HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-23, Page 3,T H
p1 G A M E E s t Rue. fears' Illssewee.
X POSE1 • ! 1V Let \\'setons walk is there who, after
a stay in the now N'er of ten or d•een
A. Catholic Editor on the Elaction j yeeee; .lid not K•• back to his old house
Fly -Shoat. in Massat•Lusetts ur New York with
great anticipations et pleasure . Ile
dreamed of it for imaiths lesion. 'tett isle,
and he made careful preparation. ti
uetku the stay at " the old place" a long
The Whitby Chi (mid., is ably edited one. Ile called to mind the thins and
Ly u Roman Catholic w H Higgins, ! Toms and Susius and Mary's of his boy.
Les Liver, lair ,(laded Ilse Stead Tbs..
'TILE UURON Slt1NAL, FEB. Y3, . ,, •
eminent. With Tory rule i. Quebec, ' The cause of death. It is kuowu rl
we we :t state of financial etabarraanent, Stoat to a certainty that au fatal diseases
the individual dies either by the brain,
sad as the livstutf•r asserts, a govern•
heart or lungs. How wise then is the
otent that will stem "become a dominion effort to maintain a perfect date of
of eco Mels." With Reform rule healthpwtiuDr.
n DCarson's
t . u ale Stomach
Onsri•• we hate a p ,emus C•' Heads (titer." They free the aye -
healthy finances, a cleft batence *kart, tum from alt intpuritie.: euro Bilious -
and humuat and capnbl adatiuistratotra, nags, Dyspepsia, and ell diseases of the
whose •'retest crimes as charged by their Stomach, Liver or Bowels In large
appxmeuts, is loyalty to O1 teriu, as bottles et CoQ c'tlts. Sind by George
alsritiat the intrigues of Q•iehec ani the I Rhy»as.
minion (iovernmeet, who find iu
1 Mood and thought how eeiijhtful it would opponents, the willing souls,
(Tim O'Day) and the latest issue of his these saws oppx K
interesting paper ally extremes the hypo to Teel them. Ile reinewbeteal to work out their plans on the territorial
I 1.t• Sb.:i's p tud,where he fished when a buy,
criey and falsehood of the sheet now Ise- I rights and tegi,latitu independence of
the Still on the creek from the pwnl of thi. province. 1 Ex.
ing ullustriuusly circulated in \Vest Hu' I which he had pulled so many bull -hems. _ -
inn by the ex -County Master, that frieud
(en the 12th ..f July • of the Irish
"FACT'S rJr TOP Int.+»'aIW'roa,
Data Sta : The enclosed tly sheet
was sent me through the post Aloe, as
well sato toy esthetic neighbors. I find.
1 don't take much duck in anuuuywaus
sty -sheets or documents sent out to fool
Catholics a• ulec:t• i time. , We have
hail plenty of then. before. It is astou-
• iihing what a great interest such people
take iu the atfairsof Catholic justat vice -
nee time. Maybe, then, It would be
just as well for all such gentry to know
that Catholics are just as well posted un
the issues of the day. as those who seek
too instruct theist, and that C.ttholica are
also quits as tapable 4.1 re>.rding their
votes independently and intellieeutly as
'V' their 1 n,te4Wut net;thtrrn. Fur myself,
I regard t!u u cele who spread such
documents and who prudently take it
• epon themselves to.. dtrect Catholics in
their duty, as nothing hotter then pests
and nuisances.
The copy addrolsed to me is, I am told
and I now believe in looking at it-ad-
.1ressed in the handwriting; of Mr. It. II.
Lauder, who has such a very quedion-
a•!e reputation itl election matters.
Yours siucsrly,
the hill which every winter of his buy- - - •
hood had been Ire resent with hu sled, Thu (Marie Opposition are in deeper -
the red sehuulheuse ; eyery orchard and ate straits for a choir against the On -
water -melon patch he had robbed came
freely restore him. His blued coursed
quicker as the train Mored into the sta-
tion, and he was in the seventh heaven
of expectant pleasure by the time he got
to his m„lher•s Louse.
Disappointment of a must sickening
\Ve have lu,ked at the dt.cutuunt, sent
us by our friend. It is an old campaign
sheet referting to matters dating back
thirty years ago, and altogether beneath
notice, read in the light of events which
have since transpired, and of the altered
p tsition at the present day. Catholics came to Lim he found hint net a rosy -
ave fared ill at the hands of both par-
ties in the (oast. In latter years both !cheeks(' boy with his trend:. s hanging
parties have been forced to concede meta -by ate suspender, but stall, bearded man
f justice to Catholic influence. nee, had but a minute to live hum. .fi:0,
tarie Geverumeut, 'fhey can had so
little to object to in their administrative
policy ur recent details of expenditure
that they aro reviving the old dory of
the "corkscrew" trip to the North-West,
and revulline in minute details of the
aupplios purchased for the party and
kind followed. (Inc Jim was in 1Viscou paid for by Lieut. -Got'. Macdonald out
sin, another in the graveyard. The vii- of his own pocket. It is a very despica-
b it' itself had changed we that he c.atdd bin method ..1 warfare, otherwise it
net reengnize it. The Old Eagle Tavern wool( be very easy to republish all the
was l tone. and in its place was the Union particulars relating to the excursion to
H„tel. Peck's stere,
freer, war not thein with the tillage the northeru lakes organized by Mr. Car-
doctor and justice of the peace sitting in ling while that gentleman was- an On- the dirty work. And perhaps You shall
fe, nt u its stead a have a leather medal for your help on
rano Minister, and which was participat- the night of the 27th of February.
huge block of brick buildings. The rail- e l its by n number of the private ;friends
Wortley er Maier.
remakes V.IRttled.
basad $ boa of Dr.
Smith's (ireat Geri an Worst Remedy,
Yesterday I stir
and, after giving on dose, add my testi-
menial to the many others in its favor,
and endorse it es a safe and sure re-
medy. J. W. SAtsslaaN,
Bakery, Syracuse Street, Itossdout, N.Y.
Sold by James Wilwn, Gudericn, Ont.
Abuse of Mr. Blake, abuse of Mr.
Mowat, anu13 of Mr. Pardee, continued
abuse as a [natter of course of Mr. Hardy,
is the chief weapon of the Mail in be-
ginning the election campaign. \Vere it
not for the gross indecency of the thing,
this is just what should be approved of
by the Liberal Party. It is the name
counts pursued by the Mail at the bye -
elections, when the Archbishop, and
Bishops, and Mr. Crooks, and Irish
Catholics were abused and insulted, and
which so materially assisted Reformers
to success in nearly all the constituencies.
Go on Mr. Marmon Mailer. Keep at
road had given the v iilaCe a start, mut it of the burly brewer and friends of other
was about the same as the one he had
left nut \►oast. The woods had all been I 'Mute. tars iu no way connected with pub-
lic natters or entitled to a protracted
cut oti the hills, and Sloane pun.l in con- I` picnic ut the expense ..f the Province
se•puonce had dein 1 ug,, the mill had The cost of this excnrsiun, of course,
been loco down lying ago, and the river
caller out in the public funds, but the
haJ ■hrunk. Possibly it was as large as Government were so ashamed of the
business that they t•tixl ineffectteely to
conte:► some of the expenses under false
enters. The champagne on that occa-
slways had it in his mint, and the laugh- sign wart charged es "dusters:. doubtless
ing, romping, red -checked Sissies and l on the -ground that it cleared the dust
Mer)s of his b yLcmxl I:0 found staid,• 1} fem. tae ihirsy threats of the exeursiun-
sober, were matrons, with other Susies uta.
and Marys to etre for. And when Tom In the cast• of the I;ucrruor Macdon-
ald trip -it is w.,r11.1 remarking that the
Governor, though nut cane.; on to do eo,
with much spirit determined to pay per-
sonally the- items objected to, and [Hake
ever, but men's eyes are Jiffereut from
boy's eyes. Round lull wasn't exactly
the shape of a sugar loaf, as hu had
+naw .•
Vith Reformers, and rap Ictally with I the most promising boy iu the outage I
the Reform Gutrrumant of Oo, ntaria . ( them part of his private hospitality. It
spirit of liberality and fair play towards school, who was intended fur the 111.0- •sec r recused to Mr. Carling to go and
Catholics has been exhibited, which cer- istry, he fund a lde r -eyed nater hang- I never
likewise ' What is sauce for the goose
, was all that count he desired. ing about the gin -mills, and Sam, the is for the gander. Let Sir nose
than that, as in the else of the I stupidest buy in the ach. ,1, was rho grin and Sir Charles Rite us details of their
Marmion Howl, the Govurnuttlnt hate 1 ct al law er in the oonuty. and was being 1 reckless and extravagant trips to Eng
and nobly stood ferwa'd ag'en't I it y
Unary, ((hast, item by item. Any "dusters'
that spirit uE intolerance and hilus talker of for GmKrese And to ad to
' 1 would cell el esthetic children 1 this trouble, the dishes axoked by „his there
At the'oldest Established Shoe Store in Town.
In. Endless Variety
to wit the most fastidious ,old t!o m\oat econ.,tuic buyer
Is now eo:replete, and I take pluaaure in iufertsine rsiy cust rs that at no 1•r.
.•lour time have 1: had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Prate
it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wtar can be gut else" here
of everengrrde still receives my prompt suit careful atter ti01 , and till i.r I. •
in the moat approved styles by first-el/mg workmen, rnd
of the very hest (material obtainable.
As a rule we do not recommend Pa-
tent Medicines, b'.t when we know of
one that 1s a public benefactor, and dues
positively cure, then we consider it our
duty impart that information to all.
Electric Bitter' are truly a most valua-
ble medicine, and will surely cure Bil-
iousness, Fever and Ague, Stomach,
Liver and Kidney Completing. even
where all other remedies fail. We know
know whereof we speak, and can freely
recomuiemd thein to alt. -Each -Slam old
fifty ,-eats a bottle by 3,
to stake a text tro,k offensive to thentot'.cr, of which lie had been w fond
different, ., Tar e•awwemid I •
1 she rc lied -
faith \Vh
.toot out rte p
ne rasion' Who was it that treated to do so he told the old .oly, an.
teem an injustice in t`:e tenderest point ( with a sigh :
-theirfaith 1 And who ebusei Archbishop' ..p cask it i:tst as 1 use:( to, but yuul
Lynch, Bishop Jamot, litaLop Cleary, I must remember there is a d.tlereuce be -I
and every Catholic:, lay. and clerical • )n
tweet: a of 1 t who can relish any-
' the country ! •\\ oteShey not the loon- Loy' +
servatires ? We rent] ni t. ee Lank thin- thing, awl a roan of :,J. You .. have
..ty or forty years ago to rip no old sores( changed --not L" •
from the rots
from the cc,lumi,a of the le'e'r, and fir .And so inateal of making a lent; stay,
which the Reform ear:). Lad.ne resp••nst- I bl the'! lending is ,Ding on -into the
bility, and l:•.:a tLe Lib-rs.a v:: •-u•ty to he found- the plan/ uueuduribl a :d' larger central versals, g -into :lies!
by uE cuan• t=r Seen that ac- packed u;, his vaGau, alai went 1. .•it at • menti. tilers ; there is n-. rosin felt. In
' e ease of feistiest, therefore, tram loss
of blind, simply lad the patient on the
hack little t'.rut•1 to one side --with
the heal low ran the w..::u,l itt :t p••si-
f the ;,,.lin. tl :...:•q}'
f Q'.li.:Se.: and Onterto tion favorable to the doctor's manipule-1
' -. buttons!
core of nears Ki : ea aCo.-. ; 1 a
• • .•1 then await the doe -
'Ita•►vtil Don't try to bring.the
t o rewind y del 1 1
and morals of lies epee. 0I wheat a buy, tasted entirely titferen• and Trealsaes►s ee Fat.u.i.
t atnst Cethc!tcs . pun this c C-
Now that there is a reliable rea easy for
kidney troubles, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been removed
For this let ell he thankful, ani to Dr.
Itureu's Kidney ('ole award all
praise for having thus removed • hitherto
considered fatal disease from our path.
It was:net•er known to fail. Sold by J.
Wilson •-'i"
Fail.tiui, in most o1 its forms is a pure-
ly t.aturtl and physiological condition
for 7rhiell there is a gond main( ((etre.
Fainting from loss of blood is naturep
remedy for the bicedine. The (.cart's
action is lowered ; the blood withdrtwn 1
amities -where, presume.-
be uu......
e',unt. We kill tad.- ..e a_ta of Conner- ch„ end n; the third day.
Natives et to -day a :d let t'•• spew. , _
We will en., the act! ref the Conserve- l
ttve patrty o1 South ut:turio an Mr.Gle11 s
tits. election. Do •• •..tholics ferltet tis
•: ar Leninist.
1 roceawion au.l t! epeetehes at. the four i 1 e•r..paria,::
cornersNf the stress cf Whitby where
they were denounced as "She scant ••f
tis. earth," ,irheruroa:s fir Gien apt the i
••Dbgtuu" who elected hien were sc
fiercely given, sad where threats were
trade, and afterwards carried .out as far
as possible, to ;en ti inn C(atholie ienan
ence in this riling 1- Tl.ese are matters
of to -day and yesterday, a. that Mr.
Lander and those who are new with hint
carrying on the present campaitravel
n in thea
('n-ettr have no occ
•1-ou will Save Money by Buying Vent
Groceries? Provisions
W e are Now Selling This Season's
1•T"V7-TEA S
:,11ct'{er11.t. ;-•t ts.
New Raisins,
New Currants,
Coffee, Sugar. &c.
Will 1x: Sold Pr..nnrtionnly flit•:,:
Extra Family F
$2.2S mer ICC 1' cs_
.\ Foul( Supply of
'PER'S PILLS. Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Bran, S'aiort's, etc,
r.e proportion of the diseases which cause
. suffering result from deraugementof the
ln,wels and liver. Area's Carnsarte The Best Quaid); cif Coal Ort at the Vert, Lod,'est Prrr• os.
SEEGM11 Li: P. H S Hart & Co.
billed ow'
\lents . n 11 tel.
+ce , •-,sly upon these organs, and are
:.11y designed to cure the diseases caused -_
• r derangement, including Constipation.
:ration. Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysen-
au,l a hunt of other ailments, for all of
. they are a safe, sure, prompt, and pleasant T
The rxteuslvu use of these Pn.L9 M' I Y Pflt•PitiET rt,,, nl Teat:
1•bya:cians in regular practice, shows 1 hly the estimation In which they are i _-__\-N i; _- ; God.eric .Mills /
•,.e Ilse:Heal profession.
,'t t.tss are cr,,,tpr,u,„led of vegetable sub-
aay, awl are absolutely free trim calomel
;.or injurious lugred14nt.
LATE: 1-'11•Et n.
;,,grerrr from Headache writes : - - I theBeg to inner their t11l' to etc the
the liberal patronage receive.] during it r pea
• n'a P11.t.v are iutaluable to me, and aro I Year.. and to state time Are prepared to dt
-:,,rat eon,pauio,,, [hate been n severe
Haring purchased ti:c l; v..:•r:.;h Co'lpdr}-, 3- 3' t T
:roma headache, and your l'ILtw are the am nKinlg. the premises sur the mann act u.r I , r
1 c•nthl lock a, for relief. nue doss I 1PLF MF:NTS on a large scal,i. Mill Wok 1 a ` I
wove my M.iveir and free my head rt0« -._ will be con ..,..Ln _t•,,..•. ,. -.. •' ,• , w.t. nn t..
tinued. All work guaranteed.
rhPy are the, ua..st efrectire pad theand- - .
l have ever found. It is a pleasure
th raise and 1 always do so
in ems praise,
Mr. D. Rwnciman is the ot•ty- roan sot ,ort -
\\. f.. 1',nr., of W. 1.. rage & Mo." to collect payments and 1{i r ••.:pts on he . ..
'; ''.
.. t; cloy"n•1, Vii.. .111.114.1 3, tot'=• alllf of pera,h a indebe late ted t Iron .imtn it t tto K"tais l L. 1
•, .\err.'+ . PILLS in nwubrrless in- themsclCCaat•COl ) 1 •
tbtl p•t'•ri'lllt e'.. •- 1.1 8 i•1••.{ by pun and have neve[ :. SEEUS11L1.1•:1:.
• ' sen ill t twtuntn au.. tut , .s Lill ow accomplish them
the desired re- Proprietor.
for the wast half s to a n o keep thein on hand at our
result which ic!: is not only ast''t tshtng. bas. I al `t• --throe., er t,: ire them las•
a olio DYSPEPSIA -_-_ _
+.tie a- , ,..:y raa.liane• J. T. lf.ttc•s.•,
of lite greatest icterest at the present i tura . .:sable.
•. him with R.tt:r.
.e 11111.31" la,.:.
st,t:,:t POMO"err s 1 -ittI;ace , GODERICH BOILER WORA
to ar ip nus
$500.00 Reward.
stoic. Under 'nary rule, ort: sister h:„ 1:n- r u t ••,' -
bandy. nr.: era • \C;• r . asst for any rare o
f .\ti•occ .t'. ,;.co t '. says..• For sa.ms t...r 1. 1- , ! gra .i:t.k li,•udache.
since nes been gonna ra;,illy from had to t Hiaan from which.ta 1
ir: tie l•+cb is orders. Qrsndv will end ktlles i ln.+ m . ('o.tleeucfe wo
worse, till ,►: the resent time she is bur ou h lot t, will r t moon------- until sem r tvi omplud tvub
} f t e l quicklyt e t t.s 1•n i fliev I i t U_ Black 1 3
dons•► withQ T $ a
rapt tnachluat:' ne of dustgning politic:trs s
,,,•• ctmpro y 6e
Iib [ medicines of t••' •
,t,,. t4•4..•Table 1.R1•r
.tea ,• . ' wl
the alt( !1 J- .. r \'1 t .. .
nenI ...
lett, and a prey to the cer I l,ea.t.l ut cin,: S a
sari the (teles at double quick tune, r eery corrected the costive habit, and i
te-i to neral health.”
trot surging r•ing I
1 , s'tier tar:c Pu.tn correct irre,;ularb
i;u and'
qn a t'a N'u I
r, fur •'f ten.` Byef+t^•' -r; which has recently been re- . . ,te,.
• r to go back forty yea..- this , pe:.; .sal aster:: a, 1 .c. •
They will find the facts to evidence at vtveci, has Los trach to say of the' Pres' ; c:.1b q l art a:.; pr.t. ;Lice t,u4s of
their doors and of a much more recent ent po!iticalsytteet inQuebec. 'Tarty," I chit winch .1 r s : cc!tcate.e I:aa
'late. -[El. Chronicle. - it says, "1:as degenerated late the viteet1 sit with
blY begun•.•+ ¢brae tent wounded has!
I faction ; public life has become a cesapuol P
.sled(, 1'rltate sail te.adeat1 )1 r+ taw , vessels. In cases of faiatiuea from shock
of intrigue, and government will genu
or from tent, the .pat.. I t ehoul•1 be
- the a dominion of scoundrels. With .aced in a rucumbcnt ;,uei:iun, with tint
whiLec, at all rvente, reform -. a r:: tt he 1 heed bey and the throat free Item 1'':.° -
which admits ' ° no delay." t to the I , -
t)oterio is prosperous in all sure. The forehead , i ty then be Lath -
other baud, 1 + ed with cold water and brandy caut.iuus- t
means test be used to parry the her interval concerts. Instead of being I lg administered. or ammonia applied to'
every o in debt s!:o l::M, after l:aci::• torn nen- III, thee e,istrils. -(Lindon Orac'e.
election in Ontario and cterturuw the y p------------ -.--
Mowat Got ernment. Allow no Rej•,rnt I emus( rorilecf with all the public in j
cf every de artmel::, ale pea- I the sal, ric renew.ce o1 the sun's rays,
candidate to be elected by s_ lamation 1 stitatiohs necessary. with tite w.1n:s of 1 Aa he fr eats of winter vanish under
lied, t surplus a`o d' ca iiright's Dieeas'. Dropsy atone)
no matter hew star the pcuspec.L I theey if not liberally supplied, Ito the ii idneya and Bladder, and Inflam-
Where the f odds are ng ally against you of betwee•t four nr..l ire millions on hard i metier-, of the Kidneys, lease tho body
don't be afraid be bring out a soar and
when that is done, try to mate the Ra- Her tit -ars are free fee:. carrot tion, and( wean the almiuia!ratinu .1 Dr. Van Bu - l
have, during their long tenure in office, I reh'g Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson.
so eceneraicaliq conducted matter*, that I __..se n
on the . e-asiou of seeking an endorse-' K
Con 1 their course from the people, I
and :,etid the b! tk h tee
t!: L':•y mown enc 1.,.tt•r's stimulate the appet
To far Cons ,• , : ' + , Jn!ru-ru.
Ggsrt,Emss • - Nen aro aware that
forst party feel as muoh secari:y its the
election of their candidate as 1 ^sidle
and give them to understand that it • is
with no ilea ••f success that you are cp-
1:trsing them, tut only f r the sake of
having an election and putting the Moir-
(}, rat to a little sera expense
s LW visa(.. rrrwent.
Allison, liutchins•mt aL,
w u raced his life by a simple Trial Bottle nil
they have tweet: each time nonosed with( Dr. King's Niew ilireovery, for run -'I
an increased support. • And even now, 1 wmption, which caused trim too pn.cure'
their record is so cloar. that the handful i a large huttle, that completely cured hint,
wt cn Dect • • %awe of climate and
rat vernme
But secrete'y warn a• every e'"-','•'1'i:e;of the 0.,-)7 sitier. in tee lent. 1.• -.Ise lave everything e;+e hail faile•1. Asthma,
allowed the addre's. iat reply to the
u,tra hour to weak, will untiring •i energy I $rot chtti+. H.wr*ont+ss. entevcie Cnaghl,
es the tight must I e short ami decisive. (speech from the throne. to ps+a without 1 an•1 ill Thrr•it and i.un t disea,ies, it is
! h ed t Trial ilii tics at ,I
During the three days 1.
tion, buckle en y•'nr arae
win and you may take many of your op- 'I o ,rd. except un the caaueat mei mus.
pimento' stronghsld5 while they ate general charges, chiefly founded on
t uietlq resting iu sorrily. The .'stove' newspaper gossip. i*ougd ht tCedat4l}ice Cie
len.: Sire else• foTmuiattng enc single charge.
• r a•" ttnarante a cure.
ur and go inItstart ing to impugn the gotern:ucnt re• W darn's drat store. Large 517.0 III. (1)•
synopsis of the secret ctrcniar fur till
tone& of the Conservatives was sent ns
by a friend who• through sotne mistake
Kot a reading of it, d th•nkiag it might
Tn the history of me.i'cinea nu pieta
ration has received such universal cum-
mendatiou fur the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid -
Van Buren's htnnc)
hey Ai,teases, as Dr.
Its action in them distressing 1
Meredith and his "ragged hand '.1 1' . eruitnI,laints is sin 'opt wonderful. Sell 1
!Worm (1.)yerr.%ent in (Marg • with MT. ut-e.
•i ,]: er Cal's211
ioe►er>i' as a Conservative p 1. .1, \Nilson.
an t
hi, li ling kindly for- I totem. With the eeample . ` tin dire wean... sew 'a Away•
be of use to us to
warded it. We , • fl rel r • t,.,e,r.,•t. land disastrous effect of T re tau In
sayr f
pin Adv'cate•Ad• guiles before tl:etc : with the benefitiat
Don't doe found napping. l Ont. of Reform rule in Otatari
o before
!them. the electors of this province ate
a%ed t , withdraw t!.eir e infider•''e fro m
'1 , seat and transfer it to Mr. bftra
n who, has n eve's the merit of hat -
not its cure I. 15 cents
Thousands are being cute 1 of Catarrh _- ase .
ever year with Hall's Catarrh (.'ure,that i
the acct r$ had given up and said could dt
S tile. !t o
.1e agent for Gusts• j in; c •nti lance in himself, bit' arts the
{ I•i of uu.lerlittet to etre D lniltu tn e;
by Georgi' Rhyttas
nets pa
Millio:aof Bottles of Dr. Kenn. new
Din -every for Consumption, t:ouuhl. and
Celanhave been given away as Trial
B. tiles of the large size. This ennrm•us
we:11.1 be •liaaatr•'i* n' the ern
p.tieter•, were it not for the rare meets
tyn'a csae,s0,1 by thaw wonderful media ne.
Call at WifsoArne store, and net ats
Trial Bottle fret. anti try for )ouell.
qn never fails to cure
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