev. G. Webber, to a scriptural duty. 2nd, Gte adrantegte 'Exeter. to parents in teachsg the seriptutes to their children promotes thein to greater EYENINO sl.9slose Bible study-. Tb,, atdvant.i,ze also to •the 7:30 p m„ B. C.'Church. scholar by creating a desire for regular Anthem by the choir. Prayer by •tttende:t a and greater attention at Rev. W Coombe, Scripture lesson by school. The home teaching would make T. McGillicuddy. Anthetn by choir, better tuschers and cause them to more,"How Beautiful upon the Mountain." thorough preparation. Reading and adoption 0 minutes. The next subject "How shahs, retain ' The president elect was neat installed, young people in our Sunday scltnnla, ' 1 and in a few introductory remarks took kindness, instruction, confidence; bail titq ' was presented joy Rev. .1. Caswell,Dim. D - the chair. gannen. The speaker would suggest Anthem by their, " Awake, put on Strength.' :rutting diem towork -; conversion ; a The subject assigned to Rev..). Wake- •horeieth c msecration of the teacher to ! field, "The conditions of success S. 8• !-.is work. ! wor, ' was in his ah.enee •thrown open rthoin b) the choir. "One titin,; ..ace I desired of the L'erd." Teen;•imine, work in the Sunday schoole w•.4 spoken to by Mr, 5 Y'teea, Oielerich The-at.e.lkcr emiside. • 1 the :Object second to none ! J w»sin; on S. S, work, and that it is the church's work at once to prepare to meet the grate -t etil of the iand. "Sirens drink." Its rem venttou; the trusteta of the theta churches for the use "f the same ; to the officers for their valuable services during the {est year ; to the persons in- troducing the different subjects ; to the choir fur their excellent music and sing- ing ; also to the local c.,niwittuti of ar- rangement. P Anthem by choir. '•Sou.id the trum- pet in Zion. Farewell addressee were given by J. C. Stevenson, T. McGjllicu idy, Rev. J. R. Gundy, Rev. G. Webber, Anthe n by choir. "Jerusalem my Glorious LJ"Ine." Reading and adoption of minutes. D oology by choir. Bene- diction by Rev. G. Webler, And as we sty farewell, Ire couple the following :— That the c nvention has been one of the best attended and in every way the moat successful ever held in Iluron County. The subjects were of groat interest, and taken up in the most enthusiastic man- ner. Large congregations filled the churches at the different sessions, the singing was very fine, the influence Most blessed, and, while much credit is due to the officers of the *invention, special mention may be made of the ability and tine spirit shown by the retiring Presi- dent. Mr. T. McGillicuddy, of Gude rich. W. J. CLARKE, Minute Sec. 11. C. 5. S. A. COMMUNJCATIONS. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Contribu- tors to this department must confine them selves to public questions, and be brief. Shall we Seatada Kr. Merritt t To the Editor of The Huron Signal. SIR,—In toy opinion there can be nu two answers to the question. There is so little to be said against Mr. Mowat, that even the Opposition, who consider it the business 0 their lives to fiud fault, can melte no good case against hie. There is no one acquainted with the man but kpows how careful he is of the Pro- vincAl funds, and how anxious to leave a goad record free from a11 taint of corrup- tion or of wrong. Those who are ac- quainted with the history of South On- tario elections, and knew what bribery was practised—often to very large amouuts-before the passage of the pres- ent Act, have often heard the old farm- ers say : "Ah, we never had anything 0 that kind when Mowat ran here " I dor not know another politician in C,uia= da with such a record. %% hen we consider huw ill other pro- vinces have fared—when we think of the lamentable state 0 Quebec finances—and when we remember what care has been taken by the present Government to in- stitute andput in practise many valutble establishmonta for the general good—one is inclined to believe that, if power should pass out of Mr. Muwat's hands, we should shortly—when a few tough jobs had been perpetrated by his suea•ss- ora,and our treasury began to be in a state which showed all too plainly that whatever there had been inMowat's day, there was no surplus now—begin to stark that we had been about the gr est set „f fuels on record, not only this Province, but in all history si the days of the courtiers of. old K Cupernixel who were so utterly tired wholesomedood that that 'they .took poison sheerly to vary the monotony: 1 donut. when 1 mention the table works dune by the present to -.n, e1t3ak the ordinary routine of jurisdiett ie a legislation, but of the new intruduc;i' —the Agricultural Couuniesiod work a thing of more value to farmers th an assistance given thein by (levy want aid—the valuable Bureau for t collectiv9n of statistics —the new trim cries—the stet! ..ds a.lul,tott1 ter tato,. Him of insti.:r,.r atna',th,a•s - thus t'. is one new i oprevciuent nbuatt to 1 .' , ried out probably north all the res' refer to the ,o vaucut about to be in towards retaining 'elm, einem)! eats in the Prorine It is well k11tvii that in ser ft-.:• ter vincial reserves of forests. to the n••rt east if Ontatio, lire is constantly mein suil,added to the Naeem; 4 lumbering a of clearing, is leaving us tin cilrnuce during fineets there ; while all throe the elder settle l portions of the Prt vine°, we shall, in 0 few }'cat, _, hove mot at all. %%'e are afrcady, io deteriorate climate, feeling the e•,nsequefaces --tho same nctnitrc, the sun, labour, tl re- bot - in !:.deeds\ Harked*. The seen -annual meeting ut the W u M Huron T •b ' 4m.,otl,ats •n ..as held a vac en Exeter on Friday au,1 a..iuid..y i''ebr a y 1Gth and 17th, 1883 slang to urn ut clemency or 1b0 Weithor, tory fun teach- er,' were pru.eut it, toe m •n.iup, but despite a driving raw, u, -e• 5i) o1 Be fraternity pia in a•, :.i,i.r,...nee iu the afternoon r., se .0 ,ui w'•lvand interesting address, in t •.i he t..0 3 e.1 the ft (lowing points : -- Bebe& • u, Teach- er r Aesuciatiutu ; Ii. ..e,uents in schoolhouses and whisks the l..at •(O.'r 30 yes ; • • esti teachers to de all that they esti to town d s h"peaty at teacher's eaa.. •saatiuus ; she Bible its a clastb,.ok it t,.. eu.•e.s, and the Superanuuati••u Uuu •, A vote of thanks waa thea temtersei Mr. fB.nnf for his addresa, Mr. A. H. Ab.,r, then ns 1 e well-pre- pared essay on "The lte.duig Lesson, ' in which he advocated a mote couversa After routes b Mr. Ge.,. Baird. .1• • ' ' . dun, g ttunal „tyle of reading, and the sewer' agement of home reading by the.chulars. This was well recurved, and a spirited discuwiwt tt ok place on the subject. Mass A. Jenkins having regi auhort but valutble paper on the benefits 0 "Galis- thenica in the school. -'hewed her plan of teaching the subject by putting several of the mambers of the Asawiation through a number of calisthenic exor- cises. A discussion on this subject en- sued. Mr Wm1. Henderson, after reading a paper :,ii "A Few. Points in Arithmetic," gave seine practical examples of his methods of explaining mind points. He held that more attention should be paid in the junior classes to the simple t u:ea. A number of questions put by numbers of the Institute were satis- factorily answered by Mr- Henderson. In the evening a large public meeting was held in the Canada Methodist church when the Rev. G. Webber delivered his very Interesting lecture on "William Tyndale," the great Reformer and tran- slator of the Bible into English. This eloquent lecture was listened to with rapt attention by the audience, and at its close a hearty vote of thanks was tender- ed him, A vote of thanks was given to the trustees of the church for their kind- uoart : u rob. Ai IMI' , Wheat, I ban► y bush........... >j0 YI s $t h W heat, taprtn t to bush ...... ( 10 d 1 Four, V twrro1................. 4 S0 b 6 (l a ' s, 4111 bush.... ... a 37 si 0 SB Pea& 11 bush. 0 tis W 0 70 1(arI••y. i' high ..... 0 4 41 0 48 Potatoes 0' bush .. .... . 0 33 d 037 lr).,Ytoi..................... res► s/ 811u lay., r, M lh., .. . .' .., ...... u 18 et 0 :0 C �v luso Iuupaoked).... •. -. a 9t w 0 51 Shorts, N cwt. 0011901 " 0 1 9 Bran, V cwt 090 w I W Chop, a cwt.... 0 81) W.,na............ t 80 1 7 Hides. Sf0 600 Sntr,wa,ga 550 0 O0 Hugedrrs.ad ft 110 7 30 800 Travelling lielde. uIt.tNI) TRUNK Erre. Uoderieb. Lv-S`45anr ..12.40 pm 3.OU1un 7.40 am Seefortb, Ar.a3lf 1.38 4.36 930 'tratfurd,Ar.7.30 9.40 6,30 1140 Paas. Exp'e. Mlx'd. Mixed. At. &ttuM.Lv1Y.01pta..7.50pin S-4Sant..3.4Spw "••e'orth,Ar.,tSis 8.49 8,00 S,4o t:",Irrichar. I.:U U-30 9.45 i lei. know Stage tdallyl arrrtUlyam3prn .. dep Kiu,anilae I00am7aw " H»umiller '• IWedneeday and Saturday) A r. 9.00an,„De,9.la SEEDS! RELIABLE SEEDS! O('R DESCRIPTIVE PRICED CAT- .tIA►Gl'!:, beautifully Illustrated, con- taining all necessary information for the suc- 'eesfuJ cuhivideon of \'eteables, Flowcra, Field Rover, Potatoes. etc.. is now published, and will be •trained free to all applicants. JOBS A. DBVCF-B(X. Seed Gr .were, Hamilton. Canada. ..4441 Inot, lite is sweeping by, Igo sul Baro before you die, wuneih:n,( nrt►fhty and sub- lime 1 ire behind to conquer time. $ ii , week in your own town. 1115 outfit free. N. :: k. Y•verythine new. Capital not require.. 11"e will furnish you everything. Many an o,akt fortunes. Ladies snake as mu. h as til. It, and boys and gtrle make great fry. it..,der, It you want business at which you can make great pay all the time, write for particulars to H. HALL*TT 0c Co.. Portland Maine. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. l'UC\TY or HUMON, 1 Hy virtue ofa Writ of nests in allowing the Association the use I T•, tt'rr: Inert Facies issued mid of of that building for their evening meet- tier Males' 's County (Cuing of the Court f ing. ,. On Saturday morning the association re•aaeembled in the Public Scheel at 9:30 a, m., and after the minutes of the previous emission had been road and con- firmed, Mr. W. M . Leigh dealt with the difficulties of the "Subjunctive Mood," and by "Lia lucid explanation of some points regarding it, enabled the mem- bers to have clearer knowledge of tail very treublesnme part of grammar. few remarks were made on this paper by the Inspector and one or two others. J. R.. Miller, I.P-S., then real an es- say on "The Kindergarten,” and how far the Kindergarten exercises can be taken up in our common echools, after which bliss A. Dickson sang a number of the Kindergarten songs accompanying then% with tho appropriate movements. Frequent applause as+ured Miss Dickson Hut her efforts to give the members a t "V' Tt• OP HCRO], , Hy virtue of writ of better idea of the Kindergartei, were of iter Majesty's County Court of tissued out he Count, appreciated. These subject, was dig- of Huron, and to me directed and delivered, costs l by several of the members, all a¢stnst the lands and tenements of John 9. of whom were agreed as to the alker, at the suit of David Roar, 1 have g great seized and taken in execution all the right, bynetjt derived groat • music in the title. interest, and equity of redemption of =hie the above named defendant John S. Nta1- The Ittapector, explained seine rather hetiwelfthconcession portion toof wnlshipeofO,'y ebicore points in the new programme, in the County- of Huron, lyintf south -.4 the Baa answered 1tSrcr Naltlagd and contaln,ng sixty nine erect aeceral questions out Huron, ant( 10 me directed and delivered, against tho lands and tenements of John Mo- Leod, at the suit of John Parsons, 1 pave seis- ed and taken to execution alt the right, title, interest and equity of redemption, of the de- fendant, John McLeod, in and to that certain parcel or tract of land, situate, lyingend be - .ng in the County of Huron, and eing the North half of Lot 7, ooncessioa IS of the'l own - ship of Stephen, comprising fifty acres of land mere or less. W bink lands and tenements I shall off,•r tor sale, at my °Moo is the Court flows in the Town of Goderich on Saturday tbe Seven- teenth day of 3Iaeo►,1883.ot the hour of twelve of the clock, noon, ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff of Huron. Sherif, (1mee, Godlrtob, Dec. d t,, t i. IB88. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS 1 to acres of land, more or less him Aleut it. A m'otioa that a coinmjttee consisting .f Alessrs, %. H. Craasweller; Win. -Hela- hich lands and tenements f shall offer for sale, atm °Mice in the Court }douse, in the town of Ooderlch, on Saturday, the Thirty First day of Marti]. 1834. at the hour er twelve nee derenu H. Heaton, J. Grassick, Thus, of the , 1 ,. ,noon. ing Gregory, and 8. 8. Noah be appointed to R(1BERT GIBBONS, ' her(ffof Co. Baron. stained in that . Rail I970-I3t- Jao f tai, -- Bandung. BANK OF MONTRZAL C4PJ3'4L, - SURPLUS, Goderich Branch, D. GLASS •Nuruayer Allows faferset ep depuetis. L Its, lett,. of ured/t ala etroular In all parts of tM wery.4Otee Its p7wy- � CANADIAN BA 4k OI►COMMSRC1 op I i►f,ifof $6,000,00f,• Rest, F1,;00,000, Preaidrwt hie.% N-.1/ ftA1dISTZJ1 General MuRaw r, . 11', ,l. _-- a�I.OV Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - Maraca* interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Great Britain and the ('noted States. bough and sold. Adranuesto Farmers on Notes, wit h one oe more endorser, without mortgage ITS "TNE CHEAPEST MOUSE UNDER TNE SUN ' SaulldtE'Ifatioly Store/ SELLING AT LOW PRICES T• • M sill soon Poi1.-- NEW GOODS. -- Stitt:atNr IN' (OOKUw STOy.x•, FANCY 00005. J a wiiLLEt:Y. T 1it Waai PARLOR STOVE&, a•I.ATEo WARE. tv ALR. i•APEIt, ct TLEhY Low Prices to Cash Buyers, of study ul, Herbert Spencer's "Education" Sh•'1"�frs Obllce, Goderich: to and discuss the ideas contained Uecemltn 18th n, 1:t at .!r. n:,xt ett•etin' e 1 ,. „f rot . ,,• to t'.- o'o.. 111J and CACI twl. NOTICE TO CREDITORS "f I'�i • a •tit �., , tit,•:, :a l j•.)t lad to old tt;,•;•1•i•', .•th.-,-Ii of the ('HRISTI. N A C'ORD'ON 1115 I' — an `' Iu•;iecin�. Ilea 1 the teat.- Dursuant to an order i f the High Court (lever a ;i+:i» ;, hist .,u of Justice, Chancery Division made in* In. Bole i� I' buy Van r�ditore r((hrlretoam l3oMon Division, made • f the n Icy a IRdvle Town of ('linters in the ('aunty of Huron 's' '"' ill i1,,,,. distress- widow whodiedon t t n II •rest t October. the 1.of I f ora mut •� 1,1"• : ' d•. can tell oil sober, 1 tray o i ) 118$ are, on or before the 98th day of ®''C�f'� y�j1r�y�tI��.ry Sold by J Wilson Gaderiehll February. 1885 to s•t.d by wet, ert•peid, to _ (L 71` t' 1 9 `tl Y `4 V' ][,sera. rctygpr Q 3forfon, liarrietcn. Gude �Ir rfl F!a"�I st.tJl taYJ LV'1 1 nd description. be and particulars addressee claims, a statement of their accounts, unit the nature of the s•r.uriti, A'if anti held by them, ri o ar in default thereof they will be peremptori- ly eV1 rxrluded from the benefit of the said utvlrr, u- Every creditor holding any security' iA toh• and :,;1 <rr••7 ,Lor die sr. produce the same before me the undersi neA . , Sore*, Er as cr of the said r. K rl, yallrelaa. nnrt at God TT„cxema 5th d ,rich. on th _ 1L 7 a e Saunders 2 Son 1Next duo: :u 1Le Pus:uttice.! "•Tf: CHEAPEST HOUSE UNDER TNE SUN." 1 lotchea, Ringworm, Tuntora,car- forenoon beiof ng the rjt, asp ottntrrlc for athe dJudi- nd bunrles, Bolla, and Eruptions of the Skin, cation On the claim.. ApfoAL4•OHSON li- are the direct result cot an impure state of tits %tt,tteratuoderirh. gh ( blood. Dated 5th February-, 1r%a3. 1877-3t ,- To eure these diseases the blond roust he coos}- - 1e I fied, and restored to n healthy and natural e'-ndl- ° 1 1 tion, AYER'S $,iMIA:'-tniLLA hag for over forty years been recognized by en:Inint medical au. inI tboritier as Use most powerful l ted purifier in e! ext Ithe look out for chances ton increase their esrnings,and it, time he- come wealthy: those who do mice. It frees the system frim Al; tout hu- ilien retrain in nptWehofer Da great r, enricher andatreugthenstheblood,removes! cloture to make poverty.ury. We want m+•n,tty , { tortum races of mercurial treatment, and proses IL I nsrn' hops and girt ro orork for nn in thr,r a complete master of all scrofulous disesse& `vin hfrom Rea• Anyone can do the n ork pm - A Recent Cute of pe rl) from the Ars( start, The hualnras a ill $es�nlons Sores. pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Ex- i loth. 80610 months ago I was troubled with ser -du- pensive outfit furnished free. No orae who en- , . lass stress Nicene 011 my logs. ?be limbs seers dm's falls to make money rapidly, ]or ran + 311" y swollen and inflamed, and the sores ,lit evotr your whole time In the Murk, or ends •tib. Red large gwutidn of ')3 nsire matter. M your al•nre mbmoMe. Full information nt,d y remedy 1 tried failed. until i We•1 An r'e all that .. n reeasarr scat Errs. Address tin :Ar a ,1•AR,LLt, of which 1 ba re now taken three' BON 4t (:n.. lbrtland, ltainc. 1 Tra ,••, with the reanit that the sore" air !IPA' •, • 'y emeriti health grestly intptneed. 1 feel jale( ul for the a,..1 your l ,-,Heineli ,,Mate inn 7 n re• f fu Iv ti s per fie . , A . Ant.V.,:.•• 'SulNvab M., Nes York, .lour 21. I•• n All peri niant a1•ned are Incited to O Firs. r( •a' 'upon eh.• 'try. /-. t:aat 1411 at r.•ef. New lark Isho will tyke plea.un• In o•.tihine to "n'h'rhtl ettttwry' of tt. r'• var.apnrll 1 nnly.lw the. retry. or ehl• lady, but In wn rare nail many others within his hedge. hoedi-kn,'wn .n',veitit. r- .',,, iLoad.', 11, I.L. of bees-4..br, 3-JL,wrltes,.fun, 7, I•.._ a-nTingid tuerel severely for sem, tears with •4tefal), so sad r.• he t fn.m other , 1 liaee Matte ire. dmrtng the past three 1•1°f ATRR'• h.tROAPARIt.i t, *bleb has A - itre/4,. 1 •-Insider it 5 •n:sRnin- },:, :•:: , '�..,I .1,.,,,,.. same quality of Inn 1, will not now pr,,- mors for the v..1. ten, and T. b Stevenson,I- cure as good a crud, : anal matters ]are + alt dy, Rev, .1, J. Rice, J. C. tevesofikel to be,;nr ra worse Rev. Fletcher, R. Coombe, Rev. (;ass- y u v rse if aid is bet ex- self tended. F r ono thing we shall become well and S. Yates took part. s ileeet to slice deceit as are Beefy injur- t e tot - . gl 1 ITh to the South—the to 11�- rec • e�•nawtuence o their over clearings. The lT Singing • m g byth n' e choir, ' Tempi - g. ranee tit• t6env 11 ' 1 r G-- H- 42-1='S Bellls. f t S 1 i 1>sn The statistics 1 e atiati s r caniti e nand h. al r' n ar report Was 1 J next given by J. C. 4hvenstn,c„t sec t is � uwnt (aTucernnsent have resolved I &veer late. bnttl understand, obtained valuable reports on � ami 0 with the following, ehowitlg Nn, „f " take the matter in hand Red 1 I " "ntan•mi o1'1 tnieneare ruin,•ts in their 1 acho.tla in county about ItiO, No. report• tie subject, .. which they are likely to' v"^ 1''n•,[tilde• is a total :the lin- bd 79, •oll'icers 280, teachers 800, gelid- Cie action, so far am our sirlikely antes' n�iis t. �I ; n •held .t 1 . 1's present a s11. 1A � '1 .M average n I number r .. he f 1' : g tbrarryy'e� render :titiaab!t In such a work •-Irl .i.. y a.. prow• se t" ti•nr•et•t"r,. given oaf weekly 2,I3i • teachers' he ,t •s the ':.t it .n' hn•.. 5 nndhlr+q ru de• • important- se valuable 1 alio fled fee VelLf!' 1 i131; scholars helps 2,816: papers 7,t4s1 1' ss. htr,: •:n•• •rt:.... •n;irn,•.,t is ,n.,-esslre annelid expended in support of a,h•ools 'terry to see the::i interferes with, rand I 1'Itr. c +e gushcredit or that f6 e anal ,then anldeacors fo Lvnu$t Incct+rnl- Is. nn n !think In dta t i' f h bit a„ !. • . ! f n r... ,.. , a 1 ,•.•,. y of2i $2,3:11,41, ach,Ads enters dutin't the 'v year J u ''an 1 -••, '1 'r 1 1 1 :110'...•I up with earn- RPR, cl ee,4 in winter 9 : Llternati nal hla n ,. 1. leatons tined ;3, not iter i I;; ttntlertnce ! try. that every reasoning Roan eh idd re know 11 to.,• •1 hv, e',.•;,• 1l-u'.licti,n1. !.y ofJaIiratiuna l:, : sI' I.ed during the c .n1 his retain their fat ,,pr. 1 have Th.. hetet, for the re+Rosas the eien.•at oil of thin tv. sic year I;lii;; largest sch..,l in the y eeung will suggest, eppenedto Mr. Blake, I tie Exeter Bible Christian s hied. Vence- on on pat • I f'eh• considered a sigh to npp,tse him Fr ref., 9 ;v. •tons for the three public seas:nrlr rte ht v ,,,.. , , 1 1 '.• 111130.1x. The financial r.'p ort shown a ofa. Fix the Pam,. r,•.ason Tl ',mute s 1 , 1 : i n , t " :, balance in treasurer's lintels .tf 1fJ7 M' '"1v1' rt tit. M ,sato elfeetr, 1'„uta Trill) , rent r - site% Tl "ihje•t. ••1 i the 5 5 •' was Rots i I '., i• Uwe. 0 tilt n. P ,•• and eve, . • • the MOP/ t0 • 11 •I I ' Owing to the removal of Mr. E. F. *ewe, late enr eve and teas-, the fool- A RRroast P'it. /Et Tlo\i•r I lowing n'a.oiution was read to bre fir- i February 21, INf, walled t.. him. Retirees, that we, the s Huron ('..linty Sabbath Scot. 01 Alarmist 1 i'• -it lanai.' t)ntar,•, ,•- ,}.Z, tinvt, aseensbkd in tenth al cout't•n ''relented in the Cabinet. •J„nssnsr arrange ' , t . (!, ., When their strength is tl. •:r I tt• l In,.,••, . I. .r If •n at Exeter deeply retln•t the remnr• f(t J et-, „ the .,. 1. , Ayer s Sarsaparilla ,•.. n,:d reealates t : 11, ,1,_ rtn•I WS slants „,;any, ..-n•-w '_1 ....to 111e .vial t .r s and "p, slily rn. c. 't•lswa, 7fetsrwl4Ia. ithenrwatle ('Rent. h. (tetserwl Debility. n'. •1 all Aiwa•.. 1...:.i ,n ttt'7 1er!.h••.l,.r eorr ptrd C',n.n- di* blond, and* ueakene•1 vitality. ac•r,np'Iwnaty the eheapset h)rv..1 medicine, ere+was r+f Na coAcrtitra ge,t etr.•rtr t.”. i • .and great rfttirn erre di<ease. 7 RNT(IHT, I'RACTi(':tL 1tAR- ratrARtin ex . RF:R and ltsir rl reser r, tx /t thanks to the public for .a” patronage.ard C. Ayeri CO., Lowell, Mail. always tie foonAean hi+Ab�t� u,"m tie'r�n i.;: 1 sentisu ergo-. 1•t fir b.tttlaa for til. ' Finer Office (ioderinh a !isles, ora. 17S>) n 1 .l.t f't,,, al fr ,m our midst of our fellow worker, t•ack,14. they moat tote kit •.• t•�.•nr .1 '-1 ,".,t .. ,d ,•t „,r,..•• ' ,1t. L• L• u-.___ , „ • . . ./1 thlt , ,k an. workers in 1 , 4,' -tn.•. t• tea ''sir sec. end treas. of this aneeiatins kw i '- gilc•. .spirited and l,rofi' . .11' .• es. tilt" pact six years or more, and avail ear serest • I v'.i h ft 1- • a, p,•v, `,selves of this first opportunity t.. record t1 ton R •v. f`� cwt''. R...- ' ':.••rare oar heartiest thanks for the grand icer t4,,,1 ern! Rev. We r t., .k vireo rendered, in which his of ebilty drat' ttCP'IM*" bis -a '71 � !A � t Fel the tint tinge within the memory .'f the molest inhabitant navigation on Lake Michigan i" completely ctr.ed, in many places the surface of foie bike ie le... -.-Terri with ice several feet thick APIs?. • .y. . w. a f.or , a7 sp.t•n -It a1 twenty -tire '•Hies from shoe• aril 1, 11151 1 O power DP.4J F g t; 4 41; 4 20 _- -_ tarn Tea 7 : AM, sort frac ACRESFPEE! Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain 1,to 1,00 • oral talo, to Ton n. \o1. ' nAt tl Mr Noor) . 4 nn'I be WA/ by any kind I:,'14 rt oatsr coati,' nn 'li.and ul•o,,rel parcels or and Mouse River Country, •►•'►PAN, NORTh' DAKOTA, BLACK, Tributary 10 the foss,•,' - (And t'M..' at GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. s stmt.. ss N tr .r.I it LL parte• ilio mashed rasa: r. ane n.ldn . M 1f. F'. tis, NALL1-, 1 n• ':..1 Travelling Agent S i Pall. MINNEAPOLIS 11lil1TNA R R. 1 rood At. Tortoni*, /ant Tonsorial, Selected I .A N D GREEN, T'Ft� A ('tnirt'aad t1 -ell lot of Groceries, ,Geo. H.OId