HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-02-23, Page 1cENERAE INTELLIGENCE. HIRTY-TIRH YEAR. 1 WHOLE NUMBER stn GOI)ERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1883. MOOILLICL'DDY B149. PUaLteHnRY l SLS A YEAR IN ADVANCE. Dentistry. NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- i If freeholdse ONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE •j T1dt. Onoosed raaitents, West Steet . fund• -on freehold curity, A pay to t; `sdo,ro bylaw Baa': of Montreal, Clod - Geo. Swanson,(ioderich. 1 . • $500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO Zile people's Column. lchCAMERON, HOLT &CAMERON, esde- Loans ana 3nlsurance. 1 THE NOMINATIONS. TN PURSUANCE OF THE ELEC- TiON ACT James T. (Jarrow. ., of the Tows et Goderich, Barrister, is appy nted financial agent for A. M. Rea, Esq., for the payment + ( election expense in connection with the ele�cotion of the West Riding of the Conoty of lturon. ROBT. GIBBONS 137J. R. O. for Went Huron. 1 N PURSUANCE OF THE ELEC- T1t)N ACT Hobert C. Hays, Req.. of the Tow., of (Iodide/1,Solicitor, is appointed 6 w - nuial agent for eed W. Johestou, Esq.. for the payment of 'McGee expense. In connec- tion with the eteetioe of the West Riding of County of Heron. ROBT. OIBBON$,, 1879- It. 0. for West Huron. 'AN I ED IMMEDIATELY. - A stunt boy as an apprentice tithe black- smith bu.inea.. J. P. BROWN, Manchester, Auburn. P.U. 1676-2t. WOOD WANTED. --TENDERS will be receivedat this oflloe fur Arisen or twenty cards of fire wood. dry and green. up W Friday. Feb. 15th. Address McGtlll- uuddy Bro'hers, THE SIOV•L, Goderich. KEYS FOUND. -A COUPLE OF mull keys. on • string. were found dur- ing this week and left al this office. The own- er can have them by paying for this advt. Ap- pay at this Aloe. WANTED, FOR S. S. NO. le ASH - FIELD, a third-class teacher, duties to eommene.e immediately. Apply to JOHN McDONALD, Sec.. Lochalsh, Y.O. 187541. HO FOR Pt INN IPEG. Being about to remove to Winnipeg. I have disposed of my auction business to Mr. James Prentice, who came to me highly recomend- ed, and who 1 am satisfied wilrecommend- ed,U the bill. I trust that my Mends in the county will give him that liberal support which they so gener- ously ao;orded me in pest years. 1 wtll re- main hero until 1st April and in the mean- time will .wndnct all ales entrusted to one. .1. C. CURRIE. The People's Auctioneer. 187+. ENGRAVING. Alt kinds of plain and ornamental engrav- ing, gold, silver, ivory. pearl, executed neatly ekeaply and expeditoualy. Door plates made and enwraved on short notlee. Estimates given. C. J. NEWMAN, South -ie.. tlo.erich, itaetteal engraver to the trade. 1677 -wit. • HOUSE AND LOR FOR SALE. - A frame house nearly new. with 10 toot milling, containing 6 rooms besides ball. pan- - try and good cellar with wood shed and other outbuilding* will be sold on reasonable terms, ,i1},, good well U on the premises. For particu- lar* apply to W. A. R H Y N AS, Newgate Street. 1877. i11 OUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East @trete. in be town of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be :changed for farm property. For particulars pply to JAS, SoAII.L, Architect. o ce Crab!) Bloch or J. C. CURRIE. auctioneer. FOR SALE. A flat else br(c'c bo•tw. cellar under the whole house. and 11 acres land ea •h+ 11.a, - Geld rear1..)oderiek.therc is a good ,table and drlyingshcd.hard and soft water on the prem- IscA, grounds well laid out. Fur particulars apply nn the premises or to ill Soegmiller. Goderich Foundry. t873-tf. FOR SALE. Mrs. Nolan °Teri for sale tlrc following prooerty- in the town of t}oderich. Lot 177. the east halt of lot 175 ant the west half of Int 12i. Thor.+ Is a story and n half frame house in good r.+patr, 12 roma an 1 kitchen. good arms• cellar, hard and soft water. Term. easy. For further particulars apply to E. CAMPION, Solicitor. Goderich. 1879-3m. DRICK YARD TO RENT. To rent for oneyear the KINT.tIL BR: (' K- Y ARD with Machine+, Barrows. etc., soot use of horse if desired; clay first-class and great demand for Brick. Kintail Dark near Yard. Apply to JOHN K. MA('OREGO}t, 187 1:. I intail, P. NOTICE Ifo DEBTORS --NOTICE IS h^r.•by given that all parties indebted tc the undersigned by note or hook account are requested to settle the same at once and there- by save ar enforced collection. 1 nmean',mi- ness, ABRAHAM SMITH. IE02- *80,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 'OP on good Farm er finteless Tows Property •1 6 per cent. AWAY to R. ItA1X'LIrJL. 1751 XIONEY TO LEND IN .ANY amount to stilt borrowers et 6 to 64 per cent. Private funds. Apply to Scariest and Moteroe. Goderich. !`,CONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE 1 1 amount of Peyote Funds for investment It lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply toGARROW & PROCDFOOT. DANS FREE OF CHARGE. - a J Money to lend at lowest rates, free of any oasts or charges. SEAGER it MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderich yard March 1611- 1771 20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tee on Farm and Town Property at lowest In- terest. Mortgogee purchased. as Commission charged. Cooveyaaeing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can oetela mosey In anadsy if title Is satisfactory, --DAV & JOHN STON. Barristers, &c.. Ooderleh. 1751 nal RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Iasurasoe Agent. R'presenting first-class Companies. Also agebt for tie Caxana Live STOCK lxst-•saxcs Co. Moneyto lend on Mortgage. either In Town of Farm Property. In any way 10 amlt the borrow- er. Otnoe-sup-sono Kay'. block Goderich, DR-W.G. 8. MACDONALD, IL D., C. M.. Pbysic an, Surges., A000uebeur. ate- Office and residence, Main street Au- burn. 6m. -11R1, Large Meeting in Hall•. the Town Masterly *perch by Cell. Mesa a seat Reply from the Oppeelllea cassfandata. -a /stile Attempt to Mreak as Agree. weal. The town hall was filled un Tuesday afternoon, when the nominations for the Local H0u694 for West Huron took plan+. Before the speaking c,ntmenced air agreement was entered into by the can- didates that no person should address the electors in their behalf save their moven and seconders. Mr. Johnston especially seemed.anxious to make this arrangement, as several Liberals were present with acme very interesting docu- ments should the discussion become general. The writ for the holding of the elec- tion in West Huron was read by the re- turning officer. Sheriff Gibbons Col. A M. Rosa was moved by Mr. Joseph Griffin, seconded by Mr. J. T. Garrey. F. W. Johnston by Mr. Jos. Gold- thorp, seconded by Mr. Joe. Whitely. Mr. C. Seager, on behalf of Cul. A. M. Ras demanded a poll. The financial agents of the candidates were then nam- ed, an follows :-For Cul. Ross, Mr. J. T Garrow ; for F. W. Johnston, Mr. Il: C. Hayes. (`I R. MCDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- Mr. Joe. Griffin, in reeving the uonii- l-1 . IAN. SUROLON, &e., Graduate of Toe- nattng of Col. Ross, said with the ex- piate University. Lleeetlate of the now tot- ters of Physicians, London. England. etc.. &e-, M.C. P. MDelco.. Ontario. Oce and residence er�site Bailey's hotel, Hamllton.t �tGo - perience of the pant he had proved in the House and in the count s faith- ful servant, and he did not think faith- ful servants should be discharged with - DR M Corona PHYSICIAN, SUR uMr. T. Garrow, seconding, said it (JZON, Coroner &c. (ice and residence Bruoe St-est,'snood door west of Vitoria was an important time in the history of Street, 71 all the Province. The electors should, j udge calmly. There had been a distinct at- tempt to interfere with local legislation. It was the duty and privilege of the electors and not of the thirteen irre- sponsible men at Ottawa to decide for this Province. He thought the electors in West Huron should send up good men, able men, grown up men, (laugh- ter`, to represent them in the Legisla- ture. He paid a high tribute to Colonel 11 d t 'd A to turn him L1OR SALE. -THAT DESI : ABLE r residence. corner Brittania I and Me- i)onalA street. opposite the High rtchool, w•it11 two Ince. -Phe house i, in K nal repair will. carrisn• house and stable and other nut nulldings. The garden Is well stocked with rnittrees, grape rims'. shrubery,&a, it, H. COZENS, For tem: apply t , Davison d' Johnston, Barristers. 1d�ti. 11 G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . clan. Surgeon and Accoucher• Graduate of Toronto University. Oghxopposite ('amber -on & Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 11 net is oflce, enquire at the Ilmk. veiny.. URS. SHANNON A HAMILTON, Paysicians. Surg'eons, Aceouebees, &a. ofRoe at Dr. Shannon. residesee, near the d gnat Gocrieh. U. C. SHANNON. J. C. Has1n.- TON 1751. 1N THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the matter of partition. between Archi- bald Galbraith. plaintiff: and John Galbraith. Kate Galbraith. Isabella Gefbraith, Mary Mc- Williams. Janet McUermid, Mathew McDer- mid. Mary McTavish, Hugh Mei i•h. John MoT-avish, Nell McTavish, Helen .lnderwon, James Anderson, Thomas Stinson. William James Stinson, Mar yT Stinson • Edward Mc- Tavish and Donald McTavish. the last one named being an infant under the age of twen- ty-one years, defendants. To the above named defendants and ail other persons having or claiming any interest is the following hinds. that 19 to say. r.lt and singular. that certain parcel or tract of land and preemies., situate. lying and being in the Township of ntanley, in the l'ountr of Huron sad Province of Ontario, and heing composed of lot number eleven, in the fifth concession of the Township of Stanley. aforesaid. em- tainin by admeasurement one hundred acres of land be the same more or les.. you are hereby required to take notice that the above named plaintiff will, on the twenty-seventh day of February. A.D. ISCt, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon. at the l'ourt Hoe in the Town of Goderich.. in tate said County of Hilton. present to the Judge of this Honorable Court the petition in this mat- ter for the partition or sale of said lands under the "Partition Act" and al! persons interestedi nr elaimin any int}rest in said lands. are then and there to app•ar and state what claim they have to the said laud•, and in de- fault oftheir appearing the said mater will heproceeded with in their absence. And ter- ther. take notice that the said linter will at the same time and place h- appplied to to ap- ppnnint a (}nardian to represent the said Infant- iefendant in the preeesslltngs in this miner. s Thr above notice was ttled by the Judge o of the ',runty ('onrt of the County of 11..ron. on the .2nd da} of January18€0... 18 PHILIP H01 -T. Oede.ieh, Settled) lir r Plaintiff s solictt.r. 1/-I,l NETTIE SEEGMILLt R, 1111 U svin( completed her studies in music under Prof. Nip pl of London, and having re- ceived u certificate. is now prepared to re- ceive a limited number of pupils for Piano intro tion. Miss $e^;(miller is also prepared to trio oraces for Crayon Portralts. Satisfac- tion In every cash guaranteed. Residence. corner Cambria Road and Now•jate Street. FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT Valuable Property known ae the Shop- psrdton Store and 1'ost.,0Moe, with quarter of Skriof oeewnitfr sale or to rent.. ty in store all nalt h this ycnr. The prnpr:etnr hat other business whish will re- quire his sole attention. Also the west half of of 5, eon, 3 F..D. Ashfield; all new lend: two geed orchards, two genii wells, and eomfort- nbte Foamy hone• s. The lot contain. tinU a^res, of which 50 are r•lean•d and all well fomeewl. Remttning :151 a"rrs heavily t.mhere.l with hardwood. For partleulars address: it. 1'. It %%NKR, Shepnaniten P.O. 1,62. Legal. o.s,an 1. , re you gowg out. i "No, no.") He is the man for Wert Huron. Mr. Joseph Goldthorpe, on Mr. John- ston's behalf, thought Mr. Johnston was the riwht man in the right place. We don't bend boys to parliament, but lie thought Mr. Johnston was full grown up. 'Laughter.) Mr Joseph Whitely, his seconder, considered Mr Johnston was the right elan in the right place. It was an im- portant time. He left the eloquent candidates to do the speaking. Col. stoats was received with applause. He had been their representative for eight years. He had been re-elected since he was first returned. Ile asked for a renewal of, their confidence, judg• ing by his acts. He referred to his past ' services in the settlement of the inuni copal loan fund by which we received $319,000 for local improvements. He t also obtained $84,000 more titan the Guvorntneut had at first intended to give this county on the Buffalo and Lake Heron R R. He showed that the town Tied also enlisted his services, and he had secured $38,000 matt+ to the town than it had expected. (Hear, hear,) He cited Itis amendment to the jury laws, and showed how this had saved the eensiderable aunt of $1,10U ntnwally thought him worthy. Hear. hear,) An exciting scene here occurred. len- Ike- of no mean order. He net only en - to the county. Mr. Meredith had cum- Col. floe,'• address w -a, full of egotism. star is citi hue, who had been brought (leered himself to, tl (• r )lr .,f his own plitncnted him on securing this reform. I He said that he hail challenged C.:1, l' "1 Jnige TA'. Huron. 1 Dated'Lsnd NSU RANCI: CARD. The mechanic's lien law was a great boon and protection en the me- chanics. For the past three years Mr. Meredith had failed to challenge by a single vote any particular item of expenditure. We now give more to ed- ucation than ever before, and thus les- sen municipal taxation. He gave figures to show how the county of Huron had been helped by the increased .rants from the Government in various ways. Do you object to such aid t Do you want to keep that money locked up in Toronto ? Since 1873 the expenditure has not increased. He next alluded to the license law. The present system was ahead of the old because it helped to make their business more reef actable. He showed how the act had reduced the number of hotels and liquor stores. He showed how Mr. Meredith had changed front on the question of returning licen- sing powers to the municipalities. • Of the 600 municipalities in Ontario not one has asked to have that power re- turned. (Cheers.) Two third, of those holding licensee to -day are Conserva- tives. (Hear, hear.) In Goderich of 10 hotels, 8 are run by Conservatives and 2 by Reformers ; of the 3 shop licenses, 2 are Conservatives, and 1 Reform. (Cheers.) He instanced the alas of Judge Doyle and Mr. John Acheson as Conservatives who had sat upon the license board. He exposed the several slanders about unfairness by license boards, and made a strong point in show - how Mr. Hanlan had been refused space in the Mail to wive the lie to a slander fathered upon him. The temperance sentiment of the people was outraged by the proposed change regarding the Crooks Act. He thought that no body was more entitled to respect than the clergy of the Methodist church, and read the resolution passed at the meeting of the lest conference, extolling the Crooks Act as the beat legislation and asking their people to stand by it. He gave a brief history of the Streams Bill, point- ing out the odious monopoly cf McIaten en the Mississippi. He was listened to with intense interest as he showed the utter worthlessness of timber limits to any one besides McLaren on all that stream if he were allowed to bar out all other owners of logs. The tolls were fixed by law. and the compensation al- lowed Mr. McLaren was ample. The fair- ness of the case was proved to the astir - faction of every reaponable man. He held that no constitutional authority was given to veto such legislation as that of the Streams Bill, and quoted Sir John A. Macdonald to strengthen him in his position. The people were the beat court of appeal on the matter of local legislation, and not the Cabinet at Ot- tawa. (Hear, hear,) We are not the traitors to the constitution ; they are. He handled the boundary question in an able manner, showing that broth Govern- ments had agreed to make the award final and conclusive. He pointed out the probable effect of each administra- tion of the timber sales in the territory in dispute, showing the advantages of the administration of the Ontario Gov- ernment. He closed by a powerful peroration, calling upon the electors to cont • forward and stand hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder Ler\he righteof Nle Province, it was the duty of every man to stand up for the rights "f pro- perty, territory and legislation. He sat down amid creat applause. Mr. F. W. Johosten said he carte forward not to fled fault with Col. Ross but with his partyi He said that Dir. Garr ,w had declared thut they did not nant half-grown boys, but he had beet. warden of the c,.uuty, anal D1r. (i;et ow had twice nominated him because he boundary award and streams bill 'ques- tion had been practically settled at the June elections. He gave his version of the Streams Bill, in the course of which he declared that the stream belonged to Mr. McLaren ! He also claimed that Mr. McLaren bad been sustained by the whole people, the Government and the cowl. ! (a decidedly new version we fancy.) He then cited authorities on the veto question. He alluded to the boundary question, ridiculed Col. Roes' nap of the disputed territory, and said that the question of the boundary award would be kept dangling for four years more, if the Government wee sustained He advised the reference of the award to the Privy Council. He was as patriotic as Col. Rus.. Col. Rues, a soldier, lis- tened to treason when he hear; D. D. Hay in the House ask for blood or noth- ing. (Laughter.) He charged Mr. Mowat with centralization, and prophe- sied that he would soon be appointing the school teachers ! He had a right to oppose CuL Roes, and would ds�eies him of some of his offices and airy ! (Cheers.) Mr. Mowat was bound to go ! (Tremendous excitement.) He declared that Col. Ross had told Catholics that they should not vote for Johnston for he was an Orangemen, and that Orangemen should not vote for him because he was lukewarm. I have aesurances,the.peek- er continued, that I am going to be re- turned. Coll Russ already saw the writ- ing on the wall. (Uproarious laughter, Lasting a lung while and disconcerting the orator.) He appealed to the young mew to support him, and defied any one to point to an act he had ever done that he should be ashamed of. He left his past history he:ore them as a guarantee of what he would du if returned. He was cheered upon retiring. Col. Ross explained that nu change could he made m the franchise for this election, as there was no time to do so owing to the voter's list for 1882 having been revised. He showed up a number of other fallaciesof the previous speaker, and pinned hose en every point. An organized attempt to interrupt and shout down Cul. Ross here became ap- parent. Tells, whistles and other inter- ruptions prevailed, until order being re- stored by the chairman, the speaker could again be heard. He went oa to make his paints and did so in a telling manner. The oppo- sition candidate wriggled as the Colonel masted him on the unlitary question. The speaker said he had entered the force as a volunteer in the ranks, and hid won his promotion by long and faithful service. (Anplt,use.` If Mr. Johnston had shouldered e, musket in the ranks, he tnight perhaps have risen to be a captain. The rival candidate here interjected Fontething about his serving two years in the rifles, when Col. Rose exclaimed, "We never heard Orange Conservatives of West Huron. The game attempted to be played by the violators of the agreement was so palpable that some of those who had tried to help it along looked ashamed of it when the affair was over. The meeting closed with cheers for the Queen and the candidates- DaairanaOa. Mr. Retort Wallace took his depart- ure for Winnipeg on Tuesday. Miss Burritt, junior teacher of the Public School, was absent lest week. A large party of our villagers went to Woodlawn Farm and spent a pleasant time skating on the Pond. There is to he an entertainment in connection with the Presbyterian Church here on Friday evening next. Miss Annie Pentland who has bele visiting friends in Lucknow returned home on Tuesday lest having apparently enjoyed her visit. There was a Social in Smylie's Hall in connection with the Church oaf England on Saturday evening lest. There was a fair attendance,anda good time generally experienced. The telegraph wires between here and Lucknow were out of order for a few days this week. Friend James had to go to Lucknow, when he wanted to send a message, and found it slightly, incon- venient. The Canadian Order of Foresters hero held •grand supper in Sinylie'a Hall on Friday evening. About twenty sat down to the spread of good things mine host Smylie had prepared. It is needless to remark that alto table fairly groaned under a load of viands that would almost make angels wish to be human (Forest- ers.) Owing to the miserable state of the weather a great many invited guests from a distance were unable to be pres- ent. The meeting dispersed Iluietly and at an early hour. Quite a number of removals took piece in Dungannon lately. Mr. Trines moved his knitting factory to the build- ing adjourning Mr. Hiscock's shoeshop, Messrs 13ickle e(: 17rydwes have taken possession of the building, which was occupied .by Mr. Truest and have start- ed manufacturing harness pad, therein. Mrs. Wilson removed her millinery establishment to the building lately accepted by Mr. Brown Mallough, and Bicklo Bros. have moved into Mrs. Wilson's old stand. The deputation appointed to appear at the Lucknow meeting of presbytery in behalf of the Presbyterian congregation here was not successful in their efforts to retain the present pastor the Rev, Mr.. Leitch. The call was tendered Mr. Leitch at that meeting referred to, and he accepted it. The all is from a con- gregation at Point Edward in the Sarnia of it before " The Conservative canPresbytery. Mr. Leitch is to be cos- date omitted to state if he had worn a gratuluted on his appointment. Puhlt corporal's stripe. The Reform Candi- Edward 1, situated about two miles front date's castigation of his opponent was so Sarnia and oserlouke the Detroit Riser, severe and deserved on the matter of the and is the grand 'centre of the. Grand military title, and the applause of the Trunk Railway operatiuna. ' Mr. Leach's audience was so, warm, that Mr.Johnston cnnnregation there is Wholly within the who had been facing the audience, left towns , that he will be eared the eepense the platform and turned his hack et. the I'.f keepinga borne. He has railway elecn rs. The scene WAR as good tae a commitment ten with all parts of America. farce. ('til. Ruse showed up Mr. .Lobo- Ho w111 there have every advantage of trickery in the Kell matter, and I • g"od school for his children,, without ston'sc cry t y having to send then) from under the oar - said in reply to the rival candidate's 1 roof. His salary is to he sneer as to his having been a working- I ectal =700 per man, that it was true he had worked at I annum, and it free hooey. Hifi. Leitch'a the earpenter's bunch. Ifo still had a loss int Dungannon will be rdveroly felt. good trade at his finger tips if o cession He has been in charge of the Presbyter required, and was not ashamed o1 it. inn congregat n herr, and Mao a resident Cheers.) He appealed to the electors "1 this "Ba'-':e,for nearly six years. for a continuance of their support, and During that time he has proved lit nself was b+udly applauded at the clove. OR fricnoih tool obliging uetghbor, aloana- tektite and diligent pastor, and a preach- Cheers.) He toeutiouod'the deben-Russ to show' where he had voted for tore indebtedness, and the sinking fund l the county when the safety of the Gov- investments, proving that he had made ; ernmet:t was et stat:... There was nu A great saving to the county in the in- ! Accreta .. 1 the ballot, as all the ballots creased interest on sinking fund luaus, were numbered, and the scrutineers n Hot mortgages. We lett) oar invest- ' could tell how any roan v-uted ! Why ion !MIT's!! .\3 CO'y, TUI 0NTo- tab!etit ed $25,000 on drat mortgages at 5 or 6 was C• b. Rosea 'mitten to adopt the s PH(ENIX iN!. CON. of LoN-D s senors, pet cent, instead of 3 or 4 as formerly, billet for school trustees voted down Koahl'shed KV. Hear, hear) Did Mr, Johnston ever ! by Mr. Mowat 7 Ile urged the eaten - into the riding to help tho ex -County gongre;, etion, but hwople is; every do_ Mester, Ilan called upon tri• some for an non tnatfen in this section of country, address. ^• Col. Ross approached the new , all have a •_• •,d wool to sly for, and of, Apter, and quietly tehl hint that :tn , Mr. Leitch. 'We are certain every peer - agreement had been made that no cue sen in C.114 cot}tunity' ;sties i.iui every should speak but the candidates and I possible success. their movers and seconders. "I'ut go- ing to speak whether nr nn, if the pen- (''S Er'. --ton 'rhos,?*? 'ne Si. pie will host me " was the reply of the, (•sora'. Cornell choir 1 iurlby assisted utile any such rug cellon as your f Bion of tl.e hallo : to the eons of mer "thrr. Col, Ross theft advanced td' the tits lluir.�annouites At their •anal ten 1t.\RTFORU 1A3. (O 1 , of HA*'astir. (ot:n F'ataMlshed I61n. g latf, rm and called upon the chnini;ntl iiicotin4 by. ferniehing a variegated pro- Risks taken In the above flrst-clasmNikes at , Reeve ' i Laughter and applause.) He ebants and others, nod claimed that thi p t;raunuo as follows, with the Roc. , the lowest nitre by 11011A('1 HORTON• had also intronluced the wiry fence acts. Refcrmera had stolen the Conservativeto boor him out ria to the agreenirnt. 1110 undersigned Is also Vpara'ser jfor the This had removed m :v great measure; platform in this matter. He said that The chairman said that Cel. Ross's peri- l5trn in he choir : •lnthete+by the choir Inti �Iro PER. LOAN .v>n...YVl�t:. t ON `mat snow drifs, and helped the bus:- ho reetsiry hill tea, a benefit, but de• tion was right. The nrranwemett had (; hundred t fstthunt9teI ep,tMv in Rothwell 1 1 l 1 w ui d hav s It the p I (stared t to to ntU le ( set e , r ' • r s r. was n Lem ted, � I)uctt, Ali,<s Ross fi Mise AlrDennitt; Money to Loan on first Laws seeur. • rem n.Cs of built teen and the fanners. Do ► t the ti 1t' 1 1 '1t 1 naf l wen m4. 710 n^dicot Charges moderate. the chair if and l n -e as t i my opponents charge mo with wrong 4:oocernment had lint mt.gesteol this Selo, the Shepherd Roy, ?Mee Minnie HORACE HORTON. doing ' . N. D" they they charge me I cllanec. Tl.e Crooks' Act was a gowtl Mr. O'Denohuo started to apeelt. and 13 11 Concertina Solo, '?Mee I�C. H tYK4. ;l ?LICIT ti •e c., t O lac• c ornrr of the square and \Vest str.t. Oa1nrteh. or er Butler. bookstore. money missile at lowest rates of Interesi._ TEW IS R LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Rolieltors in Thitherto Pc office In the ( snot (Louse, (loderieh, IRA Lawts.M.A.. n.C.1.. E. N. Last., (1ARROW si PROL;DF(N)T, I:AIt `''< ItISI'io is Attorneys, solicitors.. etc Goderich. J. T. (}arrow, W, Prn'rdfont. 1.3 Qt EAGER & MORTON, B A R R I S- TERA. &c.. &e., Oodertch ape� W C.Seager Jr., OnderiCh, .t..A, Mertete 1r1n� hag?` _ 1TS1, %'1 AMF.RON. HOLT sR CAMERON, narr!.tera Soliettbrs In Mammy. &e. :tht:_,t P. c_ hand x11a_gtts5s, 1►f, C, ?!eh. yep P. l�ioti, lt.fl� wotr:'0,, !tO•:et•!^h W. F Meant Iattlina. 1,6t. ►r. Fred Bond; ander? h Sept. 10. Isco. 1 with neglect or carelessness, (No, no.) Act but it. had been prostituted and the worthy chairman left the platform. I `ado, Killarto v, DIiaM1JSolo Cook SoloAmid noisy and1111""1".• 111x. Re' J wk's coiling It onto tonight. Mr. R fi. Cnmphell moved that Me. .1,.i:n 1)n i \1'il hauls : Iietitatwn, Curfew will not son take the chair, but n" slt„O ••f ring to -night, Miss .Itdtaston- Sheppar• handM1 could hr taken. l.,11: 5,010, Peek n ]kyr•, Mr. P. C. Bond ; Nome of the *'diener erre in favor (if: 5.,;,., 114,1!1Q Sweet Hun:e' Miss lthinea ; heating the outsider, others wcreagains) Nolo, by feoiliest, Mermaids. Mr, 1:. S. it, ('ries rat "Sit down," "Stick to the \Yi11i:aus ; I)nptt, Maggio Ditrlin' now a,rement " "Go . n ' "No and •,tb _ s. i 1:: e. ili.,a ('onk tC Mr, 11onu er interrnpti.ns prerniled, n large wee Quartette, Minstrels Farewell, Messrs her of these profeasin:f t.+ he in fas,•r of , ,ygeith, Johnston, Rothwell sic William's ; hearing tho speaker (wing s.imo who , The laps)' t horns. by the Chair. After hare earned a reputation for denouncing; the shove Nr. Fred Ilona wax•diel everything Catholic. except at ekrtinn 'p, on fi r aso,ther corcertinn sol.•, times, feeing that the andienee w+ till ••v hicl, he responded to. A vote of thanks net listen to an election address, the was then tendered to the c'-•'... for t! sir shrewd Senator expressed himself :'e kindness in fernishitt» 'retie for the not going to make a political speer'. tool eveninU and rvspnesded t• to) Mr. Lt 14. was listened to in silence as he spoke 1 AA'illuame. Prof Newman iseink r•Jasent. fee. r,tplanatory words. He declared Mete .1. reek kirdiy ',resided at the 1 that he hod no knnwlydte of the a,r.r. ...roueA l•de of thanks vas also tetuier- tiOOKDI`D1NG,--WEH.\VEMADE went for. 'The clerk of the Crean in me, ,ioveeal reed the rpn•se. Ho roar'. el to this lardie% of the e' t grr;at:++n for ar _ogees' ems wish ]IIF. I' \+•l:r: yor• C11aBcery at Tor into, keeps the hai! ts• th•outilt ('til. Ito•s dr+errei ere lit p•; ,, ,l.alt;e 10 1o1st th, s• • ,krr t the .rind 'epee which nal p.srtaktn of 'the letu4newa honkbteder re eonb. to :and tin 1 er.on can ever see the:n poleax for a gifted e't of the funds "f flit , the meeting, in the faee .d the ogre, 't leforr GI, e. nicer. The thou- then be- tN:e teem ware (a me tmoie, .\I re ik b process of law. After a certain time c ,nnty as tresisn►t r, but insinuated that moot, was most aisrraiirai 1,' 11 pili ing esll.'l sl on t' sin the doer' �e,� tram the Seised h the mo.r tu 'RVs jlW0strplle.a tllvdsesleAat thtsetllre wU1 they arc destroyed hy him. The hallo's the bill was not entirely original with Senator O'1l„nnhne in a humiliating Rev Nr. ('**i chaos with tine lietiedio, cativo hii+pereswat *newton. 1fitD, are in realitysecret, but provision isclaimed that the Prnvtncfai positinn, which trrm•d to ti kir evert li•,rt. p him. He c I • _ e made for detecting fraud hy legal par••• ee ditsre Wel ntcm,sed, hut could , same of th„se who pretended t,. anplst A -----..__. -_--- - i ant not a slavish supporter of Hon.. made :a political etginc lie teas ..f Mr. Mowat. I have opposed him opinion that the license board would Strayed Animals. when I thought be was wrong, but levet Reformers if they hall a chance, en the whole he was a fielder -well He tend a long shin;; of figures from the ��OG FOUND. --CAME ON THF sv ithyIfsuppert, ,Cheers.''IheRefores lfot; to prove <omo saguc pints, and ranine of Ibe sur.w rp+rr Int 1e, '01. P. para' had introduced Voting by ball declared that Sir John .t. \'ae i,ii Id towns in of Colborne, • small Maack and wh0c and he eloquently oonnted out the advan- { y { w.tS the greatest eunatitntinu;al lawyer nested to owe en et r, t•,v charges and tagcs�anned to the electors rind the coon- we ever had. lie referred to the multi - take it awry. JOH\ 51 Btt'tl NAV Tot- try. They any the ballot i, not keret p loan fund, and said "Col Ross is ing with tan•, ohm d heed The owner ie re - Pr P 1"' ?.name. 1�C'� + caps o, c , . Lecasese it is number -4d H. then es• • our servant," and in that nutter did his plained the working of the ballot, Phew -'duty and nothing inure, in 'he matter ,�Lti.tl011cering, tog the necessity of having some chec', of the pure law, Mr. Meredith had been on deputy returuln officers. He iu• eivieg hien taffy. (Laughter,) He C. CURM.THE PEt)PLE't; Ai -C ►tanced the case of \1 -est Huron m Juno then wr.tedercd r.trt.o the .,ration ..f the •J . TiCU RR , Oederiek.On• 1751- . when some 40 bed votes wiry ah(g• talions? 1••oic', and claimed that it was ed to have leen dep cited, while the sue- ant n finch leascned the cost of our 1 AMES PRENTiCE. AI•CTiONEEI( ceesful candidate was returned by oily COV ii t'hcers from his friends. The • sed apsrataly. Nwotemerte t. (ar-' g.J of a majurit)-. If the statement of speaker Also claime.i credit for the intro- rir, the Pe+ett6afr Aisctlsaaw.t ws the t itinn6r was ttne, then there was r Old stand. 1t 'sty, pe(suction o- wire fences, and then said no chance of telling who the bogus vote, that the County Council and not Col. coin? . _7112. '� tees. He p>inte(l ant that in the twitter only r• int to the matter ••f &location his unholy slit/inn. with the ex Cossets i T1w te'ty full ilititstation Rtreit to poll- ; of the registry hill this county had been to s I,nr where an/ i ;ereA.6 La l p Natter. Mr, (1'D•'nahne ds..al, ewa foilsl tical °atter this Asa thinit't1 Writ olio +ls(ade assist .iitL F tearythe •,r 1 A ry r••ts that the it ?bete+ , , s tea 'oder of o n ma arm's P2,000 $. ,000 nnual heen -, .-_c. He eistssetl a M C estt7Mw M that lin has Peen raids t to.d of she '("11