The Huron Signal, 1883-02-16, Page 7Josh NIl11.es• fields Ie rsal{h Ntver run into debt, not if yu Cat1 hint De J. M. 1ic&J, sucretaty of the Mc . - anything else to run into. ,xhst missionary society', tell, • Be honest if yu stn, if yu kelt be hon• terry relative to 1 e.1(. Otte-, sill.) test, pray for help. an elitor, he was invited to preach u Marty yung, and if yut►►akeft bit. keep Chicago. Hu ws'skim to the .:i.ur. 'sell, and dont brag about it. by • good brother, who lauded hie Re kind to yore mother in-law, and it titer.) early, .tea, iso one t,et •,- ,e• tit necessary, pay for her borde in sutra good 'tut himself, he tock a s:at in t t. i . b hots!. linen to meditate:•nkl slit for tau t,- m• Bathe thoruly wuu• • wake in soft Rig sermon it wash just at du...., . ti water, kastreel soap,and avoid Lite bunts. ha heart perse.tu eltgitge.1 i.t a lay t '' Exercise in open air, but dunsaw service in an adjoining room Hu wood until yure obliged to tonal. Pteseittly a ! iiJ,z. d•.os broth , Laflevery time yu feel tickled, awl uuga;etl in prayer. Ile 1 i lied µt., Lift' wens a wile eon. how. } various matters, and int oked 1,r div Eat hash washing days. and be t�tt►�t• b•ouitig upon them, ioelu ling "tie phull if yu hav to shut vitro oyes {it do i epeakt'r of the events l." D.'. Beal. For it. him hu prayed very much to f.. lows . " Lord, biters hist, .-!lo is to si,eua tat u■ IN V SIGNAL. FRIDAY FEB. ' 16. 1883. row lag he Ms Maier. Hold the baby h:tff the time, amt afl- ame; start the tire in the mornings and put the kettle uu, Dont jaw bak-it only pruves that yu are as big • ph.wl as the other phel!•• Never tarry what yen aro able to , 1)' and allwuss hav nun things yu wont lend. Never get in a hurry ; yu can walk a good deal further in a day than yu gent i'Un. this evening ; !: s a poor, wen., ma, , but make him a I...wer. I;Ie-s Itae mes- sage that he shall bring. We k , •w ,het he is only nu edit..r, Slid he is rust, ; but 1) lend, rub the rust off." Dr. Reid said that the matt pr.yed u..ruut y, ob- livtuus of the tact that the editor" ,ata• listening, and, as an emphasis to bid prayer, he (the d•,.ter) utcered a hearty "Armen." Dont swear ; it may cput ince yu but it -- - ------- iz 'Aur not to convince uther's. A new Snow Canal is, it appears, short- ly yu hav dautehw, let yure wife hripq lyto be constructed. It will run parallel them up ; if she has got eunsmua settee I to the present cat.al, ami when finished, she can beat all Jure theroya I one of the canals will be used for cut Dau t drink to much nu aider, and however mean yu be, dont abuse a kow. Luv and respeokt yure wife enny how; It iz a good deel cheaper than to be all the time wishing she wuz all the time , d ifferent. Don't hav enny rules for long life that u wont break ; be prepared today to die to -morrow, is the beet creed for long life I knoof. Keep yure had ctiul and yure feet dry and breathe thru yure luxe as much az yu kan. Dont be a klown if yu kali help it ; peeple dont respeckt enny thing mutch that they ken only Taff at. If yu cant hav hall a loaf, takes whole wun, a whole loaf is mutch better than ne bread, Doo'' mins enny phun, not if yu hav to go 10 miles out of yur way to find it. Don't keep but wun dog ; there iz no man but a pauper able t , keep throe. NOTF. 13y trieing to folio the above guide to health and happinea the billings family az bekum what it iz. Creels, ea lawyers. "Mr. Greeley, says Partridge, "this is Mr. Denalow, a young attorney." Greeley uttered a short grunt of recog- t,ition, but did not even look around. I, ,embarrassed, shrunk away i0 one corner and took a chair. He went on around the room, hooking at a picture and what - lot and in about five minutes when his ward and the other for inward passenger traffic. Ll a commercial sense this will be an iututinse advantage, because it is a frequent occurrence that shi Jping is de- layiod by the canal hsing blocked and ob- structed. CINGALL.L. - A name well known in onnection with the Hair Renewer, which eat(rres grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilson. Sm An Oasis in the desert is no brighter light to the wandering Arab than a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure it to the unfortunate sufferer from Kidney Disease. It is a perfect, positive and permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson (iederich. 2m "A severe cold settled in quick co on- a&imption. I bought two of Dr. Wilson's Pumonary Cherry Balsam and she took them. They worked acomplete change, and by itscontiuence she was completely restored to health." This is Mr. Jaynes T. Fitch's testimony regarding the insist popular remedy for oosgha and colds, and throat and lung diseases generally, and a testimony somewhat similar is given by all who have tried it. Dr.' Wilson's Pulmonary Bherry Balsam is nature's cure, and its effects ,are rapid and beneficial. Thousand; bear witness to the posi- tive curative powers of the Gasper Gee. mawINvIaotteroa, the only remedy that has proved itself a atttecific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self - .r tardiest reereaal.u. can all wise= It easy rearea. ,usii,luttiue, or Nerve fe'e'd, a Phos - .,,e Klduleut based upon t+cientific t , Formul.tud by Professor Austin, I. L of 11.i.tuii, Mass., cures Voltam'. Consumption, Sick liwuhache, Ner- ,os Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia .: all sooting distales of the human 1tieu. L'htrphatiuu is nut a Metlecine, ta Notrimeut, L,ecause it contains no 1 ,. et I', a or It iunral Piteous, 1.►putt'. •, mutt u..Stitnulants, but siw! ...apiuttic and (}artric 8lemrm.� u •our daily food. A single 4tle sutticiant to c..uvnlcc. All Druggists soil it. $1 00 per bottle. Iowans ti CA. t., sole agents f .r the I) •... coon, Front Street Fast Termite 1►i*vsa Away. We cannot help noticing the liberal "fee istade to all int slide and sufferers by Ur. King's New Discovery for Cori- .umptiou. Yon are requested to call at Wilson's druat store. and get a Trial Bot- tle few of coat, if you use suffering wit!, J.•uuutptiun, Severe Cough., Colds, %silicas, lirtnchitis, Hay Fever, Liss of Voice, Iloar•uncss, lir any affeetitin of the Throat lir Lungs. It will positively cum you. (0) A General nlsuapede. Never -was such a rush Math' for any Drug Store as is now at W llson'e for a Friel Bottle of Dr. King's New Discut•- ery tor Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afflicted with Asthma, Bron- chitis, Moans near, Severe Coughs. or :any affection of the Thur' and Lune's, can get a Trial Bottle of this vreat reme= ly FRE , by calliui et above : ru, Store. (4) Mr. N.0. Deau of Churieton. Ont.. . aught a severe cold. In a few days the symptonTs be- .ame so like to those of eunsuulp tion that he and his friends bc.iame alarms& et the ulti- mate risiult. His physician, who thought more of his patient's welfare than of the "eti- quette of the profession," recommended Dr. Wilson's Pulmonary Cherry Balsam av the very best remedy known to human akin. and Mr. Dean on taking it was in a very short time restored tohealth. Itisagenuine pleasuro to refe. to such wonderful cures as this in these dais otfltquackery and of "professional eti- quette." VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE, For Itirt i t an elegant book. of 150 1'aKv,. Colored Plates of Flowers ar.d Vegetables. and more than 1,050 illustrations of the choic- est riowers. Pluto and Vegetables. and Di- rections for growing. it is handsome enough for the Centre Table or a. Holiday Present. Bead on your name and Port ()ince address. with Meet 41,111:1411 will Lend you s copy, pos- tage oo-tage paid, This is nut is uarter of rte cost. ft is printed to both English and German. It you afterwards order seeds dedect the 10 cts. YfeY's 'Wedmore Use Nest MIAs Wand The FI.oKAL GVIog will tell how to get and grow them. VICE'S FLOWER AND VO FT.%HLE GARDEN, 175 Pagan++ 0 (Mored Plates, 900 Engravings. For 50 cents ineaster covers; $1.00 in elegant cloth. In German or English. VIM'S' ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MatAz►Nt: -31 Pages. al'olored Plate in every number and many Ane Engravings, Price $1.25 a year: Flee Copies for $5.00. Specimen Num- bers sent for 10 cents ; 1 trial copies for L'S cents. .TAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. McCOLL BHUS & CO. TORONTO_ MANU FACTURERS nark was turned to mo, and 1 thought abuse overtaxed or overtaxed brain, filially ending LARDINE OI in cons ulnption, insanity and a prema- 'aehad forgotten me, said tura grave Sold by ail druggists, or 1N.. "Hem ! so youre an attorney, are will 1k sent free on receipt of $1.00 per - qt. tm 1 L S1e"s ^'PY you 1" I confessed it. '•T hate law- box, or six boxes for $5. '.ddrei•s F..1. pen ; they do more mischief than Ll:c CeRrev, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for heads are worth an tr,Lunuma s u genuine rusts n Don,. :II the Ibm.nion "I suppose they ate a nectssary evil, I Rhyna=., Godeeich. : m I suggested deprecatingly. the United States. Send for cit•rtlar Four Meda:; an i three 1 loml- award,. d 1 f o e I.nem last year atthe leading Exhibi- "Wholly unnecessary,• he insisted. MAN UFACTURERS A week made $t honk by ihr in- :1 ❑: Linsey :vitt -ate "I suppose you win acknowledge," I attriews. Hest Madness. now b., mot•r ',y u, 1 I. `, ItIGNF: and ,;.id, "that they,d der d" tore the public. Capital not need. (Ala -SOAR.,, a :mil. Farr speck P romote �' oraned. We will start you. .'.Ten. eau. brat :..r then :. i - •11,1 (-An 'rind int emove impediments good ►••veer men. d = boys and girls wanted every. that the tor•golt . . - - , tree. by try I1ei1ments to a: ate.. oa rap Hent r' where to work for w+. Now 1,4 the time. Youiug cue •aa1pie u �,;i .',t. t• can work in spare time. ur vice your whole "Just the contrary : just the contr.t• time to the buttress. No other bnainees will pay yon nearly iso well. No one can fail to �1dr ((11 Ft 1. y'•' he srluea4ed, in his odd falsetto; snob• enormous pay, t engaging at macs �UCUI! L-t�� I. IlU Toronto, cause diarrd and they are the ('rally nnttlt and terns free. Atone made 'they disorder, tact easily and hnnurubly. Address Tin Est The Lown., ::, ... t...derieh lc. lief obstacles to go.td government." , Co.. Attgl:strw Maine. I thought the man was crazy. "Per- _.. R. W 3IcK}:`7,If , t;.. If. ,a,)s you will tell me,' 1 suggested,"how 1 / N C H O R LINE. - C. CBA 813. r,":l lebta would be collected without law - yen r "Don't want'uni c,.11ected, he squerik-salt Weekly to and from XI:w 1 .'Roc ANnOl. i, OW, 51 51.nvo' 1sn&R*T 'If A lets B have ills property without (,abtnl'oaaagc,t1t0to>f40. Itetnrns.tilt 10 110. Fc -on t (',bin. $t0. itetorn Tlekets, 117 . ,,ayment, I don't see why C, 1), Ti, F. ctnersge pasnsengera Ix eked at Inst• rites. And all the rest of the alphabet should Yana ntrer °heommodaUnnc •snetcellrd. ;1„,",",,7b,, t t.1. le't'trgROOMM ON STAIN 1)wCE. ,ie called upon as police officers to get it "Yaatn•n,n•ca booked ac lowest entre to or fmm :lack ! No debt should he c 'fleeted by (Ser et;y-, Baty, Norway. Rweden. i)enmark. Qc. aw ! Its m:mstrnus ' I t a Iran treat For l�'•ok of "Tours in Scotland."Pat es, Plans n iv.. apply to ItENDEI:.SON 1tPOTilt•:118. New York. Or to 5111-. E. WARNOC'K. Ilamilton St 1148 (1ndcrich I!:0 S FATES MAILBTEA\11:1'8 . .another man at his own 'risk, Even a gambler pays his debt that he isn't leg - illy obliged to pay, and calls them debts ,1 honer ; but men will put their pro- Iierty out of their hands to prevent the legal oollectit.n of their grocery account. abolish all laws for the r, llectien of lebt, and that will abolish most i•f yen iawyera. .\ young'e.,lrmtl w•,utan'ih Hamilton, named Ellen Goodman, has taken rank as a preacher. Her first serem n was de- livered in the Methodist. Episcopal church, in that city the other night, be- fore a large audience. Though her set prevents her frein beiegrrzulatly ordain- ed she will preach as aaniseionary,travcll- ing from place to place thr.ughent the country end preaching the gospel. Tho sermon was a staple hutforcihk one and meted a ver] favourably impression upon Mis' Goxadnsaa•s hearers. (lanae• ,iso its noted for ire ..:"'tc situation and its romantic tnaidta'. An event filled with romance has just trans- pired there in the marriage of ,fames If. ttewart, of Brandon, Manitoba, to Mar- tha lartha J. Reid, daughter of Thomas Reid. The bridal pair had never met until he mime down to lye before the wedding. The aequaiat*nce waabr.eught by a MM& who lista • sh .rt lime to Braudolt, illi after an exchanges of photngrepMO %be courtship was all done by letter The new eon* left for Brantford. Itvo,(\IT(ILANT.ND HOTEL. G(tDERICH ' The abotr• tun• and ftrtto .1M.• house, +e, to the a:ait•.tay station and convenient 'h, town, :. setond to none in Ontario. '4 ...• fort :ma accotnrnxhation. Is heatrt by Ron Air. 11 a.%l.E(U: Marti!', *Nl11Nl‘(: arra ('roenC* fawn and garden o,. ' h j ^,.a.:•, s Not and 'Snit m tabs at all to -, for travel'. ••-- An (minibus to and trona boat• and rat" •'ear attars, In a, l ridanrc. .Ire. iirotimen. 1'• n. prier. n . DOMINION COUGH BAJJSAM. The areal lungis alwt., t, u1s1„e an Me to Croup. fs. a. Wep' on a.• {{�� t�psgftt Ba mford bars: ' ta7 eh Ten aa. vr• a• tss�MeaMh1 dotstet is Ila kfa ore mm 1 was fright n i «fadd ran s Mends' IIMMt•WM t�e'Rea 1 ��li.t, I� tntu!t, gnat Iat'yw.tolefoA ]w[r. Usds bbase t Ini eac tote- wee- rig& sated• 7' % t" re keep In LM+ holm as i Mier, it IMO the means of saving my child's life." D204,4 is to if. • t. (Yea's Int 1'•.t'1e es TAFICA1R A lie.. Ws eveunt Oster iBrantfo" W.J. C. Na,fiel, ad. f.,ant for O -at r t 1'.\ RSO`: S, 1). K. 'NTR.ACH.\N. 1831- i comparltar3•_:7a 1)4)iaPQrlain- t'.',t,t'J•'t:,rid- t:- L.' ':7 ra: owe It liege : es gIsen, but t..w whra 5 :s poi:ehtler- ?aee over t'to a .lo, r c ;jue4'g hlot:ew wand 'ightetathearm:.; 1 - 'CHEAPESTb •urate It 0055* up MORE Maw InM►or l brands, end este. t : t t , e du the worts ttwro1w,rna1t' str;rc.e"W.. -', . .' an:,eshlQnu wlael l • s- iiug et?.. as'er v:....•..• C1 . .::TECO to oanta'n HO Poirot._.4m. • : • .,Lollar" tie" lJ:" /'..iet ('ii''.._,r ,a . .1 , Y. ti ,rt.5 s so.c..ni mailed fr... I AlIICAMAN FftvTNRINOC©. P'fr:11 (1twVo•k. ' Cteueined. ). and Cha•a•;•a. tit. e ssAtirL !!-' "4 ••• ctn. Ts" .to,Ont. �► v• NORTH AMEl11CA' jh� race -- °at and Lung l+� IY WiLSONS PULMONARY CHERRY BALSAM Would have Prevented Sold Everywhere at 25 Cents a Bottle. two Bottles in One, 40c.- .1. W. BRAYLEY. MONTREAL. 51 6• • J•t rte,. r.,rt+.ts. t um., .t.: „, a.r y.nMa,► 11111 CONSUMPTICII, ".CUCH`.;, GOLDS, AST I11 ., OBOUP, 111 Ditetases of the Throat Lunge and Pulmonary Organ, ar IT.. rtt•r,tr1 1. vet CONSUMPTION 11AS ISIAIN CURED When other Remedies and Plc iefam have failed to efeet a care. Recommended by Pttrs►c:As+. MINI.ATFRS AND Nrs:ra. In fact by everyM.dy who ha. alien is • good trial. h ,err foils ro briny rr(it,,: As an EXPECTORANT it has no Equal. Itis harmless to the M es itelicate rind. It ..asset,,. wa OI'I(-:I In any Foran. IrgrnirectIne•s sen•o• ',say each hntl!e. till For sale Ly al l l'rurgu: s. CHEAP GROCERIES! .DEAN s-w-1PT tat+ga to aura"unue lit the II,tti,plu of l;,nierich and this section of aurora, that he ha• purchased from Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., null Bill c.tatit,uv the busutea, in the old stand, ou tho Corngoods of Victoria and Bruce F,trceta. Having t ought the ttr cash, and as 1 intend to ke all m,)' purchases iron wholesale wen for sash also, 1 will be in a position to sell at Vry Low Prices for Cash Joy stock will always be (reshl I .ill keep the hest brands of teas, good sugars, and everything in the grocery'line from the best producers, Biscuit, $pict.1 Meats °tc.,alwa}}•s on hand ret reason. I sin determined to please, loth it,.,luality :mil price �1M testi at the stand, Victoria stree4 opposite the Fair (r+ must, near Il. K. 5trachan's Machine shop. '�j��j� Gderich, March 0th, 11114?. _ I- • _ - Extensive Premises and Splendid New Sti G. BARRY - CABINET MAKER AND UNDEHTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good tSorl 11)1 et Kitchen, Red -room, Dining Room and Parlor Fut til la c, such as Ts hies. Chair, their. cane and wood seated), Cupboards. Bed -steads. Maitre.. r. \t'a•I.ytaa Loons/i.e. ?tuft's, tl'hat -Not ,, Looking (thistles. N.11,-Acomplete i„,nomem ofCollins and SI:tend tile ayit"a b:u'(li•bo llenisei furh at reasonable rate . Picture Frnniing a Am:ciahy.---A call solicited 1;51 BOOTS&SHOES i 1- announce to the Public that they hate opened 1 vs,. is it the a1! . t,• Store in the store lately occupied Ly Hyrace Ne* 1 it. Ha,t i :,t purebass.1 ':1 I,111e and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer C, , ,'s at e'..,•• Moires, eu tu..'eter:lined to give the Pnhlir ' 1:e QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL PE UT 1070 c -- -Please call told examine our gus.d. lel t. p1 tilt nit._ elft t ! , 1• t(1 -Re member the place, next doer to J, \Vils,o1) 5 Iirn r Nt,yt• • Tee -Custom work v. in ..ur t+pe, :al ;tilt tit isin. . teee-Nene bat the best of material neck nod first class wo,kmit. enol t • Repairing neatly done on the •' rfest • Mice. (ioderit h. 'March 9. 1 '�: DOWNING- & W E D- rJ U P A friend iu acrd is a friend indent; MIC� F G i . TL's tome stn deny, especially when as- sistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with disease, more particularly those complaints and weaknesses se sow mon to our female population. Et cry woman should know that Electric Bit - t; re are woman's true friend, and will p..aitively restore her to health, even when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our **stadium They are pleasant to the taste, and only cost tifty cents a betttle. Seld by Janes Wil- son. 121 A */tried 11sttpasaa. Even the patience of Job would be- come exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audience while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, snaking it impossible for him - -- - - _ to be heart. Yet, how very nary can all A L L A N this be avoided by aituply Ileitis(Di. King'. New Discovery for 4'onsnulption, 'ot;'hs and Colds. Tti•d Itottles given away at Wilsons drug attire. t2) MA N ITO.B14 The (treat \\'estuin Ilajlwaj will run their excurs-ions to MANITOBA and DAKOTA pants during Mat turd June every two weeks, coutnteneit c TUES- DAY Mav, 2nd. 1881. Fares Reduced. Fur nflri tativi , tickets, etc., at ply t GEO. B. JOHNSTON. spe.•ial Agent tit -cat N -retro Unite ay Uoderi -h, On Ooderleh. A twit. 28. tart. 183.5. :;,drofgrc\ "., t t to{ty robbed 11 d' e•Ir •ietinu.is .; 1•'..' „Igtnt. Ilairtti• e' 1 11;v1 t Sr' rnlr''ills rr.nt GERMAN 1NVICORATO.R tvhluii ja)etrvety nun p:v to::1.,•e. V .:.re- ler net :mei t.auwal b;. 45(15..•- of niey kind, .aetsifnat %Trakars.. anti est 4 -emus. that fol- (ruin Ilaliiat 17th. Web. low ars sem Bence of self=Al•die, as locs.of en- er_`, ld.s of memory, rat itcrul Iaeu!thde, 1't-.:• %x,.!'1:, t tt 1't•k',.tcn.r.rt 1,.1• 1 Tor- reon In the hark. dinlne..1 of tisinn. prem,- 't,to nn tis'• , ti t AM.. I:n'a• 1• .!rat ,•1 ailing , net• obi age. not Trimly oib,•r diseaw:. that -it ;:11: it t . .\ 1'ti Ctnai 1oi tt --ie. in and l.•.t.• to ina*nityor+•nnqunt1tl1CI: nod a panic,- 11'141.11i: • e 111 1.4 Will( LI •: .Lw. Train, t urs• greys-. .note n i:l 1c rev 1.,.. egli 1n o, the Send for ein•nlnrt with testimonials fret• h: •tut t,.• „t. A. ',ger, 114 • Ly the mail. The I'. i4 ON %TNN ht sutel at 11 s' .. box. or bpges fur + . ,JI dr if -i t 1(-o,•'he .11L, . I :, • . rave for will be sent (r••o m)• In ol. • r•1 .,.t•iv .rd .1 11 1. .. new Railway. receipt of pr te. by alt,-. - :, • rad ct.en' inG 1a1::,! .. apply • 1'2, its• 5:1, „ oderich • L I N E, RO YA,L MAIL- 1.1VERPoo1: Li)i1)()NDEK1tY-(;1,AMAOW sigiuKTE$T SEL i'.f`M.te.).._ 4ardiuiuu fr,n:, Portland 251he :tau ; 11,111 lax 17. Oarisian•frem i'.,rtland 1st F,t .: 11r.'ifus [Sed. Caspian f. out it ttia5 trth Pals - .swat inn 'roti. I'uruls:Al 1;,.1, i•'el,ruary; .. . Is; r-inn.nitrr..•'� Gro. ante :\,neat torl:txlerirb_----.. FR ice: MA_ -:'S WORM POWDERS. Arsple.assat to tat.. ecutetn theiruan Purgative. is a safe, sure, nut erleetw,t M5r>^gN' .f warms in Chiidren or Adults Ft)Li RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lu nbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest. Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell. ings and Sprains Burns and Seeds, General Bodily Pains, Teeth!, Eer end Headache, Frosted Fir end Ears, and all ofber Pei*' and dolma, vs'a ma•qt ars A Items Om M• a i • M •Mth EMS goo ur.$sAeat7 e.l y tK M ma may eaai sear- lay ear lyk• s tone Amp sal lienee oeye Modena Dorosem . la swim taegaasv. SOLD IT ALL DVQAe1I 'P AND DEALEVI i1 MEDICINE. d VOOELER At 00.. N.�is...r. ora. v- a 4- cle Tom. WILL CURE OR RELtEV1= PIL/OUSNES& DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. OF THE H'4rT, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH. HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, And ever/ speel.s of dtes.N whites from dts.rde-.4 Gitlin, KIONSYS. $TOMACe4, VOWELS OR 111.000. T. MILBURN A CO, P'°°"Tt .,,a rr HAI I'L ever- -r*-* ”+r- rant tt ^- car . ARRH fATflHiI 11111wr=y: -117:'31 Rertit,i 0 •,1./ . I , C 1.; lona ,f . " '1.. 1'1 It41 1 1:11.,t1 a.'I 5y r"m. K • tet is the Wdkl A LI tat o f!tif :• Sit . 1 I, u05 �kn1 JNLY i,J :11 1.1 CA; !1JH 1 -:-/'(tet tt :•a• a' -e nn $ nn t . ['r ... t$1. lacitetl-'.tarrh •r 110 t:.' + 4111 ,: t r0e It h, t..1 by .,:a Itte'+t :'4..'e 1 ,. .+t.. 1 .\ AA I, DOW u'x•ttbyu[a•1. ytV '1'. 11 ' 3415. t'lral.A•-ey (''1 I+L i less 'ted"' I..n'.l'•t.,- •1 Ad! fro t`,., sl oe,' 'salts 1 � 1 , ties ` 1 .'O Me •+Iola, ba1t,•v., tt •wul ate* the tea+..t A, Sober' tan of .r arra 1f it, nss es am.i 1 . I 111 • •a/ rowble leo.,tb of time. W. 51. 1l F.1. t. telt[. Wat.r.cao (la! , Marsh t,, wiL F t, Cw,.'. rr! C.... T•1 .i.. 0. q.wr•. 4a,. a.4,• It •''♦ a n. -,'1 ('u r , for*. ,at year. e..-1 Jdira• •.4105-•r..,lt,.etl4m 1 ...IA .'• 11 W. ilot90;:, ',MOW Hall's Catarrh Cure •011i 1, and t• Q.. t 'asst : now Drae/aSs •.. •••,4 )t t..h... to -ad 1.1 rise. I' It .'11 Cents a Ibtf le'. ili!1.U4) a Dos. Tb, owl R'enm. Pall'.C".et+hCIre ',saw afaeears4 hr V. J ill R.NPt • ('r), Toladok O, a1N"}tawars of tipttattnne, tlnittsn r„r M. i• trate he H. W HOBSON, Welland. Ont.